Hoped Sentence Examples
I hoped we could go for a walk.
She'd hoped sleep would remove some of her confusion from her night.
His father hoped that Daniel would grow up to be a wise and famous man.
She needed the time to herself and hoped the connection to nature helped clear her head.
My progress in lip-reading and speech was not what my teachers and I had hoped and expected it would be.
Rhyn was being given a second chance, and Gabriel hoped he killed Sasha before the sands in the hourglass were gone.
He'd hoped never to see the Watcher again.
She hoped Dusty's direction wasn't as farewell-ish as it sounded.
Lisa turned her face away and hoped Tammy didn't notice her shoulders shaking as she laughed silently.
We hoped he was simply seeking publicity; looking to see his name in national print.
AdvertisementI had hoped that you would resolve your problem, but it seems to have no end.
He hoped Billy and his betrothed had something.
I had hoped this would never happen again.
At first she had hoped, even prayed he would return.
At least, that's what we hoped happened.
AdvertisementI can't forget that she said she loved Alex and hoped we would split up.
They had fierce eyes and sharp talons and beaks, and the children hoped none of them would venture into the cavern.
He quoted the passages in which she explains that college is not the "universal Athens" she had hoped to find, and cited the cases of other remarkable persons whose college life had proved disappointing.
She gave him what she hoped was a stern look.
For her sake, she hoped he would.
AdvertisementHowie would first go back to earlier in the day and document precise activities of the director; we hoped they'd be sufficient for him to believe our abilities.
One of the players said he hoped he might be trusted.
He wished for nothing and hoped for nothing, and deep in his heart experienced a gloomy and stern satisfaction in an uncomplaining endurance of his position.
While she didn't ask directly, I sensed she hoped I'd talk to him.
A full hour hadn't passed so I hoped it wasn't Daniel Brennan with Molly due back any moment.
AdvertisementI hoped he could read the tone of my voice.
I hoped to god my wife was smarter than John Luke Grasso.
Maybe she'd hoped his parting words in the morning were serious.
He hoped, no he prayed, Darian regained himself someday soon.
She'd hoped … she'd wanted Jonny to be different.
Damian was rarely indoors during the day, and she hoped he wasn't in his room when she knocked.
At least, she hoped not.
Deidre held her breath and hoped her heartbeat wasn't as loud to him as it was to her.
He kept an eye out for Billy Langstrom, whom he still hoped to talk to, but he spotted neither him nor Pumpkin Green in the crowd.
They were more alike than Deidre realized; they both sought out Darkyn for quiet deals they hoped would result in ending up with Gabriel.
When the sun was up, she retreated from the French doors, troubled by the lost souls and what she did to make Gabriel's life worse, when she'd hoped to make it better.
He had no clue how and hoped the portal still worked for him.
He hoped it would last.
Katie looked over her shoulder again towards the massive trees. She didn't know what happened with Gabriel, but she hoped he was safe, wherever he was.
He didn't know if they'd reappear before his weekend went to shit, but he hoped they did.
He basically followed old agriculture; he planted a lot of seed and hoped for rain.
Whatever control they hoped to maintain slipped.
Swallowing hard, she tilted her head to one side in a display she hoped he took to be an apology.
If he did, he hoped he had a brother like Rhyn.
At least, she hoped he wouldn't.
Though she hated to admit it, she'd hoped Rhyn was calling.
It was not the relaxing day she'd hoped for.
Katie had hoped to make her sister a confidante but knew it was impossible so long as Kris.s claws were wrapped securely around Hannah.
His reward had been being sent to Hell, for what his brothers hoped was eternity.
For once, she hoped Ully's oddball experiment didn.t let her down.
For over a week, he'd hoped his instincts to be wrong.
He'd hoped Ne'Rin to be the one sending him daily updates to the battle strategies and plans.
I had hoped he'd choose your sister.
He'd hoped she would adjust to his world on her own, never suspecting he'd need to change himself.
Dean crossed his fingers and hoped this affiance would spawn fewer complications than the last.
Dean hoped that wouldn't be the case, but he was less than sure.
Dean hoped Edith would tell the old witch where to stuff it, but instead she looked as if she had just won an auction bid for a coronation gown.
He hoped she wasn't going to play a King Solomon and cut the damn thing in half but he withdrew a Swiss Army knife from his pocket.
While he knew he'd have to speak to Corday sooner or later, he hoped to first learn the reason for his wife's reticence about discussing the ice park fall.
He wondered, and hoped he would not.
He had hoped to have the day and night to himself, and now that would be unlikely.
Jackson had hoped to make plans with Elisabeth, but he couldn't very well ask her over and say, "Don't mind the steel shutters on all the windows."
He hoped he wouldn't blow it.
I hoped you would ask.
He saw the disappointment in her face, and wondered if she had hoped, as he had, that they would spend a lazy day learning all about each other's bodies.
Climbing the stairs, he hoped to find her in his bed.
I had hoped to be married by this point of my life.
He had been with her since the world began its plummet into chaos, and she hoped he remained at the other end of the network until the world righted itself.
Whatever was going on, he hoped he had time to prepare his own men to evacuate before worrying about her.
At least, he hoped she would.
He hoped there was some clue at her home.
Another small smile crossed her face, and she sat down. Gabe left her, knowing even if she did sleep, it wouldn't be long. Death may have ignored their presence in her domain for three days, but something had made her reach out to him now. He knew they'd have problems at some point and only hoped he could get Katie out of the underworld, before his own fate was sealed.
Testing his magic, he realized he could call forth a portal. He needed an ally, but it wasn't Kris. He had no intention of bringing Kris to meet Darkyn, not when he didn't know what Darkyn wanted. His thoughts went to Gabriel, the best friend he hoped he hadn't lost completely. Gabe wouldn't try to negotiate with Darkyn if things went bad.
