Humorous Sentence Examples
He has a humorous and poetic side, too.
Under the intensity of his glare, nothing was humorous.
It is fairly easy to make a humorous amigurumi dog.
The information is helpful and there are even humorous elements to the presentation.
Men can make the hula costume more humorous by wearing a bikini top or coconut shell brassiere.
A crazy funny song is one that offers a humorous take on this otherwise reflective holiday.
Some of them are realistic and others have a humorous bent.
If a pickup line is sincere and humorous, the recipient will hopefully feel slightly flattered of your attention.
A cake that points out old age is a fun way to set a humorous tone at the party and invite some good-natured ribbing.
Subjects range from humorous aspects of the engaged couple's life together to funny engagement tales.
AdvertisementHowever, make sure that the humorous poem is in good taste and maintains a romantic tone.
For example, a suitable light humorous poem might say that the boyfriend always avoided cupid's arrow until the girlfriend made her own target on his heart.
These poems can use formal or casual language and resemble a traditional love poem or a humorous poem.
Humorous candles are often combined with a few words, for instance 'nifty fifty'.
Some engaged couples turn to poetry as a romantic way to celebrate their wedding while others use humorous poems to laugh together over engagement memories.
AdvertisementWhether the cards are humorous, sentimental, or religious in nature, they provide a fun way for people to stay in touch during the busy holiday season.
Pick from a large variety of religiously-themed ones that are scattered amongst secular and humorous choices.
If you write a humorous poem, still maintain the romance and keep things in good taste.
Many are subtle in nature, although the majority of them are also humorous as well.
When you submit a humorous greeting card idea, the editor will decide whether it fits in the humorous or the studio category.
AdvertisementAlthough some have stringent guidelines regarding style and length, others are merely looking for strong, evocative writing for everything from humorous to sympathy and condolence greeting cards.
For example, Great-Aunt Susan may be offended by a humorous announcement that would be enjoyed by all of the couple's friends.
Rebounding evolved from trampoline training, whose origins are the subject of some humorous anecdotes.
A popular type of specialty birthday candle is the humorous candle.
They are a few photographic images mixed with a bunch of humorous cartoon holiday selections.
AdvertisementThe story lines are captivating, at times humorous and definitely full of secrets.
Standard congratulations cards also come in humorous, traditional, and formal styles that should be matched to the personalities of the betrothed couple.
Figures are gently humorous and are cartoon style, rather than realistic.
Poetry written to celebrate the Christmas holiday can be spiritual, inspirational, motivational, sentimental, lighthearted, or humorous.
Most retailers who offer a selection of Christmas music will feature at least one humorous mix, and many music download websites offer individual crazy funny songs for purchase.
To add humorous songs to an event without overwhelming guests, consider creating a mix of classic, lighthearted tunes as well as crazy songs.
Keep a list of what you've written and take note of the response you get for your homemade creations, particularly the humorous ones.
Read the greetings in a variety of cards, from sentimental to humorous, birthday classics to unique congratulations.
The King of the Road challenges are generally humorous in nature, with the families competing in things like pie-eating contests, cook-offs, and talent shows.
Many of the wilder myths are the expressions of the sportive and humorous faculties.
The quarrels of Hera with Zeus (which are a humorous anthropomorphic study in Homer) are represented as a way of speaking about winter and rough weather.
He bore a great reputation for conviviality, and wrote a humorous Latin version of the popular ballad A soldier and a sailor, A tinker and a tailor, &c.
He always used the dialect of Piedmont when conversing with natives of that country, and he had a vast fund of humorous anecdotes and proverbs with which to illustrate his arguments.
I invented a tale on the fly about writing a magazine article about some of the more humorous entries.
He was moderately humorous in School of Rock, because he was so fervent.
They exchanged humorous banter with neither party revealing their true objective.
Political, editorial, and humorous cartoons and caricatures by about 500 artists.. .
There follows a total contrast; a ruefully humorous yet touchingly erotic daydream, composed of a montage of apparently unrelated images.
The book is written with a humorous, at times almost flippant tone.
The village fool gives a humorous hint to the otherwise gloomy story.
