Human Sentence Examples
No human could've caused this.
Only a handful of human minds can comprehend his work.
The ability of science and technology to improve human life is known to us.
To be perfectly clear, I am not saying the Internet and technology will solve every human ill.
Robots are free from the physical limits our human bodies have.
We are so degraded that we cannot speak simply of the necessary functions of human nature.
So, spare me your cute robots with human names.
Although the original mutation was not caused by human activity, human activity preserved and perpetuated it.
Any task that could be done a machine is, by definition, dehumanizing to a human being.
A full-scale, no-holds-barred, nuclear-missiles-raining-down kind of world war would profoundly change the course of human history for all time.
AdvertisementThey played with the lambs in the field and saw no human being but the shepherd.
She had killed a human being.
I believe she is the purest-minded human ever in existence....
They are human beings too.
I felt reasonably human though laughing remained a no-no and the pills were necessary desert.
AdvertisementI knew no human saw me that night and yet the dogs of police received information on me and began snapping at my heels!
But the most luxuriously housed has little to boast of in this respect, nor need we trouble ourselves to speculate how the human race may be at last destroyed.
Does human activity cause the planet to warm?
He used to say that there are only two sources of human vice--idleness and superstition, and only two virtues--activity and intelligence.
When the cost of recording all the data is zero, the cost of processing it is zero, and the cost of accessing it zero, then the many sciences, especially human health, will be democratized.
AdvertisementIt is not presently available for human consumption.
The human mind is so wonderful and so versatile.
If he had not taken upon himself the responsibility of Laura Bridgman's education and led her out of the pit of Acheron back to her human inheritance, should I be a sophomore at Radcliffe College to-day--who can say?
It is human, it is divine, carrion.
Even acknowledging that human rights exist is a great advance of civilization.
AdvertisementBut let's adopt the cynic's view for a moment and assume people in these corporations are chiefly concerned about their financial benefit, not about human suffering, when it comes to war.
She had the air of one who has suddenly lost faith in the whole human race.
Though there are things in it difficult for the feeble human mind to grasp, it is an admirable book which calms and elevates the soul.
Jobs done by people will be only the ones that require uniquely human capabilities to do.
It was his view that "the attainment of human rights in the fullest sense cannot be achieved so long as hundreds of millions of poverty-stricken people lack the basic necessities for life."
To elevate food to the status of a human right does not require government to administer it—far from it.
It may be translated into every language, and not only be read but actually breathed from all human lips;--not be represented on canvas or in marble only, but be carved out of the breath of life itself.
How could any human be so heartless to slay an infant?
We call these rights "human rights" because they apply to every single person on the planet by virtue of simply being alive.
New experiences and events call forth new ideas and stir men to ask questions unthought of before, and seek a definite answer in the depths of human knowledge.
By declaring a pretty broad range of things worth killing and dying for, we say that each of those is more precious to us than human life.
At that point, the iffy parts of human history are behind us and it is blue skies and clean sailing ahead.
Think of how a few thousand years of human civilization got us to a certain amount of computational power.
All that she is, all that she has done, can be explained directly, except such things in every human being as never can be explained.
She does not, it would seem, prove the existence of spirit without matter, or of innate ideas, or of immortality, or anything else that any other human being does not prove.
Its warm touch seemed so like a human caress, I really thought it was a sentient being, capable of loving and protecting me.
We are most interested when science reports what those men already know practically or instinctively, for that alone is a true humanity, or account of human experience.
And this human feeling dominated everything else and soared above all their affected chatter.
Natasha remained silent, from shyness Marya Dmitrievna supposed, but really because she disliked anyone interfering in what touched her love of Prince Andrew, which seemed to her so apart from all human affairs that no one could understand it.
Absolute continuity of motion is not comprehensible to the human mind.
In her view the aim of every religion was merely to preserve certain proprieties while affording satisfaction to human desires.
They all raised their heads to listen, and out of the forest into the bright firelight stepped two strangely clad human figures clinging to one another.
I have to have a human mother.
Anything different doesn't seem as human to us and we instinctively recoil from it.
We may imagine a time when, in the infancy of the human race, some enterprising mortal crept into a hollow in a rock for shelter.
The ball of the human finger is but a drop congealed.
And only that feeling placed him on that highest human pedestal from which he, the commander-in-chief, devoted all his powers not to slaying and destroying men but to saving and showing pity on them.
