Horse Sentence Examples
The horse stood still.
The horse stumbled, and his rider was thrown heavily to the ground.
Katie asked her about the progress on the horse ranch.
As she swung into the saddle, the horse sidestepped.
His horse, having galloped up to a campfire that was smoldering in the morning light, stopped suddenly, and Petya fell heavily on to the wet ground.
The horse was lamed on a rock.
He's a big horse, but I couldn't make him carry the two of us in that terrain.
He got down from his horse and very gently took the little ones up in his big warm hands.
The night was getting chilly and the warmth from the horse was welcome.
The wounded leg soon became so much worse that the horse was suspended from a beam.
AdvertisementHe walked back to his horse and untied something from the saddle.
A horse and rider could cover more distance in a day that the mules could pulling the heavy freight wagons.
He had nearly finished this last task when a low growling was suddenly heard and the horse began to jump around and kick viciously with his heels.
The cart before the horse is neither beautiful nor useful.
Gently disengaging himself, the prince spurred his horse and rode down the avenue at a gallop.
AdvertisementHe turned to his horse and mounted in one smooth movement.
He swung up on his horse and tipped his hat to her before riding into the desert.
As soon as I see the light, I will mount my horse and ride out to give the alarm.
Now get on my horse.
They could not see the speeding horse, but they heard the clatter of its hoofs far down the road, and they understood the cry, "Up! up! and defend yourselves!"
AdvertisementThe lieutenant colonel of hussars smiled beneath his mustache at the orderly's tone, dismounted, gave his horse to a dispatch runner, and approached Bolkonski with a slight bow.
Another prodded his horse with the butt end of a musket, and Pierre, bending over his saddlebow and hardly able to control his shying horse, galloped ahead of the soldiers where there was a free space.
Felipa kicked her horse into a lope and rode up beside him.
She turned the horse and followed his mule up a dune, reining in at his side.
He rode as if he were part of the horse, his lean body swaying with the stride of the graceful animal.
AdvertisementHe touched his hat and turned the horse toward the barn.
He wasn't about to donate any fodder to the other horse in the race.
I have a horse named Ed.
As she peered through the soft gray light not a house of any sort was visible near the station, nor was any person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away.
Rostov dismounted, gave his horse to the orderly, and followed Alpatych to the house, questioning him as to the state of affairs.
So help him with his farm, start your horse ranch.
Josh vaulted the fence and raced up the hill, only to stop in surprise as Alex emerged from the trees riding a horse colored enough like Ed to be his twin.
Together they watched as Alex put the horse down the hill, his body moving gracefully with the motion of the horse.
He swung the horse around and headed down the hill toward the creek.
Their weapons weren't stunners, the laser weapons capable of incapacitating a horse with one glancing shot.
It's like comparing a horse to a gazelle.
The third time that he thrust out the weapon there was a loud roar and a fall, and suddenly at his feet appeared the form of a great red bear, which was nearly as big as the horse and much stronger and fiercer.
So he spurred his horse to ride to their aid.
One person with a horse and a cotton gin could process as much as fifty people without the gin.
There was a hopeless look in the dull eye that I could not help noticing, and then, as I was thinking where I had seen that horse before, she looked full at me and said, 'Black Beauty, is that you?'
The general mounted a horse a Cossack had brought him.
In the dark Petya recognized his own horse, which he called "Karabakh" though it was of Ukranian breed, and went up to it.
Kutuzov rode to Dobroe on his plump little white horse, followed by an enormous suite of discontented generals who whispered among themselves behind his back.
When they turned around, Alex was still on the horse.
The men cheered as he turned the horse and rode it out of the corral.
Alex pointed at a white horse prancing along the fence.
She gripped his waist as he turned the horse around and headed back toward the hacienda.
Even Mrs. Reynolds pitched in with some stuffed animals - a giraffe and horse.
The rear end of the car danced sideways, bouncing like a horse kicking up its heels.
Anyway, I've never ridden a horse before.
She watched him tighten a strap around the horse's belly.