The faded grandeur of Curzon Street Station provides an elegant backdrop to a darkly humorous work by German artist Eva Meyer Keller.
Does its best to make tough stuff humorous and the walk-through of creating an applet is really relatively painless.
Progress is halting and painful, but also triumphant and often blackly humorous.
His nautical travelog is filled with poignant and dryly humorous snapshots of Scotland.
Both are wickedly humorous yet disturbing tales in which laughter seems to well up and then freeze in one's throat.
I love gently humorous stories, full of movement and body language.
This should prove to be a wonderfully humorous and impressive Ceramic Showcase for all.
The greeting of the angel of the Lord seems humorous in the extreme.
To this type of person no other novel can be so fascinating, yet remain humorous all the while.
I'm truly inspired to write humorous, rhymed verse for children.
In the 1960s the American designer Donald Claflin created humorous, figurative pieces such as the ' Dragon ' brooch included in the show.
It also indicates that humorous incongruity is likely to be disregarded and ' not taken seriously ' .
SuperBike is an irreverent, humorous and massively informative magazine for all kinds of bikers.
Break up your day with humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway friends.
Humorous fantasy is still a labor of love, albeit with a slightly manic turn at times.
Right -The humorous t- shirt company had discovered punk and hold onto your sides as we had the punk panther.
This proved a really satisfying exercise, especially as out came the Sun, so did the hand lenses and the humorous quips.
But the funny remark made with apparent sincerity was not the only weapon in her humorous armory.
It uses humorous sketches to promote an anti-violence message.
It was a humorous skit on an incident that had happened a couple of days earlier.
I always enjoyed reading their humorous slant on ordinary things.
Rose had a worldwide smash hit in 1962 with another of his own tunes, a humorous and satirical piece called The Stripper.
Wedding shower favors can be elegant trinkets or small humorous gifts.
He's much better at comedy, and the humorous banter between him and his costars has a nice zing to it.
Benyowsky torteneteik (Adventures of Paul Ronto and Count Benyowski), are humorous and readable, but careless in style.
The suppression of the Encyclopedie, to which he had been a considerable contributor, and whose conductors were his intimate friends, drew from him a shower of lampoons directed now at "l'infame" (see infra) generally, now at literary victims, such as Le Franc de Pompignan (who had written one piece of verse so much better than anything serious of Voltaire's that he could not be forgiven), or Palissot (who in his play Les Philosophes had boldly gibbeted most of the persons so termed, but had not included Voltaire), now at Freron, an excellent critic and a dangerous writer, who had attacked Voltaire from the conservative side, and at whom the patriarch of Ferney, as he now began to be called, levelled in return the very inferior farce-lampoon of L'Ecossaise, of the first night of which Freron himself did an admirably humorous criticism.
South had a vigorous style and his sermons were marked by homely and humorous appeal.
There are differences between them, arising naturally enough from differences of temperament and experience; but both agree in their attitude - an attitude which is sceptical without being negative and humorous without being satiric. There is hardly any writer in whom the human comedy is treated with such completeness as it is in Montaigne.
The defence For the Invalid is a humorous charactersketch.
The Margites - a humorous poem which kept its ground as the reputed work of Homer down to the time of Aristotle - began with the words, " There came to Colophon an old man, a divine singer, servant of the Muses and Apollo."
Reuchlin was no less learned than Pico; Melanchthon no less humane than Ficino; Erasmus no less witty, and far more trenchant, than Petrarch; Ulrich von Hutten no less humorous than Folengo; Paracelsus no less fantastically learned than Cardano.
In his kindred productions he relies mainly upon a single element of the humorous - logical sequence and unruffled gravity bridling in an otherwise frantic absurdity, and investing it with an air of sense.
But it is to be remembered that Miss Keller has written many things in her autobiography for the fun of writing them, and the disillusion, which the writer of the editorial took seriously, is in great part humorous.
Often I found her, when she had a little leisure, sitting in her favourite corner, in a chair whose arms supported the big volume prepared for the blind, and passing her finger slowly over the lines of Moliere's 'Le Medecin Malgre Lui,' chuckling to herself at the comical situations and humorous lines.
