Homage Sentence Examples
The gift was an homage of the heart.
They have only refused to do homage to the Roman gods.
The movie had a very nice homage to "Alien" in a scene with Phyllis Diller.
It was no doubt owing to his position as the second figure of the triad that enabled him to survive the political eclipse of Nippur and made his sanctuary a place of pilgrimage to which Assyrian kings down to the days of Assur-bani-pal paid their homage equally with Babylonian rulers.
I love the way Wim Wenders used this song on American Friend, his greatest homage to classic film noir.
In 1225 Frederick married Isabella, and immediately after the marriage he assumed the title of king in right of his wife, and exacted homage from the vassals of the kingdom.'
Antiochus next, following in the steps of Alexander, crossed into the Kabul valley, received the homage of the Indian king Sophagasenus and returned west by way of Seistan and Kerman (206/5).(206/5).
But when the Panama "scandal" has been forgotten, for centuries to come the traveller in saluting the statue of Ferdinand de Lesseps at the entrance of the Suez Canal will pay homage to one of the most powerful embodiments of the creative genius of the 19th century.
Feudal law required that the king should take seisin of the earldom before regranting it and receiving the homage, and the sheriff of Ayr was directed to take it on Baliol's behalf.
The case of James Nayler (1617?-1660), who, in spite of Fox's grave warning, allowed Messianic homage to be paid to him, is the best known of these instances; they are to be explained partly by mental disturbance, resulting from the undue prominence of a single idea, and partly by the general religious excitement of the time and the rudeness of manners prevailing in the classes of society from which many of these individuals came.
AdvertisementIn 1757 the conqueror laid siege to the city of Pegu, which capitulated, on condition that their own king should govern the country, but that he should do homage for his kingdom, and should also surrender his daughter to the victorious monarch.
The faithful performance of all the duties he had assumed in homage constituted the vassal's right and title to his fief.
Once a haven for smugglers, Salcombe pays due homage to this past in it's excellent maritime museum.
But in 1137 John Comnenus appeared, instigated by the opportunity of dissensions in Antioch, and received its long-denied homage, as well as that of Tripoli; while in the following year he entered into hostilities with Zengi, without, however, achieving any considerable result.
Probably the ceremony which grew into feudal homage, and the oath of fealty, certainly the honourable position of the vassal and his pride in the relationship, the strong tie which bound lord and man together, and the idea that faith and service were due on both sides in equal measure, we may trace to German sources.
AdvertisementOn the accession of Yazid, Hosain refused homage and raised an army, but was slain at Kerbela (680).
York was frequently visited by the kings of England on the way to Scotland, and several important parliaments were held there, the first being that of 1175, when Malcolm, king of Scotland, did homage to Henry II.
When Philip's court pronounced that the king of England had forfeited Gascony, Edmund renounced his homage to Philip and withdrew with his wife to England.
In 1461 Hamburg did homage to Christian I.
In 1195 Amalric, the brother of Guy de Lusignan, and his successor in Cyprus, sought the title of king from Henry and did homage; and at the same time Leo of Lesser Armenia, in order to escape from dependence on the Eastern empire, took the same course.
AdvertisementBut the marriage proved childless, and the empress Matilda was designated as her father's successor, the English baronage being compelled to do her homage both in 1126, and again, after the Angevin marriage, in 1131.
Now the new era begins, and even the heathen do homage to Yahweh by bringing due tribute to the annual feast of tabernacles.
He received Johnson's homage with the most winning affability, and requited it with a few guineas, bestowed doubtless in a very graceful manner, but was by no means desirous to see all his carpets blackened with the London mud, and his soups and wines thrown to right and left over the gowns of fine ladies and the waistcoats of fine gentlemen, by an absent, awkward scholar, who gave strange starts and uttered strange growls, who dressed like a scarecrow and ate like a cormorant.
In 1279 Alexander did homage to Edward I.
The fish crowd round him and pay homage.
AdvertisementIn 1685, at the invitation of the popular leaders, the Danes appeared before Hamburg demanding the traditional homage; they were repulsed, but the internal troubles continued, culminating in 1708 in the victory of the democratic factions.
Under these officers the equites formed a kind of corporation, which, although' not officially recognized, had the right of passing resolutions, chiefly such as embodied acts of homage to the imperial house.
Of considerable merit are also the sacred lyrical melodies of Paul Radai in his Lelki hodolds (Spiritual Homage), published at Debreczen in 1715.
Each of these treasure-houses was erected by a Greek state, either as a thank-offering for Olympian victories gained by its citizens, or as a general' mark of homage to the Olympian Zeus.
It was thus established that pay, the love of enterprise and the prospect of plunder - if we leave zeal for the sacred cause which they had espoused for the moment out of sight - were quite as useful for the purpose of enlisting troops and keeping them together as the tenure of land and the solemnities of homage and fealty.
He was expressly commanded by his father to return to Sweden, if the Polish deputation awaiting him at Danzig should insist on the cession of Esthonia to Poland as a condition precedent to the act of homage.
The long quarrel was finally adjusted in 1525 when the last grand-master, after a fruitless pilgrimage through Europe for support, professed Lutheranism and as first duke of Prussia did public homage.
On the i 5th of July, after various delays interposed by her reluctance to leave the neighbourhood of the border, where on her arrival she had received the welcome and the homage of the leading Catholic houses of Northumberland and Cumberland, she was removed to Bolton Castle in North Yorkshire.
At the time of the Roman invasion it seems to have paid a nominal homage to Mithradates the Great and to have been ruled over by Machares, his second son.
Tassilo appears to have done homage in 781, and again in 787, probably owing to the presence of Frankish armies.
Philip consented to a reconciliation with the king of France, and agreed to recognize him as his legitimate sovereign on condition that he should not be required to pay him homage during his lifetime.
A further struggle between the brothers was prevented by Albert's death in 1463, when the estates did homage to Frederick.
First, it seems, he had made an excursion to Bologna, having intended to take Mantua on the way, in order to do homage to the old age of that Italian master, Andrea Mantegna, from whose work he had himself in youth learned the most.
Goethe received Carlyle's homage with kind complacency.
In later days the Celtic kings of northern and western Scotland succeeded in holding, on vague conditions of homage to the English crown, the English-speaking region of historic Scotland.
In 1072 William marched north and took a disputed homage of Malcolm at Abernethy, receiving as hostage the king's eldest son (by his first wife, Ingebiorge), named Duncan.
