Horizontal Sentence Examples
A boiler with horizontal sections is shown in fig.
In the second class there are, in addition to the lifting motion, two horizontal movements at right angles to one another.
The " roods " themselves were not The simplest form is the " flat roof " consisting of horizontal wood joists laid from wall to wall as in floor construction.
It has the horizontal racking motion mentioned FIG.
There is again a floor of folded Archean rocks overlaid by nearly horizontal strata of Lower Palaeozoic age; but these are followed by marine beds belonging to the Carboniferous period.
The molar teeth are six in number on each side, increasing in size from before backwards, and, as in the elephants, with a horizontal succession, the anterior teeth being lost before the full development of the posterior ones, which gradually move forward, taking the place of those that are destroyed by wear.
The gradient or grade of a line is the rate at which it rises or falls, above or below the horizontal, and is expressed by stating either the horizontal distance in which the change of level amounts to r ft., or the amount of change that would occur in some selected distance, such as roo ft., r000 ft.
The restoring force exerted by gravity acts in a vertical line from the centre of gravity; and the length of its lever arm is the horizontal distance between this vertical line and the outer rail.
The Alleghany Plateau consists of nearly horizontal beds of limestone, sandstone and shales, including important seams of coal; inclines slightly toward the north-west, and is intricately dissected by extensively branching streams into a maze of narrow canyons and steep-sided hills.
In other furnaces the ore rests on a series of horizontal plates, and either remains on the same plate throughout the operation (0111vier and Perret furnace), or is passed from plate to plate by hand (Maletra), or by mechanical means (Spence and M`Dougall).
AdvertisementTwo of these rollers are supported in the same horizontal plane of the framework, while the third or top roller is kept in close contact by means of weights and springs acting on each end of the arbor.
The older rocks are like those of Bengal, and the newer beds show no sign of either the Himalayan or the Burmese folding - on the top of the plateau they are nearly horizontal, but along the southern margin they are bent sharply downwards in a simple monoclinal fold.
The square piece of aluminium is pivoted round a horizontal stretched wire.
The whole is overlaid unconformably by the younger Tertiaries of Hundes, which are perfectly horizontal and have been quite unaffected by any of the folds.
The result of this pressure if unopposed is to cause this stratum to spread itself over the surface of the solid as a drop of water is observed to do when placed on a clean horizontal glass plate, and this even when gravity opposes the action, as when the drop is placed on the under surface of the plate.
AdvertisementHe did not, however, enter into the explanation of particular phenomena, as this had been done already by Laplace, but he pointed out to physicists the advantages of the method of Segner and Gay Lussac, afterwards carried out by Quincke, of measuring the dimensions of large drops of mercury on a horizontal or slightly concave surface, and those of large bubbles of air in transparent liquids resting against the under side of a horizontal plate of a substance wetted by the liquid.
If a drop of alcohol be made to touch one side of a drop of oil on a glass plate, the alcohol will appear to chase the oil over the plate, and if a drop of water and a drop of bisulphide of carbon be placed in contact in a horizontal capillary tube, the bisulphide of carbon will chase the water along the tube.
We shall next consider the limiting conditions of stability of the horizontal surface which separates a heavier fluid above from a lighter fluid below.
The surface of separation is in this case horizontal and stable, so that the equilibrium is established of itself.
The simplest case is that of a rectangular orifice in a horizontal plane, the sides being a and b.
AdvertisementIn the upper compartment are two large revolving horizontal cathode cylinders.
The highlands of New South Wales consist, geographically, of a series of tablelands, now in the condition of dissected peneplains; geologically, they are built of a foundation of Archean and folded Lower Palaeozoic rocks, covered in places by sheets of more horizontal Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks; these deposits occur along the edge of the highlands, and are widely distributed on the floor of the coastal districts.
Whether, therefore, the air strikes the wings from below, or the wings strike the air from above, the result is the same, - the posterior or flexible margins of the wings yield in an upward direction, and in so doing urge the bird in a horizontal direction."
These investigators began their work in 1900, and at an early stage introduced two characteristic features - a horizontal rudder in front for steering in the vertical plane, and the flexing or bending of the ends of the main supporting aeroplanes as a means of maintaining the structure in proper balance.
The zodiac of Denderah; the Savoyards who carved their pine-forests into toys; the naked Derar, horsed on an idea, charging a troop of Roman cavalry; the long, austere Pythagorean lustrum of silence; Napoleon on the deck of the "Bellerophon," observing the drill of the English soldiers; the Egyptian doctrine that every man has two pairs of eyes; Empedocles and his shoe; the horizontal stratification of the earth; a soft mushroom pushing its way through the hard ground, - all these allusions and a thousand more are found in the same volume.
AdvertisementFournier north are nearly horizontal but on the south are in part included the folds - the Eocene and Miocene being folded, while the later beds, though sometimes elevated, are not affected by the folding.
The antlers are large and curve forwards, giving off an upright snag near the base, and several vertical tines from the upper surface of the horizontal portion.
The function of the nodes is to raise again culms which have become bent down; they are composed of highly turgescent tissue, the cells of which elongate on the side next the earth when the culm is placed in a horizontal or oblique position, and thus raise the culm again to an erect position.
In internal structure grass-culms, save in being hollow, conform to that usual in monocotyledons; the vascular bundles run parallel in the internodes, but a horizontal interlacement occurs at the nodes.
The fossiliferous limestones of Antalo are generally horizontal, but are in places much disturbed when interstratified with trap rocks.
This is due to a stratum of hot air at some distance above the sea level, the rays of light near the horizon being practically horizontal, while those at greater elevations are fairly concave.
If, in addition to this horizontal stratification, the atmosphere varies similarly in vertical planes, then the object would be magnified both horizontally and vertically.
The distance between joists should be limited to 5 or 6 ft.; horizontal bracing by means of diagonal rods is sometimes used, but should be avoided.
The greatest wind pressure to which a building is subjected is that from a horizontal wind.
