Hydrolyses Sentence Examples
This compound combines with hydrocyanic acid to form a nitrile which hydrolyses to dichlorhydroxy iso-butyric acid.
A boiling solution of caustic potash hydrolyses it to ammonia and succinic acid.
Japaconitine, obtained from the Japanese aconites, known locally as "kuza-uzu," hydrolyses to japbenzaconine, which further breaks down to benzoic acid and japaconine.
Baryta water hydrolyses it to carbon dioxide, ammonia and urea.
Baryta water hydrolyses it to urea.
Moringa-tannin or maclurin, C1,H1006 H20, found in Morus tinctoria, hydrolyses on fusion with caustic potash to phloroglucin and protocatechuic acid.
Streptococcus produce the enzyme hyaluronidase which hydrolyses hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide component responsible for binding cells together.
The test is based on the capacity of H. pylori to secrete the enzyme urease, which hydrolyses urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide.