Icon Sentence Examples
The icon was carried further, accompanied by the throng.
Her brother would have taken the icon, but she stopped him.
Andrew, I bless you with this icon and you must promise me you will never take it off.
This icon of the Venerable Sergius, the servant of God and zealous champion of old of our country's weal, is offered to Your Imperial Majesty.
Clicking on the desktop icon labeled 'Carmen' she started reading.
The Easter bunny is a beloved icon of the holiday.
What will become of us if she dies, as I always fear when her face is like that? thought he, and placing himself before the icon he began to say his evening prayers.
Well, he took that icon home with him for a few days and what did he do?
Click on the icon to download a free copy.
She did not venture to ask any questions, and shut the door again, now sitting down in her easy chair, now taking her prayer book, now kneeling before the icon stand.
AdvertisementTomorrow after dinner I shall take the Iberian icon of the Mother of God to the wounded in the Catherine Hospital where we will have some water blessed.
His father keeps a cookshop here by the Stone Bridge, and you know there was a large icon of God Almighty painted with a scepter in one hand and an orb in the other.
The soldiers who had carried Prince Andrew had noticed and taken the little gold icon Princess Mary had hung round her brother's neck, but seeing the favor the Emperor showed the prisoners, they now hastened to return the holy image.
Boris Drubetskoy, brushing his knees with his hand (he had probably soiled them when he, too, had knelt before the icon), came up to him smiling.
Click on the printer icon to print the document.
AdvertisementPrince Andrew did not see how and by whom it was replaced, but the little icon with its thin gold chain suddenly appeared upon his chest outside his uniform.
In her snug room, with lamps burning before the icon stand, a young lad with a long nose and long hair, wearing a monk's cassock, sat on the sofa beside her, behind a samovar.
When the service was over, Kutuzov stepped up to the icon, sank heavily to his knees, bowed to the ground, and for a long time tried vainly to rise, but could not do so on account of his weakness and weight.
To search click on the magnifying glass icon in the selector box.
She crossed herself, kissed the icon, and handed it to Andrew.
AdvertisementAbout the middle of the Arbat Street, near the Church of the Miraculous Icon of St. Nicholas, Murat halted to await news from the advanced detachment as to the condition in which they had found the citadel, le Kremlin.
He is currently dating actress/singer Katie Cassidy, daughter of 1970s icon, David Cassidy.
The issue of the struggle was not a complete victory even in Byzantium for the partisans of image-worship. The iconoclasts left an indelible impress on the Christian art of the Greek Church, in so far as they put an end to the use of graven images; for the Eastern icon is a flat picture, less easily regarded than would be a statue as a nidus within which a spirit can lurk.
They will then be prompted to enter the password you assigned them before an icon of your shared folder appears on their desktop.
Good time gal and fashion icon model, Lizzie has launched to super star fame at the tender age of 20!
AdvertisementOnce upon a time, a ' fan ' was a quasi-religious worshipper of an icon with a silly haircut.
On running SilverFast, from the desktop icon, the application instantly shut down.
There's also a padlock icon on the toolbar to do the same thing.
If an update for MDaemon is present you will see the tray icon flash and an email will be sent to the postmaster.
The group chose to use the icon of batman, a brooding psychotic loner, to represent them in this.
Behind them soldiers and officers bore a large, dark-faced icon with an embossed metal cover.
The crowd round the icon suddenly parted and pressed against Pierre.
Find the My Computer icon on the Desktop and right click it.
The Playboy Mansion is also a well-known celebrity home that has been an icon of Playboy magazine and owner Hugh Hefner.
Whitney Port, one of the most likeable characters on The Hills, moved from the warm and sunny west coast to pursue a job with famed fashion icon Diane Von Furstenburg in New York.
Double-click the shortcut icon that we just put on the desktop.
Click on the Source selector icon to open the Data Source Selector popup window.
Click on the ' report .pdf ' icon in the left margin to download a pdf of the full report free of charge.
How To 1 To access this option, click the Aliases / Forwarding icon on the main screen of your cPanel interface.
