Identification Sentence Examples
He wore identification tags, and she looked closely without seeing the key fob.
That is a matter of identification as to time only.
His paintings were so unique as to require no signature for identification.
Their form, however, is not sufficiently characteristic to warrant this identification, though it may be noted that the nearest approximation to phallic worship is found amongst the most typical of African peoples, viz.
If you fellows show me some identification, then I'll know who to tell Vinnie was looking for him...if I happen to see him.
This identification is confirmed by Roman milestones in the neighbourhood.
A slave bore an identification mark, which could only be removed by a surgical operation and which later consisted of his owner's name tattoed or branded on the arm.
Little confidence can, however, be placed in the identification of Proteaceous or, indeed, of any distinctively Australian plants in Tertiary deposits in the northern hemisphere.
On the practical side, mysticism maintains the possibility of direct intercourse with this Being of beings - intercourse, not through any external media such as an historical revelation, oracles, answers to prayer, and the like, but by a species of ecstatic transfusion or identification, in which the individual becomes in very truth " partaker of the divine nature."
In the restoration of the outlines of ancient and medieval geography in Asia Sven Hedin's discoveries of the actual remains of cities which have long been buried under the advancing waves of sand in the Takla Makan desert, cities which flourished in the comparatively recent period of Buddhist ascendancy in High Asia, is of the very highest interest, filling up a blank in the identification of sites mentioned by early geographers and illustrating more fully the course of old pilgrim routes.
AdvertisementIn the absence of specific evidence any such identification must be regarded with suspicion.
Admitting the identification, we may perhaps conclude that the temple was repaired in order to provide a temporary home for the venerated image and other sacred objects; no traces of a restoration exist, but the walls probably remained standing after the Persian conflagration.
The identification of Argob, a region of the kingdom of Og, is a matter of much difficulty.
He was elated that, in his mind, his earlier identification was affirmed.
He was willing to personally alert the local police and have them check out the vehicle even without clear cut identification.
AdvertisementThe loss of the surgeon's hand that caused loss of life or limb; or the brander's hand that obliterated a slave's identification mark, are very similar.
In each species, two or three kinds of nematocysts occur, some large, some small, and for specific identification the nematocysts must be studied collectively in each species.
With this opposition to the Church they combine a complete antinomianism, through the identification of all their desires with the impulses of the divine Spirit.
This double identification enabled Cassiodorus to bring the favoured race into line with the peoples of classical antiquity, to interweave with their history stories about Hercules and the Amazons, to make them invade Egypt, to claim for them a share in the wisdom of the semi-mythical Scythian philosopher Zamolxis.
She assumes various local forms in the old Semitic world, and this has led to consequent fusion and identification with the deities of other nations.
AdvertisementThis identification has been hotly contested by many scholars, and the question must still be regarded as undecided.
The identification, however, cannot be regarded as certain in the absence of inscriptions.
An interesting discovery seems to have been made in the identification by Drs.
But the identification becomes undeniable, as further characteristics of this priestly dynasty come to light.
But these arguments have been shown to be shaky if not baseless, and the identification is now generally abandoned.
AdvertisementThis identification can only be p urchased at the cost of a complete renunciation of the Avestan genealogy.
The name Eubea was given to the place in 1872 owing to a false identification with the Greek city of Euboea, a colony of Leontini, founded probably early in the 6th century B.C. and taken by Gelon.
Any frank recognition of the abbe's even general principles involves the abandonment of the identification of theology with scholasticism or even with specifically ancient thought in general.
The Eurypterines (Gigantostraca) were included in the identification, although at that time they were supposed PMP. FIG.
In 1893, some years after the identification of the somites of Limulus with those of Scorpio, thus indicated, had been published, zoologists were startled by the discovery by a Japanese zoologist, Kishinouye (8), of a seventh prosomatic somite in the embryo of Limulus longispina.
The simple identification of somite with somite in Limulus and Scorpio seemed to be threatened by this discovery.
Elsewhere the identification of the Silurian and older systems does not rest on palaeontological evidence.
There has been considerable discussion as to the identification of the Homeric lotus.
In 1860 full religious liberty was guaranteed, and the identification of church and state abolished.
Kugener, La Compilation historique de pseudo-Zacharie le Rheteur (Paris, 1900), this identification is a mistake.
The whole of the record is independent of names, and the final identification is by means of the photograph which lies with the individual's card of measurements.
Three years later England followed suit; and as the result of a fresh inquiry ordered by the Home Office, finger prints were alone relied upon for identification.
Bambaata was killed in battle (June loth); his head was cut off for purposes of identification, but afterwards buried with the body.
But this identification is far from certain, as a Ctesibius mechanicus is mentioned by Athenaeus as having lived under Ptolemy II.
The Cretaceous beds have not yet been separated from the overlying Eocene, and the identification of the system rests on the discovery of a single Cenomanian ammonite.
The country was thickly studded with towns, the sites of which are still represented by mounds, though the identification of most of them is still doubtful.
The identification of the northern and southern Hittites, however, presents certain difficulties not yet fully explained; and it seems that we must assume Heth to have been the name both of a country in the north and of a tribal population not confined to that country.
That identification stands, and no earlier Egyptian mention of the race has been found.
In the former passage of Jubilees the subject-matter leads to this identification, as well as the fact that Noah is represented as speaking in the first person, although throughout Jubilees it is the angel that speaks.
This identification has been confirmed by the discovery of a series of boundary inscriptions, apparently marking the limit of the city's lands, which have been found cut in rock - outcrops partly surrounding the site.
Pahlavi inscriptions' found on crosses at St Thomas's Mount near Madras and at Kottayam in Travancore, are evidence both of the antiquity of Christianity in these places (7th or 8th century), and for the semi-patripassianism (the apparent identification of all three persons of the Trinity in the sufferer on the cross) which marked the Nestorian teaching.
The identification (Schrader, McCurdy, &c.) of Azariah with Azriyau of Ja'udi, the head of a North Syrian confederation at Hamath (Hamah) overcome by Tiglath-Pileser IV.
The Servian chroniclers connect its origin with their own nationality, basing this view upon the identification of Sarab with Sorb or Serbia.
The same spirit continues to show itself in the almost reckless introduction of Greek deities even within the walls of the pomoerium and their ready identification with gods of the old religion, whose cult they in reality superseded.
This they accomplished partly by the popular process of adoption and identification, partly by imitative creation.
Hort's identification of it as the work of Cyril of Jerusalem is now generally accepted.
Apart from chronological difficulties, the identification of the king and his country is far from certain, and at the most can only be regarded as possible.
Verse II, with the exception of the words" which was and is not,"leads to the identification of the eighth with Nero redivivus.
On the other hand, if we refuse to accept this identification, and hold that the beast from the abyss is yet to come, any attempt at a strict exegesis of the text plunges us in hopeless difficulties.
Through all this runs the train of thought resulting naturally from Bruno's fundamental principles, and familiar in modern philosophy as Spinozism, the denial of particular providence, the doctrine of the uselessness of prayer, the identification in a sense of liberty and necessity, and the peculiar definition of good and evil.
Indeed, it is not improbable that from a very early date the title was assigned to the Abyssinian king, though for a time this identification was overshadowed by the prevalence of the Asiatic legend.
But the persistent demand produced a supply; and the honour of identification with Prester John, after hovering over one head and another, settled for a long time upon that of the king of the Nestorian tribe of Kerait, famous in the histories of Jenghiz under the name of Ung or Awang Khan.
