Husbandmen Sentence Examples
The Persians of Cyrus were a vigorous race of husbandmen, living in a healthy climate, accustomed to hardship, brave and upright.
As husbandmen they are not remarkable; but as graziers, as cartmen, as labourers, they are excellent.
In this he lays it down as a rule that it is bad husbandry to take two crops of grain successively, which marks a considerable progress in the knowledge of modern husbandry; though he adds that in Scotland the best husbandmen after a fallow take a crop of wheat; after the wheat, peas; then barley, and then oats; and after that they fallow again.
The cultivators consist of two classes - the resident husbandmen (thani) and the nonresident or migratory husbandmen (pahe).
The owner of the vineyard, who had sent his servants and last of all his only son, would visit Lheir rejection and murder on the wicked husbandmen.
They have settled down as husbandmen, till their fields with the plough, and live in villages or towns.
He describes the classification of the people, dividing them, however, into seven castes instead of four, namely, philosophers, husbandmen, shepherds, artisans, soldiers, inspectors and the counsellors of the king.
It is at least several centuries since covered channels of various kinds were used by British husbandmen for drying their land.
They were not nomads, but husbandmen, and their irrigation canals are still to be seen.
The monks were soon followed by foreign husbandmen, artificers and handicraftsmen, who were encouraged to come to Hungary by reports of the abundance of good land there and 1 Ger.
AdvertisementThe village system is well described, each little rural unit seeming to be an independent republic. Megasthenes remarked the exemption of the husbandmen (Vaisyas) from war and public services, and enumerates the dyes, fibres, fabrics and products (animal, vegetable and mineral) of India.
So also at Lanuvium, south of Rome, in a grove near the temple of the Argive Hera, sacred maidens descended blindfolded once a year with a barley-cake, and if the serpent took it, it indicated that they were pure and that the husbandmen would be fortunate.
For the reception of his parishioners he had three tables well covered - one for gentlemen, the second for husbandmen, the third for day-labourers; and this piece of hospitality he never omitted, even when losses or scarcity made its continuance difficult.
His Regulations formally reserved the latter class of rights, but did not legally define them, or enable the husbandmen to enforce them in the courts.
The name of the island and city of Bombay is derived from Mumba (a form of Parvati), the goddess of the Kolis, a race of husbandmen and fishermen who were the earliest known inhabitants, having occupied the island probably about the beginning of the Christian era.