Hussein Sentence Examples
Hussein Kuprili (surnamed Amuja-Zade) was the son of Hassan, a younger brother of Mahommed Kuprili.
Already, tion of in June 1823, the pasha's son-in-law Hussein Bey Mehemet had landed in Crete, and by April of the following All.
A holy war was preached by their leader, Hussein Aga Berberli, a brilliant soldier and orator, who called himself Zmaj Bosanski, the "Dragon of Bosnia," and was regarded by his followers as a saint.
The Moslems of Herzegovina, under Ali Pasha Rizvanbegovic, remained loyal to the Porte, but in Bosnia Hussein Aga encountered little resistance.
After a desperate defence, Hussein Aga fled to Esseg in Croatia-Slavonia; his appeal for pardon was rejected, and in 1832 he was banished for life to Tribizond.
In the same year Bey Shehr and other portions of the Hamid principality were acquired by purchase from their ruler Hussein Bey, as the Karamanian princes were beginning to cast covetous eyes on them; but the Karamanians were unwilling to resign their claims to be heirs of the Seljukian sultans, and not until the reign of Mahommed II.
Russia, driven from Azov in 1695, succeeded in capturing it in the following year; Venice continued to press the Turks; in this condition of affairs Hussein Kuprili (q.v.) was called to office; England and Holland urged Turkey to Ibrahim, Ahmed II., 1691-1695.
On that day Aga Hussein Pasha was appointed " Seraskier (commandant) of the victorious Mahommedan troops "; at first only two divisions were established, quartered respectidely at Constantinople and Scutari.
Hussein Hilmi, he, with Niazi Bey, imported the flag of revolution in the Macedonian moun - tains, originally with the object of restoring the constitution of 1876, which had been disregarded by 'Abdul Hamid, but also to save himself from a threatened arrest.
Ibrahim, the last of the Deys (1702-1705), destroyed the house of Mural, and absorbed the beyship in his own office; but, when he fell in battle with the Algerians, Hussein b.
AdvertisementAt the age of twenty he had obtained sufficient knowledge of Turkish to lead him to go to Constantinople, where he set up as teacher of European languages, and shortly afterwards became a tutor in the house of Pasha Hussein Daim.
After this event Hussein Kuprili, surnamed "the Wise," devoted himself to the suppression of the revolts which had broken out in Arabia, Egypt and the Crimea, to the reduction of the Janissaries, and to the institution of administrative and financial reform.
It was erected towards the close of the 15th century, during the reign of Shah Sultan Hussein of the family of Timur, and is said when perfect to have been 465 ft.
In 1831, Hussein Aga Borberli, called the "Dragon of Bosnia," or Zmaj Bosanski, set forth from Banjaluka on his holy war against the sultan Mahmud II.
The sultan's policy had been consistently directed to crushing the overgrown power of his vassals; in the spring of 1831 two rebellious pashas, Hussein of Bosnia and Mustafa of Scutari, had succumbed to his arms; and, since he was surrounded and counselled by the personal enemies of the pasha of Egypt, it was likely that, so soon as he should feel himself strong enough, he would deal in like manner with Mehemet Ali.
AdvertisementIn the end, however, his pride prevailed; in April 1833 the Turkish commander-in-chief Hussein Pasha left Constantinople for the front; and in the third week in May the ban of outlawry was launched against Mehemet Ali.
He defeated the Ottoman advance-guard at Horns on the 9th of July and at Hamah on the 11th, entered Aleppo on the 17th, and on the 29th inflicted a crushing defeat on the main Turkish army under Hussein Pasha at the pass of Beilan.
Subsequent inquiries have, however, proved that the treachery towards the British was not on the part of Mehrab Khan, but on that of his vizier, Mahommed Hussein, and certain chiefs with whom he was in league, and at whose instigation the British convoys were plundered in their passage through Kach Gandava and in the Bolan Pass.
He has also said the CIA never misled the White House on Hussein's weapons arsenal.
We then backtrack a couple of days to determine the the etiology of Hussein's fate.
AdvertisementSaddam Hussein could have been removed from power without bombing Iraqi civilians surely?