Modern names, more or less similar to the ancient appellations, have been noted in different parts of the Dead Sea area; but no certain identification can be based on these similarities.
The annexations of Emin on Albert Nyanza, the visit of Thomson to the closed door of Busoga, the opposition of the Europeans to the slave trade, and, lastly, the identification of the missionaries with political embassies and their letters of introduction from secular authorities, added to Mwanga's.
That some definite political changes ensued in this age have been inferred on other grounds, and the identification of the Purasati with the Philistines may permit the assumption that the latter succeeded in occupying the district with which they have always been associated.
Others, in each communion, made the identification absolute.
In other words, it is already edging away from its identification with (all or any) doctrines.
Again, the assertion that the church is infallible upon some questions, not belonging to the area of revelation (properly so-called in Roman Catholic theology), destroys the identification of " dogmas " with " infallible certainties " which we noted both in the Protestant schoolmen and in Chrismann.
The identification of dogma with revelation remains, with another distinction in support of it, between " material dogmas " (all scriptural or traditional truth) and " formal " or ecclesiastically formulated dogmas.'
The identification with the Fosso della Valchetta is fixed as correct by the account in Livy ii.
Conviction for bribery or of an infamous crime disqualifies, and personal identification of voters is required in New York City.
The identification of the " hosts " with the stars comes to the same thing; the stars were thought of as closely connected with angels.
But Irenaeus was at most fifteen when thus frequenting Polycarp; writes thirty-five to fifty years later in Lyons, admitting that he noted down nothing at the time; and, since his mistaken description of Papias as " a hearer of John " the Zebedean was certainly reached by mistaking the presbyter for the apostle, his additional words " and a companion of Polycarp " point to this same mistaken identification having also operated in his mind with regard to Polycarp. In any case, the very real and important presbyter is completely unknown to Irenaeus, and his conclusion as to the book's authorship resulted apparently from a comparison of its contents with Polycarp's teaching.
Their successful identification by Colebrooke 5 in 1807 had a purely archaeological interest.
Some of these are very beautiful, and render it probable that by intercrossing with the older species still further difficulties will be presented in the way of identification.
Equally disastrous to the state was the identification of the king's administration with one party in the church, and that with the party in an immense minority not only in the nation but even among the clergy themselves.
However this may be, and it seems probable that Dr Mott is right in his identification, the pseudo-chroniclers and romance writers certainly had in their minds a genuine table, although, probably, one of magical properties.
He pushes the claim even further, requiring, besides entire outward submission to command, also the complete identification of the place of God, without reference to his personal wisdom, piety or discretion; that any obedience which falls short of making the superior's will one's own, in inward affection as well as in outward effect, is lax aect; that going beyond the letter of command, even in things abstractly good and praiseworthy, is disobedience, and that the "sacrifice of the intellect" is the third and highest grade of obedience, well pleasing to God, when the inferior not only wills what the superior wills, but thinks what he thinks, submitting his judgment, so far as it is possible for the will to influence and lead the judgment.
More familiar to the Anglo-Saxon race is the connexion between the soul and the breath; this identification is found both in Aryan and Semitic languages; in Latin we have spiritus, in Greek pneuma, in Hebrew ruach; and the idea is found extending downwards to the lowest planes of culture in Australia, America and Asia.
The identification with Ancus is shown by the legend which makes the latter a bridge-builder (pontifex), the constructor of the first wooden bridge over the Tiber.
The identification of the site is placed beyond doubt by the discovery of inscriptions, with the name of the town, and of great masses of early Greek pottery, such as could not have existed anywhere else.
Its site was not identified before 1881, and the identification has been denied in various works by C. Dotto dei Dauli, who places it on the Poggio Castiglione near Massa Marittima, where scanty remains of buildings (possibly of city walls) have also been found.
It may be noted that the difficulty is not with the location of the well, but with the identification of Sychar.
Although most foreign countries may now be entered without passports, the English foreign office recommends travellers to furnish themselves with them, as affording a ready means of identification in case of need.
In the Metaphysics (A 7, 1072 b 16), in discussing the occupation of God, he says " his pleasure is activity," or " his activity is pleasure," according to a difference of readings which makes no difference to the identification of pleasure and activity (b pyELa).
As then we find this identification of pleasure with activity in the Metaphysics and in the De Anima, as well as in the Nicomachean Ethics, the Eudemian Ethics and the Magna Moralia, the only logical conclusion, from which there is no escape, is that, so far as the treatment of pleasure goes, any Aristotelian treatise which defines it as activity is genuine.
Now it is not likely that Aristotle either, after having so often identified pleasure with activity, would say that the identification is absurd though it appears true to some persons, of whom he would in that case be one, or, having once disengaged the pleasure of perceiving and thinking from the acts of perceiving and thinking, would go backwards and confuse them.
It is more likely that Aristotle identified pleasure with activity in the De Anima, the Metaphysics and the three moral treatises, as we have seen; but that afterwards some subsequent Peripatetic, considering that the pleasure of perceiving or thinking is not the same as perceiving or thinking, declared the previous identification of pleasure with activity absurd.
At any rate, if we are to choose, it is the identification that, is Aristotle's, and the distinction not Aristotle's.
Moreover, the distinction between activity and pleasure in the tenth book is really fatal to the consistency of the whole Nicomachean Ethics, which started in the first book with the identification of happiness and virtuous activity.
Olger Danske and Barbarossa, and depend ultimately on an identification with the gods of the Northern Pantheon, notably Thor.
The process of development is the formation of higher unities, and the last stage is the identification of the world with God.
It is the mode, or rationale, of all progress from the lower to the highest unity or identification.
When we now speak of the identification of spectra we like to include, wherever possible, the identification of the particular compound which is luminous and even - though we have only begun to make any progress in that direction - the differentiation between the molecular or electronic states which yield the different spectra of the same element.
For the identification, therefore, of the source or sources used we have to rely upon the amount of correspondence with our Gospels in the quotations made, and in respect to other parallelisms of statement and of expression, in these early Christian writers.
In the doctrine - no object, no subject - no subject, no object - that is, in the utter identification of things with objects of subjects, he anticipated not only Schelling and Hegel, but also Schuppe and Wundt with their congeners.
Both, however, used this influence freely; and, whereas Lotze used the Leibnitzian argument from indivisibility to deduce indivisible elements and souls, Fechner used the Leibnitzian hypotheses of universal perception and parallelism of motions and perceptions, in the light of the .Schellingian identification of physical and psychical, to evolve a world-view (Weltansicht) containing something which was neither Leibnitz nor Schelling.
While in this identification he follows Fichte, in other respects he is more like Kant.
But while thus sharply distinguishing the physical and the psychical in appearance, he follows Fechner in identifying them in reality; except that Fechner's identification is noumenal, Wundt's phenomenal.
Rejecting everything in the Kritik which savoured of the " metempirical," he yet sympathized so far with Hegel's noumenalism as to accept the identification of cause and effect, though he interpreted the hypothesis phenomenalistically by saying that cause and effect are two aspects of the same phenomenon.
As a human person, I am body and soul; and the idealistic identification of the Ego with soul or mind, involving the corollary that my body belongs to the non-Ego and is no part of myself, is the reductio ad absurdum of idealism.
