Humor Sentence Examples
A touch of humor came into his eyes.
We have a similar sense of humor, I think.
Humor danced in his eyes and twisted smooth lips.
His eyes held a glint of humor that never crossed his lips.
His sense of humor wasn't well understood by many.
His eyes flashed with humor, but it was gone before it could reach his lips.
The humor in Sarah's eyes was immediately replaced with concern - and then a guarded expression.
He has a quiet humor that goes unnoticed if you're not paying close attention.
Finally he sat up, a glint of humor in his eyes.
His humor was infectious.
AdvertisementHis eyes were twinkling with humor, and something else.
The gaze lost its humor and he grimaced.
His was a smile that reached the eyes, where a spark of guarded humor glimmered.
She rolled her eyes at his twisted sense of humor, which normally teetered on lethal.
His humor dissipated at the sight of the black circles under her two-toned eyes.
AdvertisementKiera doubted she would change her mind but decided to humor her happy friend.
Dean asked, more to humor Fred than anything else.
Humor put a telltale twinkle in his eyes long before the lopsided smile began.
Alex turned to her, his eyes reflecting humor, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
There was compassion in her sparkling gaze despite the gentle humor in her voice.
AdvertisementHis eyes twinkled with humor and the dimple appeared.
Maybe that was why his response lacked the usual mocking humor.
His smile was sardonic, yet his eyes held a glint of humor.
Alex's mouth twisted into a wry smile and the dark eyes that sought hers held a trace of humor.
Katie laughed without humor.
AdvertisementKatie followed Carmen, her voice a mixture of surprise and humor.
His dark features brightened and his eyes twinkled with humor.
It was my attempt at humor, he explained, not unaffected by her concern.
Toby shook his head and started forward again, wondering when Ully had lost his sense of humor. He led them in the direction where he sensed Katie, until night and clouds rendered the jungle too dark.
Humor put a twinkle in his eyes.
His voice was gruff, and his brows were drawn together in a frown... and yet the blue eyes twinkled with humor.
She put the spoon down, trying to recapture the humor.
He adjusted his hat, his eyes twinkling with humor.
Quinn will think were requesting something like a séance or spiritual encounter but if we don't humor Howie, he'll be devastated.
He had her kind of humor.
Rhyn growled a painful laugh, appreciative of the death dealer's dark humor.
His eyes sparkled with humor.
If you can be mature and possibly even have a sense of humor, even if she doesn't want to take things to next level, you can still retain your good friendship.
Meals are prepared right in front of you, and the staff all around gets high marks for courtesy, professionalism, and sense of humor.
The dark eyes sparkled with humor.
He was joking, of course, but it was nice to think someone enjoyed her weird sense of humor.
Those eyes were warm, reflecting a mood somewhere between sober and light humor.
His eyes were dancing with humor.
He was so much like her father - the same offhanded delivery of humor.
His dark eyes were dancing with humor.
If it hadn't been for the obvious humor in his eyes, she would have sworn he was serious.
A touch of humor lurked in Señor Medena's dark eyes, but he continued as if he didn't notice.
His eyes held a glint of humor.
There had always been that element of humor between them.
Alex recovered quickly and looked at Carmen, a glint of humor and approval in his eyes.
The second is that Shakespeare captures entirely different moods from hilarious good humor to deep depression and remorse closely adjacent to one another.
Eloquent prose, coupled with well-pitched humor, crosses the generation gap in a single fluent stride.
Fervent believers are used to humor being directed at religion.
We in the west, even fervent believers, are used to humor being directed at religion.
What the British lack is a joie de vivre, or a sense of humor that is so inherent among Zimbabweans living there.
The story is told with wry wit and humor, employing sharp irony and masterful dialog.
First you need to develop rapport with the audience; then you can bring humor in.
Humor will break up the solemnity of an occasion, or provide a welcome moment of light relief.
It was surreal humor derived from teenage angst.
His mother was a woman of sturdy character and with a keen sense of humor and tender sympathy.
Geoffrey Burford - our piano accompanist for the evening who managed to combine musical excellence with a great sense of humor.
Nothing would ruffle his feathers and he had a very acerbic sense of humor.
Humor, music and eye-popping acrobatics leave the audience wide-eyed with wonder.
Indeed, there is humor to be found in this film, if not actual jokes, in this phone call.
He was always affable, with a good Cockney humor; everyone liked him.
I was a slow starter in developing anything akin to my own brand of humor.
His humor, which had seemed so anarchic at the start of the decade, was now looking a little dated.
The new King's coarse and often vulgar sense of humor caused much astonishment at the refined English court.
Erwin Schrott was a superb Figaro, a real lyric baritone with a feel for the humor and the heart of this character.
The humor may have dated, but where else will you see Cliff smoking a cigarette or Sylvia Syms wearing a basque?
No; the black bile is such a humor.
Deficiencies could have been masked with clever characterisation, or visual humor, but chances were wasted and occasional attempts botched.
He has a keen sense of humor without becoming a buffoon.
Having a good sense of humor is a great stress buster!
Yet Bev's dry, sometimes caustic sense of humor remains firmly in place.
He's so charismatic; he's got such a great sense of humor.
Stumbling humor but so childlike with it people let him carry on.
The piece was beautifully choreographed, the characters were very well portrayed & engaged the audience with humor & charm.
Tragic facts are fitted into the sparkling humor and around the richly comic character of Billy.
The examples above demonstrate the unique confluence of humor, fearless truth telling, and political subversion which distinguishes the Cynic way of living.
The deliciously deadpan humor is perfect for newly confident readers.
They all decanted into Albert Square, all in high good humor despite being all very wet.
Taking genre fiction for a ride, Slow Death uses obscenity, black humor and repetition for the sake of ironic deconstruction.
