Hurd Sentence Examples
Even a cursory glance at Hurd's outstanding book reveals his dependable traits.
This was followed in 1777 by A Letter to Dr Hurd, Bishop of Worcester, wherein the Importance of the Prophecies of the New Testament and the Nature of the Grand Apostasy predicted in them are particularly and impartially considered.
He was extremely popular at court, and in 1783, on the death of Archbishop Cornwallis, the king pressed him to accept the primacy, but Hurd, who was known, says Madame d'Arblay, as "The Beauty of Holiness," declined it as a charge not suited to his temper and talents, and much too heavy for him to sustain.
Hurd's Letters on Chivalry and Romance (1762) retain a certain interest for their importance in the history of the romantic movement, which they did something to stimulate.
Hurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (Chicago, 1903), and Starr and Curtis, Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois (Chicago, 1896), are also of value.
Warburton's works were edited (7 vols., 1788) by Bishop Hurd with a biographical preface, and the correspondence between the two friends-an important contribution to the literary history of the period-was edited by Dr Parr in 1808.
Yesterday, HP's chief executive, Mark Hurd, and former chairperson Patricia Dunn appeared before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee.
The chief sources for Bishop Hurd's biography are "Dates of some occurrences in the life of the author," written by himself and prefixed to vol.
Richard Hurd (1860), giving selections from Hurd's commonplace book, some correspondence, and extracts from contemporary accounts of the bishop. A review of this work, entitled "Bishop Hurd and his Contemporaries," appeared in the North British Review, vol.
Hurd Historic Windows and Doors is a manufacturer with an eye for the quality and detail that is so important in older homes.