How-long Sentence Examples
Carmen, how long has she had this fever?
He nodded his head and asked how long he slept.
Your decision about how long to store your wines should be based on the type of wine, its sugar content, and its tannic backbone.
That's how long my little prize remained with me until my darling succumbed to the trials and tribulations of life on the road, with me.
There was no telling how long this soul was waiting.
I'm not certain how long I'll stay, he replied.
So how long had this been going on?
Any idea how long he stayed at the motel?
I don't know how long I remained unconscious; probably only a minute or so.
Exactly. How long have you been married?
AdvertisementDid Sarah tell you how long we have been living together?
Unable to exit the dream fully, Deidre had no concept of how long they stood before the black flames of the fire.
You could have been trapped—lost, for God knows how long!
No telling how long he had been in contact with Alex – maybe ever since he moved to Arkansas.
The game consisted almost entirely of strategy, and it was dark outside before she realized how long she'd been at it.
AdvertisementHow did one save a planet, and how long would it take?
I'm going to work on some music, how long do you plan to be here?
It is remarkable how long men will believe in the bottomlessness of a pond without taking the trouble to sound it.
She wanted to ask him how long he would stay at the ranch, but she couldn't think of a way to word the question that didn't sound insensitive.
You won't know if the source is male or female, old or young, from the east or west or how long the tips will keep coming.
AdvertisementHe's with one named Julie but I don't know who she is nor do I know not how long they plan to stay.
He'd never been human, and he had no idea how long it took for a human body to heal.
She.d never noticed how long his nails were or the sinewy strength in his forearms.
Yeah, um, how long do you plan on keeping her down here?
Yes, there was where the goat had entered, but how long ago, and where was Tessa now?
AdvertisementI keep records on each goat and how many pounds of milk she gives daily, when she reached peak production and how long she lactated.
Yes. I'm not sure how long it'll be.
I don't know how long I was out.
Various people have tried, generally for exhibition purposes, how long they could fast from food with the aid merely of water or some medicinal preparation; but these exhibitions cannot be held to have proved anything of importance.
God knows how long we may again be parted.
Find out how often and how long each session will run.
He had no idea how long it would take her to regain consciousness, or, if even then, she would be strong enough to free herself, yet he saw no other option.
The moment their bodies touched, he could think of little else than how long it had been since he had a woman and how much he'd wanted Angel since soon after he'd started talking to her weeks ago.
Mrs. Watson was already up, and the scents of bacon and eggs reminded Lana how long she'd gone without real food.
There was an office pool on how long it would be before Willie would float in.
I don't know how long I'll be but I'll run you down later and explain everything.
That's an unusual thing to say considering how long you've known him.
She wondered how long it'd take before every vamp in the mansion was waiting in the locker room to claim what they could from her.
It depends on how long you are here.
Even carrying a White God, Jenn couldn't explain Sofi's pregnancy accelerating so fast, unless …"Wait, exactly how long have you been here?"
He gritted his teeth, not wanting to think of how long she'd cut herself to gather so much.
Fleetingly, she registered the familiar scent of pine trees and grass and thought of how long it had been since she visited her family.
Today, she'd give anything just to have Ashley back, no matter how long it took her to fix the vacuum cleaner after it choked on the beads.
In the historical evolution of Hebrew sacrifice it is remarkable how long this non-ethical and primitive survival of old custom still survived, even far into post-exilian times.
The questions, what is the total amount of available coal in the coalfields of Great Britain and Ireland, and how long it may be expected to last, have frequently been discussed since the early part of the 19th century, and particular attention was directed to them after the publication of Stanley Jevons's book on The Coal Question in 1865.
Three years later (1763) there was a French fur-trading post here, but it is uncertain just when it was established or how long it was maintained.
No one knows how severe or how long a Purgatory was, or is, implied in a hundred days of canonical penance."
Septimius Severus made it two provinces, Superior and Inferior, with a boundary which probably ran from Humber to Mersey, but we do not know how long this arrangement lasted.
