Homes Sentence Examples
There aren't many homes available.
He had a wealth of happy stories which made him the most delightful of companions in the homes of his people.
The birthplaces of these persons are still known, and to this day there are sequestered villages, nestling near the western base of the Ghats, which are pointed to as being the ancestral homes of men who two centuries ago had political control over half India.
All nations have similar harvest homes, especially with reference to the vintage feasts; as, for instance, the Athenian Oschophoria.
Violence speedily followed; the local militia was called out, but since only a few would serve the only means found to quiet the people was an alleged promise from the governor that if they would petition him for redress and go to their homes he would see that justice was done.
South America, the West Indies, tropical Africa and Southern Asia are the homes of the various members, but the plants have been introduced with success into other lands, as is well indicated by the fact that although no species of Gossypium is native to the United States of America, that country now produces over twothirds of the world's supply of cotton.
Every year more than half the adult males (in some districts three-fourths of the men and one-third of the women) quit their homes and wander throughout Russia in search of labour.
I've now located and examined three different homes that list five adult occupants.
He didn't even mind the caravan of slow moving campers and motor homes that crawled along the summer byway, frequently stopping for photos of the majestic scenery before them.
When he tried to visit them at their homes he found the task beyond him, and therefore invited them to meet him on Thursday evenings.
AdvertisementI was growing to love this town, with its simple history, proud of its old homes and field stone fences, telling the world it was a place worth staying.
Toby said they need homes.
The orphans are boarded in the homes of respectable poor people, who thus also benefit by the society.
At the time of the reformation under Josiah, represented by Deuteronomy, the attempt was made to turn the family thank-offering of firstlings into a sacrificial rite performed by the priests in the Temple with the aid of the males of each household, who had to come up to Jerusalem but left the next morning to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread in their homes.
The small town with its repetition of nice homes made it a good place to live.
AdvertisementIn the First Parish Church, the site of which is marked by a monument, the Provincial Congress, after adjournment from Concord, met from April to July 1775; the Massachusetts General Court held its sessions here from 1775 to 1778, and the Boston town meetings were held here during the siege of Boston, when many of the well-known Boston families made their homes in the neighbourhood.
In the 16th century we find faith cures recorded of Luther and other reformers, in the next century of the Baptists, Quakers and other Puritan sects, and in the 18th century the faith healing of the Methodists in this country was paralleled by Pietism in Germany, which drew into its ranks so distinguished a man of science as Stahl (1660-1734) In the 19th century Prince Hohenlohe-WaldenburgSchillingsfiirst, canon of Grosswardein, was a famous healer on the continent; the Mormons and Irvingites were prominent among English-speaking peoples; in the last quarter of the 19th century faith healing became popular in London, and Bethshan homes were opened in 1881, and since then it has found many adherents in England.
Dr. Wynn's massive home was located along a street lined by manicured lawns and gated homes.
Rhyn is supposed to find the basement angels new homes.
The pair drove down Seventh Street, crossed over the Uncompahgre River and followed the dirt road to the small cluster of mobile homes.
AdvertisementNegotiations were soon opened which quickly led to the resignation of Costa, and the return of the insurgents to their homes.
After several months of desperate fighting, Saigo and a small remnant of his followers made a swif t retreat to Kagoshima, and fell fighting (September 14) within sight of their homes.
Further development was, however, not stopped, but in many cases stimulated by migration and settlement in new homes.
The indignation of the Christians increased, a state of insecurity prevailed, and the Moslem peasants refused to return to their homes.
Two small rivers (Mill and Fort) flow through the township. Amherst is a quiet, pleasing, academic village of attractive homes.
AdvertisementThere are also several industrial homes.
These were drawn by their cattle, and were the homes of each fam11lly.
The streets are well shaded, chiefly with elms. At Bath are the state military and naval orphan asylum, two homes for the aged, and a soldiers' monument.
One of the first acts of Cyrus accordingly was to allow these exiles to return to their own homes, carrying with them the images of their gods and their sacred vessels.
But men could not be prevented from pouring out from their homes in search of new conquests and more booty.
The smartest epigrams, the fairest similes, the keenest satires, spoken or sung on such occasions, were treasured in the memory of the hearers and carried by them to their homes.
Toledo enacted that one-seventh of the male population of a village should be subject to conscription for this service, but they were to be paid, and were not to be taken beyond a specified distance from their homes.
Both sexes dressed with Puritan plainness; husbands and wives quitted their homes for convents; marriage became an awful and scarcely permitted rite; mothers suckled their own babes; and persons of all ranks - nobles, scholars and artists - renounced the world to assume the Dominican robe.
By these paths the germs of Asiatic plants were carried over to join the endemic flora of the country, and all found suitable homes amid greatly varying conditions of climate and physiography.
Japanese rivers and lakes are the habitation of severalseven or eightspecies of freshwater crab (kani), which live in holes on the shore and emerge in the day-time, often moving to considerable distances from their homes.
Among the charitable institutions are the Dayton state hospital (for the insane), the Miami Valley and the St Elizabeth hospitals, the Christian Deaconess, the Widows' and the Children's homes, and the Door of Hope (for homeless girls); and 1 m.
Maximilian had a villa there, and many of the public men of Mexico, natives of the lowlands, have made their homes there rather than in the national capital.
In some cases it had a political motive, as the planting of military colonies or providing new homes for the proletariat.
It enabled him to study the Swiss and the Germans in their homes; and the report which he wrote on his return is among his most effective political studies.
This vast domain has been utilized to provide homes for settlers, to encourage education, to subsidize railways, and to build the state capitol.
The Board of Control of State Institutions has supervisory and inquisitorial powers over all county and private institutions in the state in which insane are kept, and over homes for friendless children maintained by societies or institutions.
Its residential portions are, characterized by detached homes set in ample and beautiful grounds.
A large part of the transatlantic immigrants pass speedily to permanent homes in the west, but by far the greater part of the Canadian influx remains.
Beliefs and practices with reference to the heavenly world were inspired by zoic activities; its location, scenery and environment were the homes of beast gods.
An Act of 1910 provides that indigent soldiers, sailors or marines of the U.S. and their families be cared for in their homes and not in almshouses.
Linen is manufactured chiefly in the mountains of Lusatia, where the looms are still to some extent found in the homes of the weavers.
It has a Carnegie library, and is the seat of an Evangelical Lutheran theological seminary (1865), of Lutheran homes for the aged and orphan, of the Milwaukee county hospital for the insane, of the Milwaukee sanatorium for nervous diseases, and of the north-western branch of the national soldiers' home, which has grounds covering 385 acres and with main building and barracks affording quarters for over 2000 disabled veterans, and has a hospital, a theatre, and a library of 15,000 volumes.
There are 12 hospitals (3 of them city institutions), 6 orphan asylums, 4 homes for the aged, a foundlings' home and a state industrial school for girls.
Juneau and several others who arrived at about the same time built homes on the east side of the river near the foot of the present Wisconsin Street.
It was founded in 1887 with the object of providing skilled nursing for the sick poor in their own homes.
This is perhaps the commonest system, but some of the best nursing homes give a somewhat higher fixed salary without any percentage.
Individuals, moreover, vary greatly in their capacity to respond successfully to new conditions of life, and it is less costly and more practical if the selection be made in their natural homes.
More than ten years before Cassiodorus founded his monasteries in the south of Italy, Benedict of Nursia (480-543) had rendered a more permanent service to the cause of scholarship by building, amid the ruins of the temple of Apollo on the crest of Monte Cassino, the earliest of those homes of learning that have lent an undying distinction to the Benedictine order.