He was never human to begin with.
This was what it was like to be human?
She really was a human.
Human emotion … you didn't have it before last week.
Have you ever been human?
The human was alive and well.
The eyes that once turned from black to white to every color in between were now blue-green in color, and her face held a human flush enhanced by his lovemaking.
I found a finger bone and had it authenticated as human.
More importantly, Dean now realized that the only real evidence that the remains from the mine were human had disappeared.
He never saw another human being.
In the meantime, Wynn was trapped in a room that felt way too small with the deity he meant to kill instead of the human he almost succeeded in killing.
The human was lost the moment Darkyn's name appeared across her back.
You leave Hell a human in every way.
The creature that refused to bow down to the Dark One was not going to allow itself to become blood-dependent upon a mate of human origin.
She wasn't expecting the intensity of sensations in the human world.
Her soul had been planted into the human's head upon birth.
Pleased with herself, she began to think being human wasn't going to be so hard.
She had to appear to be a normal human by being careful in everything she said and did.
She had to learn to do everything a human did, and she had to learn fast.
As she watched Cora, Deidre began to think she'd missed a lot over the past few months despite trying to pay attention to the human world.
Deidre wasn't expecting to go through it with the human.
She was human in every way, including her memories.
She recalled nothing beyond her human age of twenty-six years.
The purpose of this apartment was to give her a place to practice being human.
Deidre couldn't learn to become the human she created in half a day.
Deidre took them, excited at her first venture into the mortal world as a human.
Deidre delicately wiped her face and stood, stuffed but beyond pleased with her first day as a human.
She once thought the problem was him, because he was of human origin.
The thought of letting him run those hands wherever he wanted thrilled the human in her and terrified the former goddess.
The human emotions were crippling the cold logic that brought her to this point.
She couldn't lose him now, because of human weakness!
She didn't factor her transition into a human, either.
How did she win him, if she wasn't able to control the human feelings?
Immortals and death-dealers battled the remaining demons at the warehouse-sized storage facility where the demons had been gathering the human dead.
She was human like Deidre.
She doesn't understand the human world yet.
He cured my human side, brought the deity side back, and joined our souls, she replied a little too quickly.
You didn't used to be a weak, puny human.
There was no room for traitors in his ranks, not with his critical mission on the human world and his own mate within striking distance.
The underworld would open for him, when he'd conquered his challenges here in the human realm.
No matter what they thought of his human origins, he was still the deity in charge of the underworld.
If their souls were smashed together as Deidre said, he was glad this part of the human remained.
And yet, he couldn't deny that Deidre was back or at least, a woman who had the knowledge of the goddess and the body and heart of a human.
I can't get over how incredible the human world is.
He's building an Army of Souls to attack the human world.
She didn't want to think about the human she'd left in the hands of the demon lord.
He'd be condemning her to Hell the same way she did the human he loved.
Being human isn't easy.
Would he really accept her once she told him she sacrificed an innocent human to the Dark One?
A human he might have loved?
There was too much resentment in his voice for it to be the result of one week with the human she created.
Her chin trembled, and suddenly, she cursed the human emotions.
If she lost her deal with the human and Darkyn came to collect?
The mating laws from the time-before-time were absolute, but what if Darkyn and Gabriel made their own private deal to return the human Gabriel loved and abandon past-Death to the hands of the Dark One?
Unfortunately, he realized he would rather have told the goddess version of her the truth than the fragile human.
These were the words of the goddess not the human.
She willed her mind not to betray her, aware he could read her too easily now that she was human.
The human side of her hated his tone and the truth of his words more.
Human Deidre was probably terrified, a bloody mess who would do whatever Darkyn told her at the end of the week in exchange for him sparing her more pain.
Unless you're using magic on her, there's no way any woman – Immortal, deity or human – would ever choose to stay with you.
Deidre studied him, unable to determine what was going on with him and the human he'd kept in Hell.
As guilty as she felt, she wasn't willing to make a deal with him to protect the human she'd condemned.
The human senses that made her gasp at the colors of spring flowers were also ill-made to defend them against Immortals and deities.
No deity or Immortal or living human ever welcomed or accepted Death, but the souls always had.
The demons stopped killing human kids.
There were moments when he didn't know what the human side of her was thinking.
She didn't just have the body of a human and the knowledge of the goddess; she wanted to help him enough that she was willing to overcome her fear.
