Hundred thousand Sentence Examples
He is paying the penalty for the loss of a hundred thousand innocent lives.
I passed that mark a few hundred thousand years ago.
The infantry was not of good quality; but its cavalry was really an enormous force, numbering fully a hundred thousand in all.
The legend goes that Mahmud had in the meanwhile despatched the promised hundred thousand pieces of gold to Firdousi, with a robe of honour and ample apologies for the past.
Special linguistic and other privileges were assured to the Italian minority in the Dalmatian towns, but no corresponding charter was granted to the four to five hundred thousand Slovenes and Croats annexed to Italy.
At the head of a hundred thousand men he showed, besides the large grasp of strategy which planned the Carolinas march, besides the patient skill in manoeuvre which gained ground day by day towards Atlanta, the strength of will which sent his men to the hopeless assault of Kenesaw to teach them that he was not afraid to fight, and cleared Atlanta of its civil population in the face of a bitter popular outcry.
As we are still ignorant of the proportions of land and water in the polar regions, it is only possible to give approximate figures for the extent of the ocean, for the position of the coast-lines is not known exactly enough to exclude possible errors of perhaps several hundred thousand square miles in estimates of the total area.
For that purpose he travelled over the Moslem world, from Egypt to Samarkand, and learned (as the story goes) from over a thousand men three hundred thousand traditions, true and false.
Persecution was revived by the Guises; Du Bourg, the brave defender of the Protestants, was burned as a heretic; yet Calvin could in the closing years of his life form a cheerful estimate that some three hundred thousand of his countrymen had been won over to his views.
For the purpose of measuring resistances up to a few thousand ohms, the most convenient appliance is a Wheatstone's Bridge (q.v), but when the resistance of the conductor to be measured is several hundred thousand ohms, or if it is the resistance of a so-called insulator, such as the insulating covering of the copper wires employed for distributing electric current in houses and buildings for electric lighting, then the ohmmeter is more convenient.
AdvertisementShaler there are altogether " doubtless a hundred thousand miles of ways large enough to permit the easy passage of man."
Everett filled the office of governor for four years, and was then defeated by a single vote, out of more than one hundred thousand.
In this way, too, he raised more than one hundred thousand dollars, for the purchase of the old home of Washington at Mount Vernon.
One of the most popular and widely circulated books is called The Hundred Thousand Songs of the Venerable Milaraspa.
For they slew as many good prisoners as would well have been worth, one with another, four hundred thousand franks."
AdvertisementThe Uncompaghre, with only a small amount of water, flowed through a broad and fertile valley containing several hundred thousand acres of cultivable soil.
She was gone; and in that vast labyrinth of streets, peopled by eight hundred thousand human beings, he was alone.
When the election took place in Ohio, Vallandigham was defeated by a majority of more than a hundred thousand.
Of the 9,476,759 enumerated in the census of 1901 all but some three hundred thousand were in Burma.
Agriculture had its beginning in wheat-raising on great ranches, from 50,000 even to several hundred thousand acres in extent.
AdvertisementAlthough there were already fifteen banks in the state in 1837 yet the cry against monopoly was loud, and so in that year a general banking law was passed whereby any ten or more freeholders might establish a bank with a capital of not less than fifty thousand nor more than three hundred thousand dollars and begin business as soon as 30% of the capital was paid in in specie.
Geology has made it manifest that our earth must have been the seat of vegetable and animal life for an immense period of time; while the first appearance of man, though comparatively recent, is positively so remote, that an estimate between twenty and a hundred thousand years may fairly be taken as a minimum.
In the rainy season it inundates the country throughout its course to the extent of several hundred thousand square miles, covering the flood-plain, called vargem.
The repurchase in 1463 of the towns of the Somme (to which Philip the Good, now grown old and engaged in a quarrel with his son, the count of Charolais, had felt obliged to consent on consideration of receiving four hundred thousand gold crowns), and the intrigues of Louis XI.
Merrill Cooms transferred one hundred thousand dollars as a birthday present to Claire Elizabeth, over the unsuccessful protestations of mother and dad.
AdvertisementHe'd last felt that surge a few hundred thousand years ago, when Czerno had slain his predecessor and claimed the Black God's mantle.