The messenger held out a small thumb drive with what Kris hoped contained a report identifying the two shapeshifter demons. He left, and Kris plugged the thumb drive into his small PDA. A single file was on the drive, and he opened it.
Toby hunched his shoulders. He'd wandered far enough away from camp that he'd hoped to get some food before running from Ully, who was still sleeping.
Dean had hoped to make it as soon as possible so he could beat the worst of the late afternoon traffic when he returned from his chores in Philadelphia.
A Mr. Edwin Mayer hoped to be able to sneak him in at that time, or so squeaked his nasal-voiced secretary.
Cynthia Byrne held out her hand and said, with what Dean hoped was at least a hint of reluctance, I guess I won't be seeing you again.
Like everyone else, he'd hoped Parkside was out of the case and was disappointed to learn the FBI was expecting Parkside's continued assistance in the investigation.
Dean hoped it was simply from force of habit, not because he possessed information he wasn't sharing.
He hoped he wouldn't put Rita to sleep transcribing it when he was finished.
Dean hoped he could find the place again.
But their little sojourn to Scranton had not yielded once and for all what Dean had hoped for, a dead end to close off speculation on this business.
Dean still hoped to get some biking in during the remainder of his day off but the weather turned decidedly unpleasant as they pulled into Parkside.
Feeling like 20 kinds of pervert for doing it, he hoped to at least be spared undressing her further.
He still hoped she would awake in the morning thinking she had undressed herself and save them both the embarrassment that would otherwise follow.
Dean silently hoped the call wasn't some convoluted effort to restore their relationship, which to his mind was thankfully finished.
I kind of hoped she might be with you," and then he added, a tad self-consciously, "she's been gone all night."
He reluctantly pawed through the clutter on her bureau and the personal items in her bureau drawers, urged by Randy, who hoped the letter might have been left behind.
He hoped the darkened car would mask his face.
A dream I always hoped to share with my husband.
It made more sense that way, but secretly she had hoped he would change his mind.
Nobody wants him but me, Carmen — and I had hoped, you.
When you and Alex were having problems, I think he hoped you would split up.
For Carmen's sake, he hoped Lori would forget about the baby.
Darian hoped his excitement at the assignment didn't show.
He'd hoped they'd be manageable.
His dismissal felt permanent, and she hoped whatever business he had with her, it was now done.
He'd hoped she had and left her alone, after posting her favorite guard - -Hilden - -at her door.
Part of her hoped she might find a way to survive apart from the demon.
He had hoped there was more to Memon's reasoning, and realized bitterly there never could be with a man like this one!
I had hoped to meet her, but I am proud to meet her mate.
He knew one way of life, and that way had no place in the peaceful society she hoped to return to.
The others he hoped had died when the immortal world was destroyed months ago by the Grey God.
She'd hoped to see Toni drive Xander crazy.
She hoped they took her picture and left her alone.
A small part of her hoped he did or at least, he turned that nuzzling into a hot kiss.
Can we stop here, get back on schedule and just forget about the photo shoot? she asked in what she hoped was a level tone.
She hoped her cousin had the sense to go straight home.
She hadn't slept well and hoped Xander decided to go out this morning and leave the house to her to search.
She wasn't sure why she was bothering with the tug-of-war battle with him, except that she hoped she was able to hide what she sought and make it easier for her to get.
Part of her hoped he was too tired to do anything, that he took a nap instead and she was able to free the necklace.
He was about to find out whose side she was on; he only hoped it didn't piss him off.
They'd have to confront him at some point, especially if they hoped to use the necklace.
She had hoped it solved all her issues.
Her heartbeat seemed too loud in her ears, and she hoped he wasn't able to hear as well as Xander seemed to.
Her own fate was certainly sealed, and she hoped Xander had grabbed Ashley before she returned to the Black God.
At least, she hoped she did.
She hoped he understood this, if nothing else.
She wanted him safe and hoped he was angry enough to stay away or at least, he brought an army of people to kill the dozens of Others around her.
There was no telling what was going on around her, and she hoped once again that her stealth magic hid her from the Others.
Every Italian artist and man of letters in an age of singular intellectual brilliancy tasted or hoped to taste of his bounty.
He acted as regent till the new king reached Spain and hoped to be powerful under his rule.
He hoped to see further service, but the queen was opposed to this, and he was removed from the navy, and given the honorary post of colonel-general of hussars.
Pericles may now have hoped to resume his aggressive policy in Greece Proper, but the events of the following years completely disillusioned him.
The rebels had hoped for assistance from Urquiza, but the powerful governor of Entre Rios maintained the peace in his province, which under his firm and beneficent rule had greatly prospered, and the revolutionary movement was quickly subdued.
It was with the Swiss that he hoped to effect this revolution; but the Swiss, now interfering for the first time as principals in Italian affairs, were incapable of more than adding to the already maddening distractions of the people.
In the reign of this pope Francis was released from his prison in Madrid (1526), and Clement hoped that he might still be used in the Italian interest as a counterpoise to Charles.
He hoped to secure this duchy for his son, Don Carlos; and Elisabetta further brought with her a claim to the grand-duchy of Tuscany, which would soon become vacant by the death of Gian Gaston.e de Medici.
Everything turned out as Cavour had hoped.
Roustan therefore hastened to extort from the bey concessions calculated to neutralize the advantages which Italy had hoped to secure by the possession of the Tunis- Goletta line, and at the same time the French government prepared at Toulon an expeditionary corps for the occupation of the Regency.
Marching rapidly, however, Albertone outdistanced the other columns, but, in consequence of allowing his men an hours rest, arrived upon the scene of action when the Abyssinians, whom it had been hoped to surprise at dawn, were ready to receive the attack.
From other points of view they may perhaps appear open to blame; but it is hoped they will throw light upon our present study.
