I/o Sentence Examples
Another bank i ioo fathoms from the surface runs south from the east end of Crete, separating the Pola Deep from the depths of the Levant basin, in which a depth of 1960 fathoms was recorded near Makri on the coast of Asia Minor.
In the aeneolithic necropolis of Anghelu Ruju, near Alghero, of 63 skulls, 53 belong to the" Mediterranean " dolico-mesocephalic type and i o to a Eurasian brachycephalic type of Asiatic origin, which has been found in prehistoric tombs of other parts of Europe.
In Great Britain the curvature is defined by stating the length of the radius, expressed in chains (i chain=66 ft.), in America by stating the angle subtended by a chord ioo ft.
The cypress doors of the ancient St Peter's at Rome, when removed by Eugenius IV., were about i ioo years old, but nevertheless in a state of perfect preservation.
I 3 Good middling Texas I o Good middling Upland I o Indian Cottons Fine Tinnevelly Fine Bhaunagar Fine Amraoti Fine Broach.
The seed is dropped from a planter, five or six seeds in a single line, at regular intervals i o to 1 2 in.
The establishment of a kingdom in Jerusalem in i ioo was a blow, not only to the Church but to the Normans of Antioch.
There were Genoese ships in St Simeon's harbour in the spring of 1098 and at Jaffa in 1099; in 1099 Dagobert, the archbishop of Pisa, led a fleet from his city to the Holy Land; and in i ioo there came to Jaffa a Venetian fleet of 200 sail, whose leaders promised Venetian assistance in return for freedom from tolls and a third of each town they helped to conquer.
Thus the centi-ampere balance ranges from i to ioo centi-amperes, the deci-ampere balance from i to ioo deci-amperes, the ampere balance from i to ioo amperes, the deka-ampere balance from i to ioo amperes, the hecto-ampere balance from 6 to 600 amperes, and the kilo-ampere balance from ioo to 2500 amperes.
I o.
AdvertisementIn i i i o Hamburg, with Holstein, passed into the hands of Adolph I., count of Schauenburg, and it is with the building of the Neustadt (the present parish .of St Nicholas) by his grandson, Adolph III.
Upon one of these is based the principle of the mariner's compass, which is said to have been known to the Chinese as early as I ioo B.C., though it was not introduced into Europe until more than 2000 years later; a magnet supported so that its axis is free to turn in a horizontal plane will come to rest with its poles pointing approximately north and south.
Similarly the equalities 99 X I o I = 9999 = wow - I 98 X 102 = 999 6 = moo() - 4 97 X 10 3 =9991 =1 0000 - 9 lead up to (A - a) (A+a) = A 2 - a 2.
The levels are supposed to be I o fathoms (60 ft.) apart.
Spring has shown that by compressing a finely divided mixture of i 5 parts of bismuth, 8 parts of lead, 4 parts of tin and 3 parts of cadmium, an alloy is pro duced which melts at ioo C., that is, much below the meltingpoint of any of the four metals.
AdvertisementIt appears tolerably safe to conclude that, whatever errors 'may have affected the determination, the diameter or distance of the particles of water is between the two thousand and the ten thousand millionth of an inch " (= between 125 X I o 8 and 025 X 10 -8 cms.).
The amount of copper removed from silver blanks containing 900 to 925 parts of silver per moo is from o 6 to I o per 1000.
It was considered by Biot to have been originally twenty-four, but to have been enlarged to twenty-eight about i ioo B.C., by the addition of determinants for the solstices and equinoxes of that period.
Gulf of Gabes I o g Lemg.W.of Greenwicir 0 Longitude East of Greenwich B 4 D very complete sequence of formations from the Lias to those of recent date.
About the same time John Machin calculated it correct to Ioo places, and, what was of more importance, gave for the ratio the rapidly converging expression 4 _ I I 5 I 3152+ 5 1 54 - 7 1 5b?.
AdvertisementHe especially owed his celebrity and fortune to his idea of crossing Niagara Falls on a tight-rope, i ioo f t.
Yamdena, the largest island, has an area of about I Ioo sq.
The city is the seat of Marshall College (founded in 1837; a State Normal School in 1867), which in1907-1908had 34 instructors and I ioo students; and of the West Virginia State Asylum for the Incurable Insane; and it.
Yet there was nothing inconsistent with any previously ascertained fact in the asserted presence of i o ho of a non-oxidizable gas about half as heavy again as nitrogen.
The usual composition of this slag is iron oxide, i o to 16%; lime, 40 to 50%; magnesia, 5%; silica, 6 to 9%; phosphoric acid, 16 to 20%.