The script was utterly devoid of wit, subtlety, or humor.
The production is nothing if not fun, and a hefty dollop of humor runs right through the show, especially the costumes.
She has the same warmth and humor off screen too; a wonderfully down-to-earth person with a fascinating history.
Nick is very droll; he's got a very good dry sense of humor.
To them Neurath was just a friendly old duffer whose blandness and good humor they rapidly mistook for weakness and stupidity.
Who says environmentalists don't have a sense of humor?
Be prepared for black humor as well as mind-bending contradictions and deeply etched literary expressionism.
The cast, for all their virtues, unfortunately failed to extract the full humor of this classic farce.
Project full of humor member who is pinay Filipina power reasons you should.
It lacks the glacial pacing of the former and the visual flourishes of the latter, but at least displays a sense of humor.
And whenever things threaten to disappear up their own fundament, director Michael Cabot skilfully nudges humor into the fore.
While Bullseye has a certain twisted gallows humor, Foggy is a goof who realizes that he's a goof.
A unique combination of real history, horror and humor bring gruesome goings-on back to life in the 21st century.
The Indians, men and women, were in high good humor, and why should they not be?
Bully Humor I've noticed that I often gravitate toward the " Bully " theme.
Of course, self-protecting humor risks becoming so habitual that when we really do want to be taken seriously, nobody notices!
Jakob was a real hard-liner and if he ever did have a sense of humor, he kept it very well hidden.
This young boy's experiences in the low country of South Carolina are told with a sense of humor and stark honesty.
In life I like playfulness, in fiction I like mature humor.
I really enjoy the humor the author uses to lighten up the mood of the book.
Within our Saudi restaurant museum I found similar humor.
He was ruthless when needed, and his deadpan humor that was a trademark of Connery's returned.
The eyes are especially sensitive to microwaves, whose energy is readily absorbed by the internal fluid, the aqueous humor.
Irish wedding toasts are well known for their wit and wry humor, their sense of history and tradition.
And, of course, it features the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and the wacky cartoons of John Kovalic.
Rob shared so much of the joy and love in his life and used gentle humor to lift bad situations.
A blazing third person gun slinging action game, Red Dead Revolver is fueled by a revenge driven storyline punctuated with dark humor.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center dismissed the contest as " gallows humor.
The toilet seat commonly features in sight gags connecting to toilet humor.
We gazed at the sturdy typewriter whose simple mechanisms had produced plots of such intricacy and language of such clarity and humor.
Despite encounters with wry customs officers and wily tradesmen, the Kerrs ' sense of humor remains irrepressible.
It's got unintentional humor, high camp, a teenage cat fight, a few lashings of gore and a bucketful of sleaze.
He also showed that he hadn't lost his knack for gentle humor that elicits laughter and groans in equal measure.
Unlike most modern lexicographers, Johnson introduced humor or prejudice into many of his definitions.
He is also an instantly likable and an excellent mixer, with a quiet but keen sense of humor.
Her choreography creates a witty and direct dance language combining lyricism and intimacy with energy and humor.
I have a have a very dark, and sometimes macabre sense of humor.
The humor also sets it apart from other toy craze manga and anime.
The film is a story of drugs, gangs and bloody mayhem with a pinch of black humor thrown in.
The simple story means this really is just mindless fun with some quirky humor.
Boo and Baa's hilarious brand of straight-faced humor and silly misadventures have enormous appeal for preschoolers, whether domestically inclined or not.
Let's face it, practically all humor is based around someone's misfortune.
There's a gentle but sharp humor at work here; their lifelong friendship only barely covers over a general mistrust.
Mohawk people survived because of prayer, because of ingenuity, and because they had a wonderful sense of humor.
Laced with audacious wit and pithy humor, Bunny Girl is romantic, funny and full of Joan Conway's brilliant one-liners.
They had abused ' humor ', and perhaps overstepped the mark in the use of fear directed at children.
Don't let the humor fool you, since the act rises far beyond mere pastiche.
Humor and inspirational books are other great choices, and cookbooks related to their crops or livestock can be helpful as well.
These are very intelligent, active kittens with a unique sense of humor.
Kinney is able to use Greg's shortcomings to derive most of the humor and jokes from the series, and his line drawings illustrate the funny side of Greg's selfishness and greed.
The novel merges humor with poignancy as Birdy fends off a variety of suitors and attempts to express her strong-minded personality despite the social constraints of the time in which she lives.
Handle the situation with casual humor mixed with understanding and empathy.
Laugh - Teach kids the importance of humor by poking gentle fun at them and encourage them to do the same to you.
Self-depreciating humor works if you keep it light, but don't send the message that you don't believe in yourself.
The Shrek Belch game caters to the child who is entertained by off-color humor.
Pick ecards from categories on this site like holidays, mazel tov, love and friendship, humor, get well and even electronic postcards.
If you're the kind of person that enjoys your humor with a dose of witty sarcasm, then free Maxine ecards are perfect for you.
The Internet is known by many as the home of a new type of humor.
Off-kilter, absurd and short, much of the humor of the Internet can be found in video format on popular social video websites like YouTube and Vimeo.
If you were going to try and show someone the humor of the Internet in under 20 minutes, there are a few places that you could start with that represent some of the funniest videos ever on the Internet.
While different from the "viral" videos populating social video sites, professionally and semi-professionally produced videos bare the unmistakable sense of humor that the Internet is known for.
If your subject has a sense of humor, you can try to use that to help get the best performance out of her.
Do you have your grandmother's smile or your uncle's odd sense of humor?
Instead of being simply a collection of photos, you can use embellishments that add words and phrases displaying a sense of humor.
