Hydrate Sentence Examples
Precipitated aluminium hydrate finds considerable application in dyeing.
The hydrate, Bi(OH) 3 i is obtained as a white powder by adding potash to a solution of a bismuth salt.
Acted upon by water it is at once decomposed, yielding acetylene and calcium hydrate.
The Associated Press reports that Smith, 39, also had levels of chloral hydrate, a sedative that also contributed to actress Marilyn Monroe's death in 1962.
The solution is boiled till free from sulphuretted hydrogen and treated with excess of sodium hydrate.
The former is found, generally mixed with iron, copper and arsenic oxides, in Bohemia, Siberia, Cornwall, France (Meymac) and other localities; it also occurs admixed with bismuth carbonate and hydrate.
Liparazzi goes on smooth to hydrate, protect, and provide your lips with beautiful color and brilliant shine.
They need to be soaked in fresh water until they have absorbed the maximum amount of water required to hydrate them.
Guaifenesin and terpin hydrate are the primary ingredients in most over-the-counter expectorants.
Phenothiazines can be used to counter nausea, vomiting, and anxiety, and chloral hydrate or diazepam is useful for sedation or to induce sleep.
AdvertisementLeave-in and deep conditioners can also be beneficial for women with black hair as these conditioners protect and hydrate black hair, preventing unnecessary hair loss from breakage.
Hair oil is a popular product among black women as it helps hydrate and protect the scalp and hair.
Super C Immunity contains 1000 mg of vitamin C plus electrolytes designed to help you hydrate and boost immunity when you are sick.
Mudslides at the bottom of the ocean can uncover methane hydrate beds.
Thus, a person may simply fail to drink enough water to adequately hydrate the body.
AdvertisementWithout drinking enough water and consuming enough fresh fruits that hydrate the intestines, these bulking fibers can actually worsen constipation.
They are designed to exfoliate dead skin cells and hydrate baby's delicate skin.
A good moisturizer will soften and hydrate skin without feeling greasy.
The Rejuvenating Serum infuses hylaronic acid to hydrate the skin plus vitamins ACE to help nourish the skin and fortify against damage from the sun and our polluted environment.
First, you can choose from those that cleanse, hydrate, treat or protect.
AdvertisementVitamin E is also an antioxidant that is frequently added to moisturizers because of its ability to hydrate your skin.
Never lay out in the sun for extended periods of time and always be sure to hydrate yourself with plenty of water.
You can make an excellent exfoliant on your own using several kinds of fruit - nearly all of them will not only strip away your dull flakes, but also hydrate your skin, leaving it smooth and silky.
Though aging skin can't be avoided completely, the right essential oils can help slow down the process, hydrate the skin and restore skin tone.
They tout their Simple Daily Ritual (cleanse, hydrate, protect and moisturize) and the foundation for healthy skin.
AdvertisementNectifirm claims to firm, smooth and hydrate the neck, using such ingredients as lipopeptide, which helps in firming, and tripeptide, which increases collagen production, a crucial aspect of looking young.
Hydrate your skin and protect it from harmful ultraviolet rays with this potent moisturizer.
The Lindi Soothing Balm is specially formulated to hydrate and prevent skin from further dryness.
One of the more science-infused anti aging treatments on the market, their Age-Defying Wrinkle Serum uses Whole Marine Collagen molecules to hydrate your skin and restore some of its youthfulness.
Secondly, always hydrate your skin by drinking plenty of water and using a quality moisturizer every morning and night.
Bubble bath soaps are an indulgent way to cleanse, relax and hydrate the skin in just one step.
Always take a few moments to cleanse and rinse and follow up with a night time cream or moisturizer to help hydrate the skin and plump out fine lines and wrinkles.
Today's skin care products are hydrate, smooth and treat acne with a variety of safe ingredients and products.
Pevonia Botanica products help to hydrate and revitalize dry skin.
The Intense Hydration Mask is made to hydrate and revitalize dry skin.
Dermasycne Wrinkle Arrest is an anti-aging day cream with SPF 18 to hydrate, increase collagen and elastin production and protect skin from the sun's damaging rays.
Therapeutic Hair Repair binds moisture to hydrate the hair and scalp, repairs split ends and neutralizes bacteria.