But Butler - for reasons satisfactory to himself, and eminently characteristic of the man; he hoped to conciliate his age!
He appealed to the pope, and hoped to crush his enemies by the aid of foreign troops, while the barons prepared for war, and the prelates strove to keep the peace.
But Decius, who had succeeded in surrounding them and hoped to cut off their retreat, refused to entertain their proposals.
The sovereigns, too, saw the stream of money, which they had hoped for, diverted to the coffers of the Holy Office, and in 1493 they made complaint to the pope; but Torquemada was powerful enough to secure most of the money for the expenses of the Inquisition.
This was justly regarded by him as an important service to his country and one of the triumphs of his career, and he hoped to obtain further successes with the assistance of Germany, but the cordial relations between the cabinets of St Petersburg and Berlin did not subsist much longer.
Gorchakov hoped to utilize the complications in such a way as to recover, without war, the portion of Bessarabia ceded by the treaty of Paris, but he soon lost control of events, and the Slavophil agitation produced the Russo-Turkish campaign of 1877-7 8.
The two countries were thus once more united and better able to resist aggression, but some of the great nobles were discontented and Basil hoped with their assistance to attain his ends.
Some of them wished to gain him as an ally against their rivals, whilst others hoped to obtain from him commercial privileges and permission to trade directly with Persia.
He sought to establish a via media between the doctrines of Luther and Zwingli, and vainly hoped to obtain for it Luther's acceptance.
The National Verein, its work being done, was now dissolved; but Bennigsen was chiefly instrumental in founding a new political party - the National Liberals, - who, while they supported Bismarck's national policy, hoped to secure the constitutional development of the country.
Though in his ten years of preaching a large number of converts were made, it has to be said that the results were not such as had been hoped for, and after it all, and after the crusade, the population still remained at heart Albigensian.
This was so even in Palestine - the land which the Jews hoped to possess - and in Jerusalem itself, the holy city, in which the Temple stood.
Much was hoped from the duma, but this body has proved bitterly opposed to the Jewish claim for liberty.
Turkey has always on the whole tolerated the Jews, and much is hoped from the new regime.
The tortuous negotiations which preceded the struggle need not be discussed here, but in defence of Aberdeen it may be said that he hoped and strove for peace to the last.
For this plan he hoped to gain the assistance of Sparta.
In the Spartan general Lysander he found a man who was willing to help him, as Lysander himself hoped to become absolute ruler of Greece by the aid of the Persian prince.
One of the functions of this official was to subsidize political pamphleteers, and Mirabeau had hoped to be so employed, but he ruined his chances by a series of writings on financial questions.
His acquaintance with Mirabeau, begun in 1788, ripened during the following year into a friendship, which La 11/Iarck hoped to turn to the advantage of the court.
A powerful but not disinterested ally was found in the king's uncle, Agesilaus, who hoped to rid himself of his debts without losing his vast estates.
Louis, who had hoped that Aquitaine would descend to his daughters, was mortified and alarmed by the Angevin marriage; all the more so when Henry of Anjou succeeded to the English crown in 1154.
This younger Germanus did nothing in after life to realize these anticipations; but the somewhat pointed way in which his name and his mother's name are mentioned by Jordanes lends some probability to the view that he hoped for the child's succession to the Eastern Empire, and the final reconciliation of the Goths and Romans in the person of a Gotho-Roman emperor.
The League naturally sympathized with Poland, not only because Poland was the enemy of the knights, but also because under Poland it hoped to enjoy the practical liberty which Polish anarchy already seemed to offer.
Edward hoped still to conciliate the nobles and gain Scotland by a policy of clemency to all who did not dispute his authority.
Beton was arrested and the regency fell to the heir presumptive James, earl of Arran, whose inclinations were towards England and the Protestant party, and who hoped to secure the hand of the infant princess for his own son.
A time of furlough in Corsica from September 1786 to September 1787 served to strengthen his affection for his mother, and for the island which he still hoped to free from the French yoke.
His oracular reserve, personal honesty and consistency of aim had gained him the suffrages of all who hoped to save France from the harpies of the Directory and the violent rhetoricians of the now reconstituted Jacobin Club.
By the mighty blow of Friedland and the astonishing diplomatic triumph of Tilsit, the conqueror hoped speedily to overwhelm the islanders beneath the mass of the world's opposition.
As his chances of success became more and more desperate, he ventured on a step whereby he hoped to work potently on the pacific desires of the emperor Francis.
On the 29th of June the near approach of the Prussians (who had orders to seize him, dead or alive), caused him to retire westwards towards Rochefort, whence he hoped to reach the United States.
He now hoped to accomplish what his grandfather, fifty years before, had vainly attempted - the destruction of the Danish-Norwegian monarchy by capturing its capital.
In this he hoped to get help from Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of London, and so "with the good will of his master" he left Gloucester in the summer of 1523.
Greater stability of crops in proportion to area cultivated is hoped for.
On the eighth ballot he received 1331 votes, on the ninth 3742 votes, and on the tenth he secured the nomination with 6922 votes, the result being due largely to the support of certain influential U.S. Senators, delegates to the convention, who hoped that as president he would be amenable to the Senate.
He hoped, by presenting facts as they were, to win the adhesion of all parties.
Regarding all substances as being composed of one primitive matter - the prima materia, and as owing their specific differences to the presence of different qualities imposed upon it, the alchemist hoped, by taking away these qualities, to obtain the prima materia itself, and then to get from it the particular substance he desired by the addition of the appropriate qualities.
For the greater part of this time the archbishop resided at the Burgundian monastery of Pontigny, constantly engaged in negotiations with Alexander, whose hand he desired to force, and with Henry, from whom he hoped to extract an unconditional submission.
The peribolos, a large artificial platform supported by a retaining wall of squared Peiraic blocks with buttresses, was excavated in 1898 without important results; it is to be hoped that the stability of the columns has not been affected by the operations.