They are very prolific, the female producing several litters in the year, each consisting of over a dozen blind young; and these, when not more than three weeks old, are turned out of the parental burrow to form underground homes for themselves.
The inhabitants of the "reductions," whom the Jesuits had trained in the use of European arms and discipline, naturally rose in defence of their homes, and attacked the troops and authorities.
That in the palace gardens flowers from the tierra caliente were transplanted, and water-fowl bred near fresh and salt pools fit for each kind, that all kinds of birds and beasts were kept in well-appointed zoological gardens, where there were homes even for alligators and snakes - all this testifies to a cultivation of natural history which was really beyond the European level of the time.
But in the homes the Genevan version still maintained its supremacy.
Abandoned farms were advertised as suitable for country homes, and within fifteen years about two thousand were bought; and the carriage roads were improved, game preserved and the interests of visitors studied.
Many farmers abandoned their sterile farms and made new homes in the West, where soil yielded larger returns for labour, and a foreign-born population, consisting largely of French Canadians, came to the cities in response to the demand for labour in the mills and factories.
A noteworthy incident of the Concord affair, and characteristic of the attitude which the provincials had maintained and continued to maintain for another year, was the official representation to the king by the Massachusetts people that the regulars were the first to fire upon them, and that they returned the fire and fought through the day in strict defence of their rights and homes as Englishmen.
In 1806 he was ordered to restore to their homes 50 Osages, redeemed by the United States government from Potawatami, and to explore the country.
If, in any case, all present had eaten in their homes beforehand, the giving of the cup would immediately follow on the breaking and eating of the one loaf, but Paul's words indicate that the common meal within the church was the norm.
The general feeling on the subject is expressed by the language of the 28th Article, first drafted in 1553, to the effect that " the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not by Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up or worshipped," and by the fact that a form was provided for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist for the sick in their own homes.
Much of the wool is sold, like the native cotton, to Indian and Ladino women, who manufacture coarse cloth and linen in their homes.
Among the public buildings and institutions are the Marine Museum, the Public Library (founded in 1854 by Josiah Little and containing about 45,000 volumes), the old Tracy mansion (built in 1771 or 1772), which forms part of the Public Library building, the Anna Jacques and Homoeopathic hospitals, homes for aged women and men, a Home for Destitute Children, Old South Church, in which is the tomb of George Whitefield, and the Young Men's Christian Association building, which is a memorial to George Henry Corliss (1817-1888), the inventor, erected by his widow, a native of Newburyport.
The syrup is used chiefly as a substitute for jam or preserved fruits, and the sugar is used in country homes for sweetening, for cooking purposes and for the making of confectionery.
The 16th century saw the Pathan tribes established in their present homes.
Particular sites, rivers, springs, hills, meadows, caves, rocks, trees or groves, are holy and from time immemorial have been so, as the natural homes or haunts of gods or spirits.
About 2000, mainly from the Gilbert Islands, were brought in at the expense of the government between 1878 and 1884; but they did not give satisfaction either as labourers or as citizens, and most of them have been returned to their homes.
In order to satisfy it relics were made by placing pieces of cloth on the gravesof the saints, which were afterwards taken to their homes and venerated by the pilgrims.
They only travel by night; and, staying in congenial places for considerable periods, with unaccustomed abundance of provender, notwithstanding the destructive influences to which they are exposed, they multiply excessively during their journey, having families more numerous and frequent than in their usual homes.
In general, however, their lot seems to have struck the Romans as favourable, since they were not attached to their masters' households but lived in homes of their own, subject to fixed payments in corn, live stock and clothing.
It supports schools and medical missions, homes and orphanages.
No homes for soldiers and sailors are more efficient or better liked by the men.
Thus the dead are believed by the peasantry of many Catholic countries to return to their former homes on All Souls' night and partake of the food of the living.
Burlington's charitable institutions include the Mary Fletcher hospital, the Adams mission home, the Lousia Howard mission, the Providence orphan asylum, and homes for aged women, friendless women and destitute children.
The towns of Cantu, Meda, Lissone and Carugo supply Milanese firms with most of their merchandise, the furniture being made by the workmen at their own homes with materials supplied by the Milanese buyers, who also advance the capital necessary for working expenses.
In 1888 (before the similar work of the Salvation Army was inaugurated) the Church Army established labour homes in London and elsewhere, with the object of giving a "fresh start in life" to the outcast and destitute.
These homes deal with the outcast and destitute in a plain, straightforward way.
There are about 1 20 homes in London and the provinces, and 56% of the inmates are found to make these the successful beginning of an honest self-supporting life.
Thousands of its inhabitants, and those the most enterprising and intelligent, fled from the Inquisition, and made their homes in the Dutch republic or in England.
The city's charitable institutions consist of two general hospitals, each of which has a training school for nurses; a municipal hospital, an orphan asylum, a home for the friendless, two old folks' homes, and a bureau of charities; here, also, on a bluff, within a large enclosure and overlooking both lake and city, is the state soldiers' and sailors' home, and near by is a monument erected to the memory of General Anthony Wayne, who died here on the 15th of December 1796.
St Vincent of Paul soon followed; in 1633 he established the Sisters of Charity, bound only by yearly vows, and wholly given up to works of charity - chiefly nursing in hospitals and in the homes of the poor, and primary education in poor schools.
This they did in their homes, without withdrawing from their families or avocations.
Here it is not enough to regulate the flow of streams. The object of the government is to dispose of the land to settlers who will build homes upon it.
According to this the disciples, though they fled at the betrayal, did not return to their homes, but remained in Jerusalem, saw the risen Lord in that city, and stayed there until after the day of Pentecost.
The town possesses a pier and promenade, a theatre, assembly rooms, and numerous convalescent homes, including an establishment belonging to the Merchant Taylors' Company.
Ontario is thus pre-eminently an agricultural province, though the growth of manufactures has increased the importance of the towns and cities, and many of the farmers are seeking new homes in the provinces of Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Cobden spoke some words of condolence, but after a time he looked up and said, "There are thousands of homes in England at this moment where wives, mothers and children are dying of hunger."
South and west of this highland, along the Kansas river, is a low, level tract occupied chiefly by railway yards, stock yards, wholesale houses and manufacturing establishments; north and east of the highland is a flat section, the Missouri River bottoms, occupied largely by manufactories, railway yards, grain elevators and homes of employes.
The charitable institutions and professional schools included in 1908 about thirty hospitals, several children's homes and homes for the aged, an industrial home, the Kansas City school of law, the University medical college, and the Scarritt training school.
The principal buildings are the parish church, well-placed on a hill overlooking the pier, convalescent homes, Cottage and Victoria fever hospitals, and the town house.
Among penal and charitable institutions are the Riverside State Penitentiary, three hospitals, three homes for orphans, a home for the friendless and an industrial school.
Six bridges spanning the river and electric lines crossing them have brought Allegheny into close industrial and social relations with the main part of Pittsburg, and on the hills of Allegheny are beautiful homes of wealthy men.
The majority of the Serbo-Croats left their homes among the Carpathians and settled in the Balkan Peninsula in the 7th century.
In raising funds and equipping and supplying troops the governor showed great energy and resourcefulness, and his plans and organizations for caring for the needy widows and children of Pennsylvania soldiers killed in battle, and for aiding and removing to their homes the sick and wounded were widely copied throughout the North.
One of the oldest homes of the pilgrimage is India.
We know that the early Christians were accustomed to sing hymns, both in their homes and on the occasions of their meeting together.
Sometimes all the members of the family, or of a village, to which a culprit belonged would flee from their homes and take refuge in another village, or seek the protection of a powerful chief.
