Hybrid Sentence Examples
There are now several hybrid forms.
Many hybrid forms of varying shades of colour have been raised of late years.
Hybrid plants may be again crossed, or even re-hybridized, so as to produce a progeny of very mixed parentage.
A hybrid between the yak and Indian cattle, called zo, is commonly reared in Tibet and the Himalaya.
A chestnut mare, after having a hybrid by a quagga, produced to a black Arabian horse three foals showing a number of stripes - in one more stripes were present than in the quagga hybrid.
Suitable conifers include Scots pine, and introduced species such as Sitka spruce, European larch and hybrid larch.
All-in-Ones seem to be a corset and girdle hybrid.
The tendency of the proportions in the offspring of 'PP, 2PN, INN is to give in a series of generations a regular reversion from the hybrid form PN to the two pure races, viz.
It has been maintained that this tendency to a severance of the hybrid stock into its components must favour the persistence of a new character of large volume suddenly appearing in a stock, and the observations of Mendel have been held to favour in this way the views of those who hold that the variations upon which natural selection has acted in the production of new species are not small variations but large and " discontinuous."
The Moors are ethnically a very hybrid race with more Arab than Berber blood.
AdvertisementThe band's first album, Hybrid Theory, went diamond in 2005.
Having obtained a first hybrid generation, he allowed the hybrids to self-fertilize, and recorded the result in a large number of instances (a thousand or more) as to the number of individuals in the first, second, third and fourth generations in which the character selected for experiment made its appearance.
In the first hybrid generation formed by the union of the reproductive germs of the positive variety (that possessing the structural character selected for observation) with those of the negative variety, it is not surprising that all or nearly all the individuals were found to exhibit, as a result of the mixture, the positive character.
The hybrid coupler shown to the left is made of square coaxial cable with inner conductor only a 50 micron wide.
Whether or not even greater uniformity and desirable combinations of traits can be achieved more readily in F1 hybrid cultivars remains an open question.
AdvertisementSee electron cyclotron resonant heating, ion cyclotron resonant heating, lower hybrid heating.
The first cymbidium was introduced into England by James Fothergill from China in 1778 and the first cymbidium hybrid was bred in 1889.
Aster frikartii ' Monch ' This plant has an Award of Garden Merit and is a wonderful hybrid Michaelmas daisy.
The UM uses a full compressible equation set, no turbulence closure (numerical diffusion only) and a hybrid terrain following co-ordinate system.
It also boasts real driving sensations with a driving position featuring the latest technologies, and a specially designed high-performance diesel hybrid drivetrain.
AdvertisementThe diesel hybrid drivetrain comprises a pack of high voltage batteries to supply the electric motors.
Once you are started, the official documents will guide you to such esoterica as audio, bootable, multisession and hybrid disks.
Hybrid forms such as the mercury hourglass and seemingly floating steps serve as to bridge metaphors for time and space.
Turbine hybrid systems can be used to utilize the energy of the exhaust gases.
The hybrid seeds are prized because they produce uniform plants benefiting from the effect called heterosis (hybrid vigor ).
AdvertisementThis can result in hybrid buildings where traditional facades of arches and domes are grafted onto modern high-rises.
There must be a pan of seedlings somewhere of a putative hybrid between these two!
It also prevents farmers from saving seeds, compelling them to buy the fertile hybrid every year.
However, the Malamute is a domesticated dog and is not a wolf hybrid.
The hybrid systems have a wind generator with a battery bank which produces 2,500 kilowatts an hour through the day.
It's a thriving hybrid, a conglomeration of 88 independent cities sprawling over a vast urban Maelstrom.
External examination suggests that 209 were pure polecats and 37 had (ferret) hybrid features in their pelage.
It is shown that hybrid HMM/ANN systems, in which the ANN part estimates local posteriors can be used to model global posteriors.
First, an estimation of global posteriors is formalized in the framework of hybrid HMM/ANN systems.
This work involves studies of the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm for generating dynamical quarks.
Ailments The exotic shorthair is, like must hybrid breeds, a robust healthy cat and has no specific health problems.
Hybrid cars can reduce smog up to 90% and can get much better fuel economy then a normal engine.
This hybrid approach combines the strength of a standards based model with that of continuous quality improvement.
I am in Minot, North Dakota and was wondering the best way to prepare my hybrid tea roses for the winter.
Colchicum tessellated hybrid The tessellated hybrid The tessellated hybrid Colchicum I showed you last week is now in its full glory and looking fabulous.
These lines are seen in harmonic tremor which follows the build up of repeated hybrid events.
In this way we hope to find out where hybrid trypanosomes first appear during the complex migratory route of T. brucei in the fly.
This is the first study that has looked at hybrid vigor in any crop on such a large scale.
The fact that in the formation of the reproductive cells of the hybrid generation the material which carries the positive quality is not subdivided so as to give a half-quantity to each reproductive cell, but on the contrary is apparently distributed as an undivided whole to half only of the reproductive cells and not at all to the remainder, is the important inference from Mendel's experiments.
The suggestion is obvious that the halving of the number of nuclear threads in the reproductive cells as compared with the number of those present in the ordinary cells of the tissues - a phenomenon which has now been demonstrated as universal - may be directly connected with the facts of segregation of hybrid characters observed by Mendel.
Meanwhile the intrepid group of painters in oil plod along unflinchingly, having formed themselves into an association (the hakuba-kai) which gives periodical exhibitions, and there are, in Tokyo and KiOto, wellorganized and flourishing art schools which receive a substantial measure of state aid, as well as a private academy founded by Okakura with a band of seceders from the hybrid fashions of the GahO system.
