Hour Sentence Examples
We just got back about an hour ago.
We haven't even been out for an hour yet.
She was still awake an hour later when Alex came through the door.
An hour later she found herself staring vacantly into the fire again.
They had cake and ice cream and talked for nearly an hour about one thing and another.
The hour for the feast came.
She led him to the back room where her things were piled and then resumed her last hour of work at the diner.
Instead, she decided to use that extra hour to take a relaxing bath.
Even if he was a Mormon, how could he make plans with this Darcie when he had proposed to her only an hour ago?
Don't spend a half hour selecting what you need, either.
AdvertisementAfter nearly an hour of riding, they descended the steep walls of a draw and followed it to a small valley.
Half an hour later, her eyes swollen and her chest sore from sobbing, she turned her face up to the warm water in the shower.
Can Howard have an hour off to show me around Keene before I leave?
Less than an hour after the phone call, Destiny woke up in a fit of coughing.
The employer gained $9 an hour, Chang got a job, and no one is worse off.
AdvertisementKatie arrived an hour later to pick up Jonathan and Destiny, and thirty minutes later Carmen and Alex were in the car headed for the airport.
What they had witnessed in the last hour required the silence of personal reflection.
An hour ago I saw chaos that resulted from lies, half-truths and secrets.
Impatience prompted me to telephone Ethel Reagan before the allotted hour was up.
Jane, our GPS, as Betsy named her, didn't let us down and we found our friend's cabin at the end of a dusty road, hungry for dinner after a six hour drive.
AdvertisementBut it's at least a two hour drive to Boston.
Before the half hour was ended he had written a very neat composition on his slate.
They rested for less than an hour and then he saddled the horse again.
His ride had taken almost an hour.
Howie returned after the allotted hour tour.
AdvertisementHis hour has come!
We should live in all the ages of the world in an hour; ay, in all the worlds of the ages.
At the appointed hour the prince, powdered and shaven, entered the dining room.
It no longer seemed strange to them but on the contrary it seemed the only thing that could be done, just as a quarter of an hour before it had not seemed strange to anyone that the wounded should be left behind and the goods carted away but that had seemed the only thing to do.
In an hour or so the storm would abate and they could leave.
Betsy was knee deep in meetings through the dinner hour so I was designated to baby sit Howie.
Within an hour Betsy had assembled a full biography.
I'll call you back in an hour.
Give me an hour or so and a number where I can call you.
About an hour later, a well-dressed gentleman came into the hotel and said, "I wish to see Mr. Jefferson."
It should be done now, but... maybe an hour?
He always came to table under precisely the same conditions, and not only at the same hour but at the same minute.
When the reading which lasted more than an hour was over, Langeron again brought his snuffbox to rest and, without looking at Weyrother or at anyone in particular, began to say how difficult it was to carry out such a plan in which the enemy's position was assumed to be known, whereas it was perhaps not known, since the enemy was in movement.
Alex told her to call him back if she didn't give birth in an hour.
I'll stand watch first and Fritz can relieve me in an hour.
Finally, after a half hour of tossing and turning he gave up.
We were an hour into our drive south before I broached the subject, asking her about the tete-a-tete.
It's only a four hour trip, maybe.
Two blocks away we found a dark spot that catered to happy hour regulars.
We can't even do an abduction that happens sometime over night but you don't know the hour.
We readily agreed in spite of the late Friday night hour.
Howie was three thousand miles away; who would come to call at this hour of the night?
Either way why don't you take a drive down here to headquarters in the next hour or maybe I should send a car up there for you.
The pastor continued as if we hadn't taken nearly a three hour break, mostly continuing his sermon.
I had more than an hour to wait at Philadelphia International Airport.
My flight was delayed an hour so my early wake up was in vain.
He must have been flying a hundred miles an hour to make that mess.
He'd gone a week with an hour of sleep.
You remember how your condo building came down this morning an hour before you planned?
Will you be ready in an hour?
Only an hour ago their relationship had been so solid.
Not more than an hour ago you were helping him sling mud at me?
She had an hour until she had to be at her weekend job.
She had an hour before the feline was due for dinner and wine.
Half an hour later, she set the book on the table beside the couch, prepped the cat's meal and went in search of the beast.
This is –" "Great, well we'll be about half an hour early.
There's an awesome taco shack an hour away.
They drove an hour away, Gerry filling the time with engaging chatter.
First I have to check in every other hour and now I can't see Jonny.
Jessi stopped to grab Xander's coffee then walked with Ashley out of the mall an hour after they arrived.
People began arriving an hour after the caterers.
He wrote "The Village Blacksmith," "The Children's Hour," and many other beautiful pieces which you will like to read and remember.