It is just as uncertain how long Asshur remained under the Babylonian suzerainty of which there is evidence in the time of Khammurabi, and what the relation of Asshur to western Mesopotamia was under the early kings whose names have lately been recovered.
Messana alone held out, for how long a time is uncertain.
We can now see how long and laborious was the process by which the Greeks attained to uniformity in writing and in numeration.
What we mean is that there is evidence to show that under various names a disease identical with plague has been more or less continuously prevalent for a number of years, but how long and how continuously is not known.
It must be admitted that we are not told exactly how long in each case the effect of these changes lasted.
It remains for the future to show how long that alliance will require its support.
The Celts had firmly' established themselves by the 7th century B.C. and we know not how long before, the Bituriges (whose name survives in Berri) being the dominant tribe.
The fact that every known geological formation (except the Miocene) is represented, proves of itself how long the history has been, and how multifarious the changes.
It depended on the individual how long he would wait for initiation.
Hence this school of thought arose between the age of Isaiah and that of Jeremiah; but how long D itself may have been in existence before it was read in 622 to Josiah cannot be determined with certainty.
No telling how long we'd have continued this crazy sidestepping dance - even if you had shown up this weekend.
Do you know how long we've been chasing that bastard Byron Jacobson?
She'd never thought about how long Darkyn might wait to claim his mate by Immortal law in that way.
You could have been trapped—lost, for God knows how long!
Rhyn, you ass, how long have you been there?
Brady checked the time and calculated how long it would take to reach the rendezvous point.
Even carrying a White God, Jenn couldn't explain Sofi's pregnancy accelerating so fast, unless …"Wait, exactly how long have you been here?"
Jack is a fairly confident web user who has developed a feel for how long to allow for information gathering.
Not too sure how long they maybe able to manipulate the market tho.
And how long do you stay angry after you've had a fight?
That is, after a backdoor connection starts, how long does it take for the monitor to detect the backdoor?
No matter how long at the panel beaters it'll simply never be the same again!
The main question being discussed in the railroad carriage around me is how long he can survive.
Patients with cancer that is not curable often want to know how long they have left to live.
I wonder how long I would survive without the museum curator.
Just think of the Catholic Church and how long it took them to accept the huge amount of sexual depravity within their priesthood.
He looked as if he was asleep and I was surprised at how long and beautiful his dark eyelashes were.
How did you become fruitarian and how long ago?
It is Herschel's supply of superfluid helium which dictates how long its operational lifespan will be.
I checked my watch to see how long I would have to endure this ignominy.
To begin with I grew impatient at how long it often took to get through to the children.
Grix didn't know how long the trip had taken, it had seemed instantaneous to him, but he was hungry.
That way, no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they're always locking three of them. !
This technique, optical stimulated luminescence dating (OSL ), can show how long soil has been hidden from sunlight.
A run down on legal and illegal drugs and how long drug tests are able to pick up drug metabolites.
Street Name Plates Frequently Asked Questions How long will it take you to replace the missing or damaged street nameplate?
You cannot overestimate how long this job will take you.
Strawberries and other plants contain a chemical called phytochrome that tells them whether it is day or night and how long the day is.
Is yolk sac size in hatching fishes a good indicator of how long a fish can survive without food?
No matter how long you garden for, spring time is always exciting, seeing germinating seedlings pushing through.
Dance marathon - see how long you can keep those dancing shoes moving!
This ensured that no matter how long the team took to respond we would be uniformly capturing a snapshot in time.
There is a distinction between treatment for a problematic joint treatment for problematic muscles How long should I wear the bite splint for?
Sunscreen sun protection factors (SPF) are measured by timing how long skin covered with sunscreen sun protection factors (SPF) are measured by timing how long skin covered with sunscreen takes to burn compared to uncovered skin.
You can use either uppercase or lowercase letters. top How long should I spend on the course at any one time?
The calculations of the last Coal Commission as to the future exports and of Mr Jevons as to the future annual consumption make us hesitate to prophesy how long our coal resources are likely to last.