From Reid he adopted the belief in an external world beyond sensation, from Biran the explanation of personality by will, from Schelling the identification of all reason in what he called " impersonal reason," which he supposed to be identical in God and man, to be subjective and objective, psychological and ontological.
This "sacrilegus judex" has been identified with Athanaric, a later persecutor, but the identification is not beyond question.
A city mentioned by Stephanus and Pliny as situated near the Tigris, the identification of which is still uncertain.
Assuming such a base to exist, Newton admitted at the outset the difficulty of identifying it, but pointed out that the key to the situation might be found in the identification of forces; that is to say, in the mutual character of laws of acceleration as applied to any given body and any other by whose presence its motion is influenced.
The name seems to have been originally an arbitrary identification or trade mark.
The scale of the story in these fragments forces us to doubt this identification.
Thus Xenophanes for the first time postulates a supreme God whose 2 Strictly, pantheism is to identify the universe with God, while the term "pancosmism" (rap, Kovµos, the universe) has frequently been used for the identification of God with the universe.
The identification of Ghana city with Jenne is not justified, though Idrisi seems to be describing Jenne when writing of "Ghana the Great."
For the identification of the two, see Mommsen, Romisches Staatsrecht, ii.
The identification of the author of the second Gospel with Mark, which we owe to tradition, enables us to fill in our picture of him a little further.
Again, the accuracy of the statement that the fleshy Agaricini, Polyporei, Pezizae, &c., are relatively rarer in the tropics may depend on the fact that they are more difficult to collect and remit for identification than the abundantly recorded woody and coriaceous forms of these regions.
Dr Tristram was the first explorer to identify this fish, and on account of its presence suggested the identification of the "round spring" with the fountain of Capharnaum, which, according to Josephus, watered the plain of Gennesareth.
There is, however, a difficulty in this identification; there are no ruins at `Ain el-Madawwera.
Some modern geographers question this identification, but without sufficient reason (see Capernaum).
This is another suggested identification for Capernaum; but all the remains belong to the Arab period.
The presence of sulphur in rape and other cruciferous oils also affords a ready means for their identification.
The houses are built of mud, and in the absence of visible remains of antiquity, the identification of the site is questionable.
In addition to these, he mentions other auroral lines as very probably krypton lines, but in their case the wave-lengths which he quotes from Paulsen (22) are given to only three significant figures, so that the identification is more uncertain.
The complete identification of the Danish king with the Danish people was accomplished at the Herredag of Copenhagen, 1542, when the nobility of Denmark voted Christian a twentieth part of all their property to pay off his heavy debt to the Holsteiners and Germans.
Though some of the masonry in the ruins is certainly pre-Roman, Suidas's identification of it with Cyinda, famous as a treasure city in the wars of Eumenes of Cardia, cannot be accepted in the face of Strabo's express location of Cyinda in western 'Cilicia.
His attitude on the new issue undoubtedly affected public opinion, and helped to draw him closer to the great body of the Liberal party, who saw that their identification with the cause of free trade was doing much to remove the public distrust associated with their support of Home Rule.
Liberals were scandalized by his apparent identification of " right " with " might," implied in the demand for a strong government; and though he often declared the true interpretation to be that the right would ultimately become might, his desire for strong government seemed too often to sanction the inverse view.
There has been much controversy as to the identification of the stream; it appears that its upper course is represented by that of the Pisciatello (called Rubigone in the iith or 12th century and now Rugone or Urgone), and its lower portion by the Fiumicino, which the Urgone once joined.
Be this as it may, the identification of a North American type of camel from the Tertiary strata of eastern Europe forms another connecting link between the extinct faunas of the northern half of the Old World and North America, and thus tends to show that the claim of America to be the exclusive birthplace of many Old World types may have to be reconsidered.
Modern criticism, while rejecting this identification, is not unwilling to accept the main fact that an officer named Georgios, of high rank in the army, suffered martyrdom probably under Diocletian.
The charges of superficial analogies, so freely urged against the " Natur-philosophie " by critics who forget the impulse it gave to physical research by the identification of forces then believed to be radically distinct, do not particularly affect,Hegel.
Even the Protestant churches are not exempt from blame in the matter; a small tomb near the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem has been fixed upon by a number of English enthusiasts as the true " Holy Sepulchre," an identification for which there is nothing to be said.
The highlands which shut off the Turkestan provinces from Southern Afghanistan have afforded the best opportunities for geological investigation, and as might be expected from their geographical position, the general result of the examination of exposed sections leads to the identification of geological affinity with Himalayan, Indian and Persian regions.
Hence also induction is a real process, because, when we know that this individual magnet attracts iron, we are very far from knowing that all alike do so similarly; and the question of inductive logic, how we get from some similars to all similars, remains, as before, a difficulty, but not to be solved by the fallacy that inference is identification.
We find in it, too, the same exclusive regard to the interest of the capitalist class, and the same identification of their interest with that of the whole nation, which are generally characteristic of his writings.
King Alfred and the chronicler ZEthelweard identified this place with the district which is now called Angel in the province of Schleswig (Slesvig), though it may then have been of greater extent, and this identification agrees very well with the indications given by Bede.
Muller writes the poet's name as Claudius Rutilius Namatianus, instead of the usual Rutilius Claudius Na.matianus; but if the identification of the poet's father with the Claudius mentioned in the Theodosian Code (2, 4, 5) be correct, Muller is probably wrong.
The name Satrokentae, a Thracian tribe according to Hecataeus (quoted in Stephanus of Byzantium), seems to support the second identification.
The rest of their early history, as it is given by Jordanes following Cassiodorus, is due to an erroneous identification of the Goths with the Getae, and ancient Thracian people.
Galton was the author of memoirs on various anthropometric subjects; he originated the process of composite portraiture, and paid much attention to finger-prints and their employment for the identification of criminals, his publications on this subject including Finger Prints (1892), Decipherment of Blurred Finger Prints (1893) and Finger Print Directories (1895).
The first and obvious reason for an inscription on a seal was to ensure identification of the owner; and therefore the names of such owners appear in the earliest examples.
A John Hooper was likewise canon of Wormesley priory in Herefordshire; but identification of any of these with the future bishop is doubtful.
It is not altogether easy to recognize the homologies of the endites and exites even within the order Phyllopoda, and the identification of the two distal endites as corresponding to the endopodite and exopodite of higher Crustacea is not free from difficulty.
Her worship appears to have been promoted in Rome chiefly by the family of the Claudii, whose Sabine origin, together with their use of the name of "Nero," has suggested an identification of Bellona with the Sabine war goddess Nerio, herself identified, like Bellona, with Virtus.
When once this identification has been made by Justin, it was taken for granted by almost all subsequent writers.
It does not identify Paul with Simon Magus, but it serves to reveal an animus which would render the identification easy.
In the 17th Homily the identification is effected.
But in what follows the identification of this Simon with the Simon of Acts has led the novelist to give play to his fancy.
Hecate is frequently identified with Artemis, an identification usually justified by the assumption that both were moon-goddesses.
Of these one or two, as we have evidence, tried their hands at engraving; among their engravings were these "knots," which, being things of use for decorative craftsmen to copy, were inscribed for identification, and perhaps for protection, as coming from the Achademia Leonardi Vinci; a trifling matter altogether, and quite unfit to sustain the elaborate structure of conjecture which has been built on it.
A comparison with other documentary evidence, however, leads to the identification of Holland with the forestum Merweda, or the bush-grown fenland lying between the Waal, the old Meuse and the Merwe.
