Homeopathic Sentence Examples
The hospitals and charitable institutions include St Vincent's Orphan Asylum, the Lathrop Memorial (for children of working mothers), Albany City Hospital, the Homeopathic Hospital, St Peter's Hospital, the Albany City Orphan Asylum and the House of the Good Shepherd.
Among the hospitals are the Mercy Hospital (1896, under the Sisters of Divine Providence), the Wesson Memorial (formerly Hampden Homeopathic) Hospital (1900), the Wesson Maternity Hospital (1906), and the Springfield Hospital (1883).
You could also try homeopathic remedy aconite for both of you.
Like conventional antidepressants, homeopathic remedies can help some people recover from depression.
However, trials of homeopathic arnica have been published.
Most clinical trials focus on the role of homeopathic arnica but more recently the use of topical herbal products has been examined.
I had been to several training modules at the Royal Homeopathic Hospital in London and was getting keen to do more homeopathy.
At this moment there is no single homeopathic remedy that has shown a specific effect in a double blind randomized placebo controlled trial.
Controlled trial of homeopathic potency, with pollen in hayfever as model.
The homeopathic remedy is made from the whole plant less the root.
AdvertisementI would much prefer if homeopathic vets and conventional vets could work together for the greater good of the animals they serve.
The Queen is said to carry homeopathic remedies with her at all times.
Our Homeopathic vet and his wife rescued Flakka from an abandoned adobe house when she was just weeks old and hours from death.
Candida albicans candidiasis remedy dose recommendations may be obtained from a naturopath, herbalist, or homeopathic expert.
By giving the patient tiny doses of substances carefully selected based on the patient's symptoms and overall condition, the homeopathic physician attempts to stimulate the body to cure itself.
AdvertisementWhen taking homeopathic remedies, be sure not to eat or drink for half an hour prior to taking the remedy.
Most homeopathic remedies are sold as tiny pills.
Homeopathic remedies are safe, but to ensure you are taking the proper remedy for your condition, it's wise to consult a naturopath or homeopathic practitioner.
There are numerous other homeopathic remedies used to treat yeast infections.
Homeopathic remedies for arthritis and other ailments are safe and gentle.
AdvertisementStill other healing modalities such as homeopathic, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine may use herbs or plants, but do not use the same quantities or types as herbal medicine.
There are a number of natural cures you can try in an attempt to gain relief, such as avoiding migraine triggers, homeopathic remedies, biofeedback and relaxation techniques.
In 1919, Dr. Bach began working at the London Homeopathic Hospital and learned of the theories and works of the great homeopathic physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
His studies of homeopathic treatments and the causes of disease led him to discover the flower essence remedies which eventually bore his name.
Through his work at the homeopathic hospital, he learned more about this system of healing, constitutional types, and treatment using tiny doses of plants, minerals and other substances to treat the disease.
AdvertisementHyland's provides homeopathic medicine that is affordable as well as effective.
Hyland's parent company, Standard Homeopathic Company, was founded in 1903 out of frustration.
Pharmacists of the day waited a long time for homeopathic medicines, which were commonly used at the time, to ship from Europe to America.
In 1910, George Hyland, the first pharmacist hired by Standard Homeopathic Company, purchased the company.
This resulted in fewer homeopathic physicians being trained.
Even so, Hyland was able to hire Cecil Craig, a graduate of the University of Southern California, in 1928 to formulate many of the homeopathic preparations that are available today.
The Hyland's Homeopathic Remedy Chest contains 29 different remedies to treat everything from headaches to coughs and colds.
Hyland's Homeopathic products can be found in most drug stores and mass merchandisers.
If you are new to homeopathic medicine, you may feel more comfortable discussing your concerns with others who have successfully used these preparations.
Homeopathic doctors are doctors that diagnose and treat conditions using homeopathy, which is the art and science of healing by using safe, natural methods.
Homeopathic doctors believe that any symptoms, such as headache, nasal congestion or cough, are the body's own attempts to self-heal and that suppressing these symptoms will only drive disease further into the body.
Homeopathic remedies are usually very successful in treating pediatric conditions and illnesses, such as chronic infant/childhood eczema, infant colic and bronchial asthma.
There are many websites dedicated to discussing homeopathy and homeopathic doctors that can serve as a resource in locating a homeopath in your area.
They will sometimes recommend homeopathic formulas that contain natural remedies and commonly-prescribed medicine.
Monkshood, sometimes called homeopathic vitamin C, is commonly used at the first sign of infection such as sore throat, ear ache or bladder infection.
While homeopathic doctors are usually able to treat many acute and chronic illnesses and symptoms, advanced stage diseases will not always benefit from homeopathic treatments.
For example, homeopathic treatments cannot put cancer into remission; however, they can provide comfort to the patient without the major side effects sometimes caused by traditional medications.
Some insurance carriers cover homeopathic and alternative medicine.
The National Center for Homeopathy is a good resource to learn more about the practice and to find a homeopathic physician in your area.