Humor is great for your health, and if you can learn to take things a little less seriously you can deal with situations that might not actually warrant anger.
Stress is a big problem and finding a way to feel better can start with simplicity and finding humor in the small things.
Keeping humor in the instruction also helps.
Using stress management humor can help lower stress levels both at home and at work.
Management of stress can improve both short-term and long-term health; one technique that may be helpful is the use of humor.
Using humor to handle stress can be very successful in fighting and reducing stress.
Wanzer, EdD, professor of communication studies at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY has shown that the use of humor can improve employees' work performance.
Managers who regularly employ humor rather than anger are also more effective over the long-term.
Dr. Wanzer also found in a separate study that aging adults who used humor as a way to cope with stress also were more capable to deal with life and were more likely to experience satisfaction.
Humor as a method of stress management can help people deal with difficult health situations as well.
Over the long haul, humor can improve a person's physical and mental health.
Stress management humor can take a variety of forms.
In the work place, managers may try different and entertaining methods to relieve stress with humor; some managers have created a specific area of the office to be used as a stress reduction oasis.
Try not to create a full-blown program surrounding humor in the work place.
Remember that humor does not take the place of honest communication in the work place.
Using humor requires some consideration.
Knowing what type of humor is not funny is important because laughing at other people does not reduce anyone's stress.
At work, managers and employees must be sure to maintain boundaries even while employing humor to lessen stress.
In some instances, the management may have to step in to instruct the office about what is acceptable humor.
Stress management humor should make everyone feel safe and comfortable - at home and at work.
Use humor or a compliment to disarm him or her.
J-14 is part of the Bauer Teen Network, a network of celebrity and humor websites designed specifically for teens.
For example, if you are funny, then utilize your sense of humor.
Family Guy and American Dad round out the Sunday-night animation block, drawing on a similar sense of humor.
The shows tend to focus on relationships, romance, magic and humor.
If you can maintain humor, and keep things light, and mature on your part, then everything will work out as it is supposed to.
Tweens especially dig the toilet humor the show contains plenty of, as well as the random characters and storylines involving a squirrel living underwater with a scuba mask, and an emotionally fragile starfish named Patrick.
The second guy isn't really that cute, but has a great sense of humor and is really sweet.
Above all, try to maintain a sense of humor around him.
Try maintaining a sense of humor, you'll get through this just fine!
In addition to an image or depiction of an activity (guitar playing, racing, etc), these shirts often use a pun or play on words and a touch of humor to add interest.
Christian t shirts, especially strong issue-based messages or shirts that infuse humor, are sometimes considered controversial, particularly among certain sects and older generations.
A little humor, a little silliness, can take the pressure off a new relationship and help you be and stay friends, no matter where love takes you.
Humor in poetry can be a double over and roar with laughter moment or just enough to keep you going in a situation and warm your heart at the same time.
Plan a whimisical wedding topper for your cake that incorporates humor or your wedding theme.
It's important to remember to keep your sense of humor and relax.
For example, if you are not comfortable making jokes, don't try to inject humor into your speech.
Do you want humor in your speech, or are you more the sentimental type?
We started to find humor in our situation and laugh at the craziness of it.
This is still a light-hearted event but not as crass as most bachelor parties, and some mild humor, anecdotes, and jokes are entirely appropriate.
Don't include jokes or a promise to always take out the garbage unless you're having a really informal ceremony with only close family members and friends who will understand your humor.
However, in contrast to visions of fondant flowers and flawless swirls of frosting, men tend to err more on the side of humor and personalized cakes.
Don't be afraid to interject a little humor if that's your natural way, and don't shy away from a few simple lines if that is your preference.
For example, some couples use humor and explain how you are going to love him even when he leaves the toilet seat up or cherish him when he forgets your birthday.
If you have a bit of a dark sense of humor, you can even go with something like a skeleton or a zombie.
An over the hill birthday cake is an excellent choice for someone who has a sense of humor on his or her upcoming birthday.
For example, in the back of the pick-up truck and again in the cafe scene, a few lines of dialogue were added to inject some humor.
Jon Stewart's unique blend of intelligence and humor has made the "fake news" format of The Daily Show a huge success.
Naked Pictures is a compilation of short humor essays on various subjects that made its way to The New York Times best-seller list.
Known for his edgy and no holds barred style of humor, he first became a household name when he joined the cast of Saturday Night Live.
The list ranks a number of readers' favorites for most desirable woman, taking into account "women who have the characteristics they value in a potential companion, like intelligence, humor, charisma, and ambition."
In the six years serving as co-host of Live with Regis and Kelly with the legendary Regis Philbin, she has become a household name because of her humor, quirkiness and downright likeability.
For years, she has been looking for ways to get her brand of humor out to her fans.
After graduating from Brookline High School, O'Brien attended Harvard University, where he was the president of the Harvard Lampoon humor magazine.
Even in those roles, his signature quirky humor was seen, as he once predicted hail stones "the size of canned hams."
Readers were asked to look beyond the celebrity's sex appeal and beauty to choose ladies who had characteristics they valued in a potential partner, including ambition, humor, intelligence and charisma.
After working as a script consultant for VH1 and MTV, Good Morning America hired Colbert to film humor segments for the morning show.
If you're after a bit of humor, you'll find it here.
One would think, that after spending nearly 30 years in the harsh, back-biting world of show business, Tom Cruise would have developed a little thicker skin…or at least a sense of humor.
Check out the Jimmy Kimmel bio to find out how this former altar boy grew up to be a comedian known for his testosterone driven humor.
Dr. Drew's co-host was popular radio personality Adam Carolla, who added humor to the show.
While he's known as a stickler for detail on Dancing, Goodman has a warm and wonderful sense of humor, and his good spirits are likely part of the reason he's recovered so quickly.
