Hot-metal Sentence Examples
However this may be, very soon after man began to practise hot-forging he would inevitably learn that sudden cooling, by quenching in water, made a large proportion of his metal, his steel, extremely hard and brittle, because he would certainly try by this very quenching to avoid the inconvenience of having the hot metal about.
That he changed the system of blinding his relatives from passing a hot metal over the open eye to an extraction of the whole pupil is indicative of gross brutality.
It was now an orange-red color, like a round blob of hot metal sweeping through the night sky.
The PC is now gently whirring beneath the desk, with the graphics card tightly wrapped in a hot metal sandwich!
The PC is now gently whirring beneath the desk, with the graphics card tightly wrapped in a hot metal sandwich !
Trim down the wick and smooth the wax inside the hollow with the back of a hot metal spoon.
Just like with cattle, white-hot hot metal is most often used to mark the skin in human branding.
Body branding usually involves striking the skin with specifically-shaped hot metal to form patterns.
Crew members who work with hot metal also need strong gloves with a decent grip.