The 3D icon driven menu system is a breeze to use and the color screen makes navigating around the player extremely intuitive.
The resulting icon will join the other single-click launchers at the bottom of your screen.
New items can be added to a shopping list at any time where you see the Add to Shopping List icon.
To view a complete listing of the library, click the PDF icon below.
Icon list Shows the low-resolution C20 images, all displayed together (in order of increasing radio luminosity ).
It represents Sinai on the back, traditional icon scenes, but it is not entirely orthodox in type.
For such a world icon the study of handaxes has remained curiously parochial.
Tower Bridge is instantly recognizable - a London sight, icon even, that most of us will be able to relate to.
This is used by the visual schnauzer, which needs to load images when it generates icon files.
Hitting the ' square ' icon will enlarge the window to fill the whole screen.
The pride of the collection, and College icon, is a monumental sculpture by Barbara Hepworth.
Click on the Source selector icon to open the Data Source selector icon to open the Data Source Selector popup window.
When you delete a shortcut, it only deletes the icon which stores the location to the file or program.
You now have a desktop shortcut with a special mail icon.
To save a spreadsheet select File Save or click the Save icon on the Standard toolbar.
Select the Pen icon and the Master icon to alter the tempo along the tracks.
It now supports alpha transparency and dropping a draw file onto the Paint icon produce a bitmap of the file contents.
Elle Driver is one vicious bitch that could so easily become a screen icon in the echelons of screen villainy.
Andrew understood, crossed himself and kissed the icon.
She saw him tender and amused as he was when he put on the little icon.
I saw it myself, master, the star is fixed into the icon.
How did the star get into the icon?
The hot rays of the sun beat down vertically and a fresh soft wind played with the hair of the bared heads and with the ribbons decorating the icon.
An immense crowd of bareheaded officers, soldiers, and militiamen surrounded the icon.
Standing among the crowd of peasants, Pierre recognized several acquaintances among these notables, but did not look at them--his whole attention was absorbed in watching the serious expression on the faces of the crowd of soldiers and militiamen who were all gazing eagerly at the icon.
Someone, a very important personage judging by the haste with which way was made for him, was approaching the icon.
The count was the first to rise, and with a loud sigh crossed himself before the icon.
To purchase an item select the Add To Shopping Basket icon for the...
Ramblers Holidays are proud to fly with this true British icon.
A spanner icon will bring up the rigging guide.
Windows can be closed by hitting the ' small cross ' icon in the top right corner of the window.
Create a desktop shortcut icon or a desktop menu alias.
Mini Performance Manual by Tim Munday The ' classic ' Mini is a sixties icon that remained in production for 40 years.
There is a small slider bar icon marked ' W ' or ' T ' at either end to show position on the screen.
Bitmaps are used in X for defining clipping regions, cursor shapes, icon shapes, and tile and stipple patterns.
Home 7.5 Icons An icon is a stylized representation of an object.
Strings Parts of Icon strings are accessed using the subscript operator.
The current conditions can be quickly viewed by holding your mouse pointer over the Weather Watcher system tray icon.
During the last few years his image has spread throughout Italy as the most important and venerated icon of Italian Catholicism.
Street Cry 's yearling sales results paralleled the respect deserved of the Grade One icon.
Local is a feature on the Yahoo! search engine that allows you to find carpet showrooms and dealers near you by simply entering your address or zip code in the allotted field and clicking on the "search" icon.
Click on the "birthstone jewelry" icon to find out which stone represents each month of the year!
You can determine how much memory your machine has now by opening the Control Panel and selecting the "System" icon.
In addition, each book has an icon on its cover that indicates its reading level.
Martha Stewart has always been the home goddess and style icon.
Still an American Icon, their makeup is sold in over 175 countries across the globe.
While you may not yet be familiar with Britney Spears' perfume, you've most likely heard of Britney Spears, the pop icon.
Pop icon Gwen Stefani has many passions and talents, and makeup is just one of them.
