Hours Sentence Examples
That's over forty-eight hours ago.
But we have a couple of hours to wait.
You and I spent hours together, for years and years.
Betsy spent hours on the computer, searching for results from our second tip but nothing was reported.
After a few hours of limited rest, they were back in the saddle again.
We agreed the tests were finished for the day but mellowed by wine; we spent two more evening hours summarizing our findings.
He had to pass five hours at a time to have them counted.
It's after hours but you can leave word.
And at night what soothing, wondrous hours we spent in the shadow of the great, silent men-of-war.
It's already been hours!
AdvertisementThe case was only hours old when Betsy spotted it giving us hope for the boy's recovery and the perpetrator's arrest.
I often tell them stories or teach them a game, and the winged hours depart and leave us good and happy.
A few hours later, Quinn would set the power source to the time and location, not informing Howie.
It was Delaware, in the middle of nowhere and I watched the house for hours before I took my prize.
It seems more like days than hours.
AdvertisementMost mares foal at night, but I think it may happen within a few hours.
His gaze lingered before he strode towards his bedroom, determined to get a few hours of sleep.
After a few solid hours of sleep, his sense of center was back, his mind clear.
That gives you three hours.
He pulled his phone free, realizing neither Toni nor Darian had checked in for a couple of hours.
AdvertisementShe was supposed to meet him in a few hours.
Yeah, he's been pacing like a madman for a couple of hours.
To her relief, she still had a few hours to sneak out and make it to the airport.
Several hours later, just as evening set in, she entered the disaster that was her apartment.
Two freed her a few hours later and let her walk around the room.
AdvertisementHe fell into silence again for several hours.
He didn't remember how he got it, and he doubted it'd been there before kiri put it there hours before.
We've got to start moving everything within twenty-four hours, Lon told them, slinging a machine gun over his shoulder.
She hadn't seen her new mate, Darkyn – the Dark One – since he drank his fill of her hours before and left.
She'd been terrified that day, unaware she'd be mated to him twenty four hours later.
It was hours before I calmed down.
Cynthia eventually bowed to Martha's sobs and crept into her room, spending most of the dark hours holding the grieving child.
It's a good six hours away and that's only as long as she's been gone.
Both lay awake, trying not to disturb the other while neither slept until hours after the sun finally slipped around the corner to the other side of the world.
The time is two hours later in New Jersey.
Twenty-four hours after his hour-long downhill hike from the mine, Dean's stilts felt like he'd run a barefoot marathon on cobblestoned streets.
Cynthia had volunteered a couple of hours selling tickets for the Ouray Chamber's Jeep raffle.
Two hours remained before the last of the day's celebrations— the Jeep flare parade down the mountain, followed by a massive fireworks display—so after finishing supper, the Deans began playing catch up with Bird Song's chores.
It will be light for a couple more hours at least.
The road remained in the trees and it seemed like hours before he was once again in the open and able to see the valley before him.
While Dean remained distressed over the accident, he knew he must concentrate on the Women's Club debate just hours away.
The churning in his stomach increased as the hours passed.
Incredibly, the winning time is just over two hours!
Hours later they were still awake, talking intermittently, taking comfort in one another.
They got twenty-four hours to do something.
He had driven most of the two hours they were together while Patsy slept.
It seemed like hours before we found our way out.
You didn't seem to mind me holding you for hours last night on the beach.
They'd sat for hours, until human-Deidre's distress faded and turned first to disbelief then hope then resolve.
Gabriel had stayed with her for hours without showing any sign he was ready to leave.
He took her arm with one of the hands that had explored every part of her body – or the body he thought was hers - not even a few hours before.
If you're not going to be around more than a few hours, it couldn't be that important to you.
Well, Jonathan will be home in a couple of hours.
He concluded by saying that the next 36 hours would be the most critical.
As May gave way to June, the lengthening daylight hours gave her more time to be with Jonathan and Destiny and still complete taking care of the animals before darkness.
He was awake for several hours before falling asleep again.
Two hours later she was wondering if it had been a good thing after all.
I didn't want to wake you but you've been asleep for over two hours.
A few hours later Alex and Jonathan were out doing chores and Carmen was in the kitchen fixing supper.
At first she though exhaustion might be the cause, but when he started working longer hours, it was obvious that wasn't the case.
Twelve hours and forty three souls later, Gabriel gave up on the icons.
The satiny sheets of the bed smelled of the woman he'd made love to for hours last night.
A few hours had passed since he left Deidre's bed this morning; it was early afternoon in the mortal realm.
She had to get out of there and go somewhere safe, her apartment, hours away from where the murderer was.
The highways were quiet on the Monday mid-morning, and they drove the three hours faster than she was expecting.
It didn't appear to be far, and it was hours before she'd be asleep on her side of the world.
Several hours after Deidre walked through the portals back to Atlanta, Gabe's soul radar began working again.
One minute, telling me you don't want anything to do with me beyond your duty and the next, sitting on the beach with me for hours because you're worried I'll find a tall building to dive off of, she grumbled.
The spell lasts twenty four hours, but it works.
She'd spent several hours in his office talking to a dead man?
He'd spent hours on her, disabling her and then hurting her.
The ten feet to the top felt like it took hours, though the sun had barely risen when she finished.
She was panicking, recalling the horrors of the hours at Sasha's hands.
Hours later, she dropped onto the plush guest bed, clad in a T-shirt and underwear after a hot shower.
I guess when you stop counting hours and days and just count months or years—
She barely knew the man at her back, but she.d felt his absence even during the few hours in the day they weren.t together.
Her guards changed every eight hours, and this one would.ve started his shift at midnight.
Two hours ago, according to the clock on the mantle.
Crushed, she realized she had six hours to keep Jade busy in the hopes he didn.t kill her.
Kiera dreamt of a planet filled with spiders and dinosaurs and awoke in her bed a couple of hours later to the soft sound of her alarm clock going off.
Kiera's tears stopped sometime during the hours of explanation and history lessons Evelyn gave.
The standard day is longer than ours, about thirty hours instead of twenty-four, with that divided evenly between day and night.
The strange fever remained, making her feel as if she'd been sitting in a sauna for hours.
He spent a few hours setting up the explosive mechanisms and issuing new battle plans for the space war and ordered his ground troops to evacuate the planet.
The town of Ouray, while only a century and a quarter old, was rich in history and Fred O'Connor, together with a cadre of widows with similar interests, spent many hours reading Ouray's old newspapers and written accounts.
Dean's snuggled slumber drifted to wakefulness sometime in the heart of the wee hours when a metallic sound of ringing returned him to the world of the living.
It was almost twenty-four hours before Shipton and Donnie got back to civilization, with the kid's body.
The museum can't open for hours, Dean asked his wife as he helped clean up the dining room.
Today it's warm, but after you've hugged ice for a few hours in the shade, you'll be glad you took time to dress sensibly.
No. It's two hours later in Indiana.
God, he thought, as he laid back his aching head, get me through the next few hours and maybe they'll all be gone!
Dean pitied his wife, knowing the grueling trip that lay before her over the next several hours, not knowing what awaited her landing.
The return trip from Grand Junction had taken Dean twice the usual two hours, a slalom of ditched autos, snow plows, ice and stopped traffic.
You tried to beat the shit out of Shipton only hours before and instead he damned near beat the shit out of you.
They'd have you sitting down under a hot light, spending a few hours while a gang of suits practiced twenty questions on you.
The doctor says the next few hours and days will tell the difference.
Dean had pondered that very question during his sheep-counting hours the prior night.
I read a passage in a novel last evening as I sat by the fire, trying to wile away these idle hours.
