I-do Sentence Examples
I suppose I do enjoy the work, and I try to act respectful to all our customers.
This I do not need.
What should I do?
I didn't believe what Dan Brennan told me and I'm not sure I do now but I'm no fool.
After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores.
I know, I do too.
Not that anyone cares what I do.
What did I do?
Sensing my reaction she added, It's sort of what I do in my job; research things.
This is what I do.
AdvertisementWhat can I do?
When I do talk to him, I'll tell him to call you.
I'm not sure why, but I do feel more comfortable.
Yes, I'm nervous and jealous when you're around her, but I do trust you.
It's what I do best.
AdvertisementHowever, I do not feel you are prepared for such a duty.
Yes, Father, I do.
Today was difficult, but normally I do much better.
It's what I do on my planet.
What the hell else would I do?
AdvertisementI run a good office, but I do it my way, but my way isn't good enough now-a-days.
Now why would I do that?
If you had given me a second before ripping me a new one, I would have explained that I do not want her 'to do my bidding' as you so eloquently put it.
Oh, yes I do.
Can I do anything for him?
AdvertisementI have no control over what I do during the full moon, and after, have no memory of my time as a wolf, so I can't answer that.
Did I do something wrong?
And yes, I do care for you, more than I want to.
You think she's alive, like I do.
Just let me do what I do best.
And they hate circles as much as I do?
Like I do now.
What did I do to deserve this?
Would I do that?
You don't know Leland the way I do!
Why in God's name would I do that?
After chatting about common friends she asked, "What can I do for you?"
I think he used to bike and I do some myself.
Why did I do it?
Oh, I guess I'd have gone back to being Mrs. Byrne—I'm too accommodating to have simply left him, and I do believe in my vows.
I love her almost as much as I do my own children.
I guess I do like being protected.
Why Alex, I do believe you have a phobia about snakes.
If you don't tell me, I'll have to go to the police with what I do know.
Now, what can I do for you?
How could I do such a terrible thing?
Yeah, I do want you to leave.
Though I do like this weather better than the snow.
You ask me one, I do the same, he explained.
I meant to say, you probably know a lot more than I do because I've been with one woman only, he said when he'd swallowed.
I've never wanted anyone the way I do you.
It agreed, but only if I do something that makes me sick.
He turned one of my allies, Oceanan, against me, and I do not know the strengths of his followers within my own walls.
It rules me as much as I do.
What could I do?
And I do now.
I must warn you that I promised your queen that I'd take her life as I do my father's.
Hilden will take you into the city, and your archers may watch me to ensure I do not venture closer to her than I am now.
However, I do carry a rifle for emergencies.
It isn't like anything I do is all that strenuous.
I trust your judgment better than I do my own.
What could I do without making a scene in front of our customers?
Contrary to your opinion, I do respect your judgment.
Why would I do a thing like that?
In a thousand lives, how much more can I do?
One that even I do not possess.
You're saying that, instead of treating him like I do my teenage cousins, I should pretend I'm dealing with a five-year-old who's convinced his stick figure drawing is a masterpiece.
He won't go away until I do.
I'm not sure that's a good thing, though knowing what I do of your history...
She didn't have the crystal, but I do.
With the co-operation of the Indians under their chief Saturiba he captured Fort San Mateo in the spring of 1568, and on the spot where the garrison of Fort Caroline had been executed, he hanged his Spanish prisoners, inscribing on a tablet of pine the words, " I do this not as unto Spaniards but as to traitors, robbers and murderers."
His voice is musical, metallic, fit for loud laughter and piercing wail, and all that may lie between; speech and speculation free and plenteous; I do not meet in these late decades such company over a pipe."
Then do= I do dx The Characteristics of Sound Waves Corresponding to Loudness, Pitch and Quality.
The Boers are coming into it, and I do not like them."
I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
Should I do so I should deserve to be damned in time and eternity.
And I do easily see, that place of any reasonable commandment doth bring commandment of more wits than of a man's own.
And if your lordship shall find now, or at any time, that I do seek or affect any place whereunto any that is nearer to your lordship shall be convenient, say then that I am a most dishonest man.