In cases in which the lateral rigidity of the floors is depended upon to transfer the horizontal strains to the exterior walls which are framed to resist them, no form of floor construction should be used which is not laterally strong and rigid.
It is important in all fire-proofing of columns and girders, and in all floor construction, furring and partitions, that there shall be no continuous voids, either vertical or horizontal, which may possibly serve as flues for the spread of heat or flame in case of fire.
These latter bundles may be seen in sections of old stems to pursue a more or less horizontal course, passing outwards through the main woody cylinder.
The flat branchlets of Cupressus, Thuja (arbor vitae), Thujopsis dolabrata (Japanese arbor vitae) are characteristic of certain types of conifers; in some cases the horizontal extension of the branches induces a dorsiventral structure.
The genus Pinus serves as an illustration of wood of a distinct type characterized by the absence of xylemparenchyma, except such as is associated with the numerous resincanals that occur abundantly in the wood, cortex and medullary rays; the medullary rays are composed of parenchyma and of horizontal tracheids with irregular ingrowths from their walls.
In a radial section of a pine stem each ray is seen to consist in the median part of a few rows of parenchymatous cells with large oval simple pits in their walls, accompanied above and below by horizontal tracheids with bordered pits.
The medullary rays usually consist of a single tier of cells, but in the Pinus type of wood broader medullary rays also occur and are traversed by horizontal resin-canals.
Along the foot of the Carpathians lies a broad trough of Miocene salt-bearing beds, and in this trough the strata are sometimes horizontal and sometimes strongly folded.
Excepting the embayment region, Missouri lies wholly within the Carolinian area of the Upper Austral life-zone; the There has been some controversy as to whether this condition is due to the elevation and corrosion of original flood-plain meanders after their development in a past base-level condition - which theory is probably correct - or to the natural, simultaneous lateral and vertical cut of an originally slightly sinuous stream, under such special conditions of stream declivity and horizontal bedstrata (conditions supposed by some to be peculiarly fulfilled in this region) as would be favourable to the requisite balance of bank cutting and channel incision.
The greater µ is, the greater would be the value of d, the apparent angular radius, corresponding to horizontal emission from a given level r, and that whether we accept Schmidt's theory or not.
One of the most interesting birds found in the country is the "weaverbird" (Cassicus persicus), which lives in colonies and suspends its long, pouch-like nest from the end of a horizontal branch of some high, isolated tree.
It may be regarded as a shallow basin occupied by the almost horizontal rocks of the Karroo.
Such examples show the importance of placing any rain-gauge, so far as possible, upon a plane surface of the earth - horizontal, or so inclined that, if produced, especially in the direction of prevailing winds, it will cut the mean levels of the area whose mean rainfall is intended to be represented by that gauge.
But, apart from the diurnal fluctuations of consumption which may be equalized by local " service reservoirs," uniform distribution of supply throughout twelve months is rarely what we require; and to represent the demand in most towns correctly, we should increase the angle of this line to the horizontal during the summer and diminish it during the winter months, as indicated by the dotted lines b b.
The mean sea-level is shown by the horizontal line aa, dotted where it passes through the land, and the natural mean level of saturation bb, above the sea-level, by a curved dot and dash line.
Here the straining of the original horizontal puddle in settling down is indicated in a purposely exaggerated way by the curved lines.
It may do this in virtue of horizontal water-pressure alone, or of such pressure combined with upward pressure from intrusive water at its base or in any higher horizontal plane.
Then a is the resultant horizontal pressure with an over turning moment of (I) Equating the moment of resistance (2) to the overturning moment (I), we have pxzd =d3 3 6 and x =?2 p ..
One such assumption is that, if the dam is well built, the intensity of vertical pressure will (neglecting local irregularities) vary nearly uniformly from face to face along any horizontal plane.
The effect of this process is to give a series of points in the horizontal planes at which the resultants of all forces above those planes respectively cut FIG.
We have hitherto considered only the horizontal overturning pressure of the water; but if from originally defective construction, or from the absence of vertical pressure due to weight of masonry towards the water edge of any horizontal bed, as at ab in fig.
Hence it follows that on the assumption of uniformly varying stress the line of pressures, when the reservoir is full, should not at any horizontal plane fall outside the middle third of the width of that plane.
During the last few years attention has been directed to the stresses - including shearing stresses - on planes other than horizontal.
These researches led to a wide discussion of the sufficiency of the law of uniformly varying stress when applied to horizontal joints as a test of the stability of dams. Professor Karl Pearson showed that the results are dependent upon the assumption that the distribution of the vertical stresses on the base of the structure also followed the law of uniformly varying stress.
As a result of this theory, in the case of a retaining wall supporting a vertical face of earth beneath an extended horizontal plane level with the top of the wall, we get p _ wx 2 1 - sin ii 2 I +sin P' [[Reservoir Empty Reservoir Full Ellipses Of Vertical Pressures On Horizontal Joints]].
In narrow rock gorges extremely interesting and complex problems relating to the combined action of horizontal and vertical stresses arise, and in some such cases it is evident that much may be done by means of horizontal curvature to reduce the quantity of masonry without reduction of strength.
In New South Wales thirteen thin concrete dams, dependent upon horizontal curvature for their resistance to water pressure, have been constructed in narrow gorges at comparatively small cost to impound water for the use of villages.
As a consequence of this horizontal bending of the dam the vertical cracks shown in fig.
The materials, however, were poor, and it is probable that rupture by tension in a roughly horizontal plane took place.
But in reservoir work such coatings are not to be trusted, and a single horizontal crack might admit sufficient water to cause an uplift.
Any horizontal fissure in a weak place would, in the nature of things, strike somewhere a stronger place, and the final failure would be deferred.
By reason of the constantly changing temperatures and the frequent filling and emptying of the reservoir, expansion and contraction, which are always at work tending to produce relative movements wherever one portion of a structure is weaker than another, must have assisted the water-pressure in the extension of the horizontal cracks, which, growing slowly during the fifteen years, provided at last the area required to enable the intrusive water to overbalance the little remaining stability of the dam.