They not unnaturally showed a tolerant spirit on the whole toward existing institutions, including the ecclesiastical abuses, and, in general, cared little how long the vulgar herd was left in the superstitious darkness which befitted their estate, so long as the superior man was permitted to hold discreetly any views he pleased.
Everything you saw, that your eyeballs tracked to, how long you looked at it—and not just everything you ever looked at, but your physiological response.
Similarly, seed makers are judged by the crops the seeds grow into—specifically, the yield and how long it takes to get it.
He did not know how long his unconsciousness lasted.
The extensive Bronze Age reave system on Dartmoor is testament to how long cattle have been grazing the moor.
Dance marathon - see how long you can keep those dancing shoes moving !
Life span You may also want to factor how long your new display device can last.
There is a distinction between treatment for a problematic joint treatment for problematic muscles How long should I wear the Bite Splint for?
Click popularity sorting algorithms track how many users click on a link and stickiness measurement calculates how long they stay at a website.
Common Questions 1. How long does treatment for strep throat usually last?
Sunscreen sun protection factors (SPF) are measured by timing how long skin covered with sunscreen takes to burn compared to uncovered skin.
I say, how long oh Lord shall tyrants reign?
You can use either UPPERCASE or lowercase letters. top How long should I spend on the course at any one time?
Changing anti-epileptic drugs How long it will take to gain control of the seizures varies from person to person.
Two media folk in Millbank regularly wager bets on how long certain politicians can go in an interview without uttering their favorite words.
That 's my question to Bush yanks behaving badly How long does it take to search an entire country for weapons of mass destruction?
He went to his product team and asked how long it would take to build a prototype.
Breastfeeding will have an effect on how long your baby naps and/or sleeps through the night.
There really isn't any way to tell exactly how long your particular adoption process will take.
Let your child know where he will be staying, and talk to him about how long you'll be gone.
Talk to her about how long you'll be gone to the hospital.
What type of medical training or certification do they hold, and how long have the employees been at the school?
When choosing items for baby, keep in mind how long the baby will be in the hospital.
Be sure you read the fine print and find out how long the shipping will take.
You may have to wait until after the baby's birth to get the actual name, but monogramming and personalization services rarely take longer than a couple of weeks (be sure and check with the merchant to find out how long it will be).
With awareness and patience, you'll soon be able to answer your friends when they ask, how long should a baby nap?
Ask important questions such as how long the owner has been breeding cats in general and the breed you want in particular.
The type of barrel used to age the wine and how long the wine is aged in the barrel before it is bottled impacts the demand for the wine.
If buying high-value coins through online auctions, check the seller's feedback rating, how long his account has been active, and what he has sold before.
In any case, find out how long you have to return merchandise before you buy it.
When budgeting for baby clothes, try and factor in how long you think the clothes will fit your baby.
Before selecting a primary care physician with your plan, call the physician you're considering choosing and ask about how long of a wait you can expect when you show up for an appointment.
Walk around the store in them a bit, and if they feel uncomfortable (but actually are your size), talk to the salesperson to see how long on average they take to break in.
The premium will be based on such factors as the area where you live, what your house is worth, and how long you've lived in your house.
Boyshorts come in a number of lengths, so it's important that you know how long you want them before making a purchase.
As with most portable and wireless devices, you need to be aware of how long the battery of a camera phone is expected to last before it needs to be recharged.
If you are buying used water skis, closely examine them for hairline cracks, and also ask the owner how long he/she has had the water skis for.
However, there is a question about how long LCD TVs last, since the brightness of the screen fades over time.
There is also the question of how long they last.
The first thing you should do before you tee up for each shot is to determine how long it is from the tee to the green.
Most places will have an "About Us" section where you can read where they came from and how long they've been in business.
Occupancy thermostats are simple in that you press a button to turn activate the device and then a button to tell the unit how long you want it on.
Check the building and get estimates for how long it will take to get the building ready to rent for customers' self-storage needs.
Research how long the dealer has been in business and how much experience he or she has.
If so how long is the warranty in place for?
Stay vigilant, check the ads and buy that hot gift while it's in stock because at this time of year, you don't know how long that will be the case.