In it, of ter going over the several instances, he says, " I do again confess, that on the points charged upon me, although they should be taken as myself have declared them, there is a great deal of corruption and neglect; for which I am heartily and penitently sorry, and submit myself to the judgment, grace, and mercy of the court."
But I do not scorn to descend thence to the Piraeus, where Socrates sketched the plan of his republic. I shall mount to the double summitlof Parnassus; I shall revel in the joys of Tempe."
I see I have made myself a slave to philosophy, but if I get free of Mr Lucas's business, I will resolutely bid adieu to it eternally, excepting what I do for my private satisfaction, or leave to come out after me; for I see a man must either resolve to put out nothing new, or to become a slave to defend it."
And so, in stating this business, I do pretend to have done as much for the proportion as for the ellipsis, and to have as much right to the one from Mr Hooke and all men, as to the other from Kepler; and therefore on this account also he must at least moderate his pretences.
Huygens, in a letter dated the 8th of June 1694, wrote to Leibnitz, " I do not know if you are acquainted with the accident which has happened to the good Mr Newton, namely, that he has had an attack of phrenitis, which lasted eighteen months, and of which they say his friends have cured him by means of remedies, and keeping him shut up."
As to the general state of the country Sir Eldon Gorst after a tour of inspection declared in his report for 1909, " I do not suppose that there is any part of the world in which the mass of the population have fewer unsatisfied wants."
Any one of them has more experience at this than I do.
Okay. Pigs have some features similar to a human's that make them good test beds for the type of science stuff I do.
I'm in no rush, though I do have a plan to motivate you.
I cannot exploit it, if I do not understand it.
I'm not smart enough to know for sure what it is but I do know it's a real bone—not plastic.
I don't know if the land has any financial potential, but I do know that if there was money involved, neither of the boys would give a flip about desecrating the beauty.
You are vampires and I do not possess a stake.
Listen, I do not have the patience to go through vampire 101 with you.
I don't ask people to adhere to my values, but I do ask that they respect my right to exercise my own.
Oh, I guess I'd have gone back to being Mrs. Byrne—I'm too accommodating to have simply left him, and I do believe in my vows.
He has a right to his opinion just like I do.
I was abandoned on private land - what do I do?
What can I do to overcome my constant sugar cravings?
Can I do more in my role?
Should I do more in my role?
The work I do is in my home office with a computer, bought without grant monies.
That's why I write as much about the politics of archeology as I do green anarchism.
What can I do to ensure the alarm does not cause unnecessary annoyance to my neighbors?
Yes, I do not want to go on with anything that God has not anointed.
I don't feel antagonistic toward these styles of worship tho, if I'm honest, I do have some real concerns.
Iain Connell, Uk I do not agree with dropping the possessive apostrophe.
I do not balk anymore and I do not strike people down without reason.
However I do like crash bandicoot and monkey ball jr on it.
What I do know is that I hit a rocket about 15 feet over the third baseman 's head down the left field line.
Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a rich benefactor to cover the costs of this site, or the research I do.
What should I do if I see a dead bird?
Also what i do bring out has no real detail to bring out just blobs of a slightly better color.
However, I do not support the proposal to establish an advisory board.
I.e. if one does not have Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 or the other boatload of MS stuff that I do not have installed.
While I greatly admire the bravery of the pilots, I do not want them pressed too hard.
But I do like to praise good service and I am not slow to throw brickbats if the service is poor.
I dont mind this but I do buy frozen and use that with fresh, ie fresh carrots, frozen broccoli.
I have found a canister on the beach, what should I do?
So I do have a right to drink a cappuccino here, right?
You can recycle cardboard at any of the household waste recycling centers What should I do with excess paper?
No. Trouble is, I'll probably do the other thing I do when nervous, and get really chatty.
I'm normally a very chirpy person, but when I fall, I do so quickly and go quite a long way.
I love the fight between Tanya and Amber in the player's lounge and I do still chuckle at Kyle and Chardonnay's wedding.
Tho being a native of New Zealand I do admit to the possibility of mitigating circumstances.
Unless you had a confederate at Bath I do not know how to send you anything.
What can I do for all my sins but humbly confess and lament them, and implore Your mercy without ceasing?
And I can honestly confess to you that I do not necessarily spend my time doing what I want to do.