The Central Intelligence Agency has publicly disavowed the likelihood of Mr Hussein's handing over his most prized weapons to Osama bin Laden.
But some in the opposition say the move is more likely to inflame political rivalries than hasten the downfall of Saddam Hussein.
A hands off policy by the U.S. will only embolden Hussein later.
Most important of all, we absolutely must forget that President Ronald Reagan dispatched a special envoy to meet Saddam Hussein in December 1983.
AdvertisementHussein has shown similar generosity elsewhere in Iraq, lavishing support on Shiite clerics -- as long as they pledge fealty to his rule.
The troops parachuted into northern Iraq overnight to open a northern front against Saddam Hussein's forces.
While other regimes have sought to suppress or promote fundamentalism, Hussein has decided to co-opt it.
On the other hand a policy of no war, no sanctions, liberates the evil genie, Saddam Hussein.
If George W is so gung-ho on removing Saddam Hussein from power why didn't he focus on it a year ago?
The truly humanitarian position is to do away with sanctions entirely, which will only happen if Saddam Hussein is overthrown.
My own suspicion is that the Americans may try for a war crimes indictment against Saddam Hussein.
The US government maintains that Saddam Hussein expelled the UN inspectors from Iraq in 1998, but this is not true.
Islamist extremists is much greater than that posed by Saddam Hussein.
Saddam Hussein will undoubtedly be removed but only to be replaced by a pro-US stooge resting on US and British military might.
Saddam Hussein was a proven mass murderer who refused to account for his weapons of mass murder.
This is not northern Iraq, where Saddam Hussein gassed 5,000 Kurds in 1988.
Several other Iraqi police stations have been attacked since the conclusion of major combat operations to oust Saddam Hussein.
Some of their advice looked prophetic in retrospect, such as their prediction of widespread looting and insurgency once Saddam Hussein's regime fell.
Saddam Hussein is a vicious dictator who was brutally repressed the Iraqi people.
Even the capture of the undoubtedly vile Saddam Hussein has not staunched attacks on coalition troops or made the war any more popular.
Hussein's arsenal includes weapons of mass destruction, and possibly nuclear weapons, experts told the subcommittee.
The three Hussein brothers who had been sipping tea outside one of the buildings stood no chance.
Despite the memories of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, there are strong undercurrents of anger in the Gulf.
But of all those nations, Russia has most to lose if an American viceroy replaces Hussein in Baghdad.
Look who's back... Abu Dhabi television shows a new videotape of President Sadaam Hussein of Iraq.
Saddam Hussein used the chemical weapons on his own people.
Iraq 's Sunni Muslim minority held the reins of power during Saddam Hussein 's rule.
Short, who resigned as international development secretary following the campaign to topple Saddam Hussein, made her comments in a radio interview.
We and our coalition partners have also removed the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, a long-time state sponsor of terror.
Hussein 's arsenal includes weapons of mass destruction, and possibly nuclear weapons, experts told the subcommittee.
It is n't that I doubt the ability of America 's fighting forces to take out a third-rate power like Saddam Hussein 's Iraq.
Asked about Saddam Hussein, she gives a big thumbs up with a toothy grin.
A Bush administration official said the meeting would not focus on military planning for a possible invasion to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Accompanied by much triumphalism, celebration of President Hussein 's greatness, and scorn poured on his enemies.
Despite the memories of Saddam Hussein 's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, there are strong undercurrents of anger in the Gulf.
However, Washington 's plan to unseat Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is still a pipe dream.
Look who 's back... Abu Dhabi television shows a new videotape of President Sadaam Hussein of Iraq.
The capture of Saddam Hussein in December was hailed as vindication of the war - but that did n't draw a line either.
The question is, will there be rumors about Sadaam Hussein buying dozens of PlayStation 3s to network together for Scud missile guidance systems, as there were with the PlayStation 2?
Apparently, since the invasion of the US and the subsequent death of Saddam Hussein, peep show cinemas, which were not allowed previously, are springing up everywhere.
On the 19th of June Hussein appeared before Kasos, a nest of pirates of evil reputation, which he captured and destroyed.