For instance, there is a humorous passage about cooking with butter that will have you smiling about rancid butter in every dish.
It is sometimes raucous, sometimes humorous and quite often just plain weird !
Thought to have become Arthur 's steward, definitely a hero in battle, a humorous is slightly scatty character.
What makes the series work is the snappy humorous dialog between the characters.
A slick speedboat chase early on sets the standard, while several of the fight sequences are well-orchestrated and humorous.
It 's fair to say that despite these comparisons, he was a more humorous character then both of these cult supremos combined.
A humorous, touching tale by the author of The Wind in the Willows.
The director of cult hit Oldboy returns with the wonderfully entertaining and darkly humorous third part in his 'Vengeance ' trilogy.
He 's much better at comedy, and the humorous banter between him and his costars has a nice zing to it.
They can be humorous gifts, such as earplugs, or they can be practical gifts, like masculine diaper bags.
Some will be sweet, some will be humorous -you'll be amazed at the creative wardrobe baby will have inherited by the end of the afternoon.
Some people like to get humorous cards, especially for their birthday.
There are many levels of humorous cards you can send, from light wit to bawdy jokes.
A blank card usually has a design, photo or illustration on the front that can be somber, beautiful or humorous.
Offering unique computer/science/video game related t-shirts, gadgets, humorous novelty items and cool office accessories, there is something that should appeal to the smart nerd in your life.
If looking at this gallery whets your appetite for more, you'll find other compelling galleries and slideshows featuring everything from different breeds to images of cats in humorous situations.
For some people, this independence is intriguing, and this is why they are drawn to anything and everything having to do with cats, including artwork, photos and even humorous cat films.
This montage of feline shenanigans manages to skate the line between humorous and downright shocking, but in truth, most YouTube users will have a difficult time looking away.
Gamers must employ creativity when individualizing their avatars, and this leads to some of the best and most humorous names for their characters.
The perspective creates a warm yet humorous look at life as a third-grader.
If your closest friend is hitting 40, a menopause basket might be a welcome, and humorous gift.
For the humorous individuals among us, they offer a selection of oddball cards and different funny t-shirts to purchase each week.
In this case, a cat plays a keyboard after someone has a terrible (but humorous) accident.
Whether sentimental and sweet or slightly humorous, these sayings can be the perfect addition to your project.
Add in scrapbook pages to your photo albums and create personalized memories that can be humorous, warm and well-loved.
Vermont Ski Safety has some humorous descriptions of technique problems that may cause your bindings to pre-release.
You'll be able to do humorous things with your desktop files that you might have never thought possible while keeping your computer safe, since it's a just game.
Shakespeare's humorous and poignant story is now a musical!
While some of these t shirts are light-hearted and humorous, some are very strong in their messages.
Stick them on the sports fields to make game time difficult and humorous.
Moving items - Moving all the school desks to a courtyard or in front of the school can be quite humorous.
You'll likely wind up having to go out and move your cars once faculty discovers the blunder, but the prank can be quite humorous in the meantime.
Happy Bunny has humorous t-shirts, hoodies, sleepwear, and accessories.
Poems that are hopeful, reflective, and even humorous will add that extra touch.
Ranging from parenting tips, to humorous stories, there are many different types of books about pre-teens and teenagers.
Funny wedding cake toppers are humorous takes on the traditional bride and groom figurines.
Relate any humorous, but not embarrassing, stories that you might know.
Under the humorous options for cake toppers, there's the Hooked on Love Interchangeable Cake Topper Set that features the bride "hooking" the groom with a fishing pole.
The crazy vows are best for a casual wedding or one with some humorous flair.
The two constantly engage in scuffles that range from mild, humorous tiffs to all-out wars of violent proportions.
Comedians have long been heckled while performing on stage, and many have found humorous ways to turn it around on the hecklers.
Britney Spears will be appearing in a humorous ad during the Super Bowl on February 4.
The tag line, "Life comes at you fast" shows the humorous side of how quickly your life can change.
The celebrities are shown having great difficulty answering even the easiest clues, with humorous results.
He wrote the humorous children's book, Halloween, in 2002.