And so, as a substitute for my lack of technique, I do a few contortions.
Either way, I do not find their excuses entirely convincing.
Tho stupid and morally corrupt in the petty sense, I do not think this man would order a murder.
But don't get me wrong.. I do admire the courage and drive of the younger generation.
I have illegal hare coursers on my land every weekend, what can I do?
In a voice crackling with tension and rhythmically wringing his hands, he says, " Yes, I do.
This might sound a bit crackpot but I do actually believe that language institutes reality in some mysterious way.
I don't drink coffee but I do like a nice cuppa as often as possible, so sadly I shall reduce my intake!
For now into this prison strong, In fetters I do lie, Confined into a dungeon dark, By men condemned to die.
I have a datura which does not seem to be in a book and I do not want to lose my plants through ignorance.
Although you learn more theory in university than you actually use day-to-day, I do enjoy applying the theory to the practical work.
I feel more comfortable as a deacon in work than I do as a deacon in work than I do as a deacon in church as the moment.
I have very few rules, but I do maintain unswerving dedication to expressing 'one thing ' .
But it is important to stress that just as I do not demonize writing, nor do I demonize space.
I doubt we can raise the full £ 60,000 but I do think we can make a massive dent in it.
However, I do not believe in biological determinism.
I do not want to play dis game any more, I do not like dis game any more, I do not like dis game... He expires.
Someone close to me has bipolar disorder - what should I do?
To know that you feel the same as I do Is a three-fold, Utopian dream.
I've just bought a droid, what do I do now?
Whilst I am very warm to a congregationalist ecclesiology, I do not suppose for one minute that is what is being proposed.
Now lets just hope I do n't electrocute myself live onstage.
Without speaking out of school I do think that the GFDL isn't as beautifully elegant and well designed a license as the GPL.
Now this may have been tongue-in-cheek, although I do not think so, but I find it absolutely execrable.
Spicy beans for when I do my chicken fajitas, which is on the menu tonight.
I wanted to do a record since I was 16, and I do n't fantasize about it.
My diet is ok, I dont eat loads of vegetables although I do eat some and my diet is not particularly fatty.
So because Zombie Lake has very little to hold your interest, we get plenty of naked females - and I do mean plenty!
But I do n't fink you will, cos, like, I really fancy you, know what I mean?
What do I do if, as a certificate holder, I want to acquire another firearm or shotgun?
Calling my HIV the cat flu is something I do to take the sting out of it.
I believe I have food poisoning from eating in a place in the Boro, what should I do?
However anyone expecting another ' please forgive Me ' or ' Everything I Do ' may be a little disappointed.
Tres weird as our friends across the channel would say if they spoke broken Franglais like I do.
Back to top What can I do to combat fraud?
One of the things I do feel about today's films is that they are too frenetic.
He repeated, " I do not believe genetic engineering is dangerous but in some cases the effects may have harmful consequences.
Having said that, I do want to branch out into more complex plots and storylines, and also beyond the thriller genre.
And this I do for fear lest thou shouldest conceive bodily that that is meant ghostly.
What can I do about my family's old gravestone?
But I do have hostas, and lots of them.
Most times I do the first draft in longhand trying to capture the immediacy of the inspired moment.
I have NOT commited incest with my brother and I do NOT plan to.
He is sometimes rather indiscreet, but I do assure you he is exceedingly clever.
The repertoire was all Bach and I thought I needed more experience but my teacher, David Sanger, rightly insisted I do it.
However, I do not wish to suggest that one's intuition that they are is entirely stupid.
Martin Lester Penelope - I do the ironing with my script propped up.
The label is completely irrelevant in helping me decide whether I do or will like something.
No, not the breakdown people and yes I do jest.
Return to table of contents Can you and I do anything to alter significantly the technological Juggernaut that is transforming society?
Junk and other unwanted e-mail I've been sent some junk and other unwanted e-mail I've been sent some junk e-mail, what do I do now?
I know well enough that I do not know everything.
Also, I do n't like sitting in a concert hall or theater with a full tummy.
Lives and works in East Finchley, London I do line drawings spontaneously and uncorrected with a black wax crayon in a sketchbook.
With the kind of music I do you have to be direct and quite literal.
