Horror Sentence Examples
It looks like something out of a horror movie.
With a deep breath, she opened the door, uncertain what horror she'd face next.
She jumped up and gasped in horror as it slid forward.
A look of horror crossed her face, and his anger boiled.
Elizabeth watched in horror as his lower lip blistered.
He was frozen in disbelief that bordered on horror then suddenly swept her up into his arms.
Deidre watched in growing horror as his teeth turned from normal to sharpened, and two long canines half the size of her index finger lengthened from his gum.
And cries of horror were heard in the crowd.
And the horror that had seized her when she touched him and convinced herself that that was not he, but something mysterious and horrible, seized her again.
Carmen stared at him in horror, remembering the two shots she heard.
AdvertisementShe stared in horror and launched forward.
To her horror, her voice ended in a sob.
Horror descended upon her as she realized the depth of Claire's betrayal.
A friend of mine who writes horror comics agreed.
He could imagine her horror when she discovered what he planned.
AdvertisementNothing hurts more than having the person you love call you terrible things and look at you with horror in their eyes.
The people regarded these events with horror.
Try not to listen to these horror stories.
She watched as the twisted battle began and progressed, unable to turn away despite her horror.
But his content speedily changed to horror.
AdvertisementOn the contrary, as a thousand passages in the earlier apologists attest, they viewed the pagan mysteries with horror and detestation.
Thyestes fled in horror.
She cheered the wife of her English secretary, now under arrest, with promises to answer for her husband to all accusations brought against him, took her new-born child from the mother's arms, and in default of clergy baptized it, to Paulet's Puritanic horror, with her own hands by her own name.
But for rendering the gloomy horror of the subjects in which he most delights - detail on detail being accumulated till the result is overwhelming - Zola has no superior.
When he donned the wolf's head, she slapped her hands to the sides of her face in mock horror.
AdvertisementDuring the latter period of his term of office he was on a very unsatisfactory footing with the young king George III., who gradually came to feel a kind of horror of the interminable persistency of his conversation, and whom he endeavoured to make use of as the mere puppet of the ministry.
Only occasionally is light let in to mitigate the horror of the gloom, and then not so much through a window as through a hole.
Peter"; at least one case in which a beautiful Roman matron appealed, not in vain, to the better feelings of the Gothic soldier who attempted her dishonour; but even these exceptional instances show that Rome was not entirely spared those scenes of horror which usually accompany the storming of a besieged city.
He denounced the massacres of September - their inception, their horror and the future to which they pointed - in language so vivid and powerful that it raised for a time the spirits of the Girondists, while on the other hand it aroused the fatal opposition of the Parisian leaders.
A few days later, according to Garnet, the Jesuit, Oswald Tesemond, known as Greenway, informed him of the whole plot " by way of confession," when, as he declares, he expressed horror at the design and urged Green way to do his utmost to prevent its execution.
The horror and grief excited by this tragedy were boundless, and the president was honoured with a splendid funeral in the Pantheon, Paris.
I want to put strongly and completely all that is necessary, for I think things weakly said might as well not be said at all, for they are, as it were, deflowered and spoiled - but I profess the greatest horror for uselessness (however brilliant) and filling up. These things can only weaken a picture by distracting the attention toward secondary things."
The horror caused in England by the trial and execution of Louis XVI.
Deidre needed to see Darkyn's mate herself, to face what horror she'd committed before she was able to understand the consequences of her actions.
She'd expected horror or disbelief from him during the hour straight that she poured her heart out to him.
Stricken with horror, he threw himself against the wall, covering his mouth as his four canine teeth grew into sharp fangs.
Seeing the horror in the young vampire's eyes, his tone softened and he backed up.
To start off with, the film can't decide whether to be a comedy or an inept horror film.
Viewers expecting campy shenanigans on a par with the Santo movies will be surprised to find a well-made, atmospheric horror flick.
Yes, it was the same flesh, the same chair a canon, the sight of which had even then filled him with horror, as by a presentiment.
The two brothers stared at each other, and she choked back a sob, joy and horror flying through her.
This is achieved; and Briinnhilde's horror and bewilderment at meeting Siegfried again as a stranger in his own shape creates a situation which Siegfried cannot understand, and which Hagen pretends to construe as damning evidence that Siegfried has betrayed Gunther's honour as well as Briinnhilde's.
You take each step with caution, as, surrounded by deep night, you recall the words of Virgil "Horror ubique animos, simul ipsa silentia terrent."
Early in 1879 he excited much horror by executing a number of the members of the Burmese royal family, and relations became much strained.
Holding that chemistry had not attained the rank of a science - his lectures dealt with the "effects of heat and mixture" - he had an almost morbid horror of hasty generalization or of anything that had the pretensions of a fully fledged system.
Some of the eagles feathers, blown to his side, suggest the death of the bird; at his feet lies the corpse of the little boy, and the horror, grief and anger that such a tragedy would inspire are depicted with striking realism in the farmers face.
With all the Puritan eagerness to push a clear, uncompromising, Scripture-based distinction of right and wrong into the affairs of every-day life, he has a thoroughly English horror of casuistry, and his clumsy canons consequently make wild work with the infinite intricacies of human nature.
Her letter to the emperor, pervaded with he religious and almost mystic sentiments which predominate in the queen's mind, particularly since the death of Prince Albert, seems to have made a deep impression on the sovereign who, amid the struggles of politics, had never completely repudiated the philanthropic theories of his youth, and who, on the battlefield of Solferino, covered with the dead and wounded, was seized with an unspeakable horror of war."Moreover, Disraeli's two premierships (1868, 1874-80) did a good deal to give new encouragement to a right idea of the constitutional function of the crown.
It is only when we remember the extensive and mischievous influence on science which hypotheses about aethers used formerly to exercise, that we can appreciate the horror of aethers which sober-minded men had during the 18th century, and which, probably as a sort of hereditary prejudice, descended even to John Stuart Mill.
Skilfully taking advantage of the jealousies of Poland and Lithuania, as they were accentuated by the personal antagonism of Jagiello and Witowt (q.v.), with the latter of whom the Knights more than once contracted profitable alliances, they even contrived (Treaty of Salin, 1378) to extend their territory by getting possession of the province of Samogitia, the original seat of the Lithuanians, where paganism still persisted, and where their inhuman cruelties finally excited the horror and indignation of Christian Europe.
Dean Stanley owed something to Ewald and spoke warmly of him, but the Preface to the History of the Jewish Church in which he does so bears eloquent testimony to the general attitude towards Old Testament criticism in 1862, of which we have further proof in the almost unanimous disapprobation and far-spread horror with which Colenso's Pentateuch, pt.
