Idea Sentence Examples
The idea came to her suddenly.
The idea of free trade has divided people for as long as trade has existed.
Any idea where she is tonight?
I had no idea anyone was around.
And yet, the idea was enticing... almost an obsession.
An idea brought a mischievous smile to her lips.
I like the idea of burying the supplies, but I don't think the Indians would be fooled if we buried everything – even if we could.
The idea made her smile.
On a sudden thought I ran upstairs before any one could stop me, to put on my idea of a company dress.
I won't base my reasoning for how the Internet and technology will end poverty on this idea alone.
AdvertisementA bright idea, however, shot into my mind, and the problem was solved.
To her, the idea was ludicrous, and yet, it probably looked that way to Dulce.
Faceless government in a distant land is no one's idea of paradise.
Is the idea so deplorable?
But it is not the less necessary for this; for the people must have some complicated machinery or other, and hear its din, to satisfy that idea of government which they have.
AdvertisementFor the first time, the idea of marriage crossed her mind.
When I left New York the idea had become a fixed purpose; and it was decided that I should go to Cambridge.
The idea of defeat and flight could not enter Rostov's head.
Anyway, why do men have to act on every idea that crosses their mind?
She was an open book to him and he was obsessed with the idea of reading it.
AdvertisementI'm working my way through college, but what have I ever done to give you the idea I was destitute? is unquestionably the most efficient way in the history of humanity to send a single idea, invitation, complaint, or observation to the world.
But no one had any idea of the mechanism by which this could be achieved.
Micro-lending is not new; the idea of small loans to the entrepreneurial poor is centuries old.
His idea was, first, to concentrate all the artillery in the center, and secondly, to withdraw the cavalry to the other side of the dip.
AdvertisementIt was the idea of being deceived.
This is not a particularly new idea, similar to the phenomenon of getting to know and care about "pen pals" in far-flung places by exchanging postal-mail letters.
No wonder that the earth expresses itself outwardly in leaves, it so labors with the idea inwardly.
She might be getting over him, but the idea of running into him in town was particularly disturbing.
This idea horrified her, made her shudder, blush, and feel such a rush of anger and pride as she had never experienced before.
Somehow I get the idea that you will find it harder to be idle than working.
A fine idea to have a blind general!
She had no idea what made him angry one minute and jovial the next.
I branched off into this discussion of robots and nanites to give an idea of the kinds of massive gains in efficiency with declining costs.
Much as she liked Sarah, the idea of Giddon's displeasure would prohibit any such intent.
An idea flashed through her brain and left a frown on her face.
Apparently Mrs. Marsh had no idea of Brandon's plans for his future.
The idea was that it would be great to make machines that behaved like us and, through that, we could harness their abilities.
It is based on the idea that what we believe about the future determines what we do in the present.
It was my idea.
The unknown can be worse than reality, and she had no idea what to expect on the flight.
I just don't think it's a good idea for us to be out here alone.
I've got an idea.
Excellent idea – if you enjoy it.
The woman has no idea how to deal with a child.
I'm starting to warm to the idea.
I think she was overwhelmed by the idea of being a star.
Surprisingly, the idea was more than a little intimidating.
The idea brought heat to her face.
Right now he might accept the idea of 3 times a day.
She paused, an idea forming.
He's had longer to adjust to the idea.
According to Alex, Gerald had expressed interest several years ago – when the summer cottage thing was only an idea.
I am certain this idea is going to take some time to get used to.
The idea that a person can be a political prisoner, jailed for his beliefs about government, politics, or politicians, is ancient but happily fading.
I include Twitter in this list as a larger idea, not only as the literal
The idea is the power of short, instant messages broadcast to interested crowds.
Everyone will be on Facebook, as will be every business, every idea, every brand, and all the people who were once members but have since passed away.
Augustine records that this idea blew his mind (or words to that effect).
She knew, too, that I sometimes write "letters to blind girls" on the slate; but I didn't suppose that she had any clear idea what a letter was.
I asked him once, when I had not seen him for many months, if he had got a new idea this summer.
And this movement of reconstruction of which Prince Andrew had a vague idea, and Speranski its chief promoter, began to interest him so keenly that the question of the army regulations quickly receded to a secondary place in his consciousness.
Self- sacrifice was her most cherished idea but in this case she could not see what she ought to sacrifice, or for whom.
For a long time he could not reconcile himself to the idea that he was one of those same retired Moscow gentlemen-in-waiting he had so despised seven years before.
He was only quite at ease when having poured several glasses of wine mechanically into his large mouth he felt a pleasant warmth in his body, an amiability toward all his fellows, and a readiness to respond superficially to every idea without probing it deeply.
Pierre saw that there was a bridge in front of him and that soldiers were doing something on both sides of it and in the meadow, among the rows of new-mown hay which he had taken no notice of amid the smoke of the campfires the day before; but despite the incessant firing going on there he had no idea that this was the field of battle.
Her gaze left his face as she considered the idea.
Only his idea of tempting her with a fine house hadn't worked.