Dickel states that a German male bee mated with a female of the Italian race transmits distinct paternal characters to hybrid male offspring.
John May was also very interested in plant breeding and raised many hybrid Rhododendrons.
For 2007 Lexus is offering a hybrid version of their GS sport sedan dubbed the GS450h with " well in excess of 300hp ".
Ailments The Exotic Shorthair is, like must hybrid breeds, a robust healthy cat and has no specific health problems.
Hybrid boots combine the flexible, soft upper part of soft boots with the sturdy hard soles of hard boots.
Such biomass energy crops might be switchgrass, hybrid poplar trees or sugar cane for example.
Discover hybrid synergy drive technology and how it works for you.
In addition any future test procedure should be appropriate for new and emerging technologies such as alternative fuelled and hybrid powered vehicles.
Colchicum tessellated hybrid The tessellated hybrid Colchicum I showed you last week is now in its full glory and looking fabulous.
The book 's tripartite division also serves to highlight Emin 's hybrid cultural identity.
Tunable low noise oscillators (both hybrid and MMIC) have been built and are under further investigation.
Plans are underway to extend the installation of these hybrid systems to another community.
Hybrid thermostats are useful if you aren't sure what type of heating or cooling system you have.
Because they are a hybrid of the electromagnetic and digital thermostats, they work with almost all types of systems.
Wondering how to buy a hybrid golf club?
A hybrid golf club, or utility club, is a cross between a long iron club and a fairway wooden one.
Hybrid clubs were first introduced in the 1990s.
The ball will generally soar higher when hit by a hybrid with the same loft as an iron.
For example, you may see a "21 degree hybrid" in your search for the perfect club.
Be sure to match the hybrid to the appropriate iron or wood club so that the lengths and lofts are the same.
When you're trying to determine how to buy a hybrid golf club, one of the main things you'll need to keep in mind is whether you would prefer a steel or graphite shaft.
Make sure to check the return policy before you purchase your hybrid golf club.
Little things such as composting kitchen waste, recycling or driving a hybrid car really can make a difference.
For drivers concerned about the economic and environmental impact of fossil fuels, hybrid cars present a great option for affordable, green transportation.
The auto industry has responded to consumer demands for fuel-efficient vehicles, and there are several respected hybrid options to choose from.
When most people think of hybrid vehicles, the Toyota Prius comes to mind.
While the Prius is one great example of hybrid automotive technology, there are actually a variety of different types of hybrids.
Stop-start hybrid cars run on regular gasoline when they are moving, but they operate off of stored power when they are idling.
Several automakers have hybrid vehicles on the market, and many are very popular with consumers.
Since it was introduced to U.S. car buyers in 2001, the Toyota Prius has defined the concept of a "hybrid car."
Another popular multi-fuel option from Toyota, the Camry Hybrid gives car buyers a roomy interior and sporty exterior for a reasonable price.
Although it has never been as popular as the traditional fuel Camry, the hybrid version has its share of followers.
For hybrid vehicle buyers in search of a sporty look and affordable price, the Honda CR-Z is a popular option.
One of the first hybrid automobiles offered from domestic carmakers, the Ford Fusion Hybrid has quickly gained a loyal following in the hybrid car market.
Another popular hybrid option from Toyota, the Highlander Hybrid has plenty of room for the whole family.
Although its fuel economy statistics are lower than many other hybrid vehicles, the Highlander delivers all the power and performance consumers expect from a SUV.
Buying a hybrid car is an major investment, so it's essential to do your research about the options on the market.
Since fuel economy is an important consideration for many hybrid buyers, it's a good idea to compare cars based on their estimated miles per gallon.
If you do your homework, you're sure to find a hybrid vehicle that meets your needs.
Ethanol provides lower vehicle emissions without the need to purchase a hybrid vehicle.
Maybe you have seen advertisements and wondered "How do hybrid cars work, anyway?"
Any hybrid is just a joining of two types of things to create a different item, one which has the strengths of both.
Any vehicle that combines two or more sources of power that can provide propulsion is a hybrid.
Many companies are designing hybrid cars.
Most hybrid cars on the road right now are gasoline-electric hybrids.
This type of hybrid has both a gasoline and an electric engine.
The series hybrid has a gasoline system which is connected to a generator that charges the battery.
The parallel hybrid has the electric motor, the batteries and the combustion engine all connected to the transmission.
Since the engines in the hybrid cars are smaller, they also produce less horsepower.
The average hybrid produces between sixty and ninety horsepower, or about half of what a traditional gas guzzling engine does.
To overcome this power shortage the manufacturers of hybrid cars are using lightweight materials like aluminum or carbon fiber.
The hybrid cars are also designed in a more aerodynamic manner than other vehicles.
Because of the increase in fuel efficiency, the hybrid vehicle emissions are much cleaner than their combustion engine counterparts.
If you would like to see a diagram of how hybrid cars work, this site has a simple, easy to understand diagram of the engine area of a hybrid.
Alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles can contribute to major energy savings.
If you're buying a hybrid to realize cost savings, do the math to determine when you will realize a price break.
The good news for those who can't afford a hybrid is that standard gasoline-based SUVS are also made in fuel efficient models.
As you can see from the chart below, non-hybrid SUVS often achieve better mileage than hybrid models.
