Hurdles Sentence Examples
On this surface hurdles were placed, 4 ft.
To take his place as the Grey God, he has to overcome some really large hurdles.
However, legal pitfalls are proving to be hurdles for jurisdictions attempting to regulate the industry.
As the hurdles dry with age they become less supple.
She won the 100m and 75m hurdles in 13.4 and 12.5 and the long jump with 4.65 meters.
Scare off the birds, harrow up the weeds, cut down all that shades the crop. Ploughs, waggons, threshing-sledges, harrows, baskets, hurdles, winnowing-fans are the farmer's implements.
The remainder of the day, so far as family life is concerned, is spent in the serdab, a cellar sunk somewhat below the level of the courtyard, damp from frequent wettings, with its half windows covered with hurdles thatched with camel thorn and kept dripping with water.
Rough Castle, near Falkirk, is very much smaller; it is remarkable for the astonishing strength of its turf-built and earthen ramparts and ravelins, and for a remarkable series of defensive pits, reminiscent of Caesar's lilia at Alesia, plainly intended to break an enemy's charge, and either provided with stakes to impale the assailant or covered over with hurdles or the like to deceive him.
Researchers who propose animal experiments have to jump through regulatory hoops and hurdles - including getting a license from the Home Office.
Even if he surmounted those hurdles, there was a further problem, as Ron pointed out on UK national television.
AdvertisementPeter feels he is jumping hurdles all the time with work produced against the odds.
Woodward, coached by Matt Hargreaves, also picked up a gold medal in the 400m hurdles.
Amy Lloyd scored a bloodless victory in the 80m hurdles winning in 13.2 secs.
Ruth Dales faced Atlanta Olympic hurdles heroine Angie Thorpe representing Wigan AC in the A 100m hurdles.
However, both of Jackson's chief rivals for the sprint hurdles title also made it into the second round later today.
AdvertisementKatie Hewitt won 300m hurdles in 46.4 and was 2nd in 80m hurdles in 12.4 sec.
Wattle hurdles for sheep fencing and garden use are available from hurdle makers, but are normally too expensive for bankside revetment work.
Sprint Hurdles Photo Sequence All good sprint hurdlers must be fast sprint Hurdles Photo Sequence All good sprint hurdlers must be fast sprinters.
Hurdles were woven from hazel or willow and topped with straw thatch.
Faye Palmer finished second in the 80m hurdles in 16secs and seventh in the shot with a putt of 4.31m.
AdvertisementSprint Hurdles Photo Sequence All good sprint hurdlers must be fast sprinters.
And I fear that this new production of Oden von Horvath 's 1931 melodrama stumbles at both hurdles.
More attractive ones can be made from wattle hurdles or woven branches.
Passion is a key ingredient will help you overcome the many hurdles a startup presents.
Caring for a baby involves its share of hurdles, but most parents find that eventually a routine is developed and the overall challenge wanes.
AdvertisementThough a new baby will always require lifestyle adjustments, the newborn stage provides as many perks as it does hurdles.
Adopting children from this poor, but beautiful country takes a bit of effort, but is well worth the hurdles when a deserving child finally comes into your life as your son or daughter.
However, for many couples, the result of parenting a beautiful child is more than worth the hurdles that must be overcome.
These include discus, shot put, long jump, hurdles, high jump, and javelin.
Choosing a date is one of the first hurdles you will take on, and it can either be simple or challenging.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is another classic that helps with mental hurdles.
Horses leap in waves, similar to a basic rollercoaster motion, providing the rider with an illusionary experience of a horse jumping over hurdles.
The bitter rivals now find themselves at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, competing against one another in a series of Olympic events, including swimming, hurdles, and more.
Just about everyone has a mobile phone these days and one of the first hurdles you're going to have to overcome is choosing the right cellular phone plan for you.
It is paramount for struggling individuals to be proactive and attempt to conquer their hurdles or learn to accept their hair loss as a fact that does not impinge on the wonderful style they have inside.
Christina also made headlines for her own health hurdles.
In today's modern era, these kinds of dating relationships are more accepted, but those who fall in love with someone from a different culture still have some hurdles to overcome.
This reemergence into dating can include many hurdles including kids, heart break, and self esteem issues.
Like many hurdles in the gluten-free diet, you'll have to experiment to find what works best for you.
Prior to embarking on this journey, it's always best to seek the treatment of a professional family counselor that can help you cross the hurdles while strengthening your family bond.
However, once these hurdles are overcome, the games do not cost anything - in fact, some games which are hosted on CoolMath are deliberately kept down to a level where the creators won't charge for them.
One of the largest and most significant hurdles for children and adults with autism is difficulty in communication and language.
You will also pretend to jump hurdles and sprint in place.
Retro women who love their vintage garter belts or girdles know that one of the biggest hurdles to wearing such things on a regular basis - and staying comfortable - is the stockings themselves.
One of the biggest hurdles that you will have to overcome when using peer-to-peer music download programs, like Ares Galaxy, is that you may run into legal complications.
Although there is no standard audition, at all casting calls, you can expect to face a series of hurdles before ending up on the final cast.
As we age, our skin wears and shows the world the hurdles, happiness, loss and laughter we have endured.
The salt is " drawn " from the pan and placed (in the case of boiled salts) in small conical baskets hung round the pan to drain, and thence moulded in square boxes and afterwards stove-dried, or (in case of unboiled salts) " drawn " in a heap on to the " hurdles," on which it drains, and thence is carried to the store.
Curiously veined veneers are obtained from the roots; and the root-shoots are largely employed in the making of crates, coalcorves or baskets, hurdles, withs and bands, whip-handles and other objects.
It was a combination of hurdles, poles, barrels and open space - down which Alex was riding a horse at a gallop.
Shareholders in key, purely domestic French companies may face more hurdles if they want to sell to foreigners.
The 110m hurdles drew only two athletes - both from Wakefield.
Katie Hewitt at 300m hurdles was 6th in her heat in 48.32 secs.
Finding the right med seems to be yet another of so many hurdles, but we live in hope.
These two hurdles, for which separate solutions exist, must, however, be solved simultaneously for developing improved vaccines.
While there will be hurdles to overcome, hopefully the blessings you'll receive from this wonderful relationship will more than outweigh any difficulties you encounter.