Most things had returned to normal, but the trip to Texas had given Jonathan an idea.
His gaze drifted away as he considered the idea.
Maybe a little time to yourself is a good idea.
I had no idea.
Actually, the idea was appealing – in spite of his clumsy invitation.
So what difference did it make who came up with the idea as long as it was a good one?
Ironically, it was something he told me Lisa said that gave me the idea to search somewhere else.
Dad thinks it's a real coo, but Mom doesn't much care for the idea.
The idea that Brandon felt relieved wasn't all that flattering - or comforting, for that matter.
He scratched his jaw reflectively and his eyes brightened with an idea.
Don't start acting like it was all my idea.
Her stomach churned at the idea.
Had the idea only been a clever method to gain favors?
What gave you that idea?
There was no point in telling them that riding with Bordeaux hadn't been her idea.
I don't disagree and God knows I have no more idea what's causing these visions but they're ruling his life right now.
God knows who else will hound you if they have any idea of your capabilities.
Martha had no siblings and Quinn had no idea of what might have sprouted from his alien family tree.
I applauded her idea.
He already felt the loss of her calm energy, but he had no idea what to do about it.
When Dean didn't respond—principally because he had no idea what this woman was talking about—she continued.
Soon as this Fitzgerald guy calls with the details, we'll have a better idea of the time frame.
Dean looked at Fred, who had no idea what was going on.
Then she added, "Even though I don't have a flick of an idea what you're talking about."
To be honest, I don't like the idea of a murder going unanswered.
He had no idea of the depth of the gorge or the length of the rope, but he prayed it was sufficient.
Kiera groaned, dreading the idea of a party with so many strangers who were bound to think of her as the women in the bathroom had earlier.
She had the crazy idea you'd be hurt if you saw it.
It wasn't a good idea and they both knew it.
I've got an idea what you want me to do with it.
It was strange, but the idea felt intimate.
His idea of an evening out was dinner and a dance.
The idea of flying was terrifying – and a boat trip surrounded by water for days wasn't very appealing either.
That old idea dates back to prearranged marriages, when the groom had never seen the bride.
In fact, at this point the idea was terrifying.
She should have been relieved, but the idea of putting it off until later wasn't exactly reassuring.
In fact, she had no idea why she cried.
He looked comically resigned to the idea.
For nearly a half hour she struggled with the idea of going to the clinic.
She hadn't said anything to give Josh the idea that Alex would be upset.
The only thing I'm attracted to is his job offer - and the idea of getting out of this gossipy little town.
I guess that's my idea of getting somewhere.
Maybe that's not too good an idea after all.
Seeing her at the diner probably gave him the idea of getting help.
Even as the idea occurred that she would rather have this room, she knew she couldn't ask.
I had no idea it was troubling you.
The idea brought a rush of heat to her neck.
She was wrong, all right - and she had no idea how wrong she was.
She had been reluctant to mention her idea before, but now she was desperate enough to risk his anger.
I put the idea in his head.
Maybe it would be a good idea for you to stay out there a while and find the answers.
It was a good thing Cade was with her, because she had no idea how to get back to the house.
I had no idea where this conversation was going.
I'd have no idea.
I missed Betsy desperately and the idea of a couple of unexpected days with her was inviting, regardless of the reason.
Of course I agreed though I had no idea how I'd accomplish the task and dreaded even trying.
No, nor does Quinn have any idea how or why they are occurring in the first place.
Spring's arrival suggested a garden and Betsy embraced the idea whole heartedly.
Brennan felt Merrill Cooms idea had merit.
Her visions are limited as to time or location and she has no idea when they might disappear.
I had an idea how it made him feel.
Julie says I should just lie and say I don't know him and have no idea who he is.
I needed time to formulate a response to Detective Jackson's questions but I wished I had some idea of the extent of what he knew or had deduced.
The idea of any of us going out to California is another matter.
Going three thousand miles away sounds like a good idea for you folks, even if it's only for a couple of days.
I have no idea where they are.
I had no idea even how to begin.
After examining the various dials and switches on Quinn's machines, I had a fairly clear idea of each; I could turn it on and increase and decrease the settings.
Than an idea struck me; if we were sealed in, why not seal him out?
The idea that Jonny would turn out to be like Talon made her chest clench.
Unnerved by the idea of being somewhere she clearly didn't belong, she opened drawers until she found a pair of shears.
He drew a deep breath, refreshed by the idea of slaughtering six bad guys at one time.
I have no idea what's going on.
The idea of something so horrible happening to him saddened her.
She looked unsettled at the idea of leaving her lab and looked around, as if trying to figure out what to take.
His gut twisted at the idea of never again seeing her bright smile, holding her, smelling her sweet scent.
Any idea what that means?
She was worried about him, and he was touched by the idea she took pity on him when she herself was in more danger than he was.
She wanted to think he was talking about more than her powers, but such an idea was out of the question.
He'd never been human, and he had no idea how long it took for a human body to heal.
Sweetheart, you have no idea.
The ache within her deepened at the idea of trusting someone for the first time in her life, and the energy flowing between them grew more intense.
