Hunger Sentence Examples
He grew weak from hunger and thirst.
Her hunger and thirst satisfied, she was getting sleepy again.
You will only hunger for me.
The hunger in his eyes increased her pulse.
Horror and hunger surged through her.
It was hunger that later returned Dean to reality.
Maybe it was hunger or the pleasant company.
Hunger pulsed through Xander.
They suffered hunger, cold and misery, and were in constant fear of death, till the spring of 1868 when they were relieved by the British troops.
She didn't know why, couldn't get control of either her emotions or the hunger in her blood.
AdvertisementThere is no doubt that the spread of the practice is connected with the ban imposed in Mohammedan countries on the use of alcoholic beverages, and to some extent with the long religious fasts of the Buddhists, Hindus and Moslems, in which opium is used to allay hunger.
It had long been a fundamental principle of Indian government that the sepoy would always be true to his salt - knowing, as Macaulay wrote in 1840, that there was not another state in India which would not, in spite of the most solemn promises, leave him to die of hunger in a ditch as soon as he had ceased to be useful.
Hunger, plague, the treachery of his captains and internal discontent at last forced him to surrender (November 1405).
He could not, he said, bear even to let the wind blow on her; and now she must suffer cold and hunger; she must beg; she must be beaten; "yet," he added, "I must, I must do it."
After 15 months (134-133) he reduced by hunger the6000-8000Numantine soldiers, much as Caesar afterwards reduced Alesia in Gaul.
AdvertisementThese prisoners do not seem to have felt any of the severer pangs of hunger, for they were not tempted to eat their candles.
Thus the object of hunger is not the pleasure of eating but food; hunger is therefore, strictly speaking, no more " interested " than benevolence; granting that the pleasures of the table are an important element in the happiness at which self-love aims, the same at least may be said for the pleasures of love and sympathy.
On the one hand, he speaks of moral approbation as derived from " humanity and benevolence," while expressly recognizing, after Butler, that there is a strictly disinterested element in our benevolent impulses (as also in hunger, thirst, love of fame and other passions).
The volcanic ash frequently proves extremely harmful, destroying the pastures so that the sheep and cattle die of hunger and disease.
The comparison of the will unable to act between two equally balanced motives to an ass dying of hunger between two equal and equidistant bundles of hay is not found in his works, and may have been invented by his opponents to ridicule his determinism.
AdvertisementThe corpse of Louis XIV., left to servants for disposal, and saluted all along the road to Saint Denis by the curses of a noisy crowd sitting in the cabarets, celebrating his death by drinking more than their fill as a compensation for having suffered too much from hunger during his lifetimesuch was the coarse but sincere epitaph which popular opinion placed on the tomb of the Grand Monarque.
No one spoke for a while as they sliced the edge off their hunger.
You must die first. … an Oracle must be bound … for all eternity … You will never hunger for food nor thirst for water.
She took it, her insides quaking in anticipation and hunger.
Hunger for him—not just his blood—roared through her.
AdvertisementPeople stared, women in envy and hunger.
It wasn't anger she felt towards him but … hunger.
Darkyn played keep away, until she was drowning in heat, desire and the hot hunger that felt like it was going to consume her.
You need my blood and don't yet understand how to curb the hunger.
She felt centered and refreshed this morning, the newfound hunger for the blood of her mate sated for now.
How terrible it must be to hunger for things that belong to someone else – especially when one of those things is your own daughter.
The scent of an Immortal – a female one – made his hunger roar to life.
The Immortals were vulnerable, and Darkyn's hunger for power and control of the mortal world was not something Gabriel questioned.
Love is a craving hunger while it fills me to satiation like no mortal fare could ever satisfy.
Jackson held the goblet, mortified, yet he had never felt such a hunger, nay––lust, as he did for the contents.
Did they die here – from hunger?
He always fed at night, and hunger made his senses sharper, especially when he was surrounded by so many potential sources of dinner.
Desire and hunger, yes, but never the compulsion to be inside a particular woman.
If Xander didn't feed now, he was going to go on a rampage and slaughter half the apartment building to slake his hunger.
The skin around Xander's eye was softened in something other than amusement, the light in his eyes a combination of hunger – and warmth.
The Green Revolution transformed agriculture in a country where hunger is still an issue today.