I'm also wondering how long ago she was spayed, and if there's any connection to her current behavior?
It's hard to say how long she has, but it is worrisome that she is not using the litter box much and is drinking a lot.
Although conversion charts aren't always completely accurate, they offer a good way to estimate your cat's maturity level as well as how long she might be expected to live.
Term of 0% balance transfer offer - How long is the 0% balance transfer offer valid?
It also shows how many times you have paid your bill late, what your highest payment has been on each account and how long the account has been open.
This produces a figure, usually in months, of how long it will take to pay off the debt.
Be aware of what the rate will become if you miss a payment and how long that higher rate may be in effect.
How much will you pay per month and how long will you carry the debt?
Many people do not realize just how long it can take to pay off debt.
Use the debt calculator to learn just how long it will take you to pay off your debt if you continue to make only the minimum payment each month for a revelation.
Use these calculators to determine how much you can expect to repay and for how long.
This is because there may be a bit of fine print regarding how long the gas rebate program is in place and the actual percent cash back that a cardholder can expect to receive as a rebate.
In the case of a person who is not able to support themselves, the judge will want to know what plans they have for becoming self-sufficient and how long they expect the process to take.
A number of factors are considered by the Court when deciding whether and for how long to award alimony.
The court order may also state how long the child support payments should be made.
Before doing so, the judge will consider the proposed recipient's capacity to earn a living and how long it will take for him or her to become self-supporting.
Certain states, like California, have unwritten guidelines for determining how long a former spouse will receive alimony.
Whether alimony is ordered and for how long depends on each couple's individual situation.
A request for alimony must be heard by a judge, who will decide whether to grant spousal support, how much will be paid, and how long the financial assistance will last.
Most office furniture manufacturers include them, so be sure to check out how long the warranty will last.
Consider how long it will take to receive a return in fuel savings.
Scientists are unsure just how long plastics will persist in the environment.
I want to know just how long this look will wear on my lips.
In short, the colors all leave a stain behind, but how long it lasts seems to be luck of the draw.
No matter what eye shadow I use or how long lasting it may be I never go without an eye shadow primer.
Typically when you sign up for a collection service online you enter your information and the contact information of your debtors, as well as how much they owe you, and often how long they have owed you money.
How you take care of them usually determines how long they may live or what their temperament is, depending on the site.
It even tells you how long you have to wait after the broadcast date to view episodes online.
It's important to note how long the trial period lasts and whether you will be assessed a fee if you don't follow the company's editing policies.
This tells the consumer how long the food can be on the shelf or in the case for sale.
Every carnivore and chef has a different answer when asked how long to cook steak.
Choose how long you want to meditate and the type of meditation you would like and you're ready to de-stress!
Look at your total debt and calculate how long it will take you to pay it off by paying only the minimum amount due.
You may wonder how long it will take you to find another job and if you will be able to make ends meet while you are unemployed.
However, you can have a good idea whether or not you suffer from it by thinking back on how long you have had the symptoms above.
It is surprising just how long a half an hour can be when you are totally focused on completion.
A mental health professional will ask patients how long the anxiety has been present and if the anxiety is specific to one thing or if it is ongoing and prevalent.
You may be asked to describe what the anxiety feels like as well as how long you have experienced the anxiety or worry.
Print it and check off the symptoms you are experiencing, how long they have bothered you and write down any other issues you have been dealing with since the trauma.
While popular items such as bling and leg warmers are the talk of the streets, how long will these looks really last and are they right for you?
I don't know how long you've been with your boyfriend, but I mean, come on, it's middle school, you're not married.
Your workout should last from 20 minutes to one hour depending on how long you have been weight training.
Use the thickness and consistency of your vegetables as a guide to estimate how long they'll take to cook.
Tell how long you have known the bride and the groom.
Depending on where the marriage took place, and also depending on how long ago it occurred, the marriage record may contain additional information as well.
The instructions that come in the gel's package will let you know how long to leave the flowers in the container.