Jessica Simpson doesn't really do anything wrong, she seems like a nice girl, so why in the world would the NFL, Burger King, Fox and the Dallas Cowboys choose her as a target for their downright mean humor in a commercial?
Adam Sandler was a huge hit with viewers, with his self-deprecating humor, outrageous characters and hilarious original songs.
Her quirky sense of humor was apparent on the show, and she quickly became a fan favorite.
Big-Headed Pygmies - If you like your height measurements with a touch of humor, this site is for you.
Wilder's off-beat sense of humor and impeccable comedic timing made him a favorite amongst directors and screenwriters.
Fans love Kiernan because of his deadpan humor, relatability, and easy smile.
Dennis Miller – He's long been known for his political humor, yet he didn't formally pick a side until after the September 11 attacks.
His later ventures including Hot Shots and Major League demonstrated a cheeky sense of humor in the actor.
They weave intelligent humor and humanitarianism into their clothing, giving you a chance to educate your daughter while also purchasing adorable clothes.
You'll find intelligent humor parents will enjoy, as well as comfy little numbers little girls will have no problem wearing the whole day through.
The line incorporates Shaun's love of music, sports, and travel with features that contain hand-drawn art and elements of humor, including the return of the once limited edition of skate monster.
A generation who grew up with the Internet turns to computers for entertainment, the latest trends and pages of college humor.
For better or for worse, much of what is deemed "college humor" is immature and/or vulgar.
Some photos and videos posted on humor sites aren't so much jokes as moments guaranteed to inspire shocked laughter and a response like, "Dude, did you see that?"
The unique college sense of humor can be also seen in pranks, from the basics like wrapping a toilet seat in plastic wrap to more involved efforts.
College Humor is the biggest site in its niche.
Some college humor draws on the college experience in lists and anecdotes forwarded from student to student through email.
If you're looking for college humor videos, one site has more than any other -
Popular for housing literally thousands of comic shorts, College Humor will provide days of entertainment.
College Humor was founded in 1999 by two college kids who originally went to high school together, but ended up going to different universities.
While College Humor does have an in-house writing and production team that provides some of the content, the site also accepts pictures and videos submitted by fans.
A site as large as College Humor needs to be separated into smaller, more easily digestible bites.
College Humor's Articles area hosts a variety of written pieces in almost any form.
College Humor accepts all sorts of pieces from its fan base, such as funny photos, videos, and articles.
Once something has been posted, it is reviewed by College Humor staff and potentially posted to the front page.
Others are designed to carry a message, with your dog's T-shirt proclaiming to the world your personal philosophy or sense of humor.
Sometimes it's a dog in a silly costume, other times it's simply situational humor, but these lovable canines do tickle our funny bones.
Many people find humor in stating the obvious; you may be able to figure out a funny name for your dog simply by looking at him.
The humor may not be instantly apparent, but will become obvious after a little time and observation.
Tails are typically docked to be level with the back of the skull, and are held upright.The Welsh's expression should display intelligence and good humor as befits his lively and inquisitive nature.
With a reputation for explicit raunchy humor and great guitar licks, Blink-182 is hailed as one of the founders of pop/punk music.
This book is written with a sense of humor to keep you laughing and motivated and even offers a quiz to help identify what type of Messie you are.
For the guy whose style is as irreverent and light as his sense of humor, wearing hilarious T shirts is one way to let the world know he doesn't take himself too seriously.
A darker sense of humor is required for this joke shirt.
Hitting the mall can be the greatest way to find a shirt perfectly suited to your personality or humor, with a wide variety of retail options and customized shirt printing shops available to you.
Of course, it all depends on what gets you giggling, but generally speaking, you can expect fairly tasteless humor.
Unless you have a very distinctive sense of humor, your best bet is to wear a khaki colored sports coat with a similarly styled pair of pants.
If offending others is a concern, though, or you are simply unsure about wearing it to such a public place, opt for an environment where individuals who know you (and your sense of humor!) are present.
What better way to make yourself laugh in the morning or after work than by pulling on a T shirt that describes a facet of your personality with humor and a cool image?
A healthy dose of patience and a good sense of humor will ensure a positive shopping experience for both.
Some bosses have a better sense of humor than others.
Ultimately, you have to remember that not everyone shares the same sense of humor.
It is a good rule of thumb to never "force" your humor on someone else.
Jokes, even revenge jokes, should always be done with humor and good intentions.
Stay away from sexist and racist humor in the speech.
Whichever route is taken, as long as the speech is made in good humor, with the best of intentions, and with a note of thanks for all concerned, it will be well-received.
Yet, it is that self-deprecating humor that makes for great sayings about retirement.
For example, a gag gift of an inflatable walker and candy retirement pills might be fine for a retiree with a great sense of humor.
When shopping for a humorous gift, keep in mind the different types of humor.
Pun Humor Shirts, cups and hats that feature pun humor usually remark upon age and the conceit of age.
Practical Joke Humor Practical jokes are best reserved for those that you know extremely well.
Wisecracking Humor Like puns, wisecracks rely on clever twists with words.
Parody or Satirical Humor This particular brand of humor relies on iconic imagery from "I Love Lucy" to "Gilligan's Island" to presidental images and other political themes, either on a mug, a t-shirt or other entertaining item.
Caricature If you have an artist or access to an artist, a caricature or cartoon of the retiree makes for great humor.
Novelty items are the most popular combined with good humor.
Don't let the humor limit your options when you're shopping.
Remember that hobby gifts, even humorous hobby gifts such as a For Dummies book, can be useful as well as funny.As described above, not everyone shares the same sense of humor.
Quotes that make you smile can help remind you that retirement and humor go hand in hand.
