Honeywell Sentence Examples
Honeywell's magnetoresistive sensors are utilized to provide the reliability and accuracy of these small, solid state compass designs.
Honeywell 's magnetoresistive sensors are utilized to provide the reliability and accuracy of these small, solid state compass designs.
Honeywell space heaters come in a variety of styles to fit into the needs of any room you choose.
Honeywell manufactures a wide range of products for the home.
Honeywell remains one of the most trusted and well-known names on the market.
Honeywell space heaters are a popular choice due to their safety features and range of models available.
Most Honeywell heaters come with a limited three year warranty.
Certain models like the Austin Air Healthmate and the Honeywell Enviracaire receive good reviews on a regular basis.
Honeywell space heaters can be found online at a variety of sites such as The Honeywell Store as well as at stores such as Walmart or Target.