The Art of Hunger undermines and illuminates our accepted notions about literature and throws an unprecendented light on Auster's own richly allusive writings.
I should have known better, but by this time hunger and weariness had so addled my brain that I took his advice.
There are also reports of a hunger strike by 51 detained afghanis that has since been broken up by the French authorities.
Having then reached my normal state, I discovered that I was half famished with hunger.
With human wants, kind spirits may become feeble through hunger.
We looked a very sorry sight, covered in dirt and grime with hunger gnawing at our bellies.
But the other woman, satisfying her first pangs of hunger, was now bent rather low over her macaroni au gratin.
The hunger my care health heartland home hospice cover revenge. getting into heard.
Yet God has provided us with the capability of producing enough food to eradicate hunger from our planet.
They are not motivated by a concern to " feed the world " or to alleviate hunger.
Just like Acnan I am here to satisfy the hunger of the Land.
This is an examination of the feasibility of halving world hunger by 2015.
Will we act to eliminate hunger or will we forsake our credibility through omission?
The various other benefits of fasting are that man gets to exercise sacrificing physical comfort and to endure hunger and thirst.
And some families already weakened by hunger have lost their homes, animals and winter crops to floods.
They were replaced by soulless monsters, driven only by an insatiable hunger for human flesh.
The blaze crackles with a ravenous hunger, consuming the Hyperion with the enthusiasm of flames for vampires.
The spiritual hunger of our time is another factor that needs to be taken into account.
With no resources to grow or purchase food, many children suffered from chronic hunger.
He covered the assassination of Earl Mountbatten and the Ira hunger strikes.
Tuesday 19 October 1971 A group of five Northern Ireland Members of Parliament (MPs) began a 48 hour hunger strike against Internment.
The day after the betrayal, republican prisoners in Wormwood Scrubs, London declared a new hunger strike.
Twelve of the 14 have already started a hunger strike to focus attention on the injustice which is now taking place.
Detainees have staged mass hunger strikes and physically resisted their deportations.
Health and other problems in detention following the hunger strikes, concern has again been raised about the medical attention received in Centers.
It was in this prison that she went on her first hunger strike and 8 days later was released.
Set against that have been numerous hunger strikes, attempted suicides, suicides and the damage to America's reputation.
After a 5 day hunger strike she was released.
The FAO says that, " eradicating hunger is not merely a lofty ideal " (21 ).
Working daily in thick jungle against the sun and rain, Men with fantasies of hunger, some men driven insane.
At the end of the hunger strikes, the IRA dismissed the SDLP as ' imperialist lickspittles ' .
And rather than reducing malnutrition and hunger, GM crops actually make things worse.
As a temporary nurse at an exclusive hospital at the beginning of her career she risked her job by helping the Jarrow hunger marchers.
This year it is hoped to have a big pan of broth on the boil to keep the hunger pangs at bay.
Sandwiches are also available to take away so you can enjoy the festival without getting hunger pangs.
Instead, the best option is to avoid the hunger pangs in the first place.
Finally, she thought, her throat parched with hunger, they must sell me some orange juice.
Do they just ignore the extreme hunger pains or do they just have a biological predisposition to enjoy famine.
And on 3 October 1973, 60 republican prisoners won special political status from the Dublin government after 20 days of hunger strike.
Sydney and Charles experienced acute privation and often hunger, and were eventually taken into public care.
Now many astrologers seem to have a hankering, a hunger even, for scientific respectability that never fails to amaze me.
And Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the people of Egypt, because the time of hunger became terrible in Egypt.
Minister Humphrey Atkins made promises in the light of which the hunger strike was called off.
A few days later, a second hunger striker dies.
In 1913 Annie Kenney was sentenced to eighteen months in prison and like other suffragettes she went on hunger and thirst strike.
Worse than that his hunger reduced him to eating the pigs swill.
He fought boredom and guilt, sexual temptations and hunger for possessions.
The roots of hunger The developing world hasn't always been hungry.
Being accustomed to gratify every sensation as it arises, they endure thirst, hunger, want of food and bodily discomfort badly.
Babeuf's song Mourant de faim, mourant de froid (Dying of hunger, dying of cold), set to a popular air, began to be sung in the cafes, with immense applause; and reports were current that the disaffected troops in the camp of Grenelle were ready to join an emeute against the government.