Murphy - Comedian Eddie Murphy put a humorous face on the action movie genre with his starring roles in the Beverly Hills Cop series.
Several sites collect these humorous tidbits, like "100 Ways to Annoy Your Roommate" and "'Twas the Night Before Finals".
Points In Case features articles and columns from current college students who take a humorous and often cynical view of college life, education and relationships.
Unusual scholarships may be humorous, but they are certainly no joke.
Maybe you even have a dog photo album of your own, filled with candid shots of your dog's best and sometimes most humorous moments.
A humorous or ironic name piques the interest of others who will ask "how did you come up with that name?"
You might give him a name that is a humorous warning to others not to take their eye off that submarine sandwich they are planning to eat.
A humorous name should not be given to your dog with the intent of being demeaning.
With lots of cool graphics and humorous catch phrases, there's plenty of good energy to go around!
Some people are quite capable of writing humorous and engaging retirement speeches themselves.
This is a humorous but informative site for older adults living anywhere.
Over the Hill Gifts offers gift baskets full of gag and humorous retirement gifts.
Retirement gifts, humorous one in particular, celebrate a new phase of life.
The key to a humorous retirement gift is that it should elicit laughter, whether in the form of a chuckle, a belly-shaking laugh or a snorting giggle.
Humorous gifts entertain, tease and occasionally lampoon the retiree but in a friendly manner.
A humorous gift should never be mean-spirited, and when in doubt about how someone may react, don't give a gag gift.
Humorous gifts are available that can tease and excite without threat of insult.
Retirement gifts humorous and amusing fall under several different categories, including novelty, commemorative, personalized, hobby, relaxation, travel and unique.
When shopping for a humorous gift, keep in mind the different types of humor.
When shopping for retirement gifts for yourself or someone else, you will find a wide selection of humorous gifts amidst the serious.
Remember that hobby gifts, even humorous hobby gifts such as a For Dummies book, can be useful as well as funny.As described above, not everyone shares the same sense of humor.
Remember that many humorous gifts require a certain level of familiarity.
Use the most inspirational or humorous quotes you can find to help make this a treasured time for many years to come.
If you are creating a humorous poem, aim for something simple--think Dr. Seuss.
Encourage stories that are exaggerated and humorous, or have a chain story where each person tells a small part of the tale before turning the storytelling role over to the next person.
Retired engineers will also likely be drawn to some of the latest gadgets and technology, as well as humorous retirement gifts.
One type of gift to consider is a humorous or gag gift that celebrates the retired life.
There are also dozesn of humorous hats that would make great gifts.
Although humorous retirement gifts are not for everyone, many retirees do enjoy a funny or gag gift.
Before you choose a humorous gift make sure the retiree has a good sense of humor.
The Bard's Tale is a fun, single-player, action/role-playing/adventure game filled with magic, humorous dialog and narration, battles with multiple creatures and exploration of exotic lands.
Enjoy the humorous and malicious remarks of the Bard and the Narrator.
The sound effects are good and the dialog is humorous.
He's got quite the edge to his personality, so Sonic can be a very humorous read.
Playboy and Penthouse feature their own humorous erotic strips in their magazine.
Vicki Iovine's The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy makes a great gift for pregnant women who need a humorous and candid guide to the changes that are happening as they await the birth of their child.
Reassure the mom-to-be with a humorous parenting book.
They can be sentimental, humorous, or spiritual in nature, depending upon the author.
From classic to humorous, Monterey Bay clothing has something for every person looking to take home a piece of their vacation memory.
Christmas has a long, solemn history as a reverent and spiritual holiday, but it also has a humorous side that is often depicted in crazy funny Christmas songs.
In these instances, look for some fun modern takes on carols that offer a humorous look at the holidays.
Whatever type of song you are seeking, from pop to country to kids to humorous, you are sure to find exactly the right style for your musical taste.
Let your personality and your relationship with each of your friends and family members be the star of a humorous Christmas ecard you send to each one of them individually.
Guys can channel their favorite horror movie villain like Leatherface, and either gender can enjoy the fun of humorous costumes.
If he is a humorous guy, he will try really hard to make you laugh, often too hard.
If you pick one that is humorous, be sure that your significant other has the same type of sense of humor.