In the actual instrument, the paper diagram is mounted upon a drum caused by clockwork to revolve uniformly, and is ruled with vertical hour lines, and horizontal quantity lines representing gallons per hour.
Thus, while nothing but leakage occurs the uniform horizontal line is continued.
If now a tap is opened in any house connected with the main, the change of flow in the main will be represented by a vertical change of position of the horizontal line, and when the tap is turned off the pencil will resume its original vertical position, but the paper will have moved like the hands of a clock over the interval during which the tap was left open.
If, on the other hand, water is suddenly drawn off from a cistern supplied through a ball-cock, the flow through the ball-cock will be recorded, and will be represented by a sudden rise to a maximum, followed by a gradual decrease as the ball rises and the cistern fills; the result being a curve having its asymptote in the original horizontal line.
Now, all the uses of water, of whatever kind they may be, produce some such irregular diagrams as these, which can never be confused with the uniform horizontal line of leakage, but are always superimposed upon it.
Bearing in mind that with ordinary trade balances there is always a possi - bility of the scale-pans and chains getting interchanged, these conditions require; (a) That the beam without the scale-pans and chains must be equally balanced and horizontal; (b) that the two scale-pans with their chains must be of equal weight; (c) that the arms of the beam must be exactly equal in length; i.e.
The end knife-edges are adjusted and tightly jammed into exact position by means of wedge pieces and set screws, and the beam is furnished with delicate adjusting weights at its top. The position of the beam with respect to the horizontal is shown by a horizontal pointer (not shown) projecting from one end of it, which plays past a scale, each division of which corresponds to the i l oth or i hth of a grain according to the size and delicacy of the machine.
Therefore by graduating the top of the beam and shifting a rider grain weight till the beam is horizontal, it is easy to ascertain the small difference of weight in the scale-pans which caused the de - flection to the T foth or i.
To prevent them from tipping over in the direction of the beams a vertical leg is rigidly fastened to the under side of each pan, the lower end of which is loosely secured by a horizontal stay to a pin in the middle of the frame.
When the case which holds the machine is adjusted hori - zontally by means of its foot - screws, and the weights in the pans are equal, the beams remain perfectly horizontal; but with the slightest difference of weight in the pans the beams are tilted, and the elastic resistance of the springs to torsion allows the beams to take up a definite position of equi - librium.
The lower beam carries on a saddle a scale which is raised nearly to the top of the glass case in which the machine is enclosed, and as the beams sway this scale plays past a scratch on the glass, which is so placed that when the zero point on the scale coincides with the scratch the beams are horizontal.
The ordinary way of using a steelyard is to bring it into a horizontal position by means of movable weights, and to infer the amount of the load from the positions of these.
A rod, connected at its lower end with the steelyard, carries at its upper end a horizontal dividing knife, which cuts off the flow from the shoot when the steelyard kicks.
Each of these poises carries a horizontal strip of metal, which is graduated and marked with raised figures corresponding to those on the steelyard itself.
For this purpose a number of separate weighbridges of simple construction are erected, one for each wheel of the engine, with their running surfaces in exactly the same horizontal plane.
The pull of the load is transmitted to a hook which hangs freely from the middle of a horizontal bar below the drum casing.
The horizontal bar which receives the pull of the load is connected at its ends with the two spiral springs and pulls verti - cally upon them.
Above the horizontal bar, and parallel with it, is a rod which is connected at its ends with the lower ends of the vertical racks, and at its middle with the horizontal bar.
To deaden the vibration of the springs after a load has been placed on the platform, and thus to enable the weights and values of the goods to be read rapidly, the piston of a glycerin cylinder is attached to the end of the lever which pulls upon the hook of the horizontal bar and is worked by it in the glycerin.
The side of the casing which is next to the seller is pierced centrally by two slots, one a vertical slot through which the weight is read on the drum, and the other a horizontal slot, half of it on each side of the vertical slot, through which the money values of the goods, corresponding to the different rates per lb, are read.
The tea is fed into a hopper, which has a large opening at the bottom, and this opening is entirely closed by two cylindrical brushes, which are mounted end to end on a horizontal shaft.
Underneath the top plate of the machine, and strongly framed to it, is a box, which contains the horizontal rods to the ends of which are attached the slides which regu late the flow of sugar from the 8 bottom of the hopper.
The power is applied by a belt round a pulley, which is mounted on the end of the horizontal shaft which carries the brushes.
The charges of coal fall into the hopper with a heavy shock, and in order to save the knife-edges there is a strong pin in each side of the hopper below the knife-edge, which, before the charge of coal is dropped into the hopper, is acted on by a strong horizontal flitch - plate, which heaves the hopper off the knife-edges and relieves them from the shock.
By means of a horizontal rod the same drop of the steelyard also locks ne.
This rod is continued upwards by a pair of thin nickel bands which are led right and left over two horizontal cylinders, round which they partly wrap, and to which they are firmly 'attached.
In the order Stolonifera the zooids spring at intervals from branching or lamellar stolons, and are usually free from one another, except at their bases, but in some cases horizontal solenia arising at various heights from the body-wall may place the more distal portions of the zooids in communication with one another.
The corallites are connected at intervals by horizontal platforms containing solenia, and at the level of each platform the cavity of the corallite is divided by a transverse calcareous partition, either flat or cup-shaped, called a tabula.
Formerly all corals in which tabulae are present were classed together as Tabulata, but Tubipora is an undoubted Alcyonarian with a lamellar stolon, and the structure of the fossil genus Syringopora, which has vertical corallites united by horizontal solenia, clearly shows its affinity to Tubipora.
The cavities both of the calices and coenenchymal tubes of Heliopora are closed below by horizontal partitions or tabulae, hence the genus was formerly included in the group Tabulata, and was supposed to belong to the madreporarian corals, both because of its lamellar skeleton, which resembles that of a Ma.drepore, and because each calicle has from twelve to fifteen radial partitions or septa projecting into its cavity.
Tabulae are stout horizontal partitions traversing the centre of the calicle and dividing it into as many superimposed chambers.