Then followed the imperial invasion of Italy and Bourbon's sack of Rome (May 1527) which ended the Augustan age of the papal city in a horror of fire and blood.
Intellectually bold in the extreme, he was curiously timid in ordinary life, and is said to ha`e had a horror of ghosts.
However atrocious its conception and its aims, it is impossible not to feel, together with horror for the deed, some pity and admiration for the guilty persons who took part in it.
Each of them desired nothing more than to give himself up as a prisoner to escape from all this horror and misery; but on the one hand the force of this common attraction to Smolensk, their goal, drew each of them in the same direction; on the other hand an army corps could not surrender to a company, and though the French availed themselves of every convenient opportunity to detach themselves and to surrender on the slightest decent pretext, such pretexts did not always occur.
That inevitable event of which he never thought without horror was brought near to him; and his whole life was darkened by the shadow of death.
Among the princes it excited horror and alarm, and in 1792 the emperor rencb Leopold II.
But Fredeiick Williams emotional and kindly temperament little fitted him to use the mailed fist; though the riot which broke out in Berlin on the 15th of March was suppressed by the troops with but little bloodshed, the king shrank with horror from the thought of fighting his beloved Berliners, and when on the night of the 18th the fighting was renewed, he entered into negotiation with the insurgents, negotiations that resulted in the withdrawal of the troops from Berlin.
So great was Frederick William's horror of everything which did not seem to him practical, that he strictly excluded Latin from the list of his son's studies.
In 1621, they were carried in parliament by a fair majority; to the horror and bitter indignation of all men and women of the old leaven.
Indeed the king's horror of Jacobinism was morbid in its intensity, and drove him to adopt all sorts of reactionary measures and to postpone his coronation for some years, so as to avoid calling together a diet; but the disorder of the finances, caused partly by the continental war and partly by the almost total failure of the crops in 1798 and 1799, compelled him to summon the estates to Norrkoping in March 1800, and on the 3rd of April Gustavus was crowned.
And as though it were foreordained that no element of horror should be wanting from the history of the crusades, in 1212 there took place one of the most ghastly tragedies that has ever happened in the world - the Crusade of the Children.
Containing extracts from the Hundred and Ten Divine Considerations of Juan Valdes (q.v.), it was soon regarded with the utmost horror by many.
The shooting of these boys created a feeling of horror throughout the country, and a sensation of uncertainty as to what measures of severity might not be practised in the future if Balmaceda won the day.
The fire which broke out after the earthquake shock had subsided added to the horror of the catastrophe.
Yet his power of touching the springs of tragic awe and horror is a genuine poetical gift, of the same kind as that which is displayed by some of the early English dramatists.
His dominant ideas were horror of bloodshed and the determination to accept unresistingly all, even unjust, decrees of the worldly authorities.
But when the French monarchy was abolished and the royal pair beheaded, Ferdinand and Carolina were seized with a feeling of fear and horror and joined the first coalition against France in 1793.
His stride is the stride of a giant, from the sentimental beauty of the picture of Marie Antoinette at Versailles, or the red horror of the tale of Debi Sing in Rungpore, to the learning, positiveness and cool judicial mastery of the Report on the Lords' Journals (1794), which Philip Francis, no mean judge, declared on the whole to be the "most eminent and extraordinary" of all his productions.
But he was too fiercely in earnest in his horror of Jacobinism to allow mere party associations to guide him.
With the instinctive feeling that darkness adds a horror to death, they preferred to use them for light.
The profound horror with which the Christian's conception of a suffering as well as an avenging divinity tended to make him regard all condemnable acts was tinged with a sentiment which we may perhaps describe as a ceremonial aversion moralized - the aversion, that is, to foulness or impurity.
The common sense of Christendom gradually shook off these extravagances; but the reluctance to shed blood lingered long, and was hardly extinguished even by the growing horror of heresy.
Barnes had a horror of Latin forms in English, and would have substituted English compounds for many Latin forms in common use.
A third party was once more formed, composed of moderates from the two camps, and it was recruited quite as much by jealousy of the Guises and by ambition as by horror at the massacres.
The continual agitations of the Fronde prevented him from persevering in any consistent application during those years which are the most valuable for study, and only instilled in him a horror of revolution, parliamentary remonstrance, and disorder of all kinds; so that this recollection determined the direction of his government.
Without a Gi,ndias leader or popular power, they might have found both in Danton; for, occupied chiefly with the external danger, he made advances towards them, which they repulsed, partly in horror at the proceedings of September, but chiefly because they saw in him the most formidable rival in the path of the government.
Statues of Christ, especially of him hanging on the cross, inspired the greatest horror and indignation; and this is why none of the graven images of Christ, common before the outbreak of the movement, survive.
The soldiers and captains of the Byzantine garrisons were equally Armenians and Syrians, in whom the sight of a crucifix or image set up for worship inspired nothing but horror.
This organization, at least in so far as concerns the heretical church, had already been observed among the Fraticelli in Sicily, and in 1423 the general council of Siena affirmed with horror that at Peniscola there was an heretical pope surrounded with a college of cardinals who made no attempt at concealment.
Both sides claimed the victory, but the advantage remained with Sennacherib, and in 689 B.C. he captured Babylon and razed it to the ground, a deed which excited the horror of all western Asia.
The town ceased to exist as she stood transfixed, watching in horror.
The zombie-vamps didn't rush him as they would in a real horror flick; no, they ran away.
Bianca watched in horror and awe as the two men fought.
When she pulled back at last, she sat in a daze, fulfilled and content yet unable to shake the horror of what she'd done.
There stood Acting Sheriff Fitzgerald, in full uniform, a large box in his arms, wearing a smile as wide and sinister as a horror show villain.
But when a BNP website mistakenly accused him of being that very same doctor, his horror turned to fury.
To their horror they met two young acolytes coming the other way.
I've just read the worst horror anthology I've ever purchased.
However, Roth doesn't just ape the horror movies he loves.
Cradle of Fear Fans of the underground UK horror scene should be familiar with the low budget horror auteur Alex Chandon.
It offered a steady stream of blue movies with just a quick breather for horror films on Friday nights.
It ranges from Japanese horror to big block busters like Die Hard.
Hobbies and interests include Italian zombie horror movies, rock music and sampling the local Somerset scrumpy cider.
A great achievement for horror cinema at the time as the film was released unrated, a big gamble that paid off.
Our Verdict... A seminal 80's horror classic that created a whole new sub-genre for itself.