Cobden spoke some words of condolence, but "after a time he looked up and said, ` There are thousands of homes in England at this moment where wives, mothers and children are dying of hunger.
Starvation itself (see also Hunger And Thirst) is of the nature of a disease which may be prevented by diet; nevertheless there are connected with it a few peculiarities of scientific and practical interest.
In this book, I maintain the future will be without ignorance, disease, hunger, poverty, and war, and I support those assertions with history, data, and reason.
So isn't it just possible that it could end ignorance, disease, poverty, hunger, and war?
I reasoned that if I could show how poverty will end, then of course hunger would end as well—how many rich people do you hear about going hungry?
I take no side other than to be against hunger.
Bringing an end to poverty, then, will also help bring an end to hunger.
All of these are sorely lacking in areas where hunger is most prevalent.
In societies where a large percentage of income is necessary just to buy food, having volatile food prices will mean hunger sooner or later, no matter how good the factory jobs are.
Those are only some of the most significant factors contributing to hunger in the world today.
To describe ending hunger in the future, I have only these tarnished terms of the present at my disposal.
That said, my "end hunger" case doesn't hang on the viability of GM crops.
If I am ultimately proven wrong and the world rejects GM foods, we will still end hunger.
As we have reasoned, when the Internet and related technologies help bring an end to poverty, the end of poverty will largely solve the problem of hunger.
But the end of hunger also will be hastened by a host of Internet technologies that will dramatically change agriculture.
All that we have explored in this section—rising incomes, advances in nutrition and genomics, innovations in agricultural technologies—will eventually end hunger.
It would be a colossal mistake to assume some sort of collectivist or communistic solution to hunger in the world.
All this will happen eventually, I believe, even if global hunger policy were not to change one iota.
But I also believe that hunger will end when we decide to end it, not only at the point when we are able to end it.
Ask people in what way they hope the world will become better and you will certainly get replies about reducing poverty, disease, and hunger.
Despite their pale swollen faces and tattered uniforms, the hussars formed line for roll call, kept things in order, groomed their horses, polished their arms, brought in straw from the thatched roofs in place of fodder, and sat down to dine round the caldrons from which they rose up hungry, joking about their nasty food and their hunger.
The soldiers, who are worn out with hunger and fatigue, need these supplies as well as a few days' rest.
But the French troops quite rightly did not consider that this suited them, since death by hunger and cold awaited them in flight or captivity alike.
The French did not need to be informed of the fact that half the prisoners--with whom the Russians did not know what to do- -perished of cold and hunger despite their captors' desire to save them; they felt that it could not be otherwise.
The Skircoat stand is served from refreshment kiosks at the Hunger Hill end of the ground.
He faced down the whole republican movement over the hunger strikes.
I walked home along the seafront to Hove afterward, hunger sated, mind relaxed, intending to return before too long.
Furthermore this target may selectively reduce the intake of snack foods, a significant contributor to obesity, without altering hunger or satiety signals.
The hunger center stimulates an individual to eat while the satiety center extinguishes the need for food.
Some accounts say the seamen died of hunger; others say the heartless Sirens ate them.
Cold drinks were served; some bread and cheese produced to stave off the pangs of hunger whilst the meal was being prepared.
To stave off hunger, you may want to pack yourself a little snack.
Isolated in such blocks the selected prisoner perished either from hunger or from an injection of phenol or were suffocated by gas.
A fox was pursuing the testicles of a wild bull, as tho about to die of hunger.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, says Jesus.
Female calves become milk machines like their mothers, suffering chronic lameness, painful udder infections and constant hunger.
It is unjust punishment which makes them go on hunger strike.
I am in his office the next day at 8 pm sharp, weak from hunger.
Vanquishing world child hunger and starvation might only be a chimera.
The goal of the non-profit organization is to abolish hunger and homelessness in the community.
Could I help assemble a team that will work together to fight hunger in the community?
She felt her hunger as a bane and could walk no farther until she'd eaten.
She always starts out her day with a protein shake because it will satisfy her hunger until lunch.
Sticking to this new diet is challenging, but sipping on water throughout the day allays hunger pangs.
Newborns also have extremely small stomachs, which empty quickly and wake the baby with hunger pains.
If you are nervous, your milk may not flow easily, which may increase the howls of hunger from your child, making you all the more nervous..