She started to slide from the horse.
He pulled as she lunged up, and as soon as she was settled behind him, he urged the horse into a lope.
If I didn't bring a horse or something, I'd be afoot from then on.
He turned his horse and beckoned for her to follow.
Not too many people wish for a male horse... unless they want to use it as a stud.
Carmen sat down beside his bed and pulled out the horse book she had been reading to him.
The horse barn was the first on her check list.
He reined the horse around her, reaching a hand down.
Alex pulled the horse to a sliding stop and fired twice into the air.
He growled a warning and peered back at her through the silver eyes of a cat-like beast the size of a large horse.
Kind of beating the horse to the front of the pack a bit early in the race, isn't she?
The horse's breath made puffs of steam as she trotted along the road to the cadence of tinkling bells.
He said something about getting back on the horse after you fall.
You women have to beat that horse until it either dies or gets up and runs.
Josh didn't know about the horse ranch, and she wasn't about to tell him - not as long as he was holding the goats over her head like a club.
I wanted to have a horse ranch.
I almost forgot about it until you started talking about the horse ranch.
For the next half-hour they walked together and talked about her plans for a horse ranch.
She got a glimpse of the horse in the trailer.
Carmen stepped back as he unloaded the horse and then she put her hand out to it.
He nudged the horse in the ribs and Ed broke into a lope.
Yes, he took his horse for a ride.
There he introduced her to Princess, the horse he had been riding earlier.
She'll be the first horse on your ranch.
She had always loved horses, and a horse ranch had been a dream she knew would never come true.
Alex had made the horse ranch dream an achievable dream now.
The gestation period for a horse is eleven months, so this can't be Ed's foal.
Maybe she should bring his food to the horse barn.
All you can think of is riding on a horse with Alex.
There Alex took the lead as they rode into rough country, his shoulders swaying with the movement of the horse.
He was an excellent horseman, and rode as if he were part of the horse.
This, noble Horse, is my friend the Cowardly Lion, who is the valiant King of the Forest, but at the same time a faithful vassal of Princess Ozma.
Is this the horse or the gazelle?
That's enough for a horse.
Jule pulled his horse to a stop.
Darian mounted his horse.
Accompanied by two guards, she mounted her favorite bay horse and pounded through familiar roads and intersections to the southern wall., The chill of the ocean crept into its walls.
He slapped his horse on the rump and bolted.
According to the Jewish legend Heliodorus was attacked when he entered the Temple by a horse with a terrible rider and by two young men.
Of clay and earthenware there were many varieties of domestic dishes, cups and pipkins, and crucibles or melting pots made of clay and horse dung and still retaining the drossy coating of the melted bronze.
He bestowed the priesthood and a consulship upon his horse Incitatus, and demanded that sacrifice should be offered to himself.
The master of the horse, The 'queen's' whose business it was to provide for the queen's first rail- ordinary journeys by road, was much put out by this way innovation.
In February she launched the battleship "Royal Sovereign" at Portsmouth; a week later she visited the Horse Show at Islington.
The trade consists chiefly in agricultural produce and cattle, and there is an important horse market.
In 450 Theodosius died of injuries sustained through a fall from his horse.
She walked toward it and found the horse tied to a tree and standing motionless, with its head hanging down almost to the ground.
The old horse panted a little, and had to stop often to get his breath.
Both he and his family dressed well; they had plenty to eat; he had even bought a horse to help him carry his produce to market.
The horse cantered briskly along, and king and boy were soon quite well acquainted.
With his shaggy head thrown back like birds when they drink, pressing his spurs mercilessly into the sides of his good horse, Bedouin, and sitting as though falling backwards in the saddle, he galloped to the other flank of the squadron and shouted in a hoarse voice to the men to look to their pistols.
Now tell me, my dear boy, are you serving in the Horse Guards? asked the old man, scrutinizing Anatole closely and intently.
He had ruined more than one horse in their service.
On the thirteenth of June a rather small, thoroughbred Arab horse was brought to Napoleon.
