Honey Sentence Examples
She tasted like honey, and he reveled in the warmth of her body, her hot mouth.
I wouldn't trust him either, honey bunch.
If he's some married guy shacking up with his honey, we don't care.
She handed Bordeaux a plate full of flapjacks she had been keeping warm by the fire and poured some honey over the top.
His honey gaze was still.
She lifted the pouch of honey and poured some of it on each of their flapjacks.
Honey, Do you want some coffee?
They also collect honey in large quantities.
That's what I am, honey bunch.
Jealousy doesn't become you, honey.
AdvertisementAmong its natural productions are lemons, citrons, olives, wine and honey; it also exports a considerable quantity of valonia.
They lived principally upon fish, venison and honey.
All that do not happen to attach themselves to a bee of the genus Anthophora perish, but those that succeed in reaching the right host are carried to the nest, and as the bee lays an egg in the cell the triungulin slips off her body on to the egg, which floats on the surface of the honey.
He remembered that he had seen many bees flying among these flowers and gathering honey from them.
Formerly only bees laden with honey flew into the hive, and they flew out empty; now they fly out laden.
AdvertisementAdd a little more oatmeal, or a little more honey to get the right consistency.
Dean looked up from squeezing honey from a plastic bear onto a piece of whole wheat toast smeared with peanut butter.
Then you ditched your new honey and she's stupid enough to think that's a big loss and goes and hangs herself.
Carmen poured grain into the feeders and the smell of oats and honey brought a tidal wave of goats into the barn.
After eating the contents of the egg, the larva moults and becomes a fleshy grub with short legs and with paired spiracles close to the dorsal region, so that, as it floats in and devours the honey, it obtains a supply of air.
AdvertisementMilk and honey was added at first communions.
The honey and the wax of the wild bee are collected by the natives.
On the tray was a bottle of herb wine, different kinds of vodka, pickled mushrooms, rye cakes made with buttermilk, honey in the comb, still mead and sparkling mead, apples, nuts (raw and roasted), and nut-and-honey sweets.
The bees circle round a queenless hive in the hot beams of the midday sun as gaily as around the living hives; from a distance it smells of honey like the others, and bees fly in and out in the same way.
He wore light colors this day of tan, a shade that brought out the depth of honey in his skin.
AdvertisementShe tasted like honey, and her hot mouth soon became more demanding.
Just as "Uncle's" pickled mushrooms, honey, and cherry brandy had seemed to her the best in the world, so also that song, at that moment, seemed to her the acme of musical delight.
Here and there among the cells containing dead brood and honey an angry buzzing can sometimes be heard.
Made from premium grade redwood pine timber with natural green finish that develops into warm honey brown with weathering.
Honey Sesame Scrub (40 minutes) Honey and sesame mixture is applied through your whole body, refreshing and revitalizing skin.
Honey 's confused by the scenic route they 're taking.
The shapely arms are covered with acrylic in a lovely pale honey color.
Add the caustic soda and continue to simmer until the mixture becomes honey colored.
Use 2. Let sottish men know that God is not all mercy and all honey.
Release the full flavor by adding a spoonful of Forever Bee Honey !
Notes Classes 1 to 6 - To be in 1lb round squat honey jars.
The Museum hive The Museum maintains a small hive of honey bees located on the south west stairwell of the building.
Rooibos, Licorice (root), Black Cohosh, Chaste Berry, and other herbs are included and it has a slight honey flavor added.
Lemon tea - Stabilize your blood sugar by stirring a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey into a warm glass of water, and sipping on it.
Natural Remedies - For other gray hair natural remedies, try a mix of fresh ginger and honey and eat one teaspoon per day or rub coconut oil and lemon juice on your scalp twice daily.
You can enjoy rooibos can as often as three times a day, hot or iced, and it can be sweetened with a natural sweetener like honey, agave or stevia.
Most country French style furniture is stained a natural color, such as honey brown or light natural pine.
I chose pine 15-light (those are the squares) doors (one of which is pictured at left) in a honey stain to give the rooms that warm Mediterranean feel.
Many Mexican furniture pieces have intricately carved motifs and designs and are stained in the warm honey tones of sunny Mexico.
The warm, honey browns of antique farm tables work very well with Tuscan-inspired interiors.
Wood finishes include unique choices like white, honey, espresso, and navy.
End the meal on a sweet note with bunuelos, deep fried tortilla wedges soaked in honey with a dollop of whipped cream.
Almond-shaped green eyes were large and expressive while her skin was touched with honey.
He was as large as the others, with olive skin, long white-blond hair, and golden eyes the unusual color of honey.
Plus we don't have the usual nice little note saying, 'See you in the next life, honey.
Maybe somebody else is involved—a honey.
Time is money, honey.
Besides, Carmen likes being looked after, don't you honey?
It happens sometimes, honey.
The workers in question remain within the nest, suspended by their feet, and serve as living honey-pots for the colony, becoming so distended by the supplies of honey poured into their mouths by their foraging comrades that their abdomens become sub-globular, the pale intersegmental membrane being tightly stretched between the widely-separated dark sclerites.
What is called Atholl brose is a compound, in equal parts, of whisky and honey (or oatmeal), which was first commonly used in the district for hoarseness and sore throat.
The honey is still highly prized, as it was in remote antiquity; and a considerable quantity of cheese is manufactured from the milk of the goat.
The scales around the throat of the corolla protect the pollen and honey from wet or undesirable visitors, and by their difference in colour from the corolla-lobes, as in the yellow eye of forget-me-not, may serve to indicate the position of the honey.
In Sambucus and Viburnum the small white flowers are massed in heads; honey is secreted at the base of the styles and, the tube of the flower being very short, is exposed to the visits of flies and insects with short probosces.
A trench was dug, in which a fire was lighted; a victim was sacrificed, and its blood poured into the trench; the body, upon which incense and fruits, honey and wine were thrown, was then cast into the fire.
The owners of adjacent lands assembled at the common boundary stone, and crowned their own side of the stone with garlands; an altar was set up and offerings of cakes, corn, honey and wine were made (later, a lamb or a sucking pig was sacrificed).
It also occurs in honey, the white appearance of candied honey being due to its separation.
Some or all of the anthers become twisted so that insects in probing for honey will touch the anthers with one side of their head and the capitate stigma with the other.
Honey is exported to Russia.
In and out of the hive long black robber bees smeared with honey fly timidly and shiftily.
The flowers, which are solitary, or rarely in pairs, at the end of slender axillary flower-stalks, are very irregular in form, with five sepals prolonged at the base, and five petals, the lowest one larger than the others and with a spur, in which collects the honey secreted by the spurs of the two adjoining stamens.
To reach the honey in the spur of the flower, the insect must thrust its proboscis into the flower close under the globular head of the stigma.
Two of the petals placed under the hood of the calyx are supported on long stalks, and have a hollow spur at their apex, containing honey.
Like its Cape congener it occasionally partakes of honey, and is often destructive to poultry.