No, I do not want to take lithium, thank you.
The problem is I do not know the commands to send to request data from the data logger.
Q What should I do when I have active lupus and get a bad cold or flu?
Me and her shared the best memories in my life and i do n't luv anything as much as I do Gilbert!
I don't have one particular favorite but I do like bats, otters and pine martens more than others.
Yet again I do not find the dinner appointment memorable.
Hence I now use hardly any, and that which I do use is made up from powdered milk.
Any time I do a live OB and get through it without a fluff What is your Worst on-air moment?
And I do not feel sure that our art would hold the fascination which it does for such myriads.
By which I do not mean mythical as exaggerations or perversions of truth, but belonging to the Egyptian Mythos.
By which I do not mean mythical as exaggerations or perversions of truth, but belonging to the Egyptian mythos.
I'm stalled of doing naught; and I do like - I could like to hear her!
I am neither a big fan of silver nemesis i do think that that tale didnt need the cybermen.
I must say taking the omega 3 seems to have made a difference I do feel calmer.
Certainly, I do not think the Agatha Christie would lend itself to treatment as a modern opera buffa!
Sometimes I do feel a little pang of regret because I love science and technology.
I put pen to paper for what else can i do?
I think I believe in the death penalty - I do not know.
I am currently self-employed and whilst I am not penniless, I do have to be careful how much I spend.
What do I do if I suspect plagiarism in student work?
What can I do to help my child enjoy playtime?
I'm not religious but I do believe that positivity brings positivity and negativity brings negativity.
Highways / Lighting I want to report a pothole what should I do?
Whilst many admit the ' asymmetry ' of double predestination, I do not think that this is anywhere near enough.
Everyday I do exercises at home to improve my health including press-ups.
I'm not polishing it up, I do n't pussyfoot around the issue.
And I do n't rationalize this away by saying the public are " sheep " .
Sorry to complain in such beautiful weather but I do feel that we teachers are getting a very raw deal lately.
Regrettably, I do not see a widespread recognition of that fact in the current debate.
Why our MSP wants to foist proportional representation on us I do not understand.
I'm actually right-handed but I do some things with the left.
He said something about turning back if the going got too rough, but I do not recall the surrender being offered.
My rear drums are going rusty, what can I do?
What should I do if taped seams are showing wear or coming apart?
What can I do that will enable me to rescue all these kind mother sentient beings from this perilous predicament?
Although I do hope Martin will come back in future feature film sequels, and I'm sure he will.
The awakened sinner always has a question, the marrow of which is, " What must I do to be saved?
I've only used Fireworks a bit but I do find it gets really sluggish.
Well if I do get a sniffle or a touch of gout, Lloyds or Boots the chemist will help me out.
However, given the problems I had changing the rear sprocket, I do not relish fixing a rear puncture.
Then, at a second stage, the thought, " I do not stammer " can be introduced.
It is called stereotypy when I do it, and relaxing her neck when she does it.
And I do want to make the point, there will be people who have negative nasal swabs who will still be treated.
I think I might have synaesthesia, what do I do?
However, I do not believe in universal teleology, which seems to be a position advocated by many Reformed people.
What should I do if I think my horse has tetanus?
Spot Reduction I do lots of outer thigh (tummy, buns, etc.) work.
Q What can I do with the domain management tools?
Whether a gas turbine is quieter than a diesel engine, I do not know.
I don't know where the money came from; well I do actually, um, stolen goods.
But I do not accept that the draft undertakings (although necessarily unilateral) are unreasonable or unjustifiable.
Complaining is so unmanly, which is why I do it so well!
Read more... What should I do if I will be leaving a car unused for 3 months or more?
I highly recommend the smoked Argyll ham and smoked venison together, as I do the smoked chicken and smoked goose.
What I DO notice is that roads with a coarse, or damaged, top dressing can induce pronounced high-frequency vibration.
I am not anti-science, but I do believe that vivisection is not the way forward.
What can I do to control adult vine weevil?
I have to start any work I do - painting or writing - in a conservative way which uses an already well-known form.
I never looked back, tho I do get wistful whenever I read Agamemnon.
With most " Answer Guy " questions I do some Yahoo!