We cannot to-day determine the exact homes or provenance of these freebooters, who were a terror alike to the Frankish empire, to England and to Ireland and west Scotland, who only came into view when their ships anchored in some Christian harbour, and who were called now Normanni, now Dacii, now Danes, now Lochlannoch; which last, the Irish name for them, though etymologically " men of the lakes or bays," might as well be translated " Norsemen," seeing that Lochlann was the Irish for Norway.
During this year he published a book When Labour Rules, in which he, speaking, of course, only for himself, depicted the kind of policy which Labour in power would favour - such as the right to work, development of nationalization, better homes, shorter hours, state endowment of motherhood, great extension of university facilities and a national theatre and opera.
Fifty thousand boys and girls were persuaded by some pestilent dreamers that their childish innocence would effect what their immoral fathers had failed to accomplish, and so left their homes on an expedition to capture the Holy Land.
The Berbers, if irreligious, are very superstitious, never leaving their homes without exorcizing evil spirits, and have a good and evil interpretation for every day of the week.
Sometimes their homes are mere huts of turf, or of clay tiles, with mortar made from lime and clay or cow-dung.
The remaining bodies of Pindaris were attacked in their homes, surrounded, and cut to pieces.
Consequently all those who can make their homes in the cooler uplands of the interior.
Most of the cloth which the natives wear the women weave in their own homes.
Facing the South Common were the homes of Rev. Nathaniel Ward (1578-1652), principal author of the Massachusetts "Body of Liberties" (1641); the first code of laws in New England, and author of The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America, Willing to help mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in the upper-Leather and the Sole (1647), published under the pseudonym, "Theodore de la Guard," one of the most curious and interesting books of the colonial period; of Richard Saltonstall (1610-1694), who wrote against the life tenure of magistrates, and although himself an Assistant espoused the more liberal principles of the Deputies; and of Ezekiel Cheever (1614-1708), a famous schoolmaster, who had charge of the grammar school in 1650-1660.
The troops of Kufa, who accompanied Mohallab in an expedition against the Kharijites, had abandoned their general and dispersed to their homes, and nothing could induce them to return to their duty.
For a considerable portion of its inhabitants Brooklyn is only a place of residence, their business interests being in the borough of Manhattan; hence Brooklyn has been called the "city of homes" and the "dormitory of New York."
As midnight approaches they return to the house of the bride, and escort her, with her dowry, to the house of the bridegroom, and, having delivered her safely to her future lord and master, disperse to their respective homes.
Settlements were completely deserted; homes, farms and stores abandoned.
Certain it is that though the unprejudiced must admit that exclusion has not been at all an unmixed blessing, yet the consensus of opinion is that a large population, non-citizen and non-assimilable, sending - it is said - most of their earnings to China, living in the main meanly at best, and practically without wives, children or homes, is socially and economically a menace outweighing the undoubted convenience of cheaper (and frequently more trustworthy) menial labour than the other population affords.
Iron-wood, remarkable for the durability of its timber, is abundant; it is used by the natives for the pillars of their homes and forms an article of export, chiefly to HongKong.
Whether any of them are permanent homes of plague the evidence does not enable us to say.
He also founded orders of School Brothers and School Sisters, to work in the various educational agencies he had called into existence, and he laboured to institute orphanages and rescue homes.
On land, however, whither they resort to breed, they seek food of their own taking, whether small mammals, little birds, insects or berries; but even here their uncommon courage is exhibited, and they will defend their homes and offspring with the utmost spirit against any intruder, repeatedly shooting down on man or dog that invades their haunts, while every bird almost, from an eagle downwards, is repelled by buffets or something worse.
It was the common belief that they had been driven from their homes on the North Sea by inundations, but, whatever the cause of their migration, they had been wandering along the Danube for some years warring with the Celtic tribes on either bank.
The award of the angel-judges at the Bridge of Assembly, soon after death, despatched the individual to his appropriate lot in the homes of Good or Evil Thought, Word 1 Cf.
The lakes are the homes of a variety of aquatic birds.
Measures were, however, promptly taken for succouring the people, who had been driven from their homes, and the task of restoration was vigorously taken in hand.
A portion of the nation is, however, said to have remained behind, and Procopius tells a story that these remnants sent an embassy to Gaiseric, asking that their kinsfolk in Africa should renounce their claims to the lands which their forefathers had held in the old homes of the race.
These, then, were the direct causes of the voluntary expatriation of the majority of the first trekkers, who included some of the best families in the colony, but they fail to explain the profound hostility to Great Britain which thereafter animated many, but not all, of the emigrants, nor do they account for the easy abandonment of their homes by numbers of the trekkers.
In the next place these people, thinly scattered over a wide extent of territory, had lived for long under little restraint from the laws, and when in 1815, by the institution of " Commissions of Circuit," justice was brought nearer to their homes, various offences were brought to light, the remedying of which caused much resentment.
He was interested in the spiritual condition of Germans who had emigrated to the United States, and built two training homes for missionaries to them.
The benevolent institutions include the general hospital, founded in 1817, removed to the present site in 1867, extended by the addition of two wings in 1878 and of an eye department in 1890; a convalescent home for twenty patients from the hospital only (1903); the Royal Cambrian Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, established in 1847 at Aberystwyth, removed to Swansea in 1850, and several times enlarged, so as to have at present accommodation for ninety-eight pupils; the Swansea and South Wales Institution for the Blind, established in 1865 and now under the Board of Education; the Swansea and South Wales Nursing Institute (1873), providing a home for nurses in the intervals of their employment; a nursing institution (1902) for nursing the sick poor in their own homes, affiliated with the Queen's Jubilee Institute of London; the Sailors' Home (1864); a Sailors' Rest (1885); and a Mission to Seamen's Institute (1904).
Converted to Roman Catholicism under compulsion, these "New Christians" often continued to observe Jewish rites in their homes, as the Inquisition records attest.
In 568 Alboin and the Langobardi, in accordance with a compact made with Baian, which is recorded by Menander, abandoned their old homes to the Avars and passed southwards into Italy, were they were destined to found a new and mighty kingdom.
The state supports the Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1859), at Kalamazoo; the Eastern Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1878), at Pontiac; the Northern Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1885), at Traverse City; the Michigan Asylum for the Dangerous and Criminal Insane (established 1885), at Ionia; the Upper Peninsula Hospital for the Insane, at Newberry; a Psychopathic Hospital (established 1907), at Ann Arbor; a State Sanatorium (established 1905), at Howell; the Michigan State Prison (established 1839), at Jackson; the Michigan Reformatory (established 1887), at Ionia; the State House of Correction and Branch Prison (established 1885), at Marquette; the Industrial School for Boys, at Lansing; the Industrial Home for Girls (established 1879), near Adrian; the State Public School (opened 1874), at Coldwater, a temporary home for dependent children until homes in families can be found for them; the School for the Deaf (established 1854), at Flint; the School for the Blind, at Lansing; an Employment Institution for the Blind (established 1903), at Saginaw; the Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic (established 1893), at Lapeer; and the Michigan Soldiers' Home (established 1885), at Grand Rapids.
The white inhabitants, still mostly French, were subjected to an English rule that until the Quebec Act of 1774 was chiefly military, and as a consequence many of the more thrifty sought homes elsewhere, and the Indians, most of whom had been allies of the French, were so ill-treated, both by the officers and traders, that under Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas, a simultaneous attack on the English posts was planned.
Should the water dry up, the coypu seek fresh homes.
Then, when religious persecution drove many of the industrial population of the west of Europe away from the homes of their birth, they liberally repaid English hospitality by establishing their own arts in the country, and teaching them to the inhabitants.