As to the nature of Malcolm's homage, whether for Scotland (Freeman), or for manors and a subsidy in England(Robertson), historians disagree.
To John, William did homage (1200) salvo jure suo.
The homage was vague, " for the lands which he holds of the king of England," or according to the Scottish version, " saving my own kingdom."
Edward took homage from all, including burgesses even, at Perth; his decision on the claims was deferred to the 2nd of June 1292 at Berwick.
Hence although nationality in strict theory is always single, as liege homage was and allegiance in its proper sense is, it often happens that two states claim the same person as their national or subject.
While one section is ready to settle down and receive territory at the hands of the Christian rulers, with or without homage, another section still adheres to a life of mere adventure and of plunder.
Wherever he went, his lecture-room was crowded with admiring pupils, whose homage filled his purse and enhanced his reputation.
Peace was proclaimed throughout India on the 8th of July 1859; and in the following cold season Lord Canning made a viceregal progress through the upper provinces, to receive the homage of loyal princes and chiefs, and to guarantee to them the right of adoption.
The high-caste Brahman will probably keep at his home asalagram stone, the favourite symbol of Vishnu, as well as the characteristic emblems of Siva and his consort, to both of which he will do reverence in the morning; and when he visits some holy place of pilgrimage, he will not fail to pay his homage at both the Saiva and the Vaishnava shrines there.
J. Abrahms wanted to pay homage to the classic series by maintaining certain aspects of the characters, designs and uniforms, ensuring that certain things throughout the movie were easily recognizable to Star Trek fans.
It appears no longer as the object of a special cult, but limited to the homage of certain sects, expressed by superstitious rites of obscure significance.
And, accordingly, in the ancient Christian literature, we find no trace of a conception that the believer should visit a definite place in order to pay homage to his Master.
It is sufficient here to state that the leaders of the house of Hauteville, Robert Guiscard and Richard of Aversa, in 1059 did homage to Pope Nicholas II.
His grandson Assur-bani-pal, with a view of reestablishing amicable relations, restored the statue to the temple E-Saggila in Babylon and performed the time-honoured ceremony of "taking the hand of Bel" as a symbol of his homage to the ancient head of the Babylonian pantheon.
The Emigrants' leading spirit was Omar; he did not, however, cause homage to be paid to himself, but to Abu Bekr, the friend and father-in-law of the Prophet.
The mass of the mutineers summoned Ali to the Caliphate, and compelled even Talha and Zobair to do him homage.
But as they grew tumultuous, and he saw that this impious homage gave offence to his men, he caused the principal leaders to be seized and thrown into prison.
Confucianism is the official cult, and all officials offer sacrifices and homage at stated seasons in the Confucian temples.
He tendered his homage to the first Ming emperor of China, received from him his investiture as sovereign, and accepted from him the Chinese calendar and chronology, in itself a declaration of fealty.
On his way at Puteoli, the passengers and crew of a ship just come from Alexandria cheered the old man by their spontaneous homage, declaring, as they poured libations, that to him they owed life, safe passage on the seas, freedom and fortune.
The latter record, containing the various acts of homage and fealty extorted by Edward from Baliol and others in the course of his progress through Scotland in the summer of 1296 and in August at the parliament of Berwick, was published by Prynne from the copy in the Tower and now in the Record Office.
For after the battle of Evesham a treaty was concluded between the English king and the Welsh prince at Montgomery, whereby the latter was confirmed in his principality of Gwynedd and was permitted to receive the homage of all the Welsh barons, save that of the head of the house of Dynevor, which the king reserved to himself; whilst the four fertile cantrefs of Perfeddwlad, lying between Gwynedd and the earldom of Chester, were granted to the prince.
It obviously reappears elsewhere, as it is the natural attitude of prayer, and may be seen in the pious homage of the pilgrims to the Virgin of Loretto or Einsiedeln.
The Virgin, the angelic hierarchy, the saints, have received the believer's homage, and answered his petitions.
The ancient Gathas, which were supposed to be the composition of Zarathustra himself, received the homage of later worshippers.'
This is why fat of a victim was smeared an a sacred stone, not only in acts of homage paid to it, but in the actual consecration thereof.
Its rulers paid a nominal homage to the Khakhan (Great Khan) in China, and officially recognized this dependence in their title of Ilkhan, i.e.
The poets and the philosophers paid him enthusiastic homage, and all the distinguished women of the day testified to his superlative merits.
A bishop, then, cannot enter into the enjoyment of the temporalities of his see, including his rights of presentation to benefices, before doing homage to the king.
The latter, however, would seem to be the case, since a bishop was entitled to his writ of summons after confirmation and before doing homage for his barony.
In the middle of the 11th century it was made a bishopric, and in 1103 the seat of an archbishop who received primatial rank over all Scandinavia in 1163, but in 15 3 6 Lund was reduced to a bishopric. Close to the town, at the hill of Sliparabacke, the Danish kings used to receive the homage of the princes of Skare, and a monument records a victory of Charles XI.
Besides the Triune God there is no other object of divine worship, but homage (inrepSovXia) may be paid to the Virgin Mary, and reverence (SovXia) to the saints and to their pictures and relics.
Submission and homage were made to Henry II.
He travelled in distant parts of the world to receive the homage of his followers, and with the object either of settling differences or of advancing their welfare by pecuniary help and personal advice and guidance.
The senators consented to render homage to Christian on condition that he gave a full indemnity for the past and a guarantee that Sweden should be ruled according to Swedish laws and custom; and a convention to this effect was confirmed by the king and the Danish Rigsraad on the 31st of March.
On the death of his nephew Peter II., on the 22nd of September 1457, he became duke of Brittany, and though retaining his office of constable of France, he refused, like his predecessors, to do homage to the French king for his duchy.
He hoped to make himself quite independent of the empire, to do no homage for his kingdom, and he opposed Baldwin's proposal to march to Thessalonica.
One state was deemed the vassal of another; the ruler of one did homage to the ruler of another.
On arriving in the Peiho he was given to understand that he could only be admitted to the emperor's presence on condition of performing the ko-tou (kow-tow), a ceremony which Western nations consider degrading, and which is, indeed, a homage exacted by a Chinese sovereign from his tributaries.
The barons all did homage except Edward II.
By a natural transition the homage, at first paid to divine beings alone, came to be paid to monarchs.
The Jews kissed in homage.
During the first half of the 15th century Polish influence was preponderant, and it was customary for the voivodes of Moldavia to do homage to the king of Poland at his cities of Kameniec or Snyatin.