Tobe Hooper has directed a real clunker here, a film devoid of anything other than giving the horror film a really bad name.
U films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror.
Polanski's vision is thus deepened by his confrontation with the traditional horror formula.
But still only die-hard Hudson fans or desperate horror junkies will find The Skeleton Key worth unlocking.
And to my horror, I was n't dilated at all!
Creepy horror film from 1919 with live music on hammered dulcimer, what more can you ask for!
The second is the general tone of the book, the descriptions have that earthiness you'll find in horror books.
You shall become an execration, a horror, a curse, and a taunt.
The country raised its hands in horror at such extravagance.
Return of the Living Dead Growing up as a teenage horror fan in the eighties was a world of gory eye candy.
It's not a " gothic horror fantasy " it's fantasy.
He defines his work as speculative fiction although he does not shy away from writing conventional urban fantasy or horror stories.
So... I've never been a big fan of horror fiction as a genre.
Felt good to collapse back at home with a crappy horror film for company.
The special effects are very good allowing the filmmakers to really go to town on the horror elements.
It's a great horror flic that absolutely scared the living crap out of me the first time that I saw it.
What the hell kind of teen horror flick is that?
They're like something out of a Gothic horror flick with spikes along the top.
These were times when zombie flicks actually tore a chunk of gory nail from a young horror enthusiast's fingers.
The storyline is inspired by Japanese folklore and incorporates the more chilling aspects normally found in the better horror movies.
I think part of the horror lies in the strange garb with so many buttons.
Agencies everywhere are taking a collective gasp of horror.
In fact, it obeys every rule of the slasher movie that Scream ' s horror geeks abuse, pervert and worship.
Hammer's first venture into the sci-fi and horror genre, but let down by the poor production values and a weak script.
Yet, on medieval battlefields and during plagues - times of ultimate horror - they were seen gnawing the dead bodies.
A unique combination of real history, horror and humor bring gruesome goings-on back to life in the 21st century.
Owen really strives to depict the horror of war by using extremely graphic images, both mental and.. .
They are home to a vast selection of pretty gruesome independent horror movies.
Celebrate this Halloween with all the special halloween horror greeting cards and ecards from halloween horror dot net.
Hugely entertaining 50's horror hokum written by a noted science fiction author who also wrote the script for The Time Machine (1960 ).
Dana Schutz Sword Rack 2003, Oil on Canvas 213 x 183cm Dana Schutz has a way of producing horror that feels comfortably homey.
The local people lived in great fear and suffering, bearing witness to unspeakable horror of senseless killings and torture.
In response to unimaginable horror, Luc Tuymans offers the sublime.
This series which until now has been universally banned for it's subversiveness and abject horror is now free for all to behold.
The story is pretty much your usual sci-fi horror fare, with little in the way of surprises.
And Billy Zane will star in the zombie horror thriller THE MAD, which starts filming this month somewhere in Canada.
A self-confessed cult horror enthusiast, Vanian would undoubtedly have secured a copy of DEATH BED.
That is not to dilute the horror of what happened to Ken Bigley or the brave Italian hostage.
Asian cinema is becoming the new hotbed of talent in the Horror genre.
Here, horror is created from man's inhumanity to man.
Q Horror movies- especially those that feature deranged killers are very prone to getting future installments.
The Twilight Kingdom attempts the latter approach, with Shindler using the confined environment of Koth's subterranean lair to hide hidden horror within.
It's time Esso woke up to the horror of climate change, and stopped fue l ling the fires of global warming.
I had already heard horror stories of illegal loggers crunching their way into the forest in search of valuable hardwood.
But the knowledge that I share in the corporate responsibility for it almost maddens me with shame and horror.
So far, he lists his greatest moments as having met horror maestro Clive Barker and spoken personally to author Brian Lumley.
Rocky Horror Picture Show Whilst dressing up is not mandatory, you will receive icy stares, should you not... Mystery Event info.
Dark Horse Comics presents Museum of Terror, a series of horror stories by Japan's foremost creator of horror manga.
To his horror and dismay, he has no wife or children, only enemies, associates, and the occasional loyal manservant.
Fran danced with a large and slightly moth-eaten man in a bear costume, much to her delight and Josie's horror!
In the early 1970's Last House changed the nature of the horror movie.
It was to explore urban mythology in a unique way while avoiding horror cliches.
March will see the final Doctor Who novella by horror novelist Simon Clark.
Also debuting over the weekend were horror remake The omen and A Prairie Home Companion.
The six of them just stood there open-mouthed, in complete horror.
From this position of advantage, he has chosen to relaunch his horror opus.
With horror pastiche the flavor of the moment, Nispel and Kosar pay tribute to Tobe Hooper's low budget 1974 original.
This survival horror game from Midway will see you assuming the role of a prisoner on death row in a haunted maximum security penitentiary.
This horror story neatly illustrates the perils surrounding gifts of second hand computers.
Plenty of subsequent films in the horror genre ditched the usual slashing strings and went for tinkling piano sounds instead.
Chaucer and Journey's End present obvious parallels, as do all the portmanteau horror films from the 1970s produced by Amicus Productions.
Mike Beal read the bidding prayers in a week of horror in London and in many places around the world.
Italian horror cinema is in fact given precedence mainly by male fans.
They have a real giddy horror of stars and seas, as a man has on the edge of a hopelessly high precipice.
The League of Gentlemen opt out of the challenge to become the progenitors of a new wave of British film horror.
Alan Wake, the game's protagonist, is a bestselling horror writer, who writes a novel about his darkest nightmares.
In 1975, tho, Millard created the pseudonym Nick Philips and directed his first two horror movies, practically back to back.
They reluctantly agree and their unexpected visitor then regales them with four tales of horror, which he claims are true.
This vicious and cowardly crime has filled us all with horror and deepest revulsion.
I really would like to find a well scripted genuinely scary horror - sadly this is not it.
I watch a lot of horror film none have been remotely scary.
It should do for British sci-fi what Shaun Of The Dead did for British horror.
As with most horror sequels, the blood and violence level is upped to compensate for familiarity with what is about to happen.
There is a taint in Chicago, a barely suppressed shiver of horror that touches all who make their home in the city.
Then our news sources were delighted to pound us with horror stories of wholesale slaughter - which turned out to be entirely untrue.
To my shock and horror it was n't spinning.
Later that same year, 13 Ghosts found the saucy young actress moving from horror spoof to the real deal.
Don't you think horror has become stereotyped in such a way over the years.
I admit my background on gastric surgery... to treat this as a simple horror story.
A horror which was almost superstitious came upon him at the sight of them.
