House Sentence Examples
A house without children is not a home.
Living in that house and using the pool would be like a summer vacation, not a job.
Such a house my father built after the Civil War, and when he married my mother they went to live in it.
In that small house, there were few secrets.
The house of the future won't just be better than the house you have today.
I build a house and lay out a garden, and you build hospitals.
Connie had moved into the house for a while.
It was called "Ivy Green" because the house and the surrounding trees and fences were covered with beautiful English ivy.
Which is your house? he asked.
After the dishes were done and the beds made, she usually wandered around the house or sat in the yard, soaking up sun.
AdvertisementThe little house is a genuine bit of paradise.
When they reached Mr. Johnson's house, the old man politely handed him the turkey and turned to go.
It sounded like a good chance to get away from this house and the memories for a while.
Everywhere you turned, people were speculating about, or building models of, the "House of Tomorrow," the "Car of Tomorrow," or the "Workplace of Tomorrow."
As he was going along a foot path across a wide- open space adjoining the Povarskoy on one side and the gardens of Prince Gruzinski's house on the other, Pierre suddenly heard the desperate weeping of a woman close to him.
AdvertisementBut your house will do more.
But when he returned to the house convinced that Moscow would not be defended, he suddenly felt that what before had seemed to him merely a possibility had now become absolutely necessary and inevitable.
Now son, the house won't clean itself.
She's a house guest, not a prisoner.
Then he said, "Your house is a very poor place, I think."
AdvertisementPierre was struck by the modesty of the small though clean house after the brilliant surroundings in which he had last met his friend in Petersburg.
I won't stay in his house long.
No; she just dug her claws into the wood and climbed down the sides of this house to the ground.
She called the house phone.
So, with his own hands he carried the golden tripod to the little house where Thales lived.
AdvertisementI'm going over to their house.
The house was completely empty.
Han's brother Laney, one of Damian's oldest Guardians and the station chief for NOVA sector, leaned in the doorway to the main house with a smile.
In a speech to the House of Representatives at this same time, Congressman Davy Crockett told the story of getting chewed out by a constituent for voting for a $20,000 emergency relief bill for the homeless in a city just wiped out by a fire.
I promised to keep still while she went to the house to fetch it.
Bread I at first made of pure Indian meal and salt, genuine hoe-cakes, which I baked before my fire out of doors on a shingle or the end of a stick of timber sawed off in building my house; but it was wont to get smoked and to have a piny flavor.
His pictures are all over the house.
We've known since he took you up to his parent's house.
Back toward the middle of the house she went and down into the foyer.
If you'll come back to my house, you shall have the best room in it--yes, all the rooms if you wish.
Before Mrs. Jacquot could open it, some one called out, "Is this the house of Jacquot, the charcoal man?"
She has counted everything in the house, and is now busy counting the words in her primer.
Bagration drove up in a carriage to the house occupied by Barclay.
After speaking to the senior French officer, who came out of the house with a white handkerchief tied to his sword and announced that they surrendered, Dolokhov dismounted and went up to Petya, who lay motionless with outstretched arms.
Dolokhov stood at the gate of the ruined house, letting a crowd of disarmed Frenchmen pass by.
Where is this house?
Once the garage door was secured, she pulled away from the house.
Don't go back to the house.
I told her we had house rules; no hanky-panky, but she didn't believe me.
The old house groaned with each gust of wind, but it felt like a happy house.
Come to think of it, he hadn't been out at all since they returned from his parent's house.
Roxanne's house was within walking distance and the night was balmy.
Still, Brandon insisted on driving her to the house.
I let our stupid house rules stand between us for a long time, but I was the one who finally broke them.
No house rules were broken.
Just remember, house rules still apply.
She had no intention of hopping into bed with Brandon before they were married - house rules or not.
Could that be the house?
Unlike me, Betsy was very familiar with the house having spent much time with Martha and Claire.
Now, into the house, before you fall ill.
Why don't we do an old-fashioned house call and come to you?
With his luck, the kids were loose in the house.
The house was crashing down around them.
By the end of the four-month campaign, the White House would receive two million dimes.
The house will know where everything in it is; you will never again lose your keys or your child's favorite stuffed animal.
While Simonides was outside, the roof of the house caved in and killed everyone.