Convicts in the prison are usually employed in the manufacture of articles that are not extensively made elsewhere in the state, such as carriages, harness, furniture and brooms. The inmates of the state school for boys receive instruction in farming, carpentry, tailoring, laundry work, and various other trades and occupations; and the girls in the state industrial school are trained in housework, laundering, dressmaking, &c. Paupers are cared for chiefly by the towns and cities, those wholly dependent being placed in almshouses and those only partially dependent receiving aid at their homes.
These expeditions were such a drain on Maine's population that Massachusetts was called upon to send men to garrison the little forts that protected the homes left defenceless by men who had gone to the front.
Burlington is a pleasant residential city with a number of interesting old mansions long antedating the War of Independence, some of them the summer homes of old Philadelphia families.
In connexion with the juvenile court detention homes have been established, and in certain conditions justices of the peace are empowered to act as judges of the juvenile court in their respective precincts.
Among others may be mentioned hospitals for the sick, the aged, the infirm, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the insane, and homes for widows, orphans, foundlings and sailors.
When the news of the outbreak at Meerut reached Lucknow, Sir Henry Lawrence recognized the gravity of the crisis and summoned from their homes two bodies of pensioners, one of sepoys and one of artillerymen, to whose loyalty, and to that of the Sikh sepoys, the successful defence of the residency was largely due.
Before beginning operations of demolition it was obviously necessary to provide homes for the poor people who would be turned out, and a large workingclass quarter was erected to the north and beyond the railway station.
In 1849 Longfellow published a novel of no great merit, Kavanagh, and also a volume of poems entitled The Seaside and the Fireside, a title which has reference to his two homes, the seaside one on the charming peninsula of Nahant, the fireside one in Cambridge.
He still continued to receive all visitors, and to take occasional runs up to Castine and Portland, the homes of his family.
Strawplaiting was once extensively carried on in this neighbourhood by women and girls in their cottage homes, but has now almost entirely disappeared owing to the importation of Chinese and Japanese plaited straw.
Civil war has caused a large loss of life, and the withdrawal from their homes of a considerable part of the male population, some of them for military service and a greater number going into concealment to escape it, and it is certain that the rate of increase has been small.
Other institutions are the London Hospital, Whitechapel, the East London children's hospital, the headquarters of Dr Barnardo's Homes, Stepney Causeway, and Her Majesty's Hospital for waifs connected therewith; the Stepney training college of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and the Spitalfields trade and technical school.
Many younger sons from the colony, with nothing to lose, left their homes with horse and rifle to join the republican forces.
Among the institutions of the town may be mentioned the Queen Alexandra Hospital (1902), and several hydropathic establishments and convalescent homes.
Leith Links, one of the homes of golf in Scotland, is a popular resort, on Lochend Road are situated Hawkhill recreation grounds, and Lochend Loch is used for skating and curling.
Prior to 1752, in which year there were only twenty-five houses with two hundred inhabitants, the growth of the city had indeed been slow; but only a year or two later wheat loaded in its harbour was for the first time shipped to Scotland; during the war between the French and the English at this time some of the unfortunate Acadians found new homes here; in 1767 Baltimore was made the county seat; by the beginning of the War of Independence its population had grown to 6755; and in 1780 it was made a port of entry.
These were treated as in their own homes according to the rank to which they belonged, and were discharged on the performance of the contract.
Each county provides for the indoor care of the poor in poor asylums and children's homes, and for local prisoners in county jails.
No child can be made a public ward except upon order of the juvenile court, and all such children may be placed in family homes by agents of the Board of State Charities.
The Kent Sanatorium and one of the Barnardo homes are established here.
Immediately after the sack of Lawrence, John Brown and a small band murdered and mutilated five pro-slavery men, on Pottawatomie Creek; a horrible deed, showing a new spirit on the freestate side, and of ghastly consequence - for it contributed powerfully to widen further the licence of highway robbery, pillage and arson, the ruin of homes, the driving off of settlers, marauding expeditions, attacks on towns, outrages in short of every kind, that made the following months a welter of lawlessness and crime, until Governor Geary - by putting himself above all partisanship, repudiating Missouri, and using Federal troops put an end to them late in 1856.
But now they had possessions of their own to defend, and could not raid at large in Wessex or Mercia without exposing their homes to similar molestation.
Indian miners were soon driven out of business and were nearly crowded out of their homes.
The Year-Book (1911) of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America (Anglican) mentions 18 American sisterhoods and 7 deaconess homes and training colleges.
Many were homes of marauding chiefs, and nearly all were used as beacon-stations to give alarm of foray or invasion.
The other men go back to their homes or to the factories in the cities, where they await the harvesting and threshing season.
Here was one of the oldest homes of Christianity and the seat of one of the seven churches of the Apocalypse.
There are few or no large congested tenement-house districts; most of the wage-earners own their own homes or rent cottages.
With the disappearance of the T'ai-p'ings the refugees returned to their homes, leaving whole quarters deserted.
At that hour no less than 20,000 people were on the border, and when the signal was given there ensued a remarkably spectacular race for homes.
Bauan has a fine church and is known as a market for "sinamay" or hemp cloth, the hemp and cotton being imported and dyed and woven by the women in their homes.
Very shortly afterwards, another war minister, General Castillo, attempted to strike at the root of military insubordination, and simultaneously in every garrison of the kingdom the senior sergeants, more than 1000 in all, were given their discharge and ordered to start for their homes on the spot.
Many homes, and even small settlements in Nebraska - though not to the same extent as in Colorado and Kansas - were abandoned.
Missionary efforts of all sorts; hospitals and nursing; industrial homes and refuges; relief funds, &c., found in her a generous supporter.
White not only notes the homes and ways, the times and seasons, of plants and animals - comparing, for instance, the different ways in which the squirrel, the fieldmouse and the nuthatch eat their hazel-nuts - or watches the migrations of birds, which were then only beginning to be properly recorded or understood, but he knows more than any other observer until Charles Darwin about the habits and the usefulness of the earthworms, and is certain that plants distil dew and do not merely condense it.
The lesser one was the flight of Greek iconolatrous monks from Asia Minor and the Levant to Sicily and Calabria, where they established convents which for centuries were the western homes of Greek learning, and in which were written not a few of the oldest Greek MSS.
In addition he wrote several popular compendiums of American history for schools and homes.
Among the charitable institutions are Blessing Hospital (1875), St Mary's Hospital (1867; in charge of the Sisters of the Poor of St Francis), the Woodland Home for Orphans and Friendless (1853), St Aloysius Orphans' Home (1865), and several homes for the aged and infirm.
Each of their homes had large "stables" (he refused to call them garages, "It's such an uncivilized word.") filled with Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches, along with prototypes that Sarah did not even try to keep track of.
Many of the older homes dating back to the last century were still owned by families with sufficient money to maintain them in at least some semblance of their prior grandeur.
I want to reiterate the importance of protecting our homes.
The gradual abolition of due process is opening our homes to quite casual searches.
Indeed, 4.5 million homes now have digital TV, compared with 6 million having Internet access vial their home PC.
The homes are set in 1½ acres of communal grounds, each with their own unfenced gardens and vegetable plots.
We provide adaption to Hackney Homes (Council) properties to suit the needs of people with disabilities and mobility problems.
Young families who can no longer afford to buy homes on the open market more urgently need housing association accommodation.
Under English law most homes are owned under joint tenancy agreements, which means the property is owned by both partners.
Previous refugee reports claimed that ethnic Albanians were burned alive in their homes.
Patients often assume that cat allergen is only present in the houses that are homes to cats.
It offers free door locks and personal attack to 1,800 homes in Cardiff and surrounding area each year.
Improved transport made it an attractive area for wealthy aristocrats to build their country homes.
