Hurriedly Sentence Examples
She dressed hurriedly and grabbed her spare clothes.
Dean hurriedly left the office before Ethel showed.
She toweled off and hurriedly dressed.
There was a large man's tee shirt lying on the floor and I hurriedly put it on.
Troops had been hurriedly sent to meet him, and when he reached Bridgwater Albemarle was already in his rear.
He hurriedly took a pinch of snuff.
She dressed hurriedly in the clothes Sarah had loaned her and ran fingers through her hair, wishing she had a comb.
She dressed hurriedly and was tugging on her boots when Katie returned.
Enghien hurriedly re-formed his troops, fearing at every moment to be hurled down the hill by a counterstroke; but none came.
Before suitable defences could be made, word came from Hongkong that Dewey had started for Manila and Montojo hurriedly sailed from Subig Bay to Cavite, barely in time to anchor before Dewey arrived.
AdvertisementKing Frederick, who had lost all courage, hurriedly left Prague on the following morning.
Prince Andrew's eyes were still following Pfuel out of the room when Count Bennigsen entered hurriedly, and nodding to Bolkonski, but not pausing, went into the study, giving instructions to his adjutant as he went.
Still laughing and talking, the officers began hurriedly getting ready and again boiled some muddy water in the samovar.
But when he had gone into another room, to which the countess hurriedly followed him, he assumed a grave air and thoughtfully shaking his head said that though there was danger, he had hopes of the effect of this last medicine and one must wait and see, that the malady was chiefly mental, but...
Berg hurriedly jumped up, kissed her hand, asked about her health, and, swaying his head from side to side to express sympathy, remained standing beside her.
AdvertisementA shopkeeper with red pimples on his cheeks near the nose, and a calm, persistent, calculating expression on his plump face, hurriedly and ostentatiously approached the officer, swinging his arms.
Jonathan was up early and ready to go, so Alex hurriedly showered and dressed.
Tossing her gown aside, she hurriedly pulled on some sweats and made the bed.
The small group moved more hurriedly now and the man said something to Betsy and shoved her forward toward an emergency exit.
Dean turned away from the frightened woman and hurriedly tied one end of the line to the back bumper of his Jeep.
AdvertisementDean stepped back and she hurriedly left the room, Effie close on her heels.
Hurriedly retreating to Senaf, hard pressed by the Italians, who shelled Senaf on the evening of the 15th of January, Mangashh was obliged to abandon his camp and provisions to Baratieri, who also secured a quantity of correspondence establishing the complicity of Menelek and Mangash in the revolt of Bath-Agos.
On hearing of this, Henry, although he had sworn to observe this will, had himself released from his oath by the pope, and hurriedly marched against his brother, from whom in the beginning of 1156 he succeeded in taking Chinon and Mirebeau; and in July he forced Geoffrey to give up even his three fortresses in return for an annual pension.
Leopold succeeded in obtaining possession of part of the town of Prague, but his army was defeated by the troops which the Bohemian estates had hurriedly raised, and he was obliged to leave Bohemia.
She hurriedly ascended the narrow dimly lit stone staircase, calling to Pierre, who was lagging behind, to follow.
AdvertisementHe took out a notebook, hurriedly scribbled something in pencil, tore out the leaf, gave it to Kozlovski, stepped quickly to the window, and threw himself into a chair, gazing at those in the room as if asking, "Why do they look at me?"
He pointed to the French guns, the limbers of which were being detached and hurriedly removed.
Tradition avers that but forty days were needed for the completion of the work, six thousand men being employed night and day; guns and troops were hurriedly put in, and all navigation of the Bosporus was stopped.
Some disputes between Baden and Bavaria remained unsettled, and many questions arising out of the new federal constitution of Germany, which had been hurriedly patched together under the influence of the news of Napoleon's return, had to be postponed for further discussion, and were not settled until the Final Act agreed upon by the conference of German statesmen at Vienna in 1821.
Thence, when the well-drilled Army of be so or not, Lee took part in preparing for the divorce pro Potomac was about to descend upon Richmond, he was ceedings against Catherine of Aragon, and in January 1534 the hurriedly recalled to Richmond.
