Hurt Sentence Examples
Did I hurt you?
I did not mean to hurt you.
Emotional hurt wasn't satisfying enough.
I never meant to hurt you.
Oh, I really did not mean to hurt her feelings.
It hurt to talk.
I'm not going to hurt you.
I won't let anything hurt her.
She was going to say that to speak of love was impossible, but she stopped because she had seen by the sudden change in Natasha two days before that she would not only not be hurt if Pierre spoke of his love, but that it was the very thing she wished for.
I will take very good care of him, and not let him fall and hurt himself.
AdvertisementDon't be afraid, they won't hurt you.
I had some difficulty in holding on, for the branches were very large and the bark hurt my hands.
That was a double-edged hurt, though, because Alex adored his adoptive father.
You didn't hurt me.
Feeling a little hurt by his apparent disinterest, she picked up her plate and started cleaning up the camp.
AdvertisementHe claims he never hurt anyone seriously and the case file seems to bear him out.
My mother wouldn't hurt a fly.
Do go somewhere, anywhere... to the devil!" he exclaimed, and immediately seizing him by the shoulder and looking amiably into his face, evidently wishing to soften the rudeness of his words, he added, "Don't be hurt, my dear fellow; you know I speak from my heart as to an old acquaintance."
I'm not going to hurt you, Bianca.
Then why did He let little sister fall this morning, and hurt her head so badly?
AdvertisementHe hadn't hurt her like Talon, but she had the feeling she wasn't at all welcome.
It hurt to watch him struggle this way.
You will become so strong, no one will ever be able to hurt you again.
But today she quite forgot that and was hurt that he should be angry with her without any reason, and she felt unhappy.
I didn't think about how it might affect you if I got hurt out there.
AdvertisementIf the driver was hurt, she might be able to help.
It was none of her business and she certainly didn't want to hurt Mary's feelings.
He didn't want to hurt her.
I've hurt my arm, he said timidly.
Still, it didn't hurt to let someone know - just in case.
Maybe it would hurt Sarah's feelings less if she simply told the truth.
I won't hurt you.
I knew he and Lisa had dated for a long time, and I knew they had a falling out, but I never thought he'd try to hurt her physically.
I didn't hurt her.
His voice was harsh, but his expression was all hurt.
If he wanted to hurt me, he could follow me in my car.
What would it have hurt to put her studies aside for one day?
I know you're hurt.
You're hurt inside—maybe seriously.
I didn't hurt you.
The rocks hurt my feet.
It wouldn't hurt to be watchful, though.
He'd hurt her tonight.
It kinda hurt getting killed, and it really sucks not being able to eat food.
The good thing is that he can't hurt you now.
I'm the only one in this mess who isn't out to hurt anyone else, she retorted.
You want me to hurt.
They went to great lengths to hurt you.
He's a mighty nasty fellow and if he was as mad as you say, I wouldn't put it past him to hurt her.
I know you're hurt but act rationally.
She was hurt; he was an ass.
Rhyn had never hurt her until then.
You made me hurt them.
If you've hurt her, you sick son-- " "She is well," he repeated.
Did your husband hurt you from the beginning?
Nobody has a right to hurt another person, especially a defenseless woman.
You don't have any reason to hurt me like that, do you?
I would rather die than hurt a lady.
She is a kind, gentle soul and would never hurt you.
He would not deny her when she hurt like this and she knew it.
It couldn't hurt to talk to her.
If I hurt you, I couldn't live with myself.
You could have hurt her before realizing she is your one true love.
I hope so, cuz if you hurt her, you can be certain I will hurt you.
She hurt too much right now.
He hadn't expected the sudden loss to hurt like it did.
He was beginning to like this girl who had hurt written all over her.
I just don't want her hurt any more than she has been.
Maybe he was giving her time to learn, or he might think it would hurt her feelings.
It hurt to think he questioned her fidelity, but at least he was willing to listen to reason.
And now she had hurt him — badly.
You will not hurt her.
Her heart still hurt for her brother, whose road was dark and lonely.
It wouldn't hurt to adopt a more positive outlook.
Maybe she was hurt worse than she thought.
It hurt to think he didn't want to help her.
Whatever was going on, she'd never let anyone hurt her cousins.
But it wasn't in her to hurt someone or betray someone else.
I am with you, and I will not let anything hurt you.