The large showy flowers are visited by insects for the honey which is secreted by a ring-like disk below the ovary; large Convolvulus sepium, slightly reduced.
The flowers are hermaphrodite and regular, with the same number and arrangement of parts as in the order Liliaceae, from which they differ in the inconspicuous membranous character of the perianth, the absence of honey or smell, and the brushlike stigmas with long papillae-adaptations to wind-pollination as contrasted with the methods of pollination by insect agency, which characterize the Liliaceae.
They worshipped Re at sunrise with resin, at mid-day with myrrh and at sunset with an elaborate confection called kuphi, compounded of no fewer than sixteen ingredients, among which were honey, wine, raisins, resin, myrrh and sweet calamus.
In the burntofferings of male kine to Isis, the carcase of the steer, after evisceration, was filled with fine bread, honey, raisins, figs, frankincense, myrrh and other aromatics, and thus stuffed was roasted, being basted all the while by pouring over it large quantities of sweet oil, and then eaten with great festivity.
It is also probable that the English mixed sugar or honey with the wine and thus supplied artificially that sweetness which the English sun denied.
Bees are kept, and in Yemen and Hadramut the honey is exceptionally good.
Cabinet woods, fruit, tobacco, sugar, wax, honey and cattle products are the leading exports.
Among the other manufactures are food preparations, wooden ware, wagons and carriages, stoves and furnaces, boots and shoes, tobacco and cigars, flour, candy, gloves, bricks, tile and pottery, furniture, paper boxes and firearms. Utica is a shipping point for the products of a fertile agricultural region, from which are exported dairy products (especially cheese), nursery products, flowers (especially roses), small fruits and vegetables, honey and hops.
Beehives are numerous and produce excellent honey, and poultry is reared in large numbers for export.
Some more or less immune creatures are the mongoose, the hedgehog and the pig, the secretary-bird, the honey buzzard, the stork and probably other snake-eaters.
The other trades are olive-oil refining, barrel-making and soap-boiling; corn, honey and fruit are largely exported.
Industry consists chiefly in corn-milling and the preparation of wax and honey.
Excellent honey is produced in Malta; at certain seasons tunny-fish and young dolphin (lampuca) are abundant; other varieties of fish are caught all the year round.
The crop is followed by a proventriculus which, in the higher Hymenoptera, forms the so-called " honey stomach," by the contraction of whose walls the solid and liquid food can be separated, passed on into the digestive stomach, or held in the crop ready for regurgitation into the mouth.
Bees store honey and pollen to serve as food for their young.
Thus, wasps catch flies; worker ants make raids and carry off weak insects of many kinds; bees gather nectar from flowers and transform it into honey within their stomachs - largely for the sake of feeding the larvae in the nest.
Roscher (Nektar and Ambrosia, 1883; see also his article in Roscher's Lexikon der Mythologic) nectar and ambrosia were originally only different forms of the same substance - honey, regarded as a dew, like manna, fallen from heaven, which was used both as food and drink.
Wine, oil, corn and honey are produced in the neighbourhood; many of the inhabitants are fishermen and seamen.
It was famous in ancient times for its bees, which gathered honey of peculiar flavour from its aromatic herbs; their fame still persists.
On these occasions the Lares were crowned with garlands, and offerings of cakes and honey, wine and incense, but especially swine, were laid before them.
The small pendulous bellshaped flowers contain no honey but are visited by bees for the pollen.
It is a solitary animal, frequenting the wooded parts of the regions it inhabits, and living on a mixed diet of fruits, vegetable, honey, fish and the smaller animals.
Its food consists almost solely of vegetables and honey, but the latter is its favourite food, - the extreme length and pliability of the tongue enabling it to scoop out the honeycombs from the hollows of trees.
The food consists of fruits, honey and white ants.
He wrote to Erasmus of a land flowing with milk and honey under the "divine" young king, and with Warham sent him £10 for journey money.
The szlachta, who had had a "King Log" in SigisWladlsmund, were determined that Wladislaus should be laws " a King Bee who will give us nothing but honey" - 1632-1648.
The mines and marble quarries are no longer worked; and the chief exports are now fir timber for shipbuilding, olive oil, honey and wax.
Long-tongued insects such as the honey -bee are the most frequent visitors.
The flowers have an attractive floral envelope, are scented and often contain honey or a large amount of pollen by these means the insect is enticed to visit it.
These descriptive names are highly poetic, as also that of the Portuguese, " beija-flor " (flower-kisser); but the humming-bird is insectivorous, and thrusts his long bill into flowers in search of insects instead of honey.
Bees find a highly congenial habitat in Mexico, and some honey is exported.
Other industries of a desultory character include the collection of archil, or Spanish moss, on the western side of the Californian peninsula, hunting herons for their plumes and alligators for their skins, honey extraction (commonly wild honey), and the gathering of cochineal and ni-in insects.
Honey is produced; and excellent arms are made.
If he marries, it is to have children who may celebrate them after his death; if he has no children, he lies under the strongest obligation to adopt them from another family, ` with a view,' writes the Hindu doctor, ` to the funeral cake, the water and the solemn sacrifice.'" "May there be born in our lineage," so the Indian Manes are supposed to say, "a man to offer to us, on the thirteenth day of the moon, rice boiled in milk, honey and ghee."
The family have on the preceding days solemnly visited the grave, and offered to the shades gifts of water, wine, milk, honey, oil, and the blood of black victims; they have decked the tomb with flowers, have renewed the feast and farewell of the funeral, and have prayed to the ancestors to watch over their welfare.
Local products, including kat, firewood, live animals, ghi, dates, honey, wax, gums and sesame oil, to the value of about £125,000, were exported in 1919-20.1,065 steam vessels of aggregate tonnage 2,736,391 and sailing craft of tonnage 365,569 cleared in the year ending March 1919.
Canada has been called the land of milk and honey.
Honey is one of the minor food-products of Canada, and in many localities bees have abundance of pasturage.
Canadian honey for colour, flavour and substance is unsurpassed.
Bees are principally kept on the Luneburger Heide, and the annual yield of honey is very considerable.
Honey is a crop of some importance; in 1908 the yield was about 950 tons of honey and 15 tons of wax.
The list consists of oxen, sheep, geese, hens, honey, ale, loaves, cheese, butter, fodder, salmon and eels.
There is a common English Syrphid fly (Eristalis tenax) known as the drone-fly from its resemblance to a large hive or honey bee.
Honey bees are protected from a large number of insect enemies because they sting and are distasteful.
The colour and markings of a flower often serve to guide the insects to the honey, in the obtaining of which they are compelled either to remove or to deposit pollen.
It is said also to dig up the nests of wasps in order to eat the larvae, as the ratel - a closely allied South African form - is said to rob the bees of their honey.
Tobacco, leather, linen, carpets and war-material are manufactured in Agram, which also contains the works of the Hungarian state railways, and has a brisk trade in grain, wine, potash, honey, silk and porcelain.