A large part of the Bohemian nobility did homage to Charles, and he was crowned king of Bohemia in St Vitus's Cathedral on the 17th of December 1741.
In his later years Boleslaus waged an unsuccessful war with Hungary and Bohemia, and was forced to claim the mediation of the emperor Lothair, to whom he did homage for Pomerania and Riigen at the diet of Merseburg in 1135.
She went to Gotama; and doing homage to him said, "Lord and master, do you know any medicine that will be good for my child?"
The subject - the descent of Christ into Hades to succour the souls of the just, as related in the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus - is introduced in a kind of prologue; then follows the dispute between "Dominus" and "Satan" at the gate of Hell; the gatekeeper runs away, and the just are set free, while Adam, Eve, Habraham, David, Johannes and Moyses do homage to the deliverer.
The terms were that they should give hostages, that they should depart for ever from Wessex, and that their king Guthrum should do homage to Alfred as overlord, and submit to be baptized, with thirty of his chiefs, Not only were all these conditions punctually fulfilled, but (what is more astonishing) the Danes had been so thoroughly cured of any desire to try their luck against the great king that hey left him practically unmolested for fourteen years (878892).
The battle of Carham (1018) had given this land to the Scots, and Canute consented to draw the border line of England at the Tweed instead of at the Firth of Forth, when Malcolm did him homage.
At first the English landowners who had not actually served in Harolds host were permitted to buy back their lands, by paying a heavy fine to the new king and doing him homage.
What he really did do was to reconstruct society on the essentially feudal theory that the land was a gift from the king, held on conditions of homage and military service.
It is more necessary to point out that he reasserted on at least one occasion (when King Malcolm Canmore did him homage) the old suzerainty of the English kings over Scotland.
He now maintained not only that it was a sin that kings should invest prelates with their spiritual insignia, the pallium, the staff, the ring, but claimed that no clerk ought to do homage to the king for the lands of his benefice, though he himself seven years before had not scrupled to make his oath to his earlier master.
But they were to do homage to the king for their lands, and since they thus acknowledged him as their temporal lord Henry was content.
He did homage to the Icing of England, and actually followed him with a great retinue on his next continental expedition.
In 1163 he had completed the conquest of South Wales; the marcher lords were now in possession of the greater part of the land; the surviving Welsh princes did homage for the rest.
Four years later it appeared to be completed by the submission of the king of Connaught, who did homage like the rest of the island chiefs.
The king of Scots was forced to buy his liberty by doing homage to Henry for the whole of his kingdom.
The king of Scotland bought for i5,ooo marks a release from the homage to the English crown which had been imposed upon him by Henry II.
Boldly asserting that Richard would never be seen alive again he went to France, and did homage to King Philip for Normandy and Aquitaine, as if.they were already his own.
The king abode for no more than three months in England; he got himself recrowned at Winchester, apparently to wipe out the stain of his German captivity and of an enforced homage which the emperor had extorted from him.
The king of France announced that he should support them, and allowed Arthur to do him homage for Anjou, Maine and Touraine.
He, of course, did homage for the holding, as his father had done before him.
Llewelyn would not deign to appear before him to render the customary homage due from Wales to the English crown, but sent a series of futile excuses lasting over three years.
But it was possible for patriotic Scots to contend that they had done so only in their capacity as English baronsfor they held much land south of Tweedand topoint to the similarity of their position to that of the English king when he did homage for his duchy of Guienne at Paris, without; thereby admitting any suzerainty of the French crown Over England or Ireland.
In return Baliol did him homage as overlord of the whole kingdom of Scotland.
Piers was given the royal title of earl of Cornwall, and married to the kings niece; when Edward went over to France to do homage for Gascony, he even made his friend regent during his absence, in preference to any of his kinsmen.
But knowing that his seat was precarious he did homage to the English king, and made him all the promises that his father had given to Edward I.
The temptation was too great for the young king to refuse; he accepted the homage, and offered the aid of his arms. It was soon required, for Baliol was ere long expelled from Scotland.
A far more fatal bar to Edwards claim than the existence of Charles of Navarre was the fact that the peers of France, when summoned to decide the succession question nine years before, had decided that Philip of Valois had the sole valid claim to the crown, and that Edward had then done homage to him for Guienne.
This vast duchy the English king bestowed not long after on his son Edward, the victor of Poitiers, who reigned thete as a vassal-sovereign, owing homage to England but administering his possessions in his own right.
All these regions, it must be nated, were to be held for the future free of any homage or acknowledgment of allegiance to an overlord, in perpetuity, and in the manner in which the kings of France had held them.
He compelled all the native princes to do him reduces homage, and exercised the royal authority in such a Ireland to firm manner as had never before been known in the obedience.
Two years afterwards the greatest man born since the death of Shakespeare paid homage to the greatest of his predecessors in a volume of magnificent and discursive eloquence which bore the title of William Shakespeare, and might, as its author admitted and suggested, more properly have been entitled A propos de Shakespeare.
I tell you again that the recollection of the manner in which I saw the queen of France in 1774, and the contrast between that brilliancy, splendour and beauty, with the prostrate homage of a nation to her, and the abominable scene of 1789 which I was describing, did draw tears from me and wetted my paper.
Eventually, after several disputes and some fighting, he did homage to Alexius in January 1097; and his example was followed by the other princes.
At all events, traces of a cult of Marduk at Eridu are to be noted in the religious literature, and the most reasonable explanation for the existence of a god Marduk in Eridu is to assume that Babylon in this way paid its homage to the old settlement at the head of the Persian Gulf.
Many of the counts of northern France did homage to him as their overlord, and Richard I., duke of Normandy, was both his vassal and his brother-in-law.
It is, however, visited annually by the sultan, to do homage to the relics of the prophet which are kept there.
The famous "Strassburg oaths" between Charles the Bold and Louis the German were taken here in 842, and in 923, through the homage paid by the duke of Lorraine to the German king Henry I., began the connexion of the town with the German kingdom which was to last for over seven centuries.
To avoid doing homage to Mary of Burgundy, suzerain of the Boulonnais and countess of Artois, Louis XI.
From his own younger contemporaries, Aristotle and Theophrastus, who founded their theory of rhetoric in large part on his practice, down to the latest Byzantines, the consent of theorists, orators, antiquarians, anthologists, lexicographers, offered the same unvarying homage to Demosthenes.
They did not take in the grave significance of doing homage to a Norman king, and becoming his "man."
