Horizon Sentence Examples
The sun peeked over the desert horizon to the east.
The sun lingered on the horizon, as if waiting for the closing clouds.
Cassie glanced at Bordeaux, who was watching the horizon apprehensively.
In this case the second bow is much fainter, and has its centre as much above the horizon as that of the direct system is below it.
She rose to see how far away they were from the horizon, miserable in the heat.
The sky and the horizon were both the color of muddy water.
The whole sun appeared on the horizon and disappeared behind a long narrow cloud that hung above it.
Her gaze went to the unfamiliar horizon as raw pain began to replace her numbness.
But with all his good qualities Frederick was not the man to take a clear view of the political horizon, or even to recognize his own and his country's limitations.
Viewed from rising ground, the landscape presents a pleasing variety of cornfield and forest, while the horizon is broken by the bell-towers of the numerous villages strung along the banks of the streams.
AdvertisementOn the plateau, which has an altitude of 4000 ft., there is good pasturage; inland the country slopes gently to a broad valley beyond which the view was bounded by the level horizon of the desert.
Glorious is thine uprising from the horizon.
All those properties of soil known as texture, porosity, depth, inclination to the horizon, &c., are concerned here.
As they come under one horizon, they shout their warning to get off the track to the other, heard sometimes through the circles of two towns.
Its situation in the broad and fertile valley of the Main, the northern horizon formed by the soft outlines of the Taunus range, is one of great natural beauty, the surrounding country being richly clad with orchard and forest.
AdvertisementThat this accuracy may sometimes degenerate into triviality, and that such absorption in trifles may occasionally hide the broad horizon, is conceivable.
A new horizon and new labors were opening out, full of well-being and prosperity for all.
Dawn would soon break across the horizon on this side of the world.
But Israel after the fall of Samaria is artificially excluded from the Judaean horizon, and lies as a foreign land, although Judah itself had suffered from the intrusion of foreigners in the preceding centuries of war and turmoil, and strangers had settled in her midst, had formed part of the royal guard, or had even served as janissaries (§ 15, end).
The later beds of the island belong to the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary systems. At the western foot of the Ida massif calcareous beds with corals, brachiopods (Rhvnchonella inconstans, &c.) have been found, the fossils indicating the horizon of the Kimmeridge clay.
AdvertisementIt is noteworthy that a similar bone bed has been traced on the same geological horizon in Brunswick, Hanover and Franconia.
The sun had sunk half below the horizon and an evening frost was starring the puddles near the ferry, but Pierre and Andrew, to the astonishment of the footmen, coachmen, and ferrymen, still stood on the raft and talked.
The huntsman stood halfway up the knoll holding up his whip and the gentlefolk rode up to him at a footpace; the hounds that were far off on the horizon turned away from the hare, and the whips, but not the gentlefolk, also moved away.
Beyond Valuevo the road disappeared into a yellowing forest on the horizon.
In the distance, she saw the blue of an ocean meet the horizon.
AdvertisementA storm brewed on the horizon, visible through the window behind Death.
By the older prophets this judgment of God or " day of Yahweh " was never held to be far removed from the horizon of the present or the world in which they lived.
Its approach was announced by the appearance of a certain star, Sirius, and as soon as that star was seen above the horizon the people hastened to remove their flocks to the higher ground and abandoned the lower pastures to the fertilizing influence of the stream.
In the province of Sergipe, on the east coast, the beds are approximately on the horizon of the Cenomanian; in the valley of the Amazon they belong to the highest parts of the Cretaceous system, and the fauna shows Tertiary affinities.
The bed of fire-clay under a coal seam, being impervious to water, frequently determines the horizon of numerous springs issuing from the hillsides.
Here was an orator who could apply all the resources of a burnished rhetoric to the elucidation of figures; who could sweep the widest horizon of the financial future, and yet stoop to bestow the minutest attention on the microcosm of penny stamps and post-horses.
Born in a drapers shop, this great administrator always preserved its narrow horizon, its short-sighted imagination, its taste for detail, and the conceit of the parvenu; while with his insinuating ways, and knowing better than Fouquet how to keep his distance, he made himself indispensable by his savoir-faire and his readiness for every emergency.
At a sufficient distance over the woods this sound acquires a certain vibratory hum, as if the pine needles in the horizon were the strings of a harp which it swept.
From the day when Pierre, after leaving the Rostovs' with Natasha's grateful look fresh in his mind, had gazed at the comet that seemed to be fixed in the sky and felt that something new was appearing on his own horizon--from that day the problem of the vanity and uselessness of all earthly things, that had incessantly tormented him, no longer presented itself.
The tip of the lower tangent arc was the bright area on the horizon directly below the sun.
With shadows now tending to infinity, the sun teetered just above the horizon as the train worked slowly round the curve.
What other projects are on the horizon for you?
With several films on the horizon, Furlong is showing no signs of slowing down.
His gaze turned to the east, where yellow lined the horizon.
Within a hundred miles of the mountains there is constantly in view, in clear weather, the beautiful line of snowy peaks along the western horizon.
The angle which the magnetic axis makes with the plane of the horizon is called the inclination or Along an irregular line encircling the earth in the neighbourhood of the geographical equator the needle takes up a horizontal position, and the dip is zero.