Common "posies" were such lines as "In thee my choice I do rejoice," "As God decreed so we agreed," and the like.
I propose that the heads may for this time nominate and the body comply, yet interposing (if they think fit) a protestation concerning their plea that this election may not hereafter pass for a decisive precedent in prejudice of their claim," and, " whereas I understand that the whole university has chiefly consideration for Dr Henry Paman of St John's and Mr Craven of Trinity College, I do recommend them both to be nominated."
When I get my thoughts arranged in good order I do not like to have anything upset them or throw them into confusion.
He looked at the bright, yellow pieces and said, "What shall I do with these coppers, mother?"
What shall I do?
He does me a favor by allowing you to ride on the animal, and I do him a favor by taking care of it.
But I do think we will see an end to any effective constraints relating to computers' ability to process data and transfer information.
I take things from my attic and my garage and sell them to people who value them more than I do.
But I do not believe these technological leaps forward are a threat to good food.
I do not remember what they all were; but I do know that mother, father, sister, teacher were among them--words that were to make the world blossom for me, "like Aaron's rod, with flowers."
But I do not understand how he ever thought a blind and deaf child of eleven could have invented them.
Then he evidently retracted his favourable judgment, why I do not know.
But I do not blame any one.
If I do not succeed they resort to dumb show.
Mrs. Hopkins did send me lovely ring, I do love her and little blind girls.
Teacher told me about kind gentleman I shall be glad to read pretty story I do read stories in my book about tigers and lions and sheep.
I am tired now and I do want to go down stairs.
What did I do when I was six years old?
You will come back to Boston I hope soon after I do.
I received several, and I do not know which was from you.
But I do not think so.
Oh, I do so hope and pray that I shall speak well some day!...
Every day I find how little I know, but I do not feel discouraged since God has given me an eternity in which to learn more.
It was so hard to lose him, he was the best and kindest of friends, and I do not know what we shall do without him....
Well, I must confess, I do not like the sign-language, and I do not think it would be of much use to the deaf-blind.
Without it I do not see how I could go to college.
If, indeed, they apply to me even remotely, I do not see that I deserve any laudation on that account.
Helen was petted and caressed enough to spoil an angel; but I do not think it is possible to spoil her, she is too unconscious of herself, and too loving.
I think my mother got me from heaven, but I do not know where that place is.
I wish to write about things I do not understand.
At first King Frost was very angry, and the fairies trembled and crouched lower in their hiding-places, and I do not know what might have happened to them if just then a party of boys and girls had not entered the wood.
I do not remember what they all were; but I do know that MOTHER, FATHER, SISTER and TEACHER were among them.
Of course I do not refer to beautiful sentiments, but to the higher truths relating to everyday life.
When I think of the benefactors of the race, whom we have apotheosized as messengers from heaven, bearers of divine gifts to man, I do not see in my mind any retinue at their heels, any carload of fashionable furniture.
It is not necessary that a man should earn his living by the sweat of his brow, unless he sweats easier than I do.
We are underbred and low-lived and illiterate; and in this respect I confess I do not make any very broad distinction between the illiterateness of my townsman who cannot read at all and the illiterateness of him who has learned to read only what is for children and feeble intellects.
I watch the passage of the morning cars with the same feeling that I do the rising of the sun, which is hardly more regular.
As for lodging, it is true they were but poorly entertained, though what they found an inconvenience was no doubt intended for an honor; but as far as eating was concerned, I do not see how the Indians could have done better.
I think that I do not mistake.
They never molested me seriously, though they bedded with me; and they gradually disappeared, into what crevices I do not know, avoiding winter and unspeakable cold.
Neither could I do without them.
It was set on fire by mischievous boys, one Election night, if I do not mistake.
If I devote myself to other pursuits and contemplations, I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting upon another man's shoulders.
It must help itself; do as I do.
I try to be reserved because in the depth of my soul I feel too near to him already, but then he cannot know what I think of him and may imagine that I do not like him.
But I do not know, Father!
Without boasting, you know, I may say that I know the Army Orders by heart and know the Regulations as well as I do the Lord's Prayer.
Yes, if it were true, but I do not believe it.
There now, I like your Denisov though he is a rake and all that, still I like him; so you see I do understand.
