Humanitarian Sentence Examples
They were very kind; but I could not help feeling that they spoke more from a business than a humanitarian point of view.
On the humanitarian and liberal ideas making for emancipation we need not dwell, as they are self-evident.
We have seen, for example, that he was led to investigate the subject of logic because he found in attempting to advance his humanitarian schemes in politics an absence of that fundamental agreement which he recognized as the basis of scientific advance.
Her Spiridion, which was dedicated to him, Sept cardes de la lyre, Consuelo, and La Comtesse de Rudolstadt, were written under the Humanitarian inspiration.
Herzl believed that the humanitarian hopes which inspired men at the end of the 18th and during the larger part of the 19th centuries had failed.
In the first place the native policy of the Congo government was denounced as at variance with the humanitarian spirit which had been regarded by the powers as one of the chief motives inspiring the foundation of the Congo State.
Emancipation was brought about in the 9th century by economic causes as well as by humanitarian considerations.
The humanitarian crisis of the tsunami is not yet over.
At this time the tone of the Russian court was extremely liberal, humanitarian enthusiasts like Peter Volkonsky and Nikolai Novosiltsov possessing great influence.
In this rivalry Germany, whose interest in Turkey even so late as the congress of Berlin had been wholly subordinate, took a leading part, unhampered by the traditional policies or the humanitarian considerations by which the interests of the older powers were prejudiced.
AdvertisementDespite the fact that Kazakhstan had not yet acceded to the Ottawa Convention, it fully supported the humanitarian orientation of that instrument.
And I'm not buying this as a humanitarian mission, either.
Some thinkers fell back on the "modalistic" solution which regards "Father" and "Son" as two aspects of the same subject; but a simpler and more popular method was the "adoptianist" or humanitarian.
Above all he was instrumental in framing the new criminal code, based on more humanitarian principles, which was issued in 1835.
Short said an interim international administration in Kosovo was envisaged to co-ordinate the humanitarian effort.
AdvertisementSome missions are humanitarian while others are straight shooting.
The Department of Defense has begun flying in the first of over a million humanitarian daily rations to be sent to the region.
International Development Secretary Clare Short in the UK has announced fifteen million pounds in humanitarian aid for the refugee crisis.
Mobility aircraft carry troops and equipment into battle, transport peacekeeping forces and humanitarian relief, and refuel other military aircraft in flight.
Useful for anyone involved, or planning to be involved, in humanitarian assistance.
AdvertisementI don't imagine for a moment that their prime motive is humanitarian, but I had a little chortle, too.
The truly humanitarian position is to do away with sanctions entirely, which will only happen if Saddam Hussein is overthrown.
The emancipation was not merely a humanitarian question capable of being solved instantaneously by imperial ukaz.
The minister of foreign affairs, M Tittoni, in reply expressed the adhesion of the Italian government to the humanitarian ideas which had met with such enthusiasm in the historic House of Parliament at Westminster.
He is also known as a generous and hard-working activist, donating plenty of his time and money for a variety of humanitarian causes.
AdvertisementEver the humanitarian, she and partner Brad Pitt have raised awareness about international adoptions and the plight of people in impoverished areas of the world.
Perfume - Designed by humanitarian Amma, this rose and sandalwood perfume offers and uplifting scent with natural ingredients.
Not only will the you love the scent, portions of Amma's Rose sales are donated to humanitarian efforts.
These companies may purchase carbon offsets to balance some of the energy they use in production, build and operate sustainable facilities, or donate a portion of their profits to environmental or humanitarian organizations.
Lynmar is owned by Lynn Fritz, past CEO of Fritz Companies and current CEO of his humanitarian non-profit organization Fritz Institute.
Between 1999 and 2004, international adoptions grew in popularity in the United States as more families recognized the global humanitarian need to provide homes for waiting children.
For her efforts, she was called the humanitarian of the year by the Spanish version of People magazine.
Madonna makes headlines more for her humanitarian efforts than for her clothing.