Flinging herself on the bed, she sobbed out the anger and hurt.
What kind of creature would hurt a woman like this? her father asked.
He was hurt" she rushed on, not wanting to admit how, "but he's safe for now."
So do I. I choose to kill those that hurt others.
No one can ever hurt you again.
She hurt too much to move.
Not gonna hurt you, okay?
Yes. She was hurt by an Immortal and is in a coma of sorts.
She wanted him so bad, it hurt.
I'm taking the dealer who hurt her.
Because I don't want you to hurt him.
I'm trying to do what I feel is right, and I'm terrified that you will hurt him.
She was furious and so hurt, she wished she'd jumped into the Grand Canyon like she originally planned.
Her heart hurt too much for her to stop.
As noble as Gabriel was, he wouldn't hesitate to turn over anyone who hurt his mate to Darkyn.
Has this man hurt you?
It hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before and I was humiliated beyond belief.
She turned to her husband, "Was she hurt badly?"
She took short breaths, as if it hurt to talk.
I never meant for anyone to get hurt.
This made her hurt more.
I can't help thinking I hope he doesn't hurt her.
He was quiet, unaware of the depths of her hurt until now.
Tell him the truth hurt more than she thought.
She managed to hurt everyone around her, even her precious Gabriel.
He would never hurt her, but he'd never again touch her as he had the other day, either.
If I hurt you, I'm sorry.
You're in complete control of how much I hurt you.
He didn't hurt her, even when she had obviously infuriated him.
I didn't know he would hurt her.
It was her fault he was hurt.
No one would hurt her or hunt her just to get to him.
You hurt her, but you can fix it.
Has he hurt you in the past?
She must have struggled and may have hurt him.
Please don't hurt me.
Promise you won't hurt him or influence him?
I can't believe for a minute she wants to hurt you.
I hope you will believe that I never meant to hurt you.
Do you think I would leave her alone with him if he could hurt her?
If you hurt her, I swear I will find a way to kill you.
It is if you hurt her.
I was angry and hurt.
Her face flamed with hurt anger.
She wanted to know why he'd hurt her.
Tears of anger and hurt spilled down her cheeks.
Life isn't supposed to hurt this much, she thought and sank to the ground.
You got us into this mess. We're leaving, before anyone else gets hurt.
Was he actually chasing her, or was he trying to see if she was hurt?
Did I hurt your feelings?
At this point she wasn't sure why she felt uncomfortable about telling him – maybe because she had hid so many things from him already and he was hurt by that.
I don't want to set myself up for that kind of hurt.
Her stomach hurt and she felt nauseous.
I'm sick and I hurt.
Her stomach hurt and she felt weak, but she wasn't about to let him carry her around like an invalid.
It must have hurt him deeply.
I won't let anyone hurt you.
This will hurt me more than it does you, Jenn.
He'd had another of his episodes; his body hurt as it always did.
Are you hurt? he demanded.
It didn't hurt, but I appreciated your gentle touch.
No one else was going to get hurt trying to protect her.
Look, I understand why you want to hurt me right now, but how can you do this to your own children?
He said he wasn't going to hurt me and I don't think he intended to.
A little suffering never hurt anyone, and already she was beginning to have a new appreciation for the comforts that she had once taken for granted.
You don't, it won't hurt as bad.
Her chest was so tight, it hurt.
Wait. How do I know you won't hurt Ash and Brandon this week, when I'm trying to get this thing?
I don't want to hurt them, and I promise not to, so long as you're doing what you should, he said, irritated.
The idea that someone hurt Ashley to get to her made Jessi feel guiltier.
No fighting where humans might get hurt.
Fortunately, no human-made weapon was able to hurt him.
She couldn't kill him or hurt him.
Jessi said nothing to the cousins and only took the note after the goon at her door hurt her arm.
How did she quit when he was able to hurt them?
She took enough pain meds to numb a horse, but her arm still hurt, and her head was woolly from the drugs.
The tray was too much for her hurt arm, which could support no weight.
What if he tried to hurt her sweet cousin, like Jonny promised to do?
She gripped his roped forearm with both hands, afraid it was going to hurt.
Knowing what he was, why did the thought of betraying him hurt her?
I hold him to be our enemy, because everything that he has hitherto done has benefited himself and hurt us."
He could have been badly hurt - the kids could have been hurt.