Hour after hour he stood and watched.
The farmers had to learn what it meant to be paid by the hour and to take instructions from supervisors; how to do a task and then the next day, learn a completely new task and do it instead.
Hour by hour the flakes dropped silently, softly from their airy height to the earth, and the country became more and more level.
It was another hour before I succeeded in getting her napkin folded.
The hour from twelve to one is devoted to the learning of new words.
Usually we take one of the little "Readers" up in a big tree near the house and spend an hour or two finding the words Helen already knows.
It would astonish you to see how many words she learns in an hour in this pleasant manner.
If you'll allow me to leave my Natasha in your hands for a quarter of an hour, Princess, I'll drive round to see Anna Semenovna, it's quite near in the Dogs' Square, and then I'll come back for her.
The restaurant has a lively happy hour, private dining rooms and a to-go service.
Stop in for the bar's happy hour specials on weekdays, and enjoy the action on the big-screen television before you head into the dining room.
Connie wouldn't be there for another hour.
What are you doing up at this hour?
Even at this hour a piano was pounding out a raucous tune in one of the three saloons.
I was left sitting on my hands until the appointed hour of Howie's nap before Betsy assigned me the chore of remaining in the small room while he slept.
I gave him an hour to check into the matter.
After a solid hour of the child crying, I wondered if the mother read about the abandoned child, perhaps with a fleeting hint of sympathy.
She'd said not a word for the two hour ride to my castle in the sky.
I said nothing on the hour long trip in his van.
We had been there perhaps an hour when we heard him return.
An hour of sleep was the longest he'd managed in over a week, and he felt more tired than when he lay down.
Every hour, he came back and hurt her.
I need an hour in the gym then we'll go over the logistics issues you're inheriting.
If you're not there in half an hour, I'm coming to find you.
He came in every hour.
You gonna make the intel briefing this morning in an hour?
His sister's warning came an hour after he last remembered looking at the clock.
My batteries are low-- think I can Travel in an hour or so.
You have an hour.
She was edgy again after the hour it took to relax.
Not even the commuters who lied to themselves and everyone else by saying the hour and a half at each end of the day was a pleasurable time to relax and read the paper.
He knew the return trip would be far different, crawling his way back in the snarl of rush hour.
For the first hour of his trip to the airport, Dean's vision was restricted to two red eyes of the taillights in front of him, glaring out of a haze as thick as chowder.
Dean sped up to 80 miles an hour and turned across three lanes to an exit while the Ford tried vainly, but unsuccessfully, to follow.
Cynthia Byrne looked worse with each passing hour and just before their flight was called, excused herself and went to the ladies' room.
In spite of the late hour, the lights at 422 Collingswood Avenue were still ablaze.
Dean introduced himself and apologized for the late hour.
The entire trip took just over an hour with the driver, a volunteer from Amarillo, Texas who never stopping his constant drawl of friendly conversation, little of which Dean heard.
She offered Clara some iced tea and they talked for almost an hour before Clara surprised her with a calculating question and matching expression.
I'll be gone in an hour.
The hour of peril for the Latin kingdom had now at last struck.
In the hour of danger, the claims of religion reasserted themselves on the young soldier, and, following a custom when no priest was at hand, he made his confession to a brother officer, who in turn also confessed to him.
On the opening day passengers were taken across at the rate of more than 2000 per hour in addition to a number of vehicles.
Baker then described the results of experiments on repetition of stress, and added that " hundreds of existing bridges which carry twenty trains a day with perfect safety would break down quickly under twenty trains an hour.
When, on the 9th of February 1670, Schumacher delivered the Kongelov to Christian V., the king bade all those about him withdraw, and after being closeted a good hour with Schumacher, appointed him his "Obergeheimesekreter."
This time the Poles came to the rescue of the Government in its hour of need, by getting a form of standing order approved which rendered obstruction somewhat more difficult, and in this, curiously enough, they were helped by the Czechs; for obstruction had brought even them into an impasse, since their financial requirements had not been met.
She had a cradle, and I often spent an hour or more rocking her.
Well, there I might live, I said; and there I did live, for an hour, a summer and a winter life; saw how I could let the years run off, buffet the winter through, and see the spring come in.
He had another stroke about half an hour ago.
He'd been jogging for an hour when a black Tahoe pulled up alongside him.
I need you to run to Doolin with me in half an hour.
Jule had watched the Magician for a good half hour.
She was late by an hour.
An hour later, he returned to Yully's room empty-handed.
For half an hour, Jenn tried to find his trail.
I'm going out for a meeting in about an hour.
After another half an hour, she gathered up a small backpack she'd found in a closet.