Topricin is a homeopathic skin cream containing arnica montana, a natural anti-inflammatory herb used in homeopathic skin creams to treat muscle and joint pain.
Perhaps you picture a relaxing bubble bath, a peaceful meditation session or a homeopathic herbal remedy.
Many people find natural stress relief using naturopathic and homeopathic remedies.
Since that time, canine acupuncture has been growing in popularity with more and more veterinarians using this homeopathic treatment for dogs and other animals.
The use of kombucha, like many other homeopathic trends, should be approached with care.
There is some success with using lachesis and homeopathic opium for the treatment of sleep apnea.
Homeopathic practitioners will determine which is appropriate depending on your personality.
Homeopathic opium is used for those who have a history of emotional and/or physical pain while lachesis is given to those that are charismatic, extroverted or angry.
Homeopathic remedies may be helpful to some individuals.
Interestingly, MDA also offers a homeopathic remedy that is intended to detoxify the body of any lingering effects of the x-rays.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is the primary homeopathic remedy for wounds.
Constitutional homeopathic treatment may be helpful in maintaining optimal health in persons with a diagnosis of EDS.
Homeopathic remedies are believed to stimulate the body's own healing processes.
Various homeopathic remedies and massage can be helpful to both mother and children during the early adjustment period after birth.
There are botanical and homeopathic treatments available for urinary tract infection.
The homeopathic remedy arnica (Arnica montana) may be used initially for a few days, followed by ruta (Ruta graveolens) for joint-related injuries or Rhus toxicodendron for muscle-related injuries.
Coughs due to bacterial or viral upper respiratory infections may be effectively treated with botanical and homeopathic therapies.
Some combination over-the-counter herbal and homeopathic cough formulas can be very effective for cough relief.
Homeopathic physicians may prescribe such remedies as Arnica or Symphytum to enhance healing.
Acute homeopathic remedies can be very effective for treating diarrhea especially in infants and young children.
Homeopathic therapies can work very effectively for dizziness and are especially applicable when no organic cause can be identified.
Constitutional homeopathic treatment, if properly prescribed, can also help resolve psoriasis.
Two particularly useful homeopathic remedies are arnica (Arnica montana) and symphytum (Symphytum officinalis).
Homeopathic practitioners frequently recommend Arsenicum album for diarrhea caused by contaminated food and Belladonna for diarrhea that comes on suddenly with mucus in the stools.
The homeopathic remedy, Arnica montana, can be applied as a cream or gel to unbroken skin.
Oral homeopathic remedies may reduce bruising, pain, and swelling as well.
Homeopathic practitioners prescribe oral homeopathic medications that reduce the bacterial growth within the sty and chalazion and thereby heal the inflammation.
In addition, homeopathic oral medications are aimed at boosting the immune system.
Homeopathic practice usually does not use topical ointments or drops but does recommend using an antibacterial eyewash made from five drops of tincture of goldenseal in a cup of warm water.
Homeopathic practitioners recommend that people with chronic insomnia see a professional homeopath.
There are acute remedies for constipation that can be found in one of the many home remedy books on homeopathic medicine.
There are botanical and homeopathic treatments available; however, consultation by a trained practitioner is recommended before treatment.
The fungal infection ringworm can be treated with homeopathic remedies.
There are, however, homeopathic remedies and herbs that can be used simultaneously with dental care and throughout the healing process.
Homeopathic arnica (Arnica montana) should be taken as soon as possible after the injury to help the body deal with the trauma.
Homeopathic hypericum (Hypericum perforatum) can be taken if nerve pain is involved, especially with a tooth extraction or root canal.
Homeopathic comfrey (Symphytum officinale) may be helpful in treating pain due to broken jaw bones but should only be used after the bones have been reset.
For food poisoning other than botulism, two homeopathic remedies, either Arsenicum album or Nux vomica, are recommended to help reduce symptoms.
One homeopathic remedy commonly prescribed to relieve the itching associated with contact dermatitis is Rhus toxicodendron, which is taken internally three to four times daily.
Homeopathic medicine also can be effective in treating cystitis.
Homeopathic practitioners find a number of remedies useful for treating sinusitis.
Several homeopathic remedies, including Urtica urens and Apis (Apis mellifica), may help relieve the itch, redness, or swelling associated with hives.
There are several homeopathic remedies that work specifically for motion sickness.
Constitutional homeopathic medicine can work well in treating CVS because it addresses the person's overall health, not just the treatment of acute symptoms.
Homeopathic and botanical therapies may also assist recovery from frostbite.
Homeopathic Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum) is recommended when nerve endings are affected (especially in the fingers and toes) and Arnica (Arnica montana) is prescribed for shock.
Chinese herbal medicine can help rebalance a person's system, as can both acute and constitutional homeopathic treatment.
The homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Causticum can assist in burn healing.
If surgery is required, pre- and post-surgical care with homeopathic remedies, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements, can enhance recovery.
Homeopathic remedies can be one of the quickest and most effective treatments for nosebleeds.
Acupuncture and homeopathic treatment can provide support to the whole person who has suffered a traumatic injury such as smoke inhalation.