This would lead to the supposition that the great development of metasomatic carapace is a primitive and not a late character, were it not for the fact that Paradcxides and Atops, with an inconspicuous telsonic carapace and numerous free somites, are also Cambrian in age, the latter indeed anterior in horizon to Agnostus.
Some of these, it may be said, are simply the old Scholastic problem in a different garb; but the extended horizon of which Haureau speaks is amply proved by mere reference to the treatises of Albert and St Thomas.
When the war with Russia broke out, in 1788, Fersen accompanied his regiment to Finland, but in the autumn of the same year was sent to France, where the political horizon was already darkening.
Accustomed from her infancy to the monastic seclusion of the terem, or women's quarter, Eudoxia's mental horizon did not extend much beyond her embroidery-frame or her illuminated service-book.
The Arctic peoples regulated their lives by the long day and night in the year; among the tribes in the arid region the place of sunrise was marked on the horizon for each day; the tropical Indians were not so observant, but they worshipped the sun-god above all.
Night is that part of the natural day of twenty-four hours during which the sun is below the horizon, the dark part of the day from sunset to sunrise.
Atmospheric refraction causes the sun to be visible for periods varying from south to north for a quarter to half an hour after it has actually sunk below the horizon.
Florentius Radewyn and Gerhard's other early disciples were his heroes; their presence was his atmosphere, the measure of their lives his horizon.
The amount of this increase and diminution is too small to be directly measured, though it has a certain theoretical importance in the explanation of the equilibrium of the superficial layer of the liquid where it is inclined to the horizon.
This equation gives a relation between the inclination of the curve to the horizon and the height above the level of the liquid.
It may be seen on the western horizon from Dera Ismail Khan, a grey, flat-looking rampart rising from the lower line of mountains north and south 'of it, slightly saddle-backed in the middle, but culminating in a very well-defined peak at its northern extremity.
The Jewish texts, once the infallible basis of history, are now tested by the libraries of Babylon, from which they were partly drawn, and Hebrew history sinks into its proper place in the wide horizon of antiquity.
A few plants described by Potonie from German and Portuguese East Africa demonstrate the occurrence of Glossopteris and a few other genera, referred to a Permo-Triassic horizon, in a region slightly to the north of Tete in the Zambesi district (Map A, I.), where typical European plants agreeing with Upper Carboniferous types were discovered several years ago, and described by Zeiller in 1882 and 1901.
Narrowing the search down to a radius within 30 miles of Tampa results in five Horizon Bay facilities.
Feilden notes as suggestive that, though the explorers have not met with this formation on the northern shores of Greenland, yet it was observed that a continuation of the direction of the known strike of the limestones of Feilden peninsula, carried over the polar area, passes through the neighbourhood of Spitsbergen, where the formation occurs, and contains certain species identical with those of the Grinnell Land rocks of this horizon.
Lastly he demonstrated that the wings of flying creatures, when the I By the term aeroplane is meant a thin, light, expanded structure inclined at a slight upward angle to the horizon intended to float or rest upon the air, and calculated to afford a certain amoune, of support to any body attached to it.
The kite-like surfaces and angles made by the wing with the horizon (a, b) during the down strokes are indicated at c d e f g, j k l m, - those made during the up strokes being indicated at g h i.
The angles made by the kite-like surfaces with the horizon should vary according to circumstances.
In the 1 96th proposition of his work (De motu animalium, Leiden, 1685) he states that " If the expanded wings of a bird suspended in the air shall strike the undisturbed air beneath it with a motion perpendicular to the horizon, the bird will fly with a transverse motion in a plane parallel with the horizon."
On the contrary, he will perceive that the under surface of the wing (during the down stroke) invariably looks forwards and forms a true kite with the horizon, the angles made by the kite varying at every part of the down stroke, as shown more particularly at c d e f g, i j k l m of fig.
The wing continues its movements of depression inclined to the horizon; but the impulse of the air, FIG.
This consisted of a small elastic aeroplane placed aft or behind the principal aeroplane which is also elastic. The two elastic aeroplanes extended horizontally and made a slight upward angle with the horizon, the angle made by the smaller aeroplane (the rudder).
They were all constructed on a common principle, and were provided with extensive flying surfaces in the shape of rigid aeroplanes inclined at an upward angle to the horizon, and more or less fixed on the plan advocated by Henson.
In midwinter in the upper valley the sun rises only a few degrees above the horizon for from four to six hours a day, though very often quite obscured.
Questions as to the obligation of Mosaism and the relations of Jew and Gentile have utterly disappeared below the horizon.
This is due to a stratum of hot air at some distance above the sea level, the rays of light near the horizon being practically horizontal, while those at greater elevations are fairly concave.
It was elliptical, and its long Diameter was perpendicular to the Horizon, verging below farthest from the moon."
The sudden death of his old friend Baron Samuel Josika and the once more darkening political horizon led him, in a moment of despair, to take his own life (April 8, 1860).
Gunter's Quadrant, an instrument made of wood, brass or other substance, containing a kind of stereographic projection of the sphere on the plane of the equinoctial, the eye being supposed to be placed in one of the poles, so that the tropic, ecliptic, and horizon form the arcs of circles, but the hour circles are other curves, drawn by means of several altitudes of the sun for some particular latitude every year.
The fundamental plane which it determines is horizontal and is termed the plane of the horizon.