Likewise, "What's your most embarrassing moment during sex?" helps take some of the stigma out of sex and puts it into a positive, humorous light.
Romantic speeches about love and commitment are common - consider a speech about mid-life crises, distant anniversaries, or humorous aspects of marriage instead.
Most of the latter are well-underscored by humorous blogs that feature snippets of the chef's private life.
Hence, the bow details on this bag are as darling as they are daringly humorous.
Totes with pictures of cartoons and pictures with humorous phrases can be fun accompaniments for casual weekends.
Instead, Sags need partners who can enjoy the more humorous side of life yet still take care of practical matters.
Whether it’s a humorous tale from childhood, or a current story from work, this is one trait that you can look forward to.
Slogans such as aliens saying "We steer clear of the milky way!" adds a humorous touch to a serious concern.
On a humorous note regarding the latter, the need for extras continues to decline.
Still, others can't help but laugh at the little boy and his humorous words.
Storyline B is typically humorous or at least partially comedic and may intertwine with Storyline A and other storylines in order to keep them moving forward.
Car Talk is a humorous radio show, in which hosts Tom and Ray Magliozzi diagnose car problems over the air.
A Mr. School Spirit Pageant can give rise to numerous humorous photos as well as do something for the common good.
Humorous dance moves can be every bit as mesmerizing as a challenging series of steps.
Cheerleaders need not take themselves too seriously during performances, but even if your dance routine is inclined to the humorous aspects of dance, it is always important that the steps be carried out in a tight, flawless manner.
Her cut-throat approach to coaching provides a humorous look at the highly-competitive sport.
You can enhance the "fun" element by holding up posters periodically with the words you want the crowd to cheer, or by adding a humorous element to the cheer.
Wedding cards can be sentimental, humorous, traditional, or contemporary.
The selection includes both religious and humorous card designs.
For example, a saying you find humorous may not be appreciated by your grandmother or your boss.
Christmas card greetings can be traditional, humorous, religious, or non-denominational.
Holiday cards can be contemporary, traditional, humorous, or spiritual.
Christmas card verses range from the humorous to the spiritual.
On a much lighter note, some men simply love the wide selection of boxers that are available, particularly the more humorous designs.
They come in a variety of styles and fabrics from humorous character silk boxers to edible underwear.
Presented with the right whistling lisp on the "Merry Christmas" lyrics, it's also a great humorous Christmas song for lighthearted holiday celebrations.
A few of the most popular Christmas song parodies are classic carols that have been rewritten with humorous lyrics, like "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells" mentioned above.
Not all parodies are funny, but in recent years, humorous parodies have become the most common form of musical parodies.
Through the 1960s and 1970s, parodists such as Peter Schickele, Allan Sherman and Ray Stevens found success with humorous parodies.
It took Weird Al Yankovic in the 1980s to really raise humorous song parodies to an art form.
The graphics or photo used on the card can often convey the humorous message.
Slumber party activities can run the gamut from the traditional pillow fights to much more creative and humorous fun.
Ideally, this should be someone who is witty and humorous.
Photoshopped pictures exist on the Internet that show what he might look like without his bandana, but most of these are simply humorous parodies.
The future looked very much like Earth's present (it is humorous to note that the Marines' dress uniforms are presumed not to change in seventy years), with certain key differences.
This book is a cult classic; originally marketed as a 'young adult' novel, it both gently roasts the entire sword'n'sorcery genre and works as an excellent, exciting and humorous adventure in its own right.
But you keep reading, because Wallie's plight is so well conveyed and his our-world solutions interesting and at times uniquely humorous.
His rather nerdy take as a researcher is very humorous.
You'll find names for beings or characters, good and evil, humorous or magical.
A curmudgeon, Bobby's interactions are often humorous and doused in salt of the earth.
These sites often feature humorous graphics.
While humorous graphics have their benefits, they can also cause some problems on the site.
Cool Myspace layouts reflect your passions in a manner that is creative, whimsical and even humorous.
Each level has a name, and some of them are rather humorous.
SpillYerBeans has a bunch of humorous animations with code ready for copy-and-pasting.