Writing out notes of appreciation for gifts can be daunting, especially when it comes to writing thank you notes for wedding gifts; how long should they be?
Another way to gauge how long your thank you note should be is to think about what you want to say.
Should you forget to write them or simply put it off writing the thank you notes for wedding gifts, how long is too long?
Couples who are ordering programs and not writing their own using blank wedding programs may need to order them two to three months out, depending on how long the printer estimates they will take.
Find out exactly how long he or she has been a bridal consultant.
Even more importantly, find out how long the consultant has been working in the Maui area.
Knowing if your teen has a problem involves paying close attention to the symptoms your teen exhibits and how long they last.
Whether you smoke every day or just occasionally, it can be helpful to know the effects of nicotine and how long it remains in your body.
It's sad but true -- when actors, actresses, musicians and the like pair up and become famous Hollywood couples, everyone asks themselves, "I wonder how long they will last."
These couples aren't necessarily young in age, but young in terms of how long they have been together.
Recently, Lindsay seems to be settling down and has stayed out of the negative spotlight - we'll see how long that will last.
Celebrity bulges is one such trend, and no one can know how long this will last.
Still, rumors pop up from time to time speculating on how long the relationship will last.
With fresh talent joining the Oscar ranks every year, there's no telling how long her record will stand.
Also, remember as you get ready to go back to school that many things may have changed about college since you were there, depending on how long ago it was that you went to school.
If you are interested in obtaining your MBA from Clemson University, it is very important to know what is required for admission and how long it will take to complete the MBA.
A common question amongst students that are enrolled in any degree program is how long it will take to finish.
There may be limitations on how long plaintiffs have to press charges, and delayed cases are more easily dismissed.
It doesn't matter how long you'll be gone, take fresh cold water with you.
You didn't mention how long you've had her, so I'll start as though you just got her.
There's no way to tell for sure how long he's had this infestation.
You need to know what type of trip or move to set up for, as well as how long you'll be expected to care for your furry guest.
At one time or another, many dog owners have wondered exactly how long the heat cycle lasts.
So the answer to how long is a dog in heat varies, and it can be as little as one week to one month long.
Find out why this is so, as well as how long you might expect your own dog might take to deliver her pups.
When some people wonder how long it takes for a dog to have puppies, they actually want to know how long the pregnancy itself lasts.
That is the real answer to the question of how long does it take for a dog to have puppies.
If your area is under a drought watch, observe local ordinances dictating when you can water and for how long.
There's no indication of how long to hold a note.
Although it's not exactly clear just how long Paul might have studied with Segovia, according to Paul himself, the master was the one who inadvertently provided him with his stage name "Esteban", the Spanish version of Steven.
The question remains, though, how long these resources will remain available if the music industry is serious about cracking down on what they perceive as copyright infringement.
One thing that is lacking from tablature is any sense of how long to play notes or how fast to play them.
First of all, tablature doesn't tell you how long to play a chord or note.
This will help you determine how long you should play notes as well as how loudly you should play them.
Unlike with tablature, there is no guessing to figure out how quickly a note needs to be played; sheet music tells you directly how long to play the note and how quickly to move to the next.
You can figure out how long or short the note should be played based on the type of note (whole note, half note, quarter note, etc.) shown.
Sheet music tells you how long to play each note by showing which type of note it is (half note, quarter note, etc.). Tabs will not let you know the duration of each note - you sort of just have to 'wing it'.
Learn note duration - Each note has a particular shape that represents how long each note should be played.
Other features are rot and mold resistance, if the tiles can be painted, and how long the tiles are guaranteed to last once installed.
Maintenance, performance and durability are dependent on each other because the ease of maintaining a great-looking deck really depends on how well the stain seals and protects the wood and how long this protection will last.
Your jacket should not be cropped, no matter how long your torso.
No matter how long it's worn, it continues to perform these functions, keeping the wearer comfortable and never compromising performance.
Steeping green tea too long will make it bitter, so use this strategy when deciding how hot you water should be and how long to steep the leaves.