This point in our middle latitudes is between the zenith and the north horizon, near a certain star of the second magnitude familiarly known as the Pole Star.
As we conceive of the sky, it does not consist of an entire sphere but only as a hemisphere bounded by the horizon.
But we have no difficulty in extending the conception below the horizon, so that the earth with everything upon it is in the centre of a complete sphere.
The two parts of this sphere are the visible hemisphere, which is above the horizon, and the invisible, which is below it.
As he travels South, his zenith moves along the celestial sphere, and the circles of diurnal rotation become oblique to the horizon.
Like the beaches, our sunsets over the horizon are simply sensational.
There is also a good view up the cleave with Fur tor standing sentinel on the far horizon.
Measure the altitude of Polaris above the northern horizon, using the sextant.
The Helix rods are a lightweight model, with a slightly softer action than the Horizon models.
The armillary sphere survives as useful for teaching, and may be described as a skeleton celestial globe, the series of rings representing the great circles of the heavens, and revolving on an axis within a horizon.
The constellations that and ned unceasingly to speed across the sky were named the and er-resting ones, and the circumpolar stars, which never ing beneath the horizon, were known as the imperishables.
The forces acting on the portion of liquid P 1 P 2 A 2 A 1 are - first, the horizontal pressures, - pgy i and z pgy 2; second, the surface-tension T acting at P i and P2 in directions inclined 01 and 0 2 to the horizon.
On the morrow the western horizon would clear again, until some such disaster as that which befell Varus would come to mortify cruelly the pride of an Augustus.
It is therefore of interest to test this inference by observations at midnight in such a latitude that the distance of the sun below the horizon is no more than necessary to preclude the possibility of twilight.
I have my horizon bounded by woods all to myself; a distant view of the railroad where it touches the pond on the one hand, and of the fence which skirts the woodland road on the other.
The wind had fallen and black clouds, merging with the powder smoke, hung low over the field of battle on the horizon.
Higher up the hill, on the very horizon, our guns were visible through the wonderfully clear air, brightly illuminated by slanting morning sunbeams.
Take the pygmy in the forest who has never been outside and seen the horizon.
Way ahead on dusk 's horizon I could see the burning funeral pyre of animal carcasses below the Broad Hinton white horse.
The rim of the saucer is our horizon over which we cannot see.
There are those of course who are happy to stand at the railings, even scan the horizon.
Sound the air raid siren, there 's an evil drone on the horizon, Red Tape are mounting the attack !
In little time they were a speck on the horizon.
Tiny fishing boats slowly turn into distant specks, tipping over the horizon 's empty edge.
The bowed guitar symbolizes streaks of dawn enveloping the horizon.
Compressed heavy clay loam topsoil horizon (102) 0.45 - 0.5m Subsoil.
The horizon of self-transcendence no longer lies in that which truly transcends the subject, but is within the boundary of consciousness.
Anne, Stuart and the Horizon team would like to thank all who contributed to the memorial tribute fund.
Mobile videophones are on the horizon, where Deaf people will be able to communicate on the move in BSL.
While in the past, shoppers have stood outside of the local Walmart, shivering in the cold waiting for the store to open as the first light of dawn was peeking over the horizon, this year the store is trying something different.
This mall was previously called the Horizon Outlet Center of Tulare.
Whether you are a business owner with a fleet of trucks or an individual looking for a cost-effective, convenient way to manage your daily gas needs, a Mobil gas card may be on your horizon.
Many industries and manufacturers are still blowing smoke and other harmful materials into the air, creating more than a little haze on the horizon.
If you love the few, brief moments when the last of the sun's daylight is slipping away over the horizon and the deep blue-black of night approaches, this color palette will appeal to you.
There's always something bigger, better and more promising on the horizon, perhaps an improved version of the old.
Organic Horizon 100% Egg Whites - while totally organic this product is also 100 percent real egg.
If a poor economy is on the horizon, some adults will begin saving large sums of money.
As spring looms on the horizon, denim shorts will start appearing in store inventories just about everywhere.
Banks such as RetailMeNot.com will offer visitors the chance to enter an e-mail address to be stored in the bank's system so that when a new coupon code has arrived on the horizon, the visitor will receive an e-mail alert.
You'll also be notified of any sales or events that are on the horizon early enough to plan your shopping trip (or website visit) ahead of time.
This pair comes in colors such as Smokey Hazelnut, Sand Dune, Pebble Beach and Night Horizon as well as in plaid.
Horizon Herbs offers books and DVDs on all aspects of growing organic herbs.
Horizon Organic allows you to sign up on site to receive coupons in the mail.
Expect to see an array of rustic tattoo prints, plant landscapes and bamboo prints on the horizon.
Plus size women with a big social event on the horizon should shop for their formal well before the event.
When shopping for trendy clothes, it's easy to peruse online catalogs to learn what's on the fashion horizon.
Senior issues touch us all, whether directly, through caring for loved ones, or as a blip on our own horizon.
If a career change is on the horizon for you, there are plenty of options for you to consider.
Horizon Bay Retirement Living communities offer residents the choice of several types of housing options and living arrangements.
Whether you are a senior that wants to maintain as much independence as possible, or someone that needs assistance with day to day activities, Horizon Bay offers housing options to fill your needs.
On the Horizon Bay website you can locate a retirement community in a specific area by searching by location and the type of housing wanted.
