How-many Sentence Examples
Cool. How many do you have now?
She tried to assess how many there might be.
Yet, no matter how many times she tried to reassure herself of that, she remained concerned.
I guess I'd forgotten how many there were.
He had no idea how many rules she broke in her time as Death.
Let's see how many times it takes you.
No longer hungry, she began to wonder how many other people she'd faulted over her lifetime.
You can't imagine how many trees there are.
The officer appeared abashed, as though he understood that one might think of how many men would be missing tomorrow but ought not to speak of it.
No matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt.
AdvertisementDo you know how many Surahs there are in the holy Quran?
Chest heaving, he gazed around the meat locker to assess how many bodies were present.
No matter how many Deidres were shoved into that perfect little body, she'd never have the control over him she once had.
It is remarkable how many creatures live wild and free though secret in the woods, and still sustain themselves in the neighborhood of towns, suspected by hunters only.
Still, I never realized how many ways they can be used.
AdvertisementOf how many the waters of this program was a hot pastrami.
Somehow, it doesn't seem to matter how many of them I come across, I remain incapable of modifying the schema.
Click popularity sorting algorithms track how many users click on a link and stickiness measurement calculates how long they stay at a website.
And how many of us have a torque wrench?
I was surprised to see how thirsty the bricks were which drank up all the moisture in my plaster before I had smoothed it, and how many pailfuls of water it takes to christen a new hearth.
AdvertisementWe can't start the affair without knowing for certain how many there are.
For you'll admit that if we don't know for sure how many of them there are... hundreds of lives may depend on it, while there are only two of us.
She couldn't tell how many there were, not with the smoke and darkness.
This is a lot quicker than actually working out how many nanoseconds it would take by counting cycles!
Just out of curiosity, look up how many neutrino 's we survive from passing through our body from the Sun every second!
AdvertisementIt is not possible to estimate how many of the total deaths caused by passive smoking are from passive smoking at work.
We wonder how many humans lost their lives during the same period.
Still, if anyone finds out how many black lace petticoats Edward IV had, you know who wants to know.
The real question is How many of those people who tell the pollsters they will vote Labor actually will vote Labor?
A numerical prefix says how many places to rotate the text.
They count how many prickles on that leaf and return to the number line (not crossing or disturbing the line ).
But how many of us who now fill pulpits started out as Sunday-school teachers and CSSM beach mission helpers.
Umbrella sellers don't care what the annual rainfall is, they care how many rainy days there will be.
Gentleman will tell us how many teachers are facing redundancy right now?
This simply shows how many bid retractions you have made in the past 6 months.
Look how many years it took to get even rudimentary safety devices into cars.
Liberals think you should practice self-restraint and conservatives don't mind how many offspring you have as long as you stay off welfare.
Try counting how many individual aspects are at work in a grand sextile!
Equally, how many people take up the violin hoping to achieve rock stardom.
The error depends on how many authors with a hyphenated surname the reference has.
The rights of dower and courtesy have been abolished, and husband and wife have instead equal rights to inherit property from the other; but the portion of the property of a deceased spouse that descends to the survivor varies from one-fourth to all according to whose and how many are the children concerned.
Every song you download and how many times you play it.
Can you guess how many lives these two varieties of rice have already saved?
During this three-year period, conveniently named by the Chinese "The Three Years of Natural Disasters," no one really knows how many people died; estimates range from fifteen million to a high of more than forty-five million.
Between Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia and all the treaty partners entering the fray, how many days passed?
If the whole world had only ten thousand people, how many breakthroughs would you expect?
Paris Nice Marseilles Cannes How many runs are skiers allowed in downhill skiing races?
Again the author can specify how many spelling errors to accept.
Nikolai Dejevsky Still water and a spit of sand; my hand full of pebbles; how many skips before they sink?
Foundation Token Coin Key Rings How many times have you needed a pound coin for your supermarket trolley or sports locker?
How many Aristotles are herding swine, and how many swineherds wear a crown on their heads !
We have all seen how many tens of thousands are placed on each race each day so how come they ca n't get on?
I wonder how many of us here tonight are feeling timid about the work we 've been called to?
I also seem to have a lot of red tulips - I had n't realized how many I 'd bought last autumn.
God knows how many more unfeeling landlords must be out there.
Than unscrupulous dealers see how many would cost many.
Here, you can see how many points you have earned with an applicable rewards card and redeem them for travel or merchandise.
There is no limit on how many points you can get, and points can be earned for everyday purchases on a wide variety of items.
Note that there may be limits to how many allotments can be created; speak to a finance representative to find out about eligibility to create a USAA Visa allotment.
There is no limit on how many miles you can earn and the miles do not expire.
Think about how many hotels surround the airport nearest you.
No matter how many pounds she may have shed, there's no disputing the fact that Osmond has successfully regained her figure and kept the weight off.
The program comes in two versions and ranges in price from $108.00 to nearly $1,000.00 depending on which version, which plug-ins, and how many users will use the program.
Keep on browsing, and you'll be surprised at how many lovely pieces you find yourself wearing.
The company offers a helpful insulation grams chart to help you determine how many grams of insulation you need in your gloves.
Check with the seller to see how many juicers they've shipped.
The teacher was aghast at how many of her students failed the simple test.
The current question is how many government operatives will be charged with collusion with Russia?
As more and more women put off having children until their thirties and even forties, the decision about how many children a couple should have is sometimes made based on the time factor and mom's biological ticking clock.
Have you noticed how many more movie stars seem to be having or adopting children later on in life, such as Geena Davis, Joan Lunden, Patricia Heaton, Susan Sarandon, and Diane Keaton?