I took the ring you gave me and I too scratched that identical message on my bedroom window, the very same room where you and I have stolen our few hours together.
Look. It's two hours later in Indiana.
Just because she threw herself at you hours before she died doesn't make you culpable.
In Dean's mind, her attitude and actions eliminated any thought that she might have read or learned of Annie's final hours earlier.
A police guard blocked Dean's door for the first twenty-four hours, precluding visitors.
It's possible he waited around hours, until the afternoon when the police had left and it was quiet.
The best she could hope for was a few hours in his arms.
Absolutely. It will take me at least a couple hours, Go!
It's three-thirty; I'll be gone two or three hours tops.
Jackson knew he had his work cut out for him in order to be back in less than three hours.
Can we please stop playing twenty questions and just tell me what you've been doing for the last two and a half hours?
He returned a few hours later, made a drink, and went to the kitchen where Sarah had started making breakfast for Connor.
As they sat on the sofa, he thought of the girl lying here just hours before, clinging to life because of him.
Jackson had a few hours before he needed to shower.
Normally he wouldn't go more than a few hours without thinking about his next meal, but Elisabeth filled his thoughts so completely, there was no room for anything else.
Jackson longed to make their last few hours of innocence count.
A few hours later, Sarah crept into his room to check on him.
This meant Jackson hadn't fed in 24 hours.
They had been at it for a few hours when Connor and Sarah returned home.
The physical ramifications of not feeding for over thirty hours commanded attention.
No, it'll be a few hours before we come up.
At this rate we'll have twelve pints in less than two hours.
Why don't you go back to Fairhaven and I'll be by in a few hours.
You go put that ring on her finger, and I will come by her house in a few hours.
Yes. She'll be by in a few hours.
She didn't move for four hours, yet her body slowly returned to its normal temperature.
Just a few hours, but then I'm going to shop for a Christmas present for Samantha.
I suppose I could use a few hours away from this place, though.
I can't watch them twenty-four hours a day, you know.
Had Alex spent the night in the barn, or had it snowed this much in a few hours?
Nights were sleepless bouts of coughing, and days were endless hours of work.
Alex and Lori had been gone over two hours when Josh drove into the yard.
He'd spent the last few hours with Lori.
In the few hours remaining before his departure, her head was so far in the clouds that she didn't even notice he said nothing about marriage.
They talked for hours about their plans together.
The Peak was abuzz with activity when Lana arrived several hours later.
Take a break for a couple of hours.
It'll keep you from collapsing for about twelve hours.
Check your systems for threats, anything in the last twenty-four hours that seems out of place.
In the past forty-eight hours, there had been fifty perimeter breaches, all from the west wall.
Her hand shaking, she checked the log to see it had last been accessed by General Greene twenty-five hours ago.
They seemed to walk for hours, until the first rays of morning lightened the forest.
Plan on disassembling our camp within the next forty-eight hours.
We're leaving in forty-eight hours.
Brady's voice awoke her from her uneasy doze a few hours later.
Tim was already on the large screen when Brady entered the comms center several hours later.
Brady's men had dropped her, Elise, and Dan—along with two others—into the forest by helicopter two hours before.
If the helo ride hadn't taken three hours, she would have thought they never left.
A couple of hours later, Dan's voice came across his net.
He felt the impact of the past few hours much more than he preferred.
They walked for two hours without running into any tunnels branching off from the main one.
She needed anything to take her mind off the next few hours, because she had no idea if she'd survive what she was about to try.
He's not expecting me for another couple of hours.
Give me a couple of hours then we'll leave.
Go rest up for a couple hours.
You've got a couple hours until midnight.
Only here for a few hours and already someone doesn't like me.
Jeffrey Byrne, age 38, of 156 Maid Marian Lane, Parkside, apparently drowned in the early morning hours of Tuesday, May fourth while on a business trip in Norfolk, Virginia.
Untold hours of do-it-yourself-manship and emergency repair had finally overcome poor septic design and generally shoddy workmanship to create communities of adequate comfort and living.
But after two hours with Cynthia Byrne, he had to fight the inclination to take all of her comments at face value, thereby kissing off any degree of objectivity.
An unusual number of people were enjoying the unseasonable weather, spending the last few hours out of doors; fathers playing catch with sons, youngsters riding trikes or skipping rope, and others content to just drink in the springtime evening.
Much later, sometime in the deep hours of the night, he awoke to the sound of thunder and the rush of wind.
He felt like a packaged pound of dog meat after slightly less than three hours sandwiched in his warm and comfortable bed between Ethel Rosewater's last frenzied spasm of pleasure and the screaming alarm clock.
You should have been here two hours ago.
Mrs. Lincoln hopped up, stretching her languid body and yawning, as if wondering why these two idiots were keeping such late hours.
It was still early and Dean figured they'd get back to Parkside in time for a few hours of biking.
The delay ended up being four hours.
The ghost of Jeffrey Byrne, who had spent his final hours in the same dining room, was nowhere in evidence.
Dean knew if he were honest with himself he'd admit he was tickled pink during those few hours that it appeared Jeffrey Byrne's body had been found.
How'd you like to sit on the damn toilet for hours?
I must have been there three hours.
She had gone home to sulk causing, in her mind, Fred to suffer hours of grief and agony from her selfish inaction.
In the first two hours at his desk, 20 people came up to Dean inquiring about poor Fred O'Connor.
The clinic understands my school hours and they are willing to work around them.
He pretends to drown, sleeps on the beach for a few hours, and about dawn pedals off into the sunrise.
In spite of the cloudy weather and the threat of rain, Dean ended the daylight hours listening to the hum of his bike tires on the country roads west of Parkside.
He really let things go the past few months—almost no billable hours.
Once again, she didn't answer directly but described a well-known seafood restaurant on the New Jersey shore, at least two hours from Parkside.
The flight out on Friday night had been a comfortable few hours spent at thirty-odd thousand feet, sandwiched between a cloud-covered countryside and a starlit sky.
In spite of gaining two hours with the time change, it was still late when the cross-country travelers finally bedded down in a quiet motel in Golden, Colorado, after a shared ride from the Denver airport.
Jeffrey Byrne spent very little time there—far too few hours to accomplish all of that business.
We only have two hours.
I'll see you in a few hours.
Within two hours, the bridge was passable.
The area he was watching was where she often saw deer in the early morning hours.
Within a few minutes, Alex arrived and whisked her off for a few private hours.
Now she was beginning to think about those things during waking hours.
Now you come back, hours before your wedding, unsure of everything.
The only thing she had to eat since yesterday noon was a glass of milk in the wee hours of the morning.
He simply squeezed her hand and said he would see her in a few hours.
The next few hours were spent getting ready.
Putting it off for a few hours wouldn't be much help.
It had only been two hours.
It was going to be one of those evenings when lovemaking lasted gracefully for hours.
And then, there was the magic room upstairs, where she had spent many hours playing as a child — and many hours dreaming as a teen.
Call her back in a few hours.
It was two in the morning on Saturday and she had only been asleep a few hours.
Within a couple of hours, clouds blocked the moon, and the snow began again.
Though her trip had taken more than two hours on the immortal side, less than an hour had passed in the mortal world.
The only time something happens is when you've been in one world more than twenty-four hours.
Changes undergone in the immortal world normally weren't permanent, once they returned to their world for twenty-four hours.
However, if they didn't hurry, Sofi would come back with a child before twenty-four hours passed in the mortal world..
She was not bleeding, for which she was grateful, but her body ached as if it had been flung around a stone room for hours.