In the course of three days, the goddess had almost learned to see him as an equal while her human side no longer in denial about her destiny.
The human feared a relationship with someone who wouldn't share more than his body.
Sometimes, he thought there was none of the human left at all, just an incarnated goddess whose fascination with her new world extended to him.
It was far more important than the bet with the human, but Deidre couldn't help thinking about her deal and Darkyn's threat to reveal everything to Gabriel.
Darkyn had been correct about the human she dumped in Hell.
Until you took an innocent human and condemned her to near-death for your selfishness.
She was plotting her return with a chain of events that ended with the human that bore her likeness being turned over to Darkyn.
Human emotion could only complicate that.
How is a sociopathic deity better at ruling the underworld than a compassionate human? he returned with no heat.
The human lived here for a few years with a boyfriend that one of Darkyn's demons killed.
This very building was the one Gabriel dived off of in an attempt to keep the terrified human from trying to kill herself.
His eyes went back to the girl who had been human just a few days ago.
Why did Darkyn choose to keep the human over the deity?
Gabriel was reminded of the many times he'd expressed something human to the goddess he'd loved for thousands of years.
Before she became a human, she never understood him or what he felt and thought.
I've checked on your little human almost every day to ensure what I planned for her was not altered by Darkyn's bloodlust.
But she was human now, capable of being what she wasn't before.
He wanted to condemn the horrible things past-Death had done that resulted in an innocent human being thrown to the Dark One.
He trusted the human, but dared he trust the mate of the Dark One?
Now human, she understood what she had done.
The human was okay, and his mate was at his side, where she'd always belonged.
Darkyn stripped her power, turning her human.
The woman in the bed behind him had taken three days to warn him about the human left in Hell.
The human thought herself unwanted, except by Darkyn, who had done more to help her than Gabriel thought possible.
Gabriel considered the human's sad wisdom.
With nothing else to lose, all she could think about was what happened to the human she left in Hell.
The news of their deal had infuriated Gabriel once more and driven him off, leading Deidre to believe that he had loved the human more than her.
Deidre entered the shadow world and summoned the human she'd left in Hell.
She didn't expect to find the human alive, let alone of a mindset to make a joke.
The idea Darkyn voluntarily took a bond to a human when he made a name for himself disobeying his former master … There might be a reason Darkyn hadn't explained it to his mate.
After condemning the human to Darkyn, how did she deserve to feel this way?
Only he'd tried to kill the human she wanted him to preserve.
He was human, and there had been times that he had slipped, but it wasn't because he was thinking only of himself.
Today, he was human.
He'd wanted to tell her not to go to the beach with Logan, to spend the weekend with him instead of some stupid human that had no idea how to appreciate a woman like her.
And yet, this wasn't the human she came for.
He hadn't been attacked by anything remotely human or animal.
You make me feel human again.
He saw himself with a mate like her, one who was able to remind him what it was like to feel human.
She was ninety eight percent human.
This one was more of a growl, part human, part something else.
He wasn't human, either.
The idea she'd hidden it somewhere he couldn't find was driving him mad, along with the scent of the human blood coating the walls of the far bedroom.
The human named Deidre had to have it with her, a trinket or piece of jewelry with sentimental value that she never took off.
Pick a human school to target for breakfast.
I figured it out when I rediscovered her in the human world a few years ago.
Reconciling past-Deidre and human Deidre was enough to give him a headache.
Normal kids didn't ask about the underworld or being human.
You should never feed a human a rock, even by mistake.
We spent time in the underworld together, though if you're human, that might mean … Katie drifted off then glanced at the children.
Am I different as a … as a human?
They're assigned to human mothers, Katie explained.
It's not safe in the human world for you now.
It looked human, Wynn appeared perplexed.
Sounded human but … Deidre shivered.
A familiar sense returned, the one that made Deidre think Wynn wasn't a normal human.
I happen to be an Immortal rather than a human, he said gently.
How many had she unknowingly killed since being reborn a human?
It might be all that stood between the Dark One and the human world.
This time, he knew the secret to succeeding in the human realm.
It was the same sensation as when she opened the door to the guest bedroom in her apartment for the first time to see the mess the demons made of some poor human.
There was no human color in the woman's pale cheeks, and her expression was emotionless, as if carved from marble.
Tender, compassionate, weak, like a human, and failing miserably to take my place.