Using Florida as an example, a general search on the Horizon Bay website shows more than twenty retirement communities.
Although each Horizon Bay Retirement Living community is different, each one provides their residents with the highest level of care in a stimulating environment that fosters independence and a positive lifestyle experience.
If you are one of the millions of senior citizens with retirement on your horizon, the high cost of living and the need to stretch your retirement income as far as possible may be a real concern.
So at least rent Coded Arms to get a taste of what's on the horizon with FPS.
As technology gives developers the ability to create characters that look and act real, there will undoubtedly be better and more realistic girls of gaming on the horizon.
As the ships hits the planet's horizon, a mysterious glow (in effect, a halo) surrounds the planets and then engulfs the ship.
There are also a lot of enormously popular titles on the horizon.
The backgrounds in the horizon looked okay, it's no wonder they didn't use the same quality on the tracks and foreground.
With the highly anticipated Sony PlayStation 3 on the horizon, it is inevitable that the over 100 million PlayStation 2s sold will soon begin to collect dust and fall into obscurity.
The Xbox has broadened the horizon of gaming by offering Xbox Live, a service that allows gamers to play certain Xbox titles online with players around the globe.
Even the sun slowly inches its way below the horizon, you find no relief from the unrelenting heat.
The last few bits of sunlight will fade from the horizon.
They are grounded by a baseline that acts as a horizon line.
Safe positions include the front seat of the car (for older children) while looking at distant scenery; the deck of a ship where the horizon can be seen; and sitting by the window of an airplane.
Sitting in the front seat, focusing on the horizon, and traveling after dark can also minimize symptoms.
An increase in temperature for several days indicates ovulation is on the horizon.
The male birth control pill is on the horizon as a promising form of contraception for men.
With a new album in the works and other projects on the horizon, Kyla appears to be leading a busy life.
Make it a firm rule with your family never to swim when bad weather is on the horizon.
Although the one piece swimsuit still reigned supreme, big changes were on the horizon.
If you have to wear men's pants without shopping options on the horizon, you can try several styling options that are practical for the field and fashion-friendly.
Perhaps there's a special occasion on the horizon and she wants to look utterly feminine and glamorous.
With new energy and water efficiency requirements for household appliances on the horizon, the new front-load laundry pair exceeds government standards to help consumers conserve natural resources and save money.
Global climate change, conservation and reducing wasted resources is a definite concern on the horizon.
Baseball is also on the horizon come February.
There is nothing worse than spending quality time together only to find out this news was on the horizon.
In Western astrology, a star sign is assigned to someone because that particular constellation was rising on the horizon at the moment that person was born.
The rising sign is the zodiac sign that was on the horizon at the exact moment of your birth.
The sun sign is where the sun is at the time of your birth, while the rising sign is the sign that's on the horizon at the time of your birth.
Warmer days are on the horizon, and it's time to break out the sun block, sun glasses, floppy hats, and pool toys.
The coming and going of past and new actors reveals storyline changes on the horizon.
The Ikepod Horizon is a clever watch that features an optical illusion.
But the sounds of sabers certainly is a cloud that hangs over the sunny economic horizon.
More storms may be lurking just beyond the horizon.
They want a quick fix, and many times there's a special event on the horizon where they want to look their best.
If you're normally a group exercise or treadmill type of exerciser, broaden your horizon and try out the stationary exercise bikes the next time you hit the gym.
They are a celebration of the female form that tends to show up when an economic upturn is on the horizon.
In 2004, Horizon Productions founded the Lingerie Football League.
Get her a fitting or sneak her favorite pair, show it to the expert at the store and let her find the proper pair for your beloved; otherwise, big trouble looms on the horizon.
What new trends in sexy lingerie are on the horizon?
The Lingerie Bowl began in 2004 and was the brainchild of Horizon Productions.
For girls who wish to become Lingerie Football League players, Horizon Productions hold tryouts throughout the year in various cities across the United States.
No one knows when or how the technology will be replaced, but there is always a new craze on the horizon.
For every adventure beyond the horizon, there is a planet, a plane or sphere where the imagination dares to travel.
On the other end of the spectrum was the Chicago case of Horizon Management vs. Amanda Bonnen.
Horizon's case against Bonnen was dismissed by the court, and the management company ended up getting itself a huge amount of bad press (and Ms. Bonnen hundreds of followers) as a result.
According to the solar theory, Sisyphus is the disk of the sun that rises every day and then sinks below the horizon.
Still indeed the New-Testament idea of a purely spiritual kingdom of God, in this world but not of it, is beyond the prophet's horizon, and he can think of no other vindication of the divine purpose than that the true Israel shall be gathered again from its dispersion.
It should be borne in mind, first, that wherever a new animal suddenly appears or a new character suddenly arises in a fossil horizon we must consider whether such appearance may be due to the non-discovery of transitional links with older forms, or to the sudden invasion of a new type or new organ which has gradually evolved elsewhere.
This last conception lay beyond the horizon of Caesar, as of all ancient statesmen, but his first act on gaining control of Italy was to enfranchise the Transpadanes, whose claims he had consistently advocated, and in 45 B.C. he passed the Lex Julia Municipalis, an act of which considerable fragments are inscribed on two bronze tables found at Heraclea near Tarentum.3 This law deals inter alia with the police and the sanitary arrangements of the city of Rome, and hence it has been argued by Mommsen that it was Caesar's intention to reduce Rome to the level of a municipal town.