Style icon and former supermodel Iman launched her own line of namesake cosmetics that are available at specialty beauty retailers such as Ulta and mass market stores such as Target.
Instead of starting with "http," a secure site's URL will start with "https." Depending on your web browser, an icon that looks like a locked padlock may also appear to show that you're on a secure website.
You can identify a secure transaction by a padlock icon appearing at the checkout page - either at the bottom of your browser window or next to the URL.
Then there are others that exist to just sit there - like an icon.
By clicking an icon of a food bowl you can feed your favorite electronic pup.
All you need do to get your dog the right amount of rest is click an icon of a bed.
This is represented by a "running man" icon.
Click on the PDF icon below to print out a worksheet in which you can see some of the best questions to ask as well as add your own and write some notes when you do meet with directors or talk to them on the phone.
He's also got his own line of clothing under the label William Rast, and has become a men's fashion icon in his own right.
Take for instance the dynamic RuPaul, who has became a pop icon as a drag queen.
He eventually fought his way out of a life of crime to become a popular music icon who commands much respect from just about everyone but his fellow rap artists.
During the 2011 event, Gaga was give the Fashion Icon award.
Oprah Winfrey is well known for becoming a media icon over the years.
Whitney Port, one of the most likeable characters on The Hills moved from the warm and sunny west coast to pursue a job with famed fashion icon Diane Von Furstenburg in New York.
Reports state that he's in the process of gaining the weight needed to fill the much larger pants of the comedic icon.
One of the highlights is an "icon archive" that stores small headshots of Lovato for people to use as their icons or avatars on forums or social networking sites.
She was an icon in Hollywood for many years, and today, many fans are wondering, "Where is Doris Day now?"
You won't find many young actors near the top of the list, and the number one spot goes to icon Marlon Brando.
These dancing bears have become a code within the "Deadhead" community, but most avid fans understand that the dancing bear icon was made famous due to the band's sound engineer's early childhood nickname, "Bear".
That simple, easily recognizable icon helps customers identify the brand and come to associate it with the quality and service they desire.
Click on the buoy icon that reads, "Get on Board."
This icon of overtly commercial sexuality had its heyday in the 1950s, but the history of the striptease reaches as far back as the nineteenth century.
Hello Kitty belly rings are the latest in a long line of products bearing this cultural icon's likeness.
Gemstone designs with emeralds, diamonds, rubies, or other gems as accents to the claddagh or integrated into the icon as the heart, a part of the crown, or some other detail.
Claddagh bracelet silver Celtic jewelry comes in a wide range of styles featuring this popular Irish icon, making it suitable for many different styles of jewelry and types of relationships.
Some religious icon medals are also used as fobs for keyrings.
Children can often surprise you in the strength of their young faith, and a religious icon locket may be the ideal gift, especially if you're commemorating a religious ceremony or holiday.
This intricate interweaving of braids and knots is a classic icon of Celtic history and is often found in jewelry pieces, especially rings.
The crossis a universal Christian icon that symbolizes the crucifixion and resurrection by Jesus, the Christ.
It developed over the course of the Christian religion as an icon associated with love, devotion, and salvation.
Panama Hat with Icon Ornaments is a dark grey natural straw hat with multi-color enamel and gold hardware.
If there's one cultural icon that has remained "cool" over the past sixty years, it's the men's blue jean-and discount mens designer blue jeans allow an individual to embrace that look for less.
Pacific Plex offers a stunning Marilyn satin halter dress inspired by the icon's original style.
To be sure the site is secure, look for a small locked padlock icon (often located in the right corner of the browser window) or check for "https" instead of "http" in the URL.
You can choose your frame color, lens color, and the color of the icon.
Guess is a fashion icon for modern youth.
By 1947, the Gucci icon was widely recognized.
Technically, the definition of retro is any outdated style that has become a fashion icon because of its uniqueness or rarity.
Buddy Holly's somewhat "nerdy" black framed glasses have become a retro-chic icon.
They have become an icon of style and fashion.
Just tap the icon and your character will dance with joy, blush, sing, and more.