And how many bibs and onesies with bunny rabbits, flowers and turtles can one baby have?
Consider how many children you are equipped to care for.
Before you buy the materials needed for your baby shower diaper cake, decide how many layers the cake will be.
History relays the story of how many Africans lost their given names once they were sold into slavery, with many taking on the names of their owners and others receiving new names by their owners.
For expectant parents, or new parents, figuring out how many covers and inserts to buy can be enough of a puzzle to steer you back towards disposable diapers.
You can narrow your search results by selecting how many bedrooms and bathrooms you would like.
Check the cost of inkjet cartridges for the printer you're looking to buy and see how many pages a cartridge can print.
You will also want to determine how many place settings you need.
Be sure you know how many pots and pans a set actually contains before you buy.
No matter how many technological advances are made, there are always going to be some low-tech appliances we cannot live without.
With his or her help, get a good feel for what mutual funds can do for you, how many risks you're willing to take and what you think your investment goals should be.
You can spend big or little, depending on how many features you want.
Many will base it off the MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price) since that is how many banks structure their loans.
Once you know how many gifts you need to buy, you can set a budget for each individual on your list.
Turbidity Test - this test shows how many suspended solids are in the down.
This can relate to anything from where you will be using the charger to how many batteries you have or how often you will be charging.
You don't necessarily have to buy in bulk because you have the option of how many to buy at one time.
They give you how many they have available and you can go from there.
They are limited on how many tickets they have available since they aren't an official dealer for the NBA, but you can usually find a good amount of tickets for each price point.
To figure that out, but divide the price by how many units comprise of your purchase.
When you search for an item, it lists the price range and how many stores it found.
First decide how portable you'd like it to be and how many accessories you'd like it to hold.
Now you just have to decide how many programs you really need.
The foundation can be assembled in less than 10 minutes, uses only six-carriage bolts and retains its strength no matter how many times you assemble it.
Take a walk around the flea market every time you are there to see how many others are carrying that item.
Each printer listing that appears gives you how many they have in stock and the cost of purchasing one or purchasing two or more printers, which are at discounted prices.
One of the things that standard tips on buying a desktop computer a major computer selling company will tell you is to check on how many megabytes of space and memory the desktop has.
What makes processors different from each other is how efficient they perform calculations or, in probably more familiar terms, the speed of the computer, measured in gigahertz (GHz) and how many processing cores are embedded on the chip.
If unsure how many turns the winder should give the watch each day, contact the watch manufacturer, which will usually be happy to provide the needed information.
There is just no way to know how many people will want a particular product.
Calling the store beforehand (on Tuesday or Wednesday) may help; merchandise is already at the store by this time and someone may be able to tell you how many they have.
Sometimes it is necessary for a retailer to put a limit on how many loss leaders can be bought by the same person.
As for when you should feed or how many times per day, that too will vary.
You can control the amount of cushion with how many times your wrap the batting around, but don't go overboard or your perch base will be too bulky.
While it is encouraging when your pets just loves the treats you've baked for them, be sure to limit how many they eat.
Depending on how many felines you have, you may only have to completely change your litter box once a month with this type of litter.
Below is a table that shows when kittens should have which shots as well as how many are required to achieve at least temporary immunity.
Although less than two dozen cats were actually reported as being afflicted with a B1 deficiency, it is impossible to tell how many felines were displaying latent symptoms of the condition, symptoms that went unnoticed by their owners.
Check if there is a limit to how many points you can earn within one year.
How much time has passed since you opened your first account and how many accounts you have had since then.
It also shows how many times you have paid your bill late, what your highest payment has been on each account and how long the account has been open.
However, there are limits on how many points can be applied toward the purchase of a single vehicle.
By category - Shop through all travel offers, with the option of selecting how many offers you see at one time.
Some lawyers work strictly on a flat fee basis, which means they charge a set amount of money regardless of how many hours they work on a case.
No matter how many disagreements you have or how much you dislike your ex, your children are not part of the marriage.
Consider how many hotels there are within a couple of miles of your home.
Play around with the sofa pieces and see how many different ways you can use them.
If it is, consider how many chickens you would like to have - the average hen will lay an egg approximately every 25 hours, except for the shortest days of the year.
You might be surprised at how many ways there are to recycle your used cartridges.
Think about how many times you go to the grocery store and leave with half a dozen plastic bags in tow, even if you only purchased a handful of items.
A site counter helps kids see how many others are taking pledges and encourages them to do so as well.
Obviously, being a struggling writer, there's a limit to how many of those I can tackle in one year - especially this year.
Before you begin, you'll need to collect small pinecones - how many will depend on the size of your frame.
The size of your room will determine how many separate work areas you can place in the playroom.
Anything goes on a Country Christmas tree, and this is one case in which you don't have to be shy about how many ornaments to put on the tree.
Likewise, consider how many plates and glasses will need to be on the table for the meal, so you don't over decorate and fail to leave any room for the food itself.
Which one keeps you laughing no matter how many times you watch it, or always brings a tear to your eye?
Designers often work in firms where they are measured by how many hours they bill clients.
When you start looking for free stenciling patterns, you may be surprised at how many are available online.
The number of plates you need depends on how many courses you are serving and how the food will be served.
No matter how many rugs you buy, Overstock will ship them for a flat rate of $2.95.
You'd be amazed at how many people have called or emailed the corporate headquarters of their favorite beauty product and have received free beauty samples.
Just how many types of eye makeup remover can a company actually offer?
There is also a limit as to how many days you can keep the games when you rent from your local shop.
This is how many online survey companies coordinate focus groups.
Be sure to read your league's rules carefully prior to drafting, so you know how many players you need at each position.