At least two pieces are taken from each melt or blow at the mill, and are stamped or marked, and all the various sections rolled from the melt or blow are required to bear a similar stamp or mark for identification.
The variation in leaf-form and the tendency of leaves to arrange themselves in various ways on different branches of the same plant are features which it is important to bear in mind in the identification of fossil conifers.
Since identification of spectral lines is a matter of extreme refinement, any cause which may displace lines from their normal places, or otherwise change their features, must be examined scrupulously.
It is not until the beginning of the 5th century B.C. that the identification makes its appearance.
But the fact of the gradual development of Apollo as a god of light and heaven, and his identification with foreign sun-gods, is no proof of an original Greek solar conception of him.
Usher, as we have seen, identified them, and modern criticism accepts this identification as a fact (Lagarde, Harnack, Funk, Brightman).
The apostolic age supplied this identification, and the normal use during it seems to have been " into Christ Jesus," or " in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ," or "of Jesus Christ " simply, or " of the Lord Jesus Christ."
If this identification can be made out there would, in the list of apostles as finally constituted, be two men who bore the patronymic Bartholomew.
The latter has for its province the preparation, collection and identification of gases, and the volume relations in which they combine; in general it deals with specific properties.
Hence the identification is more than doubtful, unless it be assumed that his conversion to Christianity was subsequent to the composition of his books.
His great work was that of the critic. He was the first to reject with sufficient proof the equal value of the Old and the New Testaments, the uniform authority of all parts of the Bible, the divine authority of the traditional canon of Scripture, the inspiration and supposed correctness of the text of the Old and New Testaments, and, generally, the identification of revelation with Scripture.
But there is no trace of Artemis as such in the epic period, and the Homeric hymn knows nothing of her identification with Selene.
The systematic arrangement of the Vascular Cryptogams for the purposes of identification and description necessarily remains unchanged, while the comparative morpho logy is being more fully worked out.
And there is much that is anticipatory of modern libertarian views in the psychological argument by which Carneades attempted at once to avoid the Epicurean identification of will with chance, and to prove the rationality of choice, undetermined by any external or antecedent necessity, as an explanation of human actions Xxviii.
There are still many traces to be found in modern psychology of a similar unreal identification of desire with will.
Even Socrates, in spite of his aversion to physics, was led by pious reflection to expound a teleological view of the physical world, as ordered in all its parts by divine wisdom for the realization of some divine end; and, in the metaphysical turn which Plato gave to this view, he was probably anticipated by Euclid of Megara, who held that the one real being is " that which we call by many names, Good, Wisdom, Reason or God," to which Plato, raising to a loftier significance the Socratic identification of the beautiful with the useful, added the further name of Absolute Beauty, explaining how man's love of the beautiful finally reveals itself as the yearning for the end and essence of being.
On the other hand, since the philosopher must still live and act in the concrete sensible world, the Socratic identification of wisdom and virtue is fully maintained by Plato.
Aristotle had already been led to attempt a refutation of the Socratic identification of virtue with knowledge; but his attempt had only shown the profound difficulty of attacking the paradox, so long as it was admitted that no one could of deliberate purpose act contrary to what seemed to him best.
The identification is slightly qualified in Hutcheson's posthumously published System of Moral Philosophy (1755), in which the general view of Shaftesbury is more fully developed, with several new psychological distinctions, including Butler's, separation of " calm " benevolence - as well as, after Butler, " calm self-love " - from the " turbulent " passions, selfish or social.
It consisted, first, in the identification, by strict numerical comparisons, of terrestrial gravity with the mutual attraction of the heavenly bodies; secondly, in the following out of its mechanical consequences throughout the solar system.
The Irish government was given to him for ten years on unusually liberal terms. He ingratiated himself with both races, taking care to avoid identification with any particular family.
He escaped with life, though with shattered health, and it was the identification of the man who drove his assailants' car that afterwards led to the discovery of the whole conspiracy.
The identification of them with the jewels of the breastplate and on the shoulders of the high priest (which apparently has the authority of Josephus) is unwarranted; other ancient guesses are equally baseless.
The identification of the three Capitoline deities with the Penates, and of these with the Cabeiri, tended to increase this feeling.
Numerous other ruins were found by him in the neighbourhood, together with inscriptions supporting the identification.
In times past whitebait were considered to be peculiar to the estuary of the Thames; and, even after the specific identification of Thames whitebait with the young of the herring and sprat, it was still thought that there was a distinctive superiority in its condition and flavour.
Even if a mixture of several oils and fats be present, the iodine value assists greatly in the identification of the components of the mixture, and furnishes the most important key for the attacking and resolving of this not very simple problem.
The position of the branches is shown both on casts and in petrified specimens, and has helped in their identification, while the petrified remains sometimes show enough of the external characters to allow of their correlation with impressions.
Fructifications have often been found in connexion with leafy shoots, and the anatomical structure of the axis in sterile and fertile specimens has proved a valuable means of identification.
The two surviving species of Sequoia afford an illustration of the persistence of an old type, but unfortunately most of the Mesozoic species referred to this genus do not possess sufficiently perfect cones to confirm their identification as examples of Sequoia.
It is therefore very probable that the authors quoted in (2) were mistaken in their identification of the elements at the base of the foramen magnum.
The pectoral girdle of the Stegocephalia is, of course, only known from the ossified elements, the identification of which has given rise to some diversity of opinion.
Kant seems never to have been satisfied with the Wolffian identification of logical axioms and of the principle of sufficient reason.
Our successes consisted of the location of a lost girl, two more runaways, and the identification of a pedophile who attempted to abduct a young boy.
Lana snapped her identification chip to her uniform before proceeding to the operations control center with Mr. Tim's portable vault.
All council officers carry identification cards and are quite used to being challenged.
An output of the project will be the identification of key elements of organizational structure and management that could facilitate adaptation.
Travel light, if possible, and always verify that baggage identification is correct, legible and properly affixed to each bag.
You have an ego identification with your ideas and you take personal affront to those who differ with your thoughts on any subject.
Often, ATS contributes directly to the identification of aircraft for the host-nation airspace system.
The distinctive microscopic anatomy of hazel wood allows definite identification of well-preserved specimens of wood and charcoal.
Biology, identification and control of the major greenhouse pests including aphids, whitefly and mites.
The certificate shall be accompanied by an identification of the invention, duly authenticated by the authority.
The shape of the plates, vary between acorn barnacle species so providing a good means of identification.
Any plans to excavate a selected oval barrow would need to await the outcome of the initial study and the identification of suitable examples.
There's a new wee beastie come to fill your lives with joy, RFID (radio frequency identification ).
Company names list for caller identification; displays the name of the caller identification; displays the name of the caller's company (optional ).
It was its unmistakable call that really clinched the identification.
Even at the level of letter identification, the layer model become clumsy.
In general, these systems are only confluent up to an identification of a certain class of terms.
Architecture's identification with the built environment makes environmental conditions the primary site for political contestation.
Identification of individual patients was made by the district nurse liaison officer and referral made to the district continence adviser.
This proposal aims both to simplify our existing molecular identification system for Calanus spp., and to expand it to include other common copepods.
The next step requires the identification of some elements in the claims that might constitute evidence of such cross-pollination.
Identification and molecular characterization of viruses infecting cucurbits in Pakistan.
Identification and expression of a murine cytomegalovirus early gene coding for an Fc receptor.