The chart highlights common fuel efficient SUVS, their average overall mileage per gallon, starting price and whether or not they are hybrid models.
Hybrid cars are all the rage as people become more aware of the importance of leading sustainable lifestyles.
According to popular magazine Consumer Reports, one out of three car buyers in seriously considering buying a hybrid.
When gas spikes to the $3 per gallon range and above, hybrid car owners can realize significant savings.
Some hybrid cars, based on gas mileage, may not balance out the cost of gas usage versus the upfront cost of the car.
However, owners may get a tax incentive for purchasing a hybrid.
When you factor in the refund, the total cost of purchasing the hybrid is lower than the cost of purchasing a comparable model.
That being said, be advised that not all hybrid buyers qualify for a tax incentive.
Even if you aren't convinced that a hybrid car will save you money, consider purchasing one for other reasons.
Finally, hybrid cars emit fewer harmful emissions into the air thereby contributing to a cleaner, greener and healthier planet.
These include using public transportation when it is available, using a bicycle for short distances, considering hybrid cars or vehicles that use alternative fuels, and investigating city car share schemes.
According to TreeHugger.com, a company called Solatec LLC introduced solar panels to fit the roof of a hybrid car that can help charge the battery.
These hybrid systems are perfect for difficult environmental situations.
Read and study about the PV system and its accompanying hybrid systems.
Hybrid cars use a variety of different fuel sources and this reduces the amount of gasoline that is consumed.
Hybrid cars typically combine conventional combustion engines with an electric battery.
In addition to hybrid cars, there are an increasing number of electric cars available and these do not burn gasoline at all and are powered completely by electricity.
Buy and use a hybrid car or fuel-efficient vehicle to reduce pollution and dependence on fossil fuels.
If you want to compare hybrid automobiles, first remember to compare apples to apples.
Don't compare hybrid compact cars with full-size sedans or SUVs.
Hybrid full-size pick-up comparisons include the Chevy Silverado and the GMC Sierra.
When hybrid automakers are given a degree of hybridization, what exactly does that mean?
Leaf growth of hybrid poplar following exposure to elevated CO 2.
A lovely sliver of land, Bute is a geological and scenic hybrid of highland and lowland.
By asking the question, "How do hybrid cars work?", and researching to find which is the best hybrid vehicle for you, you can make the best choice for your own situation.
According to the Hybrid Center there are certain steps that determine the measurement of hybridization.
To compare this further, if the hybrid's engine is able to shut off at red lights and in stop and go traffic it can be classified as a conventional hybrid all the way to a full or muscle hybrid.
If the hybrid vehicles utilizes regenerative braking above sixty volts and uses a gas engine along with an electric motor, it is considered to be a mild to muscle hybrid.
If the hybrid vehicle can be driven in full electric mode, it is classified as a full or plug-in hybrid.
Consequently, if it can be plugged-in, recharged, and driven for at least twenty miles, it is a plug-in hybrid.
Both federal and state governments offer hybrid tax credits on hybrids purchased after 2006, according to Edmunds.
Depending upon the hybrid you purchase, these credits can range from $500 to $4,000 and even $7,500 if you buy a Tesla Hybrid Roaster.
Each state has different tax incentives on hybrid vehicle purchases.
As with any vehicle you purchase, the hybrid you choose should match the type of driving that you do.
If you drive on bumpy or dirt roads, for instance, a hybrid sedan would most likely not be your best choice.
Comparisons of hybrid automobiles and reviews are abundant on the Internet, so read some reviews, compare some hybrids, and make a conscious decision to be greener and buy a hybrid.
Owning and driving a hybrid will cut down on emissions and carbon dioxide released into the air we all breathe.
Some, such as changing to a renewable energy source in the home or buying a hybrid car, can involve a lot of up front expense or may simply be impractical.
According to Green Energy Efficient Homes, hybrid car sales statistics have been affected just as much as the sales of standard gasoline and diesel vehicles on the road.
In December of 2008, hybrid car sales dropped a whopping 43 percent but does that really represent true hybrid car sales statistics?
Even with more hybrid car options from both domestic and foreign automakers along with reduced prices, disposable income has played a role in hybrid car sales.
Instead of investing money into new hybrid vehicles, more and more people are using their disposable income for household bills and other needed items.
Between January 2004 and April 2009, over 1.25 million hybrid cars and SUVs were sold in the US alone.
Hybrid sales were increasing by February of 2009 with the growing popularity of the Honda Insight, Ford Fusion, and Toyota Prius, all offered at affordable prices utilizing both gas and electric engines that can travel good distances.
The government has demanded a force of over 1,000,000 hybrid cars on the road by year 2015, but are automakers ready to take on that challenge?
Hybrid vehicles are manufactured by both foreign and domestic automakers and while all may seem high in green technology, the price of these hybrid vehicles is from affordable to out of reach for some folks.
Hybrid car sales statistics show that consumers are more interested in foreign hybrids.
If hybrid cars are to succeed and be affordable, the mentality of the car consumer that, "I need everything in my car, including a refrigerator," must change.
Bigger doesn't always mean better especially when it comes to hybrid cars.
Hybrid car sales statistics in the next few years will rise in the US, but the real question is, will they benefit the US economy or a foreign economy.
It's a good bet that hybrid car sales statistics will rise well into the future.
There are many ways of reducing the negative impact of vehicles on the environment, however, including looking for hybrid alternatives or simply reducing the amount of miles driven each year.
A type of hybrid cloth diaper is becoming increasingly common.