Henry's farthest point westward was Cashel, where he received the homage of Donald O'Brien, king of Thomond, but he does not appear to have been present at the famous synod.
Henry at first tried to be suzerain without displacing the natives, and received the homage of Roderick O'Connor, the high king.
Now, the papal rule in the matter was plain; all homage and lay investiture were strictly prohibited.
In 1396 homage was rendered to him in Denmark and Sweden likewise, Margaret reserving to herself the office of regent during his minority.
A few years after the union of Kalmar, Eric, now in his eighteenth year, was declared of age and homage was rendered to him in all his three kingdoms, but during her lifetime Margaret was the real ruler of Scandinavia.
The suzerain, after receiving the vassal's homage and oath of fealty, invested him with his land or office by presenting some symbol, such as a clod, a banner, a branch, or some other object according to the custom of the fief.
Thus in various ways ecclesiastical benefices were gradually transformed into fiefs, and lay suzerains claimed the same rights over ecclesiastics as over other vassals from whom they received homage, and whom they invested with lands.
As in the empire, the king and the nobles, each within his own sphere of influence, claimed the right of investing with ring and crozier and of exacting homage and oaths of fealty.
The king voluntarily abandoned lay investiture and the claim to homage during the pontificate of Paschal II., but continued to interfere with elections, to appropriate the revenues of vacant benefices, and to exact an oath of fealty before admitting the elect to the enjoyment of his temporalities.
Most of the great feudal lords followed the king's example, but their concessions varied considerably, and in the south of France some of the bishops were still doing homage for their sees until the closing years of the 13th century; but long before then the right of investing with ring and crozier had disappeared from every part of France.
The English king had to submit himself to the advice and desire of the king of France, doing him homage for all continental fiefs (1187-1189).
In 1213, John Lackland, having been in conflict with Innocent regarding the archiepiscopal see of Canterbury, had made submission and done homage for his kingdom, and Philip wished to take vengeance for this at the expense of the rebellious vassals of the north-west, and of Renaud and Ferrand, counts of Boulogne and Flanders, thus combating English influence in those quarters.
It is true that six years later he renounced his homage and again claimed the French inheritance; but this was on the ground of personal grievances, and for economic and political reasons.
Philip's successor, Charles the Bold, summoned an assembly of notables at Enkhuizen in 1469, in order to secure their homage; but the conference was without result, and the duke's attention was soon absorbed by other and more important affairs.
In 1 502 she and her husband received the homage of the cortes of Castile and of Aragon as heirs.
On the upper frcntier, which is now Aragon, the Visigoth Beni-Casi ruled, doing homage and paying tribute intermittently, supported by a loyal population of native Mahommedans, whose Christian or nominally Christian fathers had been their followers before the conquest.
He fought as a crusader at the Navas de Tolosa, he went to Rome to be crowned, and did voluntary homage to the pope.
This body had been summoned at the beginning of reigns to swear homage to the new king and his heir, or to confirm regulations made as to the succession.
Charles sought the alliance of his uncle, the emperor Charles IV., to whom he did homage at Metz as dauphin of the Viennois, and he was also made imperial vicar of Dauphine, thus acknowledging the imperial jurisdiction.
Negotiations were renewed in 1370 when Charles of Navarre did homage for his French possessions, though he was then considering an offensive and defensive alliance with Edward III.
On the 5th of November 1414 John opened the council of Constance, where, on Christmas Day, he received the homage of the head of the empire, but where his lack of prestige, the defection of his allies, the fury of his adversaries, and the general sense of the necessity for union soon showed only too clearly how small was the chance of his retaining the tiara.
The prophet of Islam was now, however, building up his power in Arabia, and although Heraclius paid no heed to the letter demanding his adhesion which he received from Medina (628), and the deputation of fifteen Rahawiyin who paid homage in 630 were not Edessenes but South Arabians, a few years later (636 ?) Heraclius's attempts, from Edessa as a centre, to effect an organized opposition to the victorious Arabs were defeated by Sa`d, and he fell back on Samosata.
But Brunhild is ill content; though she saw Siegfried do homage to Gunther at Isenstein she is not convinced, and believes that Siegfried should have been her husband; and on the bridal night she vents her ill humour on the hapless Gunther by tying him up in a knot and hanging him on the wall.
Albert appeared in Brandenburg early in the same year, and after receiving the homage of his people took up the struggle with the Pomeranians, which he soon brought to a satisfactory conclusion; for in May 1472 he not only obtained the cession of several districts, but was recognized as the suzerain of Pomerania and as its future ruler.
Several disputes which threatened to disturb the peace of the Empire was settled through his mediation, and he compelled the citizens of Magdeburg to do homage to him.
This universal homage for a long time left Kant unaffected; it was only in his later years that he spoke of his system as.
The sees were forcibly reduced to four, the archbishopric was ostensibly abolished, and the bishops were compelled to do homage and swear fealty to the Latin Church.
Five minutes later, she bent over a toilet, paying homage to the porcelain gods.
Sheets and deflates Hollywood boulevard in are provided whereas pay homage to.
There is far more evidence from the province of Britain for homage to the Emperor than for the imperial cult.
It's a Sherlock Holmes homage as Skuld dons the deerstalker to hunt down a pesky thief.
Aside On my way here today I took a detour by Baker Street to pay homage to Sherlock Holmes.
He pays homage on the outside, he hates on the inside.
On other matters, our opinions differ, but we pay respectful homage to the deep conviction with which you defend your ideas.
Thirteen museums stretched along either bank pay homage to nearly every section of the arts.
Their delicious aroma is reason enough to plant a few hyacinths in any garden as homage to spring.
Finally, Jill Walker's innovatively written hypertext pays homage to the text it studies by taking on a poetic, evocative style.
The museum pays homage to John McCrae's famous poem In Flanders Fields... a must see.
The great and the good had come from all over the world and they sat in serried ranks to pay their last homage.
In times past crossing the line was always recognized for first trippers by a ceremony paying homage to Neptune.
Mr Flibble began by waving some red underpants in the air in homage to The Railroad Children.
John, too, refused this demand, but the threatened war did not take place, and in 1200 William did homage to the English king at Lincoln with the ambiguous phrase "saving his own rights."
Their kingdom, though Naples was from time to time separated from Sicily, never quite lost the cohesion they had given it; and all the disturbances of equilibrium in Italy were due in after days to papal manipulation of the rights acquired by Robert Guiscards act of homage.