A different but essential side of his character is seen in his poems and humorous pieces, such as the Vergleichende Anatomie der Engel (1825), written under the pseudonym of "Dr Mises."
A cycle of tales is devoted to a strange humorous being called Yehl or Yelch, i.e.
Earle's chief title to remembrance is his witty and humorous work entitled Microcosmographie, or a Peece of the World discovered, in Essayes and Characters, which throws light on the manners of the time.
His most celebrated pieces are Hugo; Mnich (" The Monk"); Lambro, a Greek corsair, quite in the style of Byron; Anhelli, a very Dantesque poem expressing under the form of an allegory the sufferings of Poland; Krol duck (" The Spirit King"), another mysterious and allegorical poem; Waclaw, on the same subject as the Marya of Malczewski, to be afterwards noticed; Beniowski, a long poem in ottava rima on this strange adventurer, something in the style of Byron's humorous poems; Kordyan, of the same school as the English poet's Manfred; Lilla Weneda, a poem dealing with the early period of Slavonic history.
From the beginning the sermons of Oecolampadius centred in the Atonement, and his first reformatory zeal showed itself in a protest (De risu paschali, 1518) against the introduction of humorous stories into Easter sermons.
Interest is confined to the actions, passions, sufferings and joys of human life, to its pathetic, tragic, humorous and sentimental incidents.
It is preceded by a prologue, and followed by a humorous epilogue, in Latin adapted to subjects of the moment.
The Banda-manna saga (1050-1060), the only comedy among the sagas, is also a northern tale; it relates the struggles of a plebeian who gets a chieftancy against the old families of the neighbourhood, whom he successfully outwits; Ol-kofra pattr is a later imitation of it in the same humorous strain.
His songs are mostly written in the medieval quatrains (ferskeytla), and are generally of a humorous and satirical character; his convivial songs are known by heart by every modern Icelander; and although some of the poets of the present day are more admired, there is none who is more loved by the people.
It is sometimes raucous, sometimes humorous and quite often just plain weird!
He regularly regales friends with humorous stories he recalls and his original intention was to record these in an organized way.
Next Exit is in turn humorous, touching surprising and emotionally resonant.
All his work is characterized by a humorous and often satirical approach to the subject matter.
Thought to have become Arthur's steward, definitely a hero in battle, a humorous is slightly scatty character.
The director of cult hit Oldboy returns with the wonderfully entertaining and darkly humorous third part in his 'vengeance ' trilogy.
When in doubt about a retirement gift's humorous properties, refrain from giving it.
A vintage hit of Disney World, the Haunted Mansion is a humorous version of a typical amusement park haunted house.
The two created a webshow titled iCarly and their show is often the focus of each engaging and humorous episode.
The images are fun, humorous and free for personal use.
From traditional to humorous, there's sure to be an engagement-related poem that's perfect for your situation.
The greater part of Dunbar's work is occasional - personal and social satire, complaints (in the style familiar in the minor verse of Chaucer's English successors), orisons and pieces of a humorous character.
Many episodes, describing the society at the Prussian court and the relations of Frederick to Voltaire, are unsurpassable as humorous portraiture.
Julio Cesar Machado and Fialho de Almeida made their mark by many humorous publications, and, in the domain of pure literary criticism, mention must be made of Antonio Pedro Lopes de Mendonga, Rebello da Silva, Dr Joaquim de Vasconcellos, Mme Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Silva Pinto, the favourite disciple of Castello Branco, and of Luciano Cordeiro, founder of the Lisbon Geographical Society, whose able monograph, Soror Marianna, vindicated the authenticity of the Letters of a Portuguese Nun and showed Marianna Alcoforado to be their authoress.
The story told in the memoirs of the French ambassador Bassompierre, that he was killed by the heat of a brasero (a pan of hot charcoal), because the proper official to take it away was not at hand, is a humorous exaggeration of the formal etiquette of the court.
There he led a healthy outdoor life, and also became a large and indiscriminate reader, and before long contributed humorous and poetical articles to the provincial newspapers and magazines.
John Mayne (1759-1836), a native of Dumfries, commemorated the gathering in an excellent humorous poem called "The Siller Gun."