The new conditions in Palestine should be very favourable to archaeological work there, and it is to be hoped that in Syria the French will give every facility for international work.
When Frederick renewed the war she accepted the struggle cheerfully, because she hoped to recover her own.
Alexander hoped that Louis's help would be more profitable to his house than that of Charles had been and, in spite of the remonstrances of Spain and of the Sforza, he allied himself with France in January 1499 and was joined by Venice.
It was not from poverty and apocalypticism that they hoped for a reformation of the Church.
It was hoped at the time that that place would become the centre from which the civilization of Africa would proceed; but this expectation was not fulfilled.
John was sent out by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and hoped to labour as a missionary among the Indians, but though he had many interesting conversations with them the mission was found to be impracticable.
He hoped by these means to give a certain stability to his projected institution, and to avoid the superficiality of mere enthusiasm.
The pope urged the king of Hungary to take advantage of this favourable opportunity by breaking the truce solemnly agreed upon, and nineteen days after it had been concluded a coalition was formed against the Turks; a large army headed by Ladislaus I., king of Hungary, Hunyadi, voivode of Walachia, and Cardinal Cesarini crossed the Danube and reached Varna, where they hoped to be joined by the Greek emperor.
Nelson's destruction of the French fleet at the battle of the Nile disconcerted Bonaparte's plans; he hoped to pursue his designs through Syria, and laid siege to Acre, which, however, successfully held out.
Nicholas even hoped for the active sympathy of Britain.
Lord Aberdeen still hoped to secure peace, and the Russian government was informed that no casus belli would arise so long as Russia abstained from passing the Danube or attacking a Black Sea port.
It was also hoped that the Bavarians with their army of 25,000 men would join the allies.
He hoped that if the British ships in the North Sea concentrated with the squadron in the Channel, he would be able to make use of Dutch vessels from the Texel.
As his health improved it was hoped that he would be able to adopt the family profession of civil engineering, and in 1868 he went to Anstruther and then to Wick as a pupil engineer.
The river was high, and Wellington hoped that want of supplies would compel Marmont to retire, but in this he was disappointed.
But Marmont's manoeuvring and marching power had been underestimated, and on the 21st of July while Wellington's position covered Salamanca, and but indirectly his line of communications through Ciudad Rodrigo, Marmont had reached a point from which he hoped to interpose between Wellington and Portugal, on the Ciudad Rodrigo road.
The crusaders hoped to be joined in Bohemia by King Sigismund, but that prince was detained in Hungary.
He hoped, by organizing a fraternity of armed laymen as pioneers, to restore fertility to the Sahara; but this community did not succeed, and was dissolved before his death.
In the name of the king, who now appointed him lord-lieutenant and captain-general of Scotland, he summoned a parliament to meet at Glasgow on the 10th of October, in which he no doubt hoped to reconcile loyal obedience to the king with the establishment of a non-political Presbyterian clergy.
The annexation of the Transvaal to Great Britain, effected by Sir Theophilus Shepstone in April 1877, would, it was hoped, put a period to the disorders in that country.
In this engagement the advanced body of British troops, 3000 strong, under Symons, held a camp called Craigside which lay between Glencoe and Dundee, and from this position General Symons hoped to be able to hold the northern portion of Natal.
By these distinctions Abelard hoped to escape the consequences of extreme Nominalism, from which, as a matter of history, his doctrine has been distinguished under the name of Conceptualism, seeing that it lays stress not on the word as such but on the thought which the word is intended to convey.
He at once became very popular with the students, but his political opinions made it impossible for the Saxon government to appoint him to a professorship. He was at that time a strong Liberal; he hoped to see Germany united into a single state with a parliamentary government, and that all the smaller states would be swept away.
Croats, Vlachs, Serbs and Slovaks resented Magyar domination - a domination which had been carefully secured under the revolutionary constitution by a very narrow franchise, and out of the general chaos each race hoped to create for itself a separate national existence.
The emperor and his ministers hoped that, having conceded the demands of the Magyars, they would receive the help of the Hungarian government in crushing the revolution elsewhere, a hope that seemed to be justified by the readiness with which Batthyany consented to send a contingent to the assistance of the imperialists in Italy.
It was hoped that, in the circumstances, Dr Lukacs, a financier of experience, might be able to come to terms with Mr de Justh, on the basis of dropping the bank question for the time, or, failing that, to patch together out of the rival parties some sort of a working majority.
The Parisian jewellers Boehmer and Bassenge had spent some years collecting stones for a necklace which they hoped to sell to Madame Du Barry, the favourite of Louis XV., and after his death to Marie Antoinette.
It was a fertile soil for Gaj's agitation, and in 1848 the Croatian nation found in Baron Jelacic a military leader who voiced the Illyrian idea and hoped to realize it in union with the Habsburg Dynasty and the other subject nationalities of Hungary.
His stay was only once interrupted, when, in 1909, he hastened to Salonika, and with Mahmud Shevket under - took a brief and victorious campaign against the reactionaries, who hoped to regain unfettered power under 'Abdul Hamid.
With a curious respect for those theories his familiarity with the secret social history of France had caused him to entertain, he hoped and attempted to retain a hold over the king through the influence of Lady Yarmouth, though the futility of such means had already been demonstrated to him by his relations with Queen Caroline's "ma bonne Howard."
He was not a sceptic, if by "sceptic" is meant the misologist whose despair of knowledge is the consequence of disappointed endeavour, for he had never hoped.
The building would be much improved by isolation, which it is hoped may be effected.
From both fields they hoped to expel the evils which were summed up in the word barbarism.
Lles Area topmost ridges, which, it was hoped, would be reached by daylight - a somewhat sanguine anticipation, as it turned out.