The flowers contain no honey and are visited by pollen-seeking insects, which alight on the broad stigmatic surface.
The body was brought to the pile in an embroidered robe and jars of unguents and honey were placed beside it.
The insect, &c., is attracted by the colour and scent of the flower, and frequently also by honey which is secreted in some part of the flower.
Silkworms are bred, and some silk is spun; and the export of honey and wax is not inconsiderable.
The principal exports are cattle, horses, cheese, butter, honey, wax, flour, paper, hardware and Westphalian coal.
There is a general tendency to obesity, which is much admired by the Moors in their women, young girls being stuffed like chickens, with paste-balls mixed with honey, or with spoonfuls of olive oil and sesame, to give them the necessary corpulence.
Among these are the gradual disappearance of various kinds of grain as one advanced towards the north; the use of fermented liquors made from corn and honey; and the habit of threshing out their corn in large covered barns, instead of on open threshing-floors as in Greece and Italy, on account of the want of sun and abundance of rain.
In the tympanum is a relief of Bacchus (wrongly supposed to be of a female, and called the Bal-Kis, i.e."Honey Girl").
Along this channel the nectar is drawn into the pharynx and passes, mixed with saliva, into the crop or "honey-bag"; the action of the saliva changes the saccharose into dextrose and levulose, and the nectar becomes honey, which the bee regurgitates for storage in the cells or for the feeding of the grubs.
Each cell is provided with a store of honey and pollen beside which an egg is laid; and after eight or nine cells have been successively built and stored, the whole is covered by a dome-like mass of cement.
If this "royal jelly" continue to be given to the grub throughout its life, it will grow into a queen; if the ordinary mixture of honey and digested pollen be substituted, as is usually the case from the fourth day, the grub will become a worker.
Cowan's Honey Bee (2nd ed., 1904), are invaluable to the naturalist, and contain extensive bibliographies of Apis.
Other exports of importance are rum, wax and honey; and of less primary importance, fruits, fine cabinet woods, oils and starch.
The pine and oak were sacred to him, and his offerings were goats, lambs, cows, new wine, honey and milk.
This was a branch of olive or laurel, bound with purple or white wool, round which were hung various fruits of the season, pastries, and small jars of honey, oil and wine.
During the procession a chant (also called eiresione) was sung, the text of which has been preserved in Plutarch (Theseus, '22) "Eiresione carries figs and rich cakes; Honey and oil in a jar to anoint the limbs; And pure wine, that she may be drunken and go to sleep."
Bees are abundant, and wild honey and wax are gathered in considerable quantities.
The women, who do all the work, `collect wax and honey, which are their principal staples in trade.
From the towns, from the counties as wholes, and from many of its ancient lordships, the crown was entitled to archaic dues in kind, such as honey.
It is probable that the discovery that an intoxicating and pleasant beverage could be made from grape juice was purely accidental, and that it arose from observations made in connexion with crushed or bruised wild grapes, much as the manufacture of beer, or in its earliest form, mead, may be traced back to the accidental fermentation of wild honey.
The district is highly fertile, and the town deals largely in fruit, and milletstalks for brooms, as well as in wool, silk, honey and truffles.
It is fertile, and produces wax and honey, and coal has been found.
A festival was held in their honour every year, superintended by a special priesthood, at which the offerings consisted of milk and honey mixed with water, but no wine.
The Hindus eat it mixed with honey as a delicacy, equal quantities being put into a hollow joint, coated externally with clay, and thus roasted over a fire.
There are manufactures of woollen yarn, tobacco, biscuits, umbrellas and printers' ink, and a lively trade is carried on in wax, honey, wool and timber.
Later, the fragrance of its flowers, rich in honey, attracts innumerable bees; in the autumn the foliage becomes a clear yellow but soon falls.
Tamarisk manna (Persian gaz-angubin, tamarisk honey) exudes in June and July from the slender branches of Tamarix gallica, var.
When a child, while playing at ball or pursuing a mouse, he fell into a jar of honey and was smothered.
They live partly also on cedar-nuts and honey collected in the forests.
Podgoritsa receives from the eastern plains and the north-eastern highlands a great quantity of tobacco, fruit, cereals, honey, silk, livestock and other commodities, which it distributes through Plavnitsa, its port on Lake Scutari, and through Riyeka to Cettigne and Cattaro.
Among animals peculiar to the forest regions are a tiger-cat about the size of a leopard, the honey badger or black Ituri ratel and the elephant shrew.
Among insects the most numerous and useful is the bee, honey everywhere constituting an important part of the food of the inhabitants.
The value of the honey and wax produced in 1899 was $94,364.
Honey was a large crop with the early settlers, who put a hive and honey-bees on the state-seal of Deseret and of Utah.
The flowers contain honey, and attract flies, short-lipped bees or other small insects by the agency of which pollination is effected.
Butter and honey were exported to supply the sultan's kitchen at Stambul; wax and cattle to Venice; and the red and white wine of Walachia, notably that of Pitesei, to Transylvania.
The cargoes which they here took in consisted of Moldavian timber (oak, deal and cornel), grain, butter, honey and wax, salt and nitre.
On the first day, which celebrated the union of Adonis and Aphrodite, their images were placed side by side on a silver couch, around them all the fruits of the season, "Adonis gardens" in silver baskets, golden boxes of myrrh, cakes of meal, honey and oil, made in the likeness of things that creep and things that fly.
It carries on an active trade in cattle, horses, corn and honey, while four well-attended fairs are held annually.
He also mentions elsewhere that the neophytes, after baptism, were given a draught of milk and honey.
They are a shy, harmless, simple folk, living chiefly by hunting; they lime birds, catch fish by poisoning the water, and are skilled in getting wild honey; they have bows with iron-pointed arrows and breed hunting dogs.
More than one-third of the district lies under jungle, which yields gum, medicinal fruit and nuts, edible fruits, lac, honey and the blossoms of the mahuci tree (Bassia latifolia), which are eaten by the poorer classes, and used for the manufacture of a kind of spirit.
The vrivTELa on the third day of the Thesmophoria at Athens was observed only by the women attending the festival (who were permitted to eat cakes made of sesame and honey).
Cakes of meal, honey and oil were offered to the two deities at this festival.
But for an English trade, which sprang up out of the halfsmuggling, half-buccaneering enterprise of the Bristol merchants, the island would have fared badly, for during the whole of the 15th century their trade with England, exporting sulphur, eiderdown (of which the English taught them the value), wool, and salt stock-fish, and importing as before wood, iron, honey, wine, grain and flax goods, was their only link with the outer world.
Bees are very generally kept, the honey being consumed in the country, the wax exported.
After this the chief matters worth notice in Dom Henry's life are, first, the progress of discovery and colonization in the Azores - where Terceira was discovered before 1450, perhaps in 1445, and apparently by a Fleming, called "Jacques de Bruges" in the prince's charter of the 2nd of March 1450 (by this charter Jacques receives the captaincy of this isle as its intending colonizer); secondly, the rapid progress of civilization in Madeira, evidenced by its timber trade to Portugal, by its sugar, corn and honey, and above all by its wine, produced from the Malvoisie or Malmsey grape, introduced from Crete; and thirdly, the explorations o Cadamosto and Diogo Gomez.