You can also turn off your system when the Someone's Leaving icon starts flashing.
These can come from companies like Icon, Intec, and more.
After a few strikes, your melee combat icon in the lower right corner will power up, allowing you to de deliver a slower, yet more powerful and also unblockable strike.
This is indicated by the small icon(s) next to the rating.
Drag the correct icon to the programming box and tell it which way to move, how fast and how far.
Locate the Mythical Skull in the Sacred Icon level.
Using the drag and drop icon interface, you can make any type of game in mere minutes.
Each time you beat one of the computer's characters you gain that character's icon and skin, which can be played in (most) any mode of the game.
Unlockable looks will put you in the mood to change your character icon often and the increasingly interesting personality of each one will keep you competing for places on the high score board.
Optionally, you can hold the B button, select your Mii with the A button and drag it to the Edit Mii icon.
If you are not on the initial screen with your nickname and gender, then click the very first icon in the upper left corner.
As the computer is highlighted, press down and a picture icon will appear.
The "sun" icon on the left adjusts the brightness (DS Lite only).
The center icon, which looks like a small DS, activates the settings menu (described below).
The right icon, which looks like a small clock, is used to turn the alarm function on and off.
The settings menu is accessed by tapping the DS icon on the bottom of the main menu's touchscreen.
If he does it correctly, touch the training icon and say "laying jump".
Quickly touch the training icon and say "backflip".
Tap that training icon and say "handstand", you'll definitely want to repeat this trick!
Touch the training icon and say "spin" to start learning the trick.
Then, touch the training icon and say "sneeze".
Simply touch the training icon while your puppy is in this mood and say something like "wag" or "butt".
Catch the training icon quickly and you can teach your dog to howl!
Touch the training icon and say the trick's name.
Touch that training icon and say "roll".
Touch the training icon and say "chase"!
Quickly tap the training icon and say "stand".
Furthermore, on the VS screen, there is an icon corresponding to each pairing.
Then, the dance icon will shift over to you and you have to remember the sequence and perform it.
Interestingly, it seems that his character is loosely based on the professional wrestling icon Hulk Hogan.
For specific character actions, it puts up a face icon to let you know which one needs to do something.
Return to "Live" mode and click on the Sim's icon, which should now feature a red "X" inside of a red circle.
Along the right side, there is an icon that looks like a Wii Remote.
Select the icon that looks like an envelope along the right side.
After playing the latest hot title on your next-generation system, you may decide it would be a great idea to personalize your AIM with an icon that shows off your favorite character.
To help take out the guesswork, LTK Video Games has located some great sources for your icon needs.
At the time this article was written, the Wii News Channel had not yet been launched, but a placeholder icon is shown on the Wii main menu.
If your user profile (shown as a driver's license) is used to play with the Wii Wheel often enough, your online name will be highlighted with a Wii Wheel icon during online races.
Go to the Mii plaza and select the '''Transfer Mii'' icon.
The invention of this American icon has been sometimes attributed to Ben Franklin; however there is nothing to support that theory.
In this way, the icon or logo associated with your call history, calendar, calculator, settings, and so forth in the cell phone's main menu can mesh with the overall theme you will have running on your handset.
Simply tap on the icon of an application to launch it, tap on a field to enter text, and so forth.
Locate the app icon, like Facebook for iPhone, and then press and hold your finger on the app's icon until it starts to jiggle.
While in "jiggle" mode, the app icon can then be dragged and dropped anywhere on the current home screen or even carried over to other home screens.
Instead of giving a separate home screen icon to each of these web apps, they can be combined into WebApps and accessed accordingly.
Simply click on the appropriate App Store icon on your iPhone's home screen and you'll be launched into the online marketplace.
If it doesn't, open it manually by double-clicking the iTunes icon on your computer.
If you experience any problems with iTunes or syncing your iPhone, click the restore icon on your iTunes summary screen.
Similarly, the Marketplace icon will show when an update is available for an installed application.
Hold your finger on the icon for the app.