The till plains, although sweeping in broad swells of slowly changing altitude, are often level to the eye, and the view across them stretches to the horizon, unless interrupted by groves of trees along the watercourses, or by belts of low morainic hills.
The explanation of the apparent conformity of the strata from the Cambrian to the Pennsylvanian in some parts of the west, with no fossils defining with certainty any horizon between the Ordovician and the Mississippian, is one of the open problems in the geology of the United States.
From the summit of any of the higher hills one sees that the region is really a somewhat dissected plain, for all the hills rise to about the same level with a uniform skyline at the horizon.
Animal of a male Nucula proxima, Say, as seen when horizon of an inter-filamentar junction, in the other (lower in the figure) at a point where they are free.
At sea this circle is well defined, the line being called the sea horizon, which divides the visible surface of the ocean from the sky.
In astronomy the horizon is that great circle of the sphere the plane of which is at right angles to the direction of the plumb line.
Sometimes a distinction is made between the rational and the apparent horizon, the former being the horizon as determined by a plane through the centre of the earth, parallel to that through the station of an observer.
The Dip of the horizon at sea is the angular depression of the apparent sea horizon, or circle bounding the visible ocean, below the apparent celestial horizon as above defined.
Nephin Beg, Nephin and Croagh Patrick are typical quartzite summits, the last named belonging possibly to a Silurian horizon but rising from a metamorphosed area on the south side of Clew Bay.
Harassed by severe bodily ailments, encompassed by a raging tumult of religious conflict and persecution, and aware that the faint hopes of better times which seemed to gild the horizon of the future might be utterly darkened by a failure either in the constancy of his courage or in his discernment and discretion, he exerted his eloquence with unabating energy in the furtherance of the cause he had at heart.
Passing through the luminary and parallel to the horizon, there is a white luminous circle, the parhelic circle (P), on which a number of images of the luminary appear.
The parhelia are most brilliant when the sun is near the horizon.
It would require many a volume to tell of what they have done for civilization, freedom, the exploration of unknown regions, the bringing to light of ancient literatures, the founding of the science of comparative religion, the broadening of the horizon of Christian thought in the homelands, and the bringing of distant peoples into the brotherhood of nations.
This unconformity is generally found about the same horizon in the continental Culm areas, and it occurs again in the western part of the English Culm.
The pillars which he supported were thought to rest in the sea, immediately beyond the most western horizon.
The differences of standpoint may be due not only to lapse of time, and the emergence of new problems on the horizon of Syrian Christianity generally, but also to change in locality and in the degree of Greek culture represented by the two works.
The ends of arcs frequently extend to the horizon, but often one or both ends stop short of this.
Rays often alter suddenly in length, seeming to stretch down towards the horizon or mount towards the zenith.
The following data for the apparent angular width of arcs were obtained at Cape Thorsden, the arcs being grouped according to the height of the lower edge above the horizon.
At the same time, arcs near the horizon often appeared wider than others near the zenith.
Such extremely bright auroras seem very rare, however, even in the Arctic. There is a general tendency for both bands and rays to appear brightest at their lowest parts; arcs seldom appear as bright at their summits as nearer the horizon.
Others, which may be called " earth-tiltings," show themselves by a slow bending and unbending of the surface, so that a post stuck in the ground, vertical to begin with, does not remain vertical, but inclines now to one side and now to another, the plane of the ground in which it stands shifting relatively to the horizon.
Below lies the city with its ancient walls and lofty towers, its gardens and squares, its palaces and its mosques, with their delicately-carved domes and minarets covered with fantastic tracery, the port of Bulak, the gardens and palace of Shubra, the broad river studded with islands, the valley of the Nile dotted with groups of trees, with the pyramids on the north horizon, and on the east the barren cliffs, backed by a waste of sand.
Numberless semi-divine beings had no r purpose than to fill,out the myths, as, for instance, the tering apes that greeted the sun-god Re as he rose above eastern horizon, and the demons who opened the gates of nether world at the approach of the setting sun.
Amenophis even changed his own name, of which the name of Ammon formed an element, to Akhenaton, the brilliancy of the Aton, and the capital was called Khitaton, The Horizon of the Aton.
Thrusting aside all the multitudinous deities of Egypt and all the mythology even of Heliopolis, he devoted himself to the cult of the visible sun-disk, applying to it as its chief name the hitherto rare word Aton, meaning sun; the traditional divine name Harakht (Horus of the horizon), given to the hawk-headed sun-god of Heliopolis, was however allowed to subsist and a temple was built at Karnak to this god.
The confiscated revenues of Ammon and the tribute from Syria and Cush provided ample means for adorning Ekhaton (Akhetat on), the horizon of Aton, the new capital, and for richly rewarding those who adopted the Aton teaching fervently.
The strength of this remarkable tragedy lay, not in its inflated tone or exaggerated characterization - the restricted horizon of Schiller's school-life had given him little opportunity of knowing men and women - but in the sure dramatic instinct with which it is constructed and the directness with which it gives voice to the most pregnant ideas of the time.
The name of Archaeopteryx litho graphica was based by Hermann von Meyer upon a feather (Gr.irrEpv, wing) found in 1861 in the lithographic slate quarries of Solenhofen in Bavaria, the geological horizon being that of the Kimmeridge clay of the Upper Oolite or Jurassic system.