His horse by habit made as if to nip his leg, but Petya leaped quickly into the saddle unconscious of his own weight and, turning to look at the hussars starting in the darkness behind him, rode up to Denisov.
When they had all ridden by, Denisov touched his horse and rode down the hill.
She flattened against the rock wall as she heard the horse scramble down into the ravine a little way down from her.
The horse finally came into view and she slumped to the ground in relief.
Bordeaux was leading his horse.
Was your horse following them?
He led the horse around and they left the ravine, traveling at right angles to the path the Indians had taken.
Apparently he wasn't going to tell her he had killed the Indian to get his horse back.
She ducked down on the horse.
Casually, he began leading the horse along the ravine again.
Bordeaux lead the horse out of the ravine and behind a slab of rock.
Bordeaux had been leading the horse along the ravine to spare its hooves, but it had been a risk that hadn't paid off.
Pouring water from one of the canteens into his hat, he watered the horse.
They rested for less than an hour and then he saddled the horse again.
Bordeaux cupped a hand over its muzzle, silencing the horse.
The big Indian in the lead stopped his horse and squinted up at him.
Bordeaux led his horse down the embankment and Cassie hesitantly followed.
As exhausted as she was, riding on the horse with him was exciting.
Dismissing himself from the group, he strode to his horse and helped her down.
Breakfast over, Bordeaux saddled his horse and pulled the field glasses from his saddlebag.
I'll go stable the horse.
He took his horse to the stable.
We let Bordeaux's horse loose a ways down the trail, hopin' he'd find it.
Another rider appeared on a black horse.
The two men talked for a few minutes and then one rider turned his bay horse toward the wagons.
She'd rent a horse at the livery in the morning and ride out to the ranch.
She ran to the horse and lifted her skirt high enough to get a foot into the stirrup.
Grabbing the saddle horn, she vaulted into the saddle and kicked the horse into a run.
Galloping to the head of the team, she reached out to grab the halter on the lead horse.
She threw her leg over the horse and dropped to the ground in a swirl of skirts.
Somewhere I can have a garden and maybe a horse.
Apparently he spent a lot of time on the back of a horse, riding his range in all kinds of weather - a fact that prompted more than one comment by townsfolk that he had wasted a good college education.
He jerked the saddlebags from the back of his horse and glowered at her.
I could see a man and a boy some distance away, pitching hay into a horse drawn wagon.
I could see a figure on a horse in the distance coming toward me.
How could I convince my reading public I heard it from the horse's mouth?
The camping facilities were secondary to the main park functions, multiple ball fields, tennis courts and twenty-four horse shoe pits, for the serious pitcher.
I parked by the horse shoe pits and ambled down the road, as if out for a woodland stroll.
Did you get a horse?
Bianca was gone, and the horse dozed next to the fence.
The horse's eyes opened, and it lifted its muzzle over the top of the railing.
Absorbed by the horse, she didn't feel the hair on the back of her neck rise.
No, he wouldn't look that gift horse in the mouth, not when the embodiment of her ability sat hunched before him.
Fodder for another horse race, Dean thought.
They could afford to buy him a horse of his own, but he would learn more this way.
He had helped her blend her dream of a horse ranch into a profit making package of a guest ranch.
It was late when they returned, and she left Alex in the barn to unhitch the horse while she went to the house to fix something to eat.
His closest friend and advisor, the Original Immortal Jule, waited for him atop a horse.
He pulled himself up onto the horse beside his friend's.
Darian mounted his horse again, joining Jule as the Original Immortal led his horse down the beach.
He pulled her up behind him and nudged his horse into a quick walk.
Darian guided the horse through marble streets marked by statues of his forefathers and beyond the city into the wood running along a stream that ran through the immortal countryside.
Darian dismounted and lifted Claire off the horse, settling her gently beneath a tree.
Damian clutched his brother's necklace in one hand, the reins to his horse in another.
She sagged against the horse's neck.
Jule slung himself down from the horse and dropped beside the boy-god.