We were given an event which was almost surreal in its horror level.
The second set turns to a moment of reptilian horror when A forked tongue is tasting the air above the lip of the well.
After seeing these you are invited to listen to a story-teller tel tales of horror and hauntings by flickering torchlight.
It's all pretty trashy stuff - usually the gore element of Italian horror is the only thing of note.
All About Horror - horror movie trivia A page on Horror topics.. .
Even the schlock horror backdrop of bloodstains made me vaguely uneasy.
But lying in wait is horror so unspeakable it will change them forever!
Floyd continues to adore children, especially babies -- usually much to their Mothers ' horror -- and licks them with great vigor!
The extravagant rhetoric of Lord Horror is replaced here by the crude vulgarity of the Volk.
Philosophical zombies are not like the undead, and slightly untidy, creatures of the horror movies.
The most prominent element of the zombie survival horror genre is, of course, the zombie survival horror genre is, of course, the zombies themselves.. .
Abandoning the ancient Muscovite capital, where many influential personages were fanatically hostile to his innovations and not a few of the superstitious inhabitants regarded him with horror as Antichrist, he built at the mouth of the Neva a new capital which was to serve as " a window through which his people might look into Europe "; and laying aside the national St title of tsar he proclaimed himself (1711) emperor Peters- (Imperator) of all Russia - much to the surprise and indignation of foreign diplomatic chancelleries, which resented the audacity of a semi-barbarous potentate in claiming to be equal in rank with the head of the Holy Roman Empire.
But the insistence with which Lucretius returns to the subject, and the horror with which he recalls the effects of such abnormal phenomena, suggest that he himself may have been liable to such hallucinations, which are said to be consistent with perfect sanity, though they may be the precursors either of madness or of a state of despair and melancholy.
The open protection it accorded to the Old Catholic movement contributed in no small measure to estrange those influential elements which, whilst favouring the suppression of Ultramontane tendencies, desired no schism in the Church, and viewed with horror the idea of a National Church in Bismarck's sense (see OLD Catholics).
Beethoven read the final prayer of the Mass as a "prayer for inward and outward peace," and, giving it that title, organized it on the basis of a contrast between terrible martial sounds and the triumph of peaceful themes, in a scheme none the less spiritual and sublime because those who first heard it had derived their notions of the horror of war from living in Vienna during its bombardment.
At least as early as the beginning of the rrth century, but probably long before that date, mercantile communities claimed the right, confirmed by the emperors, of settling mercantile disputes according to a law of their own, to the horror of certain conservative-minded clerics.& Furthermore, in the rapidly developing towns, opportunities for the exercise of self-administrative functions constantly increased.
The expression on all their faces suddenly changed to one of horror.
He flung down the slab, broke it, and swooping down on her with outstretched hands shouted, "Get out!" in such a terrible voice that the whole house heard it with horror.
He did not then realize the significance of the burning of Moscow, and looked at the fires with horror.
Now, some of you may recoil in horror at this idea.
But to their horror, she is reincarnated over and over.
The Omen (15) John Moore 's remake of The Omen remains faithful to the 1976 horror classic.
The project is the English-language remake of the Japanese horror hit Ju-On, produced by Taka Ichise and written and directed by Takashi Shimizu.
Joy turned to horror as father fieldmouse stumbled across the rotting corpse of Grandpa.
Bring some real scary moments into your games, or even base them on a horror theme.
Think the drama and drag glamor of Rocky Horror set in a seedy bar in a galaxy far, far away.
In that case, why do you feel seventies horror was so startling and original?
It makes the difference between shlock horror and interesting fear.
Employees and customers alike shrieked in horror, but only until Scott yelled, Shut up !
The shrieks of the women, and the groans of the dying, rendered the whole a scene of horror almost inconceivable.
One can only shudder with horror to think what these children would have gone through.
The slew of horror movies that has been thrown onto the screen are not about truly scaring the audience, but only startling them.
To even suggest they was ever a Canadian horror movie industry of any note is sure to bring snorts of derision from some corners.
A cursory glance at the plot does little to dispel the myth that this is a sordid gothic tale of horror.
Carry on Screaming (1966) another well known comedy team do a spoof of the horror genre.
Do n't you think horror has become stereotyped in such a way over the years.
Small and concise, the guy is certainly watching as many trashy horror films as I am !
It 's all pretty trashy stuff - usually the gore element of Italian horror is the only thing of note.
He was almost physically sick with the horror of this trifling incident.
All About Horror - horror movie trivia A page on Horror topics...
The Black Widow The horror that he'll bring The horror of his sting The unholiest of kings.
They have improved with age, like... either the worse horror film ever made or the best ever, unintentional, horror comedy.
Little does the banker know what horror he is about to unleash upon the world.
After surmounting your unconquerable horror of the bed, you will retire to rest, and get a few hours ' unquiet slumber.
The unspeakable horror which you have endured will, in time, be merely a bad memory.
But lying in wait is horror so unspeakable it will change them forever !
The whole movie is in some ways a Valentine card to horror films.
Floyd continues to adore children, especially babies -- usually much to their Mothers ' horror -- and licks them with great vigor !
Anthony is the son of Douglas Hickox who directed ' Theater of blood ' (1973) starring horror great vincent price.
I watched in horror as American troops opened fire on a crowd of 1,000 unarmed people here yesterday.
The resulting horror is filtered through Gromit 's drolly watchful presence.
At this point, to our horror, an irritated and well-spoken woman approaches the car.
It 's always refreshing to see a contemporary horror movie that avoids the " post-modernist " disease that is the wisecracking know-it-all teenager.
The most prominent element of the zombie survival horror genre is, of course, the zombies themselves...
Rupert refuses to watch any movie from the horror genre.
My taste in movies is rather dark, I enjoy mostly macabre horror films.
The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror offers four "Treehouse of Horror" Halloween episodes.
So when the poor little four-year-old girl had a small accident in my bed, the look of horror in her eyes made me realize what a neat freak I really am.
You can provide your cat with a scratching post or you can watch in horror as your cat shreds the arm of your designer sofa.
Identity theft seems like something from an old crime movie, but thousands of Americans are experiencing the real-life horror of this every year.
Don't freak out over one or two stray negative comments, but dozens of horror stories should be enough to turn elsewhere.
I wanted something that would look natural after hearing horror stories of orange skin.
Special effect makeup is essential in creating looks that evoke the creepiness of a horror night.
It could be that your're cautious, or perhaps you've read too many horror stories about online dates gone wrong, and you want to screen your suitors carefully.
The ski slopes are filled with horror stories about do-it-yourself binding adjustments.