Like a lot of mail-order offers, read the fine print to see if your name and address will be added to a mailing list, if you can opt out and how long it will take before your catalog arrives.
The biggest benefit of custom-crafted sweaters is that you have control over how long you want your sleeves to be and how long you need the overall length to be.
The lavish amount does not seem as high when you consider how long it will last.Plus size clothing manufacturers realize that curvy women often need quality clothing, too.
Letting someone know where you will be and how long you will be out means that if don't return home on time, someone will start looking for you.
The following websites include both general guidelines and safety guidelines regarding specific food safety issues such as properly freezing foods, how long food can safety remain refrigerated or how to safely cook an egg.
The introductory portion of a School Safety Plan includes a brief description of the school, the number of students, its location and how long it has been in operation.
The younger you are when you buy the policy, the lower your premiums will be, since the underwriters need to consider how long you are likely to be paying into the policy before you will be collecting benefits.
Once you get to the point where you are looking at apartments, be sure to ask a few of the current residents how long they have been living there and what their impressions of the place are.
There's a style for you no matter how long you want to wear your hair.
Listen carefully to their impressions and be sure to ask how long they have been living there.
This tool is based on things such as how much you're contributing into retirement accounts, your return on investments , and how long you expect to live.
Then, see how long it takes to get to the right color.
Your doctor or therapist can download this information from the machine and use it to determine how long you used the machine and what the machine and the prescribed pressure did for you.
Look at the amp hour rating listed on the machine and compare it to that of the battery to find out how long an 85-amp hour battery would power a specific machine.
If this seems confusing, another great option is to call the manufacturer to ask how long a specific battery would power that specific CPAP machine.
Write down how long it took you to fall asleep, if possible.
If not, write down about how long it took you to fall asleep.
How long do they typically last and how long can you wear them per session?
That takes the guesswork out of how long shipping will take as well as shaving a bit off of the price.
It doesn't matter how long or how often you wear your soft contact lenses in order to maximize comfort.
When you purchase gothic lenses, be sure to find out how long they are intended to be worn.
Before you purchase your gothic contact lenses, be sure to find out how long they are designed to last.
If you need your goggles by a certain date, be sure to take note of how long they are expected to take to get to you and plan accordingly.
Each runner should choose the best eyewear for his or her type of preferred run, including direction and time of day (a darker tint may be needed if running east during sunrise, for example), type of terrain, and how long a typical run is.
Ask how long your lenses of choice are intended to be worn.
While you're getting your eye exam, speak with your eye care provider about how to care for your lenses, how long they recommend that you wear them, and any other concerns you may have.
There are a few to choose from, and all are customizable so you can determine where you stay and for how long.
Time of year and how long you want to visit the Southern California theme park will determine how much of a discount you can find.
The card is good for a set number of days, and the price varies depending on how long you want the card to remain active.
New codes may be "discovered" by gamers, but given how long the games have been out, it becomes less likely that there are many cheat codes left hidden.
Thirty seconds isn't a long time, but being invincible is being invincible no matter how long it lasts.
Well, the shame comes when your buddies ask you how long it took you to get through that hot new game, and you have to admit you pulled out the white flag and cheezed your way through.
Who knows how long the cheat websites will continue to store the cheats for your favorite PSX games.
This is not necessarily indicative of the service that you will be receiving normally, but it can point toward how long it takes for you to receive a shipment in your area.
The First Basic account is absolutely free (Additional Basic accounts come with a one-time fee of US$9.95), whereas the Premium account is available at a cost determined by how long you want to sign up for.
Find out how long the school has had its program in force and ask probing questions about the kind of opportunities that graduates have found straight out of school.
Unfortunately, there is a bit of flaw in this system since it does not tell you specifically how long to hold each note.
One of the biggest shortcomings of video game tabs, however, is that the notation is not complete, forcing the musician to "play by ear" in terms of how long to hold a particular note or chord.
Players can choose to play to 50, 100, 250, or 500, depending on how long they want each game to last.
A wine temperature gauge measures a cellar's conditions, making it easy to determine how long to chill a bottle of wine.