Just decide how many places you want to pay beyond that.
League rules will dictate how many teams qualify for the playoffs.
A page counter lets you know how many visitors are viewing your pictures.
Beside the quiz results you get, you'll see a Like button for Facebook with information about how many others have clicked there.
This is unique in that data can pass through lines no matter how many people are on the same line at one time.
You'll see their gas mileage, how many people the car will seat, horsepower, and more.
You have goals to achieve or you can just see how many you can kill.
You can opt to specify how many rows and columns your puzzle will have but it's recommended you let the website's program determine the best fit for the number of words you use.
After entering in your word into either of the search boxes, you can choose to find exact matches or not and choose how many to display at once.
If you aren't sure of the exact word you need, you can specify how many results to display.
Now that you've seen how many contests you can enter, here are some tips to help you blow away the competition.
To create a winning family portrait, you'll need to figure out how many people will be in the shot.
Megapixels simply means how many million pixels are on the digital image sensor in the camera.
Regardless of how many subjects are in your shot, it's a good idea to position them naturally and forego contrived arrangements.
In addition, consider how many subjects will be in the photo, as this will also affect the type of backdrop you select.
Framing fireworks is challenging given that you don't know where the first ones will explode and how many will be set off at the start.
It may surprise you how many unique photo opportunities present themselves in the most mundane situations.
Prime rib roasts are usually cut according to how many ribs the roast contains.
You may need more depending on how many tomatoes you have.
This doesn't mean you must eliminate these items entirely, but you should be carefully in deciding how many you will use per page.
Since there is a set number of photos from the event, you know ahead of time how many layouts you need to scrap.
One way to save time and money is to plan your memory book pages so that you know how many supplies to get and don't overspend on unnecessary items.
Try to continue meditating for the full time no matter how frustrated you get or how many times an unwelcome thought drifts into your head.
Some people are unable to relax no matter how many stress management techniques they try.
The price depends on how many you want to buy.
No matter how many friends they have gained over the years, teens often find themselves wanting to branch out and develop new friendships.
Bragging about how much money one has, or how many famous friends one parties with is not attractive in real life and it certainly isn't attractive online.
While it's difficult to determine exactly how many teens are addicted to drugs, addiction is a real danger for every teen who experiments with drugs, including alcohol.
You can spend much more depending on the maker of your tux and how many accessories you decide upon.
When using the website, you will be able to enter in the item numbers and choose how many you would like.
Since most teenagers are able to work, this is how many will fund their drug abuse.
You'd be surprised at how many teens actually haven't had sex but talk like they have to fit in.
Ask your doctor how many calories you should be taking in for your body.
Dues are paid by each school, according to how many students attend that school.
Ask how many teens they work with and try to get the contact information for some teen clients.
Finding someone to babysit for might seem hard, but you'd be surprised at how many people you or your parents know who will let you babysit their children.
She stopped counting how many wrappers she had collected after she reached two hundred.
When they turn back, they see how many differences their partners notice.
Looking at a gallery of wedding cake pictures is the only way to see just how many styles, shapes, colors, sizes and designs of wedding cakes are available.
Once you've decided just how many arrangements you'll need for your wedding, it's time to decide how you want those arrangements designed.
During your initial meeting, the wedding florist will ask how many guests and show you the package options for that amount.
The company calculates exactly how many of each separate item you need to make the invitation design, making shopping for supplies virtually foolproof.
Now that you have your silk flowers or at least a florist ready to do as you wish, you'll need to figure out how many arrangements you want and how big they should be.
This is something to consider when figuring out how many hours to book the band.
Using these tricks can make even average desserts seem like huge wedding cakes, no matter how many servings they offer or how many tiers are actually edible.
Knowing what style of bouquet you want will help determine how many flowers you need to buy.
You'll be amazed at how many caterers, photographers and coordinators will come out of the woodwork and help to cut costs.
No matter what time of day or how many guests you have attending, planning a simple menu for the reception in advance allows you to really enjoy the day.
Make sure to ask about things like chairs for your guests or how many people can be invited with the package that you have reserved.
There are many factors to consider in choosing a cake, including your budget, how many people you have to feed, what you want the cake to taste like, how you want it to appear, and who you want to make it.
A full-sized sheet cake may serve almost as many people as a tiered cake, depending on how many layers the tiered cake has and how thick each layer is.
Always keep in mind that the most important thing about your wedding day is not the vows, or the dress the bride wears, or how many people are in attendance.
Before you slice into the cake, you'll need to have some information about how many servings to cut and how to best cut each serving.
Once the guest list is set, determine how many out-of-town guests will need lodging.
Review your budget and determine how many people will be in your wedding party.
Knowing how many people you will be inviting is crucial to determining many aspects of a small wedding.
You can't know exactly how many drinks that slightly tipsy guy or gal you just met may have consumed.
It is amazing to me how many people are in trouble out there.
To avoid potential liver damage, be careful how many acetaminophen products you use while taking Vicodin.
There are many different depression tests available, but most work by attempting to evaluate how many of the common depression symptoms you are experiencing.
When considering how many smokers are added to the pot outside of the U.S. smoking becomes a serious epidemic.
Find out what this disorder is and how many people are affected by it.
Shop by color for best results; you'll be surprised at how many tropical selections pop up in the orange/coral and yellow/gold categories.
You should also keep practical matters in mind, such as how many people the cake needs to serve, how far in advance you can make it, and whether you need to buy any specialty supplies to complete the decorations.
It's nice, and I didn't realize how many people watched the show!
You might be surprised to learn how many of your favorites were born in this colorful month.