They were also well aware that if I fell off the horse, it might get out of control and hurt my wife or children.
You and the Guardians gave me a second chance, B, and I owe it to you, and me, and the … the girl I hurt to make things right.
Sofi is in the netherworld, and Czerno knows he can't hurt Bianca or-- " "You left Bianca with the Black God!
He'd never hurt her, ridicule her, or think she was the freak of nature her father called her.
She was crying, because his master was going to hurt her.
You're hurt inside—maybe seriously.
Never again would he doubt her — nor hurt her in any way.
Love, after all, was nothing more than being vulnerable and waiting for someone to hurt her.
How nobody ever got seriously hurt I shall never know.
It would be a new, raw wound, the hurt of her father's marital infidelity.
The only hurt they do not suffer is comprehensive refutation.
I was a little puzzled to start with, then I felt deeply hurt by the obvious snub.
But you hurt somebody 's feelings and eh, you cannot kiss it better.
Obviously you will have to see that no-one gets hurt and stop any hitting or spiteful comments.
It wasn't as if that was the most important part, so why did it hurt the most?
No, it doesn't hurt.
I woke to sunlight and my wife clinging to me with an intensity that hurt.
Could you tell how badly he was hurt?
The going back business; finding missing kids; sometimes seeing them hurt.
It wasn't worded as a question, but kept my fingers crossed so tightly they hurt.
I know it must hurt.
You sure you're not hurt?
It can't hurt you.
No human weapon can hurt me.
He can't hurt us this time.
Her eyes hurt too much to make sense of the world around her.
She'd never known the power of a single touch until everyone who touched her hurt her!
I'd never hurt you, Sofi, and I hope you know that and can trust me enough to know you need to be here.
Her head hurt again, this time from trying to digest what he was telling her.
This might hurt a little.
She suddenly realized the curtains were open, and the sun streaming into her window didn't hurt her eyes.
Han slammed the door open, and she squeezed her eyes closed, expecting the light from the hallway to hurt her.
She took the hint but wondered who had hurt him so badly that he still bore a grudge thousands of years later.
She withdrew, afraid to hurt him.
I don't want to hurt you, Damian.
She was so fatigued, she hurt everywhere.
Darian was crying, and her head hurt.
Hurt, she fled into the cold night air, stopping only when she reached the center of the gardens.
Dusty's words floored him, and Damian couldn't help but feel hurt that his best friend hadn't told him of his suspicions sooner.
If, for some reason, she was stuck here forever, at least he wasn't going to hurt her, as long as she followed his rules.
She bit his neck gently, not wanting to hurt him despite the strange dream and hunger in her body screaming to be filled.
Her head hurt, and she felt grimy from the night sweats.
Just the thought made her head hurt worse.
You can't hurt me.
Yes. It didn't hurt he's old enough that he's had time to build his power as well.
Sasha, one of my sons hurt her.
Darkyn cracked down on him, and Sasha hurt his daughter.
He's never hurt me.
You're a human mate, or were originally, which means I can't hurt you.
He didn't hurt me, if that's what you're asking.
He hasn't hurt me yet.
I don't expect them or anyone else to make deals with you for me, she said, hurt as much by his words as the thought that there was no one outside of Hell who wished her well.
You hurt my feelings, Darkyn.
It really did hurt to think that Darkyn outright tested others and they failed when it came to her.
You hurt me to protect yourself, Deidre pushed forward with what she needed to say.
No part of her would let Darkyn hurt her world.
I don't want you to hurt yourself to make a deal that benefits me.
I don't want to see you hurt here or killed.
As much as it hurt, she knew her place was with Darkyn.
He laughs at me for being unwilling to hurt anyone else, but he says no one should feel shame about who they are.
Of all the emotions running through her mind, the one that hurt the most was knowing that everyone outside Hell had already written her off as a goner.
She couldn't stand the thought of seeing Selyn hurt, as much because of everything the girl had been through as the thought of hurting Darkyn.
I'll bet it hurt.
If someone got hurt, it would be my ass.
Look, there may be someone alive and hurt!
The remainder of the meeting rocked back and forth, but there was no doubt in Dean's mind that he'd been hurt badly—and unfairly—by Fitzgerald.
He looked scared but I don't think he was hurt badly.
I can't say I like Lydia very much but I'd hate to see him hurt her.
He wasn't going to hurt us!
