Hypertension Sentence Examples
Certain types of exercise may also induce pulmonary hypertension.
One of the major health problems in the United States is overweight and obesity, which lead to increased risks for a wide variety of conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer.
A dangerously elevated IOP, or ocular hypertension (OHT ), is a major risk factor for glaucoma.
Efficacy has been shown in primary pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary hypertension associated with connective tissue disease.
Most things that cause high blood pressure can occasionally cause malignant hypertension.
Pre-existing high blood pressure makes you more likely to get pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension when you are pregnant.
Medications are prescribed, however, to treat hypertension when the child has significant high blood pressure or organ damage, or when diet and exercise are not adequately controlling the child's blood pressure.
Nonetheless, dramatic reductions in salt intake are generally effective for many people with hypertension.
Hypertension supplements, the a low salt diet such as the DASH diet, and specialized high blood pressure diets can help some people lower their blood pressure.
Meditation, mindfulness, and gentle exercise such as yoga may also help if stress contributes to hypertension.
AdvertisementUnfortunately, after many years of research, doctors have not been able to prove that stress causes hypertension.
Even so, many of them now believe that it is the lifestyle choices a person makes in order to deal with stress that actually causes hypertension.
While all of these factors may contribute to the development of hypertension, the truth is, most doctors simply do not know what causes this phenomenon.
Surgery may also be indicated for infants whose early symptoms do not indicate immediate surgery but who develop severe hypertension during the first several months of life.
Although hypertension may increase for several months early in life, it eventually decreases as the circulatory system develops and vessels become larger.
AdvertisementComplications in children who have not had surgery are hypertension, aortic rupture, intracranial bleeding, and congestive heart failure.
Undetected or untreated COA can also lead to early adulthood death due to congestive heart failure, systemic hypertension, coronary artery disease, and aortic aneurysm.
Exercise is essential for improving overall health, maintaining fitness, and helping to prevent the development of obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.
Obese children and adolescents are at increased risk for developing diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, sleep apnea, orthopedic problems, and psychosocial disorders.
Severe obesity with a BMI of 35 to 39.9 WITH serious medical conditions related to the obesity status, such as hypertension, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or hypercholesteremia to name a few.
AdvertisementSome people suffer from "white coat hypertension", or artificially elevated blood pressure that only occurs at the doctor's office.
High blood pressure is nothing to play with, so be sure to follow your doctor's advice if you suffer from hypertension.
Other preparations are used to relieve headaches, neck pain caused by hypertension and allergies.
Hypertension is a term used to describe consistently elevated blood pressure.
Not every hypertension sufferer actually experiences symptoms and nearly one-third experience no symptoms at all.
AdvertisementSeveral clinical trials in both the United States and Germany support the assumption that using Hawthorne supplements will help hypertension sufferers.
Now that you know what types of herbal treatment for hypertension are available, speak with your doctor to determine if you have hypertension.
Many people believe that stress causes hypertension, but in over fifty years of research, doctors have yet to prove that there's actually a link between the two.
Hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, is the force with which the body pushes blood against the artery walls as it travels throughout the circulatory system.
This is it what concerns doctors when their patients suffer from hypertension.
This type accounts for about five to ten percent of all cases of hypertension.
Many people believe that stress causes hypertension, but as of yet, nothing has been able to prove it.
In light of this, the best way to deal with stress and hypertension is through a multi-faceted approach.
Deal with stress (via mediation, journaling or any other relaxing activity), and deal with hypertension by making heart-smart choices.
His patients on a raw diet also lost weight, healing from obesity and hypertension (Southern Medical Journal, 1985).
After all, even very thin people can suffer from diabetes, hypertension, or other serious medical conditions.
Over the past century, diet related health problems like hypertension, obesity, cancer, and diabetes have increased in humans.
Too much carbon dioxide and a person will experience headaches, hypertension, depression and exhaustion (also known as CO2 narcosis).