Returned home for dinner and dined alone--the countess had many visitors I do not like.
Pierre was right when he said one must believe in the possibility of happiness in order to be happy, and now I do believe in it.
In spite of my wish to see you, I do not think so and do not want to do so.
I do not think he would choose her for a wife, and frankly I do not wish it.
Tell her so if you see her before I do.
Oh, Sonya, if you knew him as I do!
That I do not... understand.
Why, you yourselves know everything better than I do.
And did I do it for my country's sake?
I confess I do not want to.
I cannot, I do not wish to die.
But though I do not know what causes the cold winds to blow when the oak buds unfold, I cannot agree with the peasants that the unfolding of the oak buds is the cause of the cold wind, for the force of the wind is beyond the influence of the buds.
Can I do anything for you?
I do not know why a certain event occurs; I think that I cannot know it; so I do not try to know it and I talk about chance.
I see a force producing effects beyond the scope of ordinary human agencies; I do not understand why this occurs and I talk of genius.
To convince myself of this I do not lift it the next moment.
But I do n't know, puppeteers are very protective of their puppets as well.
I 'm not polishing it up, I do n't pussyfoot around the issue.
But I do putter around in the rare moments available to me, trying to organize and automate the various tasks.
There are burning pyres in my own backyard, because I do n't have time to gather in the harvest.
But I do n't feel any qualms about applying it to the people who wrote and voted for the DMCA itself.
And the fare is twenty-five quid, and I do n't think it would take that much gasoline.
But I did n't understand them, I do n't speak raccoon and they kept giving me pieces of pine bark.
And I do n't rationalize this away by saying the public are " sheep ".
But I do n't think things have appeared ready-made from nowhere.
We 'd have to rehearse for weeks, get hot, but to be honest, I do n't want that.
My back problem also seems to have eased - although I do n't know whether valerian also has muscle relaxant properties.
With regards to remakes of other film, I do n't know.
For things I do n't need the dealer for, I may try a different bicycle repairman.
Now I do n't know what Boris thinks of this, but I find the whole idea repellent.
I like coffee and tea but I do n't want a drink that vaguely resembles both.
Whether I'll be physically resurrected or not, I do n't know.
A point I do agree with is that a revisionist view of Scottish history was launched by Sir Walter Scott in the 19th Century.
I 'm actually right-handed but I do some things with the left.
And I do n't want a kit that is to close to the 6M samurai.
However some days I do need time out to keep my schizophrenia symptoms stable.
Genre I do n't think " I like sci-fi, I think I'll buy a sci-fi movie ".
However, I do not want there to be a scintilla of doubt.
Angela Bassett let out a blood-curdling, joyful scream, and former Oscar nominee Pam Grier admitted, I do n't have diamonds.
Again, I do n't think this proves the Searchlight strategy is wrong, just that on its own it is insufficient.
Fire teams are best equipped with self-loading weapons, but I do not think that an individual rifleman profits much thereby.
So long as music is not self-righteous, I do n't pass too much judgment.
On Ireland, I do n't think it is very sensible to discuss Plan B at this stage.
Well, HE'S dead now, he is--as dead as bilge; and who 's to sail this ship, I do n't see.
Got totally shitfaced afterward, which of course I do n't do now.
Maybe it was an accident, I do n't know, - Arsene Wenger in admits seeing incident shocker !
I hate the shortening of the days, I do n't like working in artificial light.
Personally I do n't think it looks good, that they 've adopted a siege mentality and battened down the hatches.
I 'm not an investment expert and I 'm wary of simplistic explanations in areas I do n't know very well.
Sorry if this seems simplistic, but theology 's not really my cup of tea; I do n't believe in any gods.
Many are owners quot i do n't reform simulation model.
Chris Bagot of Softroom ' I do n't really have a sketchbook.
I 'm just hoping I do n't end up skint.
However I do n't suppose that we will win, or the chances remain slight.
I 'm afraid and I do n't want to walk the path that slithers up between the clutches of crimson.
What I do sense is that some new Rough Beast Operating System is even now slouching around in Silicon Valley.
I discovered I do n't like sea slug, however beautifully cooked.
I 've only used Fireworks a bit but I do find it gets really sluggish.