These and honey are the chief exports; tobacco and various vegetables and fruits are of minor importance.
In the Dindsenchus we are told that the worshippers sacrificed their children to the idol in order to secure corn, honey and milk in plenty.
The honey was used both in cooking and for making mead, as well as for eating.
Its main products are sheep - the celebrated Heidschnucken breed, - potatoes, bilberries, cranberries and honey.
Extensive apiaries have been established on the American continent, some containing from 2000 to 3500 colonies of bees, and in these honey is harvested in hundreds of tons yearly.
The magnitude of the bee industry in the United States may be judged from the fact of a single bee-farmer located in California having harvested from 150,000 lb of honey in one year from 2000 stocks of bees, and, as an instance of the enormous weight of honey obtainable from good hives in that favoured region, the same farmer secured 60,000 lb of comb-honey in one season from his best 300 colonies.
The consumption of honey g y a s an article of food has also largely increased of late i years; a recent computation shows that from too to 125 million lb of honey, representing a money value of from eight to ten million dollars, is consumed annually in the United States alone.
Many of the larger bee-farmers of the United States of America and Canada harvest from 50,000 to 60,000 lb of honey in a single season, and some of them sell the whole crop direct to consumers.
It is a notable fact that in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and indeed all English-speaking countries outside the United Kingdom, honey is far more extensively used than it is there as an article of daily food.
The natural result of this is that the trade in honey is conducted, in those countries, on entirely different lines from those followed in the British Isles, where honey production as an occupation has, until quite recent years, been regarded as too insignificant for official notice in any form.
The fact that British honey is second to none for quality, and that the British market is eagerly sought by the bee-keepers of other nationalities, has of late impressed itself on the minds of thinking men.
Branch societies of bee-keepers were established throughout the English counties, mainly by the efforts of the parent body in London, with the object of securing co-operation in promoting the sale of honey, and showing the most modern methods of producing it in its most attractive form at exhibitions held for the purpose.
Another advantage of membership is the use of a " county label " for affixing to each section of honey in comb, a or jar of extracted honey, offered for sale by members.
These labels are numbered consecutively, and thus afford a guarantee of the genuineness and quality of the honey, the label enabling purchasers to trace the producer if needed.
The vertical section (A) shows the lower portion of the combs devoted to brood-rearing, the higher and thicker combs being reserved for honey, and midway between the brood and food is stored the pollen required for mixing with honey in feeding the larvae.
Prior to that date wooden box-hives of various shapes had been adopted by advanced bee-masters anxious to increase their output of honey, and by enthusiastic naturalists desirous of studying and investigating the wonders of bee-life apart from the utilitarian standpoint.
The original Langstroth hive was single-walled, held ten frames (size 174 by 9 in.), and had a deep roof, made to cover a case of small honey boxes like the sections now in use; but the cumbersome projecting porch and sides, made to support the roof, are now dispensed with, and the number of frames reduced to eight.
Various causes have contributed to the development of the modern hive, the most important of which are the improvements in methods of extracting honey from combs, and in the manufacture of combfoundation.
It enabled the honey producer to increase his output considerably by extracting honey from the cells in most cleanly fashion without damaging the combs, and in a fraction of the time previously occupied in the draining, heating and squeezing process.
The principle of the honey extractor (throwing the liquid honey out of the cells by centrifugal force) was discovered quite by accident.
Major Hruschka's little son chanced to have in his hand a bit of unsealed comb-honey in a basket to which was attached a piece of string, and, as the boy playfully whirled the basket round in the air, his father noticed a few drops of honey, ?
This appliance, known as the " Novice Honey Extractor," became very popular in the United States of America, but it had the fault FIG.
A simple form of machine for extracting honey by centrifugal force was brought to notice in England in 1875, and was soon improved upon, as will be seen in fig.
The latest form of honey extractor used in America is that known as the " Four-frame A Cowan."
The further development of the honey extractor has of late been limited to an increase in the size of machine used, in order to save time and manual labour, and thus meet the requirements of the largest honey producers, who extract honey by the car load.
It may also be claimed for the honey extractor that it does away with the objection entertained by many persons to the use of honey, by enabling the apiarist to remove his produce from the honey-combs in its purest form untainted by crushed brood and untouched by hand.
Launched upon an unknown world, and guided by unerring instinct to the very flowers it seeks, the bee fertilizes fruit and flowers while winging its happy flight among the blossoms, gathering pollen for the nurslings of its own home and honey for the use of man.
So long as honey is being gathered in plenty drones are tolerated, but no sooner does the honey harvest show signs of being over than they are mercilessly killed and cast out of the hive by the workers, after a brief idle life of about four months' duration.
If healthy and young she begins egg-laying at once, and brood-rearing proceeds at an ever-increasing rate as each week passes, until the hive is brimming over with bees in time for the first honey flow.
It also shows sealed honey and pollen in cells, &c. To familiarize himself with the various objects depicted, all of which are drawn from nature, will not only help the reader to understand the different phases of bee-life during the swarming season, but tend to increase the interest of beginners in the pursuit.
The main consideration in establishing an apiary is to secure a favourable location, which means a place where honey of good marketable quality may be gathered from the bee-forage growing around without any planting on the part of the bee-keeper himself.
The bee industry prospers greatly in America, where amid the vast stretches of mountain and canyon in California the bee-forage extends for U.S.A. miles without a break, and the climatic conditions are so generally favourable as to reduce to a minimum the chances of the honey crop failing through adverse weather.
In the United Kingdom there is a difference of several weeks in the honey season between north and south.
Swarming usually begins in May in the south of England, and in mid-July in the north of Scotland, the issue of swarms coinciding with the early part of the main honey flow.
In the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and in many other parts of the world honey of the finest quality is obtained from this " queen of bee-plants," and in lesser degree from other clovers such as sainfoin, alsike (a hybrid clover), trefoil, &c.
On the other hand, the owner of one or two hundred colonies would find it more lucrative to work for extracted honey and send it out to wholesale buyers in that form.
By so doing a far greater weight of surplus per hive may be secured, and extracted honey will keep in good condition for years, while comb-honey must be sold before granulation sets in.
It requires a level head to keep cool amongst a couple of hundred strong stocks of bees on a hot summer's day in a good honey season.
The honey secreted by flowers attracts insects, which, by conveying the pollen to the stigma, effect fertilization.
It is well known for the excellent white honey which comes from its neighbourhood.
There is trade in silk, honey and wax, and brown coal is found in the neighbourhood.
It is smoked with or without tobacco; or it is made into a sweetmeat with honey, sugar and aromatic spices; or it is powdered and infused in cold water, yielding a turbid drink, subdschi.
You won't be, honey.