AdvertisementGenet.-Size I o X 4 in.
The most celebrated public libraries are those of Berlin (i,ooo,ooo volumes and 30,000 MSS.); Munich (1,000,000 volumes, 40,000 MSS.); Heidelberg (563,000 volumes, 8ooo MSS.); Göttingen (503,000 volumes, 6000 MSS.); Strassburg (760,000 volumes); Dresden (500,000 volumes, 6000 MSS.); Hamburg (municipal library, 600,000 volumes, 5000 MSS.); Stuttgart (400,000 volumes, 3500 MSS.); Leipzig (universitylibrary, 500,000 volurries, 5000 MSS.); Wurzburg (350,000 volumes); TUbingen (340,000 volumes); Rostock (318,000 volumes); Breslau (university library, 300,000 volumes, 7000 MSS.); Freiburg-im-Breisgau (250,000 volumes); Bonn (265,000 volumes); and Konigsberg (230,000 volumes, I ioo MSS.).
Sprache, p. i o i 6, 1848.
Besides the 5th, the tooth and the Jager also took part in the attack, which was renewed again and again during i o days, but no further progress was made.
Between the two mountain ranges lies a broad plain, extending across the island from the bay of Famagusta to that of Morphou on the west, a distance of nearly 60 m., with a breadth varying from i o to 20 m.
Spore - formation in O Vibrio- like (c) and o' I O Spirillum-like (a, b, d) o Schizomycetes.
The whole machine, with aeronaut, weighed about i ioo lb, the weight of the motor being reputed to be 200 lb.
St1Ed dSDoelti g I O O 0 North.
As i o ixav%ris (" contriver ") she acts as an intermediary for bringing lovers together, a similar idea being expressed in 7rpa is (of "success" in love, or = creatrix).
The series of halves 2 in the one case, and of thirds in the I O I other, are entirely different series of 2 fractional numbers, but we can corn ‚ 0 0 pare them by putting each in its proper position in relation to the series of sixths.
The second point, however, is omitted, so that we write it o 0037 or 0037, this expression meaning i 8 - 0 1 o of i o = T-08-030v, On the same principle, since 37% of 45% is equal to M of -14-05w = i _o y ou = v o +(3 6 r$ 0f i oo), 3% of 2% can be expressed by 0006.
Thus, to find the logarithm of a number to base 2, the number being greater than i, we first divide repeatedly by 2 until we get a number between I and 2; then divide repeatedly by 10 12 until we get a number between I and 10 y2; then divide repeatedly by ioo v 2; and so on.
A better method is to ignore the positions of the decimal points, and multiply the numbers as if they were decimals between I and i o.
There are also certain special units, such as the hectare, which is equal to a square hectometre, and the micron, which is i o l ?
I use a tungsten illuminator, so I chose Kodak tungsten 64 ISO film.
Thus for relative humidities between 40 and 50 mean values were 0.306 for I + and 0.219 for I_; whilst for relative humidities between 90 and Ioo the corresponding means were respectively 0.222 and 0.134.
The 13th Division, with some other detachments from Helles and with one brigade of the 10th Division, were the troops chosen to augment Birdwood's force already at Anzac. The new venture further north was entrusted to the i r th Division, which was to assemble in the island of Imbros supported by the rest of the 10th Division; the portions of this latter division not detailed for Anzac were to concentrate partly at Mudros, and partly in a port of Mitylene more than ioo m.
The most celebrated public libraries are those of Berlin (i,ooo,ooo volumes and 30,000 MSS.); Munich (1,000,000 volumes, 40,000 MSS.); Heidelberg (563,000 volumes, 8ooo MSS.); Göttingen (503,000 volumes, 6000 MSS.); Strassburg (760,000 volumes); Dresden (500,000 volumes, 6000 MSS.); Hamburg (municipal library, 600,000 volumes, 5000 MSS.); Stuttgart (400,000 volumes, 3500 MSS.); Leipzig (universitylibrary, 500,000 volurries, 5000 MSS.); Wurzburg (350,000 volumes); TUbingen (340,000 volumes); Rostock (318,000 volumes); Breslau (university library, 300,000 volumes, 7000 MSS.); Freiburg-im-Breisgau (250,000 volumes); Bonn (265,000 volumes); and Konigsberg (230,000 volumes, I ioo MSS.).
They are sometimes made with a sliding poise weighing I ton, which has a run of 200 in., and the steelyard can exert a pull of Ioo tons.