The city's eighth arrondissement, above the Corniche, was the favored area for Parisian merchants ' second homes in the 19th century.
The project uses state-of-the art " smart technologies ", which help frail elderly people to live independently in their own homes.
Did farmers tell you where their nearest homes for milling wheat & malting barley are?
Our holiday homes have been carefully converted from the granite barns that once formed an old Cornish farmyard.
More than 1,250 homes and one of Shropshire's biggest retail parks were left without electricity earlier today during a massive power blackout.
Last year, 75 of our customers ' homes were flooded internally with sewage due to nearby sewer blockages.
Homes with features such as high levels of insulation, double-glazing and energy-efficient boilers could be more attractive to buyers, and sell quicker.
Planning permission has been granted for the creation of 1,000 new homes along with waterside cafes, restaurants, bars and a new hotel.
Care homes with nursing offer support for people whose illness or disability means that they need nursing care homes with nursing offer support for people whose illness or disability means that they need nursing care on a regular basis.
All of our homes have smooth plastered ceilings painted white.
These homes have been built using sustainably sourced materials, avoiding toxic chemicals commonly found in new houses.
National childrens Homes One of the UK's leading childrens ' charities, working with vulnerable children, young people and their families.
We also study have affected marital from nursing homes copay coinsurance for.
Homes bid on bungalow site Shell Haven future remains unclear Murder inquiry under way More seats for c2c commuters Who stole my little pony?
The Home Visiting Service provides companionship from volunteers visiting older people in their own homes.
We can offer a truly comprehensive service in the residential property market from starter homes to country estates.
They visited 28 nursing homes and examined the prescribing of what has been called the " chemical cosh " to 217 of the residents.
Through our partnership with H2O homes overseas countrywide we hope to educate consumers on the merits and risks of fluctuating currencies.
With sparse but clever staging, the space became several homes, a prison, a country dale and a hospital.
The average cost to make these homes decent is £ 16,000 each, or some £ 43 billion in total.
Sooner or later, as more and more homes go digital, there will be a breakthrough hit on a small digital channel.
The local authority in this case showed total disregard for the plight of people who could not afford to buy their own homes.
And in Peterborough, homes for sale are advertised as " within commuting distance of London ", 78 miles away.
Homes college dorms all the way need to reassure sampling some of.
The reef is one of the last homes to the rare dugong.
The waste dump for the 24,000 hotel rooms in Cancun is one mile away from their homes.
A cut above bustling and brassy Blackpool, Lytham St Annes attracted gentry eager to make their homes in the town.
In the UK, its power stations generate enough electricity to power homes of around eight million people.
Notes to editors EDF Energy distributes electricity to 7.8 million homes and businesses across London, the East of England and the South East.
Hope do not place dogs in homes where there are already entire dogs.
In 1884 " The Bristol Mercury published a series of articles entitled " The Homes of the Bristol Poor " .
They are threatened, tortured, killed or violently evicted from their homes.
Greenwich Hospital is a 1960s eyesore, which will be turned into new homes for first time purchasers and key workers.
International agencies are investing heavily in temporary pre fabricated buildings to provide as many homes as possible before winter.
The loans are provided to remedy failings under the Decent Homes Standard.
Despite the lack of fax machines in most peoples homes, they wanted a fax machines in most peoples homes, they wanted a fax.
New homes urgently sought for New Year's unwanted felines.
Well-heeled buyers will pay the earth to approach their homes along a driveway flanked by manicured greens.
In South Carolina she uncovered flaws in the state's forensic crime lab and exposed dangerous practices in funeral homes.
The results were amazing too see, and had wide-spread effects with local homes and commercial premises inundated by floodwater.
Thousands of homes were marooned by floodwater, experts estimated the total damage bill could exceed £ 100 million.
Some tenants are choosing to fit laminated flooring in their homes.
Our self catering luxury mobile homes are set amidst beautiful pine forest.
We will all become the gatekeepers for content coming into our homes ", it says.
With these adaptable preferences, a blue gourami can be accommodated in most homes without too much upheaval.
Many of the once grand homes are now run down flats, houses of multiple occupation and DSS hostels.
We hope to raise awareness of the many guinea pigs waiting for permanent loving homes.
Somewhere in our homes we all have a drawer full of embroidered handkerchiefs or bottles of perfume.
These are not websites for lonely hearts, they're for people in search of holiday homes.
The reason for the death toll in the UK is our huge stock of poorly heated, energy inefficient homes.
This booklet gives guidance on the administration and control of medicines in residential homes, nursing homes and children's homes.
The Council has helped to deliver more than 120 new affordable homes in Restormel over the last year.
Where care homes are answer need quality care in public sector (not for profits ).
We know that poorly off households are less likely to have home computers than comfortably off homes.
Its research shows that last year alone around 21,700 retired homeowners released equity from their homes to provide an early inheritance to loved ones.
This fact sheet includes the construction and use of bat boxes, hedgehog homes, red squirrel feeding hoppers and bumblebee homes.
Dealing with bogus callers Police advise householders throughout the region to be cautious about who they let into their homes.
Richer homes would have a housemaid to do this work.
And some families already weakened by hunger have lost their homes, animals and winter crops to floods.
Family insults may be especially hurtful in the context of children's homes as family relationships were often strained, uncertain and sometimes severed.
Children brought up in very hygienic homes are more likely to develop asthma.
In addition, David Wilson Homes has been ordered to pay for infrastructure improvements such as traffic management and flood control.
Many people are still very opposed to the building of waste incinerators near their homes.
There must be no institutionalized " child care " and " homes for the aged.
Chrissie manages a team of approximately fifty fitness instructors who conduct personal training sessions in people's homes.
Hummingbird Exceed provides the performance boost necessary for students to remotely access graphically intensive CAD design tools from PCs in their homes.
Many homes have a sloping roof which could be paneled - less environmentally intrusive than wind turbines.
It is difficult to think of anything more likely to arouse the ire of the locals than intimately searching their homes for weapons.
Be forced to homes in many start says Janet.
We also have a portable usability lab, enabling us to test in people's homes or places of work.
Sponsored Search Watermark Holidays in The Cotswolds Self-catering New England style lakeside lodges and holiday homes in a country setting.
Just under two thirds of the homes in the area are social housing with a variety of social landlords owning property.
You can also take the legwork out of looking by signing up for our FREE homes by email service.
They buy their second homes near decent hospitals and come to Spain to avoid lengthy waiting lists at home.
There is a circulating library of 656 volumes, which. the children are allowed to take to their homes to read.
Foreclosure listings Foreclosures and Foreclosed Homes in the U.S. Free Cell Phones cell phone plans Free Zippo lighters Shop for genuine Zippo lighters.
The three bedroom homes have well proportioned living room, kitchen/breakfast rooms, cloakroom and integral garage.
They have the most fabulous homes for rent durin term temporary lodging for this event.
To further terrorize ethnic Albanians, Serbs reportedly looted and burned their homes and shops throughout the town.
Despite the lack of fax machines in most peoples homes, they wanted a fax.
Would you join a protest march being planned by the Opposition Church Fields group against 4,000 new homes proposed near Daventry Country Park?
A single tower with two turbines should produce one megawatt of electricity - sufficient to power 500 homes.
Home Buyers Guide First Steps to a move This year around 1.5 million British homes will change hands in the annual property merry-go-round.
The development consists of two, three and four bedroom mews and semi-detached homes.
These biggoted, hate mongers spread thier lies and half truths into our homes, to our familes, even to kids.
More than 70 homes will overlook the new mortuary, which will store a maximum of eight bodies in a refrigeration unit.
Many sought shelter at churches or public schools after their homes were destroyed by mudslides, officials said.