It would take hours to fill a single bladder to trade to the northerners for their support.
He crossed to the windows and opened them, assessing it to be only a few hours before dawn.
He had intended to spend a few hours with his family in Texas while he waited for his flight out of Houston.
They talked for a little while longer and then she announced that she had to bury Brutus, but she would meet them at the stable in a couple hours for the first ride.
I'm not sure – probably a couple of hours.
Ed had suffered miserably for hours because she had disobeyed Alex.
Ed had suffered needlessly for hours because she had done something careless – after promising she wouldn't.
When Felipa returned a few hours later with the children, she stared at Carmen.
Carmen, Felipa and even Jonathan worked for almost two hours before they established something close to a normal atmosphere.
What have you got planned for the next couple of hours?
She lay awake for what must have been hours.
Of course, that meant almost four hours of driving back and forth.
Surely he hadn't planned to spend four hours on the road.
His boss was over two-thousand miles away and, while he wouldn't be too happy about Keaton spending the night with her, he would certainly approve of any hours spent watching over her.
The hours passed without another scream and she was still sitting at the table when the first rays of morning light warmed the kitchen.
All right, that'll give me about two hours to get ready.
You can fall in love with someone in a couple of hours.
You have the cabin and it's only a few hours ride from there.
He calls at weird hours and you must do what he says.
He was hungry, but dinner was going to wait a few hours.
Even this plan began to fizzle when she returned home a few hours later.
It was almost five; they'd been at the store for seven hours!
The gaggle of women grew, and she glanced at her phone, surprised at the stamina the three had to keep going for hours.
In a rush to get to some place you didn't want to go a few hours ago?
Cushing himself swam to the swamps on the river bank, and after wading among them for hours reached a Federal picket boat.
At odd hours of lessons she picked up a smattering of Latin, music and natural science, but most days were holidays and spent in country rambles and games with village children.
Musset, though he depended on her exertions, was first bored and then irritated at the sight of this terrible vache a ecrire, whose pen was going for eight hours a day, and sought diversion in the cafés and other less reputable resorts of pleasure.
Observations have usually been limited to a portion of the year, or to a few hours of the day, whilst the results from different stations differ much in details.
In most cases two distinct maxima and minima occur in the 24 hours.
In all cases the mean value for the 24 hours is taken as 100.
The observations were usually confined to a few hours of the day, very commonly between II A.M.
Annual Variation.-When observations are made at irregular hours, or at only one or two fixed hours, it is doubtful how representative they are.
At Freiburg, Gockel found I + and I_ decidedly larger in the early afternoon than in either the morning or the late evening hours.
After two hours' exposure, it is wrapped round a frame supported in a given position relative to Elster and Geitel's dissipation apparatus, and the loss of charge is noted.
With Three Hours' Exposure He Found The Thorium Emanation Only From 3 To 5% Of The Whole, But With 12 Hours' Exposure The Percentage Of Thorium Emanation Rose To About 15.
The first set relate as usual to the hour of commencement, the second to the hours of occurrence of lightning causing fires.
Watch-towers with wooden clappers and the beacons which flashed the alarm along the whole frontier in a few hours are still features in the landscape.
The kirk-session has oversight of the congregation in regard to such matters as the hours of public worship, the arrangements for administration of the sacraments, the admission of new Members and the exercise of church discipline.
Astrology is in its nature an occult science, and there is no trace of a day of twenty-four hours among the ancient Hebrews.
The Labour unions were able to secure in these years many concessions both as to hours and wages.
This was the planting of a colony of communistic per week for which such wages are payable, with the rates for overtime when those hours are exceeded.
The award of the court is thus the equivalent of the determination of a special board in Victoria, and deals with the same questions, the most important of which are the minimum rates of wages and the number of working hours per week.
A swarm of commissioners ransacked the provinces in search of delinquents, and the council sat daily for hours, condemning the accused, almost without a hearing, in batches together.
The child was at first handed over to the care of the Hours, or the nymph Melissa and the centaur Cheiron.
The block containing his body was built into an angle of the Fort of the Twenty-four Hours, then under construction.
In 1853 the Fort of the Twenty-four Hours was demolished, and in the angle specified by Haedo the skeleton of Geronimo was found.
Algiers maintains communication with Marseilles by a quick service of steamers, which run the 497 miles across the Mediterranean in twenty-eight to thirty hours.
The journey between Algiers and Paris, from which it is distant 1031 miles, is accomplished in about forty-five hours.
The grappling of the cable and raising it to the surface from a depth of 2000 fathoms seldom occupy less than twenty-four hours, and since any extra strain due to the pitching of the vessel must be avoided, it is clear that the state of the sea and weather is the predominating factor in the time necessary for effecting the long series of operations which, in the most favourable circumstances, are required for a repair.
All interruptions are not so costly, for in shallower waters, with favourable conditions of weather, a repair may be only a matter of a few hours, and it is in such waters that the majority of breaks occur, but still a large reserve fund must be laid aside for this purpose.
The metal is usually obtained from the flue-dust (produced during the first three or four hours working of a zinc distillation) which is collected in the sheet iron cones or adapters of the zinc retorts.
As the cost of the service varies in proportion to the amount of use, the toll rate is more scientific, and it has the further advantage of discouraging the unnecessary use of the instrument, which causes congestion of traffic at busy hours and also results in lines being " engaged " when serious business calls are made.
Taking into account the variations in wages and in the price of wheat, it may be calculated that the number of hours of work requisite to earn a sum equal to the price of a cwt.
Marching rapidly, however, Albertone outdistanced the other columns, but, in consequence of allowing his men an hours rest, arrived upon the scene of action when the Abyssinians, whom it had been hoped to surprise at dawn, were ready to receive the attack.
The agitation had begun some fifteen years before, and the men had at various times demanded better pay and shorter hours, often with success.
In the time of Irenaeus the fast before Easter was very short, but very severe; thus some ate nothing for forty hours between the afternoon of Good Friday and the morning of Easter.
This is found especially in plants which during certain hours of the day are unable to cover the water lost through transpiration by the supply coming from the roots.
Pythium, which causes the damping off of seedlings, reducing them to a putrid mass in a few hours, and Phytophthora, the agent of the potato disease.
The next change observable after some hours is that the untouched cells below the cut grow larger, push tip the dead surface, and divide by walls tangential to it, with the formation of tabloid cork-cells.
When a solution of the strength of about i in zo is applied to the skin it produces a local anaesthesia which lasts for many hours.
The Turkish government also levies taxes on the inhabitants of the river valley, and for this purpose, and to maintain a caravan route from the Mediterranean coast to Bagdad, maintains stations of a few zaptiehs or gens d'armes, at intervals of about 8 hours (caravan time), occupying in general the stations of the old Persian post road.
Most remarkable is the presence of a number of beetles along the seashore between tide-marks, where, sheltered in some secure nook, they undergo immersion twice daily, and have their active life confined to the few hours of the low ebb.
The dvornik is on duty for sixteen hours at a stretch, during which he is not allowed to sleep or even to shelter in the porch.
More recently legislation has beenassed to safeguard the lives and interests of Hours of P g Lab ur.
In 1893 an act was passed by parliament giving the Board power to interfere if or when representations are made to them by or on behalf of any servant or class of servants of a railway company that the hours of work are unduly long, or do not provide sufficient intervals of uninterrupted rest between the periods of duty, or sufficient relief in respect of Sunday duty.
This act has been the means of effecting a considerable reduction in the hours worked by railway men on certain railways, and no case has yet arisen in which a reference to the Commissioners has been necessary.