The attempt to secure Sari Bair thus failed, and the carefully devised scheme by which the invaders had hoped to establish themselves in a dominating position in the Anzac region at.
A footing had no doubt been gained at Suvla, giving the Allies control of a fairly well-sheltered inlet on the outer coast of the peninsula; but as the high ground within easy artillery range of the landing-places, and which overlooked the whole occupied area, remained in the hands of the Turks, much of the benefit hoped for from the acquisition was in reality neutralized.
Yet that he was in the habit of receiving gifts from all and sundry who hoped for his backing is beyond dispute.
At first Cambon hoped to find in Bonaparte the saviour of the republic, but, deceived by the 18th Brumaire, he lived throughout the whole of the empire in peaceful seclusion.
The Bretons hoped that their young prince would uphold their independence, which was threatened by the English.
Peter, then a youth of seventeen, married her on the 27th of January 1689 at the command of his mother, who hoped to wean him from the wicked ways of the German suburb of Moscow by wedding him betimes to a lady who was as pious as she was beautiful.
Filangieri was a very distinguished soldier, and a man of great ability; although he changed sides several times he became really attached to the Bourbon dynasty, which he hoped to save by freeing it from its reactionary tendencies and infusing a new spirit into it.
Burckhardt had hoped in 1815 that the advance of the Egyptian expedition would have given him the opportunity to see something of Nejd, but he had already left Arabia before the overthrow of the Wahhabi power by Ibrahim Pasha had opened Nejd to travellers from Hejaz, and though several European officers accompanied the expedition, none of them left any record of his experience.
The Democrats had despaired of electing a candidate of their own, and hoped to achieve success by adopting the Cincinnati nominee, should he prove to be an eligible person.
Presi- the beginning of 1868, hoped to make him their can 1868y' didate in the election of that year; but the effect of the controversy with President Johnson was to bring Grant forward as the candidate of the Republican party.
The government now hoped that Alexander would be appeased and Florence allowed to breathe freely.
He announced a course of lectures (1826), which it was hoped would bring money as well as fame, and which were to be the first dogmatic exposition of the Positive Philosophy.
In 1533 his father married him to Catherine de' Medici, from which match, as he said, Francis hoped to gain great advantage, even though it might be somewhat of a misalliance.
In the preface to the last part of his Ethics (1893) Spencer regrets that "the Doctrine of Evolution has not furnished guidance to the extent he had hoped," but his contributions to ethics are not unlikely to be the most permanently valuable part of his philosophy.
The speech is unfortunately lost, but Gibbon, who heard it, told his friend Holroyd (afterwards Earl of Sheffield) that Fox, "taking the vast compass of the question before us, discovered powers for regular debate which neither his friends hoped nor his enemies dreaded."
During his first expedition (622) he failed to secure a footing in Armenia, whence he had hoped to take the Persians in flank, but by his unwearied energy he restored the discipline and efficiency of the army.
While the Liberals hoped the emperor would use his power for some signal declaration of policy, the adherents of Bismarck did not scruple to make bitter attacks on the empress.
Wilkinson's ventures were not as lucrative as he hoped for, and in October 1791 he was given a lieut.-colonel's commission in the regular army, possibly, as a contemporary suggested, to keep him out of mischief.
On the 28th of October he landed at Calais, and advanced to Reims, where he hoped to be crowned king of France.
This effected, it was hoped that the remainder of the French army could isolate and destroy Cadogan's detachment, which was already closely engaged with the French centre.
The only fragments of Greek manuscripts antedating the Christian era that have been preserved to us have been found in Egypt, where a hospitable climate granted them a term of existence not to be hoped for elsewhere.
As a result the progress made was less than had been hoped; only the 74th Div.
It was hoped that the assembly of the attacking troops in the restricted zone opposite the crossing point, the rapid bridging of the dry canal, and the pushing forward of guns to cover the farther advance, and of reinforcements, ammunition and supplies to support it, could all be carried out with the necessary speed and security, although the difficulties to be faced were very great and the possible causes of contretemps numerous.
When Philip attacked Perinthus and Byzantium (340), Artaxerxes sent them support, by which they were enabled to withstand the Macedonians; Philip's antagonists in Greece, Demosthenes and his party, hoped to get subsidies from the king, but were disappointed.
On the death of Agis II., Lysander secured the succession of Agesilaus (q.v.), whom he hoped to find amenable to his influence.
Yet at first it appears that he still hoped to retain his office.
Adalgis, the son of Desiderius, who was residing at Constantinople, hoped the emperor Leo IV.
For the sake of uniformity it is to be hoped that the system of nomenclature recommended by the International Geographical Congress will ultimately be adopted.
There seems no reason to doubt that Lentulus was mainly inspired by selfish motives, and hoped to find in civil war an opportunity for his own aggrandizement.
He hoped to seize Cadiz, but it was held by a loyal officer, and for a time no popular movement took place.
The healing of the schism proved no very difficult matter; but the council hoped not only to restore unity and suppress heresy, but to re-establish general councils as a regular element in the legislation of the Church.
While the evangelical party still hoped that some form of religion might be agreed upon which would prevent the disruption of the Church, the conservatives were confident that the heretics would soon be suppressed, as they had so often been in the past.
Representatives of all the new creeds hastened from the Continent to England, where they hoped to find a safe and fertile field for the particular seed they had to plant.
A quarrel with the papacy turned, or helped to turn, his thoughts in the direction of Church reform, but he hoped this would come from within rather than from without, and with the aid of his friend John Gropper (1503-1559), began, about 1536, to institute certain reforms in his own diocese.
He still, to use his own words, hung his new exposition on to "the old doctrines, however much they at times pained me, rather than on to the purer and clearer"; for he hoped that the reformation of the Church would proceed quietly and from within.
On the 10th of June 1746 he left Holland and settled in Leipzig, where he hoped to get medical practice.