Some of these are very needy, hence we try to get them into foster homes.
He then took over for registering and inspecting private and voluntary nursing homes and private hospitals at a health authority.
Funeral homes and reporters can log in and post obits, I've got search, paged news and RSS.
If they found people still in their homes, the Serbs threw a grenade through the window to kill the occupants.
All types of rubbish cleared from private homes, business premises, also on-site clearance.
We need to break the prevailing orthodoxy that the only future for those who don't own their own homes is social housing.
The House Church Movement began in the Seventies in a spontaneous outburst of small groups worshipping in their own homes.
More U.S. homes have outhouses (671,000) than TiVos (504,000 to 514,000 ).
Research will help recognize homes that seem way overpriced.
We also are helping to refurbish homes and are stocking a food pantry for 30 widows and their children.
Many of the homes also have photovoltaics and as a result actually produce more energy than they use.
There has been an immense increase in the property market for homes valued at £ 1m plus, according to Land Registry figures.
Gibbs emphasized that prevention is key and that good housing advice can help people hold onto their homes.
Instead of a shortage of available properties, we now have a veritable profusion of available homes.
No private company would have experimented with such socially progressive innovations in building homes.
Costs of providing connectivity to homes is still prohibitive, however.
Fifty per cent council tax rebate on second homes to end.
We offer a choice of 3 high quality, tastefully restored, well-equipped spacious holiday homes.
At first they had various homes - a roller-skating rink, a warehouse, a gymnasium, a creamery.
There is also a wealth of chocolate box cottages, grand homes and ancient ruins.
Will end in the area where homes would be demolished if a 3rd runway went ahead.
People should feel safe from attack, in their own homes, at school, on the street, or at their workplace.
The Home sauna Company We design and build custom-made saunas for homes and businesses in the UK.
In response to the outbreaks of scabies, the district scabies policy has been widely circulated to all nursing and residential homes and GPs.
It is also common to see nativity scenes in German homes.
The award was made under an innovative scheme that will help the residents of his home village of Helpringham enjoy warmer, healthier homes.
They promise new housing, better homes, real social security, secondary schooling for everybody.
Luncheon was served in the boys ' schoolroom, MR THOMAS TUCKER (Chairman of the Homes Committee) presiding.
At night, powerful searchlights shine into people's homes.
Its solution included action on second and holiday homes, and better use of the private rented sector.
The report lays stress on the preservation of self-respect among residents of homes and the need for privacy in maintaining this self-respect and dignity.
Powermax is the ideal home security solution for all types of property, from contemporary loft living to suburban semis to period homes.
Despite our modern homes with central heating, there's still nothing like slipping your feet into soft sheepskin first thing in the morning.
Many survivors have set up makeshift shelters on top of the debris that used to be their homes.
More than 40 homes were damaged and shoppers at the city's largest shopping mall had to take cover.
The UK Govt predicting a shortfall of over 1 million homes in the next ten years.
The four bedroom homes all feature a designer kitchen/breakfast room, en-suite shower room, garage and a good sized rear garden.
They gather momentum around the homes and reach a climax at the Manor, followed by a brief sortie to the Cross.
Nearly a million civilians who fled southern Lebanon are now returning to find they have lost homes, possessions, and livelihoods.
The Holly, from ancient times, was used by people in Britain to protect their homes from evil spirits.
People would decorate doors and windows with holly in a bid to capture evil sprits and prevent them entering their homes.
Drug problems bring untold squalor and misery to countless homes.
Unfortunately, it's a process that can also force working class communities, close knit neighbors and poor squatters out of their homes.
Charnwood Boro Council has developed a strategy to address the problems relating to empty homes within the boro.
Thus thousands of homes in the surrounding suburbs were hit.
Homes with a basement or slab foundations can benefit from the installation of a soil suction system.
Although these are private homes, the public can visit the villages quaint little tearooms, general stores and the variety of antique shops.
However thanks to latest technology, the atomic clock can now be brought into your homes.
Adaptations Adaptations refer to large or small changes to homes that are recommended by the occupational therapist.
The storms, many of which spawned tornadoes, ripped off roofs, smashed homes and left many without power.
A recent survey showed 96% of people did not want doorstep traders coming into their homes.
The overall number of these children is highly transient, since they are in and out of their homes, institutions and the street.
Most of those referred have received one-to-one tuition in their homes.
The native's traditional homes are underground in order to offer safe refuge from the severe typhoons that ravage the area every autumn.
There is a level below which nursing homes are so understaffed that quality care can not be provided.
Second homes = socially undesirable = increase taxes to discourage.
All were filmed in very ordinary looking homes, wearing ordinary looking clothes and surrounded by everyday clutter of otherwise unexceptional lives.
Or you may feel unhappy about their staying over at the homes of friends whose parents you may not know.
Come on, most of us lead lives of historically unparalleled comfort, cocooned by nice homes and generally pleasurable surroundings.
The people who work in these homes are often unsung heroes who care deeply about the people they care for.
Developers are creating homes in places they would have once considered unthinkable.
The grass in the verge is getting untidy As landlord, South Essex Homes will cut the grass outside council housing properties.
The bottom line is that wind turbines mounted on homes is relatively untried technology.
Water voles like to make their homes along densely vegetated river banks or ditches where the current is slow.
Officers wore protective clothing and stab vests as they searched the homes, but were not armed, a police spokesman said.
Many homes are connected to a metered municipal water system, which forms the entire domestic water cycle outside of the internal Distribution system.
Fiber cement weatherboard from Marley Eternit has helped give Redrow Homes a head start in meeting the Governmentâs demand for more affordable housing.
If we are to maintain an educated workforce, children need to be raised in homes where learning is encouraged.
Paul Gamble homes in on the advantages for youngsters â particularly would-be rugby players.
We will tackle second-home ownership so that more homes are owned by people who live here year-round.
It is primarily a residential suburb of New York and Newark, and has many beautiful homes; with Orange, West Orange and South Orange it forms virtually one community, popularly known as "the Oranges."
The indoor institutions are the more important in regard to endowment, and consist of hospitals for the infirm (a number of these are situated at the seaside); of hospitals for chronic and incurable diseases; of orphan asylums; of poorhouses and shelters for beggars; of infant asylums or institutes for the first education of children under six years of age; of lunatic asylums; of homes for the deaf and dumb; and of institutes for the blind.
In vain the papal bull was revoked, in vain the king issued a proclamation commanding the peasantry to return to their homes under pain of death.
But these did not mingle readily with the indigenous population; as each wave of barbarian invasion fell back, these refugees returned to their mainland homes, and it required the pressure of many successive incursions to induce them finally to abandon the mainland for the lagoon, a decision which was not reached till the Lombard invasion of 568.
Its objects embrace (a) admonition to those who fail in the payment of their just debts, or otherwise walk contrary to the standard of Quaker ethics, and the exclusion of obstinate or gross offenders from the body, and, as incident to this, the hearing of appeals from individuals or meetings considering themselves aggrieved; (b) the care and maintenance of the poor and provision for the Christian education of their children, for which purpose the Society has established boarding schools in different parts of the country; (c) the amicable settlement of " all differences about outward things," either by the parties in controversy or by the submission of the dispute to arbitration, and the restraint of all proceedings at law between members except by leave; (d) the " recording " of ministers (see above); (e) the cognizance of all steps preceding marriage according to Quaker forms; (f) the registration of births, deaths and marriages and the admission of members; (g) the issuing of certificates or letters of approval granted to ministers travelling away from their homes, or to members removing from one meeting to another; and (h) the management of the property belonging to the Society.
