Honeybees Sentence Examples
Beeswax is a type of natural wax produced in the bee hive of honeybees.
There were no indigenous honeybees in any part of the New World - the Americas and Australasia.
Researchers in Australia reported that both honeybees and crab spiders are frequently found on Japanese jasmine.
This time of day ensures honeybees are not active and minimizes potential foliage damage that can occur when used in very warm weather.
However, the so-called "killer bees," or Africanized honeybees, are far more aggressive and may sting in swarms.
Wild honeybees live in honeycombs or colonies in cavities of buildings or in hollow trees.
Africanized honeybees may nest in old tires or holes in the ground, in house frames, or between fence posts.
For children who have a known allergy to the venom of honeybees, parents need to use caution (and consult with a physician) before using any honeybee products.
All bees are part of this group, including the typical bumblebee, honeybees and the "Africanized" bee, also known as the killer bee.
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AdvertisementThe Governmentâs own survey, published in 2001 showed that honeybees contribute at least £ 120 million to the agricultural economy of the country.
European settlers introduced European honeybees to New England in about 1638.
Species common to the United States include fire ants, honeybees, bumblebees, yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets, brown hornets, and paper wasps.
Honeybees have a fuzzy, rounded body with dark brown coloring and yellow markings.
Honeybees are usually not aggressive and will only sting if provoked.