The disciplined philosopher, who had devoted himself to the task of comprehending the organism of the state, had no patience with feebler or more mercurial minds who recklessly laid hands on established ordinances, and set them aside where they contravened humanitarian sentiments.
Finally, unable to impose upon the world either selfish or humanitarian ends, she folds her arms in pharisaic virtue, with the hope that some hidden power will give the victory to righteousness.
Finally he endeavoured, though unsuccessfully, to secure the introduction of juries into the courts of chancery, and - a generation and more before the fruition of the labours of Romilly and his coworkers in England - aided in securing a humanitarian revision of the penal code, 4 which, though lost by one vote in 1785, was sustained by public sentiment, and was adopted in 1796.
His gospel is completely denationalized, humanitarian; but, while equally universalistic, is quite unsympathetic towards the doctrine and the mysticism of Paul.
Humanitarian moralists, who hesitate to believe in the retributive theory of punishment because, as they think, its aim is not the criminal's future well-being but merely the vindication through pain of an outrage upon the moral law which the criminal need never have committed, might welcome a theory which urges that the sole aim of punishment should be the exercise of an influence determining the criminal's future conduct for his own or the social good.
The reason for the bombing was the humanitarian catastrophe brought about by the bombing in the first place.
Second, the UN coordination mechanism must become a wider clearinghouse for all humanitarian demining activity, not just that of the United Nations.
He was also poet on the biggest humanitarian convoy traveling to war torn Croatia in 1993.
The UN refused to intervene in the civil war, apart from some troop convoys for humanitarian aid.
The HLR question now is whether the landmine NGOs can summon the moral courage to subordinate the political concerns to the humanitarian.
The program authorizes Baghdad to export crude under UN supervision in return for humanitarian supplies.
The humanitarian disaster following an invasion may seem almost unimaginable in its scale.
Kyprianou said his mission was strictly humanitarian and that he was not going to discuss any issues related to the conflict itself.
The annihilation of counter-revolutionaries is the only humanitarian act.. .
Non-GM food is the only acceptable, genuinely humanitarian food aid.
The Home Office either grants indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) or Humanitarian Protection to the asylum seeker.
The UK and the US made a humanitarian intervention in Kosovo without a Security Council resolution.
She tells us about her work there to support gender mainstreaming in our humanitarian relief efforts.
Is Bob Fingerman a cynical misanthrope or a disappointed humanitarian?
For Afghanistan we had several statements on humanitarian relief.
Leaders in the advocacy of a purely humanitarian christology came largely from the Independents, e.g.
Princess Diana - Royalty, devoted mother and humanitarian all in one, Diana died on August 31, 1997 in a car accident.
While her films and love affairs garner most of the attention, Angelina Jolie has long been involved in many humanitarian efforts.
She is involved in various charity projects (many involving refugees), and is well-known as an international humanitarian.
The grant-giving charity provides independent grants for humanitarian work all over the world.
She received the Bob Hope Humanitarian Award in 2002, and continues to give to those struggling in life.
Many Aquarians are attracted to humanitarian work and actively seek out ways to help others.
He also is very active in humanitarian causes.
But there has been considerable interference (ostensibly on humanitarian grounds) with the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food (Shehitah) and the method was prohibited by a referendum in 1893.
These tendencies had been fostered by his tutor Zhukovsky, the amiable humanitarian poet, who had made the Russian public acquainted with the literature of the German romantic school, and they remained with him all through life, though they did not prevent him from being severe in his official position when he believed severity to be necessary.
Disarmament, or to speak more correctly, the contractual limitation of armaments, has become, of late years, as much an economic as a humanitarian peace-securing object.
He was excommunicated by Zephyrinus, despite his remarkable claim that all that bishop's predecessors in the see of Rome had held the humanitarian position.
The simplicity of the legislation (traditionally associated with Moab and Sinai and with Kadesh in South Palestine), the humanitarian and reforming spirit, the condemnation of abuses and customs are features which, in view of the background and scope of Deuteronomy, can hardly be severed from the internal events which connect Palestine of the Assyrian supremacy with the time of Nehemiah.'