Their bond felt permanent, and she had no idea what to do about it.
Yet no part of him regretted the idea of chopping them out of the picture completely.
She looked down, both thrilled by the idea of an eternity with the man who made her feel whole and horrified at what her father told her.
The idea he feared anything amazed her.
You have no idea, she mused.
You have no idea what he went through to save you.
She had no idea how his world operated!
This generation has no idea.
She gritted her teeth and turned to go, trying not to think of how jealous the idea of another woman made her.
Looks like it was a good idea bringing you back from the dead after all.
He lifted the chain, kiri's chain, and looked at the identical marks, struck by the idea that he somehow belonged to the same world they did.
Damian's spinning emotions warmed at the idea that Sofia saved him.
Darian didn't resist, and Damian delighted in the idea that the sound of him breathing meant his brother was truly alive.
She backed away, unable to fathom the idea of being trapped with him in Hell for eternity.
The idea made her panic.
She put her hair down to hide the mark, horrified by the idea of belonging to the devil.
She remembered touching Darkyn's chest and feeling aroused by the idea of his hands on her.
Physically at ease with him, she nonetheless had no idea how to talk to a lover who was neither one she chose nor human.
She had no idea if Darkyn sought her out when she was upset because he thought she might be in danger or because he was concerned about her being with her ex.
Deidre had no idea what to say and even less of an idea what exactly happened when the deal was over.
Her hope had been crushed in every other way – except that it stirred once more at the idea there was more to him than she knew.
Her breath caught at the idea of what he did to her, her blood quickening.
But the idea he did want her was almost a relief, another sign he was capable of providing at least some form of affection.
When Dean first introduced himself, the young lady continued with her engaging smile until it became obvious she had no idea what he was saying—even after he sputtered the half-dozen words of Spanish he knew.
I had no idea who you were.
Dean laughed at first at his wife's suggestion, but the more he thought about it, the more the idea had a ring of validity to it.
What in the name of heaven and hell gave you that idea?
No, Dean had no idea what might attract Patsy to drive across the plains.
Any idea what caused the Dawkinses' quick change of heart?
He claimed that he had left Ouray "for business reasons" and had no idea Edith was pregnant.
He ran when Patsy ditched the Buick because she ran and he had no idea what was going on.
We have no more idea whose bones Martha found than when we started.
Now it was open season, as they had no idea of the skeleton's age—provided Jennifer Radisson's report of Josh Mulligan's later death was credible.
In fact, maybe what gave him that idea was what she hadn't said – or done.
Katie had no idea what she had stirred up.
The idea of spending a day without him was unpleasant, but maybe that was what she needed to do.
No doubt he had no idea what his wife was talking about.
Apparently the idea came up when the boys heard it called road apples.
I had no idea how much energy five children would require.
Frankly, the idea of doubling their problems was downright frightening.
He hesitated, probably not liking the idea of leaving that chore to her.
It hadn't occurred to her before, but she didn't much like the idea of traveling this trail alone with Rob.
Other than a healthy concern for his safety, Aaron fit her idea of a typical client.
Inexplicable relief overshadowed the usual annoyance at that idea.
If you have an unwavering commitment to an idea that all things will be good all the time, then that is irrational.
There is no hieroglyph for the word "progress" because the very idea of progress didn't exist.
It may seem intuitive at first glance, this idea that somehow there are only so many jobs and if you replace people with machines, people have fewer jobs.
This idea that there are a finite number of jobs misses the point entirely of what makes a job.
We have eliminated debtors prisons, developed the idea of "women and children first," stigmatized child labor, made accommodations for conscientious objectors, widely adopted freedom of speech and the press and freedom of assembly, and a hundred more.
I didn't hire him and I have no idea what deal you are talking about.
I'd think that would make you even more comfortable with the idea.
Then I had an idea.
The idea of spending her days with the reserved Sofi and cheerful Bianca was surprisingly appealing, though she couldn't help feeling intimidated by their happiness.
No, Martha Boyd had no idea where her mother was nor did she know the woman's destination, presuming Patsy had one.
The idea of watching Darkyn strike her down made him eager to see blood spill.
Wynn watched their exchange, fascinated by the idea of seeing two bloodthirsty deities try to outwit one another.
The idea he'd gone through something like this, and she didn't know to help him made her sad.
Do you have any idea what he could've done to you?
He barely accepted the idea of being mated to a woman who only looked like his ex.
Though he hated the idea, he wasn't about to take any chances this time around.
He hated the idea but understood the necessity, especially after finding the second compass in the hands of demons within a week.
The more he tried to accept the idea, the harder it became to swallow.
He had no idea how many rules she broke in her time as Death.
He liked that idea more than he thought he should.
He had no idea how to interpret the warning.
Any idea why the currents run the direction they do in the lake?
No idea what it'll cost, though.
He had no idea what she wanted on that front.
To complicate matters, he had no idea what shape the underworld was in, if the reports Landon received were correct.