Together with your doctor or therapist, you will be able to release yourself from the horror of your living nightmare.
There are hundreds of horror stories about things that have happened to teenagers who have run away.
You've seen or heard the horror stories.
Simple dresses can be just as stunning as the other styles, so they're worth a look if you're constantly attracted to the fanciest dresses but recoil in horror as soon as you see the price tag.
Everyone has heard horror stories of brides choosing a hideous bridesmaid dress and you certainly do not want to ask your bridesmaids to pay for a dress they will never use again.
This is a good compromise if your mother or aunt displays horror at the thought of any bride wearing a white wedding dress again.
She turned down the lead role in the 1996 hit horror movie Scream.
Johnny Depp began his acting career in the horror film, A Nightmare on Elm Street, in 1984.
Katherine Heigl has enjoyed a steady film career, including several in the horror genre.
Hilton will also appear in the horror musical Repo!
Tiffany is an actress who once worked with Haim on Fever Lake, a 1996 horror film.
Well, Tiffany liked being on the B list and now has a cult following of B-Movie (I think they're trying to call it "Indie Horror" now…) fans around the world.
One of Johnny Depp's first film roles was as Glen Lantz, the boyfriend of Nancy in the horror movie A Nightmare on Elm Street.
His first few roles were minor, including a part in the Stephen King horror movie Carrie.
In 1975 she landed a role in a campy, gothic musical that went on to develop a huge cult following The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Jamie Lee Curtis started her acting career focusing mostly on thrillers and horror flicks, but she soon proved that she could tackle almost any genre.
These films often fall into genres like horror, Western and film noir.
We went out for coffee on Monday morning, and when I got home, to my horror, my Lab Senny was in the living room with a plastic package in his mouth.
To my horror, Senny had eaten not only the entire bag of cookies, but the entire bag of chocolate bars as well!
To my horror, it was about to happen again, to me this time.
To my horror here is a bit of what I read from an amazing site which, for a fee, will even test your own dog's toys.
Any plus size woman who has navigated through the horror of Victoria Secret's B-cup jungle knows the importance of having accessibility to undergarments designed for those who don't fit a mannequin's shape.
The classic Halloween costume category includes everything we think of when we picture Halloween - witches, pumpkins, vampires, ghosts and horror movie characters.
Horror Stew offers a wide variety of horror contact lenses.
Those who want to look like vampires, zombies, and other characters straight from horror movies and books will love the flair that pitch black lenses can add to their Halloween costume.
If you're very into Pitch Black, vampires, or any other horror character/look, vision correction can be a bonus so there are no glasses obscuring your eyes from others' view.
Vampire contact lenses, horror lenses, and other types of creepy lenses are perfect for surprising unsuspecting friends and strangers as part of a costume, clubwear, or your everyday clothing.
If you prefer to shop online, have a current prescription, and are comfortable wearing contact lenses, there are several different kinds of vampire contact lenses, horror lenses, and more available online.
If you do decide to purchase vampire contact lenses, horror may await you in a different way than you intended if you don't handle them with care.
In some cases, you may just want to look like you're straight from a horror movie; there are lenses that can give you that look as well.
When you look at a selection of crazy lenses at Wild Eyes or anywhere else, you will find that there are often quite a few horror lenses available.
You can see that lovable ogre Shrek in 4-D, be chased by the fearful Mummy in Revenge of the Mummy or get scared in Universal's House of Horror which was voted one of America's best haunted attractions by Hauntworld Magazine.
Freeze Tag (also known as "Horror Movie") requires 4 players, an axe, and a hockey mask.
General Sherman's succinct declaration on the brute nature of war has become ensconced in our national lexicon as an offhand way of acknowledging the true horror of war without actually having to think on it.
Carrier is survival horror akin to Resident Evil.
The only reason you may buy this game is you are desperate for a survival horror game on the Dreamcast.
They have over 100 hidden objects games in all kinds of genres like adventure, horror, fantasy, mystery and even romance.
Doom 3 is third in the series of this action-packed, first-person, horror Sci-Fi blood fest.
For me, it was the Resident Evil series that made me really aware of horror games.
Referring to the genre as "survival horror", the original Resident Evil, released for the Playstation in 1996, gave the genre a boost to the top that hasn't really died down much since.
And although Resident Evil and Silent Hill are the top two monsters of the genre, the horror genre extends much, much farther.
One of the defining characteristics of the survival horror genre, and what sets it apart from other games is that typical video game elements such as gameplay take a backseat to the overall theme of the game.
In actuality, this heavy focus on atmosphere and mood make games in the survival horror genre more immersive than most other genres.
Isolation is usually a recurring theme in the survival horror genre.
Puzzles play a big part in survival horror, as you'll usually have to solve numerous puzzles to advance and ultimately escape from wherever you are.
Games like Doom and Quake contain some horror elements, but those games are more balls-to-the-wall shooters than anything else.
Sweet Home, mentioned above, is widely regarded as the first survival horror game.
While quite different than most genres, survival horror games continue to maintain their popularity.
Often more immersive than movies of the same genre, survival horror video games can give just as good of a scare as any horror blockbuster.
It didn't arrive on the market with the same kind of fanfare as the latest instalment of Resident Evil, but this horror game arguably blows Jill Valentine and crew clear out of the water.
Your adrenaline is directly affected by the Horror Monitor, which you can find during each stage.
The horror monitor lets you scan an area for traps or for a shocking event that could occur.
Illbleed is one of those rare games that takes the horror game genre to a new level.
Are you missing survival horror on the Wii?
What about a survival horror game that involves mountain climbing?
Resident Evil 4 is Capcom's latest installment in a series that, through the good and bad, has never had a problem leading the forefront of the survival horror realm.
Horror - Generally based on horror novels.
From creepy third-party horror games like D to in-house developed racers like Daytona USA, the Sega Saturn had a reasonable selection of games, but nowhere close to the huge library found on the Sony PlayStation.
By that I mean, as opposed to the smooth and easy controls you find in most horror games, it seems they purposely make you play a character who is as befuddled as you might find yourself to be in a similar situation.
The music soundtrack is like the kind you would hear in an excellent horror movie, but does not overwhelm the action of the game and adds a bit of uneasiness to your exploration of the penitentiary.
The creepy horror of The Ties that Bind video game is best experienced in the dark.
Make sure to adjust the settings to experience the full impact of the voices, creature noises, music and background noises that make this game a horror fans dream.
Fans of the original title will be pleased with this action-packed, horror fest.
Resident Evil 4 continued the survival horror game, giving you the chance to use the Wii's special controllers.