Dark had fallen an hour before.
She drove fast and arrived half an hour later to the safe house and parked out front.
Two, let her walk around for an hour every twelve.
Half an hour after leaving her room, she was ready to break down.
We've been gone nearly an hour, I bet.
It was half an hour later when she returned, holding Martha's hand as they entered the room.
They made me wait an hour or so knowing what was coming.
When Saturday's daylight arrived to David Dean's exhausted eyes, the time had slipped past his usual rising hour and voices and footsteps rattled the old timbers of Bird Song.
We'll be back in an hour or two.
He promised to return in an hour and ferry the group back to Bird Song, which was less than a mile away.
Instead, she slipped into bed, and in spite of the early hour, doused the lights and asked that any talk wait until morning.
It was an hour later before they saw their first vehicle, an old Scout, battered and muddy, coming out of a side trail below them.
The parade, with its smiles, applause, and balloons, was over in a half hour.
The group left the Jeep and spent more than an hour on foot with Cynthia taking infinite care with each of her photos.
So far, except for stomach growls an hour or so before mealtime, Dean wasn't complaining.
If his destination was the courthouse, he was an hour early.
Dean read the paper as he sat in his Jeep—I'll be at Bird Song in an hour.
Give me another hour and go see Fitzgerald, in his cruiser.
It was an hour later when the noise distracted them.
The Deans rose at their usual early hour.
After half an hour, she grew tired of the internal argument.
It wasn't like in the old house, where she would have slept cold, got up to a colder house and had to start a fire in an old stove, then wait an hour until she could no longer see her breath.
It took exactly one hour to take Destiny over to Katie's and drop Jonathan off at the school before meeting with his teacher.
The whole thing didn't take more than an hour, and she delivered a baby weighing close to seventy-five pounds.
Another agonizing hour passed before a doctor finally came out to talk to them.
A half hour later she was leaning over him, listening to him breath.
The meeting only lasted an hour, and when she returned, Destiny was taking a nap.
I worked for over an hour trying to talk.
I'll see you in an hour.
Ma'am, that's a three hour drive.
Deidre waited half an hour then rose.
Deidre was breathless and upbeat when the lake came into view over an hour later.
I've been working twenty hour days for you, Gabe.
An hour later, Gabriel reached the last of the death-dealers in line, relieved yet troubled not to have found another traitor.
She spent a grueling hour putting up the string of red lights in the kitchen and stepped back to admire her work.
I'll send someone over in about half an hour.
It's just two miles an hour.
We'll be going to a soiree across the street in about an hour.
The sun crossed the sky, and an hour before it would set, he returned.
The breakfast room had cleared out an hour before, but the patient matriarch kept her coffee cup full and left her alone.
It had been an hour, and Hannah hadn.t appeared.
An hour later, Katie stood in a similar-looking fortress several times the size of the Caribbean Sanctuary.
It.d been an hour.
They.d spent the hour in the conference room without fighting or threatening to kill each other.
An hour later, she dismounted her bike and leaned it against the brick front of the art gallery where her work was displayed.
Perplexed as to what kind of movers worked at such an hour, she roamed through the row house from top to bottom.
Kiera lay on the bed an hour after Evelyn left, staring at the white ceiling with its brightly corded edges.
After exploring the halls and grounds for an hour or two, she returned to the main atrium, where she heard one of the sisters call her name.
Less than an hour after she'd started playing the game, the communicator lit up and beeped.
It was the intense, fierce look of a leader and a warrior, and she was surprised to note a difference in the way he regarded her not more than an hour ago.
As if he sensed her irritation at the early hour, a look of amusement crossed his face, visible in the shift of his eyebrows.
An hour glass with streaming black sand appeared in his palm.
He stalked off into the forest, away from the castle and cliff. Toby clambered through the brush and trees after him, the angel's footsteps loud where Rhyn's were silent. Rhyn found a deer path and followed it until he reached a snowy meadow. Crossing it, he continued to look for a place to stash the angel where the kid wouldn't freeze to death. After another hour of walking, he found a small pocket in the roots of a massive tree.
He went back to the deer trail and jogged through the forest to keep his body warm, making it to the castle in an hour.
She walked for half an hour, until rain began to trickle through the jungle overhead. Andre didn't reappear.
Half an hour before lights out, I turned it off and went to the bathroom.
A scattering of cars dotted the parking lot but due to the late hour the avenue beyond was nearly devoid of traffic.
After an hour of circles he spotted a numbered highway he recognized, although he was much further from Parkside than he'd suspected.
The wait lasted less than an hour before Dean heard the metallic sound of a key in the lock.