In the city are the state library (1842), the state law library (1839), the Illinois historical library (1889), of which the State Historical Society (1903) is a department, and the Illinois Supreme Court library; several educational institutions, including Concordia-Seminar (Evangelical Lutheran), the Ursuline Academy (Roman Catholic), and the Academy of the Sacred Heart (Roman Catholic); the Springfield hospital (1897; Lutheran), and the St John's hospital (1875; under the Sisters of St Francis), two orphanages, two homes for aged women, and a sanatorium; the permanent grounds of the State Fair (157 acres), and a state rifle range and militia camp-ground (160 acres).
While Germany and Scotland, as the chief homes of abstract speculation, gave birth to most of the theories, progress in objective science was most marked in other countries - in Italy first, and afterwards in England and France.
Large numbers of business men and others who must of necessity live in proximity to the metropolis have their homes aloof from its centre.
Other barbarians became Christian, some in their own homes beyond the confines of the Empire, some within the Empire itself, so that when the hegemony of the West passed from the Romans to the barbarians the Church lived on.
It is required to inspect both state and county charitable and correctional institutions, except the state prison and the state hospital, to recommend such changes to the state government as may seem desirable, and to have a special care for dependent children whether in institutions or placed in permanent homes.
Cobden spoke some words of condolence, but "after a time he looked up and said, ` There are thousands of homes in England at this moment where wives, mothers and children are dying of hunger.
Others, under better generalship, followed; but of the 600,000 that started from their homes only about 40,000 succeeded in reaching Jerusalem, ill-discipline, famine and battles by the way having reduced their ranks.
In all connected with their own homes the French adhere to their traditions far more than other nations, and the attempt at originality in the introduction of metal-work into the scheme of decoration of a room is almost unknown.
The Chilian and Peruvian Andes and Patagonia are the homes of two peculiar deer locally known as guemals (huemals), and constituting the subgenus Xenelaphus, or Hippocamelus.
State penal and charitable institutions include soldiers' and sailors' homes at Grand Island and Milford, an Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City (1875), an Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha (1867), an Institute for Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice (1885), an Industrial School for Juvenile Delinquents (boys) at Kearney (1879), a Girls' Industrial School at Geneva (1881), an Industrial Home at Milford (1887) for unfortunate and homeless girls guilty of a first offence, asylums or hospitals for the insane at Lincoln (1869), Norfolk (1886) and Hastings (1887), an Orthopedic Hospital (1905) for crippled, ruptured and deformed children and a state penitentiary (1867), both at Lincoln.
He has given you the air in which to move and have homes.
Their language is the memory of the language they hear spoken in their homes.
Well, one day King Frost was trying to think of some good that he could do with his treasure; and suddenly he concluded to send some of it to his kind neighbour, Santa Claus, to buy presents of food and clothing for the poor, that they might not suffer so much when King Winter went near their homes.
What does it matter to you whether our homes are ruined or not?
He desires to end your misfortunes and restore you to your homes and families.
It has razed 24 homes and killed 61,000 sheep.
Today we 'd like to reiterate the importance of protecting our homes.
Over 275 plans can be used for adding on to, renovating or completely remodeling existing homes.
The Scottish Parliament 's Public Petitions Committee backed UHR 's plans to rescue the hedgehogs and relocate them to waiting homes on the mainland.
In addition to the residential homes, the Trust provides short break services for clients of all ages who are still living at home.
Already British Gas is piloting a rooftop wind turbine to generate power for individual homes.
In several midlands towns in the UK, social workers removed children from their parental homes to protect them from satanic abuse.
The Home Sauna Company We design and build custom-made saunas for homes and businesses in the UK.
Nurses working in prisons and nursing homes, for example, need to be aware of the possibility of scabies infection.
At night, powerful searchlights shine into people 's homes.
Now it was just to such homes that the sect of the Pharisees owed their origin.
For decades the area has been blighted by sewer flooding during heavy rains, causing significant damage to local homes.
Despite our modern homes with central heating, there 's still nothing like slipping your feet into soft sheepskin first thing in the morning.
More than 40 homes were damaged and shoppers at the city 's largest shopping mall had to take cover.
There will be a shortfall in the funding needed to achieve Decent Homes.
Such heavy and showy romantic styles sold well to the majority of ordinary British people needing to furnish their homes.
The storm continued to flood homes and snarl traffic this weekend.
Unfortunately, it 's a process that can also force working class communities, close knit neighbors and poor squatters out of their homes.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled, or were driven, from their homes to become stateless refugees in enforced exile.
Able to guide homes with people the supreme court almost anything on.
In other places I found families starting to clear the rubble around their homes to make space for temporary shelters.
You can also apply to exchange homes with a tenant of another social landlord.
We have mobile homes and tents on campsites situated on or near the beach on the west coast of France.
A tornadoes path can be very selective, destroying homes directly in it path, while neighboring ones are untouched.
Two weeks later, the Home Office published plans to toughen the law against protests outside the homes of scientists.
There are over 4,000 tower blocks, homes for perhaps 800,000 people.
Dating back to the 7th century, these troglodyte homes and villages are a feature of this area.
The old are neglected and abandoned in squalid homes, left to die on trolleys in drafty hospital corridors.
Thousands had to be spent at Selsey in January when a twister ripped through the town, destroying homes.
The native 's traditional homes are underground in order to offer safe refuge from the severe typhoons that ravage the area every autumn.
It is not uncommon to find older women who have an entire room of their homes filled with special dolls on display.
Southern Water holds the drainage information for 2.2 million homes in the South East and the water supply information on 1.1 million homes.
Fiber cement Weatherboard from Marley Eternit has helped give Redrow Homes a head start in meeting the Governmentâs demand for more affordable housing.
Well-to-do people with stable homes, in good health are more likely to vote.
Now, reserve staff are often invited into locals ' homes for cups of steaming yak butter tea.
The additional new homes built to ZED standards would not add to the CO 2 emissions.
There are many older children who are in need of permanent homes.
The are several different scenarios that may be played out in the homes of toddlers each night.
More and more adoptive parents are turning to open adoption as a means for finding and adopting a child into their homes.
While baby monitors do enable parents more freedom to move around their homes, you should never rely completely on a baby monitor to track your child's activities.
These are just some of the poisonous plants that are commonly found in homes.
Some day cares are licensed commercial facilities, while others are simply run out of private homes.
Since that time, rockers have been a staple in many family homes.
With so many marriages ending in divorce, the amount of single parent homes has risen over the past few decades.
Customers can have these items sent to their homes before they travel making the airport experience easier and making the travel to their destination more enjoyable.
Sometimes, your best ideas might come from decorating magazines, home and garden television shows, or your friends' homes.
Although of course you wouldn't want to copy someone else's nursery, you may find yourself inspired after looking at babies' rooms in the homes of friends, neighbors, and relatives.
The shelters are full of animals that need loving homes.
Find out when an RV show is coming to a town near you because this is a great way to see lots of different homes all at once.
In addition, you can talk to dealers and RV enthusiasts about dependable motor homes, ask for recommendations, and gain lots of valuable information.
Other reasons homes get foreclosed on include IRS tax seizures, property abandonment, and real estate tax nonpayment.
As always, you must take precautions, but there are special precautions to buying foreclosed homes.
Real Estate to find not only homes for sale, but also homes for rent.
By far the most popular place on the Web for renting DVDs, Netflix has been delivering movies to homes since 1999.
Use the map of the United States to find property in a particular area, including condos, homes, apartments and more.
You'll find over 2 million homes for sale using
Today there are shredding services that will pick up at homes like Ship 'n' Shred and Express Destruction.
By bringing a splash of color, a little life and perhaps even something edible into our homes, plants can make us feel happier and give us practice taking care of something.