All Day Moisture is fragrance-free, lightweight, and utilizes fruit acids, vitamin E, and panthenol to exfoliate and hydrate the skin.
The word "flocculent" is used of many substances which have a fleecy or "flock"-like appearance, such as a precipitate of ferric hydrate.
Balard discovered chlorine monoxide in 1834, investigating its properties and reactions; and his observations on hypochlorous acid and hypochlorites led him to conclude that " bleaching-powder " or " chloride of lime " was a compound or mixture in equimolecular proportions of calcium chloride and hypochlorite, with a little calcium hydrate.
This compound occurs in nature as bismuth ochre, and may be prepared artificially by oxidizing the metal at a red heat, or by heating the carbonate, nitrate or hydrate.
In a smaller degree these alkaline properties are shared by the less soluble hydrates of the "metals of the alkaline earths," calcium, barium and strontium, and by thallium hydrate.
In the generation of acetylene from calcium carbide and water, all that has to be done is to bring these two compounds into contact, when they mutually react upon each other with the formation of lime and acetylene, while, if there be sufficient water present, the lime combines with it to form calcium hydrate.
A freshly prepared surface of the metal closely resembles zinc in appearance, but on exposure to the air it rapidly tarnishes, becoming yellowish and ultimately grey or white in colour owing to the formation of a surface layer of calcium hydrate.
At that temperature crystals of the anhydrous Na 2 SO 4 appear, and a new fixed equilibrium exists between the four phases - hydrate, anhydrous salt, solution and vapour.
Potassium aluminate, K 2 Al 2 0 4, is obtained in solution by dissolving aluminium hydrate in caustic potash; it is also obtained, as crystals containing three molecules of water, by fusing alumina with potash, exhausting with water, and crystallizing the solution in vacuo.
On exposure to meteoric influences pyrites commonly becomes brown, by formation of ferric hydrate or limonite, whence the change is called "limonitization."
It decomposes water at a red heat, liberating hydrogen and being itself converted into the hydrate.
It is produced by the exposure of thallous hydrate to carbon dioxide, and therefore is obtained when the moist metal is exposed to the air.
The word " alkali " denotes both soda and potash, but by "alkali manufacture" we understand merely the manufacture of sodium sulphate, carbonate and hydrate.
The term alkali is employed in a technical sense for the carbonate and hydrate (of sodium), but since in the Leblanc process the manufacture of sodium sulphate necessarily precedes that of the carbonate, we include this as well as the manufacture of hydrochloric acid which is inseparable from it.
The first action of the lime is to convert the manganese chloride into manganous hydrate (Mn(OH) 2) and calcium chloride; then more lime is added which greatly promotes and hastens the oxidizing process.
The principal impurities of crude vat-liquor are sodium hydrate and sulphide, the latter of which always leads to the formation of soluble double sulphur salts of sodium and iron.
After from half an hour to a whole hour the conversion of sodium carbonate into sodium hydrate is brought about as far as is practicable.
The washed-out calcium carbonate, which always contains much calcium hydrate and 2 or 3% of soda in various forms, usually goes back to the black-ash furnaces, but it cannot be always used up in this way, and what remains is thrown upon a heap outside the works.
When this takes place in an aqueous solution, the alkaline metal at once reacts with the water, so that a solution of an alkaline hydrate is formed while hydrogen escapes.
If, however, the action of the chlorine on the sodium hydrate is prevented, which can be done in various ways, they can both be collected in the isolated state and utilized as has been previously described, viz.
When this percentage has been reached, the cell is rocked to the other side, so that the amalgam flows into one of the outer compartments where the sodium is converted by water into sodium hydrate.
The intermediate layer of the salt solution, floating over the caustic soda solution, plays the part of a diaphragm, by preventing the chlorine evolved in the bell from acting on the sodium hydrate formed outside, and this solution offers much less resistance to the electric current than the ordinary diaphragms. This process therefore consumes less power than most others.
Thorium fluoride, ThF 4, is obtained as a heavy white insoluble powder by dissolving the hydrate in hydrofluoric acid and evaporating.
By precipitating a thorium salt with a fluoride, a gelatinous hydrate, ThF 4.4H 2 O, is obtained.
