Hulls Sentence Examples
Cotton seed hulls constitute about half the weight of the ginned seed.
She walked down the middle of the carnage, peering into hulls of greencars.
With a 100% cotton case filled with 2.9kg of 100% Organic buckwheat hulls.
The catamaran consists of two fiberglass hulls each side with soft material floor between.
Ironically the infestation of barnacles on yacht hulls - which the paint was designed to prevent - does not happen in fresh water.
Foam Blanks Polyurethane foam blanks are available ready-formed for use as surfboards or sailboard hulls.
The most interesting decorating touch on the Pride of America, the Norwegian Dawn, and the Pride of Aloha are the colorful murals that decorate the ships' hulls.
While some ships are remodeled and "stretched" by adding central sections to existing hulls, the most common way to create larger ships is to introduce a new bigger class of vessels.
Mulch consists of plant material such as pine bark, cocoa hulls or wood chips or other materials such as rubber.
CoCo Fresh is a litter that is made from organic coconut hulls and is not only earth friendly but safe for your pet.
AdvertisementSome higher-end maternity pillows are even filled with buckwheat hulls, a natural material that conforms to your unique body shape to more evenly support your weight.
The eerie hulls of burnt-out cars up the road had been creepy even to Brady.
For a long time these shells or hulls, as they are called, were burned at oil mills for fuel, 22 tons being held equal to a cord of wood, and 43 tons to a ton of coal.
The requirements of an elongate body moving through the resistant medium of water are met by the evolution of similar entrant and exit curves, and the bodies of most swiftly moving aquatic animals evolve into forms resembling the hulls of modern sailing yachts (Bashford Dean).
Of seventy-five hits on the hulls of the ships only five can with certainty be ascribed to projectiles from rifled guns, and thirty were unquestionably due to the old smoothbores, which were not provided with sights.
AdvertisementFilled with 100% natural buck wheat hulls cleaned and graded by us at Brow Farm, then encased in an organic cotton case.
It was not long, however, before the stock-feeder in the South found that cotton seed hulls were an excellent substitute for hay.
The hulls thus burned produced an ash containing an average of 9% of phosphoric acid and 24% of potash - a very valuable fertilizer in itself, and one eagerly sought by growers of tobacco and vegetables.