The Great Council of England did homage to her under considerable pressure.
After acting for a brief space as one of the French envoys to the congress of Rastatt, Napoleon returned to Paris early in December and received the homage of the Directors and the acclaim of the populace.
Thus Hugh of Vermandois became the man of Alexius in November 1096; Godfrey of Bouillon was induced, not without difficulty, to do homage in January 1097; and in April and May the other leaders, including Bohemund and the obstinate Raymond himself, followed his example.
The proposal led to a new civil war; and, although a temporary compromise was arranged, Richard soon sought the help of Philip Augustus, to whom he did homage for all the continental possessions in the actual presence of his father (Conference of Bonmoulins, 18th of November 1188) In the struggle which ensued the old king was overpowered, chased ignominiously from Le Mans to Angers, and forced to buy peace by conceding all that was demanded of him; in particular the immediate recognition of Richard as his successor.
Amadeus did homage, in 1405, to the bishop for those of the newly acquired lands which he held from the bishop. But, after his power had been strengthened by his elevation (1417) by the emperor to the rank of a duke, and by his succession to the principality of Piedmont (1418, long held by a cadet branch of his house), Amadeus tried to purchase Geneva from its bishop, John of Pierre-Seise or Rochetaillee (1418-1422).
In 1526 the male line of the ancient dynasty became extinct, and on the 26th of August Sigismund received the homage of the Masovians at Warsaw, the capital of the duchy and ere long of the whole kingdom.
Arouj seized Algiers (1516); Khair-ed-Din, succeeding him in 1518, did homage for his conquest to the sultan at Constantinople, who named him beylerbey and sent him soldiers (1519).
The Virgin receives homage, but the dogma of her Immaculate Conception is not admitted.
The Italian tradition is that the shepherds played on these pipes when they came to the manger at Bethlehem to do homage to the Saviour.
He led an army into the heart of Wales to punish the raids of King Griffith ap Llewelyn, and harried the Welsh so bitterly that they put their leader to death, and renewed their homage to the English crown (1063).
The alacrity with which the greater part of the baronage flocked in to do him homage confirmed him in the mistaken notion.
We pay homage to the courage of the leaders of the first national revolutionary movement in Britain.
Kool Kat Swing is a rap about different cat personalities, and finally I Love My Cat is an over-the-top homage to our feline best friend.
The Country Porch selection even includes cookie cutters in the shapes of the American flag, stars, and the yellow ribbons frequently used to pay homage to those individuals who are fighting to defend our freedom.
You might want to turn your home theater into an homage to the film that moves you most.
The next online prom magazine is Prom and Pageantry, a site that has combined these two very visual and beauty-centric events, into one glorious homage to hair, makeup and of course, fashion.
On a communion table, pay homage to the Christmas story by displaying a tabletop manger scene.
The traditional bridal wedding cake is a formal, stylized confection that pays homage to the romance of the event.
You'll love their original looks and how they pay homage to retro fashion.
Throughout the fleet, seafaring memorabilia - including exquisite paintings of former Holland America ships - adds nautical touches and pays homage to the line's lengthy cruising history.
Choose from traditional black and white or pay homage to the 80's with powder blue.
Though not exactly readily available, lingerie that pays homage to a beloved football team is certainly not uncommon either.
This collection pays homage to the Ironman Triathlete, and like its namesake, is a fine example of performance and durability.
As one can guess by its name, this collection pays homage to the days when Tiffany was first founded.
Pay homage to the history of carousels by visiting one soon.
The second park is Disney's California Adventure theme park that pays homage to all things California with many thrills, spills, and entertainment for the entire family.
Keep following the map on over to Bug's Land, the park's area paying homage to A Bug's Life.
In 1983 Jedi Arena was released and simulated lightsabre battles in an homage to the A New Hope scene where Luke Skywalker trains with a seeker.
Over-the-top acting, unbelievable plotlines that don't even pay a little homage to the game, and a poor boss battle at the end.
Pay homage to the gods, or suffer their wrath by destruction of your crops, buildings and other valuable items.
Dancing with the Stars fans will undoubtedly be amused by the names of some of the studio's ballrooms, including the Emmitt Smith and Drew Lachey rooms, obviously paying homage to Burke's past television dance partners.
Tribes of this area held a special sun dance ceremony, with dancing accompanied on a large drum with a variety of special songs being sung as they pay homage to the sun through their movement.
He therefore deserves the homage which Xenophon paid to him in choosing him as hero for his didactic novel.
At a council held in London on the 6th of April 1152 Stephen induced a small number of barons to do homage to Eustace as their future king; but the primate, Theobald, and the other bishops declined to perform the coronation ceremony on the ground that the Roman curia had declared against the claim of Eustace.
Alexius claimed Antioch; was it not the old possession of his empire, and had not Bohemund done him homage?
We have already seen that it was the theory of the Eastern emperors - a theory which logically followed from the homage of the crusaders to Alexiusthat the conquests of the crusaders belonged to their empire, and were held by the crusading princes as fiefs.
He inherited a strong sentiment of independence from his mother; and his objections to the social homage expected by those whom the catechism boldly styled his "betters" made him an "agitator."
On his death in 1189, the nobles of Anjou, Maine and Touraine refused to recognize John of England, and did homage to Arthur, who declared himself the vassal of Philip Augustus.
In return for the fief, the man became the vassal of his lord; he knelt before him, and, with his hands between his lord's hands, promised him fealty and service; he rose to his feet and took the oath of fealty which bound him to the obligations he had assumed in homage; he received from his lord ceremonial investiture with the fief.
The latter led to Tennyson's presentation in April 1862 to the queen, who "stood pale and statue-like before him, in a kind of stately innocence," which greatly moved his admiring homage.
But French opinion itself renders justice to the probity of his character and to the ardour of his patriotism, and nobody will feel surprise at the homage with which Germany feels bound to surround his old age."
Peruvian.--In Peru, as in Egypt, the sun-god obtained universal homage.
At the age of two Frederick was proclaimed successor to the throne at the Rigsdag of Copenhagen (October 30th, 1536), and homage was done to him at Oslo for Norway in 1548.
In spite of his incapacity lie acquired the city of Freiburg and the homage of the lords of Monaco.
Immediately after his appointment to Aquitaine, he was sent to France to do homage to his uncle Charles IV., and remained abroad until he accompanied his mother and Mortimer in their expedition to England.
It was impossible, however, for a Roman magistrate of the time to rid himself of the idea that all forms of religion must do homage to the civil power.