As irritated as he was with Darkyn's words, he was also fascinated by the idea the demon lord who prided himself on preying on the vulnerabilities of others was capable of being offended.
He had no idea what she'd been through the past few days at the hands of Darkyn.
The idea Darkyn voluntarily took a bond to a human when he made a name for himself disobeying his former master … There might be a reason Darkyn hadn't explained it to his mate.
You have no idea how much that makes me hate myself sometimes, he said.
Gabriel said nothing, troubled by the idea of either girl being unable to help herself.
If he had believed in prenuptial agreements, he might have thought her attitude was a good idea.
It was probably a good idea.
He subscribed to the 'pay as you go' idea.
The idea raised hair on the back of her neck.
The idea brought up a tirade.
She offered to watch Destiny overnight and Alex said that might be a good idea.
The idea was nauseating.
Considering the last person she thought might be one of his customers, the idea wasn't all that comforting.
Apparently he found the idea of jail less frightening than the huge dog.
The idea was disturbing.
To her horror, the idea was unpleasant.
Of course, since Lori had hired the man who stabbed him, it might not be a good idea.
Even the doctor had no idea if or how quickly he would return to normal.
It was time to talk to someone, but the idea of talking to a councilor was almost as uncomfortable as talking to no one.
The idea of teasing him with her body was a little frightening, but if that was what it took...
But the idea was shock therapy.
Obviously she had no idea what he was thinking when it came to that type of thing.
But why would he do that when he was the one who came up with the communication idea?
I'm exploring the idea of seeing a specialist in Houston I heard about.
If you think the specialist might be able to help you, I think it would be a good idea to go.
It sounds like a good idea.
Like adoption, maybe she would warm to the idea.
Deidre stopped in the middle of the busy sidewalk, too angry at the idea of losing her friend and doctor to care when someone jostled by her.
He'd wanted to tell her not to go to the beach with Logan, to spend the weekend with him instead of some stupid human that had no idea how to appreciate a woman like her.
The heat of his body sank through her clothes, and the idea of his hot skin pressed to hers made her lower belly burn.
Or maybe, he wanted to get rid of his own regret at the idea of taking such a sweet soul, someone who might've been a kindred spirit in a different time and place.
Do you have any idea how much this gym cost to set up?
Gabe nodded, forced to admit he no longer had any idea how to fix whatever was broken in Death's domain.
She hadn't planned on jumping off her building, but the events of this night made the idea more appealing than having her head severed from her body or ending up a pile of bones in a bathtub.
The idea she'd hidden it somewhere he couldn't find was driving him mad, along with the scent of the human blood coating the walls of the far bedroom.
Panic stirred at the idea of Gabriel dragging her to some freakish underworld.
You have no idea how much of a difference that made to me and probably to the rest of your patients.
God help me, I have no idea.
She had no idea what this meant.
She watched the cave swallow Rhyn, unsettled by the idea of moving between places via the shadow world.
I assume she knew she'd need something from me, except she had no idea who I was when we met again.
Furious at the idea, Gabe began to wonder how the reincarnated Deidre made it this far without being slaughtered by one of her many enemies.
Struck by an idea, Deidre sat up.
More sense than the idea she was a deity for thousands of years.
She hadn't intended not to return to Wynn's, but the idea of keeping him safe, too, made her feel a little less guilty about sneaking out on him.
The idea she had a choice was strangely empowering.
Though in hindsight, I have no idea if that was good or not, she said.
The idea of waking up to him each morning reminded her of how centered, energized and at peace she'd been after their first night together.
Distressed by the idea, she found herself standing before the French doors again, looking at the green haze over the forest.
She had no idea what to do with herself or where to go.
I had no idea she cared enough about me to break so many rules.
I don't think that's a good idea.
You don't want to die, but the idea of living terrifies you as well.
The idea infuriated him.
Andre had another idea, one that might increase the chances of success, based on ancient myths from the time-before-time.
The idea of this being my new reality terrifies me.
You have no idea how much I want you.
I've lived with the idea of dying for so long, I'm kinda freaked out by the alternative, she admitted.
Her courage almost gave out at the idea of walking into the devil's personal hangout.
You have no idea what you've done, Deidre.
Do you have any idea who you're talking to?
Still have an idea of what Kiki and Tamer are doing but no idea what Erik is doing.
She didn't want to think of him watching her bathe naked; the idea made her body thrum with something she didn't want to feel.
She had no idea what he wanted.
His brother had no idea the depth of emotion even a half-demon could feel.
Rhyn had become like a brother to him, and the idea of killing his mate reopened wounds that hadn.t bled since he stood in this place thousands of years before.
You have no idea how my family works.
He preferred this idea, except that it would mean he.d be defending her from Dark One.s minions and demons every minute of the rest of their lives together.
What wasn.t your idea?
He was unfazed by the idea that traumatized her.
Another idea emerged from his dark thoughts, and he trotted out of the secretary.s office and to Katie.s chamber.
Hannah saw nothing but the gilded world around her; she had no idea about the dark underside to the Immortal world.
The idea of bringing a new life into such a horrific world made her feel sick.