Such modifications of the hours of work have not only been beneficial to the men, but have improved the discipline of the staff and the punctuality and regularity of the train service, particularly in respect of the goods trains.
He complains especially of his tutors, and in one case with abundant reason; but, by his own confession, they might have recriminated with justice, for he indulged in gay society, and kept late hours.
With all his devotion to study at Lausanne' (he read ten or twelve hours a day), he still found some time for the acquisition of some of the lighter accomplishments, such as riding, dancing, drawing, and also for mingling in such society as the place had to offer.
He complains of the busy idleness in which his time was spent; but, considering the circumstances, so adverse to study, one is rather surprised that the military student should have done so much, than that he did so little; and never probably before were so many hours of literary study spent in a tent.
For three hours the professional regiments of all sorts in the French lines rivalled one another in enduring the fire unmoved, the forerunners of the military systems of to-day, landsknechts, Picardie and Piedmont, showing the feudal gendarmerie that they too were men of honour.
But after three hours, Pescara's light horse having meantime been driven in by the superior light horse of the enemy, the artillery-loving duke of Ferrara conceived the brilliant plan of taking his mobile field-guns to the extreme right of the enemy.
This first or cold stage of the paroxysm varies much in length; in temperate climates it lasts from one to two hours, while in tropical and subtropical countries it may be shortened.
The three stages together will probably have lasted six to twelve hours.
If the first paroxysm should not cease within the twenty-four hours, the fever is not reckoned as an intermittent, but as a remittent.
The periodicity shows itself in the form of an exacerbation of the still continuing fever, and that exacerbation may take place twentyfour hours after the first onset, or the interval may be only half that period, or it may be double.
Her chief amusement during her leisure hours was sweeping the heavens with a small Newtonian telescope.
When Leland Stanford, Jr., University was opened in 1891 he entered with the first class and specialized in geology and engineering, supporting himself by working at various jobs in free hours.
These riotous proceedings provoked the second military expedition of the governor, and on the 16th of May 1771, with a force of about r000 men and officers, he met about twice that number of Regulators on the banks of the Alamance, where, after two hours of fighting, with losses on each side nearly equal, the ammunition of the Regulators was exhausted and they were routed.
Louis Charles was then separated from his mother and aunt to be put in his father's charge, except for a few hours daily, but was restored to the women when Louis was isolated from his family at the beginning of his trial in December.
On his deathbed he turned to the devoted pupils who watched over their master's last hours.
An Anomalistic year is the time (365 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes, 48 seconds) in which the earth (and similarly for any other planet) passes from perihelion to perihelion, or from any given value of the anomaly to the same again.
In each was a piano, the eccentric master of the whole being fond of music as the recreation of his literary hours.
For the present their means were very scanty, and, as the ardent royalism of his brother officers limited his social circle, he plunged into work with the same ardour as before, frequently studying fourteen or fifteen hours a day.
On the 9th of July he received an order from the provisional government at Paris to leave France within twenty-four hours.
In February 1746 he allowed himself to be entrapped by the intrigues of the Pelhams into accepting the secretaryship, but resigned in forty-eight hours.
He also welcomed on behalf of the Government an Eight Hours Miners bill.
A marked disproportion between the life-term of larva and imago is common; the former often lives for months or years, while the latter only survives for weeks or days or hours.
Summoned before the bishop's vicar, his trial was a scene of insult and clamour, ending in his being violently thrust from the court and bidden to leave the city within three hours.
His wife besought the gods below that he might be permitted to return to earth for the space of three hours.
His advocacy of temperance had much to do with securing the passing of the Forbes Mackenzie Act, which secured Sunday closing and shortened hours of sale for Scotland.
The wound proved mortal, and Alp Arslan expired a few hours after he received it, on the 15th of December 1072.
Two assaults were repulsed after hours of hand-to-hand fighting; and when, after a fresh bombardment, the garrison saw that their case was hopeless, they killed their women and children, and only succumbed at last to a third assault because every man of them was either killed or mortally wounded.
Fully aware of the danger, he pays his addresses with extreme caution, frequently waiting for hours in her vicinity before venturing to come to close quarters.
An unskilful workman sometimes ' loses the jar ' and works for hours without accomplishing anything.
Several works were written on the capture of Acre in 1291, especially the Excidium urbis Acconensis, a treatise which emerges to throw light, after many years of darkness, on the last hours of the kingdom.
The wire ought to be so treated for many hours before it is placed in the instrument.
He immediately began to complain to Hyde, earl of Clarendon, of the poverty of the see, and based claims for a better benefice on a certain secret service, which he explained on the 20th of January 1661 to be the sole invention of the Eikon Basilike, The Pourtraicture of his sacred Majestic in his Solitudes and Sufferings put forth within a few hours after the execution of Charles I.
Few are found to observe the law concerning the Five Hours of Prayer, and many fail to put in an appearance at the Friday congregational services in the mosques.
They also contributed to sacred literature themselves in the composition of new psalms. Attendance to the ordinary needs of nature was entirely relegated to the hours of darkness.
Sometimes he would pass hours thinking of a certain illustrious lady, devising means of seeing her and of doing deeds that would win her favour; at other times the thoughts suggested by the books got the upper hand.
Seven hours a day he spent on his knees in prayer and three times a day he scourged his emaciated body.
It is also prepared by digesting precipitated mercuric sulphide with an alkaline sulphide fox some hours; it is said that Chinese vermilion owes its superiority to being made in this way.
When heated in air for many hours it decomposes, yielding carbon dioxide, phenol and xanthone.
In thirty-six hours no symptoms are left.
Fir trees and branches from the neighbouring forest are collected and planted in front of the houses, so that for a few hours Hasselt has the appearance of being restored to its primitive condition as a wood.
He then retired into a neighbouring desert, where he lived upon herbs and upon the milk of a hind which came to him at stated hours.
Nor can Idrisi's map of the world, were drawn at intervals of zams, supposed to be equal to three hours' sail.
Through the mountain passes come at times dry winds from the Pacific coast, which lick up the snow in a few hours.
Effective superintendence even by overseers became less easy; the use of chains was introduced, and these were worn not only in the field during working hours but at night in the ergastulum where the slaves slept.
Cosimo employed almost the last hours of his life in listening to Ficino's reading of a treatise on the highest good; while Lorenzo, in a poem on true happiness, described him as the mirror of the world, the nursling of sacred muses, the harmonizer of wisdom and beauty in complete accord.
The summer is almost nightless, print being legible at midnight, but in winter the days are only six hours long, though the nights are frequently illuminated with brilliant displays of the aurora borealis.
If the plants are subjected to some process, before mounting, by which injurious organisms are destroyed, such as exposure in a closed chamber to vapour of carbon bisulphide for some hours, the presence of pieces of camphor or naphthalene in the cabinet will be found a sufficient preservative.
The chief points to be attended to are to have a plentiful supply of botanical drying paper, so as to be able to use about six sheets for each specimen; to change the paper at intervals of six to twelve hours; to avoid contact of one leaf or flower with another; and to increase the pressure applied only in proportion to the dryness of the specimen.
Another mode of drying is to keep the specimens in a box of dry sand in a warm place for ten or twelve hours, and then press them in drying paper.
The pressure is increased, and the papers are changed less frequently as the specimens become dry, which usually takes place in thirty-six hours.
A "map" of the spores should be taken by separating a pileus and placing it flat on a piece of thin paper for a few hours when the spores will fall and leave a nature print of the arrangement of the gills which may be fixed by gumming the other side of the paper.
A duckling only a few hours old if placed in water swims with orderly strokes.