Often described as "long", "lingering" or "crisp", the finish of a wine refers to how long the flavors of the wine linger on the tongue and in the mouth after it is swallowed.
Temperate gauge - These infrared gauges actually measure the temperature of the liquid in the bottle so you know how long to chill the wine.
Wine connoisseurs use the term length to describe how long the flavors of the wine stay in their mouths after it has been swallowed.
Everyone needs basic wine information, regardless of how long they have been enjoying wine or how sensitive their pallet.
When well made, Merlot has a roundness and sweetness that makes it a natural pleaser regardless of how long someone has been enjoying wine.
The appraiser should be able to let you know how long he expects the appraisal to take.
As long as you're using a handheld stick or skewer to prepare your campfire meal, you remain in control of how close the food gets to the fire and for how long.
You need a plan of where you are going, how long you expect to be gone, what trails you plan to take and where you expect to camp for the night.
Popular sensations come and go, and it's often difficult to know how long certain hits will remain at the top.
Further still, you know that Bell will have the exclusive launch, but you don't know how long this exclusivity will last.
Prior to participating in a visit or funeral, it is helpful to prepare the child for the experience by explaining the purpose of the visit, how long it will last, and what the child will experience there.
The healthcare provider should also give guidance concerning how long a child with rotavirus diarrhea should be kept home from daycare or school.
The chance that the testicle will be saved is directly linked to how long the testicle is without blood flow.
Questions are also directed at what kinds of things increase or relieve the pain, how long it has lasted, and whether there are any variations in it.
Dermatologists distinguish different forms of psoriasis according to what part of the body is affected, how severe symptoms are, how long they last, and the pattern formed by the scales.
Conjunctivitis can be acute or chronic depending on how long the condition lasts, the severity of symptoms, and the type of organism or agent involved.
The prognosis for asphyxia neonatorum depends on how long the newborn is unable to breathe.
The doctor will ask for a detailed description of the problem and take a history of how long it has existed and any patterns the patient has observed.
They can allot the child an extra allowance or help the child figure out how long it would take to save the amount from future allowances.
Following a drug reaction the parent should describe the exact course of the reaction; the type of symptoms, when they occurred, and how long they lasted; and whether the child had previously been exposed to the drug.
The signs and symptoms of near-drowning can differ from person to person depending in part on how long the individual has been submerged, the person's age, and the temperature of the water.
Other symptoms vary depending upon the size of the object, its location, how long it has been in place, and whether or not infection has set in.
The extent of permanent injury, however, is determined not by how cold the skin and the underlying tissues become but by how long they remain frozen.
The treatment plan should be discussed with the doctor to determine how long the patch should be worn.
The woman should be instructed to monitor fetal movement by selecting a consistent time of day to document how long it takes to feel 10 fetal movements.
The healthcare provider should give a complete explanation to the pregnant woman and her partner regarding the tests, i.e., what to expect, how long the test may take, what it means, and why it is being done.
Children with AD/HD have difficulties with inattention that can be manifest as a lack of concentration, an easily distracted focus, and an inability to know when and how long to focus.
In fact, in 2008 they worked with Alan Jackson to choreograph the world's longest line dance (long in terms of how many people, not in terms of how long it took).
After your visa is approved, you'll have an employment contract worked out with the Ministry of Labor that states how long you can stay.
According to Shelter Off Shore, the type of visa you'll need in Turkey depends upon where you're from, how long you plan to stay, and what you're going to do there (work or start a business, for example).
Preparing for interviews is an important part of the job search, and can make a difference in how long the process takes.
In most cases, the rights you have-or the amounts of pay, benefits, and so forth that you should receive-are dependent upon how long you worked for your employer.
What you are eligible to receive from the state depends on the reason you were laid off, how long you worked there, what your salary was, and your availability.
You may also find out just how much unemployment compensation you will be able to collect between jobs depending on how long you were with your current (or if you've already been laid off, former) employer and what your current salary is.
They may want to know the basics, like the company and how long you've been there, but a resume can communicate job duties and special interests.