How did you hurt yourself?
Deidre closed her eyes, unable to fathom some stupid demon had hurt her.
It had no physical source, but it hurt her physically nonetheless.
You know I'll never do anything to hurt you.
I made Zamon, his predecessor, a private deal first … I … Her head hurt from struggling.
He went after Sasha when Sasha hurt his daughter and didn't stop raiding the Immortals until Sasha was dead.
He didn't want to be hurt again.
He also wasn't going to let the Dark One hurt or threaten or even talk to his mate ever again.
The faded signs of massive scarring were on one side of her neck while there was blood on the other, as if someone had just hurt her.
He didn't hurt me, she said, looking at Darkyn.
You hurt me to protect yourself, Deidre said with emotion that made her face flush.
I swear to you, Gabriel, I never meant to hurt anyone.
As confused as he felt, Gabriel would never let anyone hurt either Deidre, no matter whose mate she was.
The woman in the bed behind him wouldn't hurt anyone else.
He couldn't afford to now but there was a part of him that hurt.
She'd never hurt so much, even knowing Darkyn's mate was okay.
The Immortals won't hesitate to hurt you.
I didn't want you to get hurt.
You can't hurt him!
I'll stay with you, as long as you want, if you just …please, Gabriel, don't hurt him.
It was getting more difficult to keep his distance from his mate, and he hated knowing he'd have to hurt her emotionally to prevent the tumor from growing too fast.
Nothing did, except that she hurt Gabriel.
He was stuck with her by their laws, a daily reminder of someone who used to hurt him.
Before you hurt him in this life as you did in your previous life?
Maybe Gabe hurt Wynn while trying to save her friend from the demons.
I can't hurt anyone and knowing that I used to… her chin trembled.
Why did it hurt?
Her legs grew heavy, but she pushed herself onward into the forest, away from everything that could hurt her and everyone who could stop her from ending this nightmare tonight.
He made her head hurt, and her body ache.
Personally, he wasn't about to let Wynn hurt any of the people he cared about.
The handcuffs never hurt, right?
He was reluctant, because he didn't want to hurt her.
I didn't realize things were bad enough between you and me that you'd trust the man who hurt you over someone trying to help you.
He'd asked her if she'd take herself out of the equation before she hurt Gabriel.
You won't hurt it?
Would it be hurt if she died before they removed it?
I don't want any of this to hurt.
Her head didn't hurt, but it felt weird.
Katie sat up, wondering why her hand didn't hurt.
It won't hurt, little girl.
In that case, then, if you ever hurt me, I'll throw myself to the ocean!
Last night, after he'd beheaded the four, she'd innately known he wouldn't hurt her.
He didn't take blood gently as Rhyn did; no, Kris wanted her to hurt!
Rhyn was the only man who'd never hurt her.
I will kill you now, before you hurt anyone!
She.d spent the day in thought after her talk with Gabriel, and there was only one solution that might drive Rhyn away before she and Gabriel hurt him.
He wouldn.t have been hurt if not for her, and Hannah may not have been dragged into the Immortal world if she hadn.t hit the radar of Kris.
He.d accidently hurt someone innocent, and he didn.t want the reminder.
No matter how badly Kris had hurt him, it hadn.t been for a selfish cause like Sasha.s.
Jade swallowed hard, still hurt from his last night with Darkyn.
He hadn.t wanted all the Immortals to die, just the ones that hurt him.
Jade snapped, the hurt caused by Kris.s rejection renewed.
He strode to her and snatched her arm, squeezing until it hurt.
Beating his wings so hard they hurt, he rose into the sky and soared around the small island, finally spotting three lone figures in small valley not too far from the Sanctuary.
Kiera managed a hurt tone and rolled on her side to frown at her blurry best friend of fifteen years.
Kiera's tone grew more hurt.
Her head hurt and her body ached from the inside out, like she had the flu.
Ne'Rin said you were hurt.
He rested his chin atop her head, knowing there were no words to comfort someone who hurt so deeply and regretful that he caused this pain.
Her body hurt, her head pulsed, and she wanted nothing more than to curl up on a warm rock outside and go to sleep.
She wondered if he felt hurt at his best friend's betrayal but didn't have the nerve to ask.
Her knees hurt from her landing.
You may be hurt and feeling helpless and desperate and God knows what and I'm sorry as hell but I have a life too, and I'll not have you ruin it!