He produced a pouch oozing with the unmistakable odor of honey.
She had to stifle a laugh."Okay honey, let's take a breath here."
Maybe somebody else is involved—a honey.
Who was honey and who was sugar – and what was the note doing in Alex's pocket?
Taran breathed deeply of the sweet honey musk that made heat skitter across his blood.
The palate had ripe fruit, honey, cream and toffee apples balanced with some refreshing acidity giving way to a long finish.
Whiskey connoisseurs describe Scapa as having an amber, gold color, with a perfume of vanilla and honey.
The nose is rich with heavenly sweetness, golden syrup on Scotch pancakes, toffee and honey baklava.
The yard I used to work at used to feed oat balancer along with oats + garlic & honey.
Most honey bees in Britain come from domestic hive colonies.
Honey Bees Honey Bees are the bees that are kept by beekeepers in hives.
Therefore Hippocrates not improperly advised those who were naturally bilious not to take honey, since they were obviously of too warm a temperament.
A. borealis is a northern and boreal species of Honey Fungus, parasitic and saprotrophic on various trees but often on Birch.
In waste places, white dead nettle, violets and coltsfoot may be in flower, attracting early bumblebees and honey bees.
Archive for May 7th, 2005 7th May 2005, Saturday honey buzzard - Hastings A honey buzzard flew over Hastings at about 10.30am.
You go to a boulangerie to make cookies and visit the best chocolatiers, and see how local honey is made.
The seriousness of the songs are honey coated in sweet harmonies and singalong choruses, but don't let that fool you.
Other goodies include local honey, eggs and a wide range of Westcountry preserves, chutneys and relishes.
For coughs, grate a clove of garlic and mix with honey.
Coconut slush Ingredients 25g creamed coconut slush Ingredients 25g creamed coconut 2 x 15ml spoons boiling water 300ml goat's milk 2 x 5ml spoons clear honey.
Absolutes of Honey and Rose help desensitize and comfort red, blotchy complexions.
Alternatively spread your muffin with a little half-fat cream cheese blended with a touch of honey for a calorie boosting topping.
Honey is always extracted when it is a clear solution, but it often crystallizes subsequently.
Last year we notice some of the lower leaves coated in black gunge which we now know to be mold on honey dew.
Honey is a boon to those with weak digestion.
I put a dollop of honey down on the concrete near my shed, one hot sunny afternoon.
The 18 strength honey is impregnated into highly absorbent alginate fiber dressings - ideal for dressing wounds.
Lester showed us a slide of his spin drier in action spinning out heather honey.
The general requirements apply to all honey products offered for sale to consumers or to catering establishments.
They have to be removed from shallow frames before putting these into a honey extractor.
However, baker's honey may contain additives and be partially fermented as it is not suitable for sale to consumers without processing.
Not many sherry characteristics in the nose; raisin and chocolate flapjacks with runny honey, pineapple cubes and bitter chocolate orange.
My companion chose a creamy mango pudding while I had crispy banana fritters with vanilla ice-cream and honey.
Honey, which contains fructose, is ideal for this purpose.
Apart from the essential oils, enzymes, and trace elements, honey is simply a rich source of the sugars fructose and glucose.
Treatment There are no chemical cures for honey fungus.
Honey fungus and coral spot may affect the plant, but occasional leaf gall is not a major problem.
Now John was clothed with camel's hair, and had a leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey.
Overhead there will be a constant procession of Eurasian griffons, and other raptors could include Honey Buzzard, Hobby or Peregrine Falcon.
This consisted of animal meat and offal, honey, insects such as witchetty grubs, some marine life plus seasonal vegetation.
Honey bee hives were placed here in spring 2003.
The bee came to sip the honey, but its feet stuck to the honey pot and it could not get away.
Heat is usually the main factor in causing runny honey.
Its weaver wants a jar of wild forest honey in exchange.
The existence of the UMF in manuka honey is found by testing for its level of antibacterial activity.
Warm under the grill for a few moments, if you like, then drizzle with 1 tsp honey.
Labeling with information about origin or regional source cannot be applied to either baker's honey or filtered honey.
Actually the Club was delighted too because having a major honey pot for M.G. enthusiasts next door could be nothing but good news.
Wild honey - a natural humectant with healing properties, it is also naturally bactericidal.
When honey is diluted, a special enzyme the bees have added produces hydrogen peroxide, a well-known antibiotic.
Routinely inspect stuffed animals and even old wax combs where honey bees have died out.
Jack wants to see Honey, but she's left strict instructions not to let him anywhere near her.
Breakfast is served with simple, carefully chosen items with our local honey and homemade jams.
Currently it has projects in dairy, honey and fruit sub-sectors as well as support to the informal ' jua Kali ' sector.
There were made from flour and then cooked in oil and had lashings of honey and pepper poured over them.
Now John was clothed with camel's hair and wore a leather belt around his waist and ate locusts and wild honey.
Gleditsia triacanthos L., the honey locust, may be found in cultivation as an ornamental tree.
Oh, I got to do it, yo ' po ' mammy 's got to kill you to save you, honey.
Middle Ages Drink - mead Honey was used to make a sweet alcoholic drink called mead which was drunk by all classes.
Sounds simple but ' tis more addictive than the finest honey mead... .
The main problem is fireblight, but caterpillars, aphids, gall midges, honey fungus, rust and powdery mildew may give problems.
I suspect you know the story behind the honey moon?
Dressed wicker Moses basket with ' honey bee ' theme print cotton rich cover in white and apple green.
In a small bowl, combine the Dijon mustard, coarse mustard, yogurt, mayonnaise and honey.
Transfer to a bowl and add honey, sugar, whole grain mustard, lemon and lime juice and olive oil.
Enhance oak's honey colored tones with tactile satin nickel handles.
Then add the honey, soya sauce and Stir-fry Chow Mein Sauce to the pan along with the drained noodles and pork.
Or heather honey combined with chocolate and rolled in chocolate flakes and toasted oatmeal.
Honey's fermentable carbohydrates, including oligosaccharides, may be the keys to this action.
Do not feed foreign honey or honey of unknown origin, which may contain AFB spores.
Painshill bees provide honey available all year, while permanent mementos include a paperweight of Painshill's Chinese bridge.
The hydrogen peroxide in honey is produced by an enzyme in the honey.
Made from high grade redwood pine that will mellow to a honey brown with weathering.
The little devils collect the grass pollen for their honey, which is supposed to contain a fair dosage of THC.
Sounding dustier than ever Gil's cracked honey voice still possesses an urgency of spirit that can make goose bumps prickle on your back.
With the handmade feather quill, Honey Dust can be gently spread over the body of your partner or yourself.
Made from premium grade Scandinavian redwood from renewable plantations, which will mellow to a honey brown with weathering.
What is it that Honey would have us be so remorseful about?
Remember, most mortgages revert to the SVR after any initial " Honey Trap " discount.
Mix lemon rind, juice and honey into the hot syrup, add gelatine, stir well.