Not far from the mill there was an old house, with many trees growing close to it.
The driver was standing by the car smoking a cigarette as they emerged from the house.
And yet, if she hadn't come to this house, it would have been worse.
He called the house and Mom answered the phone.
She thought he was a friend and told him you were at the house.
I was so afraid when I found out he called the house.
I'll follow you back to the house.
Remembering the pictures on the walls in the house, she wondered if it was a forgery.
Yes. Maybe she was in the house.
Glancing around to see if Yancey was gone, she spotted him disappearing around the bend, on his way to the house.
There was no way to lock the screen, so she simply pushed it shut and started for the house.
She stepped around him and headed for the house.
She glanced out the window and saw Yancey was almost to the house.
Look, I'm going to go back to the house and pack my things.
At the house, she turned her car around and parked so it faced the drive, ready to leave at a moment's notice.
Lisa went out to help her carry things into the house.
Tammy was in the back seat asleep, so she carefully unbuckled her and carried her to the house while Sarah brought in the shopping sacks.
The building she had spent more than a month trying to get into and now was the site of an open house.
He couldn't understand why she would say that when she'd been living in his house so long.
Connie caught her breath So you were the one who told him how to get to the house.
His expression softened and he shrugged, "A security guard doesn't simply sit in the guard house and watch the cars go through the gate, you know."
You can't spend your life terrified to leave the house alone.
She couldn't have been more awake before she left the house.
Besides, house rules protected him from that sort of thing.
The house rules had been set up to protect the girls from him.
I thought you girls had some kind of a house rule.
The house was a two-story building with a wide wraparound porch.
They followed his parents into the house and Adrienne hesitated at the dining room door.
He thinks it is beneath his dignity to help around the house and watch the kids.
In fact, things were going so well that she actually accepted an invitation to a valentine's party at Roxanne's house.
That was when she noticed Old Charlie standing beside the house, the reins dragging the ground.
They started down the road toward a ranch house.
He stopped the buggy in front of the house and got out.
A tall thin bow-legged figure strolled around the side of the house.
You'd be happier taking care of a rambling old house in the middle of nowhere?
When I was taking care of Dad there wasn't time to take classes and he died owing a lot of money, so I had to sell the house.
So looking after a rambling old house could be an ambition?
In the winter the landscape is bleak and the house is drafty.
The house sits more than a mile off the snow plow route, so sometimes I'm snowed in for a week or so.
It all seemed to be tailor made to her preferences - all but the part about staying alone in the house with him.
He needs someone to look after his house while he's working the ranch.
Have you seen that house?
Her greatest concern was whether she could manage such a large house on her own.
The house was furnished, so she didn't have much to move – just a few pieces of her parent's furniture and some summer clothes.
I parked it at a friends' house.
What was the house like?
As the truck came to a halt in front of the house, she stared up at it in awe.
I told you the house was drafty.
Her mind was up, wandering the huge house - and Cade's mind.
He had probably reached a point that the ranch and house were too much work.
He stomped his boots and shook white flakes from his hat and coat before entering the house Cynthia poured them both a cup of coffee as he washed at the sink.
So far she had never mentioned her excursions to the attic, but when things got too dull around the house, she went up to explore.
Was he going to say something about the fact that she wandered too far from the house?
The house was far too large for us with five bedrooms and three baths but Betsy had plans!
I had not been to the second floor in the LeBlanc's house.
The LeBlanc house was by far the largest of our group, with four bedrooms, one designed as the nursery.
Martha, unaware she was hosting a full house, slept soundly.
Papa, there was a man in our house who tried to kill me.
She rose and stretched then left the small house on a hill for a quick walk.
At the appointed hour, however, he entered the modest house Speranski owned in the Taurida Gardens.
I think he's wealthy... his house is beautiful.
She forced herself to walk, not run, back to the house.
He was at the house yesterday.
He was still a senior in high school, but how would Mom feel if he lived in a house with three women?
Now get on in the house and give us some privacy.
Then he headed for the house.
Cassie glanced at the house.
It's an heirloom of sorts; a big old house - too much for me to take care of and work the ranch as well.
Spend some time exploring the house.
And then he left the house.
With the laundry washing and the sun peeping through curtainless panes, she set out to explore the house.