Claire's horse was led away.
She strode to her horse, hands trembling as she took the reins.
One of her riders urged his horse into a canter and approached, while she halted her horse, disguised among the men.
Her own breath was loud in her ears, the sound of her horse's hooves drowning out everything else.
One of the men ahead of her went down with a cry, his horse squealing.
She slowed her horse, fumbling for the magic waters at her hip.
He shoved the bladder away and slapped the rump of her horse.
Her horse bolted, and she ran.
The hot horse between his legs made him want to walk rather than ride.
Taran nudged his horse forward into a slow trot.
He maneuvered past the two trailing guards and slowed his horse behind Sirian.
He inched closer to Sirian's horse but said nothing.
Rather than warn them again, he tied his reins to his horse's mane, freeing up his hands to draw his knives.
He guided the horse with his legs, testing its sluggish responsiveness as the attackers prepared to pounce.
The horse whinnied and bolted.
It shoved Rissa's horse off the trail in its haste, where a branch knocked her to the ground.
Her guards watched in surprise as Sirian and his horse disappeared around the bend.
Taran met the first attacker head on with his sword and sought to turn his horse with his legs.
He caught a glimpse of Rissa through the melee and wrestled the horse for control.
Three guards surrounded Rissa, whose writhing, squealing horse was as much of a menace to her as the attackers flooding from the forest.
She struggled to mount behind one of the guards shielding her, when an attacker's blow landed solidly against his horse's flank.
Finally, he landed a sharp blow to his horse's rump and made the beast dart in the direction he wanted.
He reached Rissa and threw himself from his horse, keeping a hold of the reins as he smashed blows into one of the three facing her.
He snatched her belt and slung her across his horse's withers before mounting.
For the first time, the horse responded when he urged it out of the battle.
He ducked over the horse's neck again as the arrows followed them and slapped the horse's rump with his sword.
Arrows continued to fall, and he kicked the horse on in determination, focusing hard on the road ahead of them.
It branched suddenly, so he pulled the horse's head hard to the left.
He rode hard until the horse's breathing grew labored and then he slowed, senses alert.
Relieved, he pulled the blowing horse to a halt and grabbed Rissa by the scruff of her tunic, unceremoniously hauling her up and dumping her on the ground.
He crossed to the quiet horse as he walked, issuing it a warning look as well.
He gripped the horse's reins and mounted.
She swung one leg over the horse's neck and settled against him.
He concentrated on encouraging the stubborn horse to head back the way they came.
Rather than submit to her unspoken challenge, he took the horse's reins and led the exhausted beast inside the fortress.
Taran glanced warily toward him as he led the horse toward stables nestled along one wall of the stone fortress.
Taran handed off the horse to a stable hand and turned to watch as Sirian took Rissa's arm, leading her into a squat stone building at the center of the fortress.
She recalled falling asleep atop her horse as she rode down the quiet, darkened path toward home.
The night she fell asleep atop her horse for the first time in her life.
Not the kind of fear one experienced when falling from a horse, but a soul-deep fear that wrapped around her core.
She halted her horse three roads from the walls, gazing at the swarm of men.
He hesitated a moment longer before urging his horse forward at a quick canter.
She nudged her horse, taking in the scene with growing anger and fear.
Rissa drew her sword but guided her horse forward, eyes searching the mass of struggling bodies for the warlord.
He waved her forward, and she turned her horse, trotting quickly to him.
His horse pounded away.
She dismounted and led her horse toward the small group, edgy and leery of the battle going on around her.
Arrows rained over her, one striking her horse.
She took the reins to her horse and mounted, stopping only when he caught her arm.
She whirled her horse and trotted into the forest.
The horse knew the familiar path; it was the same she traveled to Oceanan.
She kept her head low as she walked her horse past scouts perched on boulders and hidden within trees.
She dismounted and tossed the cloak over the horse's saddle, looking for the face she sought.
Releasing the horse, she approached and stopped a safe distance from the two men he addressed.
He swatted the horse on its rump.