There are strings attached to anyone raised from the dead-dead, but these are of no concern to a deity like they might be to a little human like you.
Like Gabriel, you'll always be of human origin.
You are mostly human, but you are also part of me.
You're the two percent of me that's not human?
I don't expect a human to understand.
You don't want to piss me off, human.
Each of the four Sanctuaries sat on an island straddling the human and immortal worlds and housed an immortal treasure, such as the Oracle.
Death took her human form out of respect for the women of the convent-like Sanctuary that housed the Oracle.
Her human form was tiny enough that the Oracle's book reached her shoulder level.
But if I don't make him dead-dead, there's a good chance this is the fate of the human world.
He changed again and this time recognized his human form.
You could've asked me for anything in the universe, and you ask me to babysit a human.
No human --nor most of those in his organization --would dream of speaking to him like that.
There's something else to this human, isn't there?
She felt almost human again after the drama of her week.
There was something very different about the human's blood, like comparing warm, homemade bread with stale crumbs out of the garbage.
The cell block fell silent, and he sensed the others also smelled the human blood.
The cowering healer left his corner of the cell for the first time in a while and approached the human on the bed.
Its tongue flickered out as it rolled the human.
It said nothing more but ducked its head and began to clean the human with its long tongue, shuddering at each lick.
He paced again, wondering why Sasha would put a human in his zoo, unless this was the worst human in the world.
The human was a female, and a young one.
Does the mortal human have a name?
You are not a normal mortal human.
He looked human, aside from the fanged smile.
The voices down the hall were all male, though she doubted any of them were human.
Her air supply cut off, she tore at the hand holding her until the skin on his arm fell away to reveal smooth, black skin more akin to a reptile's than a human's.
Today, however, he was more interested in seeing Sasha and hearing about the human than amusing the zoo creatures.
Rhyn laughed, thoughts flying to the spunky human in the zoo.
She was a smartass worthy of any of his brothers, and yet, no human deserved this.
This time, Rhyn couldn't figure out why the creature wanted a human so badly he'd bring her here yet didn't seem eager about her becoming his mate.
They'd always said he was a danger to the human world because of this.
What kind of human protector allowed one of his own men to turn her over to something like Sasha?
Hey, Lunchmeat, what do you call a human running down the street?
He certainly felt human with a massive male body expending heat and warmth.
She saw his large frame against the night sky outside the small cave, human one moment, then decidedly not the next.
After her time in Hell --where most of the monsters looked human --she didn't trust this one.
He floated on the updraft of air off the water and then drifted to the beach below, changing into his human form as he landed with a gentle thud on rocky sand.
This one was written by someone in the human realm.
How to Train a Pet Human.
I've been waiting for someone to tell me what to do with this human.
A human was weak.
A human mate was a liability he couldn't afford.
She dropped, surprised and disgusted when one hand landed in what was a human or creature at one point.
Gazing at her, he doubted a human healer could help her.
She's just a little human.
In her mind, dragging a human around seemed like a pretty serious liability.
The human race barely survived.
Did you really almost annihilate the human race?
One stupid little human is so much easier to kill than a few billion, and you chose duty instead.
He'd massacred every human she'd run across to date.
She took in his words, surprised he'd admit to needing a human.
The only human who can help us defeat evil, and you chose him.
You think I give a damn about one stupid, feeble, weak human, especially one mated to Rhyn?
Rhyn thought hard for a minute, then said with effort, "I don't know how to be a mate, let alone take care of a human, Gabriel."
Rhyn breezed by him, much warmer in his jaguar shape than he.d been in his human shape.
Wouldn.t you like to have Kris out of the way, so you and your human treat can live in peace somewhere?
One human is nothing to him in his version of the big picture, Sasha continued.
She released her breath, satisfied on more than one level, to postpone her return to the human world.
The next time I visit the human world, I.ll be leaving with two souls.
She bent down to pick up a yet unscathed pillow, startled to stand and see Rhyn had changed to his human form.
You really think some stupid human with a knife scares me? she said, furious.
Jared changed to his human form and held up one hand, holding his back with the other.
Rhyn growled in response but switched to his human form as well.
Besides, the bond between angel and human cannot be broken, so you.ll have to take care of Toby until you die.
He tossed the creature to the side for later and shifted into his human form.
He.d been unable to shake the empty hole in his heart resulting from Kris flinging him to the side to pursue a human female.