Such convicts are classified according to physical ability and a minimum rate is fixed for their hire, for not more than ten hours a day.
In 1908, by the opening of a railway along the Florida Keys, the time of passage by water between Cuba and the United States was reduced to a few hours.
The bridle road up the mountain leaves Glen Nevis at Achintee; it has a gradient nowhere exceeding 1 in 5, and the ascent is commonly effected in two to three hours.
Affairs of state were at first discussed at the imperial divan, where the great dignitaries were convened at appointed hours.
An ultimatum was presented ordering Turkey within twenty-four hours to dismiss the French ambassador, hand over the Turkish fleet, and make peace with Russia.
Part of the garrison remained loyal to the sultan, but after five hours of severe fighting Shevket Pasha was able to occupy the capital (April 25).
On the i r th of October, when they began their march, the road along the Danube was swept into the river, carrying with it several guns and teams, and hours were consumed in passing the shortest distances.
Six hours earlier his conclusion would have been correct, but early that morning the Prussian headquarters, alarmed for the safety of their line of retreat on Berlin by the presence of the French in Naumburg, decided to leave Hohenlohe and Rachel to act as rear-guard, and with the main body to commence their retreat towards the river Unstrutt and the Eckhardtsberge where Massenbach had previously reconnoitred an " ideal " battlefield.
Davout, however, had left a garrison of 1800 men in Regensburg, who delayed the junction of the Austrian wings until the 10th inst., and on the same day the emperor, having now reunited his whole right wing and centre, overwhelmed the covering detachments facing him in a long series of disconnected engagements lasting forty-eight hours, and the archduke now found himself in danger of being forced back into the Danube.
Sebastiani, commanding the advanced guard, overtook the Russians in the act of evacuating Moscow, and agreed with the latter to observe a seven hours' armistice to allow the Russians to clear the town, for experience had shown the French that street fighting in wooden Russian townships always meant fire and the consequent destruction of much-needed shelter and provisions.
Travelling at the fullest speed, he reached the Tuileries on the 18th, after a journey of 312 hours.
He then on the 7th of October drew up a final plan, in which one again recognizes the old commander, and this he immediately proceeded to put into execution, for he was now quite aware of the danger threatening his line of retreat from both Blucher and Schwarzenberg and the North Army; yet only a few hours afterwards the portion of the order relating to St Cyr and Lobau was cancelled and the two were finally left behind at Dresden.
At the same time he heard that Pahlen's Cossacks had been withdrawn forty-eight hours previously, thus completely exposing his flank.
This place had been held by a French garrison, but had capitulated only twenty-four hours beforehand, a fact of which Napoleon was naturally unaware.
The facts as to the position of an opponent accurately observed and correctly reported at a given moment, afford no reliable guarantee of his position 48 hours later, when the orders based on this information enter upon execution.
The Wadi Besha is a broad valley abounding with streams containing numerous hamlets scattered over a tract some six or eight hours' journey in length.
To do this the city maintained (1906) 24 flushing wagons working 2 shifts of 8 hours each per day.
Polymitarcys virgo, which, though not found in England, occurs in many parts of Europe (and is common at Paris), emerges from the water soon after sunset, and continues for several hours in such myriads as to resemble snow showers, putting out lights, and causing inconvenience to man, and annoyance to horses by entering their nostrils.
The conflict about St Pierre (Lostenia) was one of the most bloody of the war; but for hours Hill maintained his ground, and finally repulsed the French before Wellington, delayed by his pontoon bridge over the Nive having been swept away, arrived to his aid.
During the business hours (1-3 p.m.) the exchange is crowded by some 5000 merchants and brokers.
In this way continuous working has been rendered possible, whereas formerly operations had to be stopped every twelve or fifteen hours to allow the over-heated blocks and furnace to cool down.
It puts through 9-12 tons of ore in twenty-four hours, reducing the percentage of sulphur to 2-4%, and requires four to six men and about 2 tons of coal.
The crystallization proper lasts one hour, the working of a charge four hours, six charges being run in twenty-four hours.
A zincking takes 5-6 hours;1 1 5-2.5% zinc is required for desilverizing.
The distillation of 1000 lb charge lasts 5-6 hours, requires 500-600 lb coke or 30 gallons reduced oil, and yields about to% metallic zinc and I% blue powder - a mixture of finely-divided metallic zinc and zinc oxide.
These usually dry sandy beds, which on many maps appear rivers of imposing length, for a few hours or days following rare but violent thunderstorms, are deep and turbulent streams. The northern system consists of the Nosob and its tributaries, the Molopo and the Kuruman.
Sustained by their enthusiasm, however, the recruits displayed equal courage, and, at the end of four hours' stubborn fighting, their defence was still intact.
In Scott's early days a journey to London was beset with difficulties and even dangers; but railways have now brought it within a few hours' distance, and Scottish artists and literary men are tempted to seek a wider field.
The Boers had firearms, the Zulus their assegais only, and after a three hours' fight the Zulus were totally defeated, losing thousands killed, while the farmers' casualties were under 1 Captain Allen Francis Gardiner (1 79418 5 1) left Natal in 1838, subsequently devoting himself to missionary work in South America, being known as the missionary to Patagonia.
Finally, in 1254, we find the university officially prescribing how many hours are to be devoted to the explanation of the Metaphysics and the principal physical treatises of Aristotle.
The finest work is excessively trying to the eyes of the plaiters, who can at most give to it two or three hours' labour daily.
With these he marched southwards to the plain of Mohacs, where, on the 29th of August, the Hungarians, after a two hours' fight, were annihilated, the king, both the archbishops, five bishops and 24,000 men perishing on the field.
On the top of the tower is the effigy of a man in iron who strikes the hours with a hammer.
In January 1907 seven inches of rain fell in 24 hours.
The agreement had hardly been concluded when Sir Frederick Roberts arrived at the Cape with io,000 troops, and after spending forty-eight hours there returned to England.
To these demands the Transvaal government required an answer within 48 hours.
In this process the purified ore is mixed with about one-fifth of its weight of a noncaking coal or anthracite smalls, the mixture being moistened to prevent it from being blown off by the draught, and is then fused on the sole of a reverberatory furnace for five or six hours.
A strong heat is applied for about two hours so as to make the saffron "sweat," and a gentler temperature for a further period of twenty-four hours, the cake being turned every hour so that every part is thoroughly dried.
It is thus able to accommodate vessels up to Boo tons burden; and the passage from Lubeck to Lauenburg occupies 18 to 21 hours.
In about two hours the t2 Prussian battalions and 3 batteries found themselves assailed by upwards of 40 Austrian battalions and zoo guns, and against such swarms of enemies each man felt that retreat from the wood across the open meant annihilation.
Thus the Austrians gained 24 hours, and the direction of XXIV.
The most important codfishery in the world is that which has been prosecuted for centuries on the Newfoundland banks, where it is not uncommon for a single fisherman to take over Soo of these fish in ten or eleven hours.
In a very short period - within three or four hours after infection - there appears to have been a message conveyed to the defenders of the body both as to the point of attack and the nature of the invasion.
As early as six hours after the injury the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes are seen passing in large numbers from the dilated and congested blood vessels of the tissues at the margin of the wound into the injured zone, where they carry on an active phagocytosis.
He was for many years .professor of medicine at Leiden, where he lectured five hours a day, and excelled in influence and reputation not only his greatest forerunners, Montanus of Padua and Sylvius of Leiden, but probably every subsequent teacher.
A constant supply is maintained generally throughout " Water London," although a suspension between certain hours has been occasionally necessitated, as in 1895 and 1898, when, during summer droughts, the East London supply was so affected.