They made a calculation, and declared that I had lost nearly a hundred thousand francs.
A Google search on the terms " moon hoax " yields a quarter million hits; " apollo fake " a hundred thousand more.
Lucky lotto winners notched up anything from a few hundred thousand pounds All Rangers lotto winners notched up anything from a few hundred thousand pounds All Rangers Lotto profits fund our youth teams.
As female pike may contain several hundred thousand eggs; their large size is essential to store such a huge mass.
Understandably, the church is not prepared to spend several hundred thousand pounds reinforcing these shortcomings, simply in the interests of history.
Padua early became a populous and thriving city, thanks to its excellent breed of horses and the wool of its sheep. Its men fought for the Romans at Cannae, and the city became so powerful that it was reported able to raise two hundred thousand fighting men.
He even dreamed of a great trading company "of two hundred thousand livres or more," to monopolize the trade of the Mediterranean, and planned to unify the various systems of weights and measures.
I think it is bigger by "twenty hundred thousand times" (my favorite number used by Shakespeare.)
One hundred thousand fans fill the stadium.
The Nailmaker 2000 makes one hundred thousand an hour.
After the death of Gracchus, a conservative government under Sulla withdrew the subsidy, but shortly afterward, in a period of great unrest, restored it, and two hundred thousand persons stood in line.
Ultimately, workhouses would provide shelter to more than one hundred thousand paupers.
In terms of murders per one hundred thousand inhabitants, England fell from roughly twenty-three in the 1300s to about one today.
Michaux, more than thirty years ago, says that the price of wood for fuel in New York and Philadelphia "nearly equals, and sometimes exceeds, that of the best wood in Paris, though this immense capital annually requires more than three hundred thousand cords, and is surrounded to the distance of three hundred miles by cultivated plains."
He explained how an army, ninety thousand strong, was to threaten Prussia so as to bring her out of her neutrality and draw her into the war; how part of that army was to join some Swedish forces at Stralsund; how two hundred and twenty thousand Austrians, with a hundred thousand Russians, were to operate in Italy and on the Rhine; how fifty thousand Russians and as many English were to land at Naples, and how a total force of five hundred thousand men was to attack the French from different sides.
Despite Count Bezukhov's enormous wealth, since he had come into an income which was said to amount to five hundred thousand rubles a year, Pierre felt himself far poorer than when his father had made him an allowance of ten thousand rubles.
You have not two hundred thousand men, and I have three times that number.
And there will be two hundred thousand of them.
It was said that Mamonov's regiment would cost him eight hundred thousand rubles, and that Bezukhov had spent even more on his, but that the best thing about Bezukhov's action was that he himself was going to don a uniform and ride at the head of his regiment without charging anything for the show.
Out of an army of a hundred thousand we must expect at least twenty thousand wounded, and we haven't stretchers, or bunks, or dressers, or doctors enough for six thousand.
You said yourself that we have a hundred thousand rubles' worth of things in the house.
In my three shops here I have a hundred thousand rubles' worth of goods.
Cards can range from a few cents in price to perhaps several hundred thousand dollars.
You can share your love of reading at Wattpad where there are more than one hundred thousand downloadable ebooks and you get free instant access to them all.
Imagine examining a group of several hundred thousand diamonds.
These investors can often offer you a hundred thousand dollars or more for your new business.
The vehicles started having mechanical breakdowns long before they reached a hundred thousand miles on the odometer.
Jammie Thomas, the plantiff in question, was ordered to pay several hundred thousand dollars for downloading 28 songs.
In the US, the RIAA filed hundreds of lawsuits against users of file sharing network, and in 2009 landmark legal decision, a judge ordered a Minnesota woman to pay a fee of several hundred thousand dollars for downloading music.
Socialnomics is probably the best place as there are active blog posts every week and there's the video that got several hundred thousand views on YouTube.
Membership is free, and currently appears to be at several hundred thousand world wide.
In four hundred thousand years, he hadn't learned to answer a phone right?
At the Restoration, in which they heartily co-operated, there were in Ulster seventy ministers in fixed charges, with nearly eighty parishes or congregations containing one hundred thousand persons.