Cursing, he went to the wall overlooking the meadow and spotted Vara atop his horse, awaiting his signal at the edge of the forest.
His green eyes flashed as he flung himself from the horse.
Vara nodded and vaulted atop his horse, wheeling it to face him.
Vara snatched a horse and raced through a doorway in the eastern wall toward the glowing forest.
He breathed deeply of the early summer air and closed his eyes, enjoying the smell of the horse and sound of creaking leather.
Carmen watched from the porch as Alex leaned down from his horse and opened the pasture gate.
He looked so elegant in that suit, and yet he moved as if the horse were part of him.
And yet, her childhood dream of a horse ranch had fizzled out.
Maybe it was simply that she had achieved her dream of a horse ranch and was moving on to the next – taking over his dream.
They actually had some horse manure boxed up and ready to ship.
Why hadn't it occurred to her that this might be their first experience on a horse?
Aaron shrugged and turned to his horse.
He turned to his horse and put his foot in the stirrup.
For a moment he tottered, half on and half off the horse, his eyes large.
Finally he retrieved his balance and got his foot over the back of the horse and down the other side into the stirrup.
They can run up to 35 mph and they have more stamina than a horse.
Carmen nodded, pulling her horse to a halt.
Rob spoke as he passed them on the way to his horse.
Without another word, he turned to his horse.
It won't be as steep, but it will be easier as you become more accustomed to the gait of the horse.
Do you want me to unsaddle my horse?
I didn't realize he'd never been on a horse before.
That gave her a chance to work with the newest horse she had bought.
He pulled his horse close and patted her on the back.
Aaron was saddling a horse for Felipa, his saddled and standing to one side.
She turned to her horse.
Tie that rope to my saddle and hold my horse.
He said Ed was only a horse – and Brutus was only a dog.
Sam asked which horse Carmen wanted and then began saddling it.
Why don't you tell me about it while I saddle my horse?
Sam helped her into the saddle and then mounted her horse.
She turned her horse back toward the house and they followed, deep in conversation.
He was your horse, but if I'd been riding any other horse, that snake would have scared them.
I disobeyed you and killed your horse.
Alright, I accept responsibility for killing your horse, but it was an accident.
Are they better than a horse?
Of course, to be fair, Sam was an employee and Alex would have to live with the results of whatever she did … like killing his horse.
No, but we do have a horse named Casper, don't we?
When he discovered a horse ranch had been her dream, he made it come true.
He had considered her feelings about replacing Brutus and when she killed his horse, he had tried to console her by saying it was only a horse.
She moved with the horse as if it were an extension of her body.
He'd left his riffle in the boot with his horse, back where Carmen was.
He took the gun from her hand and indicated the horse with a nod of the head.
She wanted to commiserate with the horse's assistant, who seemed as awkward in his role as Jessi felt in hers.
She took enough pain meds to numb a horse, but her arm still hurt, and her head was woolly from the drugs.
Determined to swap it out for a picture of a horse or something bland, Jessi poured herself another cup of coffee and snatched the iPad, settling on the couch within view of the porch.
Like a horse in pain or something, Jessi muttered for his ears only.
How did you escape the horse?
The same horse you invited to my dinner party last night?
The collection of animals included a donkey, horse, ostrich and a llama, all of which were either relaxing in the shade or inside the barn.
A few months after her return from Spain her father was killed by a fall from his horse.
There is a large weekly market for grain, and annual horse and cattle fairs.
By that monarch he was made colonel of horse, and in that capacity served in the campaigns during the early part of the reign.
In 1616 he was released, was restored to his rank of colonel-general of horse, and despatched against one of the disaffected nobles, the duke of Longueville, who had taken Peronne.
On being cut or broken the flesh of a true mushroom remains white or nearly so, the flesh of the coarser horse mushroom changes to buff or sometimes to dark brown.
On the 13th of July 1447 he was consecrated in Eton church, when the warden and fellows and others of his old college gave him a horse at a cost of £6, 13s.
