I-think-so Sentence Examples
Shades of color depend on your personality - at least I think so.
Nor did I think so.
Yes, I think so.
Yeah, I think so.
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Shades of color depend on your personality - at least I think so.
Nor did I think so.
Yes, I think so.
Yeah, I think so.
The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com.
A comma splice is a common grammatical error in English. Writers most often make this mistake when they are trying to "write by ear." It's a common idea that a comma indicates a pause where a reader or speaker should take a breath, but simply adding commas when you feel a break is needed is not a reliable way to make sure you're punctuating your sentences correctly.
The famous French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes (1596-1650), known as the Father of Modern Philosophy, declared "I think therefore I am." Much of his work attempted to defy skepticism, a prominent ideology for the French intellectuals of the day. In addition, much of his philosophical thinking lead him to speculate about the connection between the mind and the body, which is what this quote focuses upon.