But in 1995, they decided to hit the Interactive Horror market with Phantasmagoria.
You can probably finish this game in under 3 hours, but if you enjoy supernatural horror games, this one's for you.
Calling is a survival horror game from developer Hudson.
Horror struck the group when Tom, attempting to peer out over a ledge to see how far they'd climbed, became dizzy, slipped and tumbled over the edge to his death on the rocks far below.
Horror stories or movies may serve the same purpose for teens but not for children who cannot exercise the same level of choice by leaving the theater and should not be exposed to disturbing movies.
Furthermore, because many productions of the Rocky Horror Picture Show encourage audience participation, the rapidity with which one can learn this dance ultimately makes it an instant hit with virtually all audience members.
Instead of seeing themselves as a victim in a horror story they see themselves as a hero in an inspirational tale.
If you're approaching your due date, you may find your friends, relatives, and even strangers telling you horror stories about their birthing experiences.
Many of these stories are meant to be a bonding experience but sound more like horror stories that are meant to scare you into a perpetual state of pregnancy rather than ever experiencing the miracle of childbirth.
Whether they are horror stories that make you second-guess your decision to become pregnant or sweet tales of growing love and new life, you will find yourself seeking birth stories out.
In fact, she is involved with a horror film and is said to be interested in pursuing different roles that would allow her to expand her skills.
This fast-paced game of horror movie action is for 2 to 6 players 12 and up with a play time of 60 to 90 minutes.
Though the tale looks somewhat dark and might seem like a scary movie, it is less horror and gore and more creepy with a hint of sentimentality.
Guys can channel their favorite horror movie villain like Leatherface, and either gender can enjoy the fun of humorous costumes.
Rather, he can dress up for a night of horror with the rest of the family.
Unfortunately, we have also heard the horror stories.
Share your terrible tales with your guy or girl friends over drinks or dinner and watch them gasp in horror or recognition.
There are horror stories out there about text message breakups, impersonal emails, and voice mails, so show a little respect and talk together.
One girl may think roses and a candlelight dinner is romantic, while another would think cuddling up on the couch and watching a horror movie is romance.
Horror writer Stephen King worked at the Hampden Academy in Hampden, ME during the early stages of his career.
Each card in the tarot deck may evoke a strong response within you, and that response can range from delight, to fear, to even horror.
Mixed in with pages about pop music and horror movies, there are MySpace areas dedicated to endorsing drug use, eating disorders, and self-mutilation.
Posteratiti has an excellent collection, too, of poster-theme paperback and hardcover books including great cowboys, Academy Award winners, horror films and even posters that hail from the days of drive-in movies.
Akira opened America's eyes to the world of anime movies and made science fiction, horror, and fantasy fans aware of an entire genre that they may not have known anything about before.
The horror film is one of cinema's oldest genres; from F.W.
In the early days of movies with sound, westerns, comedies, and dramas ruled the cinematic roost, but the horror movie was there, lurking in the shadows and waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on unsuspecting moviegoers.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show owes its lasting fame to its transformation into an audience participation vehicle during this time.
Whether your tastes run toward drama, musicals, or the occasional horror flick, LoveToKnow Movies has the movie info you crave!
Likewise, the soundtrack from the film version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show includes the song Super Heroes, which was also from a scene that was cut and only a snippet of the tune is heard in most prints of the film.
Horror fans and video game fans will likely flock to this one from Tri-Star and director David Gans (Necronomicon, Crying Freeman).
Taken from the survival horror video game series from Konami, Silent Hill promises to be an experience.
In fact, it is possible that Silent Hill, the game, is scarier than most horror films released over the past ten years.
From the scary to the silly, April 2006 will also give us the latest in a string of horror spoofs, Scary Movie 4.
On June 20, you can look forward to taking home The Hills Have Eyes, the Wes Craven remake of the 1971 horror film by the same name.
In 1976, audiences were held in suspense by Gregory Peck and Lee Remick in the first of the Omen series of horror movies.
June movie releases include a selection of movies targeted to kids, who are freshly out of school and already likely to be complaining of boredom, horror remakes, and long-awaited sequels.
What better movie to release than the remake of the 1976 horror movie The Omen on 06.06.06?
If you are one of those people who finds as much humor in the rote plots of some of the most popular horror flicks are fear, you will be delighted to learn that Scary Movie 4 is among the August DVD releases.
There are epic battles, "splatstick" horror, bleeding-edge technological effects, and creative innovation.
From horror flicks to family-friendly musicals, this is the place to catch up on some classics.
Of course you know when Christmas movies will come out, or a romance, and a horror movie will always be available for Halloween, but if you're wondering when a certain war or sport or western movie will be available?
For a nominal fee, potty-trained children can have fun in the secure Harkins Play Center while Mom and Dad get some much deserved time alone to catch a romantic film or the latest action or horror flick.
This is a good site if you are looking for a good variety of documentaries and old B-movie horror flicks.
For those niche movie watchers, check out Asian Horror Movies.
You can guess from the title that the website hosts Asian horror movies.
Another genre website that offers free Hollywood movie scripts is Horror Lair.
As the name implies, you will find horror scripts hosted on this site.
Viewers can search through available movies by genre such as Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Hindi dubbed, Horror, Thriller or Romance.
The site is organized by genre (from Comedy, to Action to Horror to Suspense) and is affordable.
So of the Scary Movie 3 cast, who's new and who's back for another round of comedic horror?
Learning the history of horror movies can help you understand the popular genre.
Horror movies began as far back as the turn of the 20th century with the introduction of films such as Le Manoir du Diable and the first version of Frankenstein.
Many early horror films are based on novels that were popular at the time, such as the 1922 vampire film, Nosferatu, which was based on Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Many other classic films were made in the early days of horror movies, and many of these still influence modern day movies.
Why do people like going to see horror movies so much, though?
Many like the rush of adrenaline that is brought on by the scary themes of the movies, and science fiction fans will often watch movies that deal with horror themes, along with sci-fi ones, because of the otherworldly themes.
Horror movies, like most other forms of media, have evolved alongside technology, becoming bigger, brighter, and more expensive to make as the years go on.
The 1920s introduced the horror genre and created a solid foundation for horror throughout the years.
Many changes have come along, especially in recent years, that make horror movies seem more realistic than ever before.
The history of horror movies wouldn't be complete without the 1980's.
With the introduction of Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and several sequels to the popular Halloween films, horror fans were given many good scares throughout the 1980s.
In the 1990's, Anne Rice's popular vampire books were turned into horror films; Interview with a Vampire, and The Vampire Lestat were both very popular.
Movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, The Hills Have Eyes, A Nightmare On Elm Street, and The Last House on the Left were all remakes of classic horror movies.
There are many disturbing horror movies made each year, some of which make to big screen while others go straight to DVD.
Historically, horror films are made to be shocking and disturbing and is part of the reason why some people enjoy going to see scary movies.
While many people dislike horror movies because of the disturbing or gory themes, just as many like them for those same reasons.
Horror movie blockbusters, such as Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street, often become pop-culture icons.
If you are looking for a disturbing horror movie to watch on Halloween night, or any other night that you and your family are looking to be thrilled, then there are hundreds from which to choose.
If you will be watching movies with younger children present, it might be better to choose a less scary movie, as disturbing horror movies can give children nightmares.
Looking to learn more about classic horror movie posters?
Like other types of movie posters, many horror movie posters are popular with horror fans and vintage poster collectors alike for their unique ability to graphically describe a movie plot.
Many classic horror movie posters are on-point graphical representations of the film's name like the Ring 2 poster representing a large, ominous ring.
Horror movie posters are well known for exciting interest in the films.
Large, oversized posters meant to advertise an upcoming film, horror movie posters were especially beneficial for their audiences.
In the height of their time, horror fans would run to the theater to see the latest double feature.
Many are illustrated, a popular convention to downplay some of the horror of the film while still making it appealing.
The color is often used in horror movie posters to symbolize the 'evil' or 'science fiction' type of characters.
The film's tagline, "more fearful than the monster himself," is a great representation of how classics used a single line of copy to solidify a classic horror movie poster.
At iO9, the site takes a different angle for horror movie posters.
Highlighting great Thai horror movie posters, it's interesting to see how many well known American representations of horror movies translate and are used in other countries.
While often more graphic than in the US, a veteran of horror movies will likely be able to see how the posters tie into the American sentiment on the films.
Any horror movie buff knows that there's more to the films than just simple photos and a tagline.
Horror movie posters really ignite a true passion for the genre itself and captivate the fans almost as much as the film sets out to do.
After all, after eight prior movies in the famed horror series, there's much to be excited about.
Like other horror films, it can be a great experience to enjoy the film in one sitting.
While some might wonder why you like horror movies, you'll always know that part of the fun is proving you can make it through a film this frightening!
Halloween the movie is one of the most famous horror movies ever filmed.
As one of the classic horror movies, Halloween is an essential part of any horror film marathon.
Remakes of movies, especially horror movies, are very popular because they have plots that audiences are already familiar with.
They also can appeal to a wider range of people than a romance or horror movie could, since they often include elements from many different genres of movies as well as action.
Upcoming horror movies are a popular topic for horror fans to talk about when they get together.
Watching classic scary movies can be a great way to spend an afternoon, but many horror fans will also want to see new films as they come out, or will want to watch remakes of popular classics.
When you are looking to find upcoming horror movies, you may not be sure where you should start.
If you want to watch a new horror movie, but are not sure which one that you want to watch, there are many websites where you can find movie summaries as well as watch trailers for upcoming movies.
Many other horror movies will be released throughout the years, as well as movies from other genres.
Horror is a very popular genre, and many horror fans will wait in line for hours to be some of the first people to see a certain film.
If you are going to have small children watching the movie with you, then a horror film probably would not be the best idea.
Rosemary's Baby is another classic horror movie features a mother worried about the safety of her baby in new surroundings.
One part science fiction, another part horror, the film definitely says something of being scared to the point of tears.
In The Hills Have Eyes, horror rises to a new level as a simple, classic American family finds themselves at the hands of a cannibalistic tribe up to things most families can't even dream of.
Horror films are popular with audiences for a myriad of reasons.
Some of the best scary movies out there are cult favorites like 28 Days Later that most horror movie buffs out there love.
The best scary movies, like many prior banned horror films, are subjective.
To his horror, he saw a woman's hand in the basket, wearing the lady's unique jewel-encrusted ring.
The lady confessed her werewolf affliction and was summarily executed.This tale is told with some variations on Hell Horror, along with many other legends of shape-shifting creatures.
The Candyman horror film involved teenagers yelling "candyman" three times in front of a mirror, and the boogeyman (known as the Candyman) would appear and murder them.
Universal Studios in Florida took advantage of the myth for their annual Halloween Horror Night events in 2008.
Invoking Bloody Mary is a popular game for girls at sleepovers and horror movies.
They all ran into the bathroom to find Melissa standing in front of the mirror, dripping wet and wearing only a towel, one hand over her mouth in horror.
The legend of the house, as told in the book The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson, tells the story of the Lutz family who unwittingly purchase the haunted house as their dream home in a peaceful Long Island town.
While it has never been conclusively proven that the story of the Amityville Horror is untrue, subsequent owners of the home have had no experiences in the house, and the Lutz family now says that their story is "mostly true".
Chances are, the story of the Amityville Horror has some elements of truth that have been embellished in the retelling over the years.
From southern California to the state's northern border, the Golden State is home to many wandering spirits, famous apparitions and true spine-tingling tales of horror.
Whether you're looking for children's educational programs, horror movies, classic comedies, romantic dramas, or a new workout to help you shed unwanted pounds, this Web site has what you need.
For example, if you don't care about your clothes, but you're passionate about horror movies, it's fine to shop for your wardrobe at the Salvation Army so you can splurge on a deluxe DVD box set for your movie collection.
Shock and horror met the idea that actress Frances Reid would be let go and then the bigger scoop came when fans learned that all of the veterans would be returning.
Trick 'r Treat features Paquin in the role of Laurie, a woman who dresses as Little Red Riding Hood and is stalked as a part of the film's horror anthology.
The Vampire Diaries was originally a teen horror series of fiction books written by L.J.
The pilot was written by Kevin Williamson, who is well known for writing popular teen horror films such as Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, and also for his work on the teen serial Dawson's Creek.
Williamson is the screenwriter behind the popular horror films Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer and the teen drama series Dawson's Creek.
They have a karaoke musical section that features Phantom, plus karaoke versions of other showtunes, like songs from Mamma Mia and Rocky Horror Picture Show.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack lets listeners enjoy a unique film and music experience without a television or movie screen nearby.
Starring Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, and Meatloaf, it's a parody of horror movies and an unabashed movie musical.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is more than a movie; it's a cult phenomenon.
Late night showings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show feature costumes, audience members acting out the movie in the theater's aisles, and heavy audience participation.
And of course, they sing along to The Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack.
The recording is from an early 80s show, so it's not the most up-to-the-minute Rocky Horror Picture Show experience, but it can still give you a good idea of the kind of audience banter to expect.