On the 7th of January he took his seat on his election for Downton in 1640, and was made colonel of Fleetwoods regiment of horse.
Each army corps consists in principle of two infantry divisions, one cavalry brigade, one brigade of horse and field artillery, one engineer battalion and one squadron of train.
The cavalry division consists of 2 or 3 brigades, each of 2 regiments or 8 squadrons, with 2 horse artillery batteries attached.
The duchess Mary, died from the effects of a fall from her horse (March 1482), and Maximilian became regent (mambourg) for his son.
Shortly afterwards he joined Essex with sixty horse, and was present at Edgehill, where his troop was one of the few not routed by Rupert's charge, Cromwell himself being mentioned among those officers who "never stirred from their troops but fought till the last minute."
At Marston Moor on the 2nd of July he commanded all the horse of the Eastern Association, with some Scottish troops; and though for a time disabled by a wound in the neck, he charged and routed Rupert's troops opposed to him, and subsequently went to the support of the Scots, who were hard pressed by the enemy, and converted what appeared at one time a defeat into a decisive victory.
Cromwell was present at the sieges of Bridgwater, Bath, Sherborne and Bristol; and later, in command of four regiments of foot and three of horse, he was employed in clearing Wiltshire and Hampshire of the royalist garrisons.
These vary in weight from soo to 1000 lb, according to the variety of camel employed, for of the Arabian camel there are almost as many breeds as there are of the horse.
But if the epithet is intended to designate an animal that takes an interest in its rider so far as a beast can, that in some way understands his intentions, or shares them in a subordinate fashion, that obeys from a sort of submissive or halffellow-feeling' with his master, like the horse or elephant, then I say that the camel is by no means docile - very much the contrary.
Horse beans are grown, especially in the south and in the larger islands; lupines are also grown for fodder.
The army consists of 96 three-battalion regiments of infantry of the line and 12 of bersaglieri (riflemen), each of the latter having a cyclist company (Bersaglieri cyclist battalions are being (1909) provisionally formed); 26 regiments of cavalry, of which 10 are lancers, each of 6 squadrons; 24 regiments of artillery, each of 8 batteries; I I regiment of horse artillery of 6 batteries; I of mountain artillery of 12 batteries, and 3 independent mountain batteries.
The field and horse artillery was in I 909 in process of rearmament with a Krupp quick-firer.
A large annual horse and cattle fair is held.
Appingedam and Winschoten are very old towns, having important cattle and horse markets.
The modern hippodrome is more for equestrian and other displays than for horse racing.
When the rustic talks in the vernacular to his horse he is not much concerned to know whether he is heard and understood; still less when he mutters threats against an absent rival, or kicks the stool that has tripped him up with a vicious "Take that!"
The chief domestic animals are the camel, horse, ass, ox, buffalo (used both as a beast of burden and for riding), sheep with a short silky fleece, the goat and the pig, which last here reaches its southernmost limit.
He died in Mexico, from the kick of a horse he was breaking in, on the 7th of February 1692.
For a time this was a profitable pursuit, as the horse hides brought good prices.
The left wing was composed of the papal contingent, 6000 infantry and 800 gendarmes under Fabrizio Colonna; the centre, of half the Spanish contingent, 4000 infantry and 600 lancers under the viceroy; the right, of 1000 light horse under Pescara.
On the left were the light horse.
But after three hours, Pescara's light horse having meantime been driven in by the superior light horse of the enemy, the artillery-loving duke of Ferrara conceived the brilliant plan of taking his mobile field-guns to the extreme right of the enemy.
The god, however, assumed the form of a stallion, and the fruit of the union was a daughter of mystic name and the horse Areion (or Erion).
In the Phigalian legend, no mention is made of the horse Areion, but only of the daughter, who is called Despoina (mistress), a title common to all divinities connected with the under-world.
The cave, still called Mavrospelya ("black cave"), was ever afterwards regarded as sacred to Demeter, and in'it, according to information given to Pausanias, there had been set up an image of the goddess, a female form seated on a rock, but with a horse's head and mane, to which were attached snakes and other wild animals.