This leads to significant daytime sleepiness, which is the condition's primary symptom followed by hypertension.
The inability to get enough rest has been shown in studies to have a higher mortality risk than heart disease, hypertension and smoking.
A variety of medications can cause this condition to occur, but some of the most common are medications used to treat heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure or hypertension.
Maintaining a healthy weight is important to prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), and heart disease.
Scarring of the liver can cause portal hypertension (high blood pressure in the portal vein, which is the main vein carrying blood from the intestine to the liver).
Portal hypertension may result in the development of fragile veins in the intestinal lining, stomach, or esophagus, which can bleed and require emergency medical attention.
If a child has black stools, pallor, or vomiting of blood due to the development of portal hypertension, emergency medical attention is required to treat the bleeding.
Cirrhosis is associated with portal hypertension and is a major risk factor for the later development of liver cancer.
Mexican-American men and women and African-American males have a higher incidence of hypertension.
As the child gets older hypertension often becomes a problem.
Children need to be monitored regularly by a doctor to ensure that problems, especially cardiac problems and hypertension, do not arise.
Sodium has been closely linked to hypertension (high blood pressure), which increases a person's risk of heart disease and stroke.
When the mother has high blood pressure (hypertension) or blood poisoning (toxemia), the flow of oxygen to the fetus may be reduced, causing brain damage and mental retardation.
High blood pressure (hypertension) affects parts of the body supplied by arteries that branch off the aortic arch above the narrowing.
Hypertension is less likely and, if noted, may be less marked than in symptomatic children with other heart defects.
Drug therapy is used first to treat hypertension and heart failure in children and adults who have coarctation of the aorta.
Untreated atrial septal defect can lead to pulmonary hypertension, chest infection, Eisenmenger's syndrome, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, stroke, or right-sided heart failure.
Since chronic hypertension or pregnancy-induced hypertension (preeclampsia, eclampsia) similarly affect blood circulation to the placenta, women with these problems are also at risk for IUGR.
Before the advent of perinatology training, women with medical problems such as chronic hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy were advised to not get pregnant because they could die.
Eclampsia-Coma and convulsions during or immediately after pregnancy, characterized by edema, hypertension, and proteinuria.
Obesity can cause a number of other conditions, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, joint pain, asthma, hypothyroidism, and gallstones.
Overweight and obese children should be evaluated by a physician for diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and other medical conditions that are influenced by excessive weight gain.
Parents of obese children and adolescents should be concerned for their current and future health, since obesity can result in diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease.
Children whose blood pressure is above the 95th percentile for their age/gender/height group are diagnosed with hypertension.
Childhood hypertension is serious because it increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other medical problems in adulthood.
Serious complications can be avoided by ensuring the child gets regular blood pressure checks and by treating hypertension as soon as it is diagnosed.
Hypertension makes the heart work harder to pump blood through the body.
If the hypertension is not treated, the heart may fail.
If hypertension thickens the arteries to the kidneys, less waste can be filtered from the blood.
Hypertension can cause damage to blood vessels in the eyes, leading to retinopathy, or damage to the retina.
In the United States, an estimated 5-10 percent of children have hypertension, and one in four adults (about 50 million) have hypertension.
About 30 percent of those with hypertension do not know they have it.
Hypertension is more common in men than women and in people over age 65 than in younger persons.
These temporary increases in blood pressure are not considered hypertension.
A diagnosis of hypertension is made only when a person has at least three separate high blood pressure readings performed one to several weeks apart.
Hypertension without a known cause is called primary or essential hypertension.
Although the cause of hypertension is unknown in 90-95 percent of adults, primary hypertension is uncommon in children, occurring in less than 1-2 percent of hypertensive children.
When a child has hypertension caused by another medical condition, it is called secondary hypertension.
Secondary hypertension can be caused by a number of different illnesses.
Kidney disease causes hypertension in 80-85 percent of childhood cases.