Amazingly, often is the case that baby will naturally fall into a pattern of hunger that for many parents falls around the same times over a twenty-four hour clock.
It would keep her entire system in mind, not just the need to provide calories or quell her hunger.
When fantasy football began decades ago, magazines were the only providers of the statistical data, for which team owners hunger.
You need to maintain the dog's proper level of hunger, thirst and hygiene, so make sure to take care of it often.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a cult phenomenon of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim.
And of course, Shake, being quintessential Shake, considers himself the unchallenged, supreme leader of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Voiced by Dave Willis, Carl is the Aqua Teen Hunger Force's neighbor.
He has the dubious distinction of being the only character not on the Aqua Teen Hunger Force, as well as the only human character on the show.
Teens can read anything, whether it be the dystopian vision of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins or the vampire romance of Twilight or the hip realty of Maureen Johnson's Suite Scarlett.
That way, you can just grab something as soon as hunger strikes, just as you would with junk food.
Depriving your body of food it craves, ignoring physical signals of hunger, and defining yourself as good or bad depending on whether you've stayed on your diet or broken your diet are all unhealthy behaviors."
Their research has shown that when dieters learn to recognize the physical signs of hunger, stop denying forbidden foods, and start separating food from emotional comfort, their weight will eventually stabilize.
According to Judith and Ellen, "Hunger is your body's natural way of telling you that it's time to eat."
Your dog will always have fresh water available and will usually receive a healthy treat to ward off hunger.
The brain gradually ceases to send out hunger impulses, and this eventually causes a dog to completely lose his appetite.
When the dog's internal organs begin to slow their functions in prelude to shutting down, the hunger impulse disappears completely.
Fubar makes the claim that these bars will help men fuel their bodies through rigorous physical activity and will assist women curb hunger cravings and potentially alleviate hot flashes.
In theory, genetically modified foods could reduce world hunger.
Superfoods bars are perfect for a meal or snack on the go, so it's a great idea to keep one in your desk drawer or purse for those moments when hunger strikes and you're in need of a nutrient pick me up.
Senior hunger and "food insecurity" are serious issues, and this organization has a number of services that can help.
Today, the organization has a number of programs to combat senior hunger.
The study also noted that compared to married seniors, seniors living alone were "twice as likely to experience hunger."
What's more, "50 percent of seniors at-risk for hunger have incomes above the poverty line."
Quality sleep may lead to improved management of the hormones that control hunger.
The body's internal clock also regulates body temperature, hunger, thirst, blood pressure, and glucose production.
Corn dogs, turkey legs, ice cream, pizza, taffy, and fudge are other decadent delights to curb the hunger of eager park guests.
Pretty much, you'll want to use your sword since that has the most power, but if you hunger for projectile killing, then whip out your crossbow and fire machine gun-like arrows at your foes.
Many war games for Wii include well-known series, but there are some single games to keep your war game hunger occupied.
This is the lower priced Cabernet from Eberle and it makes me hunger for their more "select" offerings.
Inability to interpret the body's hunger signals accurately due to early experiences of inappropriate feeding.
Hypothalamus-A part of the forebrain that controls heartbeat, body temperature, thirst, hunger, body temperature and pressure, blood sugar levels, and other functions.
Leptin-A protein hormone that affects feeding behavior and hunger in humans.
While a parent cannot stop tantrums once they are in progress, it is sometimes possible to prevent them by being alert to certain danger signs, especially fatigue, hunger, and irritability.
Individuals with PWS lack the ability to feel full or satiated because of a flaw in the hypothalamus part of their brain, which normally registers feelings of hunger and satiety.
Do not wait until you are hungry to have something to eat; often this hunger can quickly turn to nausea because the stomach is empty.
To stay healthy through the hunger, pack low-calorie goodies like fresh fruit and vegetables.
It is not only needed to help regulate our mood and sleep, but it also transmits nerve impulses from the brain and as a neurotransmitter controls feelings like thirst and hunger.
In developing countries, the Foundation focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty.
The purpose of the Global Development Program is to increase opportunities for people in developing countries to overcome hunger and poverty.
We also run different types of promotions and food drives during National Hunger Action Month in September.
Action Against Hunger is a global organization based in Canada that works to end world hunger.
Charities focused on hunger feed the homeless and enhance the quality and quantity of the food and water available to poor or disadvantaged persons.