An hour later she woke to the rumble of thunder.
Within an hour, they were riding side-by-side down the south bank of the creek, searching for the blocked area.
An hour after they returned home, a trailer brought the two buffalo.
For nearly a half hour she struggled with the idea of going to the clinic.
A half hour passed, and then an hour before she decided to check on him.
She was born about an hour ago, and yes, I was here when it happened.
She ran to him, kissing him as if she hadn't done so an hour ago before he left to do the chores.
For the next hour, his attention was divided between her and Princess.
Who would be visiting at this hour during a thunderstorm?
Why would he think his wife would be here at this hour?
They talked for over an hour, Mums gracefully avoiding the obvious.
Faith and courage were the only things that would get them through this dark hour.
The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
It took another hour to complete the ordeal..
She knew well about the darkest hour — she'd been there.
For the better part of an hour they gazed down on the scene below and discussed her plans for the dude ranch.
In his darkest hour, she had left the grieving to him and crawled into the safe world of denial.
They arrived about an hour later.
This had to be Lori's darkest hour — and yet, she would have a part of Josh forever.
Dawn had come an hour earlier but only just managed to push away the shadows of night from the cloudy mountain hiding place that had become her home.
It took nearly a half hour to find Jonathan and another fifteen minutes to separate him from two attractive girls.
We have almost an hour before it starts.
Less than a half hour later he was out the door.
These could probably run around 45 miles per hour in a sprint.
At first she was confident someone would find her soon, but after what felt like an hour, she wondered if they would find her alive.
I thought I'd be back within an hour – and I didn't have my phone.
They had worked through what she thought at the time was her darkest hour.
We've still got an hour before we're supposed to leave.
He was able to tolerate it for the hour a day during the season when they shot his show.
After an hour, she gave up and sat in the living area, drinking coffee.
Tell Xander you're going to walk around for about half an hour and you'll meet him back at the food court.
Be back in half an hour.
She'd been arguing with him over texts for the past hour.
Half an hour later, when he was finished with her, she lay trembling.
From observations during twelve balloon ascents, Linke concludes that below the 1500-metre level there are numerous sources of disturbance, the gradient at any given height varying much from day to day and hour to hour; but at greater heights there is much more uniformity.
The radioactivity is denoted by A, and A = signifies that the potential of the dissipation apparatus fell I volt in an hour per metre of wire introduced.
The first set relate as usual to the hour of commencement, the second to the hours of occurrence of lightning causing fires.
The hour of maximum is earlier for the mountains, thunder being more frequent there than in the plains between 8 A.M.
In this instance there seems little difference in the hour of maximum, the distinguishing feature being the great concentration of thunderstorm occurrence at Agustia between noon and 6 P.M.
Released for an hour from the Abbaye, she was again arrested and thrown among the horrors of Sainte-Pelagie.
At Rennes Descartes found little to interest him; and, after he had visited the maternal estate of which his father now put him in possession, he went to Paris, where he found the Rosicrucians the topic of the hour, and heard himself credited with partnership in their secrets.
His friend Chanut fell dangerously ill; and Descartes, who devoted himself to attend in the sick-room, was obliged to issue from it every morning in the chill northern air of January, and spend an hour in the palace library.
With him the reciprocal action of mind and body is altogether denied; they resemble two clocks, so made by the artificer as to strike the same hour together.
In Scotland the public greens are selfsupporting, from a charge, which includes the use of bowls, of one penny an hour for each player; in London the upkeep of the greens falls on the rates, but players must provide their own bowls.
The mud brought down by it, calculated at 7150 lb an hour at Bagdad, is not deposited in marshes to form alluvium, as in the case of the Euphrates, but although in flood time the river becomes at places an inland sea, rendering navigation extremely difficult and uncertain, the bulk of the mud is deposited in banks, shoals and islands in the bed of the river, and is finally carried out into the Persian Gulf.
Another small group of ruins in the same style is found at the village of Hajjiabad, on the Pulwar, a good hour's walk above Takhti Jamshid.
For, if the Sun presides over the first hour of Sunday, and therefore also over the eighth, the fifteenth and the twenty-second, Venus will have the twenty-third hour, Mercury the twenty-fourth, and the Moon, as the third in order from the Sun, will preside over the first hour of Monday.
To prevent foreign states from giving official recognition to the Confederacy was the task of the hour, and in this he was successful.
When they might have won national independence, after their warfare with the Swabian emperors, they let the golden opportunity slip. Pampered with commercial prosperity, eaten to the core with inter-urban rivalries, they submitted to despots, renounced the use of arms, and offered themselves in the hour of need, defenceless and disunited to the shock of puissant nations.