Being overweight or obese is the strongest predictor of hypertension in young adults.
Risk factors are conditions that increase the chance of developing hypertension.
Some risk factors for hypertension can be changed, while others cannot.
Some children inherit a tendency to develop hypertension, and the risk increases if both parents are hypertensive.
Hypertension generally does not cause symptoms.
In severe and acute (sudden-onset) cases, hypertension can cause seizures, swelling throughout the body, blindness, or renal (kidney) failure.
Early detection and treatment of hypertension improve the child's overall health and decrease the risk of future health problems associated with hypertension.
Because hypertension can cause damage to the blood vessels in the eyes, the eyes may be checked with an instrument called an ophthalmoscope.
Urine and blood tests may be done to evaluate health and to detect the presence of certain substances that may indicate an underlying condition that is causing the hypertension.
Usually blood tests and urine tests, along with the physical examination and medical history, are enough to make the diagnosis of hypertension.
An echo is used in pediatric patients diagnosed with hypertension to determine the extent of left ventricular hypertrophy, a condition in which the heart's main pumping vessel is enlarged.
There is no cure for primary hypertension, but blood pressure can almost always be lowered with the correct treatment.
The goal of treatment is to lower blood pressure to levels that will prevent heart disease and other complications of hypertension that could manifest in adulthood.
In secondary hypertension, the disease that is responsible for the hypertension is treated in addition to the hypertension itself.
Successful treatment of the underlying disorder may cure the secondary hypertension.
Depending on the results of diagnostic tests, childhood hypertension is generally treated with lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, before antihypertensive medication is prescribed.
Overweight children with hypertension are recommended to lose weight until they are within 15 percent of their healthy body weight.
The DASH diet is recommended for patients with hypertension and includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts.
Medications usually are not prescribed for children as a first-line treatment for hypertension.
Follow-up care for hypertension includes home blood pressure monitoring.
For most children, early primary hypertension causes no immediate risk of serious health problems, but it does increase the risk for future organ damage.
The key to avoiding serious complications of hypertension is to detect and treat it at the earliest possible age so that preventive treatment can be initiated.
Avoiding or eliminating known risk factors helps reduce the risk of developing hypertension.
Parents should reinforce with the child that hypertension is a serious condition that can cause more health problems later in life.
Parents should work with their child to make dietary changes and increase their activity level to manage hypertension and prevent it from getting worse.
Other symptoms include drooling, increase in blood pressure (hypertension), irregular heart beat, inability to open the mouth, high fever, kidney failure, and respiratory failure.
Hypertension or kidney failure may develop months or even years after the acute phase of the disease.
Many physicians may recommend yoga for patients with hypertension, asthma, stress-related disorders, and depression.
In its most serious form, complications can include high blood pressure (hypertension) and renal failure.
Severe pregnancy-induced hypertension may require immediate delivery via cesarean section.
The drug also causes benign intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri) and mood changes.
This, in turn, can cause life-threatening high blood pressure (hypertension) and irregular heart beat (cardiac arrhythmia).
Lead can damage almost every system in the human body, and it can also cause high blood pressure (hypertension).
Women with serious hypertension (high blood pressure) may not be able to use the patch.
If your hands and face should become swollen, this is a potential sign of hypertension of pregnancy and is a cause to call your health care provider.
Potassium helps support normal kidney function and is important especially for people who are trying to reduce hypertension.
Other drugs that appear to interact negatively with kombucha are medications for hypertension, renal (kidney) problems, and hormone replacement medications.
Deficiencies have been linked to autoimmune disorders, autism, hypertension and obesity, to name just a few.
If you have high blood pressure or are at risk for it, vitamins and minerals for hypertension may offer ways to treat this condition.
Your family history may predispose you to hypertension.
There is support for the belief that vitamins and minerals for hypertension may offer ways to treat this condition.
The research suggests deficiencies may increase your risk of hypertension.
Strokes are a complication of hypertension.
