Horrified Sentence Examples
She sagged, horrified and fatigued.
She landed on her knees, horrified yet knowing something was very wrong.
Horrified, she wasn't able to look away.
Mom would have been horrified to see her do that to perfectly good food.
Lori stared at her, a horrified expression on her face.
Wet, sick and horrified, she wept and retched in turns until the nurse arrived.
Everyone was watching her with a horrified expression - even Jonathan and Destiny.
He knew he wasn't collecting fast enough, but the amount left him horrified to imagine how many he was missing.
Deidre watched him go, horrified at what she'd done.
Horrified, Katie watched the battle from her dreams as it began.
AdvertisementShe ignored Cynthia's horrified gasp.
Katie stared at the necklace, horrified by the idea of looking at a soul and fascinated by the fact they looked like emeralds. Gabe turned away and started through the forest again.
Shocked and horrified, she scrambled to rise from the floor.
The guardsmen stared past her, and Jenn turned at last, horrified to see the obelisk teetering.
Brandon would be horrified by any thought of a romantic involvement with me.
AdvertisementShe looked down, both thrilled by the idea of an eternity with the man who made her feel whole and horrified at what her father told her.
Sofia stopped at the edge of the driveway, horrified by the bloodied and broken bodies spread across the expansive area in front of her.
Deidre and Toby stood. Katie started forward, only for the rumbling ground to drive her to her knees. Horrified, she saw the chasm form a rough circle around them, trapping them on a small island surrounded by football field wide trees and chasms too wide to jump.
The English fared ill, and Henry horrified his council by his usual proposal to kidnap the king of Scotland.
He sought in himself either remorse for having angered his father or regret at leaving home for the first time in his life on bad terms with him, and was horrified to find neither.
AdvertisementThose who supposed astronomy to inspire religious awe were horrified to hear the stars compared to eruptive spots on the face of the sky.
Philopator insisted on entering the sanctuary at Jerusalem, but was struck down by the Almighty in answer to the prayers of the horrified Jews.
Jessi wasn't certain if she should be laughing or horrified by the fawning women.
She took in this information, horrified of what it meant to have the gem nestled between her breasts.
The next years were much occupied with scientific work, especially the study of heat, light and electricity, on which he presented memoirs to the Academie des Sciences, but the academicians were horrified at his temerity in differing from Newton, and, though acknowledging his industry, would not receive him among them.
AdvertisementBianca stared, horrified, as the blonde dropped.
He knelt beside her, horrified at what he.d done.
Lana rushed to him, horrified by the amount of blood soaking his uniform.
Another opportunity for making political capital was provided by the publication of the report of the royal commission on the Boer War under Lord Elgin's chairmanship, which horrified the country by its disclosures (August 26th) as to the political and military muddling which had gone on, and the want of any efficient system of organization.
But the great mass of the people were horrified at the irreligious character of the new regime, and a counterrevolution, fomented by Pope Pius VII., the grand ducalists and the clergy, broke out at Arezzo.
Now, instead of just intellectually engaging with the news, we feel the government brutality, we experience the war, we are electrified by the demonstrations, and we are horrified at the suffering.
Horrified, she stumbled into the bathroom for a towel, wrapped her arm in it, and collapsed, sobbing.
Henry had looked for no such result as this; he did not understand the influences which lay beneath the surface and was horrified by his unexpected isolation.
He was convinced that he alone could maintain command of the army in these difficult circumstances, and that in all the world he alone could encounter the invincible Napoleon without fear, and he was horrified at the thought of the order he had to issue.
Horrified, Deidre started toward the door.
She stared at him, horrified.
She feared for her brother who was in it, was horrified by and amazed at the strange cruelty that impels men to kill one another, but she did not understand the significance of this war, which seemed to her like all previous wars.
This idea horrified her, made her shudder, blush, and feel such a rush of anger and pride as she had never experienced before.
In fact, he'd probably be horrified to know he slipped and did it now.
He disappeared into the house, and she stayed where she was, horrified.
She put her hair down to hide the mark, horrified by the idea of belonging to the devil.
She was going to break down any second, but the effort the man before her put into preparing himself held her horrified attention.
She stumbled in the direction he pushed her, horrified.
In Arabia he subjugated Oman, and swooping down on the west in 92 9 he horrified the Moslem world by capturing Mecca and carrying off the sacred black stone to Bahrein.
Hildebrand, horrified at her deed, sprang forward and cut her to pieces with his sword.
Now he understood Rhyn.s powerful motivator, and he was both impressed and horrified.
Elise would be horrified.
He pushed her further into the corridor, and she watched, horrified when he broke into a run, headed straight towards the dark mist.