International affairs charities work to end hunger, provide medical care or alleviate the strains of war in foreign countries.
As feelings of exhaustion, loneliness, and hunger all affect a child's ability to stay on task.
The film is classic for numerous reasons, including the most well known scene where Big Jim becomes so engorged with hunger that he begins to eat a boot as if it were a steak and spagetti.
They even have a Boot Grill to satisfy your hunger after shopping!
The modern world's hunger for tattoos that feature symbols, characters and script is beautifully sated by designs centered on Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Keeping hunger at bay is an important part of a comfortable, enjoyable road trip.
With the standards already set, Patek watchmakers continuously craft new watches to satiate the public's hunger for the brand.
Hunger is not usually a problem, since the quantities of the foods allowed each day are unlimited.
You will be able to enjoy eating as much of the soup as you'd like during the duration of this seven-day diet in order to stave off hunger pangs.
This allows for normal hunger to arise without excessive cravings or ravenous feelings.
African tribes have been consuming this plant for hundreds of years to control hunger when enduring long hunting trips.
Many people confuse dehydration-related fatigue with hunger, which leads them to both overeat and dehydrate -- a potentially deadly combination.
The increased sense of fullness from the higher-fat intake can suppress both thirst and appetite -- especially since many people confuse symptoms of thirst with hunger.
The problem with this mechanism is that if and when there is excess insulin in the bloodstream after it transports the blood sugar, then cravings for more sugar, increased hunger, and overeating are apparent.
In addition, fat serves to satisfy our hunger and for a longer period of time by slowing down the rate of digestion.
But, before you automatically dive in for a second helping, be sure to assess your hunger level.
It is better to burn calories as they are being eaten than to pull them from storage, which happens only when extreme hunger is experienced.
It is important to note here that Meridia is not an appetite suppressant in that it causes lack of hunger.
Your body, in response to desiring this particular weight, will increase or decrease your feelings of hunger.
Remembering that food is meant mainly to satisfy hunger, and secondly to protect and prevent us from acquiring disease, allows a mindful approach to when we eat, why we eat, what we eat, and how much we eat.
You'll get to eat three balanced meals and two delicious snacks each day, which will satisfy your hunger.
They will satisfy hunger and help you lose weight.
Available in both pill and powder form, protein can reduce your hunger, which in turn helps you consume less calories.
The best thing about drinking tons of water when you're trying to lose weight is that it fills you up and lessens hunger cravings.
Slim 'N Up-This is a herbal formula that claims to reduce hunger and increase energy levels.
Back in the 1970's, Dr. Siegal envisioned his cookie-based diet as an answer for patients he saw who suffered from hunger while dieting.
He went to work to create a food product that his patients could use to satisfy their hunger while still adhering to a reduced-calorie diet.
Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet products are made from an undisclosed blend of amino acid food proteins that work to suppress hunger.
Through the process of trial and error, he found that the combination of certain food proteins produced a remarkable hunger control per calorie.
Extreme hunger coupled with cravings for foods that are not always healthy can cause a woman to gain too much weight.
I also staved off hunger better when I kept up my water intake.
Good fiber intake - Fiber fills you up, which reduces the hunger pangs and accompanying temptation to cheat.
Eating those low-to-moderate-fat foods with lots of fiber outlined above will keep the hunger at bay.
One or two of these snacks each day can help curb your cravings and between meal hunger attacks.
If your hunger is getting the best of you on a 1200 calorie diet plan, you may want to boost your intake to a 1500 calorie diet.
The first category works by reducing your natural hunger signals so that you'll automatically lose weight.
The acai berry is loaded with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, both of which help boost metabolism and satiate hunger.
What the MedWell Program offers is comfort foods that suppress hunger.
You have to give people the experience of "this is what life feels like without hunger."
Both programs are designed to increase secretion of hormones after meals that suppress hunger.
Keeping 1-2-3 balance of fat, protein, and carbohydrate will stabilize insulin and increase PYY thus controlling hunger and making the reduction of calorie intake easy.
That's the key factor to keep hunger under control.
Many tend to eat when they are not hungry, planning meals according to the clock rather than according to the signs of hunger.
Thirst is of particular concern because the signal for thirst may be confuse with hunger.