This will give them a lower interest rate than a fixed rate mortgage, and they can choose how long the rate will remain fixed.
It is a good idea to know how long you are willing to carry a mortgage on a new home and how much of a down payment you can come up with without borrowing from friends, family, or other sources.
The quality of the build job will impact how long the home lasts and how many repairs you will have to make in the coming years.
Think about how long you plan to be in the home, how much your home is worth, and how much you still owe on it.
Visit neighborhoods that interest you during the most hectic travel times, and calculate exactly how long it will take you to get to work from the area.
Before making a final decision, take some time to review the refinance process and how long it takes.
By doing this comparison, you can determine how long it will take you to make up what you spent on closing costs.
If you want an accurate estimate of exactly how long it will take you to recoup your costs in order to determine precisely when is it worth it to refinance, you can use an online refinance calculator.
How well a vasectomy reversal works depends on how long it has been since the vasectomy, how skilled the surgeon is, and whether the man has any other medical problems or fertility issues.
The external contraction monitor does not monitor the strength of your contractions, only how far apart they are and how long they last.
It asks for your last menstrual period, the length of your cycle, your own age, how long you've been trying to get pregnant, and if you have any medical conditions or complicating factors.
However, what you actually need to do will depend on what antibiotic you're taking and how long you're taking it.
Find out how long you need to hold the policy or work for your employer before your coverage kicks in.
Know how long your benefits last so you'll be prepared financially in case you need additional unpaid leave.
After exploring your rights to maternity leave, you'll want to plan when you'll be taking your leave and for how long.
Now you know how long until that nursery needs to be decorated!
It depends on the health of the person or couple interested in fertility treatments, the reasons for infertility, type of treatment, how long until a treatment is successful, the clinic, and much more.
Knowing the FMLA guidelines in your state can help determine if you are eligible for leave, how long you can reasonably be off, and what to do to prevent risking your job.
The age of the mother and, to a lesser extent, the age of the father, affects how long it can take to get pregnant.
While keeping track of your cycle length tells you how long your menstrual cycle is, it doesn't necessarily tell you when you ovulate.
Have you ever wondered, How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?
This article will cover some basic facts about this incredible structure and will answer once and for all your question, How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?
The facts are that the Golden Gate Bridge might be 4,200 feet long from tower to tower, but a better answer to the question, How long is the Golden Gate Bridge? might be that it is the perfect length.
In case you're wondering how long a masterpiece like this takes to paint, it took the painter 2.5 hours to finish the entire suit.
Be sure to time yourself - over the course of a few weeks, you will be able to judge how long you are swimming with the fins and how much stronger you are growing.
Kids today may be surprised to find out how long this oven has been around.
While genetics play a role in whether or not you will lose your hair, your hair's texture, how long your hair will grow, and hair color, there are nutritional solutions that may help to tip the scales in your favor.
Basically, they are Nickel-Cadmium AA batteries with an average 600 to 1500 mAH capacity, which designates how long a charge the batteries can hold when not plugged directly into a power source.
The Oster Expressbake Breadmaker also allows you to control when your bread will be ready and, in some cases, how long it will take to cook.
When dealing with corners and edges, you have a better chance of determining how long and which way the ships are.
Chess Titans operates on difficulties ranging from Level One to Level Ten, which affects how long the computer has to think of a move.
Manufacturers often state on the packaging how long a candle will burn for.
When you're making candles as a hobby, you probably don't take the time to track how long each project takes you or how much money you're spending on supplies.
Cut the taper wicking according to how long you want the candles to be, adding about four inches to each one.
Pillar candles with single or multiple wicks are the most popular because of their size and how long they will burn, but tea light and votive candles can easily be added around the edge of larger centerpieces as well.
There are no time limits that regulate how long the animals are at the shelters.
This humane society is considered a no-kill shelter, since animals can stay until they are adopted regardless of how long it takes.
In fact, depending on how long it takes for your car to sell, a significant period of time may pass after the donation before receive a statement of sale.
Determine how long you want your skirt to be and cut the raffia to double that length.