It is unknown how many surgeries Rivers has had, but the proof is definitely in the pictures.
It's amazing how many hours of footage they can film yet only about one percent actually makes it on TV!
Apparently they based this on counting how many F-bombs Ramsay used in one Kitchen Nightmares show, which was 80 times in 40 minutes.
It's interesting to see just how many people are interested in learning celebrity weights.
Kristen has been romantically linked with her equally popular co-star Robert Pattinson, and no matter how many times they deny the romance, the rumors just won't go away.
Not comprehensive by any means, this list of movie stars' real names gives you an idea of just how many famous faces make a living under names other than the ones they were given at birth.
It's no surprise that toddler Dora the Explorer clothing is so popular given how many little girls are enchanted with the fun-loving bi-lingual TV character.
Calculate how many times your child will wear the jacket before he grows out of it.
Depending on how many children you need to clothe, back to school shopping can put a serious dent in your family's budget.
There's no telling how many parents have suffered the miserable realization of learning that baby has thrown off yet another shoe during her last outing.
Regardless of how many phases a pageant might have, it will most certainly have a division that judges formal wear.
You'll also get practical advice on how to put on a cloth diaper and how many and what type of cloth diapers to buy.
You might be surprised at how many opportunities there are for a kid to wear something a little fancier--even if it is a clip on.
You can often choose from three or four options, depending on how many meals you think you will eat each week.
Consider your class schedule and sleeping habits when determining how many meals you will eat in your dorm each week.
The amount of money you can earn through Upromise will not change regardless of how many children you have.
Input data includes information such as the quality of each student, financial aid and faculty while output data encompasses how many students accomplish long term results such as passing their bar exam.
The Review poses numerous questions about a school's social scene and campus life, including how many hours students spend studying, how prevalent alcohol and drug use on campus are, and the popularity of fraternities and sororities.
Once the cruise line knows how many empty cabins it is dealing with it can offer them at reduced prices to sell out the ship.
That's generally the time in which travelers can cancel existing reservations without being penalized, and the time when cruise lines know how many cabins they have left to fill.
Learn how many ports of call will be included before booking.
You'll see a "Featured Hawaii Cruise Deals" section on the main page, but you can also do a quick search that allows you to select dates, choose how many nights you'd like your cruise to last, and pick a cruise line you prefer.
Also, keep in mind that many families cruise while school is out, so booking during the school year may cut down on how many children are onboard when you sail.
If you are looking for the best deal on last minute sailings to Mexico, then start comparison shopping 60 to 90 days prior to departure, as this is when cruise lines have a better idea as to how many cabins are unoccupied.
Pay attention to the cruise line's information about how many people a particular stateroom can accommodate comfortably.
At 60 days out, Carnival knows exactly how many cabins it has to fill in order to ship out at full capacity.
Once Disney knows how many empty cabins it has to fill, it will offer last minute savings.
I would suggest looking at how many people you need to accommodate and the ages of each person.
Current table of how many dogs needed to earn championship points.
Though this listing does not contain the names of one's competitors, it does let the exhibitor know how many dogs and bitches are entered in a particular breed, and how many champions will also compete for Best of Breed.
This is a good indicator of how many championship points will be awarded to the winners.
Some municipalities also have regulations about how many dogs you can own.
Just how many chew treats should your dog have, and how often should you offer them?
Exactly how many times did you breed her this last season?
Although it's certainly not a happy circumstance, it will be important to see how many of these dogs develop lasting problems from the melamine poisoning.
This should confirm the pregnancy, as well as tell you approximately how many pups to expect.
This way you can definitely find out if she's pregnant or not, as well as how many pups she might be expecting.
This will reveal how many pups, if any, their position and their current head size.
Be sure you test your box length to see how many ribbon spools it will let you line up in a row along the inside of the box, and then make that many holes.
On the surface, this should be fairly easy because there are feeding directions on every bag that stipulate how many cups to feed, based on your dog's size.
I have been amazed at just how many animals have been cured by fixing their diets.
If the answer is yes, how many times will they need to be groomed, and how will that bill be paid?
If so, how many and what are their ages?
Additionally, good-quality soil or garden mix can be quite expensive as well; again depending on how many beds you are trying to fill and how deep they are.
You may also be surprised to find how many grocery stores carry herb plants, often in their produce department.
Determine where each pot will go and how many plants it will hold.
This one not only gives you the number of cubic feet that you'll need, it also tells you how many bags of mulch to buy.
For the mathematically challenged who find it hard to figure out how many bags of soil or mulch to buy, this calculator comes in handy.
No matter how many beds you plan, keep at least three feet of space between them for easy maneuvering, and be sure to locate them in full sun.
Over-estimate, rather than under-estimate, how many vegetables you'll get from your garden.
If you can count to twenty two or twenty four (depending on how many frets your guitar has) you can read tablature.
They first list all the band's albums (16 in the case of ZZ Top), and then list how many tabs they have for each album.
You'll be surprised how many cool guitars turn up.
If you are using a deck plan, it will tell you how much lumber, how many posts and approximately how many boxes of deck screws you will need.
Sometimes we want to blame messy closets on our lack of storage space, but the problem is not how many closets we have but is more about how efficiently we use the storage space we have.
In order to accurately determine pitch you must figure out how many inches the roof rises for every foot it runs.
This will help you figure out how many lights you need as well as how to make the different types of lighting work together.
Measure your floor to determine how many tiles you'll need.
Once you've designed the pattern of your grid on paper, you'll know how many supplies you need to buy.
Although this seems simple, you'll have to evaluate your cutting and layout strategies relative to how many laborers will be working on the project.