The fertile writer Paul Kovacs excels more particularly in humorous narration.
On the other hand reflection on past events made clear to him not only the sufferings but the defects and follies of the national heroes, and from henceforth, for the first time, we notice a bitterly humorous vein in his writings.
This personification of Death has had as a consequence the introduction into the folklore of many lands of stories, often humorous, of the tricks played on the Enemy of Mankind.
Two humorous poets of the same period who deserve mention are Johan Anders Wadman (1777-1837), an improvisatore of the same class as Bellman, and Christian Erik Fahlcrantz (q.v.; 1790-1866).
His brother, Spurius Mummius, a man of greater refinement and intellectual powers, accompanied Lucius as his legate to Achaea, whence he sent letters to his friends at Rome, describing his experiences in humorous verse.
There he continued the struggle for his side in a humorous work, in which the partisans of the council are amusingly taken to task by the demon Leviathan.
Pleasing humorous sketches are contained also in Ignatius Nagy's Beszelyek (1843) and " Caricatures " or Torzkepek (1844); in Caspar Bernat's Fresko kepek (1847-1850); in Gustavus Lauka's Vida, and his A jo regi vilag (The Good Old World), published respectively in 1857 and 1863; and in Alexander Balazs's Beszelyei (1855) and TiikOrdarabok (1865).
Amongst rhymed novels-novels in verse formthe best is the Delibdbok h ise (" The Hero of Mirages "), in which Ladislas Arany tells, in brilliantly humorous and captivating fashion, the story of a young Magyar nobleman who, at first full of great ideals and aspirations, finally ends as a commonplace country squire.
He had, indeed, a winning personality, and a warm, affectionate and generous nature, which made him greatly beloved by his family and friends; he was humorous, light-hearted, sympathetic, adventurous.
The king was struck with the lad's bright grey eyes and pleasant humorous face; and Brokman, proud of his pupil, made him translate a chapter from a Hebrew Bible first into Latin and then into Danish, for the entertainment of the scholarly monarch.
Ramalho Ortigao, the art critic, will be remembered principally for the Far pas, a series of satirical and humorous sketches of Portuguese society which he wrote in collabora- Criticism.
It is a story, in itself exceedingly humorous, showing how a parrot, the delight of a convent, whose talk was all of prayers and pious ejaculations, was conveyed to another convent as a visitor to please the nuns.
They were used to great humorous effect in an episode of Sex and the City when Samantha ran up several flights of stairs wearing a pair and had to remove them at once upon reaching her destination.
Within a twelvemonth he became more widely known by his Castigo y Perdon, and by a more humorous effort, Los dos Guzmanes; and shortly afterwards he was appointed by the Moderado government to a post in the home office, which he lost in 1854 on the accession to power of the Liberal party.
A somewhat different criticism must be passed on the Facetiae, a collection of humorous and indecent tales expressed in such Latinity as Poggio could command.
He was an enthusiastic and most useful leader of the volunteer movement from its beginning, and a writer, composer and singer of humorous and patriotic songs, some of which, as "The Three Foot Rule" and "They never shall have Gibraltar," became well known far beyond the circle of his acquaintance.
Especially in this last he shows a tendency to epigram and often uses humorous and pathetic expressions.
Among authors of other historical or humorous romances and tales which have appeared from time to time are Francis Marton alias Lewis Abonyi, Joseph Gaal, Paul Gyulai, William GyOri, Lazarus Horvath, the short-lived Joseph Irinyi, translator of Uncle Tom's Cabin, Francis Ney, Albert ' D affy, Alexander Vachott and his brother Emeric (Vahot), Charles Szathmary, Desider Margittay, Victor Vajda, Joseph Bodon, Atala Kisfaludy and John Kratky.
Many of his eccentricities, both of conduct and opinion, appear less remarkable to us than they did to his contemporaries; moreover, he seems to have heightened the impression of them by his humorous sallies in their defence.
Some of the most humorous poetical pieces in the New Whig Guide were from his pen, and he was entirely devoted, like his friends Peel and Croker, to the Tory party of that day.