Cynthia seemed to understand his hurt.
Jerome Shipton is no longer in the hospital and was never hurt critically.
It won't hurt it.
I kept saying, 'I would never hurt you, I love you', but he just kept trying to get away from me, begging me to let him go.
Not really, just that I love him… and don't hurt him.
After an awkward moment, she said, "I hope you know that I would never do anything to hurt you."
Was she afraid of being hurt?
He said it didn't even hurt, not for a second.
When his mind finally began to return to reality, he worried that he might have hurt her.
He looked down at her beneath him and asked, "Did I hurt you?"
Please believe that I love you, and I would rather die than hurt you.
She worried that Elisabeth might get hurt.
I don't want you hurt in the crossfire.
Besides, we don't even know if you'll want to hurt me.
Sarah mused, "Maybe the powers that be want to make sure you can't hurt her."
I will never be close enough to hurt you at the full moon again.
He didn't leave a single detail out, hoping she would understand how obvious it was that she would not hurt him.
Strong enough to put major hurt on Victor.
Can he hurt her?
It will not hurt.
No. She can't understand how sure I was she wouldn't hurt me.
I think she is trying to tell you she won't hurt you.
She did not wake, but obviously still hurt from whatever transpired the previous night.
Why do I hurt?
Alex glanced away uncomfortably, but she didn't miss the hurt in his eyes.
Alex would never hurt her - for some reason she was certain of that fact.
Then get back before you get me hurt.
Does it hurt badly?
I wouldn't hurt Lori just to get back at you.
She had the crazy idea you'd be hurt if you saw it.
Saying yes would be setting him up for further hurt.
His leg was hurt, and only his stubbornness kept him from surrendering to shock.
She shook her head and pushed herself off the bed, hugging her hurt arm to her chest.
Her head hurt too much to read, and she lowered the bag.
She grew cold and her injured arm hurt more and more.
She cowered away from him, favoring her hurt wrist.
She looked up at him from her hurt wrist, pain in her brown eyes.
His head hurt from the shock of the baton, and he couldn't help hoping she was a better shot than she was figuring out the baton.
It might hurt me.
He didn't hurt you?
He still didn't look at her, and she couldn't help feeling hurt.
Every moment he spent with her, he felt like he was getting farther and farther away from his ability to walk away without either of them getting hurt.
She looked around for Brady, afraid he'd be hurt or dead.
Brady hurt her, yet he'd been her only friend and protector.
It hurt too much to think of her Guardian.
His plan of blowing up everything hadn't included an innocent like Toby being hurt.
Rhyn moved to the door leading to the block, unable to help the small tremble of his hand. Not only had he spent too long in this very place, he'd seen Katie hurt here and barely escaped alive with her.
Ully was dropped to the ground at Toby's command. He hurried back to the Immortal, worried he'd be hurt. Ully was unconscious.
The sound came again, the cry of someone who was hurt. Katie wiped her eyes. She was drenched with rain and curled against the large root of a tree. The birds of the jungle made screaming sounds, but this was different. This was human.
I don't care if they blow Vinnie's head off, but I don't want my guys getting hurt.
Vinnie looked like a hurt kid.
It couldn't make him hurt any more than he did, legs aching and breath heaving as he struggled higher and higher up the Rockies.
And you could care less who gets hurt in the process.
It didn't hurt, but his grip was tight enough to be uncomfortable.
You thought it might hurt my feelings.
So you had to choose who you would hurt.
But Josh had not been motivated enough to hurt him.
Yeah. He said he was trying to catch you to see how bad you were hurt.
Maybe she was being silly, but if that was so, why did it hurt so much?
If it hurt him that she didn't tell him about things like that, how would he feel when he found out about the place on the mountain?
No. The problem is that I've spent so much time with the babies that I hurt Alex.
I never knew anything could hurt so much and feel so good at the same time.
He should be in bed if he was hurt.
Thanks. How bad am I hurt?
Yes, but she doesn't hurt now.
I didn't want to hurt you.
Didn't he know how badly it hurt?
And knowing it was his child they were adopting wouldn't hurt her decision.
Never again would he doubt her — nor hurt her in any way.
He won't hurt you anymore, Claire.
Her whole body hurt at the idea of leaving the little girl.
The bites in her arm still hurt.