This can be accomplished by attaching balance-weights to the pulley until it will remain stationary in all positions, when its shaft rests on two horizontal knife-edges in the same horizontal plane, or, preferably, the pulley and shaft may be supported on bearings resting on springs, and balanced by attached masses until there is no perceptible vibration of the springs at the highest speed of rotation.
If now the value l/ar=OJ be marked off, and a horizontal line be drawn through the point 0, the line OM represents r l +r 2 .
South of Gujarat nearly the whole of Bombay is covered by the horizontal lava flows of the Deccan Trap series, and these flows spread over the greater part of the Kathiawar peninsula and extend into Cutch.
It is generally accepted that the horizontal direction of increase, where a horizontal direction is necessary, should be from left to right; but uniformity as regards vertical direction could only be attained either by printing mathematical tables upwards or by taking " downwards," instead of " upwards," as the " positive " direction for graphical purposes.
The barriers between these groups may be regarded as horizontal planes cutting across the branches of the ascending tree of life at levels determined chiefly by our ignorance; as knowledge increases, and as the conception of a genealogical classification gains acceptance, they are being replaced by vertical partitions which separate branch from branch.
In geology, a fold is a bend or curvature in the stratified rocks of the earth's crust, whereby they have been made to take up less horizontal space.
The curvature occasionally shows itself among horizontal or gently inclined strata in the form of an abrupt inclination, and then an immediate resumption of the previous flat or sloping character.
The crest-line of an anticline or trough-line of a syncline is rarely horizontal for any great distance; its departure from horizontality is designated the "pitch," and the fold is said to pitch (or dip) towards the north, &c. Most simple folds - with the exception of very shallow curvatures of wide area, - when considered in their entirety, are seen to be somewhat canoe-shaped in form.
Any number of bulbs can be attached to the horizontal capillary; in the form illustrated there are four, the last being a hydrogen pipette in which the palladium is heated in a horizontal tube by a spirit lamp. At the end of the horizontal tube there is a three way cock connecting with the air or an aspirator.
Retorts are set in either the horizontal, inclined or vertical position, and the advantages of the one over the other is a question upon which almost every gas engineer has his own views.
The introduction of labour-saving appliances into gas works has rendered the difficult work of charging and discharging horizontal retorts comparatively simple.
In the case of horizontal retorts the space between the top of the coal and the retort is of necessity considerable in order to permit the introduction of the scoop and rake; the gas has therefore a free channel to travel along, but has too much contact with the highly heated surface of the retort before it leaves the mouthpiece.
Inclined, , 584 Horizontal „ 570 Of the existing forms of vertical retort it remains a matter to be decided whether the coal should be charged in bulk to the retort or whether it should be introduced in small quantities at regular and short intervals; by this latter means (the characteristic feature of the Settle-Padfield process) a continuous layer of coal is in process of carbcnization on the top, whilst the gas escapes without contact with the mass of red-hot coke, a considerable increase in volume and value in the gas and a much denser coke being the result.
This is a long reservoir placed in a horizontal position and supported by columns upon the top of the retort stack, and through it is maintained a slow but constant flow of water, the level of which is kept uniform.
A horizontal compound steam-engine is usually employed to drive the exhauster.
The gas-producers constructed by Messrs Siemens Brothers, from 1856 onwards, were provided with a kind of brick chimney; on the top of this there was a horizontal iron tube, continued into an iron down-draught, and only from this the underground flues were started which sent the gas into the single furnaces.
In the horizontal branch JJ much /%//ice FIGS.
Their salter waters must have been originally derived from outside, and must therefore have passed over the plateau between Falster and Mecklenburg, but their horizontal extension is checked by the ridges separating the deep hollows in the Baltic from each other.
The deposits of the Secondary period have not maintained their horizontal position.
These are ferns of considerable size, the large leaves of which are borne on a short, erect, swollen stem (Angiopteris, Marattia), or arise from a more or less horizontal rhizome (Danaea, Kaulfussia).
The sporangium is of considerable size, and dehisces by a median slit, the annulus being a more or less definitely limited horizontal ring of cells near the apex.
The annulus is horizontal and the dehiscence median.
Each has an almost horizontal annulus resembling that of Gleichenia, but the dehiscence is lateral.
The differences in the form and mode of dehiscence of the sporangia (those of the Simplices having median dehiscence and a horizontal annulus, those of the Gradatae a more or less oblique position of the annulus and of the plane of dehiscence, while in the Mixtae the annulus is vertical and the dehiscence transverse) stand in relation to the position of the sporangia in the sorus relatively to one another.
B represents an intermediate hypothetical form in which the cells beneath the lens are beginning to be superimposed as corneagen, vitrella and retinula, instead of standing side by side in horizontal series.
The fundamental plane which it determines is horizontal and is termed the plane of the horizon.
When at the pole his zenith coincides with the celestial pole, and as the earth revolves on its axis, the heavenly bodies perform their apparent diurnal revolutions in horizontal circles round the zenith.
Finally, at the south pole the circles of diurnal revolution are again apparently horizontal, but are described in a direction apparently (but not really) the reverse of that near the north pole.
The surface of a liquid at rest is necessarily perpendicular to the direction of gravity, and 807 therefore horizontal.
This instrument moves only in the plane of the meridian on a horizontal east and west axis, and is used to determine the right ascensions and declinations of stars.
As the rocks lie in a horizontal position, on most of the islands of the group only the basalts or dolerite are visible.
The Secondary strata show generally a very slight dip westwards and are consequently almost horizontal.
Crossed, inclined and horizontal dispersion are characterized respectively by a distribution of colour that is symmetrical with respect to the centre alone, the plane of the optic axes, and the perpendicular plane.
The line of lead is taken to be horizontal in the diagram, because the thermoelectric power, p, may be reckoned from any convenient zero.
Large masses of rock have been brought upon nearly horizontal faults (thrust-planes) over the edges of either beds with which they originally had no connexion.
For this purpose hydraulic mechanism of Bessemer's design was arranged under the control of an attendant, whose duty it was to keep watch on a spirit-level, and counteract by proper manipulation of the apparatus any deviation from the horizontal that might manifest itself on the floor of the saloon owing to the rolling of the vessel.