He sat in the Erfurt parliament of 1850, and was attached to the Gotha party, which hoped for the regeneration of Germany through the ascendancy of Prussia.
Much had been hoped for from Arabia by Turko-German leaders, both as giving opportunities for offensive operations against the British line of communications passing along the Red Sea, and as the seat of a great spiritual influence in Islam to be exerted against the Allied Powers.
He hoped for assistance from the friendly Nabataeans; but, as they owed everything to their position as middlemen for the South-Arabian trade, which a direct communication between Rome and the Sabaeans would have ruined, their viceroy Syllaeus, who did not dare openly to refuse help, sought to frustrate the emperor's scheme by craft.
At the outbreak of the war he favoured allowing the Southern states to secede, provided a majority of their people at a fair election should so decide, declaring "that he hoped never to live in a Republic whereof one section was pinned to the other by bayonets."
He determined that Cuba should not be taken over by the United States, as all Europe expected it would be, and an influential section of his own party hoped it would be, but should be given every opportunity to govern itself as an independent republic; by assuming supervision of the finances of San Domingo, he put an end to controversies in that unstable republic, which threatened to disturb the peace of Europe; and he personally inspired the body of administrative officials in the Philippines, in Porto Rico and (during American occupancy) in Cuba, who for efficiency and unselfish devotion to duty compare favourably with any similar body in the world.
Politically the organization of the state on the fundamental principle of national autonomy was to follow; he hoped to get round the nationalist obstacles in Bohemia by a rearrangement of districts with local delimitation according to nationality.
The duchess of Kent and her brothers, King Leopold and the duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, had always hoped to arrange that the queen should marry her cousin, Albert of Saxe-CoburgGotha, and the prince himself had been made acquainted with this plan from his earliest years.
The emperor, however, was not dead, but a prisoner; and as he was not only the nephew, but also the son-in-law of Louis, that monarch hoped to secure both the imperial dignity and the Italian kingdom for his son Carloman.
The failure of Nicholas was in good part due to mistaken measures of what he hoped would be conciliation.
Some there were who hoped that so great an opportunity would not be lost, but that the statesmen would initiate such measures of international disarmament as would perpetuate the blessings of that peace which Europe was again enjoying after twenty years of warfare.
He hoped to gain Prussia also to his side, and by uniting the German powers to force Alexander to retire from the position he had so uncompromisingly laid down.
Having treated with, and received lavish promises from, both parties, he appears to have hoped for the dignity for himself; but when the election came he turned to the winning side and voted for Charles.
In a very lengthy speech, which had to be interrupted for half an hour while he recovered his voice, he ended by describing it as a "war budget" against poverty, which he hoped, in the result, would become "as remote to the people of this country as the wolves which once infested its forests."
Subsequently crossing over to France, he appears to have lived mainly on his lands in Normandy until 1324, when he was invited to England by King Edward II., who hoped to bring him forward as a candidate for the Scottish crown.
Gertz hoped, however, to conclude peace with at least some of Sweden's numerous enemies before the crash came and then, by means of fresh combinations, to restore Sweden to her rank as a great power.
To the latter Hugh Blair seems to refer when, in his work on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres (1783), he acknowledges his obligations to a manuscript treatise on rhetoric by Smith, part of which its author had shown to him many years before, and which he hoped that Smith would give to the public. Smith had promised at the end of his Theory of Moral Sentiments a treatise on jurisprudence from the historical point of view.
If we can be sure - and the linguistic evidence admits of no doubt - that the Chorotega had their centre in Nicaragua and thence extended north-westwards, it may be hoped that Chorotegan remains will be found in the vast territory occupied for many centuries by the Maya peoples in the Pacific part of Guatemala.
Payments of arrears, now amounting to upwards of 4000 florins, was not, however, in the desperate condition of the imperial finances, to be hoped for; and he was glad, while retaining his position as court astronomer, to accept (in 1612) the office of mathematician to the states of Upper Austria.
Tin ores have been widely discovered, but though much has been hoped for from them, particularly from the deposits in the Black Hills region of South Dakota, there has been no more than a relatively insignificant commercial production.
Canning and Wellington' were anxious to preserve the integrity of Turkey, and therefore to prevent any isolated intervention of Russia; and Wellington seemed to Canning the most suitable instrument for the purpose of securing an arrangement between Great Britain and Russia on the Greek question, through which it was hoped to assure peace in the East.
It was now hoped by the so-called Protestant party that Wellington, at the head of a more united cabinet, would offer a steady resistance to Catholic emancipation.
No doubt he was waiting for an opportunity of recovering the portion of Bessarabia which had been ceded by the treaty of Paris, and he perceived in the disturbed state of Eastern Europe a possibility of obtaining the desired rectification of frontier, but he hoped to effect his purpose by diplomatic means in conjunction with Austria.
The Polish Protestants hoped that he would take this course and thus bring about a breach with Rome at the very crisis of the confessional struggle in Poland, while the Habsburgs, who coveted the Polish throne, raised every obstacle to the childless king's remarriage.
After years of war, the peace-seeking statesman hoped to banish armed conflict from national policy.
It is to be hoped that this special view of the meaning of the clause will be met in the future, as in some recent treaties, by specifically dealing with the exceptions.2 The Utility of Popular Effort.
He might have hoped that his share in convening the synod would give him a certain right to regulate its proceedings, and that, by the aid of his numerous Italian prelates, he would be able to influence it more or less according to his views.
By heading off reactionary Austria Napoleon hoped to conciliate the French Liberals; by helping the pope, to satisfy the Catholics; by concessions to be wrung both from Pius and from the Roman triumvirs, to achieve a bloodless victory.
The Arab tribes in Mesopotamia were Christian, and Heraclius at Edessa hoped for their support; but Karkisiya and Hit succumbed (636), and then Tekrit; and Heraclius retired to Samosata.