He could buy an assassination, but part of him preferred the idea of handling family matters within the family.
A new idea struck, and he looked down at his bloodied body.
No one challenged him, for the Immortals had no idea what he.d done.
She wondered if Kris would check on her then dismissed the idea he.d seek her out for any reason.
I bet this was his idea, wasn't it?
The idea was absurd, even for someone as chauvinistic as Romas.
The idea scared her.
Her ill-planned idea was unraveling again, this time at a much more alarming pace.
The idea of being stuck on some strange planet made her want to panic and run screaming for the first spaceship she found.
Your sisters don't like the idea either, but I would really like to go with you.
He chose to overlook the idea of his nishani cursing like a man at battle.
She gazed around A'Ran's bedroom, conflicted with the idea that her choice would mean she never saw her home, her family again.
His face was in her thoughts, and the idea of never seeing him again crushed her as surely as colliding with the planet would.
Romas said I was crazy with hormones, but I spoke to someone on the Council who thought it was a good idea.
There were lots of rooming houses but we have no idea how Bird Song was utilized at the turn of the century.
I think you're remaining here is a fine idea.
When Janet told him she was going to home-school Martha, Weller suggested rather firmly it might be a good idea if Martha went back to a more formal setting.
We had no idea it was anything but meaningless scribbles.
Dean supposed this was his idea of being subtle while trying to cut off the open path.
Dean realized from his past experience that being forthcoming and subjecting himself to interrogation without an attorney was naive but the entire idea of his trying to kill Shipton was so ludicrous in his mind, he tended to minimize the seriousness of the situation.
Yes, it's my knife Weller found up there and no, I don't have any idea how it got there.
He added, "I have no idea how she picked my inn."
The idea is as crazy as the rest of this business!
It was as if every fear he'd ever encountered paled before the idea of descending even a few feet closer to the edge that yawned before him.
He had no idea if he possessed the strength to stop his fall once the loosened slack had expired.
Truthfully, Jackson had no idea what the human would do; he just didn't have the heart to tell her.
I have a better idea.
They might get the wrong idea, or worse yet, come back.
I have no idea what you want.
He wanted to scream; he wasn't used to women challenging him this way and had no idea how to turn this around.
Don't be embarrassed, you have no idea how thrilled I am by this.
It was my idea and I'm really hungry.
As they walked to the stable, Jackson asked, "Any idea what car you want to take?"
I have no idea.
Elisabeth, I have no idea how our relationship will weather this.
Hey, that's a great idea.
You have no idea.
You have no idea what kind of magic it holds.
Elisabeth looked up, ready to say, 'That's a great idea.'
She seemed concerned, yet said, "I think that's a great idea."
We have no idea which direction they headed.
He had no idea how long it would take her to regain consciousness, or, if even then, she would be strong enough to free herself, yet he saw no other option.
Working for someone else wasn't her idea of a career.
I told you it was his idea to come up to see me.
That may be your idea of an ideal relationship, but I had to get away from him if I was going to have a life of my own.
Being bossed around isn't my idea of marital bliss.
The way I figure it, he's more in love with the idea of having a woman worship him than he is with me.
It was pointless to even consider the idea.
You don't have to lock all your doors and windows, but it would be a good idea to stay in the house at night.
Why not ask Dad - unless he was afraid Dad would get the wrong idea.
Did he have any idea how irresistible he was?
She glanced at the book in front of her, an idea forming in her mind.
Strange, but the idea no longer gave her chills.
Yes, I wonder about our idea of civilized sometimes.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
He stared absently at his hand, as if he was mulling that idea over.
I walked up to the door with the idea of rescuing you and found you two . . . well, you can imagine what I thought.
I don't have to work, but haven't you ever considered the idea that I want to work?
Or was that his idea?
The idea was both exciting and painfully disappointing.
But Los Angeles wasn't all of California, and Megan was toying with the idea of opening another office further north.
Megan wanted to go with him and today that sounded like an excellent idea.
Was he excited or scared by the idea?
You have no idea what Xander is.
Even so, she found herself furious at the idea of anyone hurting him.
The idea of him in pain caused the familiar vise around her chest to return.
He put his phone away, more amused by the idea of Jonny waiting for his permission than responding.
The Watchers aren't too keen about Darian's idea.
The idea of anyone hurting her cousins filled her with fury and fear.
The idea that someone hurt Ashley to get to her made Jessi feel guiltier.
Unusually dissatisfied at the idea of releasing a potentially fun prey into the wild, Xander remained a moment longer.
Xander hated the idea of not being in control.
Jessi had no idea what it was with this guy.
Xander didn't like the idea of letting someone who was able to evade him – and possibly connected to Jonny – just leave.
The idea he'd never solve this mystery infuriated him, but not as much as the idea she was able to sneak up on him at will.
He seemed amused, but she had no idea why.
She was unusually pleased by the idea.
Yet the idea he had to be inside her to feel her was intoxicating.
The idea has merit.
You have no idea what I do when you're out.