The whole idea is to have fun and age with gusto and humor.
One of the unavoidable things about aging is the inevitable turning 50 humor.
People have several associations with aging which translate into good topics for turning 50 humor jokes and gags.
Remember, many people laughing it up with turning 50 humor will soon be there themselves.
There are many websites that are dedicated to celebrating life by sharing jokes and humor for turning 50.
Turning 50 can certainly test your sense of humor, so get on board by laughing at yourself.
If he has a great sense of humor, a gift to make him laugh is appropriate, but if he is more of a serious intellectual, then that may not be the route to go.
Before you choose a humorous gift make sure the retiree has a good sense of humor.
Dr. Lipman's book is interlaced with interesting historical trivia and humor.
The original Tiki Room was one of Walt Disney's first forays into the now famous workings of audio animatronics, and the Florida version holds plenty of updates and modern humor for every guest who enters through its doors.
Another example of an uphill sell was the over-the-top Redneck Rampage series, a hellfire and humor production from the Running with Scissors people.
However, the game tickled funnybones and raised eyebrows with its hick jokes and bathroom humor.
Chicken Little, for the Xbox or PlayStation2, is a good little action game that keeps the humor of the movie while keeping the spirit of platformers.
However, they do throw in enough fecal-follies and public urination to balance the scales of humor.
It is a collective, nostalgic mix of 50's sci-fi movies, alien/UFO conspiracy and cheesy humor.
The humor is intact, the cultural references are all there, and you can also fight the Giant Chicken.
If you have seen the show and were offended by the humor, then you will not like this game.
The humor is the main reason the show is still running.
The best thing about Samorost is the atmosphere and sense of humor.
He wants to impress her, to win her love with his charm and sense of humor.
Ganbare Goemon is known for its creative gameplay mechanics, sense of humor and loads of secrets.
These unique characters can not only infiltrate the Mii Parade, but they can be used for novelty and humor inside select video games as well.
The older titles have always had that slap-stick kind of humor and cheesy production value feel, but that's one of the things that made it so hugely popular.
The quirky humor and deep RPG gameplay has made Mother a huge hit in Japan.
The over-the-top plot and the tongue-in-cheek humor make No More Heroes a worthy purchase for your Wii.
The animated combat missions seem quite interesting as well.In addition to the "Overkill" feature mentioned above, this game of world domination will also include a unique art style and plenty of off-beat humor.
In fact, he has seen so much that he actually has a sense of humor about the events that take place within the game.
The humor is dull; the action is plentiful, but unattached; and the slowdown hinders gameplay most of the way through the game.
Others can offer a good parody of modern society, giving you a laugh as you flip through their pages and take in the great humor.
PvPonline has a rather unique sense of humor about it.
Little Gamers features a very simplistic art style that really puts the focus back on the clever writing and great humor.
The focus is on the content and the humor.
The content of these games may be suitable for ages 13 and over and could contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood and infrequent use of strong language.
The descriptors point out the presence of elements such as nudity, violence, blood, fantasy elements, drugs, alcohol and adult humor.
These descriptors include animated blood, cartoon violence, crude humor, fantasy violence, partial nudity, some adult assistance may be needed, strong sexual content, and use of tobacco.
Some dwell into an unlikely fantasy world, others use humor and cartoon characters for some naughty fun.
You can also associate humor with Verizon's commercials, because though the spots do an excellent job of making viewers want what they have to offer, they also make them laugh.
From funny facial expressions and physical humor to teenage boys ogling beautiful women and lusting after their phone numbers, there's a type of humor for everyone.
Children with Asperger's syndrome generally have a normal to above average intelligence level and adequate knowledge of vocabulary and grammar but poor concentration and ability to understand language subtleties, such as humor.
Nail-patella syndrome is thought to be associated with open-angle glaucoma, a condition caused by blockage of the outflow of fluid (aqueous humor) from the front chamber of the eyes.
Fluid produced within the eye (aqueous humor) cannot exit normally.
The ancient theory survives in the form of such expressions as "being in a bad (or good) humor."
With their cutting edge style and amazing sense of humor, each week brought a fresh and innovative look at dance thanks to the five creative minds behind this dance group.
Matt himself humors his skeptics at a recent conference in this clip, which obviously shows that (despite the opinion of the writer's article surrounding it) Matt is not only for real, he has a great sense of humor as well.
If the deceased was a lively person with an enormous sense of humor, you may find it appropriate to celebrate those traits with a fun poem.
They are often admired for their sense of humor and ability to relate well to others.
One word of caution-this book is meant for the mom-to-be who has a healthy sense of humor.
Just because you're pregnant does not mean you have to give up your sense of humor - you'll probably need it now more than ever!
Seasoned mothers have a great opportunity to show their sense of humor along with their sense of style.
And if you have an especially lowbrow sense of humor, you may be interested in American Apparel's towels in collaboration with Butt Magazine.
Be prepared to avoid these mishaps, but also be armed with a little good-natured humor; if one does occur you can come out of the situation with at least some of your pride intact.
Accidents happen, and although it may not seem like it at the time, the best way to get through your bikini mishap is to have a good sense of humor.
It's crucial to have a good sense of humor when dealing with embarrassing moments, and while you may not believe it at the time, it's not as bad as it may seem.
Do your best to be prepared and avoid the most common problems, but if one does occur, keep your sense of humor and take heart in the fact that others have been there, too.
Women looking for a similar bikini style do have a few options, but keep in mind, no matter which bikini style you choose, that it was Kara's sense of humor and personality that played best of all.
On the other hand, if cheeky style and bawdy humor is your cup of tea, this site is definitely worth finding out more about.
