Hyenas Sentence Examples
On the other side of the lake are the so-called Quarries of the Hyenas, from which the building material for the town was obtained.
Lions, formerly plentiful, have disappeared, and leopards and panthers are rare; but jackals, hyenas and Algerian apes are not uncommon.
Spotted hyenas and jackals are also numerous.
From all other large Carnivora except the African hunting-dog, hyenas are distinguished by having only four toes on each foot, and are further characterized by the length of the fore-legs as compared with the hind pair, the non-retractile claws, and the enormous strength of the jaws and teeth, which enables them to break the hardest bones and to retain what they have seized with unrelaxing grip.
Hyenas, wolves and panthers are found in most parts of the country, and in the mountains the leopard and wild cat.
She's been attacked by hyenas and is bleeding to death.
A ghoul might seem to have set it going, and laughing hyenas to be chorusing it.
Watch out for a very slinky cheetah and a wicked trio of hyenas.
Hyenas, jackals, wild pig, polecats and wild dogs (Canis pictus) of different species are still found in or about bush jungles and forest clumps; elands (Antilope oreas) are preserved on some estates, and there are at least ten distinct species of antelope (hartebeest, bushbok, duiker, rietbok, rhebok, rovibok, blauwbok, &c.).
The lion is now only found in the northern parts of Futa Jallon; panthers, leopards, hyenas and wild cats are more common and the civet is found.
AdvertisementFossil hyenas occur in the Lower Pliocene of Greece, China, India, &c.; while remains indistinguishable from those of the striped species have been found in the Upper Pliocene of England and Italy.
The hyenas (Hyaenidae), at any rate at the present day, to which consideration is mainly limited, are likewise Old World.
This makes hyenas vital to the recycling of nutrients in their savannah ecosystem.
Watching while the spotted hyenas were 'laughing ' made for some surreal video footage!