When it's time to buy a new car, consider purchasing an alternative fuel vehicle, plug-in or hybrid gas-electric vehicle, which may be eligible for tax credits.
This hybrid formula makes it a bit different from traditional lip stains on the market, the majority of which feel quite dry upon application and usually appear matte.
If strictly chronological, subject, or themed albums don't seem to fit your needs, you may want to consider a hybrid approach to scrapbook organization.
Of course, you may find that "hybrid scrapbooking" has an appeal all its own!
Digital scrapbookers or those interested in creating hybrid scrapbook layouts may also want to check out the free papers and embellishments in the Winter Magic Kit by Monica or the Winter Kit Mini Freebie by Silvia.
Hybrid scrapbooking can be useful when you want to give a page a retro look.
Plus, some elements can be used in hybrid scrapbooking.
Every scrapbooking template available to download is a digital product that you can either print for use in traditional or hybrid scrapbooking or keep in digital form for use in digital (computer) scrapbooking.
Simply put, Supima is a hybrid of the words "superior" and "pima".
Additionally, the person with the largest loss of body weight won a 2007 Camry Hybrid.
One favorite with these "green" stars is the Toyota Prius, a hybrid car known for its extremely efficient gas milage.
According to Hilton, she has changed her light bulbs to the energy efficient variety, plans to buy a hybrid car and turns the water off when not in use.
For example, a cute T-shirt that says 'My trike is a hybrid' sends a double message through its sustainable construction, as well as its environmental slogan.
The Distance Learning department also offers hybrid classes that combine face-to-face instruction with online components.
Students without consistent Internet access might also consider hybrid courses if they can access course content and materials through local public libraries or university facilities.
In addition to postal mail and print-based methods, hybrid courses may use videorecordings, audio clips, e-mail, digital downloads, Internet-based research and information, or electronic discussion boards.
Get a Hybrid" in the organic line because it celebrates all the mutts of the world.
A Miniature Labradoodle is a hybrid dog; the offspring of a Miniature Poodle and a Labrador Retriever.
Remember that the Miniature Labradoodle is not yet a recognized breed; instead it is a hybrid in development.
Other breeds that were involved in a large number of attacks include Rottweiler (447), Wolf hybrid (81), Husky (49), German Shepherd (79), Bullmastiff (48), and Chows (52).
Cavachons are considered a designer hybrid (not a breed) and, as such, are not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
However, this hybrid is not the type of puppy that can be brought into the home and left to its own devices.
Cavachons are a hybrid breed that's created by mating a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a Bichon Frise.
Since the Cavachon is a newer hybrid of dog, finding a local breeder may not be easy.
A fine hybrid has been obtained by crossing it with H. guttatus, the result being a form with large spreading flower slighter than in H. colchicus, and profusely marked with dark carmine streaks.
Another hybrid between this and H. altifolius resulted in a form with larger flowers of a lighter purple.
It is given to a supposed hybrid between the Hawthorn and the Medlar.
Siberia. Aureole, Citrina, Baroni, and Sovereign are modern hybrid sorts of much value.
A certain Forsythia was sent here from the Continent two or three years since under the name of F. intermedia, and was announced as a hybrid between F. suspensa and F. viridissima.
There are pale and white forms of this plant and the hybrid forms, none of them better than the wild plant.
C. Van Houttei is regarded by some as a variety of the above, though the evidences of hybrid origin are not wanting.
F. Wilson - A fine hybrid of C. pulla and C. carpatica that no collection should be without.
Primrose Peerless (Hybrid Narcissi Biflorus) - Similar in habit to N. poeticus, but has creamy-white flowers, two on a scape, and the rim of the primrose corona is scariose but colorless (i.e., not purple).
Cyclamen Daffodil (Hybrid Narcissi Cyclamineus) - A dainty but not showy species, easily grown in a peat-earth rock garden or in pots of peaty compost.
Common Daffodil (Hybrid Narcissi Pseudo-Narcissus) - There are several hundred varieties of the Common Daffodil, either wild or cultivated.
H. Moserianum is a handsome hybrid kind raised in France and well worth a place.
Jonquil (Hybrid Narcissi Jonquilla) - Long known in gardens, and imported from Italy and Holland for forcing in pots.
There are in cultivation many species, both annual and perennial, but the most important are the tall hybrid perennials, of which there are many varieties with a wonderful range of lovely color.
The hybrid varieties of these are interesting for the singular variety of shades occurring among them.
The hybrid sorts have been obtained chiefly from P. officinalis and other European kinds, together with the Chinese species albiflora, sinensis, and edulis.
Among the hybrid Paeonias there is much variety of color-white, pale yellow, salmon, flesh-pink, and numerous intermediate shades from carmine to brightest purple.
Poets or Pheasants-eye Narcissus (Hybrid Narcissi Poeticus) - One of the oldest and most popular of garden flowers, and erroneously supposed to be the Narcissus of the Greek poets.
The common Oxlip is a hybrid more or less intermediate between the Cowslip and the Primrose.
A hybrid between it and Hookeri called Kewense (raised at Kew in 1874) has flowers of a pale flesh color, not so large as those of Aucklandi, but more numerous in the truss.
There is also a very pretty hybrid known as Aucklandi hybridum, which is hardy in the London district; its flowers are pure white.
Ribes Gordonianum - A hybrid between R. aureum and R. sanguineum, is an old and tolerably common shrub-intermediate in growth as well as in flowers, which are an orange-red; it is distinct and showy.
