Hula-hoop Sentence Examples
If you don't like dancing, but you still remember the fun of wiggling as a child, get a hula hoop and start hooping.
There are balance games like walking a tightrope, exercise games like the hula-hoop spinning game, and many Yoga positions for you to stretch with and improve your breathing.
For example, when you play the Hula Hoop game in Wii Fit, the board detects your hip movement by the sensors in the board.
It also helps to keep the Board clean from dirt and the sweat that probably drips off during intense yoga and cardio workouts (and the Hula Hoop exercise).
The Balance Board is intuitive so you can start slowly, which you should do anyways, just like if you were using a real hula-hoop.
The girl who can hula hoop the longest wins the prize.
She is wearing a pink and red bikini with a lightly retro touch and holding a matching hula hoop.
The winner keeps the hula hoop going the longest.
If you are looking for a workout that is not only fun but sure to help you burn a lot of calories fast, then a hula hoop workout is just the thing.
How can you not help but smile as you swing your hips, recalling the first time you used a hula hoop?
AdvertisementThe hula hoop has evolved far from its humble beginnings in Egypt over three thousand years ago.
Toy producer, Wham-O, produced the hula hoop you know today in 1958.
Thanks to its value as an exercise tool, the hula hoop is once again a familiar item.
One of the best things about a hula hoop workout is that you are working your entire midsection with one exercise, including your deep core muscles.
To begin, step into the center of your hula hoop and pull it up to waist level, with the hoop touching your back.
AdvertisementTry using a weighted hula hoop for a greater challenge for your abdominal muscles.
You can test your body more by hooping with a second hula hoop.
You can also try hula hoop DVDs for more variations of your workout.
Keeping a hula hoop of any weight going for at least 10 minutes can be a great workout, targeting the abs, and burning calories.
This can be beneficial for anyone who has never used a hula hoop before, or anyone who has difficulty keeping the hoop up for extended periods of time.
AdvertisementUsing a weighted hula hoop does not have to simply mean standing in one spot and spinning the hoop around your middle.
Turn up the music and have your guests try and see who can hula hoop the longest.
Limbo and hula-hoop contests are perfect luau party games.
Place a hula hoop in each circle on the arms between two players and have them hold hands so that the hoop doesn't fall.
The task is to pass the hula hoop all the way around the circle by stepping through it without letting go of each others' hands.
AdvertisementSuspend an old tire or hula hoop in the backyard to serve as the target for the football toss.
Players swing the hula hoop on their hips simultaneously to see who can sustain the hoop the longest.