Imagine the stories that must lurk in the walls of this house.
He strode to the door, clamped on his hat, shrugged into his coat and left the house without so much as a good-bye.
Why didn't he do something about this cold house?
You're welcome to read anything in the house.
She wandered through the house, peering out the window until she spotted a small shed.
She crunched through the snow back to the house and removed her coat and boots before entering the living room.
Once the floors had been waxed and the furniture polished, the house sparkled - in an empty kind of way.
The work was rewarding, though, as the house began to take on a homey atmosphere.
The house wasn't the only thing changing, though.
Scraps from the table coaxed him out even during the daylight hours - but only when she stepped back into the house.
Tomorrow would be another day at the house, and she intended to enjoy every minute of this day with Cade.
Lunch finished, they mounted and started back to the house.
Of course, it would be more profitable for the ranch if I culled those animals by taking them to the slaughter house.
You know, this house wouldn't be as cold if there were some curtains on the window and some rugs on the floor.
I don't spend that much time in the house anyway.
I always did like this house.
Is there another Cindy in the house?
If there was anything going on in this house, it's not like your rooming upstairs would make it look any different.
When Claudette arrived, the room was finished and the house in order.
It's about time he did something with this old house.
Of course, what goes on between you two in this big lonely house when no one else is around is between the two of you.
She hated this house, though.
It was Cade's house and sister.
We have a beautiful house and lots of parties.
It's inevitable that two people living in the same house are going to be at odds sometimes, but from now on I'll never feel completely safe.
Is it this house?
I was out there yesterday when I came back from riding and noticed that the barn was almost as clean as this house.
She was warm and Cade was in the house.
The next day Cade worked close to the house - trying to keep an eye on her, no doubt.
She had set it in the oven to stay warm before she left the house.
She came awake with a start as thunder rattled the entire house.
Was he hinting that she should give more attention to the exterior of the house?
I pay you to take care of the house while I'm out working.
It was a good thing Cade was with her, because she had no idea how to get back to the house.
You could find the farm house, couldn't you?
The farm house area was unlighted and as still as a tomb according to Howie.
It was some distance from the farm house and he thought he might not get to it before it left.
The man jogged from the house carrying the young girl.
It was Delaware, in the middle of nowhere and I watched the house for hours before I took my prize.
Let's go to our house and I'll show you your new bed room.
Moved into his father's old house.
As she watched them walk toward the house, it occurred to her that the reason Alex didn't like him was that they were too much alike.
Speaking of him, I'm supposed to be at his house.
I'll take care of your house while you're gone, Kiera offered.
After all, he could fix things around the house that she and Evelyn ignored.
You might have the house to yourself, Evelyn said.
Can I just stay here and guard your house and cat for you?
The newlyweds spent the night at a local luxury hotel-- also an arrangement made by Kiera-- and she was left alone in the row house full of boxes.
I'd better get this stuff back into the house before it's crawling with ants.
I think he wants me out of the house so he can bring someone home.
One beautiful day followed another and she gradually wandered farther from the house exploring the ranch - sometimes on horseback, sometimes on foot.
She turned to go back to the house and realized she wouldn't be able to make it before the storm caught up with her.
Wind and rain slashed at her as she reached the kitchen doorway and she hurried into the house.
She turned and headed for the house without waiting for an answer.
But instead of packing, she cleaned the house and went for a ride.
None of this would have happened if they hadn't been alone in the house.
Besides, I like coming home to a quiet house every evening.
Every day I stay in this house I degrade myself further.
The house has been unbearably lonely without you.
I found myself in a farm house living room where a woman who looked maybe in her thirties was ironing shirts.
The LeBlanc's house is a tiny cape cod, on a dead end street in south Peabody, a Boston bedroom community.
The house has but two small second story bedrooms.
I saw a light on in a large house so I... just walked in.
We decided to leave the house and reconnoiter at a local restaurant, one that served wine.
It's a big city and a long time ago but he saw the White House and said he watched Lincoln eat with two men.
Martha handed out paper and pens before we left the house.
It was a beautiful morning and there was plenty of time to kill as Howie wasn't schedule to return to the house until late afternoon.
It was a hang-up but when she returned moments later, she heard a car leaving the alley behind her house.