Neither Mogul nor Mahratta had yet appeared above the political horizon.
A vertical plane passing through A A is therefore in the meridian, and the polar axis is inclined to the horizon at an angle equal to that of the latitude of the place of observation.
By this arrangement the long cross tube becomes unnecessary, and neither the pier nor the observatory obstruct the view of objects above the horizon near lower transit as is the case in Loewy's form.
Thus, any fixed telescope directed towards the mirror of a properly adjusted coelostat in motion will show all the stars in the field of view at rest; or, by rotating the polar axis independently of the clockwork, the observer can pass in review all the stars visible above the horizon whose declinations come within the limits of his original field of view.
The lowest group is on the horizon of the Calciferous Sandstone series, being visible at Corrie where it underlies the Corrie limestone, and is traceable southwards beyond Brodick.
Players worth their salt are starting to scan the horizon for places where they can better their careers.
An orange filter on my lens increased the contrast and darkened the horizon beyond them.
On the distant horizon the erupting volcano was barely visible to us.
Low on the eastern horizon they saw a bright circular object moving slowly north.
Dark clouds, looming over the western horizon, appeared to rise up in pursuit.
This pattern is expected to evolve further over the forecast horizon.
However, the planning horizon of this organization appears to be fairly short.
The mutual sea horizon turns out to be just south of Port Ellen on Islay.
I think this event horizon is just round the corner.
A large hummock or ridge of ice lay in front of the man, blocking his view of the horizon in that direction.
This gray and relatively impermeable Chalk was the main tunneling horizon for the Channel Tunnel.
The whole sea was covered with sharks from close inshore to the horizon.
However, because the surfaces of constant Euclidean time, all intersected at the horizon, one had to introduce an inner boundary there.
This is nothing at all like our nearly isotropic and homogeneous universe, where each point has a different event horizon.
It was employed to calculate latitudes by observation of the height of the sun above the horizon.
Thus one can not localize the entropy on the horizon, which is just like the axis in ordinary three dimensional space.
It is impossible for temperature inversions to produce optical illusions or reflections of lights over the horizon under these conditions.
I look out through the coconut palms, beyond the rocks to the horizon.
It was amazing how clearly a person could see things when trouble lurked on the horizon.
The horizon was hazy.
He squinted into the distance, scanning the entire horizon.
A structure loomed darkly against the lighter horizon.
A low rumble brought her attention to the horizon.
I need concrete evidence before I'm a believer and I don't see that on the horizon.
I could see another storm cloud looming on the horizon.
She shooed Sunny away from her half-eaten pancakes and paced the living room until light faded completely from the horizon.
In the morning she woke to the sun peeking over the horizon.
Dawn lined the horizon in faint yellow.
The sun was down, the afterglow of sunset lingering on the horizon.
Rhyn sat and draped his arms over his knees, staring at the horizon.
As he emerged into the early morning sun, he was again surprised to see clouds already forming over the eastern horizon.
He was still wobbly as he stood in the hot shower while the sun dipped below the horizon.
Leaning to the side, she gazed up at his profile as he watched the fading horizon.
She chanted the words as they walked towards the horizon.
It wasn't until dawn crested the horizon that he smelled the unmistakable scent of blood.
He paced until the sun dipped below the horizon.
The organizing genius of Dupleix everywhere overshadowed the native imagination, and the star of Clive had scarcely yet risen above the horizon.
A seraph with wings extended flew towards him from the horizon and inundated him with pleasure unutterable.
Soon after his time, however, this conception was clearly established, and with so large a generalization the mental horizon was widened to conceive of a geography which was a science.
Instead of a small house between a street and a stable-yard, I began to occupy a spacious and convenient mansion, connected on the north side with the city, and open on the south to a beautiful and boundless horizon.
Nor was there any widening of the general horizon such as was witnessed in Spain.
Larger globes are usually on a stand the top of which supports an artificial horizon.
The Aegean Sea occupied the centre of the map, while the line where ocean and firmament seemed to meet represented an enlarged horizon.
The horizontal lines are parallels, depending upon the altitude of the pole star, the Calves of the Little Bear and the Barrow of the Great Bear above the horizon.
From the valleys their rugged, deeply indented escarpments, stretching away to the horizon, have the appearance of a continuous chain of mountains.
The horizon of these prophecies is everywhere limited by the narrow conditions of the time, and their aim is clearly seen.
This deficiency must be attributed partly to failing light and an inferior horizon but also to the fact that the ships had had scant opportunity for training and their firecontrol equipment was poor.
Palaeoryx from the corresponding horizon in Greece and Samos is to some extent intermediate between Hippotragus and Oryx.
The islands of the archipelago nearly all present bold and picturesque profiles against the horizon, and at the same time the character of the scenery varies from island to island and even from district to district.
Fortunately for Poland the political horizon was absolutely - unclouded.
It is also invisible during moonlight and near the horizon, and the neighbourhood of a bright star or planet may interfere with its recognition.
She alone could have given the Spanish Armada any real chance of success; and as the prospect of invasion loomed larger on the horizon, fiercer grew the popular determination to remove the only possible centre of a domestic rising, without which the external attack was bound to be a failure.
These angular;distances are attained only when the sun is on the horizon, and they increase as it rises.