It is readily soluble in water, and on boiling the aqueous solution a white hydrate is first deposited which after a time is converted into the trioxide.
Copper dioxide, CuO 2 H 2 O, is obtained as a yellowish-brown powder, by treating cupric hydrate with hydrogen peroxide.
Cuprous sulphite, CuS0 3 H 2 O, is obtained as a brownish-red crystalline powder by treating cuprous hydrate with sulphurous acid.
The same hydrate can be prepared by dissolving borax in water until the solution has a specific gravity of 1.246 and then allowing the solution to cool.
A colloidal selenium was obtained by C. Paal and C. Koch (Ber., 1905, 38, p. 526) by reducing selenious acid dissolved in an aqueous solution of sodium protalbate with hydrazine hydrate and hydrochloric acid, the precipitate obtained being then dissolved in sodium carbonate.
It is somewhat soluble in water and forms a hydrate.
Neither is there any advantage gained by mixing this hydrate with sulphur trioxide; for when such a mixture is concentrated by evaporation, sulphur trioxide is vaporized until the same hydrate is left.
The pure acid, however, may be obtained by strongly cooling this hydrate.
Ferrous hydrate, Fe(OH)2, when prepared from a pure ferrous salt and caustic soda or potash free from air, is a white powder which may be preserved in an atmosphere of hydrogen.
Thomas Graham obtained a soluble hydrate by dissolving the freshly prepared hydrate in ferric chloride and dialysing the solution, the soluble hydrate being left in the dialyser.
Fremy investigated this discovery, made by Stahl in 1702, and showed that the same solution resulted when chlorine is passed into strong potash solution containing ferric hydrate in suspension.
Many oxychlorides are known; soluble forms are obtained by dissolving precipitated ferric hydrate in ferric chloride, whilst insoluble compounds result when ferrous chloride is oxidized in air, or by boiling for some time aqueous solutions of ferric chloride.
It closely resembles the chloride in being deliquescent, dissolving ferric hydrate, and in yielding basic salts.
Arsenides, Arsenites, &c. - Several iron arsenides occur as minerals; lolingite, FeAs 2, forms silvery rhombic prisms; mispickel or arsenical pyrites, Fe2AsS2, is an important commercial source of arsenic. A basic ferric arsenite, 4Fe2O3 As2O3.5H 2 O, is obtained as a flocculent brown precipitate by adding an arsenite to ferric acetate, or by shaking freshly prepared ferric hydrate with a solution of arsenious oxide.
The last reaction is the basis of the application of ferric hydrate as an antidote in arsenical poisoning.
Then, if available, freshly precipitated ferric hydrate must be given, which can be prepared by adding a solution of ammonia to one of iron perchloride.
Ethyl alcohol is taken as a type of the action of methyl alcohol, amyl alcohol, propyl alcohol, ether, acetic ether, paraldehyde, sulphonal, chloroform, methyl chloride, ethyl chloride, chloral hydrate, butylchloral hydrate, and almost any number of derivatives from these.
An improved method of preparation was found in the use of hippuric acid, which reacts with hydrazine hydrate to form hippuryl hydrazine, C 6 H 5 [[Conh Ch 2 Conh Nh]] 2, and this substance is converted by nitrous acid into diazo-hippuramide, C 6 H 5 [[Conh Ch 2 Co Nh N 2.0h]], which is hydrolysed by the action of caustic alkalis with the production of salts of hydrazoic acid.
The buffing polish also contains other botanicals to add moisture and hydrate the skin.
The use of such clathrate cages in the formation of solid gas hydrate ices is shown on another page.
He made a very brief examination of Miss X believing, incorrectly, that she had been given chloral hydrate.
Testing with hydrate former to identify water with a history of hydrate formation.
Test drilling in the area revealed evidence of an abundance of methane hydrate just waiting to burst free of its watery confines.
The mean hydrate saturation in the well-constrained volume of the velocity model is estimated to be 2.2% .
Of the hygroscopic substances in common use, phosphoric anhydride, concentrated sulphuric acid, and dry potassium hydrate are almost equal in power; sodium hydrate and calcium chloride are not much behind.
It is a physiological antagonist of chloral hydrate, morphine and physostigmine, and may be given in poisoning by these drugs.