Jenkins refers to ' the internal-external dialectic of identification ' (Jenkins, 1996 ).
Neither complete disengagement between church and state, nor complete identification of church with the state, will work for Methodists.
Alistair McGrath speaks with evident displeasure of the ' uncritical and totally unmerited identification of ' evangelicals ' with ' fundamentalists ' ' .
The views were actually very distant at about 500 meters, although its plumage and song were sufficiently distinctive to allow a positive identification.
You will need to provide photographic identification, e.g. passport or photocard driving license.
The solution to this problem awaited identification of the substances produced by the future endoderm.
The other two methods of pseudo-diagonal identification both involve the exportation of interim LEM model results and their assessment for pseudo-diagonal trends.
Walk looking for evidence, adaptation, collecting and identification, woodland food chains and decomposers.
Where no identification is possible, the corpse is interred in a grave with a full military funeral.
Explain the identification and culture of a range of Australian native ground covers and small shrubs.
For detailed advice on the identification of such excepted hereditaments, reference should be made to RM Volume 2, Section 12.
Recent achievements include the identification of circuits that control body weight homeostasis, which could provide novel targets for the treatment of obesity.
Clues to the normal function of MLL in mammalian haematopoiesis have come from the identification of domains that share homology with other known proteins.
The computerisation of the Councils Terrier system will greatly facilitate the identification of the Council's liabilities under the new regime.
This method enables identification of wave modes observed in electric field components.
Using these methods allows the identification of linkages between cases that were not obvious through contact tracing.
The pale rump was obvious which clinched the identification.
They are objects of desire and exchange, actors in subsistence, ceremonial and market economies and sites of deep projective identification.
The Thai government's national ID card will contain biometric identification, as well as insurance, tax and welfare benefit information.
Description of the condition of, and unambiguous identification of the item calibrated.
In forensic handwriting identification, line quality is extremely important.
However identification has been slow and the hope is to develop new tests that will aid the rapid identification of these viruses.
This enabled Frank Bisby to give us a bird's eye view of species identification in the third millenium.
As a further aid to hazard identification, the following are worth considering.
Youngsters learn that all calls to the fire service are recorded and the 141 prefix does not block caller identification.
Figure 3 Identification of the terminal ileum The distance can be measured.
In addition, the data indicate that the neural mechanisms involved in vowel identification receive an input from those responsible for the continuity illusion.
Only the identification of the gene implicated will determine which of these possibilities is true.
Patient Education A person who has adrenal insufficiency should always carry identification stating his or her condition in case of an emergency.
Person A tries to fool the interrogator about their gender, while person B tries to assist the interrogator in their identification.
However, the identification of all chromosomal aberrations in a complex karyotype was often not possible from such patterns.
Identification as the type I receptor and analysis of binding kinetics and biologic function.
Each species is illustrated by a photograph and, to aid identification, accompanied by a line drawing that emphasizes its critical features.
Despite the identification of hundreds of genes involved in C. elegans locomotion, we do not yet have an understanding of its control.
A full identification of the large deer mandible is also desirable.
Geological and geomorphological mapping may aid the identification of landslides and allow for safe housing development.
The value of risk metalanguage in risk identification is already well-known.
The secondary tag may contain a microchip to allow electronic identification of the animal.
Coming from England, I have a gene missing that allows identification of grand scale.
It covers identification, lifecycle and biology, the damage mistletoe causes to trees, and its management.
So folks, can anyone provide identification on any of the very early motorcars shown on this page?
A body that had been too badly mutilated for positive identification had been dragged out of the river Avon.
Identification of altered gene expression in polymyositis using Affymetrix high density oligonucleotide arrays.
Identification of early glaucoma cases with the scanning laser ophthalmoscope.
He attended all the identification parades which he was required to attend.
Detailed stream sediment and rock chip sampling led to the identification of mineralised porphyry with stronger copper than gold potential.
Dialing the prefix 141 does not block your identification Call Challenging Use it - don't abuse it!
The main burden of McKenna's book, however, is the identification of the Vedic Soma with a mushroom containing psilocybin.
Team Colors - For team identification, one team shall use white pushers and the opposing team shall use black Pushers.
The rise of Fascism led to an identification of folk studies with deeply reactionary or racist ideology.
In the main pages, the entry " Best z " gives the cluster redshift if available, otherwise the redshift of the identification.
Identification of tertiary structure resemblance in proteins using a maximal common subgraph isomorphism algorithm.
Rationality of religious Identity It was said earlier that what apparently unites multiculturalism and religious revivalism is their identification of religion with identity.
He also claims that proforms, in contrast to pronouns and definite nouns, require semantic - as opposed to pragmatic - identification.
The white spur and pointed sepals leave no question about the identification.
This work includes new sewerage pumping station construction and alterations to existing works (Contract Identification Number KC 232 ).
Early identification is a priority if the debilitating, disabling, life shortening and expensive consequences of severe COPD are to be avoided.
Streets are closed, and public sidewalks are open only to people with acceptable identification.
The difficulty of identification presented by this group means that all records must be confirmed with a voucher specimen.
This approach results in the identification of some ten to twenty historical geomagnetic storms.
These are based on the physico-chemical properties, identification of active substructures, or virtual docking to the target's binding site.
Since then successive generations of school children have come to rely on this method of identification.
A major focus of the research at Strangeways is the identification of genetic variants that underlie susceptibility to common disease.
The means of identification on magnetic tapes is shown in the magnetic tape file specification User Guides.
However they always show blackish underwings with a white trailing edge, which can be a good identification clue, even at long distance.
And it was perhaps unwise of me to ask if the man had any identification with him - which he promptly produced.
And by accelerating the identification of and response to virus incidents and blended security threats with automated alert notifications, it maximizes system uptime.
G 137 The identification of virtue and rationality can really only work for those who are naturally virtuous.
By encouraging identification we hope to allow people the freedom to explore the world in greater security.
It is still not universal practice to use unique patient identification wristbands at the bedside.
It was this rationalistic treatment of the sacred writings which helped to confound the Cartesians with the allegorical school of John Cocceius, as their liberal doctrines in theology justified the vulgar identification of them with the heresies of Socinian and Arminian.
An important collateral identification is that of Prajapati (and the sacrificer) with Agni, the god of fire, embodied not only in the offering-fire, but also in the sacred Soma-altar, the technical name of which is agni.
The ancient Babylonian psalms clearly reveal that the highest minds were moving out of polytheism to a monotheistic identification of various deities as diverse phases of one underlying essence.
In the West, meanwhile, the growth of the power of the papacy had tended more and more to the interpretation of the word " catholic " as implying communion with, and obedience to, the see of Rome (see Papacy); the churches of the East, no less than the heretical sects of the West, by repudiating this allegiance, had ceased to be Catholic. This identification of " Catholic " with " Roman " was accentuated by the progress of the Reformation.
Such an identification doubtless led Marcion to alter the title in his copies.
Emmet was short and slight in figure; his face was marked by smallpox, and he was described in 1803 for the purpose of identification as being "of an ugly, sour countenance and dirty brown complexion."