Volcom may not be for everyone, but if you like your clothes to make a statement and you have a god sense of humor, this is a terrific fashion line to investigate.
Movies and TV shows make fun of vapid models, but the truth is that it's a demanding, cutthroat business, and you have to be strong and have a really good sense of humor.
It can be very embarrassing to have your swimsuit fail on you while at the beach or pool, but with a little good-natured humor, you can come out of the situation with at least some of your pride intact.
Experiencing a swimming oops at the beach or pool doesn't have to ruin your fun, as long as you have a good sense of humor about what could happen.
The appeal may be their fantastic sense of humor as well as their reminder that even the most loveable creatures have flaws.
Lexa is playful and has a good sense of humor.
The tween-friendly sitcom confronts issues that range from the funny to the serious with a feisty sense of humor.
Playmates Toys, the manufacturer behind the new line of iCarly dolls, are focused on capturing the style and humor portrayed in the television show.
The plot leaves plenty of room for humor and action.
This fun real estate game captures the Simpsons unique humor, characters and locations.
War on Terror is not a game for those with a weak heart or those who lack a sense of humor especially as it pertains to religion, politics and world affairs.
On the minus side, some believe it really isn't an extremely funny movie, is mean-spirited, and relies too much on lowbrow humor.
If you're with a group of rowdy friends, you can always alter the rules or game structure to reflect inside jokes or more ribald humor.
Christmas humor parody songs are often sung at office parties and social gatherings.
Some of the most popular Christmas humor parody songs belong to Bob Rivers' album entitled Various Songs.
Still searching for some more Christmas humor parody songs?
Try your own songwriting creativity by taking a popular Christmas song and making it your own as you substitute words to imbue some humor into an otherwise classic tune.
Other Christmas humor parody songs are recorded by meowing cats and barking dogs, or the ever popular Chipmunk recordings of different Christmas songs.
Funny holiday songs are often found on specialized mix CDs of holiday humor.
A number of country artists develop their own Christmas humor parody songs that may not be listed with general search engine-style lyric sites or in holiday music collections.
Don't listen to Christmas humor parody songs during work unless your boss has okayed it.
Understanding the words of Christmas songs can even help you understand the hidden jokes in Twisted Christmas songs or Christmas humor parody songs, making them even more enjoyable.
Adding a little humor into the ecards is a great way to make your ecard stand out from all of the rest.
Will your boss or clients be insulted they were not worthy of a stamp, or that you find humor in their holiday?
Few people have the exact same sense of humor.
When sending out a mass ecard to everyone you know, it is important to keep the humor light.
Look for some cutesy funny Christmas saying to include in the card that doesn't reference any sort of inside joke or have dry humor that not everyone will understand.
Simple and light-hearted is the best humor to go with when you are emailing the card to everyone in your contact list.
This is also the perfect time to find one that is tongue-in-cheek or even features dark humor, if that is what appeals to you and the recipient.
And, if you want to show off your sense of humor, you can also purchase a French maid costume for your dog.
Hopefully, everyone has a good sense of humor, but if it's a fairly conservative crowd, there are some costumes you should avoid.
Some of the humor involves innuendos that go over younger children's head, which make the show entertaining for all ages.
Completely designed for fun and humor, this site provides an entertaining game with the same essential structure of the original television show.
Genuine compliments and entertaining humor are also always appropriate while flirting.
If your relationship is full of humor and fun-love, then show this in your letter too.
Humor - Keep the laughs coming by finding someone who shares your raunchy, campy, goofy, or obscure sense of humor.
A good sense of humor reflects self confidence and the ability to see the positive in an otherwise questionable situation.
For example, "I am a great husband and I do many things to help around the house", or "I am so lucky to be blessed with both intelligence and a great sense of humor".
The final books in this list are either more advanced than the introductory books, use humor or stories rather than tips, or cover a specific topic related to online dating.
Teasing and use of humor are other examples of more focused flirting.
Humor, interest, intelligence, hobbies and the like are qualities that men fall in love with.
All people, no matter their age, race, or culture want to be around people who are nice, helpful and have a good sense of humor.
Let him know how much you have enjoyed his company, humor or talking with him.
What I am referring to are the signals of attraction, eye contact, and tone of voice, humor, playfulness, vulnerability and the like.
If you pick one that is humorous, be sure that your significant other has the same type of sense of humor.
You can make it funny or realistic depending on your abilities and your bf's sense of humor.
Take a stroll down any humor card aisle in a local store and see what appeals to you.
It sounds silly, but it can add a lot of style and a bit of humor to your prose.
The only thing you can do is laugh it off and tell yourself that if the person doesn't see the humor in it as much as you do, then the person isn't right for you.
The forums are also a great place to meet singles that enjoy the same things as you do such as travel, cooking, art/music, sports and humor.
While most girls appreciate humor and good taste, they do not appreciate pick up lines, so avoid those.
Humor is also always an effective icebreaker.
As described earlier, interjecting humor into the opening gambit of your conversation invites her to smile and laugh.
Having a card with a picture of a wrench on it and the caption "I really wanna screw!" may be exactly what conveys your feelings of passion - but unless your sweetie has a sense of humor, the message is going to get lost.
Most girls want a guy who has a sense of humor, so show her yours.
Use your sense of humor to keep her focused on the here and now and remind her to take life less seriously.
The wording on casual invites is often less formal and some styles may even incorporate humor in the wording.
Be very careful with humor and only use it if both people enjoy it.
If you incorporate humor in the toast, make sure that it is in good taste and not potentially embarrassing.
When using humor, be careful not to accidentally insult someone.
If you are sending an amusing engagement card or if your invitations include some funny images, then a poem poem with a touch of humor would be appropriate.