Crace-Calvert in 1871 showed that the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere was a factor; and in 1888 Crum Brown published the theory - termed the "carbonic acid theory" - that water and carbon dioxide react with iron to form ferrous carbonate and hydrogen, the ferrous carbonate being subsequently oxidized by moist oxygen to ferric hydrate and regenerating carbon dioxide, which again reacts with more iron.
Sports drinks - Chugging down sports drinks will not only hydrate your body, but also replace some of the glucose and other water-soluble nutrients that are flushed out of your system along with the toxins.
With acid based ingredients that capture and fill with moisture, the concept is to over hydrate your lips causing the swelling stout look.
Bio5ive Blend & Hydrate ($12.90) is an invisible alcohol-free priming, blending and hydrating solution that provides a special layer of oil-free moisture for easy cosmetic blending and setting.
However, there are some nice products on the market that can help to illuminate, hydrate and plump up the area around the eye.
Hydrate. A good moisturizer is essential in the wintertime.
Subtle and natural enough for both men and women to wear, its special water formulation allows the skin to breathe and hydrate, continually renewing your complexion.
Like the MAC Pro Eye Makeup remover, Gently Off also features cucumber extract and rose water to refresh and hydrate.
Drink in moderation, hydrate, and if you simply cannot live without red wine, try some of the cures above.
In addition to a beautiful salon cut and texture service, be sure to pamper your tresses and properly moisturize and hydrate them at home.
If your hair is parched and in dire straights, you may find that switching to a sulfate-free shampoo helps to protect and hydrate your hair effectively.
The presentation was actually offered on the topic of alternative energies because Clennell was focused on methane hydrate beds that exist under the ocean as a viable alternative to traditional fuels like natural gas.
At the end of your facial, your spa worker will hydrate your skin with oil-free moisturizer.
If a glucose solution be added to copper sulphate and much alkali added, a yellowish-red precipitate of cuprous hydrate separates, slowly in the cold, but immediately when the liquid is heated; this precipitate rapidly turns red owing to the formation of cuprous oxide.
Water, at ordinary or slightly elevated temperatures, is decomposed more or less readily, with evolution of hydrogen gas and formation of a basic hydrate, by (I) potassium (formation of KHO), sodium (NaHO), lithium (LiOH), barium, strontium, calcium (BaH 2 O 2, &c.); (2) magnesium, zinc, manganese (MgO 2 H 2, &c.).
The solution, if boiled, deposits its titanic oxide as a hydrate called metatitanic acid, TiO(OH) 21 because it differs in its properties from orthotitanic acid, Ti(OH) 4, obtained by decomposing a solution of the chloride in cold water with alkalis.
The hydrate, B1204.2H20, is also known.
The remaining mud of calcium carbonate and hydrate is washed, by decantation, with small instalments of hot water to recover at least part of the alkali diffused throughout it, but this process must not be continued too long or else some of the lime passes into solution.
For the fusion of the dry hydrate nickel vessels cannot be used; in fact, even silver is perceptibly attacked as soon as all the excess of water is away; absolutely pure KHO can be produced only in gold vessels.
As heat is supplied, the hydrate is transformed gradually into the anhydrous salt and water.
This indicates the appearance of a new compound, which should exist pure at E, the next maximum, and, led by these considerations, Roozeboom discovered and isolated a previously unknown hydrate, Fe 2 C1 6 7 H 2 0.
A familiar example is to be found in solutions of sodium sulphate, which may be cooled much below their saturation point and kept in the liquid state till a crystal of the hydrate Na 2 SO 4 IoH 2 O is dropped in, when solidification occurs with a large evolution of latent heat.
The solution is best prepared by dissolving the hydrate in hydrochloric acid and removing the excess of acid by evaporation, or by passing chlorine into the solution obtained by dissolving the metal in hydrochloric acid and removing the excess of chlorine by a current of carbon dioxide.
Ferric hydrate, iron soaps and all insoluble impurities are precipitated.
Filter from the bismuth hydrate, and if copper is present, add potassium cyanide till the colour is destroyed, then pass sulphuretted hydrogen, and cadmium is precipitated as the yellow sulphide.
A standard sodium hydrate solution can be prepared by dissolving 42 grammes of sodium hydrate, making up to a litre, and diluting until one cubic centimetre is exactly equivalent to one cubic centimetre of the sulphuric acid.