The fraternal and democratic spirit of the first communities, and their humble origin; the identification of the object of adoration with light and the Sun; the legends of the shepherds with their gifts and adoration, the flood, and the ark; the representation in art of the fiery chariot, the drawing of water from the rock; the use of bell and candle, holy water and the communion; the sanctification of Sunday and of the 25th of December; the insistence on moral conduct, the emphasis placed upon abstinence and self-control; the doctrine of heaven and hell, of primitive revelation, of the mediation of the Logos emanating from the divine, the atoning sacrifice, the constant warfare between good and evil and the final triumph of the former, the immortality of the soul, the last judgment, the resurrection of the flesh and the fiery destruction of the universe - are some of the resemblances which, whether real or only apparent, enabled Mithraism to prolong its resistance to Christianity.
In fact, since the Biblical evidence is admittedly incomplete, and to a certain extent insecure, the question of the identification of Azariah of Judah and Azriyau of Ja'udi may be reopened.
These may have been Puka Puka of the Tuamotu Archipelago and Flint Island; but it may be stated here that the identification of islands sighted by the early explorers is often a matter of conjecture, and that therefore some islands of which the definite discovery must be dated much later had in fact been seen by Europeans at this early period.
But Caesar was not content with framing a uniform system of local government 3 Since the discovery of a fragmentary municipal charter at Tarentum (see RoME), dating from a period shortly after the Social War, doubts have been cast on the identification of the tables of Heraclea with Caesar's municipal statute.
There is no doubt that Serapis was before long identified with Userhapi; the identification appears clearly in a bilingual inscription of the time of Ptolemy Philopator (221-205 B.C.), and frequently later.
A theory has been proposed by Professor DSrpfeld that Leucas is the island described in the Odyssey under the name of Ithaca; in support of this theory he quotes the fact that the Homeric description of the island and its position, and also the identification of such sites as the palace of Odysseus, the harbour of Phorcys, the grotto of the Nymphs and the island Asteris,.
In later times, by a misinterpretation of his name (or from the identification of the Greek god with the ram-headed Egyptian god Chnum, the creator of the world), he was pantheistically conceived as the universal god (TO 'ray).
In some cases of induction concerned with objects capable of abstraction and simplification, we have a power of identification, by which, not a priori but in the act of inducing a conclusion, we apprehend that the things signified ..SisP.
Thus by combined induction and identification we apprehend that one and one are the same as two, that there is no difference between a triangle and a three-sided rectilineal figure, that a whole must be greater than its part by being the whole, that inter-resisting bodies necessarily force one another apart, otherwise they would not be interresisting but occupy the same place at the same moment.
The suggested identification with the Egyptian Punt is in itself disputable, and it would be more helpful if we knew exactly where Punt was (see Egypt).
Or, if 1 It is true that he afterwards modifies this misleading identification by introducing the distinction between empirical psychology or the phenomenology of mind and inferential psychology' or ontology, i.e.
PulSAR signal data files have a consistent naming convention to aid identification.
Team Colors - For team identification, one team shall use white Pushers and the opposing team shall use black Pushers.
Rationality of Religious Identity It was said earlier that what apparently unites multiculturalism and religious revivalism is their identification of religion with identity.
Any pity we feel, any seeds of identification that Bittersweet waters, get shot straight down in rivulets of blood and gore.
There was still a slight rusty tinge on the edge of some of the feathers on its back which confirmed the identification.
Few people disturbed the leafy privacy; a policeman sauntering southward noted him, perhaps for future identification.
A set of 5 identification leaflets to the common saxicolous lichens in lowland England is available from Ivan Pedley (cost £ 3.00).
This work includes new sewerage pumping station construction and alterations to existing works (Contract Identification Number KC 232).
Several different spangle type galls are to be found on oak leaves so close inspection is required for proper identification.
Catatonia in the infant is not visible because he binds himself to the parent via the stratagem of identification with that parent.
These are based on the physico-chemical properties, identification of active substructures, or virtual docking to the target 's binding site.
Let me now turn to my primary assignment, the identification of the success factors.
Electron neutrino identification and background systematics studies in the Near and Far Detectors as part of muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillation analysis.
A review was made of the validity and identification criteria for all taxa recorded from Indochina, based on herbarium and field work.
The objective will be addressed primarily by identification of DNA polymorphisms in extant landraces of barley and tetraploid wheat.
This is in turn mounted within a molded white Nylon two-piece body with marker clips available in 10 colors for ease of signal identification.
A collection of her most important papers, topics include projective identification and unconscious phantasy.
The key to identification was the shortened tripod mast (done by the Greeks) and the eleven wheelhouse windows.
Her identification did not meet the validity requirements to fly to another country.
Bring some form of identification for you that includes a picture, and bring your child's birth certificate.
Securities - Of particular importance is the identification of guardians and drop off and pick up procedures.
It's also a good idea to create an identification system.
With this in mind, look for computer games that meld the things toddlers love with educational concepts, like shape, letter, and number recognition, counting games, color identification, matching, and more.
Typically, all you need to have to do thorough research is the car's vehicle identification number.
Your state's Motor Vehicles Department website should provide a vehicle history report based upon the car's vehicle identification number (VIN), helping you to identify single or multiple ownerships.
The dealer's license also allows you to save on taxes, given you are provided a tax identification number.
Have a small collar ready to which you can add an identification tag in case your pet becomes lost.
Your pet's description may not be enough to make a positive identification on the phone, so bring a photo with you.
Be proactive and make sure that every cat you own is wearing a collar and an identification tag with his name on it, as well as your name and phone number.
Cats should also wear a breakaway collar and visible identification, and owners should search immediately for their pets if they go missing.
A collar and identification tag - Measure around your kitten's neck and select a collar that will not slip off over her head.
You may also want to discus microchip identification with the vet.
They address topical subjects such as early spay/neuter of young kittens, feral cats and microchipping for identification.
Although you usually sign the back of an ATM card, it can only be used with a personal identification number, often called a PIN, which the customer chooses.
The next tool, called Auto Check, is used to check out the history of any vehicle using the vehicle identification number (VIN).
A Personal Identification Number (PIN) is needed to make a purchase with a debit card.
You can also forget about carrying around several additional forms of identification when you use a debit card.
As long as you are using a pin number for your transaction, you will never be asked to provide identification.
Personal Information - The personal information included in the report identifies who you are with key identification stats like your name, address, birth date, and Social Insurance Number (SIN).
Once you have requested and received a Personal Identification Number (PIN) you can withdraw cash from any MasterCard/Cirrus ATM.
You should not share your Personal Identification Number (PIN) with anyone because this can result in your money being accessed from and ATM without your permission.
The applications are simple and only require a few pieces of information including your business name, address and tax identification number.
Make sure that you have your tax identification number and bank account information with you when you are filling out the information on the application.
Tawas uses direct deposit of your earnings to your account; wrong identification numbers and account numbers could delay payments.
You will be given a PIN (Personal Identification Number) and the MCI number to call first in order to place all of your calls.
Once your card is issued, you can call and request a personal identification number to use at ATMs.
Friendly fraud is caused by the use of our sensitive information (checkbooks, bills, social security information and Personal Identification Numbers [PINS]) by family or friends who have immediate access to our information.
Gas purchases are tracked with odometer readings and identification numbers, meaning you can track not only the amount of fuel purchased but the fuel efficiency of a given vehicle.
Provide notarized copies of your driver's license or government-issued identification and a copy of a billing statement.
Other times, they use the fake identification they've created after committing another type of identity theft.
Most people never know how the perpetrator got their personal identification.
When mailing documents that contain personal identification information, place the mail directly into the United States Postal Service collection boxes or directly at the post office.
Once you visit, you will be required to prove your identification through a series of questions.
Many issuers of the Visa Buxx card also offer a Personal Identification Number (PIN) with the card allowing the card to be used to obtain funds from any ATM that accepts Visa cards.
The form must be submitted with a copy of the requestor's government-issued identification card such as a driver's license.
In order to access your information, you will need to register at the website by providing your Discover Card account number and your personal identification.
It is important that the information in this section is accurate to avoid any confusion for identification purposes.
Identification is necessary to use the cheques, which means these checks are safer than gift cards.
The product comes with $1 million worth of identification theft insurance.
Some companies offer additional products and services, including identification insurance products.
Ask these organizations if you can use another form of identification rather than your Social Security number for their records.
Avoid carrying any identification with you that contains your Social Security number, such as medical identification cards.
The one's that did neglected to confiscate Taylor's identification.
Merchants and service providers accepting the card for payment may not even realize that the card is issued by the government, so there will not be any request for special identification or copies of military orders.
The business should also apply for an Employer Identification Number through the IRS.
As soon as possible, obtain an Employer Identification Number through the IRS.
The thief may steal your identification and then commit a crime such as writing bad checks.
Keep your identification on you, rather than in a purse or wallet.
It holds your payment information, address, identification cards, gift cards, loyalty membership cards and even your Social Security number and card for your use.
There are also specialty locks that offer extra features like voice or fingerprint identification.
Having an identification guide can help you to identify wild berries and other wild foods.
If you're looking for the online identification of berry plant species, there is a lot you should know about identifying wild berries before you go eating anything you're not familiar with.
It's a good idea to take a class from a professional botanist or herbalist who can train you in the science of plant and berry identification.
If you're interested in learning more about plant identification, you should really consider getting a good field guide that you can keep with you whenever you're out berry picking.
If you want to know more about the online identification of berry plant species, the Internet is a great place to find all sorts of useful information.
Many backpackers like to learn about berry identification so that they can sharpen their survival skills while on the trail.
In some cultures, tattoos were used as symbols of identification amongst different societies.
Each different style comes with a different color of handle for easy identification.
You may also be asked for identification such as a driver's license.
Show your military identification when purchasing your ticket to receive the discount.
Because everyone reacts differently to stress, identification of the physical and psychological symptoms of stress often go unnoticed until they become severe and overall health begins to decline.
This book includes self-assessment tools, breathing techniques, medication, thought stopping, body awareness, goal setting, time management, assertiveness training, and the identification of stressors.
Make sure you have your money with you, as well as your identification, if you have it.
To procure a marriage license, the happy couple is required to bring a valid driver's license, birth certificate, resident alien card, military identification or passport and payment for the license.
Once we showed our identification and went through metal detectors to get into the building, we went up to the third floor to the marriage office.
Then when we were all getting dressed for the wedding, we realized my in-laws had taken the identification papers off the dresses.
You'll also need to provide identification such as a driver's license and birth certificate.
When reserving your classic rental, make sure you get the name or identification number from the agent who takes your call.
Additionally, couples who visit the courthouse to get their license need to bring photo identification and either a cash or check to pay the fee.
Three key persons are involved in the identification of a problem with prescription drug abuse.
You will receive a user identification and personal identification number.
Don't forget personal items and important paperwork, such as your airline tickets, travelers' checks, passport or identification, a phone card and emergency phone numbers.
The name listed on your itinerary should match the name on your identification card.
If you are looking to travel within a month of booking your trip, be sure all of your travel documents are in order, including your passport and identification.
You also need to ensure passports and other identification are current.
Traditional dog collars typically come with an adjustable buckle closure and a metal ring for your identification tags.
In addition to collars designed for identification and control during walks, there are a number of specialty collars used to help train, correct or protect your dog.
If you do decide to have multiple collars, make sure you have up-to-date identification and vaccination tags on each of the collars that you use.
By outfitting your dog with a signifying collar and a set of identification tags, you will have better luck finding Fido if he gets lost.
They fit around the animal's neck and should have a loop that can easily have both identification tags and a leash attached to it.
While training collars such as electric and prong styles have limited varieties, every dog should have a traditional collar with its identification tags and license attached.
Every registered dog is provided with a unique registration number that serves as its identification number for the rest of its life.
Have your dog wear a collar and tag with full identification and contact info in case he becomes lost.
Identification of ancestors further back at least gives an idea of which breeds are involved in your dog's genetic make up, as well as whether or not your pet could be purebred.
Identification - While you want your dog to be visible, you also want him to be easily identified.
There is no way to determine if the identification of the breed was correct.
Put together a small travel bag for your pet that includes identification papers, the current rabies certificate and a leash.
Other wholesale distributors are stricter and require retail business customers to provide a tax identification number as proof of a business.
Without proper identification, this could be devastating if not deadly for those with serious food allergies.
While at the school, they must wear an identification badge clearly indicating their name and job title.
In some cases, the theme park may wish to see identification to show you do work for the company.
Proper identification is required at the main gate.
Leviathan Soulgems - This Elderscroll Oblivion mod on PC replaces the game's soulgems by making them better with a much richer texture and mesh, allowing easier identification of the various types available.
Be sure to educate yourself about the value and identification by reading collectible guides and books on the subject.
In addition to listing the fair market value of the tools, the guides are helpful for identification.
Many collectors look for older price guides for this purpose.The following are several antique tool price and identification guides.
Resources for collectors of old woodworking tools include price guides, identification manuals and websites.
Price guides and identification manuals for antique tools are available at most bookstores and local libraries.
The following are examples of antique woodworking price and identification guides.
These books are essential for current pricing, value and identification.
There are plenty of identification and value guides that can be found in bookstores and libraries that can help you out.
There are many postcard price and identification guides and online resources to help determine the value of antique postcards.
While there is plenty of free information on the Antique Clocks Identification and Price Guide, you will have to pay for a subscription to utilize everything the site has to offer.
In some cases, you can walk into the T-Mobile store, sign up for a contract, and leave without ever pulling out your wallet other than to show identification.
This is further complicated by the BlackBerry system, as there is a PIN (personal identification number) that is attached to the device too.
This is because, in addition to the phone number, each BlackBerry handset also has what is known as a PIN, or personal identification number.
Early identification, treatment, and correction of specific feeding problems will improve the health and nutritional status of the child.
So that the proper treatment can be provided in the event of an emergency, children with congenital cardiovascular defects should wear a medical identification bracelet or necklace to alert healthcare providers of their condition.
Identification of the allergen may help parents avoid exposing their child to the substance and thereby reduce allergic reactions.
Early identification, treatment, and correction of specific feeding problems will improve the health and nutritional status of the patient.
However, proper treatment of coexisting disorders, early identification and intervention, and long-term support may improve the outlook significantly.
However, gender-labeling tasks, such as toy identification, do not occur until about age two.
Gender identification is often associated with the choice and use of toys in this age group, according to a number of studies done in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.
The distinction between these children and gender identity disordered children is that the latter experience significant interference in functioning because of their cross-gender identification.
The decrease in infections as a cause of FUO is due in part to improved culture techniques that allow more precise identification of organisms and, therefore, more appropriate treatment.
Under appropriate laboratory conditions, salmonella can be grown and then viewed under a microscope for identification.
Early in the infection, the blood is far more likely to positively show a presence of the salmonella bacterium when a sample is grown on a nutrient substance (culture) for identification purposes.