In February 1661 he had obtained a captaincy of horse, and in 1667 he exchanged his vice-treasuryship of Ireland for the treasuryship of the navy.
He commanded a troop of horse in Scotland in 1639; was involved in army plots in 1641, for which he was committed to the Tower, but escaped abroad; and on the outbreak of the Civil War returned to England and served with Prince Rupert, being present at Marston Moor, the second battle of Newbury and Naseby.
He was educated at the Moscow University, and in 1755 entered the "Reiter" of the Horse Guards.
His description of the different kinds of ploughs is interesting; and he justly recommends such as were drawn by two horses (some even by one horse) in preference to the weighty and clumsy machines which required four or more horses or oxen.
With a variety of crops, again, the mechanical operations of the farm, involving horse and hand labour, are better distributed over the year, and are therefore more economically performed.
As a typical example of these organizations the Shire Horse Society may be mentioned.
The society holds annual shows, publishes annually the Shire Horse Stud Book and offers'_gold and silver medals for competition amongst Shire horses at agricultural shows in different parts of the country.
The society has carried on a work of high national importance, and has effected a marked improvement in the character and quality of the Shire horse.
It is hardly necessary to say that the Shire Horse Society has never received a penny of public money, nor has any other of the voluntary breeders' societies.
The Hackney Horse Society and the Hunters' Improvement Society are conducted on much the same lines as the Shire Horse Society, and, like it, they each hold a show in London in the spring of the year and publish an annual volume.
The Royal Commission on Horse Breeding, which dates from 1887, is, as its name implies, not a voluntary organization.
The annual show of the Royal Commission on Horse Breeding is held in London jointly and concurrently with that of the Hunters' Improvement Society.
In 1882, at Reading, a gold medal was given for a cream separator for horse power, whilst a prize of roo guineas offered for the most efficient and most economical method of drying hay or corn crops artificially, either before or after being stacked, was not awarded.
The wet seasons that set in at the end of the 'seventies led to so much hindrance in the work on the land that the aid of steam was further called for, and it seemed probable that there would be a lessened demand for horse power.
It was found, however, that the steam work was done with less care than had been bestowed upon the horse tillage, and the result was that steam came to be regarded as an auxiliary to horse labour rather than as a substitute for it.
A year later Seleucus was killed by a fall from his horse.
Animals suffer from the ravages of bot flies (Oestridae) and gad flies (Tabanidae); while the tsetse disease is due to the tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans), carrying the protozoa that cause the disease from one horse to another.
The Scottish bowmen followed up this advantage, and the fight became general; the English horse, crowded into too narrow a space, were met by the steady resistance of the Scottish pikemen, who knew, as Bruce had told them truly, that they fought for their country, their wives, their children, and all that freemen hold dear.
Next came dignities of a slightly lower rank, such as those of grand almoner (Fesch), grand marshal of the palace (Duroc), grand chamberlain (Talleyrand), grand master of the horse (Caulaincourt), grand huntsman (Berthier), grand master of ceremonies (Segur).
Chariots were in use in the later period, as is proved by the pictures of them on Cretan tablets, and therefore, probably, the horse also was known.
Indeed a horse appears on a gem impression.
Nothing now prevented Charles from turning his victorious arms against the tsar; and on the 13th of August' 1707, he evacuated Saxony at the head of the largest host he ever commanded, consisting of 24,000 horse and 20,000 foot.
Here the horse and spear are still used, and the sport is one of the most popular in India.
Especially prominent in Europe, classical, medieval and modern, and in East Asia, is the spirit of the lake, river, spring, or well, often conceived as human, but also in the form of a bull or horse; the term Old Nick may refer to the water-horse Nok.
As he was riding from Inverkeithing on the 12th of March 1286 he was thrown by his horse and fell over the cliffs, since called King's Wud End, a little to the west of the burgh, and killed.
He had already become master of the horse when in 383 he was sent by Theodosius (379-395) at the head of an embassy to the Persian king, Sapor III.