As soon as the mother entered the house, he pocketed the phone, scaled the fence at a low corner, crossed to the surprised boy in a few steps, and placed a rag over his face.
He let the child fall into the trunk, slammed it and quickly drove away just as the mother was emerging from the house.
Howie, now able to usually remain with a vehicle, stayed with the car to a suburban ranch style house only six miles from the kidnapping.
We're a house of cards in a windstorm, held together by God knows what.
While these assets upgraded our efficiency, the LeBlanc house continued to be inadequate.
I'll locate your house and your bedroom and snatch you away in the dark of night.
He later reported Cooms lived in a large estate house overlooking a lake.
It was a moonless night and the perpetrator cut the power, pitching the farm house into total darkness.
I need a larger house for my family and I can't afford the prices around here.
And the price was about the same as the tiny Cape Cod house the LeBlanc's owned in expensive Massachusetts.
His house was situated seven miles from the office and about the same distance from Betsy and me.
Betsy named him Bumpus after his tendency to crash into immovable objects as he dashed around our house and yard.
We knew the young girl was in trouble shortly after she left her house, with Howie following closely behind her.
I'd rather have entertained my house guest than listened to his sniveling and begging but alas, I do what I have to do.
We learned later, at first the police were suspicious of the parents as they couldn't believe someone could enter a small house with sleeping adults and two boys in an adjoining room, and not be heard.
Just before Howie was ready to give up, he was startled by a figure he'd not heard enter the house!
A car was parked on the far side of the woods, about a hundred yards from the house.
I collected our cadre at the LeBlanc's house for discussion.
Successes were limited for the week with one found child, accidently trapped in a locked room of an empty house and one spousal abduction, in the face of a restraining order.
Maybe not on your own for a few years but you'd be welcomed to help with her while I do my house work.
With one leg in my house and one leg out, my man Aldo Benitez shot him.
I'm here in Keene... at Howie's house.
I am thankfully ensconced in my perfect house on wheels, mended in body but seething in mind.
When Julie and I get back, I'll move them both into my house.
Once alone, I telephoned Martha and explained that Howie had summoned Julie to California and Betsy and I would house Molly in her mother's absence.
Another opportunity will present itself I'm sure, but not where I might be identified with my perfect house on wheels and electric bicycle.
Betsy returned, holding Molly's hand, sans Julie who was back at Howie's house packing her suitcase.
She had not been reported missing because her mother lay dead in their small rural farm house over a hundred miles away.
It suddenly came to mind I hadn't told them Julie was on her way west and Molly was at our house.
I jumped in and explained that Molly was at our house and Julie was on route to the Boston airport.
I hadn't considered that having a house guest would severely limit our chances for candid conversation.
You've got a baby up there asleep and you're alone in the house, tying one on.
What in hell are you doing in my house?
After some negotiations Martha was allowed to remain in bed while the rest of us, Claire included drove back to our house.
It's a nice house, a keen house, complete with a front porch and swing.
I had a second drink and let my belly dilute the alcohol with pot roast before leaving for Howie's house.
The house sits on a slight rise, at the end of a long driveway and I had never visited at night.
I crept cautiously forward until I encountered a closed door, leading, I presumed, to the main house.
I assumed his bedroom lay beyond the large living room that dominated the front of the house.
There were three bedrooms but the largest one, presumably belonging to Howie, was located in the rear of the house where it remained pitch black.
I could just see from the doorway where I stood as a figure emerged from the darkened automobile and moved stealthy toward the back of the house.
Before I could say more, I heard the telltale noise of breaking glass from the far side of the house!
In the hall beyond, most of the murmured conversation was taking place as feet tromped around the house.
This is your house, isn't it?
There was no light in the back of the house and I didn't have a flashlight so I had trouble getting the key in the lock.
I felt my way to the back of the house and realized I couldn't see the end of my nose.
Then I saw a figure get out of the car and creep around toward the back of the house.
He wanted to know if there was anyone else in the house.
The perp did a quick job of searching the house before we got here.
Someone broke into this house of one of my targets and some sort of mayhem followed.
She glanced at antique school house clock on the kitchen wall, a recent purchase.
Howie, did you turn off the power at your house?