The blow hurt, but he was no stranger to pain.
He missed one strike, and she pulled the punch, not wanting to hurt him despite her anger.
But she wouldn't be the one to hurt him again, and he wasn't going to be the one to pry open the door to her heart.
Her hands hurt from cold.
I couldn't bear it, Darian, if I hurt you like Claire did or to be hurt like that again!
You didn't hurt Damian.
His sight was poor enough that the moonlight hurt his eyes, but his other senses were strong after growing up beneath the ground.
He paused, his jaw clenching and his grip on her wrist tight enough to hurt.
She forced her hurt deep inside and drew a strengthening breath.
I know you hurt.
Her eyes skimmed over both, and she hardened herself to the cries of the hurt as she continued forward.
She wanted to believe him, but his faith hurt!
At least I don't hurt … much.
On the up side, her shoulder didn't hurt.
I never wanted to hurt you.
He came up on one elbow, his expression wavering between annoyed and hurt.
Maybe he was angry, or hurt.
It won't hurt if you'd stand still.
I wasn't going to hurt you.
He squeezed while studying her carefully, as if making certain she wasn't hurt.
You never know who to trust or who wants to hurt you, she said.
But if Xander wanted to hurt you, you'd be gone already.
She hadn't stopped to let herself think about how much this week had hurt, knowing her cousins were in danger, the sense of helplessness she'd been fighting.
Whether she chose him or obeyed Jonny, people got hurt.
He can level a city and walk away without caring about anyone who got hurt.
If I ever intended to hurt you, I would've by now.
She gazed around Ashley's room, her fear and sorrow so deep, they hurt.
You promised not to hurt Ashley in exchange.
Every second the Other had Jessi, she was closer to being hurt.
He didn't want her scared or troubled or upset; he'd never know if she was hurt or needed his help.
He didn't need to use it all to get what he wanted, but he wasn't about to let someone who hurt Jessi off with a quick death.
He assessed her body to identify where she was hurt, so he could heal her.
In the more southern parts of the island it often reaches a height of 90 ft., and specimens exist considerably above that size; but the young shoots are apt to be injured in severe winters, and the tree on light soils is also hurt by long droughts, so that it usually presents a ragged appearance; though, in the distance, the lofty top and horizontal boughs sometimes stand out in most picturesque relief above the rounded summits of the neighbouring trees.
It was Boston commerce that was most sorely hurt by the embargo and non-importation policy of President Jefferson.
Edward called her the merriest of his concubines, and she exercised great influence; but, says More, "never abused it to any man's hurt, but to many a man's comfort and relief."
The war was now carried on by the free companies with varying fortune, but always more or less to the hurt of the Pisans.
He never justified a prejudice; he never misdirected our admiration; he never hurt an innocent feeling or overbore a serious judgment; and he set up within us a standard of Christian scholarship to which it must ever exalt us to aspire.
The English fleet had suffered severely, Blake himself was seriously wounded, and his colleague Deane was also hurt.
Schultens was never the same as before to him; Reiske indeed was too independent, and hurt him by his open criticisms of his master's way of making Arabic mainly a handmaid of Hebrew.
The Ethiopian conquest rather hurt than helped Christianity.
One consequence of this view was that the unbelieving recipients are held to be as really partakers of the body of Christ in, with and under the bread as the faithful, though they receive it to their own hurt.
By this desertion his self-esteem, one of his strongest passions, though curiously united with singular sincerity and humility, was doubtless hurt to the quick; but the wound inflicted was of a deeper and deadlier kind, for it confirmed him finally in his despair of the world's gradual amelioration, and established his tendency towards supernaturalism.
He would go from town to town, "travelling up and down as a stranger in the earth, which way the Lord inclined my heart; taking a chamber to myself in the town where I came, and tarrying sometimes a month, more or less, in a place"; and the reason he gives for this migratory habit is that he was "afraid both of professor and profane, lest, being a tender young man, he should be hurt by conversing much with either."
If the result was satisfactory, he was admitted, but before partaking of the common meal he was required to swear awful oaths, that he would reverence the deity, do justice to men, hurt no man voluntarily or at the command of another, hate the unjust and assist the just, and that he would render fidelity to all men, but especially to the rulers, seeing that no one rules but of God.
Excessive application hurt his health, which remained weak during the rest of his life.