The attempt Common in catalogues to divide these from the hybrid Teas is a mistake, and the best way is simply to make a list of the ones that best answer the helm and give them first and sufficient place.
Hybrid perpetual Roses are far less grown than they used to be, but someone must always have them though, generally speaking, summer Roses, as compared with those that flower right into the autumn, are hardly worth a place.
Calceolaria Kellyana - A curious hardy hybrid, with short downy stems, 6 to 9 inches high, flowers about an inch across, yellow with numerous small brown dots top of the stems.
Africa. Every species introduced is of value, is easily grown, and is suitable for many garden uses, but the charm of the Gladiolus is derived from the beautiful hybrid varieties.
Nymphaea Alba Arc-En-Ciel - A distinct hybrid with blending shades of pale salmon streaked with rose, and crimson spotted sepals.
Nymphaea Alba William Doogue - An American hybrid with large flowers of soft pink, very broad in petal, much cupped, and evenly colored throughout.
P. Bunyardi is a hybrid, a vigorous and good kind.
This willow is a hybrid, possibly a cross between the Chinese willow and the white willow.
While garden center seedlings may be a convenient option, it is hard to beat the sheer variety of classic, hybrid, and heirloom seeds available from catalogs and fine gardening stores.
Burpee was extremely interested in breeding and hybrid programs to make better genetic livestock and plant species so he traveled to Europe every year to find the best examples of the various animals and plants.
David came back to Pennsylvania to take over the company and continue to use the farm, Fordhook, for hybrid experiments.
Other new flowers include hybrid Echinacea, sweet peas, a lime colored petunia, more sunflowers, and impatiens to grow from seed.
Fret Play - Fret Play is one of the better hybrid guitar and bass sites on the Internet.
With this season's new hybrid of active, formal and casual, the fashionable guy can really create unique looks that work well for the office as well as the street.
Up until the 1920s, spelt was the choice bread flour, but because it was labor intensive to mill, it was abandoned for other grains and new hybrid wheats.
Despite all the good things about green vehicles, there are some hidden dangers in hybrid cars.
There are different types of hybrid cars in the current market.
The series hybrid utilizes gasoline to start and stop the car, with the electric engine taking over once the vehicle has achieved a certain speed.
This type of hybrid is ideal for stop and go traffic type situations, and has been considered a choice for buses and taxis.
This type of hybrid is better suited for long distance travel since its engine is directly connected to the wheels, giving a good advantage on highway situations.
There is also a third hybrid option on the market that combines the series and parallel technology.
Current hybrids of this type are the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape hybrid.
The future of hybrid and alternative fueled cars looks to a bright future.
Concerned about the hidden dangers in hybrid cars?
The technology used to build hybrid cars is relatively new.
Hybrid vehicles have a lot of delicate instrumentation, making them more complex to fix.
If the hybrid vehicle is in an accident, it may be difficult for police and fire department to determine if the vehicle is safe to approach to save accident victims.
Since hybrid vehicles utilize a lot of electrical power, a malfunction could cause electric jolts of more than 500 volts, which can be fatal.
The battery pack of a hybrid since it is located in the back of the vehicle can be potential shock hazard as well as a hazardous material problem.
While there are a few hidden dangers in hybrid cars, as the technology improves and we are educated on the potential hazards, the issues we have will diminish.
Hybrid vehicles are new step into helping improve the quality of life on the earth.
A hybrid contact lens combines the perks of rigid gas permeable lenses with those of soft contacts to give you the clear vision of rigid gas permeable lenes and the comfort of soft contacts.
Hybrid lenses are an attempt to combine the best of both worlds in order to offer clear vision and comfortable wear all day.
The hybrid contact lens has the rigid gas permeable center with a soft lens "skirt" extending out past the iris to offer a more comfortable fit.
There are hybrid lenses for those who suffer from myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism, keratoconus, hyperopia, and more.
No matter what your vision concerns, checking with your eye care professional about hybrid lenses may bring you a more comfortable fit, clearer vision, or both.
If you're already used to wearing contact lenses, there won't be much of an adjustment period when it comes to learning to insert the hybrid contact lens.
To care for your hybrid lenses, treat them as you would treat rigid gas permeable or soft lenses.
If you're suffering from discomfort from your rigid gas permeable lenses or less than clear vision from your soft lenses, trying a pair of hybrid contacts may be worth a try.
Everyone else will find a fairly shallow but nonetheless enjoyable action / RPG hybrid that will be entertaining that is a little on the short side.
The arena may be 3D, 2D or a hybrid perspective of both.
I love racing hybrid games, like Carmageddon.
Flatout for the Xbox is such a racing hybrid game that combines traditional racing with destruction and driver launching.
It appears that Mileena is some form of hybrid, however, given her Tarkatan (Baraka's species) appearance and vicious nature.
A member of the Tarkatan species (an Outworld-Netherrealm hybrid), Baraka has long blades imbedded in both of his arms.
Video games are a hybrid form of gaming/entertainment/media that's still very new to human development.
The controller was nothing special-kind of a hybrid PS2 and Dreamcast controller-but it did have a breakaway spot that was a few inches from the Xbox port.
This wine is a kind of hybrid French Burgundian and California Chardonnay.
This location is perfect for growing French-American hybrid grapes that this winery pioneered in the area.
The growers in the area produce a wide variety of grapes from native, vinifera and hybrid vines.