The oath of fealty, which could be received by proxy, followed the act of homage; then came the ceremony of investiture, either directly on the ground or by the delivery of a turf, a handful of earth, a stone, or some other symbolical object.
Homage was done not only by the vassal to whom feudal lands were first granted but by every one in turn by whom they were inherited, since they were not granted absolutely but only on condition of military and other service.
An infant might do homage, but he did not thus enter into full possession of his lands.
The obligations involved in the act of homage were more general than those associated with the oath of fealty, but they provided a strong moral sanction for more specific engagements.
When he reached Gloucester Rufus refused to receive him unless he did homage for his kingdom; he declined and returned home in high dudgeon.
After a fourth Easter synod in 1053 Leo set out against the Normans in the south with an army of Italians and German volunteers, but his forces sustained a total defeat at Astagnum near Civitella (18th June 1053); on going out, however, from the city to meet the enemy he was received with every token of submission, relief from the pressure of his ban was implored and fidelity and homage were sworn.
But in 779 he renewed the attack, and after an important Frankish victory at Bocholt the Westphalians again did homage.
In 1689 the elector received the homage of the people of Lauenburg.
So glorious was he that even the angels were commanded through Michael to pay homage to Adam.
At an early stage of the contest Venice was so hardly pressed that she offered to do homage to Hungary for all her possessions.
Next came the defeat of a northern coalition headed by Sar-duris of Ararat, no fewer than 72,950 of the enemy being captured along with the city of Arpad, where the Assyrian king received the homage of various Syrian princes.
It was said at court that she liked the demonstrative homage of crowds; but she had good reason to fear lest her child should be taken away from her to be educated according to the views of George IV.
The privy council assembled at Kensington in the morning; and the usual oaths were administered to the queen by Lord Chancellor Cottenham, after which all present did homage.
After the alliance between Charles and Odo on the field of Poitiers, the mayor of the palace left Aquitaine to Odo's son Hunald, who paid homage to him.
A few weeks after the victory the towns of Thorn, Elbing, Braunsberg and Danzig submitted to the Polish king; and all the Prussian bishops voluntarily offered to render him homage.
But provinces are not conquered by manifestoes, and Casimir's acceptance of the homage of the Prussian League at once involved him in a war with the desperate Teutonic Knights, which lasted twelve years, but might easily have been concluded in a twelvemonth had he only been loyally supported by his own subjects, for whose benefit he had embarked upon this great enterprise.
For this territory the grand-masters, within nine months of their election, were in future to render homage to the Polish king; but, on the other hand, the king undertook not to make war or engage in any important enterprise without the consent of the Prussian province, and vice versa.
The sole advantage which John Albert reaped from his championship of the Christian cause was the favour of the Curia, and the ascendancy which that favour gave him over the Teutonic Knights, whose new grand-master, Albert of Saxony, was reluctantly compelled to render due homage to the Polish king.
It was owing to Laski's intrigues that the new hospodar of Moldavia, Petrylo, after doing homage to the Porte, intervened in the struggle as the foe of both Ferdinand and Sigismund, and besieged the Grand Hetman of the Crown, Jan Tarnowski, in Obertyn, where, however, the Moldavians (August 22, 1531) sustained a crushing defeat, and Petrylo was slain.
When the new grand master of the Teutonic order, Frederic of Saxony, refused to render homage to the Polish crown, John Albert compelled him to do so.
On the 2nd of November Bernadotte made his solemn entry into Stockholm, and on the 5th he received the homage of the estates and was adopted by Charles XIII.
Regaining his kingdom after the defeat of the Scots at Halidon Hill in July 1333, Baliol surrendered the whole of the district formerly known as Lothian to Edward, and did homage for Scotland to the English king.
The invasion of Nadir Shah of Persia came to complete the degradation of the land; and in 1740 the feeble king, Abu 'l-Faiz, paid homage to the conqueror, and was soon after murdered and supplanted by his vizier.
In the following year Bogislav did homage to Canute on the deck of his long-ship, off Jomsborg in Pomerania, Canute henceforth styling himself king of the Danes and Wends.
Below the king was a numerous and powerful class of nobles, the highest of whom (tlatoani) were great vassals owing little more than homage and tribute to their feudal lord, while the natural result of the unruliness of the noble class was that the king to keep them in check increased their numbers, brought them to the capital as councillors, and balanced their influence by military and household officers, and by a rich and powerful merchant class.
He was careful to observe a "correct" attitude towards Alexius, and when he arrived at Constantinople in April 1097 he did homage to the emperor.
The first works executed by him at Prague were, nevertheless, a homage to the astrological proclivities of the emperor.
In 1183 he induced the atabeg Imad-ud-din to exchange Aleppo for the insignificant Sinjar and in 1186 received the homage of the atabeg of Mosul.
For this moment of homage to material elements ritually filled with divine potency may be so exaggerated as to obscure the rite's ancient significance as a communion of the faithful in mystic food.
Later, when this plan had fallen through, he was endowed with castles, revenues and lands on both sides of the channel; the vacant earldom of Cornwall was reserved for him (1175); he was betrothed to Isabella the heiress of the earldom of Gloucester (1176); and he was granted the lordship of Ireland with the homage of the Anglo-Irish baronage (1177).
This famous navigator, who named the islands in honour of the earl of Sandwich, was received by the natives with many demonstrations of astonishment and delight; and offerings and prayers were presented to him by their priest in one of the temples; and though in the following year he was killed by a native when he landed in Kealakekua Bay in Hawaii, his bones were preserved by the priests and continued to receive offerings and homage from the people until the abolition of idolatry.
The second and much more serious host of warriors, led by Godfrey of Bouillon, he conducted also into Asia, promising to supply them with provisions in return for an oath of homage, and by their victories recovered for the Empire a number of important cities and islands - Nicaea, Chios, Rhodes, Smyrna, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Sardis, and in fact most of Asia Minor (1097-1099).
Llewelyn refused to do homage to Edward I., who therefore attacked him in 1276.
The failure of legitimate male issue of the later Carolingians gave Arnulf a more important position than otherwise he would have occupied; but he did homage to the emperor Charles the Fat in 882, and spent the next few years in constant warfare with the Sla y s and the Northmen.
Invited by Pope Formosus to deliver him from the power of Guido III., duke of Spoleto, who had been crowned emperor, Arnulf went to Italy in 894, but after storming Bergamo and receiving the homage of some of the nobles at Pavia, he was compelled by desertions from his army to return.