In case of emergency, a medical identification bracelet or necklace should be worn to alert all health care providers of the child's heart condition.
Nevertheless, identification of a high-risk pregnancy helps to ensure that those women who need the most care receive it.
Asthmatic children should wear a suitable identification bracelet with a list of drugs being used, in case of an emergency room admission.
A medical identification bracelet or necklace should be worn to alert all health care providers of the child's heart condition in cases of emergency.
Gender identity is a person's sense of identification with either the male or female sex, as manifested in appearance, behavior, and other aspects of a person's life.
Children with gender identity disorder have strong cross-gender identification.
Gender identity disorder (GID)-A strong and lasting cross-gender identification and persistent discomfort with one's biological gender (sex) role.
Transsexualism-A term used to describe a male or female that feels a strong identification with the opposite sex and experiences considerable distress because of their actual sex.
Various diagnostic instruments have been developed for evidence-based identification of antisocial behavior in children.
There are assessments available that can provide both earlier identification and intervention for childhood alcoholism.
Identification of a fracture line can further classify fractures.
Diagnosis relies on a physical examination of the victim, information about the circumstances of the bite, and a look at the snake itself (if it can safely be killed and brought in for identification).
Audiologist-A person with a degree and/or certification in the areas of identification and measurement of hearing impairments and rehabilitation of those with hearing problems.
Estimates of true SLI vary according to the age of identification.
Early identification is very important for the success of interventions for SLI.
The child may be asked to perform tasks such as identification of fingers, whistling, saluting, brushing teeth motions, combing hair, drawing, and tracing figures.
Orientation assessment determines if the child has a normal sense of time, place, and identification of self (can state his or her own name).
If epiglottitis is suspected, no efforts should be made to look at the throat or to swab the throat in order to obtain a culture for identification of the causative organism.
This allows prenatal diagnosis and carrier identification in 90 percent of those affected.
Definitive identification of the fragile X syndrome is made by means of a genetic test to assess the number of CGG sequence repeats in the FMR-1 gene.
This arrangement allows for early identification and treatment.
Proper identification and careful handling of the child are important when a blood sample is being obtained for testing.
Early identification and treatment are critical to improving the outcome for these infants.
Identification of the specific type of bacteria may require culturing the sputum, a microbiological technique that identifies disease-causing bacterial organisms in infected material.
Examination under a microscope will then allow identification of the bacteria Streptobacillus moniliformis.
The organisms present in the specimen can then be cultured (allowed to multiply) in a laboratory, and then viewed under a microscope to allow identification of the causative organisms.
If a surgical procedure is necessary, samples are usually taken at the same time to allow identification of any organisms present which may be causing infection.
However, if identification of the infectious agent is required, a stool sample will be collected and analyzed for the presence of rotavirus, disease-causing (pathogenic) bacteria, or parasites.
As children turn into adolescents, involvement with their peers and the attraction of peer identification increases.
Place the tick in a closed container (for species identification later, should symptoms develop) or dispose of it by flushing or by placing the tick between scotch tape.
The social and educational development of children with delayed speech and language may be significantly disruptive (even in mild delays), so early identification and intervention is essential.
Definite diagnosis requires identification of lice or their nits.
Applying about 10 oz (280 gm) of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol to the hair and rubbing with a white towel for about 30 seconds releases lice onto the towel for identification.
Preventing perennial AR requires identification of the responsible allergens.
The Gram stain procedure allows the identification of purple (gram positive) organisms and red (gram negative) organisms.
This identification aids in determining treatment.
Identification and elimination of reactive foods may result in a decrease in JA symptoms.
Experienced counselors suggest that early identification of problems and accurate diagnosis are useful in limiting the severity and duration of encopresis.
Identification and removal of the allergic food(s) can greatly assist in alleviating the cause of the problem.
Upon admission, an identification bracelet that includes the patient's name and doctor's name will be placed on the child's wrist.
Rashes that cannot be accurately identified should be referred to competent healthcare professional for identification and possible treatment.
With early identification and intervention, careful compliance with a treatment program, and a supportive and nurturing home and school environment, children with AD/HD can flourish socially and academically.
Proper identification and careful handling of the infant are important when a blood sample is being obtained for testing.
Most anything can be self taught to a certain extent; however, with dance, it is very difficult to just create on your own without ever running into the issue of not having a name or identification for the steps you come up with.
This letter must include your full name and you will be required to show identification in order to obtain the records you want.
To research at the National Archives in Washington D.C. you will need to show photo identification.
To file unemployment online, you will need to have your personal identification information, your Social Security number, and any proof of employment for the last months.
Your mother's maiden name is necessary for identification purposes.
Your mailing and residential addresses, bank account information for direct deposit of your check and identification information is needed.
Only HUD-approved realtors and financial institutions can make bids through this area as they are provided with an identification number upon login.
Some individuals have chromosomal abnormalities that make gender identification difficult.
The team explicitly states that you will not be judged on looks; this photo is simply used for identification purposes.
This site offers a wealth of information for collectors with links such as doll identification, visitor collections, care and feeding, and a discussion area as well.
Very young children often use scent as a way of identification.
One of the things you will require is the identification number for you sponsor.
All adopters must be 18 or older, have valid photo identification, prove that they own their homes or have landlord approval and obtain consent from all adult household members.
Additionally, the entity must have an employer identification number (EIN) before filing your request for recognition.
Ask for proper identification before letting anyone into your home, and try to have them stay in the garage or yard area if at all possible.
Secondly, find out what your charity's tax exemption identification number is.
Once registered, the charity will be given a business number (BN) that will be used for identification purposes.
The Salvation Army requires personal identification for parents or guardians of those signed up for the Angel Tree program.
Be careful of intimate online relationships with anyone potentially under 18 years of age; ask for identification proof if necessary or seek out the company of someone who is an adult.
In the ideal world, we could punch in an identification number and a computer would spit out the pros and cons of interacting with a person before even meeting, but this is not the ideal world.
Different descriptions are also given to various colored stones from one lab to another, making the identification process more confusing.
True Asscher cut diamonds bare both the Asscher family symbol and a identification number on the stone's girdle.
Authentic Royal Asscher rings have the company logo and a unique identification number lasered into the stone's girdle that is best viewed with a jeweler's loupe.
Royal Asscher diamonds come with a laser inscription of the Royal Asscher logo and a unique identification number.
Since each Royal Asscher ring comes with the unique identification number and logo inscribed on the ring, a jeweler can verify a ring's authenticity for you.
The logo and identification number are viewable through magnification with a jeweler's loupe, and are not readily visible to the naked eye so that it doesn't interfere with the design.
Each modern Asscher ring is laser inscribed with the Royal Asscher logo and an identification number registered with the company.
The higher prices of the true designer brands are a combination of superior construction, top materials and brand identification.
Pocketbooks, purses, handbags, totes, bags, -- these are all names for an item used to hold money, identification, personal items, and daily necessities.
A travel wallet differs from standard men's or women's wallets in that it provides compartments for items commonly used for travel, such as passports or other identification documents.
It will nest your horrid driver's license photos and your student identification card from college years past.
This notable decrease in wallet sizes equates to incomplete wallets that may only hold bills and an identification card.
Includes three card slots, bill compartments, zippered coin area, and an easy view spot for license or other identification.
It has an external clear window in the back of the wallet that can hold an identification card.
They can hold your valuables such as money, identification and of course a tube of lipstick.