If you are on medication to treat your high blood pressure, consult your doctor before taking vitamins and minerals for hypertension.
Unchecked stress can contribute to health problems like hypertension, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
Hypertension, thyroid problems, diabetes, and emotional instability are some of the conditions that would make it unsafe for a patient to use this drug.
More severe side effects include drug dependency, severe skin disorder, and primary pulmonary hypertension.
For those who suffer from hypertension, doctors often recommend a diet that includes foods to lower blood pressure.
Blood pressure and hypertension are medical terms for the same thing.
A variety of factors contribute to high blood pressure and poor diet and being overweight are two items that play major roles toward developing hypertension even at a young age.
High levels of salt can contribute to high blood pressure, or hypertension, which is a risk factor in heart disease.
The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet plan is a low salt low fat diet that has been developed by the National Institutes of Health and endorsed by other health organizations.
It's a dietary approach designed to stop hypertension.
Hypertension is a serious and even life-threatening condition.
According to the American Heart Association, a consistent systolic blood pressure reading of 120 to 139 indicates mild hypertension.
Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease.
If you want to get rid of high blood pressure, exercise for hypertension can help improve your health.
The American Heart Association also recommends that people with hypertension exercise regularly.
Regular exercise can also improve hypertension by helping you relax and sleep better at night.
According to the Mayo Clinic, aerobic activity is the best type of exercise to fight hypertension and lower blood pressure.
Your doctor may also recommend additional exercise for hypertension that can help you start your fitness journey and beat this condition.
There is a great deal of disagreement in medical and fitness communities about performing exercise with pulmonary hypertension.
Pulmonary hypertension is high blood pressure affecting the arterial structures of the lungs on the right side of your body.
Secondary pulmonary hypertension exists as a result of an underlying condition.
Pulmonary hypertension is a serious disorder, and can lead to many complications including blood clots, heart failure, and even death.
If you have been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, medical intervention is necessary.
Symptoms of pulmonary hypertension may include cyanosis (blueish tint to skin and lips), palpitations, ankle and stomach swelling, fatigue, and shortness of breath, especially while exercising.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), patients with pulmonary hypertension benefit from remaining as "active as physically possible."
Learning to recognize when you are pushing your body too hard may help manage pulmonary hypertension as you exercise.
Many hospitals and medical facilities offer medically supervised pulmonary hypertension rehabilitation programs to teach you how to exercise with the condition while heeding your body's signals.
If you have led a sedentary lifestyle prior to a diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension, these programs provide the supervision to help you gradually increase your activity levels.
Appropriate amounts of exercise, performed at a frequency which doesn't overtax you may help you to improve your quality of life with pulmonary hypertension.
Many older people have dietary restrictions because of hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol.
Weight related issues like diabetes, hypertension, etcetera are all fine though.
Right heart insufficiency and pulmonary hypertension may precipitate bradycardia and systemic hypotension, when the organic iodine solution is injected.
The symptoms are similar to lactose intolerance but can also include bronchospasm, itching, hives, shock or hypertension.
Treatment Successful surgery will usually prevent the continuance of pulmonary hypertension, and the development of Pulmonary Vascular Disease.
None of the patients developed pulmonary hypertension during the trial and none of the three patients with pre-existing pulmonary hypertension deteriorated.
Salt induced hypertension is blamed for about 13,000 strokes and 70,000 heart attacks in Britain every year half of which are fatal.
Demonstration that the treating isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly reduces stroke risk.
The program should also emphasize the need for a whole diet approach to tackle hypertension.
Cases of intracranial hypertension related to cerebral edema have been reported.
Most patients exhibited an advanced stage of portal hypertension on CT.
Sudden withdrawal of Catapres, particularly in those patients receiving high doses, may result in rebound hypertension.
White coat hypertension can be diminished or avoided by the " hide " display function.
In Type 2 diabetes hypertension is very common, occurring in up to 50% of patients.