They keep vacation homes much longer and buy investment property to turn it over as quickly as possible.
These include bars on private homes windows, and graffiti on walls, alleys or apartment buildings.
After less than a decade in the business, QVC had become the biggest home shopping network in the country, available in 80 percent of homes with cable and on three million satellite dishes.
The network is now available on the cable systems that supply 96 percent of American homes, as well as reaching more than 25 million satellite users.
Today, the Home Shopping Network reaches 89 million homes and is the fourth largest cable network (QVC ranks second).
Popular since the 1970's, Class C recreational vehicles, also known as mini-motor homes, have long been a perennial family favorite.
These allow you to search for new and used motor homes being sold by individuals and look up professional dealers that operate in your particular area.
This single-stage snowblower is popular for its ability to clear light snowfalls, flat sidewalks and small driveways; perfect for people who have apartments, small homes or town homes.
Owners buying ferret cages online will find the best selection of these entertaining homes for their pets and save money in the process!
Think hard about what you have seen at other people's homes in way of decorations.
Class A motor homes are the largest RVs available.
Class B motor homes are built on a van chassis, although the height of the vehicle is greater than that of vans.
Class C motor homes are built on a truck chassis.
Class B and Class C motor homes are also typically less expensive than the larger models.
You don't want to overpay, and you also don't want to pass on a great below-market-value price.If you will be traveling to the Houston, Texas area, PPL Motor Homes bills itself as the "largest RV consignment dealer in the USA."
Check your local classified ads and keep an eye out for motor homes and trailers with "For Sale" signs in the window.
If you own an apartment complex or other rental homes, Georgia Carpet specializes in floor covering or Oriental rugs for those types of environments.
For those living in two-story homes or duplexes, you might find a canister vacuum to be more comfortable to carry up and down stairs.
Widespread use of DDT mostly eliminated the problem, but since DDT was outlawed, these buggers are back and infesting homes, hotels, and even theater seats.
It can be used in homes, schools, hospitals and hotels.
You will probably find that many residential homes have metal roofing.
Not only homes, but you'll also probably see apartment complexes, townhomes and condominiums with metal roofing.
At shelters, you may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of pets needing homes and want to take them all home.
Shelter are also a good place to find kittens in need of homes, but the kittens aren't "free."
Free kittens may come from homes where the healthcare of the parents has possibly been neglected.
Many come from loving homes and from healthy parents.
You need to find homes fast, and everyone knows that the most loving people adopt unwanted animals instead of purchasing.
A few free kittens find their way into loving, caring homes.
If you're thinking about breeding cats, please consider the current surplus of felines without homes of their own.
Third, what will you do with your excess kittens if you are unable to sell them or find homes for them?
Rescue cats come from homes that no longer want the cat for a wide variety of reasons.
Many of these cats seem very thankful for their new homes and become loving and loyal companions for many years.
When it comes to our homes, we can be very funny humans.
One of the most important things you should do when offering free kittens to good homes is spend a little time getting to know the person who wants to adopt one.
Many rental homes and apartment complexes prohibit pet ownership, and renters may eventually move to a new location only to find that their new lease doesn't allow them to keep pets.
Whether you're the person giving free kittens to good homes or you're hoping to adopt, you play a role in the well being of another life.
Young children usually don't have the maturity to handle kittens responsibly, so a cat that's at least four months old is typically the best choice for homes with [small] kids.
The rescue will usually have several foster homes available for the animals.
Their mission is to place unwanted and abandoned Maine coon cats in permanent homes.
Located in Texas, this rescue organization seeks to place Maine Coon cats in homes where the personality and lifestyle of the owner and the cat are compatible.
Although not all of these breeds are recognized by the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA), that doesn't stop people from taking these wonderful breeds into their homes and making them part of their family.
Cat rescues work with animal shelters and other rescues all over the United States to make sure that cats have the opportunity to live long, healthy lives in permanent homes.
Large cat litter boxes are basically a necessity for homes containing multiple cats.
They don't have to leave their own homes to have worldly adventures and "proof" of their travels.
They were also much safer than people trying to hoard gasoline in their homes or garages when trying buy gas before the cost went up any higher.
This option is only an option for homeowners who have some equity in their homes available.
Likewise, it helped more qualified consumers obtain the loans needed to buy homes, purchase vehicles and for everyday borrowing needs.
Homeowners can seek to refinance their homes through the FHA, thus lowering their monthly housing costs and making more money available to help pay off debt.
The child may go back and forth between each parent's home, or in some cases the parents are the ones who switch homes while the children stay in the same residence all the time.
Unless one parent or the other is unfit, it's generally worth the extra cost and small inconveniences to provide loving homes for each parent and the children.
Reassure them about all aspects of their lives, including the security of their homes, your job and their future.
This trend lasted until the 1990s, when the Mission style again made a name for itself, gracing the covers of interior design magazines and finding its way out of exile and into homes all over the country.
More often than not, bedrooms in homes and apartments are quite small.
Amish furniture is distinctive in that it is made of specific woods that are found around the homes where the woodworkers live.
Some enthusiasts even have pool tables in their homes.
There are four distinct pool table sizes used today in businesses or homes.
Their style, beauty, and functionality transcend space and they work in homes large and small.
Space saving sectionals are great seating options for people with little space who want to enjoy comfortable seating while decorating their homes in style.
B & H Cedar Log Homes provides free online instructions and plans for a gorgeous log bed including the frame, headboard and footboard.
As homes and bedrooms have gotten smaller, loft beds with desks underneath have become even more popular.
For customers who normally can't afford this high-end furniture, shopping at outlet stores can be a wonderful opportunity to get fantastic, high-quality furniture into their homes.
These days it seems like more and more people are incorporating offices into their homes, and decorating them can prove to be a challenge.
However, in most cases, the electric motors are removed since most Amish woodworking shops, or homes, do not have electricity.
Skill, pride and love can be seen and felt in the handmade furniture and decor often found in country homes.
These may be the best buys for people in small homes, since spacious rooms will still require more furniture items.
Michigan's Amish, like the Amish from other areas of the country, do not have electricity in their woodworking shops or their homes.
Dedicated to the simple way of life, Amish woodworkers do not have electricity in their homes or woodworking shops.
Hooker's European-style furniture is inspired by vintage homes in England, France Italy and Spain.
Biodiesel blends can also be used in a standard oil fired furnace or boiler, making it an alternative fuel source for heating residential homes.
Solar panels can easily be used to heat water and homes.
Adding solar panels to these homes and businesses would greatly ease pollution and the amount of strain on the power grid.
Solar energy used to heat water in residential homes is one common use.
Another solution is underway to combat the considerable financial burden of installing individual solar energy systems in residential homes.
It's amazing how much water we can save around our homes if we just pay attention to how we use our water.
Now, thanks to our society's realization that Earth's resources need to be conserved, people from all walks of life are embracing environmentally friendly homes.
These homes continue to conserve energy even after they are built by only using renewable resources to heat or cool them.
Ventilation is better in eco friendly homes and cleaner due to the products used to build the home (no toxic paints, glue or stains).
Aside from the savings a solar-powered home will eventually prove, the interest in building a dwelling that is good for the environment is a large reason why eco friendly homes are constructed.
The biggest drawback to homes that are green is cost.
Sure, we are all for conserving our resources, recycling plastic and newspapers, and using alternative methods to heat and cool our homes, but what about financing renewable energy?
With that single bulb replacement we would save enough energy to light two to three million homes for one year, as well as saving about $600,000.00 in energy costs.
Attractive - no matter how 'green' someone is, they are still likely to want nice looking things in their homes.