One German study followed a group of 2800 adults and 1130 children diagnosed with AD who were treated by homeopathic practitioners.
The researchers found that over 600 different homeopathic remedies were recommended for the patients, although Sepia , Lycopodium, Sulphur, and Natrum muriaticum were the remedies most frequently prescribed.
Most homeopathic practitioners in the United States as well as Europe consider AD a chronic condition that should be treated by constitutional homeopathic prescribing rather than by what is known as acute prescribing.
Nutritional, botanical, and homeopathic medicines can be administered once the source is removed to help correct any imbalances brought on by lead toxicity.
There are many reasons to treat head lice with a natural homeopathic remedy.
Aromatherapy and homeopathic practitioners also use herb grinders to create fragrant or medicinal herbal mixtures to help improve the health and wellness of their patients.
Similarly, a homeopathic physician may insist on raw foods, while antioxidant-rich foods may be on the menu of a cancer specialist.
Homeopathic coverage in group health plans that cover alternative medicine is a very popular topic among people who are interested in receiving alternative methods of treating their ailments.
Anyone seeking homeopathic coverage in group health plans that cover alternative medicine should be aware of the varieties of services that are offered under their plan.
There are a number of circumstances where homeopathic treatment is covered by group health insurance companies.
When a licensed health care professional such as a doctor administers the homeopathic treatments, there is more of a chance that they will be covered as opposed to when people use unlicensed individuals to perform such treatments.
It is usually required that individuals who are interested in receiving homeopathic treatment obtain a referral from their primary care physician.
There are some instances of homeopathic coverage in group health plans that cover alternative medicine that do not require a referral, but instead the policy may limit you to a number of visits.
Homeopathic coverage in group health plans can be difficult to obtain.
While there are many people who swear by homeopathic treatments for a wide variety of ailments, most insurance companies are reluctant to insure treatments than deviate from standard medical procedures.
Contrary to popular belief, the term "homeopathic" does not encompass all alternative treatments.
Treatments that fall under the umbrella of alternative treatments may not be homeopathic at all.
For example, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage are not homeopathic treatments but do fall under the title of alternative treatments in many instances.
Homeopathic treatments stem from the belief that ailments can be treated by introducing a natural element that creates similar symptoms as the ailment.
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann introduced homeopathic remedies in the late 1700s.
Current research regarding the effectiveness and benefits of homeopathic remedies is mixed and oftentimes inconclusive.
It is not impossible to get homeopathic coverage in group health plans, but it is generally not a common coverage option.
Insured people will have a much higher chance of success in getting homeopathic care covered under group insurance if the provider is also a professional health care provider approved by the insurance company.
Homeopathic providers are a varied group of people.
While there are some people claiming to be homeopaths have no formal certification or training, there are many medical doctors and other professional medical providers who provide homeopathic care.
A good option is to speak to your current physician about the possibility of receiving homeopathic treatment directly from him or her in order to make sure your insurance company will pay for the office visit and treatments.
On the other hand, if your physician is reluctant to provide homeopathic treatments--or is diametrically opposed to homeopathy--you may not be able to receive this care from your physician.
It is highly unlikely that your insurance company will cover the costs of you visiting a homeopathic provider who has no certifications, licenses, or educational degrees.
The good news is that homeopathic care is accessible and oftentimes relatively inexpensive.
Homeopathic medications are offered over-the-counter, making a prescription unnecessary.
The important thing is to make sure your primary physician is aware of any homeopathic remedies you utilize because these remedies may interact with other medications your medical doctor wants to prescribe.
The best way to find out if your insurance coverage includes homeopathic care is to contact your insurer directly.
If a representative tells you that homeopathic treatments are not covered, ask for clarification regarding homeopathic treatment administered by your primary physician because this situation may change the answer.
Known as a godsend within the homeopathic community, this home remedy for poison ivy can bring you a fast and easy solution to your condition.
Fortunately, although they can be itchy, uncomfortable or even painful, most rashes are harmless and can be treated with an over the counter medication or homeopathic remedy.
You sell homeopathic health products online.
Now let's say you decide to sell your homeopathic health products through Whole Foods.
Among the hospitals are a state hospital for the insane, the Erie county, the Buffalo general, the Children's, the United States marine (maintained by the Federal government), the German, the Homeopathic, the Women's, the German Deaconess and the Riverside hospitals, and the Buffalo hospital of the Sisters of Charity.
Among its many charitable institutions are a Masonic Home and School (1893), a Home for the Homeless (1867), St Elizabeth's Home (1886), St Luke's Home (1869), a Home for Aged Men and Couples (1879), Utica Orphan Asylum (1830), St Joseph's Infant Home (1893) and St John's Female Orphan Asylum (1834), both under the Sisters of Charity; the House of the Good Shepherd (1872; Protestant Episcopal); and the General (1873; City of Utica), Homeopathic (1895), St Luke's (1869; supported by the Protestant Episcopal Churches), St Elizabeth's (1866; Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis) and Faxton (1873) hospitals.