The national colors are red and yellow- The flag is divided into three horizontal stripes, two red stripes with a yellow one between bearing the royal arms.
The horizontal section (B) with equal clearness demonstrates the bee's ingenuity in economizing space, showing how the outer combs are used exclusively for stores, and, as such, may be built of varying thickness as more or less storage room is required.
The latter sends a horizontal or slightly ascending process backwards below the orbit to join the under surface of the zygomatic process of the squamosal, which is remarkably large, and instead of ending as usual behind the orbit, runs forwards to join the greatly developed post-orbital process of the frontal, and even forms part of the posterior and inferior boundary of the orbit, an arrangement not met with in other mammals.
The horizontal ramus, long, straight, and compressed, gradually narrows towards the symphysis, where it expands laterally to form with the ankylosed opposite ramus the wide, semicircular, shallow alveolar border for the incisor teeth.
The submaxillary gland is of very similar texture to the last, but much smaller; it is placed deeper, and lies with its main axis horizontal.
The genus Rana may be defined as firmisternal Ecaudata with cylindrical transverse processes to the sacral vertebra, teeth in the upper jaw and on the vomer, a protrusible tongue which is free and forked behind, a horizontal pupil and more or less webbed toes.
Illuminating Systems Most microscopic observations are made with transmitted light; an illuminating arrangement is therefore necessary, and as the plane of the object is nearly always horizontal or only slightly inclined, the illuminating rays must be directed along the optical axis of the microscope.
The edge which is the separating line of the horizontal and hypothenuse surfaces of the prism, lies approximately over the middle of the system, so that the rays entering through the opening in the side after having been reflected by the hypothenuse surface are concentrated through one half of the objective on to the object.
It is only rarely necessary to arrange the preparation really horizontal; and for easy observation, especially when it will take a long time, it is of great assistance if the microscope can be inclined, so that the observations can be made in a natural position.
The apparatus for inclining the microscope is chiefly such that the microscope can be placed in all positions between the vertical and the horizontal.
The horizontal position is sometimes necessary if photographs are to be taken by the microscope.
This is identical with the angle between the horizontal planes at the place and at the equator, and also with the elevation of the celestial pole above the horizon (see Astronomy).
In Stachys the connective is expanded laterally, so as to unite the bases of the anther-lobes and bring them into a horizontal line.
When the anther lobes are rendered horizontal by the enlargement of the connective, then what is really longitudinal dehiscence may appear to be transverse.
I, Vertical; 2, horizontal section; c, calyx; d, wall of ovary; o, ovules; p, placenta; s, stigma.
They are often horizontal, as in Cathartocarpus Fistula, where they consist of transverse cellular prolongations from the walls of the ovary, only developed after fertilization, and therefore more properly noticed under fruit.
Sometimes a long funicle arises from a basal placenta, reaches the summit of the ovary, and there bending over suspends the ovule, as in Armeria (sea-pink); at other times the hilum appears to be in the middle, and the ovule becomes horizontal.
The horizontal distribution of barnacles over all seas is fully explained by Darwin.
Horizontal presses have practically ceased to be used in this branch of industry.
In many Calamites there is evidence that the aerial stem sprang from a horizontal rhizome, as in the common species C. (Stylocalamites) Suckowi; in other specimens the aerial stem has an independent, rooting base.
In the Coal Measures they commonly occur in the underclay beneath the coal-seams. Complete specimens of the stumps show that from the base of the aerial stem four Stigmarian branches were given off, which took a horizontal or obliquely descending course, forking at least twice.
The outer surfaces of the walls are usually divided by a horizontal moulding into two unequal zones, the lower one plain with a band of sculptured ornaments at the base, and the upper elaborately sculptured.
The earliest examples were square or rectangular in horizontal section, but the general tendency of modern practice is to substitute round sections, their construction being facilitated by the use of specially moulded bricks which have entirely superseded the sandstone blocks formerly used.
With reverberatory calciners, however, where the work is done upon a horizontal bed, a considerable amount of hand labour is expended in raking out the charge when finished, and in drawing slags from fusion furnaces; and more particularly in the puddling process of refining iron the amount of manual exertion required is very much greater.
It has a tall vertical chamber heated from below, and traversed by numerous narrow horizontal cross bars at different heights.
The hearth may either rotate on an inclined axis, so that the path of its surface is oblique to that of the flame, or the working part may be a hollow cylinder, between the fireplace and flue, with its axis horizontal or nearly so, whose inner surface represents the working bed, mounted upon friction rollers, and receiving motion from a special steam-engine by means of a central belt of spur gearing.
The boring of the Perpendicular in the horizontal firestick, whereby fire was kindled, was called manthana, from math, " I shake."
To this end luminaries should have full horizontal cut off using a white light source to improve visual acuity.
Thus in regions where there is strong horizontal advection our 1-d model can not hope to reproduce the patterns in biological activity.
The simple altazimuth mount allows vertical and horizontal movements for quick astro and terrestrial pointing.
The standard collets could be used when stub milling was undertaken - and the horizontal arbor was provided with hardened and ground spacers.
The two dark arcs at the drawing's base are no doubt colorful infralateral arcs from horizontal column crystals.
The deprecated ALIGN attribute suggests the horizontal alignment for the heading on visual browsers.
The horizontal axis is the Galactic Plane or Milky Way.
Vertical and horizontal veins of green malachite and blue azurite are still visible in the Great Orme Mines.
Several of the badges e.g. swimmer, pilot have the horizontal backstamp applied vertically.
He was wearing is blue hooded top with horizontal stripes, blue trousers, trainers, black gloves and a black balaclava.
For a horizontal scroll bar replace the 1 with a 0.
A cradle consists of vertical battens stuck to the back of the panel, through which horizontal battens are slid.
On the base there is a circle bisected by two pairs of horizontal lines forming an ' X ' shape.
The horizontal line bisects the line at the spatial point 57.