He took no pains to temper the zeal of his legates, but incited them to the struggle, and, not content with prohibiting lay investiture and simony, expressly forbade prelates and even priests to pay homage to the civil power.
The crown in England also abandoned investiture by the pastoral staff and ring, but, more fortunate than in France, retained the right of receiving feudal homage from the episcopate.
Before his coronation he had renounced the right, so jealously guarded by Henry V., of assisting in the election of bishops and abbots, and he even undertook to refrain from exacting homage from the prelates and to content himself with fealty.
Though most of the Silesian dynasts seemed ready to acquiesce, the burghers of Breslau fiercely repudiated the new suzerain, and before he could enforce his claims to homage he was ousted by the Hungarian king, Matthias Corvinus, who was readily recognized as overlord (1469) .
Such names are typical of long series of visitors who paid homage to Olympia.
He was one of the envoys who invited Louis to England, and was the first of the barons to do homage when the prince entered London.
Almost immediately he overcame the opposition of the dukes of Swabia and Bavaria; some time later, taking advantage of the troubled state of France, he accepted the homage of the duke of Lorraine, which for many centuries afterwards remained a part of the German kingdom.
He proceeded also against the Bohemians, whose duke was compelled to do homage.
After the death of Boleslaus in 1025 the Poles plunged into a civil war, and Conrad was able to turn this to his own advantage, in 1031 he recovered Lusatia and other districts, and in 1033 the Polish duke of Mesislaus did homage to him at Merseburg.
The German king treated his foe generousli and was rewarded by receiving to the end of his reign the servic of a loyal vassal; he also gained the goodwill of the Poles by helping to bring about the return of their duke, Casimir I., who willingly did homage for his land.
Thenceforth Denmark and Poland rendered no homage to the German crown, and Burgundy was gradually absorbed by France.
Having himself cherished some hopes of receiving the German crown Ottakar refused to do homage to the new sovereign; after a time war broke out between them, and in August 1278 in a battle at Dtirnkrut on the March Ottakar was defeated and slain, his lands, save Bohemia, passing into the possession of the victor.
Its theme is the duty of Christian repentance, with a view to obedience to Christ's precepts as the true confession and homage which He requires.
The king of Granada did homage to Ferdinand, and undertook to attend the cortes when summoned.
Here cedars were felled for him by the Syrian princes, and the Phoenicians paid homage before he returned home in triumph.
In the following year (September 29th, 1402) Timur who had in the interval inflicted a crushing defeat on the Ottoman sultan, sent to demand homage from Faraj, and his demand was readily granted, together with the delivery of the princes who had sought refuge from Timur in Egyptian territory.
The discussion turned mainly upon two points, (I) whether a new oath of homage should be taken to the king, and (2) what was to be done with the Haandfaestning or royal charter.
On the following day the king, seated on the topmost step of a lofty tribune surmounted by a baldaquin, erected in the midst of the principal square of Copenhagen, received the public homage of his subjects of all ranks, in the presence of an immense concourse, on which occasion he again promised to rule " as a Christian hereditary king and gracious master," and, " as soon as possible, to prepare and set up " such a constitution as should secure to his subjects a Christian and indulgent sway.
Princes and towns did homage to him, but his position was unstable, and the allegiance of many of the princes, among them Albert duke of Austria, son of the late king Rudolph, was merely nominal.
His followers, the Kabir Panthis (" those following Kabir's path "), though neither worshipping the gods of the pantheon, nor observing the rites and ceremonial of the Hindus, are nevertheless in close touch with the Vaishnava sects, especially the Ramavats, and generally worship Rama as the supreme deity, when they do not rather address their homage, in hymns and otherwise, to the founder of their creed himself.
At stated intervals to offer reverential homage and oblations of food to the forefathers up to the third degree is one of the most sacred duties the devout Hindu has to discharge.
Abroad Frederick decided a quarrel for the Danish throne in favour of Svend, or Peter as he is sometimes called, who did homage for his kingdom, and negotiations were begun with the East Roman emperor, Manuel Comnenus.
On the other hand, " The Lord Rhys," as he is usually termed, did homage to Henry II.
At last, not being able to find a single house where no one had died, her mind began to clear, and summoning up resolution she left the dead body of her child in a forest, and returning to the Buddha paid him homage.
Richard did hun homage or Leinster, engaging to hold it as a palatine earldom, and not .o claim the name or rights of a king.
Walter de Gray gave the homage of Walter de Micklefield to Dominus Walter de Gray, his nephew.
It's all simply a personal homage to someone who drove me insane for some reason when I was only twelve years old.
It is just one example of huge dance offs, flash mobs and spontaneous crowds paying homage to the great influence of Michael Jackson dancing.
The Thriller dance also enjoyed a revival of sorts, as the song and video were played on TV and radio, paying homage to one of the most influential musicians of our time.
The open mall design of the memorial welcomes everyone to pay homage to President Lincoln anytime day or night.
This funny pregnancy tee pays homage to the movie Scarface in an unusual way.
The Jacksonville Jaguars swimsuit calendar is also called The Roar, and it pays homage to this fantastic cheerleading team.
California is known for their fresh produce and orange groves and the Orange Groove collection appears to pay homage to that fact.
In what can only be described as an homage to graffiti or street art, the raucous riot of black, yellow and pink is reminiscent of the true power of color.
This is an homage to the custom in the 1950s of giving a girl a pin or a letterman jacket to show you were going steady.
Tooled clutches pay homage to an art form that originated centuries ago.
Big Tall Dog.com does its name justice by paying homage to all of the big (and tall1) dogs that steal our hearts, and of course, the Rhodesian ridgeback is high on that list.
The show's retooling of the Bloody Mary legend pays particular homage to the name, the mirror and the revenge theme, but it avoids mentioning the death of any children.
One of the most famous haunted houses, the Winchester House, pays constant homage to the number 13 with steps and doors leading nowhere for the confusion of the spirits.
Carmelo Anthony shoes pay homage to one of the greatest stars on the National Basketball Association's Denver Nuggets team.
Dr. Bombay even put on an appearance to fully complete the homage to the original show about a witch with a twitch.
The writers are then tasked not only with telling the current storylines, but also inserting references, homage and respect for previous storylines.
The right notes included the homage to their history and Katherine's memories of their many confrontations, barbs and bad blood.
While some people may see a tattoo of these angels as an homage to Raphael, a great painter, others might think that these images have been highly overused.