For some reason, the idea Eden was content after so short a time irritated him.
This time, she had no idea what it meant, until he dipped his head again.
Distressed by her night and overwhelmed by the idea Xander had a softer side, she thought of nothing more than getting home and crawling into bed.
He had no idea if she'd respond or not; he did it more to irritate her than because he was thirsty.
Any idea why she's here?
The idea of Jessi belonging to someone else was unappealing.
Any idea why they're tracking you?
She liked the idea of being special, especially with the hoard of beautiful women in front of her whose perfect bodies left her feeling plain.
She glanced at him, uneasy with the idea she knew something private about Xander.
The idea he'd slept alone last night made her wonder.
The idea he was able to read minds was bizarre; the idea he couldn't read her mind was so satisfying, she was proud of herself.
I have no idea what my alternatives are.
Jessi had no idea what to say.
He knew she was with Jessi and hated the idea for reasons that weren't rational.
I don't have any idea why.
Xander said nothing, uneasy with the idea after Jenn's warning.
I have no idea what to think of you sometimes, she said, frustrated.
No part of him felt the need not to check up on her, not when he had no idea where her loyalties were.
The idea she might really be of interest to someone as enthralling and terrifying as Xander was almost too good to be true.
Hmmm. I have no idea what to think of that.
As much as he hated the idea of being cornered, he began to think there was no walking away.
The idea of spending the day with a vamp instead of Jessi was unappealing.
He hated that idea.
You wanna talk your girl off this crazy idea?
Jessi opened her eyes, still weirded out by the idea of moving between places without moving at all.
Struck by an idea, she piled all the beads into the box before unfastening the clasp on Xander's necklace.
I have no idea how to do that.
Jessi had no idea what Jonny might want with her, unless he intended to kill her as a final penalty.
She had no idea what she was dealing with.
Panic shot through her at the idea of never seeing him again or Ashley or Brandon.
He watched her try to process the idea.
Jessi smiled, surprised to find no part of her disliked the idea of spending a lifetime – or several – with him.
To comprehend the real position we are forced to the conviction that the world of facts is the field in which, and that laws are the means by which, those higher standards of moral and aesthetical value are being realized; and such a union can again only become intelligible through the idea of a personal Deity, who in the creation and preservation of a world has voluntarily chosen certain forms and laws, through the natural operation of which the ends of His work are gained.
But this idea involves the further conception of Leibnitz, that of a pre-established harmony, by which the Creator has taken care to arrange the life of each monad, so that it agrees with that of all others.
The actual result of his personal inquiries, the great idea which lies at the foundation of his philosophy, we know.
What, however, with the idealists was an object of thought alone, the absolute, is to Lotze only inadequately definable in rigorous philosophical language; the aspirations of the human heart, the contents of our feelings and desires, the aims of art and the tenets of religious faith must be grasped in order to fill the empty idea of the absolute with meaning.
The native idea, which may be true, is that the shorter period occurs in the case of female and the longer in that of male calves.
The conclusion that each element had a definite atomic weight, peculiar to it, was the new idea that made his speculations fruitful, because it allowed of quantitative deduction and verification.
The above gives some idea of the evidence that has been accumulated in favour of the laws of chemical combination, laws which can be deduced from the atomic theory.
The following is the general idea derived from these researches.
Vico may have derived from Grotius the idea of natural law; but his discovery of the historic evolution of law was first suggested to him by his study of Roman law.
Having once formulated his idea, he made it more general in order to apply it to the history of all nations.
It has been replied that these cycles are similar without being identical, and that, if one might differ from another, the idea of progress was not necessarily excluded by the law of cycles.
Pasteur first formulated the idea that bacteria are responsible for the diseases of fermented liquids; the corollary of this was a demand for pure yeast.
After the fall of Rome he left the city at the head of 4000 volunteers, with the idea of joining the defenders of Venice, and started on that wonderful retreat through central Italy pursued by the armies of France, Austria, Spain and Naples.
These will suffice to give a general idea of the mean values met with.
By some such process of reasoning as this must the idea of changing the succession to the throne, by setting aside Alexius, have first occurred to the mind of Peter the Great.
Gradually there would arise the idea of proportionate punishment, of which the characteristic type is the lex talionis, 1 " an eye for an eye."
A general idea of the construction of the machine can be gathered from fig.
Nevertheless the idea of the value of improving breeds is gaining ground.
It is said that he contemplated the conquest of India and that he was the first to conceive the idea of the Suez Canal.
It is at this period that Ranke believes Maximilian to have entertained the idea of a universal monarchy; but whatever hopes he may have had were shattered by the death of his son Philip and the rupture of the treaty of Blois.
A breach with pope Julius followed, and at this time Maximilian appears to have entertained, perhaps quite seriously, the idea of seating himself in the chair of St Peter.
For an instant Descartes seems to have concurred in the plan of purchasing a post at Chatellerault, but he gave up the idea, and settled in Paris (June 1625), in the quarter where he had sought seclusion before.