The left main bronchus is more horizontal then the right.
The profiler carriage contains motors for both the horizontal and vertical drives, together with all the associated electronic circuitry.
The post mounting clamp supplied enables the antenna to be fixed to a suitable horizontal or vertical post of up to 20mm diameter.
Small cup with vertical curved lip, horizontal, upturned handles, short stem and slightly conical base.
The exception is the rev counter, which is a horizontal bar shown on another LCD display mounted above the steering column.
The spread of genes linked to this promoter by ordinary cross-pollination or by horizontal gene transfer will have enormous impacts on health and biodiversity.
Unlike the al-Ma'il, the Mashq was horizontal in form and can be distinguished by its somewhat cursive and leisurely style.
There is the option to have the dashboard with a purely horizontal bottom edge, or, with the end ' ears ' .
And one with my friends 1992 Kona which has been given horizontal dropouts.
The paper discusses the possibility that horizontal advection combined with horizontal gradients in the plasma density can contribute to the radar echoes.
Heat was provided by a peat fire carried in a horizontal flue.
The engine itself had a single horizontal cylinder and a large flywheel.
Where no such handhold or vertical handrail is available, a horizontal handrail must be provided for this purpose.
The keyboard should be used with the forearms and wrists kept horizontal and the elbows close to the body.
This process causes decision making and communication to become more horizontal and as a consequence more democratic.
Leg Power Improvement Leg power exercises include horizontal bounding and hopping.
Each staggered horizontal and straight vertical line should be complete, with no gaps in the dot pattern.
Another group are prolate, having the major axis horizontal, usually.
Forearms should be roughly horizontal when resting on your desk and your computer keyboard needs to be where your fingers fall comfortably.
The Black Mountains are composed of nearly horizontal Devonian Lower Old Red Sandstone.
At this point, your upper body should be almost horizontal to the ground.
If it doesn't end up with perfectly horizontal spectra then something has gone wrong.
The average horizontal illuminance over the whole area on the unobstructed floor should not be less than 1 lux.
We also find evidence of horizontal inequity with respect to ethnicity and employment.
Horizontal issues The number of suppliers of liquid isinglass in the UK has already reduced in the past few years from four to two.
Kufic script is essentially horizontal.
May we venture to suppose that in the feldspathic lavas with horizontal laminae, we see an analogous case?
The larger inner ring rotates around the horizontal line and the smaller rotates around the vertical line.
At this stage they begin the metamorphosis from a vertical life to a horizontal position.
They were finish machined on a large horizontal miller with a ganged cutter setup.
Horizontal gene transfer a key process of the fluid genome - makes Neo-Darwinism untenable in perhaps the most explicit fashion.
Combining absolute AND relative horizontal movement AND moving the link off-screen.
Mesenchymal fibers in the early palatine processes each side of the tongue become stretched dorsoventrally to form straight, horizontal palatine processes.
This may be because of the problems with possible damp penetration from a horizontal barrier in the cavity wall.
Electrophysiological analysis suggests that VA opsin horizontal cells are intrinsically photosensitive and encode irradiance information.
The sound rotates in the horizontal plane, three squares away starting directly to the left of the listener.
For example, Winter Hill uses horizontal polarization and most of its relays use vertical.
Most BBC and ITV regions are available, although the regions with horizontal polarization tend to give poorer reception than regions with vertical polarization.
Your signals will arrive in the wanted area with horizontal polarization.
The graph tends toward a maximum amount possible when all the solid reactant is used up and the graph becomes horizontal.
A horizontal steering wheel Miniature steering wheels are for people who have little strength or very restricted movement.
Early gas retorts were made of iron in the form of a horizontal tube about 12 " in diameter.
Early Roman cooking pot with out-turned rim and horizontal handle.
Tie in climbing and rambling roses as near to horizontal as possible.
Very long wedges are normally horizontal because the writing has a fundamental orientation toward narrow horizontal row horizontal rows of graphs.
Falling lines can indicate tiredness or even depression and illness whereas horizontal lines show good self-control and balance.
This rack features 10mm glass, horizontal center speaker placement and adjustable internal shelving.
Once the horizontal shafts were established, they were worked 24 hours a day with three, eight-hour shifts.
In fact, full range inverted sit-ups are ten times tougher than horizontal sit-ups, with minimal load on the back.
Make sure you set the screws into the fence's vertical support posts, rather than the thin horizontal slats.
There was no horizontal sleet, just lots of sunshine!
Near the top of the north facing wall, horizontal slits opened.
The face has long, thin eye slits surmounted by three horizontal arches of blue beads indicating eyebrows.
To give the armor more solidity the horizontal sections of the plates were joined together by vertical rows of thick silk cords.
This resulted in a horizontal spacing of approx 40mm.
It consists of a horizontal spindle, carrying at one end the wax cylinder, on which the sonorous vibrations are to be imprinted.
These pipes lead to a network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal stabilizers.
Structures may be cantilevered or between end fixings, may be vertical, horizontal or inclined, and may or may not have strakes.
Nodules can be a good source of whole fossils - they are rounded pale gray stones, often with faint horizontal striations in them.
The building on the right with the white horizontal stripe is the enlisted men's barracks.
I have read your " How to set up a horizontal sundial " page with interest.
As the VDG is stopped, horizontal sync interrupts are not passed on to the CPU during this ' padding ' .
Horizontal led taillights give the car an unmistakable look at night.
I first pointed out the dangers of horizontal gene transfer to MAFF in a series of correspondence in 1996.
They have hand grips to assist user, one horizontal and two vertical vials, plus a front ' PLUMBSITE'¨ viewing vial.
Made from ribbed easy grip anodized aluminum profile, the level has 1 vertical vial and 1 horizontal vial.
The horizontal windlass offers the best performance with smaller or unusual locker designs.
The heavier horizontal line is level 3 VAS, the minimum level necessary for whole word processing.
It has now been placed on the x and y axes, with the angle q measured from the horizontal x-axis.
Global warming will have a pronounced effect on mountain ecosystems due to the altitudinal zonation which occurs in relatively short horizontal distances.