Writing greeting cards freelance is about providing contemporary prose, modern humor and conversational messages that fill every greeting card need.
Humor cards are purchased for a variety of occasions.
Humor cards are typically best sellers for all occasions.
The humor can be dry, witty, teasing or cutting edge.
It certainly sounds like fun, but writing humor is a lot more challenging than it seems.
One of the first things you need to establish is the strength of your sense of humor.
A punchline said out loud doesn't directly translate into written humor because readers can't hear a comedian's tone of voice or see facial expressions and gestures.
First, try searching the Web for children's humor sites, and read through the material.
The reading will show you how competitive the market already is for kid humor.
For this reason, a visit to Hot Topic is sure to be engulfed in blacks, purples, and a myriad of sarcastic catch phrases and products carrying a certain sense of dark humor.
For clean, cute humor picture totes, there are also many selections available.
Their goal was to create a denim company that not only made high quality jeans, but also retained a specific sense of humor.
Those with a sense of humor might really love this bag.
Betsey Johnson has a healthy sense of humor.
Orla Kiely displays a sense of humor and whimsy with the designs of these bags as the majority of the styles feature rows of cars that are finished in bright colors.
She is especially known for her wit and humor.
Her forecasts are always entertaining - filled with edgy humor while also offering specific advice for the upcoming week, based on astrological signs.
The humor she injects into her articles serves to enhance the quality of her forecasts by giving them a uniquely human touch.
They often have a killer sense of humor that erupts at the most unexpected times.
Humor is one of the best ways to this gent's heart, so don't worry about seeming silly.
Virgo men love people that have a witty, dry sense of humor, so don't be afraid to show yours.
Once they become more comfortable, they'll show more and more of their wry sense of humor.
People with this sign are not known for their sense of humor.
Some of the things that will quickly get Gemini to warm up to you are a sense of humor and kindness.
Nothing could be further from the truth, since Capricorn has a masked sense of humor that often surprises people who don't know him very well.
Additionally, the wry sense of humor that Scorpio and Virgo share goes far in keeping this pair interested in one another.
Mercury is the planetary ruler of Virgo, and this often bestows the sign with a wonderful sense of humor that if often self-deprecating.
Both signs have a wonderful sense of humor, doesn't mind laughing at themselves and truly enjoy it when people around them are happy.
Capricorn appreciates Pisces' humor and uncanny, if not scary, intuition.
Rather than rely on magic or super powers, the trio uses humor and cooperation to overcome obstacles.
Yes, Stewart's humor was milder than his Daily Show scripts; it might have been funnier if he had taken aim at a few more Hollywood sacred cows.
Nacho Libre is rated PG for off-colored humor and rough action.
This comedy is rated PG-13 for language and off color humor.
Rated PG-13 for crude humor, sexual content, drug references, language, and brief nudity, You, Me & Dupree promises to be a hit with young and old alike.
My Super Ex-Girldfriend is rated PG-13 for language, crude humor, sexual content, and brief nudity.
If you are one of those people who finds as much humor in the rote plots of some of the most popular horror flicks are fear, you will be delighted to learn that Scary Movie 4 is among the August DVD releases.
This movie is rated PG-13 for crude and sexual humor, violence, and language.
Directed by Wil Shriner and starring Logan Leman, Brie Larson, Cody Linley, and Luke Wilson, Hoot is filled with plot twists and humor.
Whether you enjoy science fiction, humor, or a way to catch up on your favorite TV shows, August DVD releases has a movie for you.
The off-colored humor, like Hammy burping the alphabet, made the kids giggle.
These artists offer an amazingly broad range of content and with the much-loved YouTube spoofs, that makes YouTube one of the best humor sites on the Internet today.
Scary Movie 3 is filled with a good mix of famous faces, not-so-famous faces, new and old characters, and that raunchy humor you either loved or hated in the first two Scary Movie films.
Devilish free e-cards are the perfect way to make someone laugh with a bit of off-color humor or send your loved one a naughty greeting.
Although rules of etiquette and "netiquette" are much more relaxed in current times than in years past, it's still a good idea to limit cards with off-color or devilish humor to people you know very well.
With that said, people often send e-cards with clever and wicked humor for occasions from birthdays and holidays to good close friends, relatives, family, and husband or wife.
The following sites either specialize in devilish humor in their e-cards, or have good collections of cards with off-color and naughty humor.
If you just can't get enough of that smiling rabbit with a sly sense of humor, then Happy Bunny flip flops will be a welcome addition to your summertime footwear collection.
It's hard to continue being bummed out once you see that cheerful smile and read the sayings, especially if your sense of humor leans toward the dark and edgy.
The storyline appealed because it allowed the character to display a range of humor and depth that had yet to be seen.
Funny Earth features a 'Shoot Phil Mitchell' game that is a tad disturbing in its dark humor.
Though the acting styles are as different as the characters themselves, I appreciate the humor both bring to what might otherwise be an overly dramatic, or heavy show.
Season One introduced viewers to the mystery, satire and humor that decorated the lives of the families on Wisteria Lane.
The personalities and humor of the people behind the show made it an instant success as well as an inspiration for creative body art.
There's a sort of humor in the tattoo misspelling on Hayden Panettiere's left side.
While this name is fading in popularity as more women choose to tattoo this highly versatile canvas, placing a pair of angel wings in this area allows some tongue-in-cheek humor to be achieved.
Those with Asperger's syndrome may not understand subtleties such as irony, humor, and non-verbal cues.
His use of humor and attention to detail make his books popular with neurotypicals, as well as people with autism spectrum disorders.
Individuals with high functioning autism can have difficulties with receptive language, unable to interpret nuances of language such as humor or irony.