Federline, the notoriously disliked man who left his pregnant girlfriend behind to jet off to Europe on tour with Spears, soon became Mr. Britney Spears, to the shock and horror of many of her fans.
The plot of the movie was inspired by old horror movies from the 40s and 50s as well as zombie movies like Night of the Living Dead.
He did an imitation of horror movie actor Boris Karloff, which was a big hit with the audience.
Also consider downloading Glee - The Music, The Christmas Album, The Rocky Horror Glee Show, The Power Of Madonna and other specials.
Horror movies throughout the years have featured Halloween thriller music in them, from Dracula to Jaws, most horror films have a scary soundtrack to them.
If you have ever seen a horror movie, you have probably heard Halloween thriller music before.
If it is a horror film, than the director will probably use Halloween thriller music.
When new thriller, horror, and suspense movies are released every year, a large part of the budget goes into the music composition.
However, not all Halloween thriller music has to be from a horror movie.
Other musicals like The Lion King, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Little Mermaid have moved in reverse; originally movies, these films now have their own Broadway counterpart.
A good place to get ideas for Halloween music is through horror movies.
Movie soundtracks for horror films are also a good way to find music for your party or Halloween event, since they are often spooky and can help remind people about their favorite horror film or get interested in a new one.
Some songs, such as Michael Jackson's Thriller, are considered Halloween songs even though they were not written for Halloween or for a horror movie.
Mad scientists have played a critical part in horror history, bringing the world Frankenstein's monster, Mr. Hyde and an assortment of mutant monsters.
Be sure to include Halloween themed scenarios with lots of horror.
It could be a comedy, romance or horror movie, depending on the age and courage of the guests!
Scream Queens is a competitive reality show where 10 unknown actresses vie for a spot on a horror movie.
He has also acted and written other horror films, so he has B-movie experience.
She has been in all five Saw movies as well as other thrillers (The Island) and horror flicks (The Shining-the TV series).
Scream Queens was a 6-week reality show romp watching girls trying to be the next horror queen.
Done in the style of cheesy horror movies, the show is both campy and different from other reality fare.
As you might guess, the show features thirteen contestants who are playing for the horror movie-inspired grand prize of $66,666.
Scream Queens 2 is a new concept reality show, where contestants compete for a chance to prove their chops in the world of horror acting in order to earn the role.
With an on-set mentor and creative horror movie themed challenges, the girls find that winning Scream Queens 2 might be harder than they first thought.
In addition to music, the girls must work on performing in classic horror movie circumstances like fear, anger, and popular chase scenes.
Combining horror, elimination-style challenges, and a group of ladies looking to be stars, VH1 Scream Queens 2 has all the elements of the first season to keep viewers hooked.
The couple has taken to the media numerous times to air out their stories of personal horror in relation to the divorce and both have been dragged through the mud.
Dark fantasy can also include horror or ghost stories, although sometimes these are categorized in a separate genre.
Alien is the 1979 classic, space horror flick staring Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Ian Holm, Tom Skerrit and Veronica Cartwright.
The Invisible Man is one of the most famous horror moviews from the 'thirties.
All the Universal horror films of the 'thirties, and this one is no exception, had as a central motif that science was dangerous.
Stuck indoors in the days before TV and videogames, the group entertained themselves by reading horror stories.
These were all very intelligent, very literate and countercultural people, and one of the party suggested that they all write horror stories such as the ones they had been amusing themselves with.
This town is revisited in 1962's Something Wicked This Way Comes, with a slight horror twist of an evil carnival, a novel that almost seems to prophesize the coming of Steven King, master of such small town settings and characters.
In 1958, Hammer Films released their version of Dracula, released in the US as The Horror of Dracula.
Ghosts in the movies are a tradition that blend science fiction with horror and thriller.
This gothic horror film continues the battle between the Death Dealer vampires and their adversaries, the Lycan werewolves.
Have you ever spent a half an hour trying to find Alien in Science Fiction only to find it shelved under Horror?
Yes, Aliens is a two-fer, a genuine cross-genre classic of science fiction and horror.
Very few 'pure horror' works are made these days.
Silence of the Lambs is a work of 'pure horror', in more ways than one.
Dean Koontz, master of horror, typically falls squarely in the two-fer camp.
It usually matters not to readers of the genre 'horror' where their horror comes, as long as there's plenty of it.
If an author uses the supernatural as his engine of horror, that typically precludes the use of fictionally advanced science as well.
The Stand begins in typical apocalyptic sci-fi horror fashion, with a run-away man-made plague threatening the survival of mankind.
The Stand can legitimately be called science fiction fantasy horror.
His is the art of the horror film, the nightmare.
Mystery has its own shelves, horror has its own shelves, romance, humor, travel, computers - all get their own shelvage but science fiction and fantasy are always jumbled up together as 'sci-fi/fantasy'.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters subvert the traditional roles from horror films.
Horror, sex, and violence can sometimes be important too, morphing them into brooding, adult stories.
Like horror films, demon art can often terrify.
There can also be other elements thrown in that draw on anything from Jung to classic Hammer Studios horror films.
In interviews, Whedon described the creative process as imagining the blonde victim in all the horror movies being able to turn around kick the monster's butt.
All but one of the top ten grossing films of all time are "genre" films, so it's clear that science fiction, fantasy, horror and animation films have a future.
Fans watched in horror wondering how they would get Wonder Woman to snap out of it.
King Kong does take the title of first as he launched the monster movie genre all the way back in 1933 in the classic fantasy horror flick King Kong starring Fay Wray.
Those that generate the most interest and bring in the most money are the old horror and science fiction film posters.
The tale of a man creating a monster from the body parts of the dead and using lightening to "give it life" mixes science, horror and speculation in equal measure with philosophical argument.
Paranormal suspense is the foster child of romance, suspense and science fiction with the occasional horror thrown in.
A Stephen King biography provides some clues as to why he is the undisputed King of Horror, as well as a prolific writer in the genres of futuristic fantasy and science fiction.
You can search for fonts by type or name (if you happen to know one of the names) or you can click on a category like 3D, Decorative, or Horror and narrow down the style of font you need that way.
To her horror, she discovered it was Destiny breathing.
Lisa stared in mute horror.
She clamped a hand over her mouth and gasped in horror.
A scorpion fell out and she gasped in horror, flipping it away with her boot.
And then realization flooded her face with horror.
It was the worst place she'd ever been, worse than any horror movie, worse than any nightmare.
The vamp whose neck he held had a look of horror on its face, and the air around them buzzed with magic.