Course grit sandpaper - The grit of the sandpaper you need to start with depends on the damage to the floors and how many coats of polyurethane are currently on your old floors.
Measure the walls and ceiling and determine how many 4' by 8' sheets (or longer sheets if you prefer) of drywall you need to cover it all.
Because each box contains a set number of tiles to cover a specific square footage, determining how many boxes of tiles you'll need to complete the job will be much easier than trying to figure out how much regular carpet will be needed.
Mark your layout; your drawing will come in handy on installation day and it will also help you evaluate how many carpet squares of each color you'll need.
You can choose the length of the track, straight or circular, as well as how many lights the fixture will contain.
Stores are usually well stocked with these admittedly dazzling stones, but how many colored diamonds do you see?
When shopping, it helps to know how many pairs of earrings you need to store.
First, ask yourself how many times in your life you'll be wearing a tuxedo.
You might be surprised how many evening occasions can be shaken up and made exciting by wearing a gothic trench coat!
It's important to take note of how many days you have to return a product, though.
The very success of Kopali Organics is completely connected to how many lives are improved, and how much better off our planet is, because of our existence and because of our actions.
The disadvantage of mixing your own juice is that you really do not have a good idea of how many vitamins that you are taking in.
In fact, if you're on a budget it can come in quite economical when you realize just how many ways it can be worn.
Guess how many people will reboot computers before your prank is figured out?
You'd be surprised how many people will pass you by simply because you didn't take the time to check your grammar.
You will find contact information as well as how many units are at each location.
For people working in care facilities where outings are frequent, take a poll of the residents to find out how many people would like to play with animals for 30 minutes or so, and plan a bi-weekly trip.
You may be surprised to find out how many discounts for senior citizens exist for products and services you already use every day.
The cost of upgrading to a paid membership subscription varies depending on how many months you agree to subscribe for.
Write down how many times you woke up during the night.
After all, how many people do you know with natural violet eyes?
The shipping charge of $4.95 won't change no matter how many pairs you order.
They are not designed to last forever, so if you're contemplating spending a lot of money on a pair of custom painted lenses, it's best to know ahead of time how many times you will be able to wear them before you toss them.
Season passes vary and range from $95 to $150 for adults ($70 to $150 for kids), depending on how many Cedar Fair parks and water parks are included on the pass.
True Disney fans may wonder how many Disney theme parks are in the world so they can plan the perfect theme park getaway to a fun fantasyland no matter where their vacation destination may be.
Though Disney's initial European expansion was slow to ignite Disney fervor, today it is a popular destination near Paris and adds to the total of how many Disney theme parks are in the world.
With theme parks, water parks, cruise ships, shopping districts, stores and more, it is nearly impossible to determine just how many Disney theme parks are in the world today.
Consider how many rooms and bathrooms are needed, which amenities are important, and if you need a kitchen or washer/dryer in your room.
In addition, you have no way of knowing how many days are left on the ticket.
Decide on how many days you are going to be there and what parks and attractions you want to see.
Depending on how many days you purchase will decide how much of a discount you will receive.
You choose how many nights you stay, and the price changes depending upon the number of days you choose and any supplemental offers you select.
In Time Challenge you play within specific limits to see how many points you can score.
For example, you may need to memorize a list of four-letter words in two minutes and then see how many you can write down in three minutes.
A house drops down and hides them and then people leave and enter and you need to keep track of how many people are in the house after about ten seconds.
Opening this file in Notepad, you'll find the first three lines indicate how many chuzzles, fat chuzzles, and super chuzzles you have popped.
You can see how many rows you have coming by looking at the "lines" number in the interface.
How many points you get is determined by how many blocks you blow up in one click.
Now how many games in your collection can you say you adore?
There are 4-5 difficulties per game ranging from Beginner to Heavy which indicate the flow of the arrows and how many steps per song.
It shows you the letters as you select them and as soon as it recognizes a word, the game shows you how many points it is worth.
If you're right, then the puzzle will be revealed and you get bonus points based on how many turns you had left.
The ending screen also shows you your best word and how many points it was worth.
Ultimately, you want to see how many rounds you can go.
You'd be surprised how many free online puzzle web games are available on the Internet.
Go to the jacket request page of their website, enter in your Wii serial number, and how many covers you need (up to 4).
I can't recall how many times I've rewound time just to crash all over again because I didn't go back far enough.
With Sorry!, each player draws a card (instead of rolling a die) to determine how many spaces he or she can move.
Seeing how the system can still be hard to find in stores, you may be wonder how many Wiis have been sold since the console launched in 2006.
So, how many Wiis have been sold thus far?
While this may not directly answer the question of how many Wiis have been sold, the shipping number should be an approximate estimation and it should be reasonably accurate.
A screenplay for a video game is similar to a movie script except you may have to insert special branching scenes depending on how many choices a player has at any one point.
When I first played, I thought it was utterly ridiculous how many points I was racking up through no fault of my own.
You decide how many lemons and how many cups of sugar go into each pitcher, as well as how many ice cubes go into each cup.
I don't know how many times I have experienced trying to play a game without some kind of instruction.
You do so based on the numbers found in non-mine squares that indicate how many explosives are in its immediate vicinity.
He will track how many you have turned in thus far, and will reward you based on your cumulative total.
You might be wondering how many colors were released or just how many themes Nintendo could have pumped out being that the handheld gamer is just over two years old.
Like all other online rental services, Canflix only restricts how many discs you can have out at any time.
This can depend on your budget, or how many games you think you may play a month.
Each weapon has a number next to it that indicated how many times you can use it.
No matter how many times I told my teammates to, or used the automatic order button, there was always one guy who disobeyed me.