The only difference is that, in addition to navigating to the app screen where the app you want to delete is located, you'll also need to open the app folder so that the icon for the app becomes fully visible.
After that, you go through the same process of tapping and holding on the app icon to enter "wiggle" mode, clicking on the "X" button, and tapping on the "delete" button to confirm.
The elephant as an icon has been borrowed from Indian and Thai cultures.
Many people believe the white elephant is a Chinese icon when in fact the mythology surrounding such a rare occurrence in nature comes from Thailand.
If it finds a possible match, it will notify you by placing a leaf icon next to the individual's name.
Hair lovers and stylists all over the world are familiar with trend-setting hair icon John Frieda.
While you decide, practice filling in your brows, and take cues from the stunning movie icon beauties of the 1940s.
This beauty icon can add author and actor to his resume, too.
Turn any page in a fashion or gossip magazine, and you're bound to see fashion icon Victoria Beckham sporting her posh bob.
There is a help icon on each screen, which is beneficial for guiding users throughout the intricacies of the different modules.
An eye icon is used to indicate a change in viewpoint for the particular origami diagram.
As the daughter of Hollywood icon Jayne Mansfield and Hungarian bodybuilder Mickey Hargitay, Mariska is no stranger to life in the limelight.
The next time you find yourself driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, take a second to remember these great people whose vision was responsible for this breathtaking icon.
High designers understand that it's not just an article of clothing but the entire ensemble that makes for a memorable icon.
Speaking of sophistication, you'll be hard-pressed to find a pair of board shorts more sophisticated than the "Icon".
As long as there are beautiful models, fantastic swimwear, and sunny shores, there will be a market for this icon of popular culture.
Bettie Page has achieved icon status, and her photographs are as sexy today as in the 1950s.
Ganz teddy bears have been around since the 1950s, and are a classic American icon in today's world.
Model and actress Twiggy was one fashion icon who women admired in the 60s and many wanted to copy her look.
If Victoria Beckham is your style icon or you would just love, for one day, to dress like her, then consider the star's many fashion palettes.
There can be no doubt that Victoria Beckham is a style icon who creates her own fashion rules.
Hepburn being the stylish icon she was, she had no trouble making a name for the then-unfamiliar garment.
The most infamous Madonna 80s style belt is, of course, her "Boy Toy" one, but there were so many different styles this pop icon wore during this decade.
Recently, the pop icon designed a line of corset style belts for clothing retail H&M.
The Dust Buster has come to be nearly an icon for Black & Decker, and Dust Buster filters being more innovative than ever before.
Monopoly is the cultural icon that almost never was.
Their signature candle, the Housewarmer jar candle, is an icon that has grown to include hundreds of different scents over the years.
The image of Santa and his reindeer is a classic Christmas icon, but the mistrust that is humorously exaggerated in this song leads us to wonder why we revere a "man who drives a sleigh and plays with elves."
Since his feast day was December 6, he was a natural candidate for becoming an icon of gift giving.
Users enter by clicking on a chat icon and can leave by logging out.
If that's too much information too soon, they also offer the ability to just "flirt" with a small icon such as a little box of chocolates.
Whether a couple is sharing in the culture passed down through generations or is starting their own history with the exchanging of this ring, it is sure to be a treasured icon for many years.
Ever since Princess Diana's engagement ring became a celebrity icon, stunning diamond and sapphire engagement ring designs have been popular with brides-to-be.
After clicking on the advanced search icon, select a distinctive phrase from the article in question.
Although the 20th century proved a playground for emerging high-end designers, Chanel has remained an icon for grace and status.
Although the Chanel signature logo was not present during the early 1900's when Coco pioneered her talents in Western Europe, today's Chanel merchandise is tradmarked by this powerful icon.
She is married to hip-hop icon Russell Simmons who is also the founder of the Baby Phat entity.
The mini contains all the modifications of the Icon, but provides a fraction of the space offered by the larger model.
A Fendi leather gold bag is a fashion icon for fans of wild high-end Italian designers.