However, language deficits do exist with Asperger syndrome, primarily in comprehension of the subtleties of language, as affected individuals often cannot grasp abstract concepts or comprehend irony or humor as well as the average person.
A person diagnosed on the autism spectrum has difficulty understanding social interactions, especially subtle nuances of nonverbal communication, figurative language, and humor.
Other skills used in developing social skills include recognizing humor, being polite and using a natural tone of voice.
It's said that humor is the other side of anger's coin.
Humor is often misinterpreted and frequently perceived as insulting.
It would be nice to interject a bit of humor, just to keep the mood light.
However, with a little practice and a good sense of humor, you'll be on the road in no time.
Most of all, try to be patient and keep your sense of humor.
The show is entertaining both for the humor and personalities of the hosts and for their impressive range of knowledge about automobiles.
If there is one thing that cheerleaders need, it's a sense of humor.
Football sideline cheers can offer humor or whip the fans into a frenzy that will cheer your football team on to victory.
If your cheerleaders are really brave and your fans have a good sense of humor, little pig noses can really add to the cheer.
Hence, the goal is to choose a recognizable song that can add an element of humor, familiarity, or intensity to the routine.
The book combines humor with a best friend-like tone to inspire and motivate female readers to love the skin they're in and let their inner "hot chick" shine through.
The round-faced Limbaugh delivered facts that shined a light on the liberal slant to mainstream media with a sense of humor, but his weight made him an easy target for jokes for those who did not hold his views.
Blain has a wonderful personality and sense of humor that has become a trademark seasoning of each episode.
For the man who loves springtime and doesn't mind adding a little bit of cute to his underwear, Easter boxer shorts are a fun way to celebrate the season with a touch of humor.
For a bit of humor, give everyone matching cotton nightcaps to wear too.
Don't worry about the name; everything you can buy here is very much for the man, so long as he has a lot of confidence and a great sense of humor.
You don't have to put aside your sense of humor, but if you're going to wear leather, you should be mostly serious.
For nearly 30 years, Weird Al Yankovic has been creating hilarious song parodies and original compositions, and Weird Al Yankovic MP3 downloads allow you to enjoy the humor on the computer or portable music player of your choice.
True to their hip hop roots, Gym Class Heroes songs often feature an infectious beat you can dance to, and they frequently include a touch of humor in both the lyrics and their music videos.
Mayer also has become known for his sense of humor and has dabbled in stand-up comedy, including one VH1 special.
His humor and attitude also contribute to his popularity, as well as his unique lyrics.
They help relive a little of the Holiday stress with humor.
Some of these songs are parodies of classic Christmas songs, and some original creations from artists with a little Christmas cheer, and a lot of good humor.
Occasionally, these parodies used humor, but not always.
These parodies did frequently use humor, though they tended to change the original song substantially.
Parton is also known for her sense of humor and of course, her figure.
Although their costumes and deadpan humor led some to write Devo off as performance art rather than serious music, they were in fact extremely musically inventive.
Though ideas for birthday party humor may vary from person to person, a well-chosen card can help break the ice when guests are not acquainted with one another.
Humor relating to age or longevity is tasteless if the birthday girl just got diagnosed with a health problem.
There was drama, conflict, humor, competition and elimination.
Pennington's penchant for working shirtless brought in many watchers, but his standout humor and ability to have so much fun on the set brought him an extremely loyal fan base.
He has a self-deprecating sense of humor.
He adds charm and humor to the show and is often ribbed for his English accent.
What makes this show work is a combination of Rowe's humor - which is often self-deprecating - and his obvious respect for the people who actually make these jobs their careers.
Girls or guys compete in fun and silly little challenges that test character, humor, and patience, then the host or hosts must decide who stays and who goes.
She realizes that she uses humor to take away from how she looks.
Fans want to know what their idols of the past are up to now and what they look like, and this show delivers that information along with a healthy dose of humor.
It's so easy to find information on Mike Rowe's professional life, but with his rugged good looks and great sense of humor, many wonder about his personal life.
The atmosphere changes from tension to humor and back again as the boys figure out the difference between acting out and gaining control.
For example, if a particular producer likes dry humor, then use some dry humor to pitch your show to that producer.
Not only are they well educated, articulate and engaging, but they also have a wonderful sense of humor and a chemistry that makes for great TV.
From his daily jokes to his self-deprecating humor and silly pranks, it is clear that Bill enjoys making his wife laugh.
His unruly red hair and carefree attitude adds a lightness and humor to the show, and he has many fans.
Alley has always had a sense of humor about her weight.
Reality News Online - RNO features lengthy recaps with a generous dose of humor, usually posted the day after the episode is shown.
A so-called "witch" with a wry sense of humor and unique face, viewers are intrigued by the things she says and the way she says them.
Flowing effortlessly from the British voice of the author, the innocence of childhood antics intertwine with spots of a more enlightened humor.
Though danger is afoot, Rowling never fails to deliver to the reader a sense of humor and hope for the future.
Without sacrificing her sense of humor, the author again shines a light when darkness falls and again provides a promise of more adventures to come.
As with all of her novels thus far, J.K. Rowling maintains a light-hearted humor in her defined and well versed style.
With charm and humor from even the most questionable of personalities, the characters of Firefly are the glue that holds this series together.
Firefly's richly textured characters make an impressive mark on the silver screen, introducing to non-fans all of the humor and charm that lovers of the show expect to see from Mal and his crew.
With a full dance card of lovable characters, The Princess Bride waltzes onto the screen, partnered with a smart sense of humor.
Mystery has its own shelves, horror has its own shelves, romance, humor, travel, computers - all get their own shelvage but science fiction and fantasy are always jumbled up together as 'sci-fi/fantasy'.
This is one of the few Star Trek movies that has a lot of humor throughout.