We find that all our ideas of limits, sorrows and weaknesses presuppose an infinite, perfect and ever-blessed something beyond them and including them, - that all our ideas, in all their series, converge to one central idea, in which they find their explanation.
We have therefore the idea of an infinite, perfect and all-powerful being - an idea which cannot be the creation of ourselves, and must be given by some being who really possesses all that we in idea attribute to him.
But the ordinary idea of God can scarcely be identified with such a conception.
The disturbing conditions of will, life and organic forces are eliminated from the problem; he starts with the clear and distinct idea of extension, figured and moved, and thence by mathematical laws he gives a hypothetical explanation of all things.
The idea of force is one of those obscure conceptions which originate in an obscure region, in the sense of muscular power.
In doing what he did, Descartes actually exemplified that reduction of the processes of nature to mere transposition of the particles of matter, which in different ways was a leading idea in the minds of Bacon, Hobbes and Gassendi.
Reason is in his idea not the individual reason, but the fountain of natural truth, whose chief channels are the various systems of heathen philosophy, and more especially the thoughts of Plato and the methods of Aristotle.
In the circular form it constitutes a natural and even primitive use of the idea of a crown, modified by an equally simple idea of the emanation of light from the head of a superior being, or by the meteorological phenomenon of a halo.
That God is love and that the purpose of His love is the moral organization of humanity in the "Kingdom of God" - this idea, with its immense range of application-.-is applied in Ritschl's initial datum.
Once more, in the doctrine of sin and redemption, the governing idea is God's fatherly purpose for His family.
Everything is defined by the idea of the family.
So, anyway, that's the idea.
In recent years attempts have been made by Albanians resident abroad to propagate the national idea among their compatriots at home; committees have been formed at Brussels, Bucharest, Athens and elsewhere, and books, pamphlets and newspapers are surreptitiously sent into the country.
The theological interest which attaches to the idea of the preAaronic king-priest in these typical applications is practically independent of the historical questions suggested by the narrative of Gen.
The idea of these meetings was first suggested in a letter to the archbishop of Canterbury by Bishop Hopkins of Vermont in 1851, but the immediate impulse came from the colonial Church in Canada.
Napier's priority in the publication of the logarithms is unquestioned and only one other contemporary mathematician seems to have conceived the idea on which they depend.
When ministers and elders are associated in the membership of a church court their equality is admitted; no such idea as voting by orders is ever entertained.
They were unanimous in adopting the idea of a church in which all the members were priests under the Lord Jesus, the One High Priest and Ruler; the officers of which were not mediators between men and God, but preachers of One Mediator, Christ Jesus; not lords over God's heritage, but ensamples to the flock and ministers to render service.
Its basic idea is that the state had no right to interfere with the religion of its citizens.
We have no information regarding Jerusalem during the period of the captivity, but fortunately Nehemiah, who was permitted to return and rebuild the defences about 445 B.C., has given a fairly clear description of the line of the wall which enables us to obtain a good idea of the extent of the city at this period.
The writings of Josephus give a good idea of the fortifications and buildings of Jerusalem at the time of the siege, and his accurate personal knowledge makes his account worthy of the most careful perusal.
The belief in human immortality in some form is almost universal; even in early animistic cults the germ of the idea is present, and in all the higher religions it is an important feature.
In the Phaedo the main argument up to which all the others lead is that the soul participates in the idea of life.
The network of streams forming the tributaries of the Darling and Murray system give an idea of a well-watered country.
But this gives no correct idea of the true character of the Darling, for it can hardly be said to drain its own watershed.
It was this remarkable fact which first led to the idea that, as the rainfall could not be accounted for either by evaporation or by the river discharge, much of the 90% unaccounted for must sink into the ground, and in part be absorbed by some underlying bed-rock.
They have no idea of decimals.
None of them has an idea of what the West calls morality, except the simple one of right or wrong arising out of property.
The only idea of a god known to be entertained by them seems to be that of the Euahlayi and Kamilaori tribe, Baiame, a gigantic old man lying asleep for ages, with his head resting on his arm, which is deep in the sand.
An article in the Spectator of the 17th of February 1883, by Lord Justice Bowen, gives perhaps the best idea of Smith's extraordinary personal qualities and influence.
This work struck de Lesseps's imagination, and gave him the idea of piercing the African isthmus.
This idea, moreover, was conceived in circumstances that were to prepare the way for its realization.
Although this idea had often been expressed by others, and by Seward himself in his speech of 1848, yet he was severely criticized, and four days later he sought to render this statement innocuous also.
Apart from God, the finite being has no reality, and we only have the idea of it from God.
Geulincx's idea of life is "a resigned optimism."
Not merely as exemplifying the tactical envelopment, but also as embodying the central idea of grand strategy, was Worcester the prototype of Sedan.
From the epistles of Paul, who thanked God that he spake with tongues more than all or any of his Corinthian converts, we can gather a just idea of how he regarded this gift and of what it really was.
It will give some idea of the importance of the town to mention that it had its own maritime law, known as Droit maritime de Damme.