Now at last, after waiting so long, Signor Sonninos hour had struck, and he became premier for the first time.
He saw Jews, Saracens, heretics and apostates roaming through Spain unmolested; and in this lax toleration of religious differences he thought he saw the main obstacle to the political union of the Spains, which was the necessity of the hour.
After the explosion he hurried back to Holyrood and feigned surprise at the receipt of the news half an hour later, ascribing the catastrophe to "the strangest accident that ever chancit, to wit, the fouder (lightning) came out of the luft (sky) and had burnt the king's house."
Through this part of its course the current of the river, except where restricted by floating bridges - at Feluja, Mussaib, Hillah, Diwanieh and Samawa - does not normally exceed a mile an hour, and both on the main stream and on its canals the jerd or oxbucket takes the place of the naoura or water-wheel for purposes of irrigation.
In normal circumstances the log is hove every hour.
One part of quicklime is slaked with 6 parts of water, and the paste produced diluted with 24 parts of water; 2.3 parts of flowers of sulphur are added; and the whole is boiled for about an hour or longer, when the sulphur dissolves.
If the speed is given in miles per hour, S say, V =1.466 S (6) The revolutions of the axle per second, n, are connected with the radians turned through per second by the relation n =w/27r = w/6.38 (7) § 2.
Let E represent the pounds of coal burnt per hour in the fire-box of a locomotive, and let c be the calorific value in B.Th.U.
The maximum rate of combustion may be as much as so lb of coal per square foot of grate per hour, and in exceptional cases even a greater rate than this has been maintained.
A few experimental results are set forth in Table XX., from which it will be seen that with a relatively low rate of combustion, a rate which denotes very light service, namely lb of coal per square foot of grate per hour, the efficiency of the boiler is %, which is as good a result as can be obtained with the best class of stationary boiler or marine boiler even when using economizers.
If C is the number of pounds of coal burnt per square foot of grate per hour, the calorific value of which is c B.Th.U.
Now, however, the use of his remaining eye had been reduced to an hour a day, divided into portions at wide intervals, and he was driven to the conclusion that whatever plans he made must be formed on the same calculations as those of a blind man.
Many wakeful nights did she sit by my bedside in trembling expectation that each hour would be my last."
After breakfast " he was expected," he says, to spend an hour with Mrs Gibbon; after tea his father claimed his conversation; in the midst of an interesting work he was often called down to entertain idle visitors; and, worst of all, he was periodically compelled to return the well-meant compliments.
In an hour of patriotic ardour he became (June 12, 1 759) a captain in the Hampshire militia, and for more than two years (May io, 1760, to December 23, 1762) led a wandering life of " military servitude."
A little to the south of a village called Deir Diwan, and one hour's journey south-east from Bethel, is the site of an ancient place called Khirbet Haiydn, indicated by reservoirs hewn in the rock, excavated tombs and foundations of hewn stone.
In the very hour of success, however, Conrad was struck down by the emissaries of the Old Man of the Mountain (the chief of the Assassins).
The most petty limitations of Jewish commercial activity continued; thus at about this period the community of Prague, in a petition, " complain that they are not permitted to buy victuals in the market before a certain hour, vegetables not before 9 and cattle not before II o'clock; to buy fish is sometimes altogether prohibited; Jewish druggists are not permitted to buy victuals at the same time with Christians " (op. cit.).
A hand Macarthy roller gin worked by two men will clean about 4 to 6 lb of lint per hour.
A similar, but larger machine, requiring about horse-power to run it, will turn out 50 to 60 lb of Egyptian or 60 to 80 lb of Sea Island cleaned cotton per hour.
The average yield of lint per " saw " in the United States, when working under perfect conditions, is about 6 lb per hour.
It had done little to prepare itself for that hour.
He is the Perfect One, the Born in a Happy Hour, "My Cid," the invincible, the magnanimous, the allpowerful.
The drug is not a true specific, as quinine is for malaria, since it rarely, if ever, prevents the cardiac damage usually done by rheumatic fever; but it entirely removes the agonizing pain, shortly after its administration, and, an hour or two later, brings down the temperature to normal.
In Asia Minor, the "enslavement " and liberation of cities alternated with the circumstances of the hour, while the kings all through professed themselves the champions of Hellenic freedom, and were ready on occasion to display munificence toward the city temples or in public works, such as might reconcile republicans to a position of dependence.
The parallels or climata 2 drawn through places, of which the longest day is of equal length and the decimation (distance) from the equator is the same, he maintained, ought to have been inserted at equal intervals, say of half an hour, and the meridians inserted on a like principle.