You'll find wines made from Labrusca, French hybrid and Vinifera vines at this business, located in Penn Yan.
Gizmodo.com thinks the next iPhone will be a hybrid of the MacBook Air and iPod Touch.
They were first imported by Brazilian scientists attempting to create a new hybrid bee to improve honey production.
From a hybrid art form originating in the inner cities the music, style, and culture of hip hop has spread throughout the world.
Mexican folkloric dance is an art form that has grown out of centuries of tradition and hybrid choreography.
The company practices the Pyramid School of Feng Shui, a type of Western hybrid feng shui developed by Nacilee Wydra.
If you can't find the Jet Aire version of this hair dryer/straightener/curler hybrid product, don't fret.
Feather extensions are a hybrid of hair extensions and the thread wrapped vacation braids so many women opt for while tanning somewhere tropical.
You have the option of obtaining a Fixed Rate mortgage or the FHA's new hybrid adjustable rate mortgage (ARM).
PlanetTran is one such company, which exclusively uses hybrid vehicles like the Toyota Prius.
All of her collections reflect her personality, and, as such, are an appealing hybrid (some would say curious mix) of child meets woman.
This unlined, spandex/micro-poly hybrid suit also comes available in a thong cut.
There, you'll find the Summer Seeker Bra Cup Bikini in hybrid blue.
Consider this alluring piece of swimwear a hybrid of both styles.
This version of the suit is a hybrid between a bikini and a one piece swimsuit.
You get a hybrid swimsuit that is both sexy and a bit more covered.
It is a rarely seen hybrid of a construction toy and a doll that can serve as a boy's "best friend".
In order to survive on Pandora, Sully must operate in his Na'vi-human hybrid body--his avatar.
That's what we know we have accomplished with our new hybrid technology in the power grind pro.
MiaDonna features a line of eco-friendly engagement rings that contain the company's signature man-made diamond, the Diamond Hybrid.
The radiant cut is one of the hybrid diamond cuts, meaning it combines the best features of two or more other diamond shapes.
While not all of them are going to be specifically telecommuting, many are hybrid positions that require some time in the office and allow some time to be spent telecommuting.
It is in triticale, which is a hybrid type of grain.
The main advantage of a hybrid case is found in its diminutive size which encourages simplicity.
Hybrid bags eliminate the need for both a stand bag and a travel cover.
Moreover, the abuse these bags endure will also affect the hybrid's hardware and exterior zippers.
Some hybrid manufacturers are improving on this problem by providing a removable exterior for traveling, leaving your clubs protected by the original hard-cover shell.
The Cargo Pro Series 900 Hybrid Cover is marketed as being able to withstand "over 2000 lbs. or crushing force", though it probably melts into an acid pool at the touch of a toddler.
With color choices like bold hybrid red, sweet crème brulee, and spicy ginger, you can have function and high style.
A hybrid watch and bracelet attaches itself to Ben's wrist, effectively giving him the ability to transform into different types of alien life-forms.
While online movie rental opportunities are increasing daily, the Blockbuster Total Access program is unique in that it offers a hybrid of website and brick-and-mortar store.
Could it be a native South American dog simply known as the Xolo, or maybe a hybrid of the two?
These shoes are a shoe/skate hybrid of sorts.
The Victor is a unique hybrid of a loafer and a slipper.
Garissa is made by MBT and is a hybrid Mary Jane.
They combine the utility of a boot with the fashionable look of a shoe, resulting in a boot that appears to be a shoe hybrid.
The breathable hybrid provides plenty of traction for active adventures.
Also available are the Wilde-Beast Diamond, Alligator, Rubber and Hybrid collections.
There are many hybrid forms of Pilates, including Yoga Pilates.
Several hybrid and electric models were in development in 2009, and in 2011, the Nissan Leaf and Chevrolet Volt hit showroom floors.
In what is known as the " hybrid " form of recorder the permanent magnets are provided with windings of insulated copper wire; the object of these windings is to provide a means of " refreshing " the magnets by means of a strong current temporarily sent through the coils when required, as it has been found that, owing to magnetic leakage and other causes, the magnets tend to lose their power, especially in hot climates.
The failure of the material carrying a positive character to divide so as to distribute itself among all the reproductive cells of a hybrid individual, and the limitation of its distribution to half only of those cells, must prevent the swamping " of a newly appearing character in the course of the inter-breeding of those individuals possessed of the character with those which do not possess it.
The celebrated ape "Mafuka," which lived in the Dresden zoological gardens during 1875, and came from Loango, was apparently a member of this species, although it was at one time regarded as a hybrid between a chimpanzee and a gorilla.
They are undoubtedly a very hybrid race, owing this characteristic to their geographical position in the area where the dominating races of the Pacific, Malays, Polynesians, Melanesians, Japanese 1 From these the three main divisions of the islands are named Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia.
Some hold the view that maize originated from a common Mexican fodder grass, Euchlaena mexicana, known as Teosinte, a closely allied plant which when crossed with maize yields a maize-like hybrid.
Gothic architecture, which had always flourished feebly on Italian soil, was supplanted by a hybrid Roman style.
In the absence of control experiments there is therefore no reason for assuming Lord Morton's chestnut mare would have produced less striped offspring had she been mated with the black Arabian before giving birth to a quagga hybrid.
The result was two fillies which in no single point either suggest a zebra or a zebra hybrid.
Various attempts were made to bridge the gulf between God and man, including the angels, and a number of other hybrid forms of which it is hard to say whether they are personal beings or abstractions.