They satisfy taste buds as well as hunger while feeding your body on a cellular level.
Many people mistake thirst for hunger and eat instead of drinking water.
Though researchers struggle to understand just how protein helps control hunger, they deduce it may be due to the brain receiving lower levels of appetite stimulating hormones when more protein is consumed.
This creates a balanced body blood sugar level, which in turn prevents cravings and hunger.
Soup can be low calorie and filling, but it can also contain additives such as MSG that increase hunger.
A high fiber diet plan is a traditional method for managing hunger, reducing risks of certain diseases and implementing healthy foods for overall health.
Whatever your reason for snacking, these healthy options will help you ease your next bout of between-meal hunger pains.
The best snacks will be those which satisfy your hunger cravings yet leave you feeling reasonably sated.
Fruits and veggies make some of the best low calorie snacks that not only satisfy your hunger, but help you get in another serving or two of them each day.
As a result, you will be able to complete your tasks for the day without feeling cranky because of hunger pangs.
When you follow the plan, one of the biggest obstacles you will have to overcome is hunger pangs.
No matter what time of the day, you will know that your hunger will soon be sated.
The impulse centers in the brain that cause hunger and food cravings are quieted by the Topamax, and it becomes easier to eat a healthy, calorie-restricted diet.
Many patients who take Topamax report loss of hunger or the urge to eat at all.
Dieters who have been successful on such diets enjoy the ability to lose weight without hunger while eating foods they enjoy.
It also helps stave off hunger and food cravings.
Sometimes your body sends hunger signals when it actually wants water.
The makers of the diet suggest individuals carry cookies in the car or keep them at work to stave off hunger, which often causes people to fall off the wagon when it comes to dieting.
Fiber helps to stave off hunger while also playing a huge role in lowering cholesterol levels.
He figured out that if he could address their hunger pangs, he could help them effectively lose weight.
It is recommended that those following the cookie diet consume six cookies daily to control hunger and reduce calories in order to lose weight.
This is the rate of loss that doesn't require extraordinary effort resulting in hunger, fatigue, weakness and cravings.
Insulin also contributes to hunger and cravings, and you are typically not as hungry on a low-carbohydrate diet.
During that same phase, eat as much protein and fat as you need to avoid hunger.
Ketosis also causes a decrease in hunger.
Appetite Suppressants - With a low calorie diet, hunger can be a major issue.
Herbal Teas - Herbals teas are often recommended both to curb appetite and hunger and to help aide digestion.
Healthy fats also play a role in satisfying hunger and keeping the appetite satiated for longer.
Being in “the Zone” means cravings are gone and hunger is satisfied.
More than anything, ensuring that you are adequately hydrated can help stave off hunger.
That doesn't mean starvation; in fact, dieting shouldn't involve actual hunger since that may actually turn out to be outright counter-productive.
In French this would mean something like, I am hunger because in the French language one has hunger rather than is hungry.
This impressed the judges as they saw her as someone with a real passion, hunger and drive to be a model.
She also supports the image of her native hometown soccer team, and donated $150,000 to help fight the Brazilian hunger problem.
Hailing from Manchester, England, the boys came together out of a love for punk music and a hunger for success.
The group works to help children around the world who are living in unsafe conditions or who are dealing with poverty and hunger.
Surprise your guests with the unexpected and watch them satisfy their hunger while having fun.
It is also a look at layers of deception as power hunger Kraven betrays his own kind as easily as he hides the betrayals of his superiors.
These restaurants satisfy your hunger while allowing you to enjoy seafood dishes from around the world.
The abundance of activities will no doubt satisfy any outdoor enthusiasts' hunger for adventure, but may leave them with hunger pains.
In addition to cold beer and wine coolers, a full menu is available to satisfy your hunger.
We're following a hunger and when it's ripe, all common sense and caution fly out the window.
She collected what she could find and perched in a chair, reading until sundown, when the hunger pangs hit her again.
Hunger for him—not just his blood—roared through her.
It wasn't anger she felt towards him but … hunger.
His fangs were long, his eyes burning with more than hunger.
She bit his neck gently, not wanting to hurt him despite the strange dream and hunger in her body screaming to be filled.
He pulled her into his body, and the intensity of the strange hunger within her expanded.
Her hunger became crippling.
She tried to turn away, but the smell filled her senses with inhuman hunger and desperation.