Another sheet of blottingpaper is then laid over it; and, a number of similar specimens being formed into a pile, the whole is submitted to pressure, the paper being changed every hour or two at first.
Each layer of rubber is allowed to become firm before forming another; a practised hand can make 5 or 6 lb in an hour.
A large number of specimens of a species are usually found together, since their only mode of spreading is during the ciliated larval stage, which although it swims vigorously can only cover a few millimetres an hour; still it may be carried some little distance by currents.
Some of the roasted ore is strewed upon it, and, after a quarter of an hour's working, the whole is taken out on the work-stone, where the lead produced runs off.
The "browse," after removal of the "grey" slag, is reintroduced, ore added, and, after a quarter of an hour's heating, the mass again placed on the work-stone, &c.
The crystallization proper lasts one hour, the working of a charge four hours, six charges being run in twenty-four hours.
At the eleventh hour he summoned Guillaume to his help against the overwhelming forces of the Saracens.
In order to soften meat before it is salted, so as to allow the salt to extract the blood more freely, the meat is soaked in water for about half an hour.
It is then covered with salt for about an hour and afterwards washed three times.
In order to reduce the pulse to its normal rate in these cases, without at the same time lessening the power of the heart, the drug must be given in doses of about two minims of the tincture every halfhour and then every hour until the pulse falls to the normal rate.
After about an hour there is severe vomiting.
Having secretly become a Christian, Sebastian was wont to encourage those of his brethren who in the hour of trial seemed wavering in their profession.
Within an hour's walk of Path are to be found, he says, about 700 species of butterflies, "whilst the total number found in the British Islands does not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supports only 321."
Besides these there are two splendid national reserves, an hour's journey by rail from Sydney, viz.
Public opinion of the hour in each section of the community was the only force in the land" (History of South Africa 1834 - 1854, chap. xliv.).
Difficulty and pain in swallowing may be complained of when the cancer is beginning to block the inlet, but if it is situated at the pylorus the discomfort comes on an hour or two after a meal - at the time that the partially digested food is trying to make its way into the small intestine.
At that critical hour it was at his own expense that Hunyadi fortified Belgrade, now the sole obstacle between Hungary and destruction, with the sole assistance of the Franciscan friar Giovanni da Capistrano, equipped the fleet and the army which relieved the beleaguered fortress and overthrew Mahommed II.
Biot, who assisted in the correction of its proof sheets, remarked that it would have extended, had the demonstrations been fully developed, to eight or ten instead of five volumes; and he saw at times the author himself obliged to devote an hour's labour to recovering the dropped links in the chain of reasoning covered by the recurring formula.
The proposition came in a tempting hour.
Apart from the difficulty of obtaining arms, a serious question arose at the eleventh hour which filled some of the Uitlanders with mistrust.
A strong heat is applied for about two hours so as to make the saffron "sweat," and a gentler temperature for a further period of twenty-four hours, the cake being turned every hour so that every part is thoroughly dried.
A dose of a little more than a drachm (a teaspoonful) will produce a condition of inebriation lasting for one-half to one hour, but the dose must soon be greatly increased.
Within a quarter of an hour after a quantity of cinnabar has been injected into the blood of the frog nearly every particle will be found engulfed by the protoplasm of the leucocytes of the circulating blood.
Now as our own bodies thus manipulate substances poisonous and antidotal, if in every hour of health we are averting selfintoxication, so likewise are we concerned with the various intruding organisms, whose processes of digestion are as dangerous as our own; if these destructive agents, which no doubt are incessantly gaining admission to our bodies, do not meet within us each its appropriate compensatory defensive agent, dissolution will begin.
The result was a difficulty as to burial, which was compromised by hurried interment at the abbey of Scellieres in Champagne, anticipating the interdict of the bishop of the diocese by an hour or two.
By the Lights on Vehicles Act 1907, all vehicles on highways in England and Wales must display to the front a white light during the period between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.
That day was also the last on which any hope remained of the Sari Bair offensive accomplishing its purpose, and on which help from Suvla might conceivably even at the eleventh hour have turned the scale.
At a given moment the trenches, which at many points were but a few yards from those occupied by the Turks, would be vacated by detachments, which by that hour would have shrunk to mere handfuls of men.
Owing to their vicinity to the cove the rest of the Anzac trenches were, however, to be held till a later hour.
In 1663 he became a member of the Royal Society, and in the next year he met Joan Somner, "in an ill hour," he tells us.
The hour of Bestuzhev's triumph coincided with the peace congress of Aixla-Chapelle, which altered the whole situation of European politics and introduced fresh combinations, the breaking away of Prussia from France and a rapprochement between England and Prussia, with the inevitable corollary of an alliance between France and the enemies of Prussia.