Fashion icon Coco Chanel introduced quilted handbags in 1955, and the look has continued, in various forms.
If you're looking for a unique, expressive accessory, an ICON wallet may be just what you're looking for.
In an innovative combination of function and beauty, ICON creates shoes, handbags, wallets and accessories featuring artwork for the ultimate in style.
Launched in 2001, ICON quickly enjoyed success with its innovative concept of wearable art.
With functional designs that show off their unique images, ICON small leather goods and wallets offer the best of both worlds.
Perfect for busy women on the go, the ICON wallet purse can be used as a wallet or alone as a bag/wallet combo.
For the most current design available, visit the ICON website.
You can purchase ICON wallets directly from the ICON website and select shoe stores and boutiques.
Once you click on the icon, roll your mouse over the deck that is already shuffled and spread out.
Since 1959, when Barbie was launched, kids have clamored for this blonde icon of perfection.
Steamboat Willie featured a whistling mouse who would become an icon and a legend ... and Walt Disney Studios was born.
Look for a little icon and the word "Scary" near stories that fit the description of scary as heck.
This level of security will be indicated by the tiny gold lock icon that will appear near the address bar of your browser.
Miley Cyrus is more than just Hannah Montana to youngsters and an icon to teens.
Despite her long-association with daytime icon Erica Kane, Lucci's story extends beyond the soap opera she has called home for more than three decades.
The brunette stunner's extensive tenure on the popular ABC soap has made her an icon in Hollywood, and she is often referred to as the "face of daytime television."
In 2006, Susan Flannery shared screen time with television icon Betty White.
Opened in early 2004, Hart & Huntington Tattoo achieved celebrity status immediately, due to being co-owned by motocross racing icon, and husband of pop star Pink, Carey Hart.
Including the Christian cross in this imagery serves to combine two popular tattoos and to give an updated look to this religious icon.
Pop icon Britney Spears has several tattoo pieces.
The flag, for instance, is an icon of patriotism.
Tiny personalized imagery; this can be any form of icon that is significant for the wearer.
Pop icon Britney Spears' new tattoo didn't make many headlines, but then again, most of Spears' body art rarely sees the camera.
Booklets are available for seven through twelve year old children that explain the history of this American icon in age appropriate text, helping to make learning fun.
Swiss made Mickey Mouse collectible watches are a marriage of the legendary Swiss watchmaking skills and the cheerful American icon.
The Museum watch was designed in 1947 and is regarded as being an icon of modernism.
The distinctive styling, combined with the cuckoo that is an essential part of the clock, makes the clock a design icon.
Since 1928, Mickey Mouse has been a Disney icon.
These yoga mats feature a focal point icon that helps yogis focus during their practices.
The Aurorae Northern Lights Yoga Mat with Golden Sun Focal Icon is made of a safe and biodegradable material that is phthalates free.
A system multi-colored icon displays in full color when all components are working and turns gray if a problem arises.
Clicking the icon opens the AVG Virus Protection control center.
To do this, simply click the diskette icon near the top of the document and navigate to the location where you want to save the document.
Save your work by clicking the diskette icon again.
Also, for items that have no distinct category as of yet, the program offers an unfiled notes section that can be accessed via an icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.
It has become quite the cultural icon as surfer girls and other fashionable women world-wide flaunt it as a statement of their style and lifestyle.
You can check this by looking for the icon of a locked padlock somewhere along the bottom status bar of your Internet browser.
From Buffy to High School Musical, the ideal of the cheerleader has become an icon of American culture.
A Texans cheerleader is an important icon within the football industry.
It's important to remember that a Houston Texans cheerleader is an NFL icon.
Click on the price icon to sort by price and place the free podcasts at the top of the list.
When you see a program that looks interesting, click on arrow icon next to the name of the podcast to view a description, read subscriber comments, and download sample episodes.
Remember that the television screen icon is used to indicate the program is a video podcast.
Jared Fogle is now an advertising icon, but does the diet work?