Both are attractively rustic, the first lively with concentrated smooth honey flavors, the second more mature.
Dark Eyed Honey A deep orange color shading from the spine to the belly which should be white.
Wonderfully complex notes of red fruit, honey and butterscotch overlay a rich smokey dark chocolate finish.
Also available is a breakfast smoothie, made from almonds, muesli, banana, honey, milk and raspberries.
Mix 3 tsp soy sauce with 2 tsp clear honey, 1 crushed garlic clove and the juice of half a lemon.
Coconut slush Ingredients 25g creamed coconut 2 x 15ml spoons boiling water 300ml goat's milk 2 x 5ml spoons clear honey.
Release the full flavor by adding a spoonful of Forever Bee Honey!
Sugar may be listed as glucose, sucrose, honey, dextrose, maltose, fructose, hydrolysed starch or syrup.
Subrahmanyam M. (1998) ' A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and silver sulfadiazine ' .
For example, exposure to direct sunlight can cause honey to soften or melt.
The next sura is Nahl (Honey bee ).
The bees swarmed from the nest leaving the delicious honey comb behind.
Other good breakfasts are banana or honey on granary toast, fruit juice and fruit with yogurt is a good one too.
Whisk together Dijon mustard and honey to make a tasty topper for these burgers.
Never cook or boil honey as heating causes honey to become toxic.
What we need now is action to prevent the current farm-scale trials and test sites contaminating crops and honey.
They have got up to everything from making nettle twine to extracting honey from our beehives at previous sessions.
The problem for the beekeeper is that this store of honey is often unfinished, or blemished in some way making it unsaleable.
Its striking blooms are a rich purple violet on the inside, honey brown on the outside, with pronounced violet stripes.
As indicated in the accompanying illustration, the long-snouted phalanger is arboreal in habits, extracting honey and probably small insects from long-tubed flowers by means of its extensile tongue.
They are attracted to the flower by its colour or its perfume; they seek, collect or feed on its honey, and while so doing they remove the pollen from the anther and convey it to another flower, there to germinate on the stigma when its tubes travel down the style to the ovary where their contents ultimately fuse with the "oosphere" or immature egg, which becomes in consequence fertilized, and forms a seed which afterwards develops into a new plant (see article Angiosperms).
The flowers show well-marked adaptation to Their colour and tendency to arrangement on one the presence of honey, serve to attract insects.
Roscher thinks that both nectar and ambrosia were kinds of honey, in which case their power of conferring immortality would be due to the supposed healing and cleansing power of honey (see further Nectar).
The name, Cluain mealla, signifies the Vale of Honey.
Beginning with not too many stocks he can test the capabilities of his location before investing much capital in the undertaking, so that by utilizing the information already given and adopting the wise adage " make haste slowly " he will realize in good time whether it will pay best to work for honey in comb or extracted honey in bulk; not only so, but the knowledge gained will enable him to select such appliances as are suited to his needs.
After all, the man whose horse trots a mile in a minute does not carry the most important messages; he is not an evangelist, nor does he come round eating locusts and wild honey.
A beekeeper, seeing the bee collect pollen from flowers and carry it to the hive, says that it exists to gather honey.
Here we have an 8½ acre smallholding with sheep, chickens and honey bees.
I 'd like to build the world a home And furnish it with love Grow apple trees and honey bees And snow-white turtle doves.
Goat Milk Bath Soak with Honey is made in Germany to stringent European regulations.
Subrahmanyam M. (1998) ' A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and silver sulfadiazine '.
The next sura is Nahl (Honey bee).
So long as an evil deed has not ripened, the fool thinks it as sweet as honey.
But what really sweetens the pot is knowing the honey in my tea is at work even if I 'm not.
Can be drunk hot or cold, plain or sweetened with honey.
Allow to cool add honey to sweeten to taste.
Just to boost your energy levels a teaspoon of honey has a great effect.
The light plays across the honey yellow and milky white of the translucent resin lending the piece a delicate and ethereal beauty.
Apparently tupelo honey has the least concentrations of the sugars that have the greatest effect on blood sugar.
The bread was flat and tasted like wafers made with honey.
Taking local organic honey year-round can provide a ' natural ' immunity.
Your pediatrician may recommend staying away from certain foods such as egg whites, peanuts and other tree nuts, as well as citrus fruits and honey until after your baby's first birthday.
Keep in mind that some foods such as dairy and honey have time restrictions and controversy surrounding their introduction.
Moreover, honey should not be served to a child under two years of age as it may pose a risk of infant botulism.
You can find these colored contacts in shades of blue, violet, green, honey, gray and brown.
Add one cup of honey and stir until dissolved.
Limit or completely remove white sugar, honey, and all sugary substances from the diet.
Other remedies include cayenne pepper and honey.
Most salves contain plant-based elements in a base of wax, honey, clay or similar agents.
However, there are a handful, such as Elderberries, that need to be cooked first, not necessarily because they are bad for you, but because they don't taste good until you add some sugar or honey.
Mix the olive oil, honey and lemon juice together to form a thin paste.
The balance between its honey and bitter tastes is contained in a single pinch.
To see these results, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to one tablespoon of honey.
If you are among those who don't enjoy the flavor of pure parsley, then you may wish to sweeten the tea with honey or add in an herb with a flavor that is more palatable to you.
Instead, mix it with a bit of water and honey as a refreshing drink, or substitute it for distilled white vinegar when preparing sauces, salads, or marinades.
Commercial nettle tea has a very strong taste which may take some getting used to, or you can sweeten it with a little honey to make it more palatable.
My husband commented, "The eyeliner's still there, Honey!"
The men's scent intertwines notes of cardamom, rum, honey and fig, while the women's is sweetly kissed with honey caramel, rose, champagne, cinnamon and vanilla.
As I unscrew the top, I marvel at the pink color because it's a glorious combination of pink, brown, and just a hint of apricot; I'm very hopeful that the color will be flattering on my honey beige skin.
These colors will suit almost any women of color from women with lighter peach shades, and honey olive complexions to deep, rich mahogany shades.
Vintage gold, forest greens or a dark honey color would be nice.
One universally flattering lip color to try is Clinique's Almost Lipstick in Black Honey or Sheer Blackberry.
At Rock the Catwalk, shop and buy MAC products from the Liberty of London Collection, Naked Honey, Pro Pans and tons of pigments.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the vanilla, honey, molasses or maple syrup, and peanut butter.
Pour the honey into the bottom of a cup.
Stir with the cinnamon stick until the honey has dissolved.
Celery and carrot sticks - Cut the veggies and pack them with a dipping sauce of honey mustard, almond butter, hummus, or ranch dressing.
Emperor Montezuma, ruler of the Aztec people, enjoyed a drink made of cacao beans, vanilla, and honey, all native ingredients.
Drizzle with honey and top with mint before serving if you'd like.
A good quick option for a dessert to pair with any dessert wine is to take Mascarpone cheese topped with some fruit and drizzled with honey.