He hoped not only to regain the French possessions but to establish members of his own family as sovereigns in Italy and the Empire.
Grotius hoped that his fame would soften the hostility of his foes, and that his country would recall him to her service.
During that period he obtained once more the control of the foreign policy of Denmark as well as of the Sound tolls, and towards the end of it he hoped to increase his power still further with the assistance of his sons-in-law, Korfits Ulfeld and Hannibal Sehested, who now came prominently forward.
The individual hoped that he would live to share the nation's good, and thus the two streams of Old Testament eschatology at last flow together.
One of Morrison's contemporaries hoped that after a century of mission work there might possibly be 2000 Christians in China.
After resigning his Breslau appointment in 1765, he hoped for a time to obtain a congenial appointment in Dresden, but nothing came of this and he was again compelled, much against his will, to return to Berlin.
The scheme promised well, and, as he associated himself with Johann Joachim Christoph Bode (1730-1793), a literary man whom he respected, in starting a printing establishment, he hoped that he might at last look forward to a peaceful and prosperous career.
In the shifting of offices which took place at the beginning of the new reigns, Alaric apparently hoped that he would receive one of the great war ministries of the empire, and thus instead of being a mere commander of irregulars would have under his orders a large part of the imperial legions.
It was hoped that the inhabitants would welcome the prince and that a display of armed force would speedily restore order.
Three hundred and twenty delegates met and drew up an Act of Federation and a programme of The conditions were far less favourable to Belgium of g than had been hoped, and it was not without much heart-burning and considerable opposition, that the senate and chamber of deputies gave their assent to them.
In 1795 he was at Hamburg with Dumouriez, who still hoped to make him king.
No doubt he hoped to achieve his end, when he commanded the great army which invaded France in 1373.
Also, while he may have hoped at this time to be able to add much (though he never did) to the sketch of his doctrine of Man contained in the unpublished " little treatise," he might extend, but could hardly otherwise modify, the sketch he had there given of his carefully articulated theory of Body Politic. Possibly, indeed, before that sketch was written early in 1640, he may, under pressure of the political excitement, have advanced no small way in the actual composition of the treatise De Cive, the third section of his projected system.
In 305, on the abdication of Diocletian and Maximianus, he at once assumed the title of Augustus, with Constantius his former colleague, and having procured the promotion to the rank of Caesar of Flavius Valerius Severus, a faithful servant, and Daia (Maximinus), his nephew, he hoped on the death of Constantius to become sole master of the Roman world.
Some of his friends hoped that the Government might be induced to increase his pension to six hundred pounds a year, but this hope was disappointed, and he resolved to stand one English winter more.
Both had won greater national fame than had Lincoln, and, before the convention met, each hoped to be nominated for president.
But this bill, which Lincoln had hoped would introduce a system of" compensated emancipation,"was not approved by the legislature of Delaware, which considered it in February 1862.
Sickingen, who has been compared to Wallenstein, and who doubtless hoped to secure a great position for himself, had already collected a large army, which by its very presence had contributed somewhat to the election of Charles at Frankfort in 1519.
He had also earned renown by carrying on feuds with the citizens of Worms and of Metz, and now, with a view to realizing his larger ambitions, he opened the campaign (August 1522) by attacking the elector of Trier, who, as a spiritual prince, would not, it was hoped, receive any help from the religious reformers.
Conditionally the Union promised assistance to Frederick, but he wasted several months and vaguely hoped that the English king would help him out of his embarrassments.
The vexed and difficult question of the ownership of the ecclesiastical lands was settled by fixing November 1627 as the deciding date; those who were in possession then were to retain them for forty years, during which time it was hoped a satisfactory arrangement would be reached.
These acquisitions, which surpassed the advantages Gustavus Adolphus had hoped to win, gave Sweden the command both of the Baltic and of the North Sea.
The popular movement, from which great things had been hoped, had on some occasions almost touched its goal; and, as might have been expected, a reaction set in, which the princes knew how to turn to the fullest advantage.
He hoped in this way to save his duchy, the last remnant of the domiriions of his house, from being annexed by Prussia.
Bismarck probably expected, and it is often said that he hoped, to drive the Socialists into some flagrant violation of the law, of such a kind that it would be possible for him completely to crush them.
They took the name of the Liberale Vereinigung, but were generally known as the Sezessionisten; they hoped to become the nucleus of a united Liberal party in which all sections should join together on the principles of Free Trade and constitutional development.
Bisrnarck hoped, indeed, putting all questions of principle aside, to establish a modus vivendi; but even this was difficult to attain.
Thus a nucleus and precedent has been formed similar to that by which the Zoilverein was begun, and it was hoped that it might be possible to arrange similar agreements with other states, so that in this way a common management for all lines might be established.
If the base is short, definite results can hardly be hoped for unless the height is very moderate.
The result of the war was a further aggrandizement of the house of Austria; Succes- but not to the extent that had been hoped.
The imperial government, which still hoped for Magyar aid against the Viennese revolutionists, repudiated the action of the ban, accused him of disobedience and treason, and deprived him of his military rank.
Not only did the party include all the Czechs, but they were supported by many of the great nobles who were of German descent, including Count Leo Thun, his brother-in-law Count Heinrich Clam-Martinitz, and Prince Friedrich von Schwarzenberg, cardinal archbishop of Prague, who hoped in a self-governing kingdom of Bohemia to preserve that power which was threatened by the German Liberals.
They hoped by a common parliament to create the German feeling of a common Austrian nationality, by German constituschools to spread the use of the German language.
Among them were nearly all the representatives of trade and industry, of commercial enterprise and financial speculation; they were the men who hoped to make Austria a great industrial state, and at this time they were much occupied with railway enterprise.
Convinced free-traders, they hoped by private energy to build up the fortunes of the country, parliamentary government - which meant for them the rule of the educated and well-to-do middle class - being one of the means to this end.