They are not confined to any one horizon, but occur irregularly throughout the Jurassic and occasionally also amongst the Cretaceous strata.
If in addition to all this we bear in mind that in his later books the historian's horizon is confined to the city and patriarchate of Constantinople, that he was exceedingly ill informed on all that related to Rome and the West, that in order to fill out his pages he has introduced narratives of the most unimportant description, that in not a few instances he has evinced his credulity (although when compared with the majority of his contemporaries he is still entitled to be called critical), it becomes sufficiently clear that his History, viewed as a whole and as a literary production, can at best take only a secondary place.
Beyond the outer circle (not shown on plan) a great monolith - the sun stone, or so-called "Friar's Heel" - standing on the axis of the horseshoe, marks the point where a spectator, centrally placed within the horseshoe, would see the sun rise on the horizon at the solstice.
The citizens, under the leadership of their bishop Anianus, made a heroic defence, but the place was on the point of being taken when, on the 24th of June, the allied RomanoGothic army was seen on the horizon.
The fossiliferous horizon is of Upper Ordovician age.
They can be moved, and the angles made by their under surfaces with the horizon adjusted.
These figures illustrate the various angles made by the wing with the horizon as it hastens to and fro, and show how the wing reverses and reciprocates, and how it twists upon itself in opposite directions, and describes a figure-of-8 track in space.
If, however, the bird is fairly launched in space and a stiff breeze is blowing, all that is required in many instances is to extend the wings at a slight upward angle to the horizon so that the under parts of the wings present kite-like surfaces.
His zenith is then in the equator and the celestial poles are in the North and South horizon respectively.
Continuing his journey towards the south, the north celestial pole sinks below the horizon; the south celestial pole rises above it; or to speak more exactly, the zenith of the observer approaches that pole.
Considered as a curved surface, concentric with the earth, a tangent plane to such a surface is the plane of the horizon.
The uncertainty thus arising in the amount of the refraction is least near the zenith, but increases more and more as the horizon is approached.
This excess is, however, subject to wide variation, owing to the obliquity of the ecliptic and of the lunar orbit to the equator, and therefore to the horizon.
The smaller the angle which the orbit of the moon, when near the point of rising, makes with the horizon the less will be the retardation.
The majority of antiquaries, however, see no reason for dissociating its chronological horizon from that of the numerous other analogous monuments found in Great Britain, many of which have been shown to be burial places of the Bronze Age.
The Third Philippic surveys a wider horizon.
Whilst the authors of all these evils were idly and stupidly gazing on this menacing meteor, which darkened all their horizon, it suddenly burst, and poured down the whole of its contents upon the plains of the Carnatic."
It must have been composed in a time of natural gloom and depression, after Yahweh's anger had been provoked by "a very froward generation," certainly not before the Assyrian Empire had loomed up against the political horizon, aggressive and menacing.
The ence of the Church thus escaped the unpopularity of this decadent empire, and during the 5th century she provided a refuge for all those who, wishing to preserve the Roman unity, were terrified by the blackness of the horizon.
At the moment when it seemed as if everything had been made that could be made out of the fragments of Aristotle, and the compilations of Capella, Cassiodorus and others, and when mysticism and scepticism seemed the only resources left for the mind, the horizon of knowledge was suddenly widened by the acquisition of a complete Aristotle.
In places the desert approaches close to the river on both banks and immense sand dunes fill the horizon.
We learn from Eusebius that Sardis was first captured by the Cimmerii 1078 B.C.; and since it was four centuries later before the real Cimmerii (q.v.) appeared on the horizon of history, we may perhaps find in the statement a tradition of the Hittite conquest.
The common sunflower (the most conspicuous weed of the state) and allied flowers, which spring up in myriads even in the midst of unbroken prairie wherever this is disturbed, line the roads with yellow bands from horizon to horizon, enclose the broken fields and choke waste places.
Its breadth varies with the time and place of observation, depending upon the position of the ecliptic with respect to the horizon.
In the tropics, where the ecliptic is nearly perpendicular to the horizon, it may be seen after the end of twilight on every clear evening, and before ' Schlegel, Ur.
Having this position, the conditions of visibility will be best when the ecliptic, and therefore the axis of the light, are nearly perpendicular to the horizon, and, as the angle between the ecliptic and horizon becomes acute, will deteriorate, slowly at first, more and more rapidly afterwards, owing to the increasing effect of atmospheric absorption.
More and more of the brighter regions of the light will then be near the horizon the more acute the angle.
At these hours the angle of the ecliptic with the horizon varies with the season.
A transparent atmosphere and clear horizon are necessary, conditions which can best be secured on a mountain top. The visibility of a light corresponding to the inference was shown by Simon Newcomb, by observations at the top of the Brienzer Rothorn, in 1905.
Another anomaly is that he never saw the Gegenschein, but describes the band as equally bright in all its parts, except near the horizon.
He found that as the observer moved to the north or south the axis of the light appeared to be displaced in the direction of the motion, which is the opposite of the effect due to parallax, but in the same sense as the effect of the greater atmospheric absorption of the light on the side nearest the horizon.
This is identical with the angle between the horizontal planes at the place and at the equator, and also with the elevation of the celestial pole above the horizon (see Astronomy).
