Hypocritical Sentence Examples
We're probably all a little hypocritical at times - and we're all sinners, so I hear.
After observing much hypocritical behavior at her church, Laura become apostate.
To the Liberals, then and afterwards, it was clearly a hypocritical conspiracy against freedom.
This is truly pathetic, not to say hypocritical.
There is something hypocritical about companies shipping, building and lighting elaborate, energy-sucking tradeshow booths to promote environmentally responsible products.
To demand evidence of therapeutic efficacy is equally hypocritical.
Their decision not to publish them is not only cowardly, it is also hypocritical.
The hypocritical prayer closely imitates the conduct of real prayers.
Thus while among his own colleagues he seemed merely a hypocritical and arrogant priest, in his relations with his brother humanists, such as Cosimo de Medici, he appeared as the student of classical antiquities and especially of Greek theological authors.
The magnitude of the sum, and his acquiescence in the grant of pensions by the Shelburne ministry, convinced the country that his zeal for economy was hypocritical.
AdvertisementWithout sounding too defensive, isn't it a tad hypocritical to label atheists as arrogant while not extending that to the religious folks?
How can the SU Executive oppose sexism or sexual harassment without now being hypocritical?
The decrees of this council defined Roman Catholicism against the Reformation; and, while failing to regenerate morality, they enforced a hypocritical observance of public decency.
Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.
The latter he declared would be " hypocritical legislation " because, with a Federal law on the statute book forbidding beer with an alcoholic content of over one-half of 1%, it would still not be possible to sell 2.75% beer in Massachusetts.
AdvertisementHe declares that the distinction between the " spiritual estate," composed of pope, bishops, priests and monks, as over against the " temporal estate " composed of princes, lords, artisans and peasants, is a very fine hypocritical invention of which no one should be afraid.
It should not be denied that he did not always escape the pitfalls of such a method of treatment, the faces becoming sleek and prim, with a smirk of sexless religiosity which hardly eludes the artificial or even the hypocritical; on other minds, therefore, and these some of the most masculine and resolute, he produces little genuine impression.
Conversely, absorb the rousing accolades for a community do-gooder and make them a hypocritical character in a story about emotional and psychological swindlers.
Their enthusiasm and their prophesyings were denounced as demoniacal; their expectation of a glorious earthly kingdom of Christ was stigmatized as Jewish, their passion for martyrdom as vainglorious and their whole conduct as hypocritical.
The demand was absurd and exorbitant and was refused, though the French government offered him the hand of their kings daughter Catherine with a dowry of 800,000 crowns and the districts of Quercy and Prigordsufficiently handsome terms. When he began to collect a fleet and an army, they added to the offer the Limousin and other regions; but Henry was determined to pick his quarrel, and declared war in an impudent and hypocritical manifesto, in which he declared that he was driven into strife against his will.