Turrón are a combination of nuts (usually almonds) and honey.
If you are looking to do some sugar and dairy-free baking, you will need to use honey, a natural sweetener, or an artificial sweetener.
If you are interested in using a natural option in place of white refined sugar, you may want to consider honey, agave syrup, or fructose as viable options.
While most people are familiar with honey, agave syrup and fructose might not be as familiar.
Honey Bee non-stick craft scissors are a particularly wise choice for scrapbookers, since they are coated with a special material that prevents them from becoming dulled by sticky adhesive residue.
For a sweeter taste, add honey or agave.
Raw honey is not heated and is a good raw food.
Some vegans go as far as eliminating honey from their diet.
Serve pancakes hot with fresh fruit, powdered sugar, honey, or maple syrup.
Cook the unsprouted seeds in broth or water and honey to make a porridge.
Serve with sugar, honey, or agave nectar for a sweet treat.
Vegans take the vegetarian commitment at least one step further by eating no products that come from animals, including eggs, other dairy products, and honey.
Watson also stated that veganism applies "to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk and its derivatives, and encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals."
Make a sweet, creamy nut milk by combining one cup nuts and two cups water, plus a banana and raw honey.
He said, "Honey, I have something to tell you but I don't want you to get upset."
He said,"Honey, I have something to tell you, but I don't want you to get upset."
Consider the apple bath confetti, Meant to Bee honey jars, Falling in Love cocktail mix, and candied fall leaves.
If you are especially fortunate, a friend of your fiancé may even use the photo transfer technique to display a picture of your hunter honey with his slaughtered game on the cake.
This tea is well flavored but strong and the flavor can be cut with honey, extra water, or milk.
When she's not looking after the six children she shares with Brad Pitt, Jolie continues to make Hollywood magic in films such as In the Land of Blood and Honey, which she also directed.
Since the end of Dark Angel, Alba has gone on to continued success on the big screen, with roles in Honey, Sin City, The Fantastic Four, and Into The Blue.
His third album, Chicken-N-Beer, was released in 2004, but didn't do particularly well until the release of the single "Stand Up," which also appeared on the soundtrack for the film Honey.
It was later known that Spuds may have played a male party animal on T.V., but in real life he was a she whose name was "Honey Tree Evil Eye".
If your dog has diabetes, you may want to leave honey out of a recipes that calls for that ingredient.
Dogs with a sweet tooth will enjoy these mildly sweet biscuits made with natural honey, which is a healthier choice than using refined sugar.
Once the yeast foams, add in the broth, honey and egg and stir.
Rhododendron Campylocarpum - closely allied to the preceding, and it is of similar habit, but the flowers are pale yellow, borne in a loose truss and scented like honey.
This is the only place in the world where pure tupelo honey is commercially harvested.
Tupelo honey is associated with the Florida panhandle in much the same way as a Riesling wine is associated with the Rhine river valley.
The hives are stripped of earlier honey before the white tupelo comes into bloom, and the prized tupelo honey is harvested as soon as the trees stop blooming.
Beekeepers have been harvesting this honey for over 100 years.
White tupelo honey is a light golden amber color with a slightly greenish cast.
It is a choice table honey; many connoisseurs consider it the sweetest honey in the world.
Honey from Ogeechee Tupelo nectar will not granulate or crystallize due to its high levulose content.
Some physicians allow diabetic patients to eat white tupelo honey due to its high levulose-low dextrose ratio.
Other swamp tupelos are also valued for honey production, and honey from their nectar is sometimes sold as tupelo honey.
These include honey dew melons, cantaloupes, musk melons, and other sweet melons.
The honey color of oak is a good choice for contemporary environments and has a light airy feel.
For those who are new to tea, however, a little bit of honey can be a good addition.
Go for organic honey if possible, and try different flavors of honey such as orange blossom for a great taste treat.
Since these products were launched, the company has added a line of natural nut products, including natural honey roasted peanuts, lightly roasted almonds, sea-salted peanuts and cashews and a fruit and nut mix.
Land of Milk and Honey has an face cream made with organic goat milk and emu oil, among other products meant to moisturize and calm the skin.
Honey carries a full line of organic bar soaps, including Aloe Baby.
As for animal origin ingredients, only the Henna Powder has honey, but we are studying a substitute ingredient.
By definition all natural bee pollen is essentially the materials that bees gather when they collect plant matter for use in making their hives and making honey.
True all natural bee pollen will be a yellow-orange color, not too different from the color of unprocessed honey.
Chamomile and Honey Shampoo - This eight-ounce bottle of organic shampoo is rich with proteins and made with honey and full of amino acids and vitamins A and E, this shampoo is good for all types of hair.
The last two years, we've been making elderberry syrup, which is just elderberries and honey.
The classic camel color has honey tones and is one of the most flattering and practical colors you can wear, as it goes with everything.
The honey's glucose level triggers the brain to stop producing the chemical orexin.
A good option is to add honey to some tea just before heading to bed.
For example, add some honey to your warm milk 30 minutes before bed.
There are colored contacts for dark eyes that can take the appearance of your irises from dark brown to honey, gray, green, or even bright blue.
The opaque colors available are blue, chestnut brown, green, hazel, honey and sapphire blue.
The darkest of trio is the contact labeled Brown, while the colors Honey and Hazel are both a bit lighter.
Branching out into the honey and amber colors will make it easier for you to purchase contact lenses because they are available in regular soft contact lens brands such as Expressions.
If you choose a pair of colored lenses in a honey or amber tone, they won't look too out of the ordinary and you could feasibly wear them all day without getting too many funny looks.
The toric lenses come in Blue, Green, Grey and Honey.
Bambi -- Play Pooh's Honey Hunt to win the Naturespark Gem then give your prize to the Fairy Godmother.
Deep as the middle of the sea, rich as honey, they are unmistakable fruit bombs in the grandest sense.
Dried apricot and pinapple mixed with caramel and honey make for a lush, rich sensation.
Nose is lemon and other citrus blossom; also caramel, honey and butterscotch.
In reality the whole state really isn't the land of milk and honey and full of Cabernet Sauvignon.
The many varieties result from the many mead recipes available as well as the source of the honey itself.
For example, a light clover honey will make a very different tasting mead than a dark buckwheat honey.
This wine has an aroma like wildflowers and honey and an aftertaste of fresh apples and bananas.
This wine has an interesting aroma that has been described as a combination of honey, peach blossoms and ripe melons.
As the wine ages in the bottle, it develops succulent honey characters.
Some sangria recipes also include honey or syrup and brandy or other liquor.
Fructose is a simple sugar found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and honey.
It is needed for the breakdown of fructose, a sugar found in fruits, vegetables, honey, and other sweeteners.
Others recommend hot tea flavored with honey as a temporary home remedy for coughs caused by colds or flu.
They were first imported by Brazilian scientists attempting to create a new hybrid bee to improve honey production.
Pacifiers dipped in sugar, honey, corn syrup, or other sweetened liquids also contribute to baby bottle tooth decay.