There was no way I was going to brief Howie on all that had happened, how his living room is covered in blood and his house has been ransacked; not in his present state of mind.
I told Julie everything that happened, my being attacked at Howie's house and that the assailant was shot dead.
She's not as beautiful as the one who bore the infant and until, and until today lived in this house.
Their house was lonely, and a little scary without them.
There too was the matter of who turned off the power at Howie's house and why?
I agreed and mentioned the timing of the power shut off at Howie's house after he'd left town.
I added, "They were frightened after what happened to me at Howie Abbott's house."
Now some really big names tell me to back off but it's my hen house where all you fox are playing.
Suddenly I remember Betsy and Molly were out walking Bumpus when I left the house!
I thanked him and drove the last few miles to my house, more sedately than earlier.
He promised to keep a close watch on our house, just in case.
My place was on the street behind theirs, one house over so the corners of our lots touched.
It was like he didn't live in the house.
The guys in suits have gone all over the Abbott house and found zilch.
That monster might have still been in the house!
He sold the house after his release so he's in the chips.
Here it sits, undisturbed, waiting for the lord of this small but cozy manor house.
To the house where I grew up, at the time of Annie's death.
I listened, as tight as a bow string as Howie narrated in a whispered voice as he was patrolling around the house.
I asked where the house in question was located and was told it was several blocks away and this was a staging area.
The house was empty.
The barn was far enough from the house so he would not hear our hammering.
We got info on a stash house on Broad Street.
The house was quiet, the way he preferred it.
The lackey tossed her onto a hard couch in the rear of the house opposite a closed patio door.
More gunfire and another smaller explosion went off somewhere else in the house.
Two men in black darted through the bodies and into the house while two more hung back at the garage entrance.
You're in my house.
You were late on purpose today so we'd happen to stop by the stash house.
They strode into the sticky heat towards the gym between the house and the garage.
Panic stirred as she recalled what his men had done at Talon's stash house.
Did you find him in the stash house?
You don't have a spot of dust anywhere in your house or car and your name's Dusty.
He hadn't thought twice about Toni's message that he'd delivered the package from the stash house to his condo until he walked in and discovered the vamp he expected was a woman.
He was coming back for me before you all blew up the stash house.
He checked his watch and rose, trotting out of the house to the barracks.
The skies opened once again as he reached the house, and thunder boomed in the distance.
She looked around at the quiet foyer of a massive house.
He took her hand and led her out of the barracks through the back door and into the main house.
Toni shook his head and trotted into the house.
The cool rain felt good against his hot skin, and he stood in the dark walkway between the gym and the house, soothed by the storm.
He took a long shower, exhausted, before retrieving his now lukewarm dinner from the house.
They're at the safe house off Biscayne.
Darian darted towards the house.
He returned to the house to await Darian, not surprised to see Bianca's black and white cat darting down the stairs.
Toni trotted down the stairwell leading to the main house.
The lights in every house were on, the doors boarded up, and people somewhere were screaming.
Jule looked around the cozy house.
He trotted up the stairs to the second floor of the house and walked into the bathroom, eager for his first hot shower in days.
The manor house had been built several hundred years ago, and every room but hers was a reflection of her father's wealth.
Her father stood in the doorway of the house, framed against the light of the foyer.
You're supposed to carry at least a knife every time you leave the house.
She willed herself not to think of the man named Jule trapped somewhere in the house.
The sense that Jule was in the house hadn't left her.
It's the House your father belongs to.
Your target is in this house, and you're going to lay there?
Staying in the basement where the Other could find and kill him wasn't his top choice, but at least he was in the house.
She'd never suspected the depths of her father's strange power, and her first attempt to channel it was the reason the house was now lit with candles.
He didn't pause for their coats, so she bypassed the cloak room and crossed her arms as she exited the warm house.
The energies of the things in the house were replaced by new energies coming from the ground.
He paused in the middle of the lawn that stretched between the house and the massive garage.
She rose and trailed him from the house to the car, unable to guess what could agitate him if killing people didn't.
A shapely woman with curly dark brown hair leaned against the railing of a paddock between the house and a large outer building.
Near tears, Yully tugged away from him and ran into the house.
She retreated to the patio and fled into the house, relieved when the sun was gone.
His gaze followed her until she disappeared into the house, and he shook his head.