In this way, it is not clear how many unique (and active) users there in Second Life.
One of these, Moves Left, is indicated just about the buttons for Start, Instructions, Options, and Exit Game.As you can probably figure out, this shows you how many possible moves there are available at the time.
Just above the Moves Left indicator is one that shows how many balls you have to go (Balls To Go).
This shows you how many additional marbles must be bounced over before you can move onto the next level.
You know how many there are and you know how many of each length there are so you can keep track of what you've formed.
At the end of each chapter, it tells you how many items you have located, amount of coins found then gives you a performance rating.
While your Urb is sleeping or taking a shower you can toggle through the screens to see which friendships you need to work on or how many skill points you need to gain your next promotion.
The following list are games that continue to be sought after because of how many copies are produced and the consoles they were on.
Anyone can pick up a stick and play baseball, but how many people can pick up a controller and play a baseball video game?
Prices depend on how many bidders want the game and how much you are willing to spend.
For each stage, you must remove a set number of balls (you'll see how many you have left by checking the panel on the right of the game display).
Tuesday, November 15 was actually a tame day with the standard questions, "Are you selling them at midnight", "How many are you getting?", and "Is there a limit to how many we can buy?"
There was no information from the contact about how many we are getting and he neglected to mention the number of Xbox 360 systems we requested.
Stores usually instruct employees to just answer "I don't know" when asked how many they got.
Whoever you're talking to from the previous piece of advice probably does know, but you can indirectly ask him how many they got.
But if you must ask them how many they got and they answer "I don't know", don't say I didn't warn you.
The setup may sound a bit confusing, but since Yahoo automatically does it, you don't have to worry about remembering how many checkers go where.
The move counter on the bottom right shows you how many moves you have left, and if it hits zero, the black unswappable balls will Bounce Out on their own so that the game can continue.
The game keeps track of how many moves it takes you to clear a puzzle, and gives you a specific number of moves to beat as well.
Realize that you will tend to underestimate how many bottles you will collect, and plan for a little excess.
So depending on how many guests you have over you can use the simple calculation to figure out how much you need.
First thing is to assess how many bottles of wine you normally keep around the house and if you want to have them on display.
Best advice is to figure out the utilitarian angle first of how many bottles you need to rack and then pretend to be an interior designer and choose one.
With so many different varietals, it's important for those watching caloric intake to know exactly how many calories are in the glass of white wine.
It's amazing how many wineries have jumped on this technological band-wagon.
No matter what your level of proficiency or how many bottles you have to store, by using the resources above, you're sure to find the perfect plan to get building.
Determine how many bottles of wine you plan to store.
Asking how many calories are in a glass of wine is like asking how many calories are in a chocolate bar; the question always begs another question, such as "how big is the chocolate bar?"
When the results come back, you'll see a notation specifying how many Good Sam parks there are that match your search criteria.
The price varies based on how many phones are on the plan and uses GPS technology to locate the cell phones.
Where do you find those excellent free Blackberry apps and how many are out there?
One way to test graphics power is to see how many triangles can be processed in a second.
It is difficult to tell how many children with Tourette syndrome experience complete remission over their entire adult lives, but it has been estimated to be about 8 percent.
It is possible for children who are highly reactive to urushiol to grow into adults who are barely sensitive to poison ivy, oak, or sumac, regardless of how many times they have been exposed to the plant oil.
It is not clear exactly how many staph infections occur each year, but it is the most common infection that begins in the hospital.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, although it is not clear how many cases of resistant staph infections occur each year, they are thought to be very rare.
Researchers and experts disagree on how many children masturbate before adolescence.
In order to accurately calculate fluid loss, it is important to chart weight changes every day and keep a record of how many times a child vomits or has diarrhea.
Parents should note how many times a baby's diaper must be changed.
Although there are no good statistics on how many children suffer from the condition, an estimated 1 to 2 million Americans of all ages are binge eaters.
Number of Dancers - How many dancers do you have to work with?
This jump is an extension of the changement, and a number always follows the name of the jump; the number tells you how many times the feet have to swap positions in the air before landing on the ground again.
With an Internet-based invite, you make it easy for friends to tell each other about the party, share the link to your invitations, and even RSVP so you can keep tabs on how many people are coming.
The show does not commit to how many ticket vouchers they are able to give out each week, and so even though the tickets are free, you will have to count on a little luck to get them in your hands.
Thrill the World sets records to see how many people from around the world can dance Thriller simultaneously.
In fact, in 2008 they worked with Alan Jackson to choreograph the world's longest line dance (long in terms of how many people, not in terms of how long it took).
This lets you know how many total counts are found in the dance/song.
Don't be surprised or intimidated by how many of them are out there, or where they come from; Australia, for example, has a huge library of dance steps at Roots Boots.
Always adhere to the safety recommendations, including on what types of surfaces to use the barres, and how many students (and of what age/size) should use any one barre at a time.
Registering involves a deposit and informing the administration about how many team members will be attending the camp.
For example, think of how many times you've met a person and thought to yourself "I just don't get a good vibe off him".
By using a circular chart and dividing the main circle into six circles of concentric size, as well as twenty-four pie segments, the scholars were able to chart the sun's movements and determine how many days were in the average year.
If you currently find that you wake up tired, no matter how many hours of rest you get, you need to learn more about bed locations having to do with feng shui in order to get your sleep cycles back on track.
For each toss, you record how many coins land heads up and how many land heads down.
The quality of information will vary based on how many active volunteers are available for the area you are interested in.
Issues like how thick you can expect the hair to be, how natural it will look, how much of your scalp will be covered, and how many treatments will be needed should all be explored thoroughly.