They were also supported by the teaching profession, which desired emancipation from ecclesiastical control, and hoped that German schools and German railways were to complete the work which Joseph II.
Any interference with the use of German would be a serious blow to the cause of those who hoped to Germanize the whole empire.
The Germans had always hoped that the people as they became educated would cease to use their own particular language.
He hoped to be able to work in harmony with the moderate elements of the Left; his mission was to carry through the composition (Ausgleich) with Hungary; to this everything else must be subordinated.
During the early months of 1900 matters were more peaceful, and Korber hoped to be able to arrange a compromise; but the Czechs now demanded the restoration of their language in the internal service of Bohemia, and on 8th June, by noise and disturbance, obliged the president to suspend the sitting.
It was thus left to Athens to expend men and money on protecting a democracy by the aid of which she had hoped practically to control the Peloponnesus.
Steps have been taken to stimulate the native industry, and it is hoped that cotton may take the place in Northern Nigeria which palm oil and kernels occupy in the coast zone.
It was hoped that so soon as the scheme could be effectively put into operation the taxes on trade in transit could be largely if not completely abolished, and the traders and merchants - the wealthiest class of the community - would be assessed in their city domiciles.
New Egyptian shades off almost imperceptibly into demotic, and it may be hoped that gaps which now exist in the development will be filled by further discovery.
It is to be hoped that definite light may one day be forthcoming on the whole of this critical episode which had such a profound effect on the character and history of the Egyptian people.
As this was in origin identical with that professed by the Carmathians, he hoped to gain the submission of their leader by argument; but this plan was unsuccessful, and there was a fresh invasion from that quarter in the year after his arrival, and the caliph found himself besieged in his capital.
The former hoped that the garrisons of the Sudan could be extricated without fighting.
Whether Nansen, intoxicated by wine and the royal favour, consented on this occasion to sacrifice the privileges of his order and his city, it is impossible to say; but it is significant that, from henceforth, we hear no more of the Recess which the more liberal of the leaders of the lower orders had hoped for when they released Frederick III.
It is clear that the majority of the Norwegian people hoped that the revolution would give them an administration independent of the Danish government; but these expectations were not realised.
Meanwhile, however, the personal relations of Alexander and Napoleon were of the most cordial character; and it was hoped that a fresh meeting might adjust all differences between them.
He used it, in the first instance, to remove " the geographical enemy " from the gates of St Petersburg by wresting Finland from the Swedes (1809); and he hoped by means of it to make the Danube the southern frontier of Russia.
The politicians hoped that Elizabeth might convert Mary to her own invisible shade of Protestantism if the sister sovereigns could but meet, and for two years the promise of a meeting was held up before Mary.
He was anti-papal by conviction, yet hoped for help from Rome, and was so far implicated in the adventures of his Catholic subjects that, in the interest of his own character, he had to advance against them and drive them into exile.
He retired in disgrace, but hoped to serve the royalist cause by securing his election to the Council of Five Hundred in May 1797.
Thus he had to condemn the Association for the Promotion of the Unity of Christendom, with which he had shown some sympathy in its inception in 1857; and to forbid Catholic parents to send their sons to Oxford or Cambridge, though at an earlier date he had hoped (with Newman) that at Oxford at least a college or hall might be assigned to them.
Pilate fulfilled his pledge by giving them the man of their choice, and Jesus, whom he had vainly hoped to release on a satisfactory pretext, he now condemned to the shameful punishments of scourging and crucifixion; for the cross, as Jesus had foreseen, was the inevitable fate of a Jewish pretender to sovereignty.
In his disgust at the crude conceptions of the enthusiasts, who had hoped that the war of liberation might end in a realm of internal liberty, Hegel had forgotten his own youthful vows recorded in verse to HBlderlin, " never, never to live in peace with the ordinance which regulates feeling and opinion."
He hoped, on his return to Frankfort, to obtain an official position in the government of the free city, but his personal influence with the authorities was not sufficiently strong.
Goethe, the cosmopolitan Weltbierger of the 18th century, had himself no very intense feelings of patriotism, and, having seen Germany flourish as a group of small states under enlightened despotisms, he had little confidence in the dreamers of 1813 who hoped to see the glories of Barbarossa's empire revived.
Fox replied with some warmth, and Wolsey had to wait until Fox's death before he could add Winchester to his archbishopric of York and his abbey of St Albans, and thus leave Durham vacant as he hoped for the illegitimate son on whom (aged 18) he had already conferred a deanery, four archdeaconries, five prebends and a chancellorship.
It was resolved that the Word of God should be preached without disturbance, that indemnity should be given for past offences against the edict of Worms, and that meanwhile each state should live religiously as it hoped to answer for its conduct to God and the emperor.
The school had languished since the death of its founder and first head, Martin Planta (1727-1772), and von Salis hoped to revive it by reconstituting it as a "Philanthropin" under Bahrdt's management.
Although a sturdy Lutheran the elector hoped at one time to unite the Protestants, on whom he continually urged the necessity of giving no cause of offence to their opponents, and he favoured the movement to get rid of the clause in the peace of Augsburg concerning ecclesiastical reservation, which was offensive to many Protestants.
It was hoped that the cavalry would plunge into the morass.
He hoped that the university might be a dominant influence in national culture, but circumstances crippled it.
Africa, and he so impressed Lord Milner by his qualities that the High Commissioner hoped to secure him as his successor.
Their objective was not so much India as Japan (Cipangu), of which they only knew vaguely as a land of spices and silks, British and which they hoped to reach by sailing westward.
It is to be hoped that steps will shortly be taken to arrange articles of costume now displayed at the Indian Section, Victoria and Albert Museum, in some systematic order so as to assist students in arriving at a scientific knowledge of the subject.