Hyphen Sentence Examples
The quarterback was a bright LED line, kind of like a red hyphen.
To specify a range of characters, use a hyphen.
Those who omit the hyphen should be subject to an on-the-spot fine.
An operation halt day, indicated by a hyphen, must not be designated twice or more with the same date.
The plain hyphen should be interpreted by a user agent as just another character.
I would like them to wrap to the next line in the same cell, without inserting a hyphen or other character.
To stay consistent throughout the articles and site, we ask that you use the terms "cake decorating" without a hyphen.
Just like with the original game, the hyphen and exclamation mark are both official parts of the name.
The soft hyphen tells the user agent where a line break can occur.
Dashes Please use en dash or double hyphen in preference to single spaced hyphen.
AdvertisementDouble-barrelled surnames should be transcribed as such ONLY when a hyphen appears in the source document.
Under this head we may class errors which arise from the omission or the insertion of such marks as the apostrophe and the hyphen.
In the transliteration conventions followed by the corpus most enclitics are preceded by a hyphen linking them to their host.
It has come to our attention that Microsoft Word and other word processing programs add a hyphen to the words "cake decorating."
While a hyphen is included in the address for the Cake Decorating channel, the name on the main page does not have a hyphen.
AdvertisementWhere the name for which a prior right is claimed contains a hyphen, the hyphen cannot be omitted from the domain name.
Sometimes this will include adding a hyphen or even my or the to the name.
They usually consist of a single letter preceded by a hyphen.
Each image name within their submission will then start with this character string followed by a hyphen.
White space between words shall either be ignored or replaced by a single hyphen " - " .
AdvertisementThe digits are divided into four parts separated by a hyphen or a space.