Rainy roared as he tore through the house.
Pierre motioned Sofia aside as the mad rush went through the house to the garage.
Or maybe he just wanted her out of the house so he could kill the traitors.
In truth, it was the one place in the house where she felt safe and comfortable when she wasn't with Damian.
They walked toward the house, reaching the patio before Traci started crying.
He searched her gaze and pursed his lips but lifted his chin toward the house.
The burst of furious power shot through her, the shockwave rattling the windows of the house.
She rarely left the house and lived in the library.
A brief search of the house yielded neither man.
She drove fast and arrived half an hour later to the safe house and parked out front.
As dawn broke, they reached the turn off to the safe house.
The drive from the mountains to the safe house had seemed to take forever.
The Fourth of July, with its old-fashioned local celebrations and guaranteed full house was but a week away.
According to the brief phone call, the ten-year-old girl's natural mother, another loser like faux foster mother Janet, had been recently discharged to a halfway house after doing hard time in the state's Cañon City facility.
The two remained that way, blanketed in the comforting stillness of the old house and one another's arms.
The sheriff's office was located only a few blocks east of Bird Song, behind the County Court House, where Fred O'Connor would report for jury duty the following Tuesday.
When the kid comes back from her momma's house, give me a buzz and I'll see if I have time to talk some truth into her.
In our house, we didn't call the police.
Dinner at the Calvias' house must be just about over.
I like staying in a house, or a bed and breakfast—places where you meet people.
The Deans' budget couldn't afford a freeloader, even a pleasant, philosophical guest, especially during a holiday week when the house was full.
A bookish man with glasses, wearing a white lab coat, opened the door to the small house.
And you make house calls?
She's with her mother in some sort of a group house.
The night he died, I called because I thought my mother might have stopped by the house.
A woman at the last house up the road heard the crash.
If I get some down time at the court house today, I'll try to check.
Then he added, but if you can sneak it in, you might try Diversion, the coffee house.
Like Billy's friend who's staying at Mr. Dean's boarding house, Bird Song!
Fred patted him on the back and apologized on behalf of his friends who spent the afternoon in the court house attending Fred's jury session.
Are you going over to Diversions Coffee House tomorrow and talk to the curmudgeons?
Today's program was scheduled for a different track—meeting with the old timers, the curmudgeons, over their morning coffee meeting at Diversions Coffee House.
It was on these byways that Dean opted to travel, rolling along the river with the down of cottonwoods filling the air like a winter snowstorm, past the occasional farm house, fields, and ever-present vista of mountains wrapping around him.
It was the year Mildred Baker bought the Manor, remodeled it, and turned it into a boarding house.
You keep your distance and speak in a civil tongue in my house!
If he thinks she has him trapped, he'll be a rat in a cheese house with a craw full of cheddar, snarling and biting to get out.
Four demons lay dead in the living room of his house, while the Immortal had dragged himself into the garage.
Lori marched out of the house stiffly without saying goodbye.
It wasn't like in the old house, where she would have slept cold, got up to a colder house and had to start a fire in an old stove, then wait an hour until she could no longer see her breath.
After the house warmed, she lifted his arm to get up.
She drove straight home, but still arrived at the house only minutes ahead of him.
The old farm house had been wrapped in insulation and sided.
In all, it barely resembled the old house.
When are you going to have that house finished?
Let's get back to the house.
Because he's too bold – and we're not that far from the house.
I saw Jonathan headed for the house.
Carmen saw Alex's truck parked in the drive of an old vacant house where she had admired some healthy quince bushes.
They needed to get back to the house.
Back at the house, Carmen prepared the chicken for the oven while Destiny sat in her high chair playing with some cereal.
As they headed toward the house, Alex put an arm around her shoulders.
On Saturday Carmen left Alex with Jonathan and Destiny, heading for the old house.
Nearing the old house, she spotted an unfamiliar truck parked beside the road.
She turned around, walking backwards as she watched the house.
She continued walking toward the house.
It did that sometimes near the old house.
Within minutes a truck plunged down the hill and into the yard, stopping in a spray of gravel in front of the house.
He was waiting inside the house.
A man was waiting for me at the old house - a man with red hair.
He was only supposed to pay attention to you, not hurt you – he wasn't supposed to go into your house.