This horrible outrage, which lasted more than an hour, happened, too, in the presence of numerous troops, drawn up in the Riddarhus Square, who made not the slightest effort to rescue the Riksmarskalk from his tormentors.
If double-bottomed defecators are used in sufficient number to allow an hour and a half to two hours for making each defecation, and if they are of a size which permits any one of them to be filled up by the cane-mill with juice in ten to twelve minutes, they will make as perfect a defecation as is obtainable by any known system; but their employment involves the expenditure of much high-pressure steam (as exhaust steam will not heat the juice quickly enough through the small surface of the hemispherical inner bottom), and also the use of filter presses for treating the scums. A great deal of skilled superintendence is also required, and first cost is comparatively large.
But this competition among inventors, whatever the incentive, has not been without benefit, because to-day, by means of very simple improvements in details, such as the addition of circulators and increased area of connexions, what may be taken to be the standard type of multiple-effect evaporator (that is to say, vertical vacuum pans fitted with vertical heating tubes, through which passes the liquor to be treated, and outside of which the steam or vapour circulates) evaporates nearly double the quantity of water per square foot of heating surface per hour which was evaporated by apparatus in use so recently as 1885 - and this without any increase in the steam pressure.
Such machines can make several hundred cigarettes per hour.
An hour's march to the east he discovered at the village of Medinat el Mahud the ruins of the Nagra metropolis of Ptolemy.
In such a furnace a continuous current, for example, of 3000 amperes, at 50 to 60 volts, may be used at first, increasing to 5000 amperes in about half an hour.
There is a little bird, the size of a starling, with brown back striped with black, and white breast, which the Indians call yncahualpa; it utters a monotonous sound at each hour of the night.
Between 4 and 4.30 the "Congress," having been raked fore and aft for nearly an hour by the "Merrimac," was forced to surrender.
On a clear moonless night one person may count eight or ten shooting stars in an hour.
At Cold Harbor six thousand men fell in one useless assault lasting an hour, and after two months the Union armies lay before Richmond and Petersburg indeed, but had lost no fewer than 72,000 men.
At the close of his last sermon the undaunted friar publicly announced the day and hour of his departure from Bologna; and his lonely journey on foot over the Apennines was safely accomplished.
Eight hydraulic hoists, of the most up-to-date pattern, are capable of shipping 5,600 tons of coal per hour.
A 10-12% solution of sodium chloride is caused to flow upwards through the apparatus and to overflow into troughs, by which it is conveyed (if necessary through a cooling apparatus) back to the circulating pump. Such a plant has been reported as giving 0.229 gallon of a liquor containing I% of available chlorine per kilowatt hour, or 0.171 gallon per e.h.p. hour.
Yarnold's process, using corrugated glass plates coated on one side with gold or other metal leaf, is stated to have yielded as much as 2700 grains per e.h.p. hour.
After publishing The Mock Mourners, intended to satirize and rebuke the outbreak of Jacobite joy at the king's death, he turned his attention once more to ecclesiastical subjects, and, in an evil hour for himself, wrote the anonymous Shortest Way with the Dissenters (1702), a statement in the most forcible terms of the extreme "high-flying" position, which some high churchmen were unwary enough to endorse, without any suspicion of the writer's ironical intention.
Do not keep the ligature longer than half an hour.
In any case do not keep the ligature on for more than an hour for fear of gangrene.
No poet has surpassed him in the power of vitally reproducing the pleasure and pain of the passing hour, not recalled by idealizing reflection as in Horace, nor overlaid with mythological ornament as in Propertius, but in all the keenness of immediate impression.
After half an hour his strength would give out, and in these circumstances his rate of composition for a long time averaged scarcely six lines a day.
Considerable confusion arose from the convergence of these three brigades upon one village, and more than an hour passed before the troops could be disentangled and massed for further operations.
This practice continued to prevail till the 17th century, when, at the instance of the Jesuit Schall, president of the tribunal of mathematics, they adopted the European method of dividing the day into twenty-four hours, each hour into sixty minutes, and each minute into sixty seconds.
Corps moving off at that hour early met stubborn resistance and suffered from flanking fire from the south.
In the next quarter of an hour the German gunners found the target again and again, and by half-past seven the British cruisers were obviously in distress.
The national militia in which he placed unbounded confidence had proved inefficient to protect Florence in the hour of need.
It was confidently believed towards the close of the 10th century that he had made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem; and, like many other great rulers, it was reported that he was only sleeping to awake in the hour of his country's need.
The hour circle is also read by microscopes, and the instrument can be used in both positions (tube preceding and following) for elimination of the effect of flexure on the position angles.
