Hoy Sentence Examples
The very names of the islands indicate their nature, for the terminal a or ay is the Norse ey, meaning "island," which is scarcely disguised even in the words Pomona and Hoy.
Local moraines are found in some of the valleys in Pomona and Hoy.
Shorthorns and polled Angus are the commonest breeds of cattle; the sheep are mostly Cheviots and a Cheviot-Leicester cross, but the native sheep are still reared in considerable numbers in Hoy and South Ronaldshay; pigs are also kept on several of the islands, and the horses - as a rule hardy, active and small, though larger than the famous Shetland ponies - are very numerous, but mainly employed in connexion with agricultural work.
Hoy (q.v.; 1216) is the southernmost of the larger islands.
Flotta (372), east of Hoy, was the home for a long time of the Scandinavian compiler of the Codex Flotticensis, which furnished Thorrnodr Torfaeus (1636-1719), the Icelandic antiquary, with many of the facts for his History of Norway, more particularly with reference to the Norse occupation of Orkney.
Between Hoy and Pomona are Hunda (8), Cava (17), and Graemsay (195), which has excellent soil and is mostly under cultivation.
Scapa Flow contains several good anchorages, the best being Longhope in the island of Hoy.
The highest hills are found in Hoy.
The upper division of the Old Red Sandstone is found only in Hoy, where it forms the Old Man and neighbouring cliffs on the N.W.
Near Haco's Ness in Shapinsay there is a small exposure of amygdaloidal diabase which is of course older than that in Hoy.
AdvertisementThe detached pillar or stack called the Old Man of Hoy (450 ft.) is a well-known landmark to sailors.
Hoy is commonly approached from Stromness, there being piers at n Linksess, the nearest point to Graemsay, and at Hackness, South Ness and North Bay, the last three all on the harbour of Long Hope.
Thus the Old Man of Hoy in Orkney is a huge column of yellow sandstone between 400 and 500 ft.
Hoy is the only island in Orkney where you can see grasshoppers.
Orkney police said they were concerned over the disappearance of an eccentric loner living rough on Hoy.
AdvertisementLynette Hoy is listed as a Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor, and the Steve Yeschek specializes in counseling people with problems relating to anger, addictions, mood and behavioral disorders, and relationship issues.
It is published and overseen by professional writer Angela Hoy, who is the author of a number of books and ebooks on various topics of interest to individuals who are trying to earn a living providing freelance writing services.
Excepting on the west fronts of Pomona, Hoy and Rousay, the coast-line of the islands is deeply indented, and the islands themselves are divided from each other by straits generally called sounds or firths, though off the north-east of Hoy the designation Bring Deeps is used, south of Pomona is Scapa Flow and to the south-west of Eday is found the Fall of Warness.