Hunger roared within her.
Deidre caved, unable to take the newfound hunger.
The hunger abated, and she dropped her head back to the pillow, satisfied.
Her hunger demanded action.
Deidre groaned as the hunger returned.
I can control the hunger.
Her desire stirred, aided by emotion and hunger for him.
She responded to him with raw hunger, no longer timid as she had been when he kissed her the day before.
How terrible it must be to hunger for things that belong to someone else – especially when one of those things is your own daughter.
Jared's eyes lit up with hunger.
She deepened the kiss, and he responded with his own hunger.
Katie didn't reply, gaping at a woman in her sixties with enough diamonds to reverse world hunger.
At the first taste, she wolfed it and three more pieces down until the edge of her hunger disappeared.
He kissed her hard and deep, his intensity making her hunger for him flare even as she tried to suppress it.
His rapacious hunger built as his fangs began their descent.
He considered fighting the hunger, not wanting to disturb Elisabeth who slept soundly with her head on his chest.
Lana yielded without any sign of hesitation, returning his kisses with timidity born of both inexperience and hunger.
She returned the kiss, thrilled by his passion and her own mounting hunger.
For the first time, she didn't hunger for him after he left.
She stared at him, a gnawing feeling beginning in her stomach that had nothing to do with hunger.
Maybe they would fill the hunger inside him.
Did they die here – from hunger?
She withdrew, and Xander was shocked to feel the hunger gone after so short a drink.
The emotion was stronger than hunger and sorrow.
She groaned as hunger and need hit her hard once more, the way it did the last time he bit her.
The skin around Xander's eye was softened in something other than amusement, the light in his eyes a combination of hunger – and warmth.
He kept the pace slow, despite his hunger, and deepened the kiss.
Her arms were around his neck, her hunger for him no longer hesitant.
Xander drank until the edge of hunger was gone, suspecting the talk they were about to have would force him to find alternate sources for a full meal.
The parliamentary opposition to the impost, which the Left denounced as the tax on hunger, was largely factitious.
They were enduring of toil, hunger, and cold whenever fortune laid it on them, given to hunting and hawking, delighting in the pleasure of horses, and of all the weapons and garb of war.
We eat only to appease our hunger, we drink only so much as it is good for temperate persons to do.
It is singular that such closely allied species as the domestic dog and the Arctic fox are among the favourite prey of wolves, and, as is well known, children and even full-grown people are not infrequently the objects of their attack when pressed by hunger.
Tearing up the soil with the plough is regarded as an invasion of the domain of the earth-mother, punished by the all-devouring hunger for wealth, that increases with increasing produce.
So arrogant, however, did the masons become, that the prince bade remove the scaffolding, and all, save Manole, perished of hunger.
So all that year not a blade of corn grew on the earth, and men would have died of hunger if Zeus had not persuaded Pluto to let Proserpine go.
In 1527 he sailed from Cuba with about 600 men (soon reduced to less than 400), landed (early in 1528) probably at the present site of Pensacola, and for six months remained in the country, he and his men suffering terribly from exposure, hunger and fierce Indian attacks.
This practically closed Wellington's operations for the year 1810, his policy now being not to lose men in battle, but to reduce Massena by hunger and distress.
In the pursuit, Wellington adhered to his policy of husbanding his troops for future offensive operations, and let sickness and hunger do the work of the sword.
Sir Henry's own principal contribution to the discussion was rather unfortunate, for while insisting on the blessings derived by England from its free-trade policy, he coupled this with the rhetorical admission (at Bolton in 1903) that "12,000,000 British citizens were underfed and on the verge of hunger."
During the summer of 1864 the prisoners suffered greatly from hunger, exposure and disease, and in seven months about a third of them died.
Here they were all left to die of hunger.
There are deer, called taruco (Cervus antisensis); the viscacha, a large rodent; a species of fox called atoc; and the puma (Felts concolor) and ucumari or black bear with a white muzzle, when driven by hunger, wander into the loftier regions.
On leaving he was apprenticed to a civil engineer at Derby, where he acquired " a store of exclusively scientific conceptions," 1 but also experienced the hunger of mind which forced him to look to religion for satisfaction.
In 1869 a rice-famine occurred in the southern island, Kiiishiu, and while the cereal was procurable abundantly in the northern provinces, people in the south perished of hunger owing to lack of transport facilities.