Simply click on the spell check icon (ABC) in the editing toolbar on any article.
Use the floppy disc icon on the menu bar to save the document.
You can opt to click the printer icon on the toolbar or click the "print button" at the top right of the page.
You can click the printer icon on the toolbar or you can click the "print button" that is featured prominently near the top of the document on the right side of the screen.
To save, click the disk icon located on the document's toolbar.
To save your work at any point while you are completing the form, you will need to click the disk icon in the toolbar.
Just click the disk icon in the toolbar when you are ready to save.
You can save the form by clicking the disk icon near the top of the document.
You can do this by clicking the printer icon or the "print" button located near the top of the form.
Click the diskette icon to save your changes.
Once you're sure your invitation looks good, click the printer icon, select the number you want to print, and click "okay."
Look for the padlock or security icon in your browser's status bar when you call up the page.
If purchasing products manufactured in the USA is an important part of your buying decision, look for their items displaying an American flag icon.
As the oldest clothing retailer in the United States, "Brooks Brothers is an American Icon," according to their company history.
When Strummer died, the world lost a music icon, one who helped to shape the musical landscape for over a quarter of a century.
Check out the setting of the properties for your Limewire program by right clicking on the icon.
The Grease MP3 soundtrack has become a cultural icon, and several generations of high school students have identified with its universal themes of youthful rebellion and teenage heartbreak.
The Frank Sinatra biography is the story of an entertainment icon.
Barney became an international icon for pre-school aged children growing up in the 90s, and the lovable purple Tyrannosaurus Rex is still popular with kids today.
Get to know this fashion icon and working mom a little better.
Weaver's character would go on to appear in three sequels and become an icon to an entire generation of women.
The novels give readers so much insight into all of the characters and focus on Harry's life within his magical world, but on the screen Harry shines brighter than the rest and stands as an icon of a true theatrical and literary hero.
Gays adopted the rainbow as their symbol, and Judy Garland was perhaps the first recognized 'gay icon'.
An unusual entry into our gender-bender category - a novel by Golden Age icon Isaac Asimov, known for years for the chasteness of his prose, The Gods Themselves was published in 1972 and won both the Hugo and the Nebula awards.
Don't feel like everything in your Harry Potter icon has to be centered and full-face.
First, go read 'making your own Harry Potter Icon' to master some of the basics of image manipulation, then come back.
Kirk's character is imbued with some of the characteristics of another sixties icon, British master spy James Bond.
Older systems will also have a monitor icon in their active programs group on the start bar and that can be double clicked.
The animated film was widely well received and emphasized the power of a female icon in the modern, superhero lexicon.
Wonder Woman captured hearts in 1941 and more than seven decades later, she continues to serve as a dedicated icon to the power of women.
What makes Wonder Woman peril so real for her fans is that Wonder Woman is the most powerful female icon in the super hero lexicon.
First airing in 1963, Doctor Who is a British television icon that continually reinvents and renews itself with the concept that the Doctor may "regenerate."
B-9 - This robot, a famous icon from the Lost In Space saga from the 1960s, is a positive vote in favor of the advantages of robotics in the future.
With over 600 magazine covers graced by her beauty, Cindy has long been an icon for both natural and effortless beauty.
Regardless of your interest, the hip hop dancer is the icon of the hip hop world.
The quickest way to do this is first to click on the "browse themes" icon on the left side of the page, near the subheading of "Your Site."
One of them shows your site, and has a little icon showing a snapshot of your site's colors and graphics.
Site Preview - While the icon is small, you can see a lot in terms of color and the general layout of each theme - how much text vs. how much image, where the information is, and more.
Far beyond changing backgrounds, they were able to do things like trick the comments window into being a drawing board, or change the users cursor into an animated holiday icon.
At the bottom of any blog post, you'll notice any icon that's says "Share This," which will allow you to submit your blog posts to social book-marking sites such as Digg and Stumble Upon.
If the blogger wishes, it might also have an RSS feed icon, as well as a "Share This" icon, which allows readers to share your posts on various social networking websites.