The next time I visit the human world, I'll be leaving with two souls.
He couldn.t figure out what the hell the puny human in front of him wanted.
It contorted into a human form, and Katie cursed.
Rhyn growled but shifted to his human shape.
He wondered what a half-human son would be like, and his thoughts went to Gabriel, who started out human before turning Immortal.
They mature slowest of all Immortals, but when they hit certain points in angel years, they jump to the next human stage of maturity, Helga said.
Aren.t you supposed to be protecting the weak, puny human?
Only a very few of them can assume the form of another human.
Waiting to see what Darkyn intends by sending his remaining warriors to the human village.
Jade said if they don.t get what they want, they.d unleash their demons on the human village.
Part demon, part Immortal, part human who.s immune to magic?
He.s taken a human hostage, and we need to know where she is.
Darkyn growled from deep within his chest before returning to his human form.
He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small black pouch, pouring its contents—two green gems holding the dust of human souls—into his palm.
While Dean had no desire to participate in the new and perilous sport of ice climbing, he didn't share Cynthia total perplexity at why a sane human being would even consider subjecting himself or herself to such uncomfortable danger.
To me, the true Annie makes her more human, even more than before.
He wondered if this beautiful, loving, compassionate wife of his whom he loved so dearly, was really capable of killing another human being.
That was a human being they hauled out of here, Gladys.
Perhaps they both were human after all.
With a chuckle and a deep breath of crisp, clear air, he mused, Today would be perfect, were it not for the human locked in the basement.
He prided himself on the fact that he had never killed a human by sucking them dry.
Life was good, except for the fact that they needed human blood to survive.
Killing one human, before my command, will bring a death sentence.
Partaking human food is now extraneous, yet can still be quite enjoyable.
They seemed so… human.
Once past that, the last hurdle was the human wanting to be turned.
She did get permission to turn a human once, Peter Standish.
He wanted to stay home in case the human got out of line, yet Sarah had insisted he leave for the night.
She would set up transfusions if there was danger the human might die, and had to twice for Cassandra.
The human righted himself and held his head in both hands, shaking.
As he refilled the human's glass he continued, Why don't you have a few more drinks, make yourself some food; I'm sure Sarah stocked the fridge with all your favorites.
Truthfully, Jackson had no idea what the human would do; he just didn't have the heart to tell her.
The human had spent most of the evening pacing around the cell, trying to make some sense of everything, stopping only briefly to eat, in an effort to soak up all the alcohol.
Did you have fun playing with the weak human?
Was the human having second thoughts?
She smelled human, real human, almost beyond human.
Positive. She smelled amazingly human, only more so.
Walking a path that led to the pond, he found the distinct smell of human.
They had discussed choosing one surname many years back, but their names were the only connection that remained to their human lives, so decided against it.
Although he wouldn't have given up those days for anything, he felt this to be more like a family, closer to what life had been like as a human.
I'm gettin' some, human style.
Give her the human side.
Once she knows he is human she won't feel so alone.
Yes, my metabolism is a lot faster than a human, so my temperature runs about a hundred and two degrees.
Suddenly, he found a great deal of empathy for Connor, and wondered if he could ever be as well adjusted to his situation as the human had become.
You can't possibly sleep as soundly as you do when you're human.
He must have nodded off again, because when he opened his eyes, Elisabeth's human form lay sleeping with her head in his lap.
Hello, Jackson… Sarah… and what have we here, a human pet?
We can't protect him as a human.
You know, I can't help thinking, if you were human, I would be going through the very hell Sarah is experiencing right now.
The last thing he needed was Connor losing it from too much human scent his first time out.
Once back in human form, she stretched then groaned.
You are to bring Sarah and that human pet with you.
Her body began to morph back to human form, so Connor grabbed a sheet and wrapped it around her.
I always planned to fill this farm with kids, but they're going to be human and I hope none of them are like you!
He'd heal four times faster than a normal human, but it wasn't fast enough.
He seemed immune to most emotions remotely human.
He searched for another hour, finding no sign of human travelers on the trail.
Is this what happens when your weak human emotions fade?
He said nothing, aware the creature before him wasn't capable of communicating a truth in a way most others could understand. Death was from a time before time. He would never understand what she saw when she looked out over humanity and saw its Past, Present, Future, and the soul of each human that ever lived. The size of her vision rendered her unique interpretations puzzling, even to him.