From 1416 citizens were obliged to hang out candles between certain hours on dark nights to illuminate the streets.
Scenes of remarkable activity may be witnessed here and at Billingsgate in the early hours of the morning when the stock is brought in and the wholesale distributions are carried on.
At mid-day next day the Zulu army made a desperate attack, lasting over four hours, on Wood's camp at Kambula; the enemy - over 20,000 strong - was driven off, losing fully 1000 men, while the British casualties were 18 killed and 65 wounded.
Cars, however, are too valuable to be used in this way for more than a few hours, and it is usual to erect large storage bins at the mine, at concentration works and metallurgical establishments, in which the mineral may be stored, permitting cars, wagons and vessels to be quickly emptied or loaded.
The contest lasted for several, hours, but towards evening the fleet was obliged to retire, three of the battleships having been sunk and four others having been put out of action.
The resistance offered by the Turks had been most determined, and these could reckon upon receiving welcome reinforcements within a few hours; for as soon as the situation declared itself Liman von Sanders had hurried off one of the two divisions (the 7th) at Bulair by water with orders to repair to Helles.
The Turks were in strong force in that quarter, and, as the hours passed and the defenders (3rd and r ith Divs.) massed, the situation became such as to render any French advance out of the question; indeed, but for the fire of the warships the troops who had landed could barely have maintained themselves.
The invaders of Helles had secured but a precarious foothold on Ottoman soil by the morning of the 26th, twenty-four hours after starting operations; but fair progress was made by them during the course of this second day.
What was left of the force originally detailed for the landing at " V " beach contrived during the early hours by stern fighting to occupy some high ground hard by, and also to join hands with the troops landed at " W " beach.
A rearrangement of the attacking forces was carried otit during the following night, and the attempt to gain the highest ground was resumed at dawn on the 8th from the positions that had been acquired 24 hours earlier.
They were unfortunately moved from right to left, and this took many hours.
The responsible authorities on the spot perceived that the process of gradually removing the huge accumulations of impedimenta that were massed about the landing-places and of reembarking the troops must take place during the dark hours and step by step, every effort being made to keep the Turks unaware of what was in progress.
Twenty-four hours later the long spell of calm, a godsend to Godley and Byng, came to an end.
For three hours after sunrise there was no fighting; then Henry, finding that the French would not advance, moved his army farther into the defile.
Processes of annealing, or very gradual cooling, are intended to relieve these strains, but such processes are only completely effective when the cooling, particularly through those ranges of temperature where the glass is just losing the last traces of plasticity, is extremely gradual, a rate measured in hours per degree Centigrade being required.
The stages of the process so far described generallyoccupy from 36 to 60 hours, and during this time the constant care and watchfulness of those attending the furnace is required.
There are generally two shifts of workmen, each shift working six hours, and the work is carried on continuously from Monday morning until Friday morning.
Arslan-Tepe, near Ordasu (two hours from Malatia); large mound whence two sculptured stelae or wall-blocks with inscriptions in relief have been unearthed (now in Constantinople and the Louvre).
The longest day is 15 hours and 33 minutes, the shortest 8 hours and 50 minutes.
But Bestuzhev succeeded, at last, in convincing the empress that Chetardie was an impudent intriguer, and on the 6th of June 174.4, that diplomatist was ordered to quit Russia within twenty-four hours.
The "Fortitude" and "Juno" kept up a cannonade for 22 hours and then hauled off, the former being on fire and having sixtytwo men killed and wounded.
The canes in each case are assumed to contain 88% of juice and 12% of fibre, and the extraction by milling to be 75% of the weight of canes - the evaporative power of the factory being equal to 622 tons per 24 hours.
To secure this marvellous return, with an annual rainfall of 26 in., as much as 52,000,000 gallons of water are pumped per 24 hours from artesian wells on one estate alone.
The sloping sides of the conical bottom can be freed from the coating of scum which forms upon them every two or three hours by two rotatory scrapers, formed of L-irons, which can be slowly turned by an attendant by means of a central shaft provided with a suitable handle.
Every twenty-four hours or so the flow of juice may be conveniently stopped, and, after all the impurities have subsided, the superincumbent clear liquor may be decanted by a cock placed at the side of the cone for the purpose, and the vessel may be washed out.
These separators are carefully protected by non-conducting cement and wood lagging, and are closed at the top to prevent loss of heat; and they will run for many hours without requiring to be changed, the duration of the run depending on the quality of the liquor treated and amount of impurities therein.
If double-bottomed defecators are used in sufficient number to allow an hour and a half to two hours for making each defecation, and if they are of a size which permits any one of them to be filled up by the cane-mill with juice in ten to twelve minutes, they will make as perfect a defecation as is obtainable by any known system; but their employment involves the expenditure of much high-pressure steam (as exhaust steam will not heat the juice quickly enough through the small surface of the hemispherical inner bottom), and also the use of filter presses for treating the scums. A great deal of skilled superintendence is also required, and first cost is comparatively large.
When a sufficient number are not available for a two hours' defecation, it is the practice in some factories to skim off the scums that rise to the top, and then boil up the juice for a few minutes and skim again, and, after repeating the operation once or twice, to run off the juice to separators or subsiders of any of the kinds previously described.
On the other hand, the advocates of admitting the feed into a vacuum pan in many minute streams appeal rather to the ignorant and incompetent sugarboiler than to a man who, knowing his business thoroughly, will boil 150 tons of hot raw sugar in a pan in a few hours, feeding it through a single pipe and valve io in.
Earthy matter and other matter precipitated and fallen on the copper double bottom may be dislodged by a slowly revolving scraper - say every twelve hours - and ejected through the bottom discharge cock; and thus the heating surface of the copper bottom will be kept in full efficiency.
With ordinary care on the part of the men in charge Hatton defecators will work continuously for several days and nights, and the number required to deal with a given volume of juice is half the number of ordinary defecators of equal capacity which would do the same work; for it must be borne in mind that an ordinary double-bottomed defecator takes two hours to deliver its charge and be in readiness to receive a fresh charge, i.e.
The carbonic acid gas injected into the highly limed juice in the saturators is made by the calcination of limestone in a kiln provided with three cleaning doors, so arranged as to allow the lime to be removed simultaneously from them every six hours.
The syrup in the cistern is allowed to remain for about twelve hours, by which time the char will have absorbed all the colouring matter in it, as well as the lime.
For twelve hours previously to its administration no food should be given, in order that the intestinal tract should be empty so as to expose the tapeworm to the full action of the drug.
Officers, commonly called wardens in England, were elected by the members, and their chief function was to supervise the quality of the wares produced, so as to secure good and honest workmanship. Therefore, ordinances were made regulating the hours of labour and the terms of admission to the gild, including apprenticeship. Other ordinances required members to make periodical payments to a common fund, and to participate in certain common religious observances, festivities and pageants.
The journeymen combined to protect their special interests, notably as regards hours of work and rates of wages, and they fought with the masters over the labour question in all its aspects.
In this form a large number, after being cooked or stoved in moist heat for about twenty-four hours, are piled between plates in an hydraulic press, and subjected to great pressure for a month or six weeks, during which time a slow fermentation takes place, and a considerable exudation of juice results from the severe pressure.
The iron adapters are now slipped on, and left on for two hours, when, as a matter of experience, a considerable amount of zinc has gone out of the retort, the greater part into the fire-clay adapter, the rest into the iron cone.
As soon as the adapters have been cleaeed of their contents, they are replaced, and again left to themselves for two hours, to be once more emptied and replaced, &c. The complete exhaustion of the charge of a furnace takes about eleven hours.