Of this fact the Germans were well aware, and hence they decided from the first to reduce the place by hunger, calculating that with the extra 150,000 men thrown back upon the fortress, its food supplies could not last very long.
Indeed so severe a stress is laid upon the explicitly Christian life and its specific means, that orthodoxy itself interprets the rebirth by water and spirit, and the eating the flesh and drinking the blood to which entrance into the Kingdom and possession of interior life are here exclusively attached, as often represented by a simple sincere desire and will for spiritual purification and a keen hunger and thirst for God's aid, together with such cultual acts as such souls can know or find, even without any knowledge of the Christian rites.
As a single loaf could not satisfy the hunger of many, the rehearsal in these meals of Christ's own action must have been a crowning episode, enhancing their sanctity.
He was besieged in the Snowdon mountains till hunger made him surrender, and conclude the humiliating treaty of Conway (1277).
The Bechuanas and all Kaffir tribes believe that death, even at an advanced age, if not from hunger or violence, is due to witchcraft, and blood is required to expiate or avenge it.
He inured himself to the vicissitudes of heat and cold, and voluntarily suffered the pains or inconveniences of hunger and thirst, fatigue and sleeplessness.
Another nutritious lichen is the " Tripe de Roche " of the arctic regions, consisting of several species of the Gyrophorei, which when boiled is often eaten by the Canadian hunters and Red Indians when pressed by hunger.
Mary fled 60 miles from the field of her last battle before she halted at Sanquhar, and for three days of flight, according to her own account, had to sleep on the hard ground, live on oatmeal and sour milk, and fare at night like the owls, in hunger, cold and fear.
It was not, however, like most other Latin cities, embodied in the Roman state, but continued in the position of a city in alliance with Rome down to the Social War, when it received the Roman franchise (in 9 0 B.C., probably as one of those cities which had not rebelled or had laid down their arms at once), which in 215 B.C. some of its citizens - who had bravely held Casilinum against Hannibal, and only surrendered when pressed by hunger - had refused to accept.
No blood was shed this time; hunger was the weapon on which Alaric relied.
Ricotti, "no citizens in the cities, neither man nor beast in the fields, all the land forest-clad and wild; one sees no houses, for most of them are burnt, and of nearly all the castles only the walls are visible; of the inhabitants, once so numerous, some have died of the plague or of hunger, some by the sword, and some have fled elsewhere preferring to beg their bread abroad rather than support misery at home which is worse than death."
If his questing had been unsuccessful, he appeased the rage of hunger with some scraps of broken meat, and lay down to rest under the piazza of Covent Garden in warm weather, and, in cold weather, as near as he could get to the furnace of a glass house.
Cobden spoke some words of condolence, but after a time he looked up and said, "There are thousands of homes in England at this moment where wives, mothers and children are dying of hunger."
Throughout three years such a dog failed to learn that the attendant's lifting it from the cage at a certain hour was the preliminary circumstance of the feedinghour; yet it did exhibit hunger, and would refuse further food when a sufficiency had been taken.
Of the prisoners an unknown number died of hunger in Durham cathedral, others were sold to slavery in the colonies.
Of the guard that defended Holyrood " the gentlemen and the rabble, when they saw all danger over, killed some and put the rest in prison, where many of them died of their wounds and hunger," a parallel to the Dunottar cruelties not usually mentioned by historians (" Balcarres Memoirs ").
Twenty-four hours of victuals and twenty-four hours of hunger will be many more hours than we shall need.
At any rate, even though we should lack bread, it is better to die of hunger than on the gallows."
But he had not gone far when he was led astray by a guide, and after the loss of his entire outfit and several of his men, and intense suffering of the survivors from cold and hunger, he turned southward through the valley of the Rio Grande and then westward through the valley of the Gila into southern California.
When the city was forced by hunger to surrender to the Austrians, Pepe and Manin were among those excluded from the amnesty; he again went into exile and died in Turin in 1855.
He recalls the mourning in the doomed city; the children dying of hunger in the streets; the prophets deluding the people with vain hopes.
Without it life would be impossible, and it is well recognized that death from thirst is more awful than death from hunger.
In 1913 he was sentenced to six months' imprisonment for a speech made at the Albert Hall, but was released after some days of hunger strike.