In 1796 he went to Berlin, where he founded a humanitarian society, and was commissioned by the freemasons of that city to assist Fichte in reforming the statutes and ritual of their lodge.
In September, 1990, they arrived in New York City as " humanitarian parolees - time indefinite.
Currently part of my work is as a humanitarian peacemaker in the Holy Land.
But we do care about the humanitarian plight of people in Afghanistan.
Again proposed allowing the partial resumption of Iraq's oil exports to generate revenue to buy humanitarian supplies.
The people are already extremely vulnerable and any military action could exacerbate this, with potentially severe and lasting humanitarian consequences.
Modern theories date from the 18th century, when the humanitarian movement began to teach the dignity of the individual and to emphasize his rationality and responsibility.
An enthusiastic humanitarian on all subjects, Dr Howe was an ardent abolitionist and a member of the Free Soil party, and had played a leading part at Boston in the movements which culminated in the Civil War.
Again proposed allowing the partial resumption of Iraq 's oil exports to generate revenue to buy humanitarian supplies.
What worries even those who support the war is the humanitarian need for food to stave off starvation throughout the winter.
The undersigned organizations believe this action will worsen the current humanitarian, security and economic crisis in the Occupied Territories.
The agency focuses on supporting on-going humanitarian efforts for orphanages in several areas worldwide, including China, Russia, and other Eastern European countries.
In April's opinion, Angelina Jolie, twice-divorced, has been able to help Brad develop his humanitarian side.
The front man for the rock group U2 is also known for his humanitarian work in Africa and has worked to raise money to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
The school is supported by such humanitarian heavyweights as Nelson Mandela.
There are lots of co-ed activities from bowling to humanitarian volunteer work, but the key is to do things that you actually enjoy.
Warm-hearted and generous, Aquarians view the world through the eyes of a humanitarian; all people are brothers and sisters, or at the very least, friends.
This true humanitarian has great compassion for life's struggles.
This can drive her to volunteer for many humanitarian projects and devote much of her life to helping others achieve their dreams.
However, there's another side to your nature that's difficult to see in a Leo horoscope, and that's your humanitarian side.
This power, when used in a positive angle, can create a very passionate and artistic individual whose sympathy and intuition can lead him to be a strong and effective humanitarian.
Angelina Jolie is a well-known humanitarian and philanthropist, supporting several causes across the globe, including working with refugees through UNHCR (Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees).
Women Together, a non-profit organization, awarded Karolina an award for her humanitarian work with children, along with the Beautiful Life Fund, and the Free Arts organization.
To date, the song has raised over $63 million for humanitarian relief efforts around the world.
Do you want to contribute to humanitarian relief effort funding, or simply enjoy a new song?
This exquisite familiarity with bird and beast would make us love the memory of Thoreau if his egotism were triply as arrogant, if his often meaningless paradoxes were even more absurd, if his sympathies were even less humanitarian than we know them to have been.
Still milder and more humanitarian prison treatment was that put forward by the home secretary in 1910 in his speech already referred to.
Such passages in Mill have their full significance only when we take them in connexion with that rising tide of humanitarian sentiment which made itself felt in all the literature and in all the practical activity of his time.
While the gospel is pre-eminently the divine gift of "wisdom," "wisdom" is not personified, but conceived primarily as a system of humanitarian ethics, i.
Meanwhile, the UN Security Council extended the Iraqi Humanitarian Program for a month to give itself time to revamp sanctions against Baghdad.
Euripides, as might be expected from his humanitarian cast of sentiment, and the " premature modernism " which has been remarked in him, rises above the ordinary feelings of his time in regard to the slaves.
But the intellectual activity of the Reformation also developed other views; the Socinians, with their humanitarian theory of the Person of Christ, taught that He died Only to assure men of God's forgiving love and to afford them an example of obedience - " Forgiveness is granted upon the ground of repentance and obedience."
At this time he composed his Notes on Virginia, a semistatistical work full of humanitarian liberalism.