When reason rises to the conception of universal order, when actions are submitted, by the exercise of a sympathy working necessarily and intuitively to the idea of the universal order, the good has been reached, the true good, good in itself, absolute good.
But he does not follow his idea into the details of human duty, though he passes in review fatalism, mysticism, pantheism, scepticism, egotism, sentimentalism and rationalism.
He had a distinguished career at the gymnasium of his native town, and on leaving desired to devote himself to astronomy, but abandoned the idea in deference to his father's wishes.
A king's thegn was a person of great importance, the contemporary idea being shown by the Latin translation of the words as comes.
The idea, however, did not spread until, in 1261, Jacob Pantaleon, archdeacon of Liege, ascended the papal throne as Urban IV.
Valentinian attacked them at Solicinium (Sulz in the Neckar valley or Schwetzingen) with a large army, and defeated them with great slaughter, but his own losses were so considerable that he abandoned the idea of following up his success.
In 1836 Cooke, to whom the idea appears to have been suggested by Schilling's method, invented a telegraph in which an alphabet was worked out by the single and combined movement of three needles.
The electrical condition of the cable was then excellent, but unfortunately the electrician in charge, Wildman Whitehouse, conceived the wrong idea that it should be worked by currents of high potential.
The idea was that variations of the primary current would create electromotive force in the secondary circuit which would act through the air condenser formed by the two plates.
His fundamental idea - the interruption of the current - was a fatal mistake, which was not at the time properly understood.
The suggestion of Bourseul and the experiments of Reis are founded on the idea that a succession of currents, corresponding in number to the successive undulations of the pressure on the membrane of the transmitting instrument, could reproduce at the receiving station sounds of the same character as those produced at the sending station.
Almost simultaneously with Berliner, Edison conceived the idea of using a variable resistance transmitter.
The idea of automatic telephony is to substitute for the operator of the manual exchange an electromechanical or other switching system, which, controlled in its movement by the action of the subscriber, will automatically select, connect and disconnect circuits as desired.
Several schemes embodying this idea have been developed, and one of them has been put into extensive operation.
Though Matthias's policy was so predominantly occidental that he soon abandoned his youthful idea of driving the Turks out of Europe, he at least succeeded in making them respect Hungarian territory.
It is one of the strongest instances furnished by history of the fascination exercised by an idea that the Italians themselves should have grown to glory in this dependence of their nation upon Caesars who had nothing but a name in common with the Roman Imperator of the past.
The new-born idea of Italian unity, strengthened by a national pride revived on many a stricken field from Madrid to Moscow, was a force to be reckoned with.
Menotti, for his part, conceived the idea of a united Italian state under the duke.
These various movements proved in the first place that the masses were by no means ripe for revolution, and that the idea of unity, although now advocated by a few revolutionary leaders, was far from being generally accepted even by the Liberals; and, secondly, that, in spite of the indifference of the masses, the despotic governments were unable to hold their own without the assistance of foreign bayonets.
It was now evident that the federal idea was impossible, for none of the princes except Victor Emmanuel could be trusted, and that unity and freedom could not be achieved under a republic, for nothing could be done without the Piedmontese army, which was royalist to the core.
As neither the Sardinian nor the Austrian government seemed disposed to yield, the idea of a congress had to be abandoned.
It was a revival of the old impossible federal idea, which would have left Italy divided and dominated by Austria and France.
At the beginning of August 1881 the Austrian press mooted the idea of a visit from King Humbert to the emperor Francis Joseph.
By the end of September the idea had gained such ground in Italy that the visit was practically settled, and on the 7th of October Mancini informed Robilant (who was then in Italy) of the fact.
Unfortunately in the case of Signor Sonnino public opinion expected too much and did not take to the idea of such a compromise.
But here he used the term " real " somewhat unguardedly, for in his Defence he asserts a real presence, but defines it as exclusively a spiritual presence; and he repudiates the idea that the bread and wine were " bare tokens."
He observes with truth that Natural Theology, if you remove from it the idea of subordination to Christianity as (claiming to be) a special revelation, tends to pass into a philosophy of religion.
God, for Pure Reason, is an illegitimate personification of the idea of perfected experience (" Ideal of Pure Reason ").
Those Ideas according to which all reality is objectively shaped - and therefore too, as a modern would add, subjectively construed - include the idea of the Good, which Plato identifies with God.
Yet it is a very grave question whether the idea of God's moral government admits of being argued as pure matter of fact.
Muller tried to show that even sense experience throws us on the Infinite - which for him was the kernel of the idea of God.
A more entirely novel and more general principle of Kant's attack upon theism is the challenge of our right to build up the idea of God bit by bit out of different arguments.
There is no idea of government, but in each sept there is a head, who has attained that position by degrees on account of some tacitly admitted superiority and commands a limited respect and some obedience.
None of the tribes ever ventures out of sight of land, and they have no idea of steering by sun or stars.
It is vain, therefore, to look for clearly defined and systematic presentations of the idea among ancient writers.
As long as the problem was conceived in this simple manner there was, of course, no room for the idea of a necessary self-conditioned evolution.