How did he know I was going to be at the house that morning?
Finally Lori left and the house was quiet.
One day, when Destiny was with Grandma Reynolds and Jonathan was at staying with a friend, she decided to go down to the house before she went to the hospital.
It was still her house and there were a lot of good memories attached to it.
She called Brutus and slowly walked down to the house.
The house would have to be cleaned and aired out.
The way he had rescued her from the dogs, and from the fox in the chicken house - yes, there were a lot of wonderful memories on this farm.
She walked back to their house with Brutus.
Everything looked normal, but she gave the house special attention and approached slowly.
Behind them the red-headed man followed for only a few seconds before turning back toward the house.
As they passed Josh's house, she spied Lori's car.
Ignoring the urge to go see if Lori was at the house, she continued down the road.
The man was at the house when I left, but his truck wasn't there.
Lori's car is at that house.
Early the next morning after taking Jonathan to school, she went back to the house and took care of the animals.
Apparently the man had never entered the house and no damage was done.
She actually had no intent of inviting him to the house, but thought it might rouse a reaction.
Lori came by the house that evening.
When they walked through the door at the house, she announced that she was going to fix lunch.
As she entered the house, Jonathan was headed for his room.
The back door shut as Jonathan and Alex left the house.
Jonathan was out of camp now, so he was at the house all day.
With their financial health intact, she made arrangements to proceed with the work on the house.
Alex was sitting on the porch swing, nursing a cup of coffee the morning they arrived to work on the house.
The ride turned out to be a trip to the old house to see how things were coming along.
As they started toward the house, she took his hand.
Throwing an arm around his waist, they walked to the house together.
Inside, the house smelled of fresh paint and it looked completely different.
Carmen took her in the house and put her to bed while Alex unharnessed Ed.
The old house with its dark blank windows was eerie.
She stared at the old house.
Pulling on her boots, she quietly left the house using the back door.
She started toward the house, glancing at the trees.
Carmen picked up her pace, heading for the house.
She should have said something to Alex before leaving the house.
He was quiet for a while and when she glanced up at him, he was looking off toward the old house.
I was running toward the house, yelling for you to get out of there.
All I could think of was that the kids were at the house and he might come back.
You'd better get back into the house.
He said nothing more and she didn't look to see the expression on his face before she left the house.
At the hen house she grabbed the basket and reached into the first nest.
Well, let's go into the house.
Some guy caught Carmen in her house and tried to... do her harm.
No one will fault you for taking that one step further and cleaning house, Dr. Wynn said with a faint smile.
I've always wanted to stay in a beach house.
If your girlfriend was going to dump you, wouldn't you rather it happen at a beach house?
By the time she reached the beach house, her face was Smurf blue and she was laboring under the weight of the treasures she'd found.
She twisted to see into the beach house.
Moonlight streamed through one window while the rest of the house was dark.
Deidre staggered away and ran to the beach house.
Look, Logan, I don't care why you left me at the beach house.
She'd broken down for weeks, sobbing and refusing to leave her house.
Suddenly hopeful, Deidre stepped into the house.
Her gaze caught on a picture of a beach house on the ocean, and she hesitated.
She'd left her favorite clothes at the beach house.
She grew edgy as they passed the town near the bungalow before pulling up the long driveway to the beach house.
Her palms were sweating at the memories the beach house held.
Bracing herself, she opened the front door and crossed through the house.
With a look at the car, she trailed him to the beach house.
They returned to the beach house.
She squeezed his shoulder and padded into the house.
She wandered into the house, uncertain what she sought.
She put her cell phone on its charger and explored the house, admiring his taste in everything from furniture to paintings to simple décor.
I left all my stuff at his house.
My parents died in a house fire when I was eighteen.
Entering the house, she heard nothing indicating he was home.
Toby's…going to a friend's house for the night, and I'm sick of my apartment.
He led her back the way she'd come and to a small house with a couple dozen fluffy sheep in a pen in back.
The house was cozy and simple, with creaky wooden floors covered in rugs, a pot-bellied stove still warm, and worn furniture.
She strode from the room through the house to the alley to retrieve what belongings she had.
He sensed another immortal in the house but couldn't place where exactly.
