Homily Sentence Examples
The activity of his life left him little time for writing, but he was the author of " an anaphora, sundry letters, a creed or confession of faith, preserved in Arabic and a secondary Ethiopic translation, and a homily for the Feast of the Annunciation, also extant only in an Arabic translation" (Wright).
None of his sermons, however, unless we regard his book on the Lord's Prayer as a homily, has come down to us.
If this appearance be not fallacious, the obvious relation between the two superscriptions will be best explained by the supposition that the author of Jude gave currency to the existing homily (James) before composing under the pseudonym of Jude.
His theological position is clearly defined in a homily on the three doctors - Diodore, Theodore and Nestorius - published by the Abbe Martin in the Journal asiatique for July 1900.
The catechumens or unbaptized, together with the penitents, remained in church during the Litany, collect, three lections, two psalms and homily.
This is really the earliest extant Christian homily (see Apostolic Fathers).
After they had passed away and before the Christian Scriptures were canonically sifted and collected there was a gap which for us is only slenderly filled by such productions as the so-called 2nd Epistle of Clement, really a rambling homily on repentance and confession (see Clementine Literature), and by what we can imagine was the practice of men like Ignatius and, on the other hand, the Apologists.
The finished form of the epistle's argument is sometimes urged to prove that it was not originally an epistle at all, written more or less on the spur of the moment, but a literary composition, half treatise and half homily, to which its author - as an afterthought - gave the suggestion of being a Pauline epistle by adding the personal matter in ch.
Neither Corinth (as Lightfoot) nor Rome (as Harnack, who assigns it to Bishop Soter, c. 166-174) satisfies all the internal conditions, while the Eastern nature of the external evidence and the homily's quasi-canonical status in the Codex-Alexandrinus strongly favour an Alexandrine origin.
His second homily contains a denunciation of usury which has become famous.
AdvertisementHe traveled with them from the West Indies and toward the end had given them a little homily.
Click here to read Cardinal Ratzinger's inspiring homily at John Paul II's funeral.
I am heartened by what Archbishop Kevin has said [inhis installation homily] .
On the other hand, it has been contended that it is merely a fragment of an early patristic homily.
Thus the finally fixed meaning of the word homily as an ecclesiastical term came to be a written discourse (generally possessing the sanction of some great name) read in church by or for the officiating clergyman when from any cause he was unable to deliver a sermon of his own.
AdvertisementThus St Augustine 54 ad Januar.) mentions it as having been kept from time immemorial and as probably instituted by the apostles Chrysostom, in his homily on the ascension, mentions a celebration of the festival in the church of Romanesia outside Antioch, and Socrates (Hist.
Hitler decided to deliver a fresh homily to Gring the next day.
Far closer, however, are the affinities between the homily and the Shepherd of Hermas, " the first Christian allegory," which as a literary whole dates from about A.D.
So it is defined by the Church of England, in the 16th homily, on the authority of the Council of Chalcedon' and of the primitive church generally.
Rashi unites homily with grammatical exegesis in a manner which explains the charm of the commentary.
AdvertisementMost nearly on the lines of the New Testament are the so-called Apostolic (really Sub-Apostolic) Fathers (Clement of Rome to the Corinthians, Didache, Barnabas, the letters of Ignatius and the single letter of Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermas, the homily commonly known as the Second Epistle of Clement).
The Epistola ad omnes philosophos and the Homily on the Penitent Thief, ascribed by Armenian tradition to Aristides, are really of 5th-century origin.
It has, in general, been greatly shortened, and the ordinary sermon of to-day is no longer an elaborate piece of carefully balanced and ornamental literary architecture, but a very simple and brief homily, not occupying the listener for more than some ten minutes in the course of an elaborate service.
It is not a letter but really a homily written in Rome about the middle of the 2nd century.
In his hands, as may be seen from the 19 homilies on Jeremiah that have been preserved in the Greek (and others in the Latin of Rufinus), the crude homily of his predecessors began to take a more dignified, orderly and impressive form.
AdvertisementHow wholly he and his surroundings were untouched by the Arian conflict may be judged from the 17th homily - "that Christ is the Son of God."
In the 17th Homily the identification is effected.
It was read out on parade to every regiment in the service, with a homily attached, and placed on record in every regimental order book.
In this connexion it is worth pointing out that the homily against idolatry was reprinted, without alteration and by the king's authority, long after altar lights had been restored under the influence of the high church party supreme at court.
In this connexion the homily Of Fasting may be again referred to.
James, like 1 John, is a homily, even more lacking than 1 John in every epistolary feature, not even supplied with the customary epistolary farewell.