Maybe I was more interested in detailing your human weakness than in understanding what your instincts told you.
As much as he respected the tough little human, he found that she was driving him crazy.
He'd spent his life relatively alone, crossing between the underworld and human world as needed. Death had been far from co-dependent, and he'd had free rein. Until two days ago, when he crossed into the underworld with Katie slung across his shoulder. He'd forgotten what it was to have someone completely dependent on him.
I know, I know, Kris says I'm an angel and angels are supposed to protect humans and you're anything but human but I still want to stay with you.
I did. But she never let me forget I was once a human. She always resented my human weaknesses.
And then I saw how good his heart is. He's a train wreck, but he's honorable and capable of such good. Kris pulled me into this world and assumed I'd do what I was told like a good little human. But when I told Rhyn I wanted to leave him, he asked for another chance. It's like he woke up then and realized he wasn't in Hell anymore or trapped by his brothers' expectations.
The angel was still shivering despite the fire. He needed dry clothes and probably, human food. There was one place where Rhyn could find them.
I see nothing but Gabriel's human weakness for a creature he should've let die-dead.
You would risk destroying this world and every human in it?
Demons didn't eat human food, and the storage area was virtually untouched. Rhyn grabbed several cans and packages of foodstuffs then left.
Toby frowned, worried as much about his human charge as his Immortal friends.
Toby was silent, knowing a normal Immortal could never understand. He didn't yet have the full power of a real guardian angel, but he should've been able to do more than … nothing. Angels were placed with human mothers so they could understand the creatures they were meant to take care of. Human mothers raised them as their own, yet none of his human mothers had gone to the extent Katie did to try to protect him.
I can do whatever I have to save my human.
A faint smile, the first sign of human emotion, crossed its face.
The guise had been almost perfect, except for Ully's hands, which had been bony with sharpened nails rather than Ully's human hands.
To any of them, as much as I wanted to eat the human.
Smells like a human, acts like an Immortal.
Katie is my human.
She was a risk for revealing the Immortal society to the human world or alerting the demons as to where Kris's strongholds were.
Kris's memories stirred stronger than he liked. He remembered Lilith, a beautiful Immortal whose laugh had filled him with happiness. Their love had been intense and brief, lasting less than a human year in total. One day, she was just … gone.
Toby felt almost as distraught at having to stay in the cell while his human was lost in the underworld. Not that he didn't trust Rhyn or Gabe, just that, he might be able to find her first.
Toby darted into the jungle, knowing they had little time, and that he had to find his human before anything else bad happened to her. He didn't know where the demon with her wanted to take her, but he knew where anyone leaving the underworld would go to escape.
The sound came again, the cry of someone who was hurt. Katie wiped her eyes. She was drenched with rain and curled against the large root of a tree. The birds of the jungle made screaming sounds, but this was different. This was human.
The woman looked human enough. Her features were hard to make out in the dark, but she at least had two arms and two legs.
The sound of something screaming wiped the smile from Deidre's face. Katie turned to face the direction from which the sound came. It wasn't a bird, and it wasn't human. The single voice was joined by several, and Katie grabbed Deidre's hand.
She didn't look convinced. Kris moved away her, his anxiety and concern growing. They'd come there to rescue one human and might just lose two. He paced and gazed up the tree, unable to see Kiki. He heard Hannah stir and glanced towards her. She rose from her seat.
Instinctively, he reached for his power, only to find it bound by the magic of the underworld. He was as helpless as a stupid human.
He heard Hannah crying and smelled the unmistakable scent of human blood before he took a step onto the block. He strode down the block and paused in front of Hannah's cell. She was curled up on the bed, sobbing. When he looked at the cell across from her, he saw why. Jared stood in the cell, covered in blood. The cell looked as if a human had exploded, and Rhyn saw a pile of bones Jared had gnawed clean then stacked neatly.
The man stopped, thinking he'd heard some movement behind him, but after listening a few minutes could discern no human sound and was satisfied he was alone.
How could anyone do that to another human being?
We're only human, you know.
If she was a human you'd be giving her something for pain.
If she was a human, she wouldn't be giving birth out here in the barn.
He's only human, you know.
The human world will fall to the Black God if you aren't there to protect it.
They'd left the human world alone until several months ago.
The battling immortals had nearly destroyed the human world in pursuit of one another.
And now, two gateways were open again, and the immortals readying the human world for another battle.