About six or eight hours after starting the distillation is in full swing, and in twenty-four hours it is completed.
A bath, even of very impure zinc, is allowed to stand at about the temperature of the melting-point of the metal for forty-eight or more hours, whereupon the more easily oxidizable impurities can be largely removed in the dross at the top, the heavier metals such as lead and iron settling towards the bottom.
In many places longitudinal dunes are found exceeding a day's journey in length, the valleys between which take three or four hours to cross; but the most striking feature of the Nafud are the high crescent-shaped sand-hills, known locally as falk or falj, described by Blunt and Huber, who devoted some time to their investigation.
Reared in this way they are capable of marvellous endurance, marching during a raid twenty hours a day for eight or ten days together.
The current, either continuous or alternating, is then started, and continued for about 1 to 12 hours, until the operation is complete, the carbon rods being gradually withdrawn as the action proceeds.
Among its early members Cogers Hall reckoned John Wilkes, one of its first presidents, and Curran, who in 1773 writes to a friend that he spent a couple of hours every night at the Hall.
A few hundred armed men had assembled at Saint Denis to resist the troops, and early on the morning of the 22nd of November hostilities commenced, which were maintained for several hours and resulted in many casualties.
The most terrible was that of 1746, which destroyed Callao, on the 28th of October, and there were 220 shocks in the following twenty-four hours.
After two hours' fighting, the "Monitor" was drawn off, so that more ammunition could be placed in her turret.
But there are more than twice as many visible in the early morning hours as in the evenings, and during the last half of the year there are also more than twice as many visible as during the first half.
If in the course of the first twenty-four hours this larva meet with a tadpole it attaches itself at once and undergoes further development.
The ciliated stage is only capable of free life for five or six hours, and if at the end of that time it has not encountered and attached itself to a minnow, it dies.
Jacopo Niccolini, one of a religious fraternity dedicated to consoling the last hours of condemned men, remained with him.
As a rule tsetse-flies are most active during the warmer hours of the day, but they frequently bite at night, especially by moonlight.
His little account books of income and outlay, with every item entered down to a few hours before his death, are accurate and neat enough to have satisfied an ancient Roman householder.
Haemorrhage has been classified as - (I) primary, occurring at the time of the injury; (2) reactionary, or within twenty-four hours of the accident, during the stage of reaction; (3) secondary, occurring at a later period and caused by faulty application of a ligature or septic condition of the wound.
He retained his intellectual lucidity and an absolute command of his faculties to the last, reading Shakespeare with obvious appreciation until within a few hours of his death.
To his function as a preacher we owe some of his most characteristic and stimulating works, especially the discourses by which it may be said he won his way to wide and influential recognition - Endeavours after the Christian Life, 1st series, 1843; 2nd series, 1847; Hours of Thought, 1st series, 1876; 2nd series, 1879; the various hymn-books he issued at Dublin in 1831, at Liverpool in 1840, in London in 1873; and the Home Prayers in 1891.
Two years of incessant labor with relays of artisans working steadily throughout the twenty-four hours were required to finish this piece.
There is ample evidence that the civil law was soon once more a favourite study at Oxford, where we learn that, in 1190, two students from Friesland were wont to divide between them the hours of the night for the purpose of making a copy of the Liber pauperum.
The men devote to the loom those hours which are not required for the cultivation of their little farms; the women spin and reel the yarn during the intervals of their other domestic occupations.
Like elephants and buffaloes they lie asleep during the heat of the day, and feed during the night and in the cool hours of early morning and evening.
In other words, each pound of chlorate would require an expenditure of nearly 5.1 e.h.p. hours.
A turret to the right of the portal carries a clock called the Jaquemart, on which the hours are struck by two figures.
In 1864 he exhibited "Dante in Exile" (the greatest of his Italian pictures), "Orpheus and Eurydice" and "Golden Hours."
The effects of a bite by a poisonous snake upon a small mammal or bird are almost instantaneous, preventing its escape; and the snake swallows its victim at its leisure, sometimes hours after it has been killed.
In this state the patient may die in about twelve hours.
Recovery is sudden, and within a few hours the patient becomes bright and intelligent.
Great prostration, vomiting and cold, clammy perspiration follow within one to three hours.
In from twelve to twenty-four hours these severe constitutional symptoms usually pass off, but in the meantime the swelling and discoloration have spread enormously.
The first constitutional symptoms appear in fifteen minutes to two hours.
As Cicero tones down his oratory in his moral treatises, so Horace tones down the fervour of his lyrical utterances in his Epistles, and thus produces a style combining the ease of the best epistolary style with the grace and concentration of poetry - the style, as it has been called, of "idealized common sense," that of the urbanus and cultivated man of the world who is also in his hours of inspiration a genuine poet.
The largest amount of alcohol that can be burnt up within the healthy body in twenty-four hours is 12 oz., but it must be consumed in great dilution and divided into small doses taken every four hours.
About Shiloh Church, a strong rearguard under Bragg repulsed the attacks of Grant and Buell for six hours before withdrawing, and all that Grant and Buell achieved was the reoccupation of the abandoned camps.
The solutions are well mixed by stirring with wooden poles, and the gold allowed to settle, the time allowed varying from 12 to 72 hours.
The heating is continued for 4 to 12 hours according to the amount of silver present; the end of the reaction is known by the absence of any hissing.
A small stickleback kept in an aquarium devoured, in five hours' time, 74 newly-hatched dace, which were about a quarter of an inch long.
In the governor's garden, in Quebec, there is also a monument to the memory of Wolfe and his gallant opponent Montcalm, who survived him only a few hours, with the inscription " Wolfe and Montcalm.
There young Parkman spent his leisure hours in collecting eggs, insects and reptiles, trapping squirrels and woodchucks, and shooting birds with arrows.
Two years later, at the early age of 50, he died in Paris, of congestion of the lungs, after only a few hours' illness.
From the time when he was bidden to leave his country to enter the unknown land, Yahweh was ever present to encourage him to trust in the future when his posterity should possess the land, and so, in its bitterest hours, Israel could turn for consolation to the promises of the past which enshrined in Abraham its hopes for the future.
The threat of the charge had, however, induced caution on the French side, and for about two hours there was a lull in the fighting, which the Prussians utilized on their right in bringing up reinforcements through the Bois des Ognons.
It had no knowledge of the state of affairs on the battlefield, or in the direction of Bruville, though Prussian cavalry had been observing the approach of Ladmirault's corps for some hours.
Meanwhile the king, Moltke, and Bismarck, had ridden back behind Gravelotte where they passed two hours of intense anxiety.
From the flash of the rifles, it was clear that the French main position was still intact, and as every body of troops within thirty-six hours' call had been engaged there seemed little prospect of renewing the struggle next morning.
The 6th Corps only was severely shaken, the 4th (the best in the whole army), though it had fought hard twice within fortyeight hours, losing nearly 30% of its strength, was still well in hand, and the 3rd, 2nd and Imperial Guards were almost intact.
It was obvious that what they had failed to do by surprise was hopeless now that twenty-four hours had been given in which the Germans 1 Steinmetz was shortly afterwards relieved of his command and returned to Germany.
Had it held out even forty-eight hours longer events before Paris and Orleans might have taken a different turn.
It hardly affects the small intestine, but markedly stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine, causing purging in about fifteen hours.
But the addition was very far from being an improvement on the work of Calippus; for instead of a difference of only five hours and fifty-three minutes between the places of the sun and moon, which was the whole error of the Calippic period, this difference, in the period of eighty-four years, amounted to one day, six hours and forty-one minutes.