The effect of her actions on audiences ranges from a sense of pity to a horrified disbelief that such a woman could actually exist.
She says, As a mother and a vegetarian, I am horrified by the meat industry's utter disrespect for life.
Debbie is horrified when she discovers the identity of the new school janitor, and Hannah is reduced to stealing from Helen.
My Uncle Bill, a machine minder downstairs at the Express, was horrified.
Lurid accounts of encounters between humans and crocodiles have fascinated and horrified people over the centuries, and some truly monstrous creatures exist today.
I was horrified one day when I saw the sisters carrying into Mother House half a cow, blood dripping onto their white saris.
They are washable in cold water and you will be horrified by the color of the water !
Kate denies the accusation, saying she was "horrified" when the rumor first surfaced.
Tom Cruise - This leading man, now more commonly known as Suri Cruise's father and Katie Holmes' better half, is horrified at the thought of going bald.
Who hasn't dropped a substantial amount of money on a fabulous pair of shades (think Fendi and Gucci) only to be horrified at the sight of a scratch?
I am also horrified every time some guy has shown a remote interest in me because I know he can find some other prettier girl out there.
While these movies are considered classics today there's not much of anything in them that might qualify them as scary movies anymore, but in their day they horrified audiences.
While you'd expect the makers of the shoes in question to be horrified by their connection to such a high profile murder case, the opposite proved to be true.
Some people love this new sound, some people are horrified - what do you think?
Jerry Lee's whole rocky past came to light during the fallout of this revelation, and the public was equally horrified to discover that Myra was the 23 year old his third wife.
This visit usually allows viewers to witness Jo making horrified faces toward the camera while the children of the house run rampant.
Horrified at his own actions, Boromir bid them to run before he turned on the monsters approaching and died defending the escaping hobbits.
Lana shoved away from the dead man, horrified.
Carmen stared at her, shocked and horrified.
Horrified, Jenn's mother dropped to her knees, sobbing.
The demon lunged upwards at him, and he withdrew, horrified.
Archbishop Sandys' views on the Eucharist horrified him; but on the other hand he maintained friendly relations with Bishop Pilkington and Thomas Lever, and the Puritans had some hope of his support.
Only after she had reached home was Natasha able clearly to think over what had happened to her, and suddenly remembering Prince Andrew she was horrified, and at tea to which all had sat down after the opera, she gave a loud exclamation, flushed, and ran out of the room.
You wrote that you are horrified every time some guy has shown a remote interest in me because I know he can find some other prettier girl out there.
Relieved, horrified, she focused on subduing the demon, whose angry pacing in her chest made her want to double over in pain.
In the early autumn of 1751 La Mettrie, one of the king's parasites, and a man of much more talent than is generally allowed, horrified Voltaire by telling him that Frederick had in conversation applied to him (Voltaire) a proverb about "sucking the orange and flinging away its skin," and about the same time the dispute with Maupertuis, which had more than anything else to do with his exclusion from Prussia, came to a head.
Both surprised and horrified, she snatched the broom she'd left leaning against the counter.
She covered her mouth, horrified.
Their mother, loving the latter most, avenged his death by murdering her son, and the people, horrified at her act, revolted and murdered both her and King Gorboduc. This legend was the subject of the earliest regular English tragedy which in 1561 was played before Queen Elizabeth in the Inner Temple hall.
An end was put to these disorders only by the mutual agreement of the two contestants, alike horrified and exhausted by the fierce outburst of passion, in September 1905.
He is the central figure of that portion of the epic known as the Bhagwad-gita, where he is represented as horrified at the impending slaughter of a battle and as being comforted by Krishna.
Princess Mary stopped at the porch, still horrified by her spiritual baseness and trying to arrange her thoughts before going to her father.
We are most horrified by that which strikes closest to us and reminds us of our own mortality.
From habit she scrutinized the ladies' dresses, condemned the bearing of a lady standing close by who was not crossing herself properly but in a cramped manner, and again she thought with vexation that she was herself being judged and was judging others, and suddenly, at the sound of the service, she felt horrified at her own vileness, horrified that the former purity of her soul was again lost to her.
Rostov was horrified to hear later that of all that mass of huge and handsome men, of all those brilliant, rich youths, officers and cadets, who had galloped past him on their thousand-ruble horses, only eighteen were left after the charge.
Coxcoxtli used the help of the Aztecs against the Xochimilco people; but his own nation, horrified at their bloodthirsty sacrifice of prisoners, drove them out to the islands and swamps of the great salt lagoon, where they are said to have taken to making their chinampas or floating gardens of mud heaped on rafts of reeds and brush, which in later times were so remarkable a feature of Mexico.