Titanic oxide separates out as a white hydrate, which, however, is generally contaminated with ferric hydrate and often with tin oxide.
When a concentrated solution of auric chloride is treated with caustic potash, a brown precipitate of auric hydrate, Au(OH) 3, is obtained, which, on heating, loses water to form auryl hydrate, AuO(OH), and auric oxide, Au 2 0 3.
Werner, four hydrated chromium chlorides exist, namely the green and violet salts, CrC1 3.6H 2 O, a hydrate, CrC1 3.10H 2 O and one CrC1 3.4H 2 0.
Aluminium hydrate, Al(OH) 3, is obtained as a gelatinous white precipitate, soluble in potassium or sodium hydrate, but insoluble in ammonium chloride, by adding ammonia to a cold solution of an aluminium salt; from boiling solutions the precipitate is opaque.
Thus a normal solution of sodium carbonate contains 53 grammes per litre, of sodium hydrate 40 grammes, of hydrochloric acid 36.5 grammes, and so on.
The view, often repeated, that the saccharum of the ancients is the hydrate of silica, sometimes found in bamboos and known in Arabian medicine as tabashir, is refuted by Yule, Anglo-Indian Glossary, p. 654; see also Not.
The alkali must be free from carbonate and an excess of it must be avoided, otherwise the hydrate redissolves.
It is rapidly acted on by water, especially if means are taken to remove the layer of calcium hydrate formed on the metal; alcohol acts very slowly.
Pure potassium is a silvery white metal tinged with blue; but on exposure to air it at once forms a film of oxide, and on prolonged exposure deliquesces into a solution of hydrate and carbonate.
The liquors after a concentration in iron vessels are now evaporated in a silver dish, until the heavy vapour of the hydrate is seen to go off.
On crystallizing a solution, the hydrate KOH 2H 2 0 is deposited; 2KOH 9H 2 0 and 2KOH 5H 2 0 have also been obtained.
The ferric hydrate is also readily deposited from ferruginous waters, often by means of organic agencies.
The corresponding hydrate, Pb(OH)2, is obtained as a white crystalline precipitate by adding ammonia to a solution of lead nitrate or acetate.
Uranous hydrate is obtained as reddish-brown flakes by precipitating a uranous solution with alkali.
It forms a hydrate of composition H 2 S 7H 2 0.
Water when absolutely pure has no action on lead, but in the presence of air the lead is quickly attacked, with formation of the hydrate, Pb(OH) 2, which is appreciably soluble in water forming an alkaline liquid.
With water it forms a hydrate, and ultimately decomposes into lead dioxide and hydrochloric acid.
Precipitated stannous hydrate dissolves readily in caustic potash; if the solution is evaporated quickly it suffers decomposition, with formation of metal and stannate, 2SnO+2KOH = K2Sn03+Sn+H20.
The chloride readily combines with water to form a crystallizable hydrate SnCl 2.2H 2 O, known as "tin salt" or "tin crystals."
To ensure this being properly done, the lumps of lime should be broken up small, and enough water to slake them should be added, the lime then being allowed to rest for about forty-eight hours, when the water changes the particles of quicklime to hydrate of lime, and breaks up the hard lumps into a powder.
In addition to behaving as a basic oxide, aluminium oxide (or hydrate) behaves as an acid oxide towards the strong bases with the formation of aluminates.
Both these soluble hydrates are readily coagulated by traces of a salt, acid or alkali; Crum's hydrate does not combine with dye-stuffs, neither is it soluble in excess of acid, while Graham's compound readily forms lakes, and readily dissolves when coagulated in acids.
Cailletet and later by P. Villard that when allowed to stand in the presence of water at a low temperature a solid hydrate is formed.
This view was modified by Liebig, who regarded ether as ethyl oxide, and alcohol as the hydrate of ethyl oxide; here, however, he was in error, for he attributed to alcohol a molecular weight double its true value.
Where a solution is likely to change in composition on keeping, such as potassium permanganate, iodine, sodium hydrate, &c., it is necessary to check or re-standardize it periodically.
The monoxide and its hydrate are more familiarly known as lime (q.v.) and slakedlime.