This practice continued to prevail till the 17th century, when, at the instance of the Jesuit Schall, president of the tribunal of mathematics, they adopted the European method of dividing the day into twenty-four hours, each hour into sixty minutes, and each minute into sixty seconds.
The Chinese divide the time of a complete revolution of the sun with regard to the solstitial points into twelve equal portions, each corresponding to thirty days, ten hours, thirty minutes.
The Drocourt-Queant front and support lines were thus in the hands of the Canadians after little more than four hours' fighting.
The test tube is tightly corked to prevent evaporation, and allowed to stand for some hours.
When the German squadron was sighted it would have been possible to fall back on the " Canopus," but this would have entailed the destruction of the " Otranto," which would have been overtaken by the enemy in two or three hours.
In 1899 a county workhouse was established in New Castle county, in which persons under sentence must labour eight hours a day, pay being allowed for extra hours, and a diminution of sentence for good behaviour.
He attended lectures on grammar, and his favourite work was St Augustine's De civitate Dei, He caused Frankish sagas to be collected, began a grammar of his native tongue, and spent some of his last hours in correcting a text of the Vulgate.
A series of observations can be easily and more accurately accomplished with the Cape heliometer in half an hour; with the Oxford heliometer it would occupy 2 hours, and with the 4-in.
In driving levels it is necessary to cut grooves vertically parallel to the walls, a process known as shearing; but the most important operation is that known as holing or kirving, which consists in cutting a notch or groove in the floor of the seam to a depth of about 3 ft., measured back from the face, so as to leave the overhanging part unsupported, which then either falls of its own accord within a few hours, or is brought down either by driving wedges along the top, or by blasting.
In the United Kingdom the drawing of coal is generally confined to the day shift of eight hours, with an output of from 100 to 150 tons per hour, according to the depth, capacity of coal tubs, and facilities for landing and changing tubs.
It is said that the output of single shafts has been raised by this method to 3500 and 4500 tons in the double shift of sixteen hours.
At Cadeby Main colliery near Doncaster in 1906, 3360 tons were drawn in fourteen hours from one pit 763 yds.
The process is not continuous, but a change of crucibles only takes two or three minutes under the best conditions, and only occurs every ten or fifteen hours.
The Mexican commander, Pedro de Ampudia, demanded Taylor's withdrawal beyond the Nueces within twenty-four hours.
On the 2nd-13th of August 1704 Eugene and Marlborough set their forces in motion towards the hostile camps; several streams had to be crossed on the march, and it was seven o'clock (five hours after moving off) when the British of Marlborough's left wing, next the Danube, deployed opposite Blenheim, which Tallard thereupon garrisoned with a large force of his best infantry, aided by a battery of 24-pounder guns.
It was for the most part written laboriously, and polished with unsparing care, line by line, often as he rode from one patient to another, and it occupied the leisure hours of many years.
The harbour is one of the finest natural harbours in the kingdom, and has the advantage of a double tide, the tide of the English channel giving it high water first by way of the Solent and two hours later by way of Spithead.
Occupying 135 degrees of latitude, living on the shores of frozen or of tropical waters; at altitudes varying from sea-level to several thousands of feet; in forests, grassy prairies or deserts; here starved, there in plenty; with a night here of six months' duration, there twelve hours long; here among health-giving winds, and there cursed with malaria - this brown man became, in different culture provinces, brunette or black, tall or short, long-headed or short-headed, and developed on his own hemisphere variations from an average type.
He started work at the age of seven in a ropeworks, attending the wheel of a rope-spinner for ten hours a day, and on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings toiled in a barber's shop. He afterwards became a gasworker, and in 1889 he helped to found the National Union of Gas Workers and General Labourers, becoming its general secretary.
When the mass is quietly fusing, the crucible is heated for two hours in a wind-furnace.
He had to delay the French advance for 24 hours and give time for Blucher's concentration, at the same time retaining his own freedom of manoeuvre, and this in spite of the great length of the summer day, the short distance that he lay 'in front of Fleurus, the tremendous numerical superiority of the French and Napoleon's personal presence at their head.
Meanwhile two long hours had been wasted on the right whilst Grouchy and Vandamme deliberated over their plan of action in front of the Prussian brigade at Gilly; and it was not until the emperor himself again reached the front, about 5.30 P.M., that vigour replaced indecision.
Ney had allowed the valuable hours to slip away when he could have stormed Quatre Bras with ease and ensured co operation with his master.
But it was 24 hours too late, for Blucher's defeat had rendered the AngloDutch position untenable.
Their retreat having been unmolested, the Prussians were ready once more to take the field, quite twenty-four hours before Napoleon deemed it possible for the foe defeated at Ligny.
This order at least was precise and clear, but it was sent 12 hours too late, and when Grouchy received it he was unable to carry it out.
The light of Algol remains constant during close upon 56 hours; then declines in 62 hours (approximately) to nearly one-fourth its normal amount, and is restored by sensibly the same gradations.
Eight hours constitute a legal day's work for all employees except those engaged in farm labour or domestic service.
For children under sixteen years of age who are so employed the hours of labour are limited to eight a day and the days to six a week, and such children must not begin work before eight o'clock in the morning or continue after five o'clock in the evening.
For children between sixteen and eighteen years of age and for women the hours of labour in a factory are limited to ten a day, unless to prepare for a short day or a holiday, and the days to six a week.
In a city of the first or second class every boy between fourteen and sixteen years of age who has an employment certificate, but has not completed the course of study prescribed for the elementary public schools or the equivalent, must attend an evening school not less than six hours each week for a period of not less than sixteen weeks each year, or a trade school not less than eight hours a week for sixteen weeks a year.
The ultimatum required Turkish acquiescence to this course within twenty-four hours.
State school buildings can be, and sometimes are, used for religious instruction on days and at hours other than those fixed by law for ordinary school work,; but no child can be required to attend, except at the wish of its parent or guardian.
These laws deal with truck, employers' liability, contractors' workmen, the recovery of workmen's wages, the hours of closing in shops and merchants' offices, conspiracy amongst trade unionists, and with factories, mines, shipping and seamen..
The canonical office was chanted throughout, but the directly religious duties of the day can hardly have taken more than 4 or 5 hours - perhaps 8 on Sundays.
The remaining hours of the day were divided between work and reading, in the proportion (on the average of the whole year) of about 6 and 4 hours respectively.
Computation from modern data shows that 235 lunations are 6939 days, 16.5 hours; and 19 solar years, 6939 days, 14.5 hours.
The relation between integral numbers of months and years expressed by Meton's rule therefore deviates only two hours from the truth.
Since 19 Julian years make 6939 days, 18 hours, the relation errs by only I.
The motion of the fork is maintained by the clock acting through an escapement, and the dial registers both the number Koenig's of vibrations of the fork and the seconds, minutes and Tuning-fork hours.
By this arrangement " religious instruction of a purely historical character " was given in all government schools for two hours every week, and might be given in Dutch.
Dogmatic teaching was prohibited during school hours, except in rural schools when parents required such teaching to be given.
The first rush of the assailants carried them up to the wire and other obstacles, but they were for many hours unable to advance a step farther.
The labour statistics published by the department are exhaustive, dealing with hours of labour, the state of the labour market, the condition of the working classes and the prices of commodities; annual reports are also ' Since 1882 there have been only two occasions on which the president of the board was not included in the cabinet.
These literary occupations solaced the hours of a life which was mostly spent in privacy.
Altogether the queen was in her carriage for more than four hours, in itself an extraordinary physical feat for a woman of seventy-eight.