On the morning of the 19th of August 1779 the British garrison was surprised by Major Henry Lee ("Light Horse Harry"), who with about 50o men took 159 prisoners and lost only 2 killed and 3 wounded, one of the most brilliant exploits during the War of Independence.
According to Mommsen, they were persons who possessed the equestrian census, but no public horse.
All these numbers take no account of the troops left behind in Macedonia, 12,000 foot and 1,500 horse, according to Diodorus.
He was born on the 27th of December 1350, and died by a fall from his horse, like his namesake, cousin and contemporary of Castile.
The bones of the bear, horse, rhinoceros, lion, elephant, hyena and of many birds and small rodents were unearthed.
The most noted of the Alberta passes are (I) the Crow's Nest Pass, near the southern boundary line, through which a branch of the Canadian Pacific railway runs; (2) the Kicking Horse Pass, through which the main line of the Canadian Pacific railway is built; 40 m.
Wesley's headquarters at Bristol were in the Horse Fair, where a room was built in May 1739 for two religious societies which had been accustomed to meet in Nicholas Street and Baldwin Street.
It ranks with the most picturesque and most fertile members of the group and contains a breed of ponies, a cross between the native pony and the horse.
On war-footing each field battery has 4 officers, 100-120 N.C. officers and men, 100-125 horses and draught animals, 3-9 ammunition wagons; each horse battery, 4 officers, 120 N.C. officers and men, 100 horses, &c., 3 ammunition wagons; each mountain battery, 3 officers, 100 N.C. officers and men, 87 horses, &c.; each howitzer battery, 4 officers, 120 N.C. officers and men, Poo horses, &c., 3 ammunition wagons.
Suleiman Pasha was killed by a fall from his horse near Bulair in 1358; the news so affected his father Orkhan as to cause his death two months later.
Important cattle and horse fairs are held here.
For days consecutively the horse of the explorer can get no other food than the dwarf birch.
The epithets i-rriria, XaXtviTts, 5a t ta6t7r7r-os, usually referred to her as goddess of war-horses, may perhaps be reminiscences of an older religion in which the horse was sacred to her.
Athena also gave the Athenians the olive-tree, which was supposed to have sprung from the bare soil of the Acropolis, when smitten by her spear, close to the horse (or spring of water) produced by the trident of Poseidon, to which he appealed in support of his claim to the lordship of Athens.
There are a military cantonment, the headquarters of the volunteer corps known as the Assam Valley Light Horse; a government high school, a training school for masters; and an aided school for girls.
Hitherto from Oxford its course, though greatly winding, has lain generally in a southerly direction, but it now bends eastward, and breaches the chalk hills in a narrow gap, dividing the Chilterns from the downs of Berkshire or White Horse Hills.
Thus, the upper portion of the system, above the gap at Goring, is a basin in itself, defined on the west and south by the Cotteswold and White Horse Hills and on the east and north by the Chilterns and the uplands of Northamptonshire.
The White Horse Hills and the Chilterns strike right across the Thames basin, but almost their entire drainage from either flank lies within it, and similarly a great part of the low-lying Weald, though marked off from the rest of the basin by the North Downs, drains into it through these hills.
The collective name for the corps was celeres (" the swift," or possibly from Kan s, "a riding horse"); Livy, however, restricts the term to a special body-guard of ' Romulus.
If competent, an eques could retain his horse and vote after the expiration of his ten years' service, and (till 129 B.C.) even after entry into the senate.
According to Mommsen, although the institution was not intended to be permanent, in later times vacancies in the ranks were filled in this manner, with the result that service in the cavalry, with either a public or a private horse, became obligatory upon all Roman citizens possessed of a certain income.
Each eques, as his name was called out, passed before the censors, leading his horse.
Those whose physique and character were satisfactory, and who had taken care of their horses and equipments, were bidden to lead their horse on (traducere equum), those who failed to pass the scrutiny were ordered to sell it, in token of their expulsion from the corps.