Pacifiers, however, should never be dipped in honey, corn syrup, or other sweet liquids.
Examples include glucose tablets, honey, fructose, hard candy, and cake frosting.
The allergist may also be able to give allergy shots to children with wasp, yellow jacket, hornet, honey bee, or fire ant allergies.
In infants, botulism may be caused by specific types of clostridia obtained from soil, inhaled spores, or honey containing the spores.
Although these spores are commonly found in soil, honey is a more frequent source of spores causing infant botulism by lodging in the baby's intestinal tract and producing the neurotoxin.
One important preventative measure, however, is to avoid feeding honey to infants younger than 12 months since it is a known source of botulism spores.
Simple sugars include glucose (the form in which sugar circulates in the blood), fructose (found in fruit and honey), and galactose (produced by the digestion of milk).
Honey intolerance and bee pollen administration have also been suggested as a causative agent for EG.
Infants ingest spores in honey or simply by swallowing spore-containing dust or dirt.
Parents should avoid feeding honey to infants younger than 12 months because it is one known source of botulism spores.
One concrete preventative is to never feed honey to infants younger than 12 months as it is one known source of botulism spores.
You can top your pancakes with an old favorite like maple syrup, or try honey, or cinnamon and sugar.
And, of course, light brown to dark blonde hair looks sensational with the presence of honey and golden highlights.
Hannah's hair is a rich blonde with honey highlights that she wears long and straight.
Look to shades of honey blonde and dirty blonde as models for the sort of hues that really stand out and work no matter what season it is.
Brunette shades with copper, chestnut and honey tones are all popular right now.
Twinlab Vitamin B12 Micro-Sublingual Dots are easily dissolved under the tongue, have a pleasant cherry flavor and are free of yeast, soy, milk, wheat, egg, honey, preservatives, fructose, and artificial flavors and colors.
If you prefer fair hair, a bright honey blonde is perfect, or you can go for a more striking look with a bold platinum hair color.
Instead of opting for natural blonde hair highlights in honey or ashy tones, she prefers bold punk shades such as pink, purple, or fluorescent yellow.
This unique blend of oatmeal and honey is gentle enough for everyday use and helps protect color treated hair.
If you want to give your honey a special surprise, consider buying a sheer when wet bathing suit.
When available, these mammals eat bananas, eggs, fish, oranges and honey, although bamboo is the main staple in their diet.
The primary ingredient tends to be sugar, however, whether it's in the form of honey, fructose or something else.
The pollen is then digested by the colony and turned into honey, which can keep indefinitely.
The coffee should ideally have the consistency of flowing honey and in order to be made properly, the water has to be forced through the coffee at nine atmospheres of pressure using a strong pump.
This helps to protect the rich honey fragrance that is found in natural beeswax.
Be careful not to add too much or inappropriate fragrances or that will mask the natural honey fragrance of a beeswax candle.
The smell of honey is most apparent when the candle is burning.
A traditonal form of candle, beeswax is long burning, available in a natural selection of different shades of honey brown and has a beautiful distinctive aroma.
It is a renewable resource with a natural honey scent and can be burned around people with allergies to commercially produced fragrances.
Although American bakers often sweeten gingerbread with molasses, Germans prefer honey and British cooks may use syrup and brown sugar.
If you commonly set up your bedroom for romance, you'll have to choose another idea to surprise your honey.
As the saying goes, you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar.
To be romantic, dress up and send your honey a sweet picture of you.
Reciting a script - If every evening is "How was your day, honey?"
Make your honey's favorite meal or choose a recipe that you know he or she will love.
In addition to being called chocolate, brown diamonds are also referred to as champagne, cognac and honey.
You can safely add sweeteners such as cane sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, or corn syrup.
For a more traditional bread, add mixed dried fruit, honey, and vanilla to your recipe.
Ulimana makes a variety of chocolates that contain only simple ingredients such as cacao, salt, vanilla, and a sweetener such as honey or agave nectar.
You can also play with the allergenic and digestive qualities of your bread by modifying a recipe to omit eggs or dairy while using alternative sweeteners such as agave nectar or honey instead of cane sugar.
The natural cowhide leather used in the design of Vuitton bags is oxidizing and will turn a dark golden honey color over time.
Make of a "honey comb" construction, this luggage offers you sturdy construction, without the extra weight.
You're in control and attract the opposite sex like bees to honey.
Among the many other types of caring games to be found online are those that allow your child to become a teacher or daycare provider, as well as others that extend that nurturing spirit to a colony of honey bees or a virtual garden.
Richard and Robert Sherman wrote for such movies as The Parent Trap, Mary Poppins, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, The Jungle Book, The Happiest Millionaire, and The Aristocats.
Heather Wheeler and Joanie Demer run a website called The Krazy Coupon Lady and co-wrote a book entitled Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey.
The classic rule for men's shoes is to have two pairs of black shoes to wear at the office and one pair each of semi-casual shoes - burgundy or oxblood for the colder months, honey or cognac for the warmer.
The best colors for sporty business shoes are honey and cognac.
Driving down a lazy two-lane country road is great, but driving down the same road listening to Van Morrison sing "Tupelo Honey" is even better!
Include additives such as powdered oatmeal, food grade vanilla extract, or honey if desired.
Pine Meadows offers many excellent suggestions for how to make your own soap, including recipes for cucumber melon, oats and honey, or cranberry raspberry soap.
Add two teaspoons of honey to make a nourishing liquid soap.
Honey gives your soap a light, sweet scent while helping to increase the lather.
Experimenting with honey soap making can be an enjoyable way to create one-of-kind body care products for yourself or to give as gifts to your friends and family.
Bees create honey from the nectar in flowers through a process of regurgitation.
They store the honey in wax honeycombs inside their beehive for use as a food source in times of cold weather.
The process is surprisingly involved; a hive of 60,000 bees may need to visit more than two million flowers in order to gather enough nectar to create just one pound of honey.
Beekeepers work to encourage the overproduction of honey so the excess can be harvested without harming the bee colony.
Today, China, Argentina, Turkey, and the United States are the world's top producers of honey.
Honey has the same relative sweetness as granulated sugar, but the distinctive taste has made it a favored addition to everything from cookies and cakes to honey barbeque sauce and honey mustard.
In addition to its uses in the kitchen, honey is very popular as an additive for beauty products.
In fact, Cleopatra is said to have taken baths in milk and honey.
In China, women traditionally prepared a blend of honey and ground orange seeds as a treatment for preventing blemishes.
Honey gives handmade soap a light, sweet scent that is a good choice for people who don't like heavily fragranced body care products.
Adding honey is a natural way to turn your soap a light tan color.
The added sugar in the honey helps increase the lather in your soap.
Honey is a good humectant for soap making, helping to retain moisture in the product.
Honey is safe for use on sensitive skin, which is why it is often included in products intended for infants and children.
Honey is a natural antioxidant that can lighten skin while healing and preventing pimples.