At the bottom each YouTube video, you will see a "share this" icon, which allows you to post the video on your MySpace and Facebook pages.
Selecting any of your friends opens up the chat window, which pops up right next to the "Chat" icon.
When you write a blog post, you will notice an icon on the top of the page that shows a small image.
When you find a video that you like, click on the "Share" icon at the bottom of the video.
At the top of the posting page, you'll find an icon that looks like a map.
Clicking on that icon will bring you to a page that allows you to post the URL of the link.
The voice punctuated all of the remarks with a series of elaborate motion graphics put over O'Brien, with images of the Twitter icon bluebird in more and more macabre situations.
One of the first steps is to create your own icon, though, and there is a very handy icon-driven interface to do this - complete with handy arrows pointing to which button to click next.
Click on the link that takes you to the game's page, and then select the "go to the application" icon.
To view these trophies, click on the trophy icon at the bottom of your screen.
The modules that already appear on your page have a smiley face icon above them.
When you've shopped online, you may have noticed a small lock icon in the bottom right corner of the screen stating the website's security and how it has taken measures to protect your personal information.
The most obvious place to search for anything on Facebook is right there at the top of the page, in a simple blank text input box labeled both with the word and also the typical magnifying glass icon.
In the upper right, there is a small icon showing the silhouette of two people, and hovering your mouse over it reveals that this is "Friend Requests."
Back in the Installer window in your web browser, the Arfie icon will ask for permission to complete the installation.
Once the installation completes, you will have a little side dock icon with several basic Yahoo!
Quite a few web designers were thrilled upon learning that their sites had "passed" the awards process, and they quickly published the coveted golden icon.
You will be looking for an icon for a True Type font. which is a blue page with a dog-eared corner and two overlapping Ts in the center.
Mac users may be able to find an Open Type font icon which is an O symbol.
Look for a "True Type Font" icon to see if you have the font.
The website DynamicDrive has many scripts and tools to do all sorts of fun HTML tricks - such as a tool for uploading an image and reducing it to a "FavIcon", a tiny icon that helps brand your website.
With a resigned sigh, she opened the 'Alex' icon and deleted yesterday's message before starting another.
A "sile or sheela na gig" is an Irish icon representing a nude female archetype or fertility goddess.
Admin users will see a brief ballon and system tray icon which allows the updates to be installed before the scheduled time.
To empty the recycle bin quickly, right click on its icon.
To add a bookmark to these channels, click the pencil icon, then click the Add Personal Bookmark / Add External Course buttons.
The American classic Airstream is a design icon and the series follows the renovation of one from rust bucket to a glorious chrome trailer.
To change the clipboard options When the Clipboard task pane is displayed an icon appears in the System Tray on the Taskbar.
Hit a red icon, and Larry will either fart or drop a clunker into the conversation, lowering his confidence.
The main icon in the EMS design is the service icon which uses cogs to representing a service.
Open the collocation function by clicking on the collocation function by clicking on the Collocations icon or by choosing [Collocation] from the [Query] menu.
Perhaps Scotland's cutest icon, these friendly & photogenic coos hide a national secret closely guarded by locals!
Click on the MS Word icon to download a sample copy of the Monthly Outlook.
Double click on the ballad icon on the NT desktop to start the program.
To access the species dossiers click on the PDF icon in each section.
Click the download pdf icon to download pdf icon to download and print... .
Many of today's popular icon compositions can be traced to their origin in the era of the Byzantine empire.
This will copy Presenter and the question files on to the user's hard disk and make an icon to run it from.
Windows files extentions September 2000 Ever wondered how Windows decides which application to run when you double-click an icon?
Click on the Inbox icon to connect Outlook to the mail server.
Once, when in a room with a lamp dimly lit before the icon Theodosia was talking of her life, the thought that Theodosia alone had found the true path of life suddenly came to Princess Mary with such force that she resolved to become a pilgrim herself.
At last he rose, kissed the icon as a child does with naively pouting lips, and again bowed till he touched the ground with his hand.