This is a hybrid role, combining business acumen with technological experience.
Analog outputs are available for each x, y, z axis from the hybrid.
Gardeners must take care not to plant Spanish or hybrid bluebells in the countryside or near native populations.
Camellia x williamsii ' Saint Ewe ' is exquisitely beautiful and exceedingly free flowering and one of the most valuable hybrid camellia x williamsii ' Saint Ewe ' is exquisitely beautiful and exceedingly free flowering and one of the most valuable hybrid camellias ever produced.
Do we allow the many facets of what we're exposed to come together in some hybrid fashion?
The biggest challenge is probably the need to effect a successful hybrid library ' on a truly mega scale ' .
A hybrid is any car that uses two or more sources of power to drive or provide propulsion.
They are stocked with brown trout rainbow trout, and blue trout, (a hybrid of rainbow trout ).
After all these years trying to develop a compatible alien-human hybrid and to have one ready-made.
Hybrid electric vehicles do not require charging as they use regenerative braking whereby the action of braking the vehicle recharges the battery.
John May was also very interested in plant breeding and raised many hybrid rhododendrons.
Italian or hybrid ryegrass may be sown alone (for short term swards) or with perennial ryegrass.
The new Lexus is the first luxury sports saloon to employ hybrid technology.
For 2007 Lexus is offering a hybrid version of their GS sport sedan dubbed the GS450h with " well in excess of 300hp " .
Hybrid rape varieties, with their lower seed rates, are particularly at risk - especially if drilled late into poor dry seedbeds.
The Heliconius heurippa butterfly appears to be the product of a process called hybrid speciation.
Ethics have become more distinctively a science, instead of an awkward hybrid between a science and an art; their business has been to investigate what moral conduct is, not to lay down the law as to what it ought to be.
Innumerable little streams overlap and interlace one with another, exhibiting a sort of hybrid product, which obeys half way the law of currents, and half way that of vegetation.
The fertility of hybrid plants is very low but hybrid plants are more vigorous than either parent species.
The willow hybrid is an evergreen that grows about six feet a year in zones 4-8.
The hybrid poplar is one of the fastest growing trees, growing to full maturity in about five years.
They are the largest hybrid online player, where much of the transaction is on-line, but they also assign an agent.
Hybrid - a combination of the fixed blade and mechanical.
If you're into a little bit of everything, you could choose a hybrid bike.
If you don't need the extended range of a hybrid car, you might consider an all-electric plug-in car.
Additionally, in an effort to promote cleaner energy and alternative fuel, the U.S. government has offered tax credits for buyers of hybrid and electric cars.
If you purchased a hybrid or alternative fuel car before December 31, 2010, you can add to your tax savings.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 set credits for various hybrid models by year, make, and model.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you may still be eligible for state and local tax credits if you bought your hybrid car after 2010.
While many of the tax credits for hybrid cars have expired, you can still claim valuable credits for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids.
Every division of Chrysler suffered a loss in sales, which experts attribute to the introduction of the Dodge Durango hybrid along with the Chrysler Aspen hybrid, only to be released and discontinued immediately.
Today, electric engines are used in conjunction with gasoline engines to create hybrid cars.
Car buyers expressed a distinct preference for hybrid vehicles and smaller, fuel-efficient cars.
If you aren't able to find your owner's manual or if you want to learn more about the popular hybrid car, the Internet is a great source of information.
When Toyota Motor Corporation released the Toyota Prius in the United States in 2001, hybrid vehicles had not yet taken over the public imagination.
Prius owners have been nearly universally positive about the Japanese hybrid vehicle, praising its performance, style, and impressive fuel economy.
This Toyota Prius User's Guide was compiled by a group of Prius owners and includes practical information about the vehicle's systems, tips for driving a hybrid car, and other user-generated information.
Due to the complexity and dangers associated with many of the systems in hybrid cars, repairs may be best left to trained professionals.
While the Black Book does offer car, minivan, SUV, hybrid, compact, and truck fair market trade-in values for used vehicles, their service is not free.
All countries have promised to cut emissions, meaning more fuel-efficient, hybrid, electric, and compact cars will be produced with quality features and equipment that appeals to consumers.
By the end of 2009, it appeared hybrid and alternative fuel automobiles were the vehicles of choice for the car buying public.
You can choose the exact make or model, or start from general choices like whether you're interested in a hybrid, truck, or sedan.
Many financial organizations now offer discounted auto loans for consumers who buy hybrid cars or any vehicle that has an especially high fuel-efficiency.
It will have a hybrid power train to replace the DTS and STS designs.
The sports concept of this vehicle will combine AWD technologies with hybrid technologies to produce a vehicle that offers better performance and energy consumption.
This vehicle showcases an all-wheel drive design, an the hybrid version of the vehicle is likely to be competitive in the marketplace.
Despite the reputation of hybrids for sacrificing towing power for fuel efficiency, the Tahoe Hybrid boasts a respectable 6,200 pound towing capacity.
The website did note that the vehicle has a high price point for a hybrid and that the inability of the third row of seats to fold down makes the interior a bit cramped.
The RX 450h has received a number of accolades for the best sport utility vehicle on the American market, including the title of "Best Hybrid" from U.S. News and World Report, who also named it the fifth best luxury SUV.
The vehicle gets the fourth best gas mileage for any American hybrid, so you'll save money on gas as well as having a stylish and luxurious vehicle.
A hybrid vehicle, the Tribute comes with all-wheel drive standard.
