Hoplites Sentence Examples
After a naval engagement (see Pylos) a body of Spartan hoplites were cut off on Sphacteria.
Cyrus had 10,400 Greek hoplites and 2500 peltasts, and besides an Asiatic army under the command of Ariaeus, for which Xenophon gives the absurd number of ioo,000 men; the army of Artaxerxes he puts down at 900,000.
Thus the Persian army was lost, if heavy-armed hoplites succeeded in gaining their lines.
During the Persian wars the state, which had recently joined the Peloponnesian League, could still muster 3000 hoplites.
The eloquence of Cleon frustrated the peace party's desire to accept these terms, and ultimately to the astonishment of the Greek world the Spartan hoplites to the number of 292 surrendered unconditionally (see Cleon).
On the fields of Marathon and Plataea, the Persian archers succumbed to the Greek phalarn of hoplites; but the actual decision was effected by Themistocles who had meanwhile created the Athenian fleet which at Salamis proved its superiority over the Perso-Phoenician armada, anc thus precluded beforehand the success of the land-forces.
So acutely did Sparta feel their position that an offer of peace was made on condition that the hoplites should go free.
These disasters at Megara, Amphipolis and Delium left Athens with only one trump card - the possession of the Spartan hoplites captured in Sphacteria.
No doubt, however, the temper in Athens was at that time predominantly warlike, and the surrender of the hoplites was a unique triumph.
This last burden grew heavier as time went on; 5000 Spartiates and s000 perioec hoplites fought at Plataea in 479 B.C., but the steady decrease in the number of the Spartiates necessitated the increasing employment of the perioeci.
AdvertisementFour more show hoplites using their swords, which were used for hand-to-hand combat if the spear was broken in the initial clash.