Many people think that this tattoo commemorates Depp's role as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, but it is actually an homage to his son, Jack.
To pay homage to your family, incorporate the names, birth months and zodiac symbols of all of your loved ones into an eccentric full back tattoo.
A tattoo of a strong human body as it develops may be a great homage to the sign.
Whether you simply want to pay homage to the beautiful Hawaiian islands or show off your feminine and colorful side, a Hawaiian tattoo makes a unique choice.
Italian cross tattoos are not chosen solely by devout Catholics, although the designs pay homage to the Catholic religion.
Men and women also choose this design merely for the beauty of the piece or to pay homage to Italian heritage.
Your craving will be rewarded and your visions for visceral beauty brought into fruition, given homage amid the breathtaking background of majestic mountains descending gracefully into oceanic utopia.
In the spirit of celebration and respect, Citizen pays the ultimate homage to their flagship Aqualand, and to diving enthusiasts, by ramping up their best seller with dazzling new options.
Tissot's Heritage collection pays homage to the greatest watch designs of the past as well as contemporary functionality.
European lingerie leans toward the flirty, feminine side with detail on the straps, lace here and there, and sculpted lines meant to pay homage to the beauty of the female body's curves and ethereal glow.
Sheer retro panties are a fun way to pay homage to what was once consider risqué lingerie.
Boxing is not only a fun calorie burner, but it's also one sexy sport, and the bras that pay homage to the activity clearly demonstrate that fact.
While his style has always paid homage to the history of the country genre and never varies too far from the traditional roots of the music, Straight has attracted legions of young fans in his career by always keeping a contemporary edge.
Anything that focuses on friends and family while paying a little homage to Mexican culture will make the fifth of May a day to remember.
If you love to name drop, a logo design makes a bold statement while paying homage to your favorite designer.
Teams removed decals and striping from their helmets as a way of paying homage to the leather helmets that players wore before 1950.
During that season, which marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the American Football League, teams paid homage to older generations.
The blue color also pays homage to the blue uniforms worn during the Civil War by the Union.
The fabric has a camouflage print to it, which combines with the red helmets to pay homage to the 1942 World Championship Team which wore leather helmets and went on to fight in World War II.
But this theism is lifeless - a " pale and shallow deism, which India has often confessed with the lips, but which has never won the homage of her heart.'" The thought of India is upon the side of pantheism.
Homage was paid to him by the rabbinical heads of the colleges (each of whom was called Gaon, q.v.); rich gifts were presented; he visited the synagogue in state, where a costly canopy had been erected over his seat.
Unhappily, clinging to the conviction that all the lands which the crusaders would traverse were the "lost provinces" of his empire, he induced the crusaders to do him homage, so that, whatever they conquered, they would conquer in his name, and whatever they held, they would hold by his grant and as his vassals.
Not for 20 years after his death did the Eastern empire make any attempt to gain Cilicia or wrest homage from Antioch.
As the convent had been rebuilt by Cosimo, and enriched by the bounty of the Medici, it was considered the duty of the new superior to present his homage to Lorenzo.
Besides homagium ligeum, there was a kind of homage which imposed no feudal duty; this was homagium per paragium, such as the dukes of Normandy rendered to the kings of France, and as the dukes of Normandy received from the dukes of Brittany.
The act of liege homage to a particular lord did not interfere with the vassal's allegiance as a subject to his sovereign, or with his duty to any other suzerain of whom he might hold lands.
The word is also used of the body of tenants attending a manorial court, or of the court in a court baron (consisting of the tenants that do homage and make inquiries and presentments, termed a homage jury).
In eastern Europe the Avars had owned themselves completely under his power in 805; campaigns against the Czechs in 805 and 806 had met with some success, and about the same time the land of the Sorbs was ravaged; while at the western extremity of the continent the Breton nobles had done homage to Charles at Tours in 800.
In June of that year he went over to Dublin, where he found the same homage paid to his talents as he had received from his own countrymen.
Spaniards of all shades, except Carlists and Ultramontanes, paid homage to his memory when he passed away at his Logrono residence on the 8th of January 1879.
There was an end to the calumnies circulated against her, based on the poetical homage rendered her by Theobald IV., count of Champagne, and the prolonged stay in Paris of the papal legate, Romano Bonaventura, cardinal of Sant' Angelo.
At the same time, continuing in this quarter also the work of his father (who in 1025 took prisoner Herbert Wake-Dog and only set him free on condition of his doing him homage), Geoffrey succeeded in reducing the countship of Maine to complete dependence on himself.
Rechin (1068-14th of April 1109) had to carry on a long struggle with his barons, to cede Gatinais to King Philip I., and to do homage to the count of Blois for Touraine.
He therefore set himself up in rivalry with John Lackland, youngest son of Henry II., and supported by Philip Augustus of France, and aided by William des Roches, seneschal of Anjou, he managed to enter Angers (18th of April 1199) and there have himself recognized as count of the three countships of Anjou, Maine and Touraine, for which he did homage to the king of France.
In 1202 he refused to do homage to Philip Augustus, who, in consequence, confiscated all his continental possessions, including Anjou, which was allotted by the king of France to Arthur.
Soon afterwards a claim for homage from Henry of England drew forth from Alexander a counter-claim to the northern English counties.
A visit to southern Italy, where many of the princes did homage to the emperor, was cut short by the death of the pope, to whose chair Otto then appointed his former tutor Gerbert, who took the name of Sylvester II.
This was the centre of the life of the medieval city, the scene of all great public functions, such as the homage of the burghers to 1 Bavo, or Allowin (c. 589-c. 653), patron saint of Ghent, was a nobleman converted by St Amandus, the apostle of Flanders.
Although the detention of a crusader was contrary to public law, Richard was compelled to purchase his release by the payment of a heavy ransom and by doing homage to the emperor for England.
But when Otto returned to Germany in 952 he was followed by Berengar, who did homage for Italy at Augsburg.
The first order of business on lunar New Year's Day is offering ritual homage to one's ancestors.
In the first case prayer will 'be accompanied with disinterested homage, praise and thankgiving, and will in fact tend to lose its distinctive character of entreaty or petition, passing into a mystic communing or converse with God.
In a third tragedy, Love's Sacrifice (acted c. 1630; printed in 1633), he again worked on similar materials; but this time he unfortunately essayed to base the interest of his plot upon an unendurably unnatural possibility - doing homage to virtue after a fashion which is in itself an insult.