Mrs Carlyle was hurt by the fine lady's condescension and her husband's accessibility to aristocratic blandishments.
She had once hurt her mother's feelings by refusing to use some wax candles.
One of the most interesting from a historical point of view is the Hurt of Sedition how greueous it is to a Communewelth (1549), written on the occasion of Ket's rebellion, republished in 1569, 1576 and 1641, on the last occasion with a life of the author by Gerard Langbaine.
In Sweden, even in the 16th century, such snakes were virtually household gods and to hurt them was a deadly sin.
Essex does not seem to have been at all hurt by his action in this matter, and shortly after his release they were again on friendly terms, Bacon drawing up letters as if to or from the earl with the design of having them brought before the queen.
The objects of the visible world are themselves mighty to hurt or help.
The Americans were badly handled, one of their number being killed and others severely hurt.
He was free and unreserved in his intercourse with them, and was hurt once when they seemed to think that he kept back some of his doctrines from them.
The court of attachments (called also the wood-mote) is held every forty days for the foresters to bring in their attachments concerning any hurt done to vert or venison (in viridi et venatione) in the forest, and for the verderers to receive and mark the same, but no conviction takes place.
The benefit of the disafforestment existed only for the owner of the lands; as to all other persons the land was forest still, and the king's wild beasts were to "have free recourse therein and safe return to the forest, without any hurt or destruction other than by the owners of the lands in the purlieu where they shall be found, and that only to hunt and chase them back again towards the forest without any forestalling" (Manwood, On the Forest Laws - article "Purlieu") .
I abhorred the very idea of getting immersed in this tangle of deceit but even to a lesser extent did I want to see Howie hurt.
God help her, she was going into the sunlight no matter how much it hurt!
Bullshit. You were making sure I didn't hurt her.
If he freed Damian, kiri would go back to his head, where his master couldn't hurt her.
I won't hurt you, unless you ask me to.
I can't hurt people or drink their blood, she said.
It hurt more than glimpsing the one scene the book recorded of her interaction with Gabriel, their first night on the beach, the one that condemned her eventually to Hell.
He's been fair and brutally honest, and he can't hurt me because of our blood bond.
He'd been orchestrating everything, always aware of what he did to her without being able to care how hurt she was.
The remainder of the meeting rocked back and forth, but there was no doubt in Dean's mind that he'd been hurt badly—and unfairly—by Fitzgerald.
I made Zamon, his predecessor, a private deal first … I … Her head hurt from struggling.
Coming from the sweet human before him, however, the news made Gabriel want to bargain for entry into Hell just so he could destroy those dealers who thought it was okay to hurt her.
He was only supposed to pay attention to you, not hurt you – he wasn't supposed to go into your house.
I'll stay with you, as long as you want, if you just …please, Gabriel, don't hurt him.
How did a proclamation from a virtual stranger hurt her more than anything anyone else had ever said?
I can't hurt anyone and knowing that I used to… her chin trembled.
Afraid of what the demon was going to ask her to do, she was resolved not to hurt Gabriel by ignoring Fate's warning.
I.m not going to hurt anyone else!
I don.t know yet, but if it must hurt one of you, it.ll be my dear little brother, who is a blight to Immortals and humans alike.
She said nothing at his words, surprised as always by his backhanded compliments and tormented by the knowledge that she had to do something that would hurt them both.
I don.t think anything can hurt him.
Suddenly feeling alone and vulnerable in the wide hallway, she returned to her room and locked the door, her mind going to the visitor as she tried not to think about Ne'Rin wanting to hurt her.
Not really, just that I love him… and don't hurt him.
I mean, unless you screw things up and hurt her, Sarah will stay with you until your last breath, even if it means changing your diapers.
They hurt people for fun and money, ran errands for more talented malefactors, and generally kept themselves in constant trouble.
At this point she wasn't sure why she felt uncomfortable about telling him – maybe because she had hid so many things from him already and he was hurt by that.
Her involuntary cringe stopped him for a second and the dark eyes reflected equal portions of shame and hurt.
And now she had hurt him — badly.
I feel as though my unwillingness to confront Sirian has hurt all of Tiyan.
Talk was loud enough to hurt his ears, ranging between orders shouted across the chamber to the man Bastion bellowing at the messengers from the northern wall.
At least I don't hurt … much.