A series of observations can be easily and more accurately accomplished with the Cape heliometer in half an hour; with the Oxford heliometer it would occupy 2 hours, and with the 4-in.
This apparatus was, however, very heavy and became unmanageable when more than an hour's supply was required.
In the United Kingdom the drawing of coal is generally confined to the day shift of eight hours, with an output of from 100 to 150 tons per hour, according to the depth, capacity of coal tubs, and facilities for landing and changing tubs.
Modern screening and washing plants, especially when the small coal forms a considerable proportion of the output, are large and costly, requiring machinery of a capacity of ioo to 150 tons per hour, which absorbs 350 to 400 H.P. In this, as in many other cases, electric motors supplied from a central station are now preferred to separate steam-engines.
A statement of the amount made per kilowatt hour may be misleading, since a certain amount of loss is of necessity entailed during this process.
In 1743, from the circumstance that an eclipse not visible in Philadelphia because of a storm had been observed in Boston, where the storm although north-easterly did not occur until an hour after the eclipse, he surmised that storms move against the wind along the Atlantic coast.
Difference of opinion as to the absolutely "irremissible" character of mortal sins led to the important controversy associated with the names of Zephyrinus, Tertullian, Calistus, Hippolytus, Cyprian and Novatian, in which the stricter and more montanistic party held that for those who had been guilty of such sins as theft, fraud, denial of the faith, there should be no restoration to church fellowship even in the hour of death.
Napoleon's chance of success was dangerously diminished, if not utterly destroyed, by the incompetence of the two marshals whom in an evil hour he selected for high commands.
The charge is completely melted in about half an hour, and it is then thoroughly mixed by stirring with a graphite rod.
The cutting machines at the Mint work at 160 revolutions per minute, so that each of the eleven machines would be capable of cutting 19,200 blanks in an hour if it could be fed continuously.
His well-known gibe, " Here's to the noble Critias," attests his strength of mind at the hour of death.'
Father, save Me from this hour.
He answers her " My hour is not yet come," i.e.
The transformation is soon afterwards accomplished, but in symbol only; the "hour" of the full sense is still over three years off.
Further, ministers of the various denominations might give, on the special request of the parents, instruction to the children of their own congregations for one hour on one day in each week.
At the age of nineteen he invented an electromagnetic engine, and in the course of examining its performance dissatisfaction with vague and arbitrary methods of specifying elec rical quantities caused him to adopt a convenient and scie tific unit, which he took to be the amount of electricity req ired to decompose nine grains of water in one hour.
The birth of that system, however, cannot be fixed as a definite event by the day and the hour; nor was it created by any single personality.
The shunted voltameter was then inserted in series with the electric supply mains leading to the house or building taking electric energy, and the current which passed dissolved the zinc from one plate and deposited it upon the other, so that after a certain interval of time had elapsed the altered weight of the plates enabled the quantity of electricity to be determined from the known fact that an electric current of one ampere, flowing for one hour, removes 1.2533 grammes of zinc from a solution of sulphate of zinc. Hence the quantity in amperehours passing through the electrolytic cell being known and the fraction of the whole quantity taken by the cell being known, the quantity supplied to the house was determined.
Each sar, month and hour was represented at once visibly and symbolically by a twelfth part of the " furrow " drawn by the solar Bull across the heavens.
The ordinary word for twelve o'clock was middceg, midday, also the equivalent of the canonical hour "sext."
Both the office and the meal taken about that time were shifted to an earlier hour, and by the 14th century the ordinary use of "noon" is that current to-day.
Though ammonium chloride has certain irritant properties which may disorder the stomach, yet if its mucous membrane be depressed and atonic the drug may improve its condition, and it has been used with success in gastric and intestinal catarrhs of a subacute type and is given in doses of io grains half an hour before meals in painful dyspepsia due to hyperacidity.
Austria's hour had struck.
Thibron, the Spartan, persuaded the Magnesians to leave their indefensible and mutinous city in 399 B.C. and build afresh at Leucophrys, an hour distant, noted for its temple of Artemis Leucophryne, which, according to Strabo, surpassed that at Ephesus in the beauty of its architecture, though inferior in size and wealth.
Six thousand men fell in one hour's fighting, and the total losses on this field, where skirmishing went on for many days, were 13,000.
Elsewhere other " masters of the hour," false Bu-Mazas, rose.
Randon (1795-1871), named governorgeneral of Algeria after the coup d'etat, had at first to repress in the south a rising of a new " master of the hour," Mahomet ben Abdallah, the sherif of Wargla.
He was sentenced to an hour in the pillory, which was remitted, and to fine and imprisonment, which were enforced.