Audi's E-Tron is a future car that has both a wholly electric and a diesel-electric hybrid version.
Suggestions for improving efficiency include using the energy from exhaust gas, waste heat and compressed air or traditional gasoline hybrid engines.
I will include a lot of eco/green tips, solutions, innovations and things like hybrid cars, hydrogen fuel cell and bio fuel cars, eco organic fashions, eco travel and much more.
You can purchase either recumbent or upright cycles, and you can also choose from mountain, road, hybrid or touring bikes.
Trinitario--This hybrid bean is grown in several areas of South America and a variety of Caribbean islands.
Erin also keeps us informed about Esurance's environmental efforts, which include environmentally-friendly office practices, hybrid cars for its company fleet, and support for green causes.
The boy's briefs are also constructed with this polyester/cotton hybrid, but the fashion colors are slightly different in that you'll be able to find a wider array of colors.
The modern basque extends slightly over the hips and often resembles a very structured camisole-corset hybrid, with straps intact.
The Linkin Park My December song is a popular track of the rock band's successful debut album Hybrid Theory.
Although their early years were filled with some tensions and frustrations, the band's 2000 release of Hybrid Theory began paving the way for greater success - the project was certified Diamond by the RIAA in 2005.
In one episode, she refuses to drive with her husband in their hybrid car to the Sundance Film Festival, opting instead to fly to the event because she didn't want to show face there without having traveled in luxury.
In the summer of 2010, Krisily became part of the cast for Bachelor Pad, a hybrid of sorts that brought back memorable bachelors and bachelorettes to compete for $250,000 - and perhaps a second chance at love.
The season finale dealt with the fallout of the Adam, a demon/human/computer hybrid Frankenstein project of the Initiative escaped and had to be hunted down.
He saves lives; at least he did until he was bitten by a Lycan and then infused with vampire blood to create the first known vampire/werewolf hybrid.
At one time he was determined to have a child with her, believing that a Q-human hybrid would solve the problems of the Q Continuum.
One of her most questionable choices involves stealing the Cylon/Human hybrid baby Hera and trying to steal the election from Gaius Baltar in the second season.
Helo and Athena are the parents of Hera, the only Cylon/Human hybrid.
The word 'emoticon' is a hybrid between 'emotion' and 'icon'.
The chief staple is cotton, of which a valuable hybrid called the Floradora, a cross of long and short staple, has been singularly successful.
It must be added that their writings, like every other product of the Renaissance, except its purest poetry and art, exhibit a hybrid between medieval and modern tendencies.
Hybrid place-names are occasionally to be met with in the colonized portions of Wales, as in Gelliswick (a combination of the Celtic gelli, a hazel grove, and the Norse wick, a haven), and in Fletherhill, where the English suffix hill is practically a translation of the Celtic prefix.
Against this hybrid faith several, Japanese scholars arrayed themselves in the j7th and 18th centuries, the greatest of them being Mabuchi and Motoori.
So markedly is this the case with hybrids that in a few generations all traces of a hybrid origin may disappear.
The natives of the mainland of Sumatra are all of Malay stock (those of the north being the most hybrid), but it is doubtful to what extent Malay has here absorbed pre-Malay blood.
If this is so, and the endosperm like the embryo is normally the product of a sexual act, hybridization will give a hybrid endosperm as it does a hybrid embryo, and herein (it is suggested) we may have the explanation of the phenomenon of xenia observed in the mixed endosperms of hybrid races of maize and other plants, regarding which it has only been possible hitherto to assert that they were indications of the extension of the influence of the pollen beyond the egg and its product.
The Romans both felt and expressed boundless contempt for the hybrid Antiochenes; but their emperors favoured the city from the first, seeing in it a more suitable capital for the eastern part of the empire than Alexandria could ever be, thanks to the isolated position of Egypt.
There is, however, a cross between the alpaca and the llama - a true hybrid in every sense - producing a material placed upon the Liverpool market under the name "Huarizo."
Lamarck in 1809 altered this into the hybrid form Cirrhipoda, meaning curl-footed, which was subsequently improved into Cirripedia or Cirrhipedia.
The proper feminine form is sahiba; but the hybrid term memsahib (from madam and sahib) is universally used in India for European ladies.
The dissociation of the hybrid element in a plant must be obviated by careful selection.
They are all more or less hybrid races.
In the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and in many other parts of the world honey of the finest quality is obtained from this " queen of bee-plants," and in lesser degree from other clovers such as sainfoin, alsike (a hybrid clover), trefoil, &c.
In fact, a hybrid work in two languages would be a literary monstrosity.
Some years ago these rabbits were sold as "leporides" or hybrids, produced by the union of the hare and the rabbit; but the most careful experimenters have failed to obtain any such hybrid, and the naked immature condition in which young rabbits are born as compared with the clothed and highly developed young hare renders it unlikely that hybrids could be produced.
In subsequent generations produced by self-fertilization of the hybrids it was found that the positive character was not present in all the individuals, but that a result was obtained showing that in the formation of the reproductive cells (ova and sperms) of the hybrid, half were endowed with the positive character and half with the negative.
By way of testing this assumption, a bay filly, the half-sister of a richly striped hybrid, was put to a cross-bred Highland pony, and a Highland mare, while nursing her hybrid foal, was put to a colt the half-brother of a hybrid.
It is probably a hybrid between Sea Island and rough Peruvian cotton, but lacks most of the essential features of Sea Island.