The most distinguished prose writers of this period are perhaps Rashid, the imperial historio grapher, 'Asim, who translated into Turkish two great lexicons, the Arabic Itamus and the Persian Burhan-i and Kani, the only humorous writer of merit belonging to the old school.
If he said so, he was speaking of the Ptolemaic cosmogony as known to him through the Arabs, and his vaunt was a humorous proof of his scientific instinct.
But now, and until 1728, he created an entirely new class of humorous literature under the pseudonym of Hans Mikkelsen.
The other leading verse-writers were Karl Vilhelm Bottiger (1807-1878), the son-in-law and biographer of Tegner, who, in addition to his lyrical poetry, chiefly of the sentimental kind, wrote an admirable series of monographs on Swedish men of letters; Johan Borjesson (1790-1866), the last of the Phosphorists, author of various romantic dramas; Vilhelm August Detlof von Braun (1813-1860), a humorous lyrist; " Talis Qualis," whose real name was Karl Vilhelm August Strandberg (1818-1877); Oscar Patrick Sturzen-Becker (181'- 1869), better known as " Orvar Odd," a lyrical poet who was also the author of a series of amusing sketches of everyday life; and August Teodor Blanche (1811-1868), the popular dramatist.
Now it is true that the critic must be unconscious of some of the subtlest charms and nicest delicacies of language who would exclude from humorous writing all those impressions and surprises which depend on the use of the diverse sense of words.
Space can always be had for more dock room by reclaiming the east sands, where in the 17th and 18th centuries Leith Races were held, the theme of a humorous descriptive poem by Robert Fergusson..
Aaron wrote the Passion, in 10,000 verses (1802; often reprinted); the lyrical romances of Piram Tisbe (1808) and Sofronim si Hdriti (1821); and the humorous Leonat .i Dorofata, a satire on bad women and on drunken husbands, now a chapbook.
See also Rafael Contreras, La Alhambra, El Alcdzar, y la gran Mezquita de Occidente (Madrid, 1885); The Alhambra, by Washington Irving, was written in 1832, and rewritten in 1857, when it had already become widely celebrated for its picturesque and humorous descriptions.
After a brief course at a village school, he removed in 1800 to New York City, where in connexion with his brother-in-law, William Irving, and Washington Irving, he began in January 1807 a series of short lightly humorous articles, under the title of The Salmagundi Papers.
Among them are the sagas of Thorgils and Haflidi (I118-1121), the feud and peacemaking of two great chiefs, contemporaries of Ari; of Sturla (1150-1183), the founder of the great Sturlung family, down to the settlement of his great lawsuit by Jon Loptsson, who thereupon took his son Snorri the historian to fosterage, - a humorous story but with traces of the decadence about it, and glimpses of the evil days that were to come; of the Onundar-brennusaga (1185-1200), a tale of feud and fire-raising in the north of the island, the hero of which, Gudmund Dyri, goes at last into a cloister; of Hrafn Sveinbiornsson (1190-1213), the noblest Icelander of his day, warrior, leech, seaman, craftsman, poet and chief, whose life at home, travels and pilgrimages abroad (Hrafn was one of the first to visit Becket's shrine), and death at the hands of a foe whom he had twice spared, are recounted by a loving friend in pious memory of his virtues, c. 1220; of Aron Hiorleifsson (1200-1255), a man whose strength, courage and adventures befit rather a henchman of Olaf Tryggvason than one of King Haakon's thanes (the beginning of the feuds that rise round Bishop Gudmund are told here), of the Svinefell-men (1248-1252), a pitiful story of a family feud in the far east of Iceland.
His son Pierre Henri (1815-1899) was a humorous writer and politician of purely contemporary interest.
The brilliant success of Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel, in which Wagnerian technique is applied to the diatonic style of nursery songs with a humorous accuracy undreamed of by Wagner's imitators, points a moral which would have charmed Wagner himself; but until the revival of some rudiments of musical common sense becomes widespread, there is little prospect of the influence of Wagner's harmonic style being productive of anything better than nonsense.
Murner also wrote the humorous Chartiludium logicae (1507) and the Ludus studentum freiburgensium (151 I), besides a translation of Justinian's Institutiones (1519).