She wasn't ready to admit he was a vampire, but his presence, the direct threat, and the fact he'd already hurt her cousin meant he was some sort of sadistic criminal.
She had kids, somewhat of a liability to someone out to hurt him, because he took mercy on no one.
They saw first hand the hurt that overt racism could cause young children.
Palace's Andy Johnson was hurt by a tackle - which did not appease Dowie.
By telling someone what is happening you could help to stop your friend getting hurt. back to top My mom is being abused.
Each celebrity is surrounded by a marshmallow bodyguard wearing a T-shirt saying " nobody here gets hurt " .
Luckily nobody was hurt, apart from a few minor bruises.
Luckily they don't hurt - she's running around as normal and seems pretty chipper.
Pain Shared Rape does not just hurt the child and family, but also the child's classmates.
Luckily, when we did finally collide with another vehicle, no one was hurt.
He cited the row of chestnut trees felled by Norwich council for fear that falling conkers might hurt passers-by.
The labels don't hurt so much coz I know and love myself.
It may be that Philip's animosity toward her stems more from being hurt and let down by his former daughter-in-law, than actual dislike.
Elsewhere in Greater Manchester a textile factory and a house were struck by lightning although no one was hurt.
It doesn't even hurt anymore!' 'I make all things new,' said the faun.
When we withhold forgiveness, we are often trying to make things the same as they were before we were really badly hurt.
A site that has forty or more links will only hurt you.
Gillian has hurt her foot, and W is quite frail and stiff.
Does it possibly hurt you at all when critics suggest that your relationship with Tom is not completely genuine?
My old classmates would today be forced to shatter so many glass ceilings they'd probably retire hurt.
The memory of the unresolved emotional hurt would create dissonance until it is properly processed.
A Kurdish man was badly hurt during the attack in Hull.
How then can British Moslems have seen the cartoons to be deeply hurt?
Changes to this page can really hurt the mental model users have formed of the web site over time.
They tend to be quite isolated and unable to resolve a hurt, wrong or injustice which can be felt very deeply.
If there are gang shootouts or drive-by shootings, the good guys will likely get hurt too eventually.
All I was aware of was deep snowdrifts that you could jump into without getting hurt or even properly dirty.
If I mention getting someone in to do these jobs he gets all sulky and hurt, so it's not worth it.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the websites I visit these days have absolutely terrible titles that hurt their online business.
I did notice her pierced tongue tho, and asked if it hurt when she had it done.
The fine Brindley & Foster organ in the north transept was given by Mr A F Hurt in 1880.
It has since transpired he had broken three ribs in the fall, so no wonder it hurt!
Ethnic Albanians, Serbs and now unarmed international monitors sent to try to buttress a shaky peace are being killed or hurt.
Hide from reality where you cannot hurt anyone by setting disease ridden vermin free to hurt other humans!
Yes it hurt, but even more so the night wen we were walking round the town getting drunk.
Five passengers were slightly hurt when a train caught fire near Utrecht - probably as a result of wind damage to the overhead wiring.
He who shall hurt the little wren Shall never be beloved by men.
The duke of Anjou at his earnest instigation accepted the title of " Defender of the liberties of the Netherlands," and promised, if the provinces would raise an army of io,000 foot and 2000 horse, to come to their assistance with a hurt at this treatment and disappointed at his failure, De a th h Do n John.
All were built to be rowed, were flat-bottomed, and of shallow draft so as to be able to navigate close to the shore, and to take the ground without hurt.
No extremity of torture could make him recant or extract a syllable to Savonarola's hurt; he steadfastly repeated his belief in the divinity of the prior's mission.
You, poor thing! cannot even bleed when you are hurt.
The handsome Vera smiled contemptuously but did not seem at all hurt.
I shall answer for it and not you, and you'd better not buzz about here till you get hurt.
But whereas the soiled pages of boobies and ribald tales only HURT my productivity, my beta-testing experience has vastly IMPROVED it.
Carpenter earns a place as a 21st century scream queen with her hair-raising, fearless performance; Mary Beth Hurt plays the judge.
Speaking on behalf of the people of Cardiff, I 'm pleased that no one was hurt.
A lot of blood gets splattered around without anyone getting too badly hurt or taking too much offense.
I have tried taking laxatives but they make my stomach hurt more.
If I mention getting someone in to do these jobs he gets all sulky and hurt, so it 's not worth it.