While still duke of Brabant he had been the first to call the attention of the Belgians to the need of enlarging their horizon beyond sea, and after his accession to the throne he gave the first impulse towards the development of this idea by founding in 1876 the Association Internationale Africaine.
The Coal Measures are covered by marine shales with numerous bryozoa; and, on the horizon of the Greta Coal Measures of New South Wales, is a bed of Carboniferous glacial deposits.
At a more recent horizon, the silicified specimens of the Mesozoic Gymnosperms from Great Britain, France, and especially North America, are no less important.
The evidence for terrestrial Silurian vegetation is still dubious; apart from some obscure North American specimens, the true nature of which is not established, Potonie has described well-characterized Pteridophytes (such as the fern-like Sphenopteridium and Bothrodendron among Lycopods) from supposed Silurian strata in North Germany; the horizon, however, appears to be open to much doubt, and the specimens agree so nearly with some from the Lower Carboniferous as to render their Silurian age difficult of credence.
Sphenophylleae are still rare; it is to this horizon that the isolated type Cheirostrobus belongs.
Afghanistan, forming part of a thick series of marine beds known as the Salt Range group. This group of sediments in the extrapeninsular area of India includes a basal boulder-bed, referred on convincing evidence to the same geological horizon as the glacial deposits of the Indian peninsula (Talchir boulder-beds), South.
The sun peeked over the horizon, reminding her that she'd gotten only a few hours of bad sleep.
The horizon was full of peaks like the teeth of a saw, so numerous as to be nearly indistinguishable from one another, except for the occasional spike that rose above its companions.
With the sun close to the horizon, Memon finally returned to the hold.
This " horizon problem " makes it difficult to account for the uniformity of the cosmic background radiation.
Even with the sun well above the horizon, the light cast have a warm glow beloved by landscape photographers.
Alder could see more of the thick, white blanket which covered the land all the way to the horizon.
Looking further along the edge of the horizon I saw another blip, and then another, and altogether I counted four of them.
The rock lies close to the others which are more clearly limestone breccias and it acts as a reasonable marker horizon.
A traverse round the Event Horizon reaches a short drop into a small stream canyon.
The altitude of the sun above the horizon is read on the various concentric circles, from 0 to 90 degrees.
The trees around the stone circle are open on the Eastern side, allowing a view to the horizon.
The dark clouds of war were on the horizon.
Front aspect double glazed window with far reaching views over the surrounding countryside with the coast on the horizon, double radiator.
At the very moment when the sun sank below the horizon and turned the few clouds crimson, the moon rose.
The sky on the horizon should be flushed crimson, gradually shaded off, changing to blue at the top.
Horizon has a tendency to side with the more conservative wing of science, effectively debunking theories that venture beyond the mainstream.
I'm waiting up to watch a potentially interesting episode of Horizon, about what killed the dinosaurs.
From the autumn equinox the setting sun moves gradually south along the western horizon.
Heru was known to the Greeks as Horus, suggesting a compelling etymology for the word " horizon.
On the horizon you could see an endless expanse of emptiness.
Star trackers, horizon sensors, gyroscopes the laser gyro, accelerometers.
The best way to see a hen harrier is to scan the horizon with a pair of binoculars.
Looking at the horizon confirms movement and resolves the sensory mismatch.
Over the Salem river, very close to the horizon, a waning moon, about 40% full, was rising.
Cruises will Daytona Sailing Charters offer passenger horizon ii effigy mounds american river cruise line national.
An hour previously, veiled in heavy clouds, the sun had sunk below the horizon that bounded the plain beyond the Shelif.
The sun takes just a few minutes to sink below the horizon, and the animals get ready for their nightly prowls.
Pygmy in the forest who has never been outside and seen the horizon.
Way ahead on dusk's horizon I could see the burning funeral pyre of animal carcasses below the Broad Hinton white horse.
Schwarzschild radius The radius r of the event horizon for a Schwarzschild black hole.
To falling raindrops this appears like a second sun shining from below the horizon.
With a major backbench revolt over the Education Bill on the horizon, no-one wants any more high wire acts.
He knew someone who worked on Event Horizon who said they needed some extras to be really outrageous.
Tiny fishing boats slowly turn into distant specks, tipping over the horizon's empty edge.
The horizon of self-transcendence no longer lies in that which truly transcendence no longer lies in that which truly transcends the subject, but is within the boundary of consciousness.
Anne, Stuart and the Horizon team would like to thank all who contributed to the memorial tributed to the memorial tribute fund.
A long waterline gives the Horizon excellent directional stability but is still nimble enough for inland trips around backwater creeks.
Toward the horizon, there were the faintest wisps of early morning ghost clouds.
It would not be at all surprising if, in the great movements of populations and shifting of ascendancy which lie beyond our historical horizon, the worship of Yahweh should have been established in regions remote from those which it occupied in historical times; but nothing which we now know warrants the opinion that his worship was ever general among the Western Semites.
Niven, F.R.S., called the degree table, determines the change of direction of motion of the shot while the velocity changes from V to v, to shot flying nearly horizontally, To explain the theory of this table, suppose the tangent at the point of the trajectory, where the velocity is v, to make an angle i radians with the horizon.
The marsh then becomes a great lake, the water surface stretching beyond the horizon, while in the dry season a mirage is often seen.
That way I looked between and over the near green hills to some distant and higher ones in the horizon, tinged with blue.