Hypercritical Sentence Examples
Most teenage girls are hypercritical of themselves and that needs to change.
Some only children become hypercritical, not tolerating mistakes or failure in themselves or others.
Virgos can be hypercritical of themselves and of others.
But the other extreme is to be so hypercritical that Paul himself would fail the test.
This sign, in its balanced form, presents a stable, hygienic, noble individual, but an inauspicious astrological aspect can result in a hypercritical, paranoid and stringent individual who makes a miserable partner.
The accounts in Sozomen are mainly based on Jerome's Vita; but Otto Zocker has shown that Sozomen also had at his disposal authentic local traditions (see "Hilarion von Gaza" in the Neue Jahrbiicher fiir deutsche Theologie, 1894), the most important study on Hilarion, which is written against the hypercritical school of Weingarten and shows that Hilarion must be accepted as an historical personage and the Vita as a substantially correct account of his career.
These, like the concessions of other apologetic writers, far outweigh the often hypercritical, irrelevant, and superficial objections brought against the literary and historical criticism of Genesis.
But Bacon is apparently hypercritical in his estimate of the translators from the Arabic. Another protégé of Frederick's was Hermann the German (Alemannus), who, between the years 1243 and 1256, translated amongst other things a paraphrase of al-Farabi on the Rhetoric, and of Averroes on the Poetics and Ethics of Aristotle.