However,there's no way to tell how many people tried the product without success, or even if the testimonials are real.
There's no limit on how many times you can use the makeover function, so you can try out all your favorite looks, from trendy to classic.
Some of the higher-end models come equipped with a screen that tells the user how many minutes are left for shaving before the battery will die.
You'll be surprised at just how many are available for the taking!
No matter how many bridesmaids are in your wedding or how different their hair types and lengths are, there's a chic, elegant bridal party hairstyle that will make the girls look perfectly polished, without upstaging the bride.
This solution can be pretty costly, so consider how many hours of tutoring you can afford and whether you can continue to teach the material on your own should the tutor become unable.
For example, you can ask a child a question like, "If there are three children and each child has $1, how many dollars do they have altogether?"
Homeschooling allows a very small child-to-adult ratio depending on how many children you have.
You'll be surprised at how many people are willing to help if you simply ask.
Use teddy bear counters or other manipulatives to help create arrays for your child and have him count out how many things are in each array.
This makes it very easy to figure credits for the Charlotte Mason method, or any other, just by keeping a log of how many hours were spent on a subject each day.
Watch the body language, facial expressions and comments of the interviewer to determine how many more questions the interviewer would feel comfortable answering.
You can keep resumes on file here and even see how many times it has shown up in employer searches and how many employers clicked to take a peek.
There are many summer jobs for teachers, depending on what type of experience you have and how many hours you want to work.
The quality of the build job will impact how long the home lasts and how many repairs you will have to make in the coming years.
Always borrow responsibly and remember no matter how many advantages there may be, you do have to eventually pay the money back.
Lenders also have rules with regards to how many secondary mortgages an applicant may have.
Experience - How many years of experience do they have inspecting home situations like yours?
Reporting - How many pages is their average inspection report?
It's easy to get a quick glimpse of how many foreclosures are listed within a specific state by reviewing the full state list because the number of properties is placed in parenthesis next to each state.
So the short answer to the question of how many extra payments do you need to reduce a mortgage is that any extra payments put toward your mortgage will reduce the mortgage.
Regardless of how many origami figures you have made, LoveToKnow would love to hear your ideas and questions, so feel free to make a comment on any article you read.
There is no telling how many times it may take to get a step right, but consider each a learning step!
It is amazing how many shapes and characters you can make out of money.
The American Fertility Association reports findings that show 98 percent of women of reproductive age do not know how many days each month they have to get pregnant.
Count how many months along you'll be, and he or she can give you an idea of how much your belly will show.
No one knows for sure how many babies are affected by FAS.
Do my periods come every 28 days? - if not, keep track of how many days are in between your periods for a few months.
Decide how many squares you want on each playing board.
Part-time employees may earn less leave time, depending on exactly how many hours you work in a 12-month period.
This information gives the reader some general information about how many procedures have been conducted, how many used fresh embryos and frozen ones, as well as the percentage of clinics offering services to single women.
Decide what your ideal photos will entail, which shots are most important and how many pictures you would like to have.
It is impossible to say how many women have been able to use the chart with success as there have not been any large statistical studies done to support or refute the chart.
You can also find out if the shuttle driver will wait for you if your flight is delayed and how many stops the shuttle van will make.
Most San Francisco area airports have strict regulations about how many times a shuttle van may circle--usually three.
Always ask a shuttle driver for a departure time and inquire as to how many stops you will have to make before arriving at your final destination.
You might not realize just how many options are available to you when purchasing a chair.
I cannot tell you how many problems I have run into trying to get a little sun at the beach.
This will determine how many suits she needs.
For the most part, everyone's dressed in practically the same look on the beach, including cute tops, scoop or board bottoms, etc. Honestly, just how many of those suits boast a look-at-me attitude?
It's difficult to count exactly how many times Joanna Krupa has made an appearance in a bikini, but here are some instances that you'd probably like to remember... or at least research more thoroughly!
Depending on how many pairs of trunks you own and how you rotate them, your trunks may only last one season or could last several.
Knowing the answers to these questions can help you decide how much money to spend, and just how many swimsuits you'll actually need to purchase.
Just imagine how many suits you could outgrow in the course of nine months.
No matter how many cosmetics you wear, few things in the universe make a woman look more beautiful than a genuine smile.
If you're looking for children's board shorts, especially in a toddler size, you might be pleasantly surprised by how many people might have some they are happy to give away.
Now that may seem like a lot of towels, but think about how many a family of four can go through on a single weekend.
Chat with your daughter to discover her latest interests - you may be pleasantly surprised at how many of your own childhood memories will come to the surface and warm your heart as you remember the trends from days gone by.
In the same respect, pay attention to how many parts are on the sword.
Even if you think denim overalls couldn't possibly flatter you, you might be surprised at how many different cuts and styles there are, and for many different body shapes.
You will be after you see how many styles are available.
The RH percentage is important to know because that indicates how many times the air in the crawl space has to flow through the dehumidifier in order for the unit to do its job properly.
The game is played in rounds and depending on how many ships each person has left afloat in each round determines how many shots he or she has at hitting the opposing player's boats.
The score is calculated by the number of empty intersection points between a players pieces plus how many they have captured.
There can be only one - at least that's what the Highlander said in all those movies (and we all know how many of those there were), but in the world of board games, popularity is ranked by sales and play usage logs from the Internet.
These rolls of the dice would determine how many outs or hits you get.
Competitors are dealt three to seven cards (depending on how many players are available).
One dice you roll tells you how many spaces to move, and the other will tell you what type of question you will be asked called "challenges".
For a hilarious way to spend an evening, pull out the Scattegories board game and see how many of your family members think alike!