Pierre hurriedly began taking off his right boot also and was going to tuck up the other trouser leg to save this stranger the trouble, but the Mason told him that was not necessary and gave him a slipper for his left foot.
As she entered the ballroom her father was hurriedly coming out of her mother's room.
Even after the war with Prussia had actually broken out he refused Italian aid at the price of the abandonment of the city, a step which he nevertheless reversed hurriedly twenty days too late.
Otto then left Italy hurriedly, but he was quickly followed by his young rival, who in the warfare which had already broken out proved himself a formidable opponent.
He had attempted to reform the country too hurriedly; and treachery, by all accounts, was one of his methods.
From the carriages emerged men wearing uniforms, stars, and ribbons, while ladies in satin and ermine cautiously descended the carriage steps which were let down for them with a clatter, and then walked hurriedly and noiselessly over the baize at the entrance.
Turning her mother's head this way and that, she fastened on the cap and, hurriedly kissing her gray hair, ran back to the maids who were turning up the hem of her skirt.
Two maids were turning up the hem and hurriedly biting off the ends of thread.
Hussars, ladies, witches, clowns, and bears, after clearing their throats and wiping the hoarfrost from their faces in the vestibule, came into the ballroom where candles were hurriedly lighted.
Then a maidservant ran into the hall and hurriedly said something, mentioning the princess.
He nodded hurriedly in reply to Chernyshev, and smiled ironically on hearing that the sovereign was inspecting the fortifications that he, Pfuel, had planned in accord with his theory.
Seeing his gloomy face as he frowned at his wife, the officers grew still merrier, and some of them could not refrain from laughter, for which they hurriedly sought plausible pretexts.
The peasants, adjusting the stretcher to their shoulders, started hurriedly along the path they had trodden down, to the dressing station.
Pierre dressed hurriedly and, instead of going to see them, went to the back porch and out through the gate.
A few minutes later an officer came hurriedly out of the front door, gave an order, and the dragoons formed up in line.
I'll lie down at once, said Natasha, and began hurriedly undressing, tugging at the tapes of her petticoat.
Pierre hurriedly turned away from her and again addressed Princess Mary, asking about his friend's last days.
She was nursing her boy when the sound of Pierre's sleigh was heard at the front door, and the old nurse--knowing how to please her mistress-- entered the room inaudibly but hurriedly and with a beaming face.
When we get our hands on our yearbook, we hurriedly flip through its pages to see how we look.
She packed hurriedly and grabbed another of Toby.s stuffed animals before meeting the female warrior in the hallway.
As a precaution against an eventual French attempt to restore the temporal power, orders were hurriedly given to complete the defences of Rome, but in other respects the Italian government maintained its subservient attitude.
General Orero, successor of Baldissera, pushed offensive action more vigorously, and on the 26th of January 1890 entered Adowa, a city considerably to the south of the Marchan imprudent step which aroused Meneleks suspicions, and had hurriedly to be retraced.
A hurriedly equipped fleet sent out from Carthage under Hanno was intercepted by the praetor Publius Valerius Falto and totally defeated (battle of the Aegates Islands, March io, 241).
At Fontainebleau in 1876 Stevenson had met Mrs Osbourne, the lady who afterwards became his wife; she returned to her home in California in 1878, and in August of the following year, alarmed at news of her health, Stevenson hurriedly crossed the Atlantic. He travelled, from lack of means, as a steerage passenger and then as an emigrant, and in December, after hardships which seriously affected his health, he arrived in San Francisco.
In Prague, in November 1419, severe fighting took place between the Hussites and the mercenaries whom Queen Sophia (widow of Wenceslaus and regent after the death of her husband) had hurriedly collected.
So, from the first, France was faced with another war against an affrighted and infuriated Europe, a war in which the big battalions would be on the side of the Seventh Coalition; and to oppose their vast armies, Napoleon only had in March the 150,000 men he had taken over from Louis XVIII when the Bourbon hurriedly quitted the throne.