No association was found for left ventricular hypertrophy or hypertension in nondiabetic subjects.
Her cardiac history included a myocardial infarct 5 years previously, mixed aortic valve disease, hypertension and rheumatic fever in childhood.
Lifestyle changes that may be helpful Smoking is particularly injurious for people with hypertension.
Sometimes a tumor is called malignant when it is a cancer, but malignant hypertension is not cancer.
Hypertension, Dialysis, and clinical nephrology - links to medical products, devices, services, and drugs pertaining and papers.
A review of patients receiving nifedipine or amlodipine at two GP practices was carried out in line with British Hypertension Society guidelines.
Typical signs and symptoms may include hypertension, hyperglycaemia, headache, palpitations, sweating, pallor and nausea.
Dr. Dudley has a clinical interest in hypertension, renal disease and multisystem disorders and also renal complications of obstetrics.
Administration of Tenormin to pregnant women in the management of mild to moderate hypertension has been associated with intra-uterine growth retardation.
Those with diabetic retinopathy were twice as likely to have hypertension / hypertensive retinopathy.
Indian snakeroot has been used traditionally to treat hypertension, especially when associated with stress and anxiety.
Hypertension, heart tonic, ongoing research into tumor therapy.
For example, pets with hypertension or struvite urolithiasis should not be given water with high sodium or magnesium concentrations, respectively.
They can present as a pyrexia of unknown origin or hypertension.
Cardiovascular status Hypertension may be a primary problem, secondary to chronic salt and water retention or to excess renin production.
Symptoms of hypertension include headaches, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness and visual disturbances.
Portal hypertension and its consequence of bleeding varices are usually seen in people with moderately advanced liver disease.
I have portal hypertension & oesophageal varices, with the added bonus of Long QT Syndrome.
Pulmonary vasodilators These are used to reduce the lung artery pressure, to treat pulmonary hypertension.
Almost one in every three adults has high blood pressure, or hypertension, but doesn't know it.
Garlic has shown promise in treating mild hypertension, but it can react with other drugs and work as a blood-thinner, so it should always be used as a supplement under a doctor's supervision.
Oats are able to reduce hypertension in many people if consumed regularly.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is diagnosed by a doctor when, after several blood pressure readings, the patient's typical resting blood pressure rate is greater than 140/90.
There are actually many stages of hypertension.
Many factors can temporarily raise blood pressure, so doctors often check and recheck patients suspected of having hypertension.
If the readings remain in the elevated ranges, a physician will diagnose hypertension and recommend medication or lifestyle changes.
For people who want a natural alternative, there is an herbal treatment for hypertension.
Hypertension is when the blood pressure levels are 140/90 or higher.
In the grander scheme of things, however, most people know that stress is not helpful to the body, and when there is an underlying medical condition, such as hypertension, it can only hurt, not help any effort to get better.
However, the recommended cholesterol levels may vary from person to person, depending on other risk factors such as a family history of heart disease or stroke or the presence of hypertension, diabetes, advanced age, alcoholism, or smoking.
Deficiency can lead to convulsions, vision and hearing problems, muscle contractions, tooth-grinding and other problems in children; and atherosclerosis, heart disease, and hypertension in older adults.
Depending on the cause of the disease, as well as the types and amounts of exercise performed, some moderate exercises may benefit pulmonary hypertension, while other types of exercise may magnify its effects.
Many conditions exist that may cause secondary pulmonary hypertension, including heart failure, lung disease, drug use, pulmonary emboli, sleep disorders, altitude sickness, and systemic diseases, such as lupus.
Before pursuing any exercise with pulmonary hypertension, it is essential that you talk with your doctor to determine the appropriate types of exercise, as well as how intensely you can exercise and the appropriate duration.
The symptoms of pulmonary hypertension may restrict activity, and pursuing activities that don't increase symptoms or performing mild exercise while utilizing oxygen may be helpful if your doctor tells you that you can.