You can give husbands and wives their own copies of the questions, allow them to answer them separately and then come together to see how many answers they got correct, or simply use the list as a conversation starter during dinner.
You have a lot of control in this method, because you can make long, skinny candles or short, fat candles, depending on how many times you dunk the wick.
Once you learn how many people have taken on a candle-making career, the details start to seem less overwhelming.
Before buying a very novel candle mold, it is worth considering how many times the candle will be made and, if it is for sale, what the market is.
Size of the event - You'll need to know how many tables need centerpieces.
The extra effort is worth it, however, when you consider how many jobs rely on purchasing local products.
Part of the fun in learning how to make gel candles is discovering just how many ways you can manipulate and change the gel itself to resemble different liquids or objects.
You want to plan something based on how many people can help, and the people you serve.
It also tells you where they operate, how many employees and volunteers they have and more.
Although it shouldn't be the reason why you are helping, sometimes miles logged to specifically work for the charity are tax deductible, so be sure to keep track of where you went, when and how many miles you put on the odometer.
See how many screens of the application you can peruse.
Have them specify how many people they can have, as well as what they will serve.
This option allows us to know how many cases to produce.
Regardless of your cause, or how many individuals you are reaching out to, there are certain things you want your donation letter to contain.
This is how many causes earn the money they need to stay active - people volunteering to raise both funds and awareness about a certain cause.
Many people are not aware of how many volunteer opportunities are readily available throughout the year, and even better, many can be completed with friends and family.
Making the right choice depends on your budget, how many cards you plan to send, and how much time you want to devote to the task.
Otherwise, no one will know how many boxes there are total.
Popping a CD into your player is often how many people listen to their holiday music collections.
No matter how many times this film is remade, this Charles Dickens story and its characters are familiar and well-loved by many generations.
These stores are great for anyone who has emergency costume needs, but be warned that this time of year, they are CROWDED, no matter how many of them there are!
If, on the other hand, you're the one staging the production, think about what and how many Biblical costumes you need before you go shopping (for costume or fabric).
There aren't many of ready made Halloween costumes for teenage girls that are funny, which is a shame considering how many girls like to garner real laughs.
Choose the right type of service for your needs based on how much you want to spend, how many people you want to meet at once, and how you want to meet them.
All the major dating sites let you state that you're a single parent, and you can usually put down how many kids you have and whether you have primary custody.
These singles events are usually arranged by for profit companies, and the "hosts" often make money according to how many people they bring in.
This can be a good way to test out the Yahoo dating site and see how many potential dates you could find before making an investment.
No matter how many romantic gift ideas you read, in the end, you know best what your significant other would enjoy.
You can search for women, see how many members are currently online and read testimonials.
Find out who is driving, where they are going, and how many people will be in the car.
One of the great advantages to this site is that you can quickly direct it to tell you how many sex singles with your specific needs and interests live in your area.
A really nice feature of this site is that it shows you how many people are currently online.
First, you'll have to decide just how many dates you want to have in a week, month, year, etc. In other words, set a goal.
Most people want kids, but not everyone agrees on how many to have or when to start a family.
Cheating requires communication and the phone is how many cheaters contact each other.
To take this questionnaire, remember how many you answer 'yes' to and then follow the instructions at the end.
There is no magic number of how many you answered 'yes' to on the above test that will tell you if your significant other is cheating on you.
You'd be amazed how many people struggle with what to say and how to say it and forget the simple power of non-verbal communication.
You can speed date based on your location (you'll see at a glance how many singles using the service are in your area just by visiting the site) or by community, based on race and religion.
Other limitations on how many photos you can post or how long you can be on the site also motivate you to eventually pay.
From the time the ring is first placed on your finger, you should take precautions to insure that it can be used as an heirloom, no matter how many descendent may vie for its glitter in coming years.
Whatever the occasion, the glitter in diamond jewelry is sure to match the sparkle of romance the relationship still holds no matter how many years have passed.
When getting the inside of a ring engraved, the jeweler will be able to advise on how many words are feasible and the best way to proceed.
Some couples may choose to follow this cost guideline, but in the end a couple should be comfortable with the amount they choose to spend regardless of how many or how few paychecks are needed to pay for the ring.
You may be surprised at how many different ideas you come up with.
Just don't expect to be able to gauge how many carats your friends' rings contain by looks alone!
If you are wondering how many carats to choose for a solitaire diamond, it helps to understand the meaning of a carat.
A lot of people wonder how many months' salary for an engagement ring is proper.
The real answer for those wondering how many months' salary for an engagement ring is that it doesn't matter.
Instead of worrying about how many months' salary you should spend on the ring, it's more important to think about finding a ring well suited to your partner and about putting some serious thought into the purchase.
However, no matter how many blue diamonds they find, it may still be very difficult to find these blue gemstones in jewelry stores.
There are many styles of sports totes to choose from, and deciding on the right one will depend on your activities as well as how many items you need to stow.
Outdated models may only be available on eBay, and prices will vary depending on how many desperate parents there are bargaining for the same backpack.
By limiting the space you have to take things, you will in turn limit how many things you pack.
The decision as to whether to buy a smaller wallet or not depends on how many cards and how much cash you need to carry.
Other centers require you to pay regardless of attendance to hold your spot or pay for a set number of days no matter how many you will need.
When considering a child care center, ask how many children are in each group.
This is how many children each care provider is responsible for.
Every American public school is required to file a 'report card' giving an account of how many students from every school have met the state standards.
Have the toddlers take turns standing in front of the bubble machine and see how many bubbles stick to their arms and legs.
Parents can also have a "scale" of consequences, depending on how many chores were not completed.