The coup d'etat of Thermidor (July 28, 1794) compelled the young disciple of Robespierre hurriedly to leave St Maximin, and to accept a small post at St Chamans.
The last of the infantry hurriedly crossed the bridge, squeezing together as they approached it as if passing through a funnel.
The officers were hurriedly drinking tea and breakfasting, the soldiers, munching biscuit and beating a tattoo with their feet to warm themselves, gathering round the fires throwing into the flames the remains of sheds, chairs, tables, wheels, tubs, and everything that they did not want or could not carry away with them.
Pierre flushed and, hurriedly putting his legs down from the bed, bent forward toward the old man with a forced and timid smile.
Without moving from where he stood he began speaking in a louder tone and more hurriedly than before.
What has she given you? he continued hurriedly, evidently no longer trying to show the advantages of peace and discuss its possibility, but only to prove his own rectitude and power and Alexander's errors and duplicity.
I really must go home... business... said Pierre hurriedly.
He was evidently afraid the prisoners looking on would laugh at him, and thrust his head into the shirt hurriedly.
It's also great on its own, as I found when I hurriedly applied it before heading out for a busy day.
In December, 2001, Stewart allegedly received a tip that her shares of ImClone stock were about to plummet and hurriedly sold off these shares.
If an operating system is programmed inefficiently or hurriedly, viruses will enter the phone or simple frustration from lack of functionality can set in.
With a disgruntled look on his face he hurriedly dressed and shuffled out to the kitchen where Fred O'Connor was munching on a doughnut and holding a glass of Ovaltine.
On 19th December the electric units were withdrawn and steam locomotives and stock hurriedly assembled to provide an emergency replacement service.
A wild swan flying hurriedly inland alone promised sad tidings from the sea.
He shall be taken away--taken away at once, said the assistant hurriedly.
Mainly, it would seem, because he desired hurriedly to screen the refusal, which might at any time be expected from the Russian court, under the appearance of a voluntary choice of an Austrian archduchess.
The various Union divisions hurriedly prepared to defend themselves, but they were dispersed in several camps which were out of sight of one another, and thus the Confederate army lapped round the flanks of each local defence as it encountered it.
Crittenden commanding the Union left was hurriedly called back from his attack on the Confederate right to support McCook.
Starting with a visit to Piombino, on the coast opposite Elba, he went by way of Siena to Urbino, where he made drawings and began works; was thence hastily summoned by way of Pesaro and Rimini to Cesena; spent two months between there and Cesenatico, projecting and directing canal and harbour works, and planning the restoration of the palace of Frederic II.; thence hurriedly joined his master, momentarily besieged by enemies at Imola; followed him probably to Sinigaglia and Perugia, through the whirl of storms and surprises, vengeances and treasons, which marked his course that winter, and finally, by way of Chiusi and Acquapendente, as far as Orvieto and probably to Rome, where Caesar arrived on the 14th of February 1503.
While he was getting down from the carriage steps two men, who looked like tradespeople, ran hurriedly from the entrance and hid in the shadow of the wall.
Rostov hurriedly put something on his feet, drew on his dressing gown, and went out.
With compressed and parched lips and dry fixed eyes, she sat at the window, uneasily watching the people who drove past and hurriedly glancing round at anyone who entered the room.
What do you think?"--she was speaking hurriedly, evidently afraid her strength might fail her-- "Will he ever forgive me?
Byrne's description was far too common to stand out but no one recalled a man hurriedly leaving the city in the middle of the night, Tuesday-Wednesday.
He hurriedly but vainly tried to get his foot out of the stirrup and did not remove his frightened blue eyes from Rostov's face.
I went to get Frenchmen, answered Tikhon boldly and hurriedly, in a husky but melodious bass voice.
The crusaders were seized by a sudden panic, both at Mies (Stfibro) and at Tachau, as soon as they approached the Hussites, and they fled hurriedly across the mountains into Bavaria.
He rode hurriedly from the battlefield and returned to the Shevardino knoll, where he sat on his campstool, his sallow face swollen and heavy, his eyes dim, his nose red, and his voice hoarse, involuntarily listening, with downcast eyes, to the sounds of firing.