Similarly any other ray scattered horizontally is perfectly polarized, and the vibration is performed in the horizontal plane.
It also shows that the anterior molars of elephants do not correspond to the premolars of other ungulates, but to the milk-molars, the early loss of which in consequence of the peculiar process of horizontal forward-moving (From Owen.) FIG.
In the Newer Appalachian region, the beds which still lie horizontal in the plateau province were long ago thrown into folds and planed off by erosion, alternate belts of hard and soft rock being left exposed.
I is a horizontal section in the direction of the axis of the tele FIG.
In the Robinson anemometer the axis of rotation is vertical, but with this subdivision the axis of rotation must be parallel to the direction of the wind and therefore horizontal.
Machines used for lifting only are not called cranes, but winches, lifts or hoists, while the term elevator or conveyor is commonly given to appliances which continuously, not in separate loads, move materials like grain or coal in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal direction (see Conveyors).
One hundred circuits are connected to the outgoing portion of each switch, and the contacts upon which they terminate are arranged in a number of horizontal rows upon the face of a curved surface, at whose axis a vertical shaft is placed.
At celtain points the cambium does not give rise to xylem and phloem elements, but cuts off cells on both sides which elongate radially and divide by horizontal walls.
He brought all the " observable things," which the eager collectors of the previous century had been heaping together regardless of order or system, into relation with the vertical relief and the horizontal forms of the earth's surface.
Its surface is much broken by the remains of the ancient plateau which has been worn down by erosion, leaving escarpments and ranges of flat-topped mountains, called chapadas, capped in places by horizontal layers of sandstone.
The hilly aspect of several parts of the central plateau is not due to foldings of the strata, which for the most part appear to be horizontal, but chiefly to the excavating action of the rivers, whose valleys are deeply eroded in the plateau, especially on its borders.
In consequence of this action the compromise is usually followed of balancing only 3 of the reciprocating masses, thus keeping the hammer-blow within proper limits, and allowing 3 of the reciprocating masses to be unbalanced in the horizontal direction.
Sessions of Chicago in November 1887, covered a housing in combination with a vertical metallic plate frame of the general contour of the central passage-way, which projected slightly beyond the line of the couplings and was held out by horizontal springs top and bottom, being connected with the platform housing by flexible connexions at the top and sides and by sliding plates below.
The two anther-cases in an orchis are erect and nearly parallel the one to the other; the pollen-masses within them are of course in like case, as may be thus represented II, but immediately the pollen-masses are removed movements take place at the base of the caudicle so as to effect the bending of this stalk and the placing the pollen-mass in a more or less horizontal position, thus -, or, as in the case of 0.
The magnitude of this separation would obviously depend on the magnitude of the substituent group, which may be so large (in this case propyl is sufficient) as to cause unequal horizontal deformation and at the same time a change in the vertical direction.
Given the area A of the plane between the two horizontal contours, the height h of the upper above the lower contour, the length of the upper contour 1, and the area of the face presented by the edge of the upper stratum l.h = A 1, the slope a is found to be tan a = h.l I (A - A i); hence its superficies, A = A2 sec a.
Not seldom it is difficult to distinguish between the true spiral garment and a dress with parallel horizontal stripes, and, i?iiii iiu?i u?i?!N???iiii?
The abrasion is effected by pressing the glass against the edge of wheels, or disks, of hard material revolving on horizontal spindles.
The young shoots from these buds are to be gently brought to a horizontal position, by bending them a little at a time, and tied in, and usually opposite about the fourth leaf the rudiments of a bunch will be developed.
This plateau, considerably tilted from its horizontal position, attains its highest elevation north of Lake Nyasa (see Livingstone Mountains), where several peaks rise over 7000 ft., one to 9600, while its mean altitude is about 3000 to 4000 ft.
It is prepared commercially from anthracene by stirring a sludge of anthracene and water in horizontal cylinders with a mixture of sodium bichromate and caustic soda.
To to 13 explain this more fully, and show that for indirect laying the angle of sight must be Target Horizontal line Angle Of-eleuation?'- - of sight; ??.
If a jet of water issues at an angle to the horizontal from a round pinhole orifice under a few inches pressure, it travels out as an apparently smooth cylinder for a short distance, and then breaks up into drops which travel at different rates, collide, and scatter.
The elements which are actually measured when determining the value of the earth's field are usually the declination, the dip and the horizontal component (see Terrestrial magnetism).
He went on to deal with the case of projectiles, and was led to the conclusion that the motion in this case could be regarded as the result of superposing a horizontal motion with uniform velocity and a vertical motion with constant acceleration, the latter identical with that of a merely falling body; the inference being that the path of a projectile would be a parabola except for deviations attributed to contact with the air, and that in a vacuum this path would be accurately followed.
When the frame of this arrangement is rapidly displaced through a small horizontal range to the right and left of the direction in which the rod points, the weight b by its inertia tends to remain at rest, and the motion of the frame, which is that of the earth, is magnified in the ration op to bp. This apparatus, of which there are many types, was first introduced into seismometry by Professor Ewing.
The Strassburg or Bosch seismograph differs from those just described in resembling the Milne instrument, it is a horizontal and not a vertical pendulum.
The lower part of the façade is adorned with three fine portals and with reliefs of a fantastic kind in sandstone, arranged in horizontal bands, and has arcading under the gable.
These points lie, therefore, upon a horizontal plane at a given elevation passing through the land shown on the map, and the contour-line is the intersection of that horizontal plane with the surface of the ground.
The form of the surface of a liquid acted on by gravity is easily determined if we assume that near the part considered the line of contact of the surface of the liquid with that of the solid bounding it is straight and horizontal, as it is when the solids which constrain the liquid are bounded by surfaces formed by horizontal and parallel generating lines.
The forces acting on the portion of liquid P 1 P 2 A 2 A 1 are - first, the horizontal pressures, - pgy i and z pgy 2; second, the surface-tension T acting at P i and P2 in directions inclined 01 and 0 2 to the horizon.