She stepped into the clammy, wet world of fog and darkness, pausing to focus on the portal that would lead to her sister.s house.
The house was too quiet for her comfort, and she felt the familiar sense of being watched.
She walked the short distance into the house and down the hallway, stopping when she reached the doorway.
Then get out of my house.
Kiera settled at an uncomfortable angle, the sandpapery red roofing snagging her polyester disco clothing and preventing her from sliding over the nearby edge of the three-story row house.
Perplexed as to what kind of movers worked at such an hour, she roamed through the row house from top to bottom.
No strangers were in the house, and the doors were bolted.
In the morning, she'd clean up the house and then start working on another painting, the portrait of Evelyn and Romas she wanted to give the two of them as their joint wedding present.
Soon after confirming she was asleep, the two large men who had emptied the house of boxes returned for her.
They left the row house for the park across the street, where a small spacecraft awaited them.
She couldn't help feeling disappointed; space looked no different than it had when she was lying on the roof of Evelyn's house.
He says to enter the main house by the first entrance you find.
Enter the main house using the nearest entrance.
Your bracelet acts as a sort of master key, so you can go anywhere in the whole house.
Kiera followed as Evelyn turned toward the main house, a sprawling, single-story compound made of brilliant white stone and dotted with hundreds of glass-less windows.
The house was as brilliant white on the inside as it was outside.
Freeing a man should put him in her debt, and he was the last person in the house who would rat her out to Romas's family!
She ignored the instinct and said, "I want to roam around the main house, but I'm really afraid of opening doors to random rooms and finding, you know, hordes of tarantulas that attack me or angry prisoners of war."
The cats were moved out of the main house, so you don't have to worry about them.
It's the first corridor leading out of the main house into what I think is the eastern wing.
Kiera braced herself and exited behind Evelyn, whose quick step led them back to the main house and outside, where the floating tents were still in place.
Being shorter than everyone else would be a boon this night; she waited until the two were out of sight before fading back toward the house.
First corridor out of the main house.
As he neared the main house, she slowed.
She stopped in the doorway of the main house leading onto the crowded lawn, aghast.
She felt faint and stepped back into the main house, near tears.
They broke free of the house into the dark night on a side of the house far from the light and merriment of the party.
On her walks at Lover's Lane near Evelyn's row house, she'd often seen couples entranced by the rhythmic movement of waves stand at a railing, the man's arms wrapped around the woman in front of him, his chin on her head.
Her shape was firm but lush and had fit in his arms with her shoulders settling between his when he'd held her outside of the house.
The boys all bowed and watched her walk back into the house, curious and excited.
Talal's gaze sought out Ne'Rin before she stepped out of the house.
They walked a short distance to an open atrium in the center of the house, complete with a small oasis rising up from white stone and curved benches.
Unlike the cheerful white walls of the house, the tall wall was the unwelcome shade of dark grey that she'd begun to despise after days in the spaceships surrounded by it.
Ne'Rin was closer to the door, and Kiera remained in the shadows inside the house, watching.
She shot him a look and stepped from the house, moving toward the field with the gifts at her side.
Opal, the tall, thin man, nodded and stepped toward the house.
She wasn't surprised to see the man in the thick robes move to the cooler shade of the house.
Kiera squeezed the gifts to her chest and walked back to the house, lost in thought.
She blinked as she entered the darker house and forced her attention on her surroundings.
She said nothing as he disappeared into the house, wondering what surprises he had in store for her.
Kiera hid a second translator in her pocket and exited the sprawling house to join him.
She said nothing and turned to watch them jog back to the house.
They started toward the house.
Her intent gaze lingered on him as they reached the house.
They stepped into the cooler house, and her attention was caught by Talal, who froze in mid-stride along her path toward the northern wing.
It seems there are people in this house who do not favor you as a nishani and who may seek to harm you.
The memory was achingly beautiful, and he remembered seeing his war-weary father approach from the house.
Nishani followed him from the bustling, warm banquet room to the cool courtyard in front of the house beneath a full sky of suns.
As much as she wanted to return home, she could never leave an entire planet to die just because she wanted to go back to the depressing part-time job and the row house where she and the cat would live alone!
The house was quiet.
He led her to a bench in the middle of the house and glanced at an awaiting servant, who darted away.