Humorously Sentence Examples
You could say something humorously like, "Hey, what's with all the questions?
There are movies that humorously display typical holiday stresses and poke fun at these events, but in reality stressful situations can really take a toll.
The image of Santa and his reindeer is a classic Christmas icon, but the mistrust that is humorously exaggerated in this song leads us to wonder why we revere a "man who drives a sleigh and plays with elves."
Often they are humorously named ("Cleaning Up Your FrontPage Code!" for example) but they are also very useful and may be explained in a way more intuitive than corporate-driven sites.
The ever-popular name "Fluffy" is now a caricature, often humorously so, of a household cat.
It was at Taunton that Disraeli fell upon O'Connell, rather ungratefully; whereupon the Liberator was roused to retort on his assailant vehemently as "a liar," and humorously as a probable descendant of the impenitent thief.
From the description of Adullam as the resort of "every one that was in distress," or "in debt," or "discontented," it has often been humorously alluded to, notably by Sir Walter Scott,.
These consist of episodes in the life of the parish priest "Father Prout," and dialogues after the model of "Christopher North," varied by translations of well-known English songs into Latin, Greek, French and Italian verse, which he humorously represents as being the true originals from which the English authors had merely plagiarized them.
Composition meant for him intense absorption in his work; solitude and quiet were essential; and he resented interruptions by grotesque explosions of humorously exaggerated wrath.
Strangers and travellers found a ready reception; and even their horses were treated with so much care that it was humorously said that, if one were turned loose in any part of the country, it would immediately make its way to the rector of Houghton.
AdvertisementThis began the lively paper war humorously called "the second war of Sempach," in which the Swiss (with but rare exceptions) maintained the historical character of the feat against various foreigners - Austrians and others.
Boris on the contrary at once found his footing, and related quietly and humorously how he had known that doll Mimi when she was still quite a young lady, before her nose was broken; how she had aged during the five years he had known her, and how her head had cracked right across the skull.
The result of a second visit to Europe was humorously recorded in A Tramp Abroad (1880), followed in 1882 by a more or less historical romance, The Prince and the Pauper; and a year later came Life on the Mississippi.
While the fables of mythology are often treated contemptuously or humorously by him, other passages in the satires clearly imply a conformity to, and even a respect for, the observances of the national religion.