About 3 metres in front of them was arranged a pair of smaller horizontal j aeroplanes, shaped like a long narrow ellipse, which formed the rudder that effected changes of elevation, the driver being able by means of a lever to incline them up or down according as he desired to ascend or descend.
Any cracks were thus, no doubt, temporarily closed; and as the structure of the rest of the dam was porous, no opportunity was given for the percolating water to accumulate in the horizontal fissures to anything like the head in the reservoir.
The registration is effected by the fall of a heavy pendulum, caused by the percussion of each step. The pendulum is forced back to a horizontal position by a delicate spring, and with each stroke a fine-toothed ratchet-wheel connected with it is moved round a certain length.
Hipparchus fixed the chief data of astronomy - the lengths of the tropical and sidereal years, of the various months, and of the synodic periods of the five planets; determined the obliquity of the ecliptic and of the moon's path, the place of the sun's apogee, the eccentricity of his orbit, and the moon's horizontal parallax; all with approximate accuracy.
In none of the above publications was the potential danger of the horizontal spread and recombination of the virus genes discussed.
Horizontal reinforcement is placed in the bed joints at vertical spacing maximum 600 mm.
It has a horizontal round tubular resonating chamber, whose later variant is a large square box with curved sides.
Early gas retorts were made of iron in the form of a horizontal tube about 12 in diameter.
Very long wedges are normally horizontal because the writing has a fundamental orientation toward narrow horizontal rows of graphs.
Make sure you set the screws into the fence 's vertical support posts, rather than the thin horizontal slats.
There was no horizontal sleet, just lots of sunshine !
Hold slingshot with handle horizontal and pull pouch back smoothly taking a deep breath.
Imagine a sloth hanging from all four legs on a horizontal branch.
In addition to the furious sailing activity we have had appalling weather conditions with horizontal rain blown in from force 7 southerly gales.
Keeping the needle horizontal, advance posterior to the clavicle aiming for the sternal notch.
The galleries reach back deep into the Purbeck ridge in horizontal Jurassic strata.
The building on the right with the white horizontal stripe is the enlisted men 's barracks.
As the VDG is stopped, horizontal sync interrupts are not passed on to the CPU during this ' padding '.
The synchrotron beam profile is 2 mm horizontal by 0.2 mm vertical, thus the focused image is 1 mm by 0.05 mm.
Metonymy, he announced, refers to the combination of linguistic units on the horizontal or syntagmatic axis.
Horizontal LED taillights give the car an unmistakable look at night.
The crucial question is whether transgenic DNA is more likely to spread by horizontal gene transfer than natural DNA.
Turnstile antennas are commonly used as transmitting antennas when horizontal polarization is required together with omnidirectional radiation.
Therefore, the specifications of LCD monitors include the horizontal and vertical viewing angles.
A winning combination is any vertical, horizontal or diagonal line of four numbers.
There may also be yellow horizontal streaks in the nail.
This will roll the turtle horizontal and make sure the current up vector is oriented in the positive z-axis direction.
Low-slope roofs rise up vertically four inches for each twelve inches of horizontal run.
Some models have horizontal wine rack bottle storage.
Flat fronts look much better with side pockets rather than horizontal front pockets.
The swivel-head type of lamp will normally have an adjustable front shade portion that usually swivels along the horizontal and the vertical axis and allows you to control the direction of the light source.
On a conventional TV, an electron beam scans the picture from top to bottom, resulting in horizontal lines going across.
Skip the horizontal distressing on your blue jeans and choose vertical instead.
How much space do you have?When you look at the size listed for a monitor, keep in mind that the number on the screen is a diagonal measurement, not horizontal.
When you lie down in a horizontal position, your spine curves slightly.
Place a bookcase in a child's room - short, horizontal cases make it easy for little hands to reach their favorite books.
The basic bed is made up of a supporting frame and a horizontal platform that is supported by the frame.
The mattress is usually placed directly on top of the horizontal platform eliminating the need for a box spring.
A front loader is gentler on your clothes because instead of an agitator, which beats the clothes through the water and thus stresses and twists the fabric, the machines boast a horizontal axis, which tumbles them in and out of the water.
The Horizontal system is commonly the most cost-effective choice for residential needs.
These pipes are connected to a horizontal pipe which connects to the heat pump.
The turbine consists of large blades mounted on a pole or tower like a propeller, either in a horizontal or a vertical format.
The two main types of wind turbine designs that work to generate power are vertical axis and horizontal axis.
Horizontal Axis - This turbine type has a rotating shaft mounted horizontally on a vertical tower or pole.
When it comes to kitchen windows a nice roman shade or horizontal wood blind is desirable.
A vertical stripe will lengthen the room while a horizontal stripe can make it look wider.
They are organized in horizontal rows depending on the tones, which fall under the categories "pure," "clean," "muted," or "shaded."
For example, vertical stripes can elongate the space and horizontal stripes can make it look wider, but bold patterns like damask can make the space feel more closed in.
Border paper isn't difficult to remove, but it may leave telltale horizontal lines on your walls.
Define the outside corners of the eye by using a horizontal "V" shape.
Then I turned the wand sideways so that it was horizontal to my face.
It has a 3.0 inch LCD screen, with horizontal bars to indicate borders of printed photos.
Create 1-inch horizontal stripes of strawberries from one end of the cake to the other, leaving 1-inch of white frosting between each row of berries and excluding the area where the blueberries are.
Cut a horizontal slit into each piece of bread (through the crust) using a sharp knife.
However, coming up with a suitable storage system will prevent your supplies from becoming damaged and allow you to make the most of your cropping time.Most scrapbookers use either vertical or horizontal paper storage.
While vertical storage takes up less space, many scrapbookers feel horizontal storage is more user-friendly.
Include spaces for both horizontal and vertical photos, since most people have a mix of images.
Horizontal stripes make a body part wider, vertical ones make it taller.
Otherwise, you can easily make bookmarks by making your page layout horizontal, then setting up columns.
The magnet's orientation may also be able to change and couples could select either horizontal or vertical magnets.